Enabling the Use of the Xerox Mobile Client for DocuShare

The Xerox Mobile Client for DocuShare allows the use of mobile devices to access and manage content on a DocuShare site. The Mobile Client supports Apple iOS and Android devices.

Usage of the Mobile Client requires:

  • DocuShare 6.6.1 Update 3 Patch 1 be installed on the DocuShare site.
  • The DocuShare Mobile Client Connector be enabled and the configuration settings confirmed.
  • The DocuShare Print and Email add-on be installed and enabled if the Mobile Client print and email features are to be made available to mobile device users.
  • The Mobile Client app version 1.5 be installed on a device.
  • The Mobile Client app be set up to access a target DocuShare site. The Xerox Mobile Client for DocuShare User Guide included with the app provides the setup instructions.
Software Installation

The Mobile Client Connector is included in the DocuShare software. There is no additional software installation required. The administrator enables and disables the Connector from the Mobile Client Configuration page in the Admin UI. There is no uninstall procedure.

Mobile Client Connector Configuration

To enable the Connector:

  1. From the Administration Menu, go to Services and Components/Mobile Client Configuration.
  2. In the Enable Mobile Client Connector field, select Yes; then click Apply.
  3. Verify that the Mobile Client Settings shown on the Mobile Client Configuration page are correct.
  4. If the settings are not correct, enter your DocuShare URL in the Server URL field and click Set.
    Based on the URL you entered, the new settings display on this page.
  5. Click Apply to save the settings.
    The settings also display on the Mobile Client Settings page in the Web UI. The link to the page displays under Related Links. Users require the values to set up accounts on the mobile devices.
Use of the Restore Defaults and Reset buttons
  • Click the Restore Defaults button to restore the Mobile Client Settings to the system settings; those written to amber.properties during either DocuShare installation or a dssetup session. Click Apply to save these settings as the current settings.
  • Click the Reset button to display the Mobile Client Settings that were last applied.
Displayed Language

To display DocuShare in a language other than English on a mobile device, the target DocuShare site must have the appropriate language pack installed and configured, and the device must be set to the desired language.


The Mobile Client Connector creates log files ds_mobile_connector.log and ds_mobile_connector.log.1. The logs are located in the tomcat\logs folder of the DocuShare installation.

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