BDn߇n߇WorkCentre Pro 35H+ x "%x%WorkCentre Pro 35%Finderb8WorkCentre Pro 35n߇n߇WorkCentre Pro 35 Desktop DBBTFLDMGR@n߇n߇ Desktop DFDTFLDMGR@n߇n߇l FinderFNDRMACSQn߇n߇ ReadMettrottxt@n߇n߇ SystemzsysMACSQV`n߇n߇j% xWhy can't you see your files? This hard disk is formatted with the Mac OS Extended format. Your files and information are still on the hard disk, but you cannot access them with the version of system software you are using. How can you access your files? To access your files you must mount this hard disk on a computer that has Mac OS 8.1 or later installed. To determine the version of system software youre currently using, choose About This Computer from the Apple menu. If youre using a version of the Mac OS earlier than 8.1, you must do one of the following: A) upgrade the system software on your computer, B) start up the computer from a hard disk or CD that has Mac OS 8.1 or later, or C) connect the hard disk to another computer with Mac OS 8.1 or later installed. If you want to access the files without upgrading your system software, start up your computer with the Mac OS 8.1 CD or the Disk Tools PPC disk, then access your files. Apple recommends that you have the Mac OS 8.1 CD if you plan to reformat any hard disk using Mac OS Extended format. To continue to use this hard disk with this computer, you must upgrade your system software to Mac OS 8.1. How do you upgrade your system software? If you have a version of system software earlier than Mac OS 8, you can order Mac OS 8.1 on the Internet or buy it at a local Apple software reseller. If you have Mac OS 8 on your computer, you can download the Mac OS 8.1 update from the Internet at Copyright 1998 Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved. Apple and Mac OS are trademarks of Apple Computer, Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries. PowerPC is a registered trademark of International Business Machines Corporation, used under license therefrom. V7U7 Deleted MailMailMSNMK o= DesktopFNDRERIKAQ6`8.6+8.6, Copyright Apple Computer, Inc. 1983-99`8.6 Mac OS 8.60(2t      asdfhgzxcvbqweryt123465=97-80]ou[ip lj'k;\,/nm. `.*+/-=0123456789  ASDFHGZXCVBQWERYT!@#$^%+(&_*)}OU{IP LJ"K:| ~.**++=//-=0123456789  ASDFHGZXCVBQWERYT123465=97-80]OU[IP LJ'K;\,/NM. `.*+/-=0123456789  ōäϷХԿ ƾDz .*+/-=0123456789  ױޱѡկ `.**++=//-=0123456789  łäηХԯ Dz `.*+/-=0123456789  ōäϷХԿ^ ƾDz~ `.*+/-=0123456789  0123465=9780  ' ;,/ . `.*+/-=0123456789   AEIOUaeiou2 `AEIOUaeiou`" AEIOUaeiou AEIOUYaeiouy- ANOano> K)/ / x!! ! 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License.txt1.WCP40 Color.info2 pt_BR.lproj82InstallationCheck.strings39#|"|p|"ccm2 License.txt49#|"|p|"ccmTEXTMSWDGPE&2WCP40 Color.info596[[o[cc$o32InstallationCheck.strings42 License.txt52WCP40 Color.info6 Spanish.lproj86InstallationCheck.strings79#|"|p|"ccm6 License.txt89#|"|p|"ccmTEXTMSWDJgE&6WCP40 Color.info996[[o[cc$L76InstallationCheck.strings86 License.txt96WCP40 Swedish.lproj8:InstallationCheck.strings;9#|"|p|"ccm: License.txt<9#|"|p|"ccmTEXTMSWDLOE d < d2 ^6xb0La traduction de ce contrat de licence d'utilisation a t fournie par Xerox Europe et n'oblige pas en droit. Le texte anglais qui suit la traduction a une valeur juridique. ================================================================== CONTRAT DE LICENCE ET GARANTIE POUR LE LOGICIEL ET LA DOCUMENTATION VEUILLEZ LIRE LE CONTRAT DE LICENCE CI-APRES AVANT D'INSTALLER LE LOGICIEL IMPORTANT : CE CONTRAT CONTIENT LES CONDITIONS AUX TERMES DESQUELLES EST CONFERE LE DROIT D'UTILISATION DU LOGICIEL ET DE LA DOCUMENTATION ANNEXE. EN INSTALLANT CE LOGICIEL, LE CLIENT S'ENGAGE A RESPECTER LES TERMES ET CONDITIONS DE CETTE LICENCE. SI LE CLIENT N'ACCEPTE PAS LES CLAUSES DE CE CONTRAT, IL DOIT RETOURNER CE LOGICIEL ET EFFACER TOUS LES FICHIERS AUXQUELS IL A ACCEDE DE TOUTES LES MEMOIRES DANS LESQUELLES CE LOGICIEL A ETE CHARGE OU STOCKE. LE TERME "XEROX" TEL QU'IL EST UTILISE DANS LE PRESENT DOCUMENT DESIGNE XEROX CORPORATION OU LA FILIALE DE XEROX AUPRES DE LAQUELLE LE CLIENT A OBTENU LE PRODUIT XEROX (ci-aprs dnomm "Equipement") AVEC LEQUEL LE LOGICIEL EST UTILISE, SAUF SI LE CLIENT A OBTENU L'EQUIPEMENT AUPRES D'UN REVENDEUR, AGENT, CONCESSIONNAIRE OU DISTRIBUTEUR AGREE, AUQUEL CAS "XEROX" DESIGNE XEROX CORPORATION OU LA FILIALE DE XEROX AUPRES DE LAQUELLE L'EQUIPEMENT A ETE ACQUIS. 1. OCTROI D'UNE LICENCE Xerox consent au Client, par les prsentes, une licence non exclusive et non transfrable d'utilisation du logiciel et de la documentation (ci-aprs dnomms "Logiciel") fournis avec l'Equipement, sous rserve de paiement des droits de licence requis (y compris les droits de renouvellement annuels), selon les conditions suivantes. 2. DROIT D'UTILISATION Le Client peut installer le Logiciel, seule fin d'utilisation avec l'Equipement, sur tout serveur ou poste de travail rseau. Si l'Equipement est connect au rseau, les autres utilisateurs du rseau peuvent accder au Logiciel et l'utiliser avec l'Equipement. 3. PROPRIETE, COPIE, MODIFICATION ET CONFIDENTIALITE 3.1 Xerox est propritaire ou dispose du droit de consentir des licences portant sur tous les droits relatifs au Logiciel. 3.2 Aucun droit de proprit sur le Logiciel n'est transfr au Client. 3.3 Sous rserve de l'application de la clause 3.4, le Client peut copier le Logiciel en entier ou en partie mais seulement pour les besoins expressment noncs dans la clause 2 ci-dessus ou comme copie de sauvegarde. Chaque copie doit inclure sous une forme lisible toutes les indications tout brevet, marque ou droit d'auteur mentionns sur le Logiciel d'origine. 3.4 Le Client peut copier la documentation seule fin d'utilisation avec l'Equipement. 3.5 Le Client ne peut ni distribuer ni modifier ou changer le Logiciel ni le faire modifier par un tiers. 3.6 Le Client ne doit pas fournir ou mettre disposition le Logiciel toute personne autre que ses employs et agents directement concerns par le droit d'utilisation du Logiciel. 3.7 Le Logiciel est protg par le droit d'auteur et les autres droits de proprit de Xerox ainsi que, en fonction du type de Logiciel, d'un tiers. Le Client peut tre tenu directement responsable par ce tiers de toute violation des droits de ce dernier. 3.8 Le Client ne doit en aucun cas reconstituer la logique du programme, dcompiler ou dsassembler le Logiciel sous licence, sauf dans les limites autorises par la loi. 3.9 Le Client accepte de ne pas exporter ou rexporter le Logiciel de quelque faon que ce soit sans avoir obtenu au pralable toutes les licences des Etats-Unis ou des gouvernements trangers exiges par la loi du pays o rside le Client et sous rserve d'exportation de l'Equipement. 3.10 Xerox peut mettre fin au contrat (i) sans pravis si le Client n'utilise plus ou ne possde plus l'Equipement ou, en cas de bail, si le premier preneur ne l'utilise plus ou ne le possde plus ou (ii) la date d'expiration du contrat de location ou de leasing de l'Equipement. 4. TRANSFERT DU LOGICIEL SOUS LICENCE Si le Client transfre la proprit de l'Equipement, Xerox fournira au nouveau propritaire une licence d'utilisation pour le Logiciel, selon les conditions applicables par Xerox et, le cas chant, moyennant des droits de licence, sous rserve que le transfert n'entrane pas une violation des droits de Xerox. 5. GARANTIE LIMITEE 5.1 Xerox garantit que le Logiciel est conforme aux spcifications du manuel d'utilisation ou celles de toute autre documentation fournie par Xerox la livraison au premier Client. Xerox ne garantit pas que le Logiciel fonctionnera de faon ininterrompue ou sans erreur, ni qu'il rponde aux exigences du Client. 5.2 En cas de non conformit aux conditions dfinies au paragraphe 5.1, le seul recours du Client est d'en informer Xerox dans un dlai maximum de 90 jours compter de la date de livraison, la seule obligation de Xerox ou de son fournisseur tant de fournir une correction pour annuler la non conformit, ou de remplacer le Logiciel par un Logiciel conforme aux spcifications du manuel d'utilisation ou celles de toute autre documentation fournie par Xerox. 5.3 XEROX NE FOURNIT AUCUNE AUTRE GARANTIE SUR LE "LOGICIEL", EXPRESSE OU IMPLICITE, QU'ELLE RESULTE OU NON DE LA LOI, Y COMPRIS SANS TOUTEFOIS S'Y LIMITER LA GARANTIE D'ADAPTABILITE A UNE UTILISATION PARTICULIERE. XEROX DECLINE EN OUTRE TOUTE RESPONSABILITE OU GARANTIE DONNEE PAR DES PERSONNES AUTRES QUE XEROX (Y COMPRIS SANS TOUTEFOIS S'Y LIMITER SES DISTRIBUTEURS, AGENTS, CONCESSIONNAIRES ET REVENDEURS). 5.4 Toute modification du Logiciel ou utilisation dans un environnement autre que celui dcrit dans la documentation fournie par Xerox annule les garanties stipules ci-dessus. 6. VIOLATION DES DROITS DE PROPRIETE INTELLECTUELLE Au cas o le Client serait poursuivi par des tiers sur le fondement d'une prtendue violation des droits de brevet, secret professionnel ou droits d'auteur, par le Logiciel sous licence, dans le pays d'enregistrement de la socit Xerox qui a fourni le Logiciel au Client, Xerox assumera la dfense du Client contre ces revendications et les consquences pcuniaires d'une dcision judiciaire dfinitive, la condition que le Client informe Xerox immdiatement et par crit de la prtendue violation et que le Client accepte l'intervention de Xerox et coopre au rglement d'un ventuel litige. Le courrier sera envoy Xerox Office of General Counsel, P.O. Box 1600, Stamford, Connecticut 06904. La socit Xerox ne prendra en charge que les dpenses de procdure et rglements qu'elle aura expressment accepts par crit. Afin d'viter toute infraction, mme non allgue, Xerox peut dcider, et cela sans aucun frais pour le Client, d'obtenir une licence, ou de fournir un quivalent du Logiciel, ou de modifier ou retirer le Logiciel. Dans ce dernier cas, Xerox remboursera les droits de licence pays par le Client pour ce Logiciel ; si aucune partie de la somme paye Xerox lors de la transaction au cours de laquelle le Logiciel a t acquis n'a t dsigne comme droit de licence pour le Logiciel, Xerox remboursera la partie des frais associe selon Xerox l'acquisition du Logiciel. Xerox ne rpond pas des infractions dues la modification du Logiciel (par Xerox ou toute autre personne, y compris le Client) selon les spcifications du Client ou l'utilisation conjointe du Logiciel sous licence et d'autres logiciels, matriels ou produits non fournis par Xerox. XEROX NE DONNE AUCUNE GARANTIE EXPRESSE OU TACITE DE NON VIOLATION DESDITS DROITS. SA RESPONSABILITE NE SAURAIT ETRE ENGAGEE AU TITRE D'UNE VIOLATION AUTRE QUE CELLE MENTIONNEE CI-DESSUS OU DE TOUT DOMMAGE QUI EN RESULTERAIT. 7. RESPONSABILITE LIMITEE XEROX OU SES FOURNISSEURS NE SAURAIENT ETRE TENUS POUR RESPONSABLES, SANS QUE CETTE LISTE SOIT LIMITATIVE, DES DOMMAGES INDIRECTS (Y COMPRIS LA PERTE DE DONNEES) PROVENANT DE OU LIES A L'UTILISATION OU L'IMPOSSIBILITE D'UTILISATION DU LOGICIEL, MEME SI XEROX A ETE AVISEE DE L'EVENTUALITE DE TELS DOMMAGES, A MOINS QUE LA LOI APPLICABLE AU CONTRAT N'EN DISPOSE AUTREMENT. EN TOUT ETAT DE CAUSE, LA RESPONSABILITE DE XEROX EN MATIERE DE DOMMAGES DIRECTS NE POURRA EN AUCUN CAS EXCEDER LES DROITS DE LICENCE PAYES PAR LE CLIENT POUR L'ACHAT DE CE LOGICIEL. 8. FIN DU CONTRAT Xerox peut mettre fin au contrat sans pravis en cas de manquement du Client l'une quelconque de ses obligations ou si le Client n'utilise ou ne possde plus l'quipement pour lequel le Logiciel devait tre utilis. Dans ce cas, le Client devra retourner Xerox toutes les copies du Logiciel et retirer ce dernier de tous les quipements sur lesquels il a pu tre charg par le Client. 9. LOI APPLICABLE Le prsent contrat est rgi par les lois de l'tat de New York, Etats-Unis, ou du pays d'enregistrement de la socit Xerox qui a fourni l'quipement, nonobstant tout conflit de dispositions lgales. Certaines juridictions ne permettent pas la limitation de dure d'une garantie implicite ou l'exclusion ou la limitation de responsabilit relative aux dommages indirects ou conscutifs. Certaines clauses ci-dessus peuvent donc en tout ou partie ne pas s'appliquer votre gard. 10. PORTEE DU CONTRAT Le prsent Contrat constitue l'intgralit de l'accord entre Xerox et le Client concernant le Logiciel et remplace toutes les propositions ou accords antrieurs ou actuels des parties concernant le logiciel. Il annule ce que le Client accepte, l'application de tous les termes et conditions contenus dans un bon de commande du Client pass dans le cadre des prsentes. Si, aprs avoir lu les conditions du prsent contrat, le Client les juge inacceptables, il doit, pour viter les obligations contractuelles, retourner promptement le Logiciel inutilis. Il aura alors droit au remboursement des sommes qu'il a payes pour obtenir le droit d'utiliser le logiciel. ====================================================================== LICENSE AGREEMENT AND WARRANTY FOR THE ENCLOSED SOFTWARE AND RELATED DOCUMENTATION YOUR LICENSE AGREEMENT - READ BEFORE INSTALLING SOFTWARE IMPORTANT: THIS AGREEMENT CONTAINS THE LICENSE TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR LICENSED SOFTWARE AND RELATED DOCUMENTATION. INSTALLING THE SOFTWARE PACKAGE SIGNIFIES YOUR ACCEPTANCE OF THIS AGREEMENT. IF YOU DO NOT ACCEPT THIS AGREEMENT, YOU MUST PROMPTLY RETURN THE SOFTWARE PACKAGE AND DELETE ANY SOFTWARE FILES ACCESSED BY YOU FROM ANY AND ALL COMPUTER MEMORY INTO WHICH SUCH SOFTWARE HAS BEEN LOADED OR STORED. WHEN USED IN THIS AGREEMENT THE WORD "XEROX" SHALL MEAN XEROX CORPORATION, ITS OPERATING COMPANY SUBSIDIARY OR AFFILIATE FROM WHICH YOU OBTAINED THE XEROX PRODUCT WITH WHICH THE SOFTWARE IS TO BE USED (the "Equipment"), UNLESS YOU OBTAINED THE EQUIPMENT FROM AN AUTHORIZED DEALER, AGENT, CONCESSIONAIRE OR DISTRIBUTOR, IN WHICH CASE "XEROX" SHALL MEAN XEROX CORPORATION, ITS OPERATING COMPANY, SUBSIDIARY OR AFFILIATE FROM WHICH THE ENTITY THAT SOLD YOU THE EQUIPMENT ACQUIRED IT. 1. GRANT OF LICENSE Xerox hereby grants you a non-exclusive, non-transferable license to use the software and related documentation ("Software") enclosed in this package with the Equipment, for as long as you are current in the payment of any indicated software license fees (including any annual renewal or maintenance fees) on the following terms and conditions. 2. USE You may install the Software for use on any networked workstation or server only in conjunction with the Equipment. When networked, other users on the network may access and use the Software in conjunction with the Equipment. 3. OWNERSHIP, COPYING, MODIFICATION AND CONFIDENTIALITY 3.1 Xerox owns or is otherwise entitled to grant licenses in respect of all rights in the Software. 3.2 No title to or ownership of the Software or any proprietary right therein is transferred to you. 3.3 You may, subject to Section 3.4 below, make one copy of the Software in whole or in part only for that purpose expressly permitted in Section 2 above and for back-up. Such permitted copy shall include in readable format any copyright and other proprietary notices contained on the original Software. 3.4 You may copy the related documentation for use only in conjunction with the Equipment. 3.5 You may not distribute, alter or modify nor cause or allow others to alter or modify the Software. 3.6 You agree not to provide or otherwise make available the Software to anyone other than your employees and agents directly concerned with the licensed use of the Software. 3.7 The Software is protected by copyright and other proprietary rights of Xerox and/or a third party. You may be held directly responsible by such third party for an infringement of such rights by you. 3.8 You agree not to reverse engineer, decompile or disassemble the Software for any purpose whatsoever, except to the extent permitted by law. 3.9 You agree not to export or re-export the Software in any form without, in the case of a customer in the United States, first obtaining all United States government licenses, and in the case of a customer outside of the United States, all relevant foreign government licenses, required by law, and then only upon the export of the Equipment. 3.10 Xerox may terminate your license for the Software (i) immediately if you no longer use or possess the Equipment or are a lessor of the Equipment and your first lessee no longer uses or possesses it or (ii) upon the termination of any agreement under which you have rented or leased the Equipment. 4. TRANSFER OF LICENSED SOFTWARE If you transfer possession of the Equipment, Xerox will offer the transferee a license to use the Software on or with it, subject to Xerox' then applicable terms and license fees, if any, and provided the transfer is not in violation of Xerox' rights. 5. LIMITED WARRANTY 5.1 Xerox warrants that the Software shall substantially conform to Xerox' User Manual or other Xerox documentation supplied at delivery to the original Customer. Xerox does not warrant that the operation of the Software will be uninterrupted or error free, nor that it will meet your needs. 5.2 In the event that the Software does not conform to the limited warranty contained in Section 5.1 above, your exclusive remedy is to notify Xerox within ninety (90) days of the date of delivery, and Xerox' or its supplier's sole obligation shall be to use all reasonable efforts to provide a work-around which avoids the nonconformity or to provide you with Software which does substantially conform to the Xerox User Manual or other Xerox supplied documentation. 5.3 XEROX GRANTS NO OTHER WARRANTIES ON THE "SOFTWARE", EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, WHETHER CREATED BY STATUTE OR OTHERWISE, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. XEROX FURTHER DISCLAIMS ANY WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS MADE BY PERSONS OTHER THAN XEROX (INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO XEROX SOFTWARE DEALERS, AGENTS, CONCESSIONAIRES OR DISTRIBUTORS). 5.4 The express warranties set forth above shall be void if you fail to properly use the Software in the appropriate environment as specified in the Xerox supplied documentation or if the Software is modified or altered in any fashion. 6. PATENT AND COPYRIGHT INDEMNIFICATION Xerox will defend and indemnify you if the Software is alleged to infringe, in the United States, any patent, trade secret, or copyright, if you promptly notify Xerox in writing of any alleged infringement, allow Xerox to direct the defense of such claim, and cooperate with Xerox. All notices should be sent to the Xerox Office of General Counsel, P.O. Box 1600, Stamford, Connecticut 06904. Xerox is not responsible for any non-Xerox litigation expenses or settlements unless Xerox pre-approves them in writing. To avoid infringement, Xerox may, at its option, and at no charge to you, obtain a license, or modify, or substitute an equivalent of, or remove the Software. If Software is removed by Xerox for this reason, any designated license fees paid by you will be fully refunded; if no portion of the amounts paid to Xerox within the transaction in which the Software was acquired was designated as a license fee for the Software, Xerox shall refund that portion of the amounts paid that Xerox reasonably designates as associated with the Software's acquisition. Xerox is not liable for any infringement due to the Software being made or modified (by Xerox or others, including you) to your specifications, or being used or sold in combination with equipment, software, or supplies not provided by Xerox. XEROX MAKES NO OTHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTY OF NON-INFRINGEMENT OR LIABILITY FOR INFRINGEMENT OR ANY DAMAGES THEREFROM. 7. LIMITATION OF LIABILITY IN NO EVENT SHALL XEROX OR ITS SUPPLIERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, (INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, LOSS OF DATA) IN ANY WAY ARISING OUT OF OR RELATED TO THE USE OR INABILITY TO USE THE "SOFTWARE", EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. IN NO EVENT SHALL XEROX' DIRECT DAMAGES TO YOU EXCEED THE TOTAL LICENSE FEE ACTUALLY PAID BY YOU FOR SUCH SOFTWARE. 8. TERMINATION Xerox may terminate this license immediately upon notice in the event of a material breach by you or if you no longer use or possess the equipment with which this Software is intended to be used, in which event you shall return to Xerox all copies of the Software, and remove same from all equipment into which such Software may have been loaded by you. 9. GOVERNING LAW This agreement will be governed by the laws of the State of New York, USA or if you acquire the Software outside the USA, by the laws of the country in which you acquired the Equipment, excluding its conflict of laws provisions. Some jurisdictions do not allow limitations on how long an implied warranty lasts or the exclusion or limitation of incidental or consequential damages, so the above disclaimers, limitations or exclusions, in whole or in part, may not apply to you. 10. ENTIRE AGREEMENT This Software License Agreement is the entire agreement between Xerox and you pertaining to the Software and supersedes all proposals or prior and contemporaneous agreements or understandings of the parties regarding the Software. You agree that any terms and conditions contained in any purchase order or other ordering document submitted to order the Software shall have no binding effect on Xerox and will not modify this Agreement in any way. If, after reading the terms and conditions, they are unacceptable to you, then, to avoid contractual obligations and liability, you should promptly return the software unused, and you will then be entitled to a refund of any sums paid by you to license the Software. "16" = "Este volumen no cumple los requisitos para instalar esta actualizacin."; "17" = "No hay espacio suficiente para instalar esta actualizacin: se requieren 300 MB."; "18" = "Este paquete slo puede ejecutarse en el Mac OS X 10.2 o en una versin posterior."; La traduccin de este acuerdo de licencia la proporciona Xerox Europe y no tiene fuerza legal. El texto en ingls, incluido a continuacin del texto traducido, tiene fuerza legal. ======================================================================= CONTRATO DE LICENCIA Y GARANTA DEL SOFTWARE INCLUIDO EN ESTE PAQUETE Y LA DOCUMENTACIN RELACIONADA CONTRATO DE LICENCIA. LALO ANTES DE INSTALAR EL SOFTWARE. IMPORTANTE: ESTE CONTRATO CONTIENE LOS TRMINOS Y CONDICIONES DE LA LICENCIA PARA EL SOFTWARE CEDIDO EN LICENCIA Y LA DOCUMENTACIN RELACIONADA. SI INSTALA EL SOFTWARE SIGNIFICA QUE ACEPTA EL CONTRATO. SI NO ACEPTA EL CONTRATO, DEBE DEVOLVER EL PAQUETE DE SOFTWARE SIN USARLO Y ELIMINAR TODOS LOS ARCHIVOS DE SOFTWARE A LOS QUE HAYA ACCEDIDO EN CUALQUIERA Y TODAS LAS MEMORIAS DE LOS SISTEMAS INFORMTICOS EN LOS QUE HAYA CARGADO O ALMACENADO DICHO SOFTWARE. LA PALABRA "XEROX", CUANDO SE UTILIZA EN ESTE CONTRATO, SIGNIFICAR XEROX CORPORATION, SU COMPAA OPERATIVA, FILIAL O ASOCIADA DE LA QUE HA OBTENIDO EL PRODUCTO XEROX (el "Equipo") CON EL QUE SE VAYA A UTILIZAR EL SOFTWARE, A MENOS QUE HAYA ADQUIRIDO EL EQUIPO A TRAVS DE UN DISTRIBUIDOR, CONCESIONARIO O AGENTE AUTORIZADO, EN CUYO CASO, "XEROX" SIGNIFICAR XEROX CORPORATION, SU COMPAA OPERATIVA, FILIAL O ASOCIADA DE LA QUE OBTUVO EL EQUIPO LA ENTIDAD QUE SE LO HA VENDIDO. 1. CONCESIN DE LICENCIA Por el presente contrato Xerox le concede una licencia no exclusiva e intransferible para utilizar el software y la documentacin relacionada ("Software"), incluidos en este paquete, con el Equipo, siempre que est al corriente en el pago de los derechos de licencia, si los hay (incluida la cuota anual de renovacin, si hay), sujeto a los trminos y condiciones siguientes: 2. UTILIZACIN Puede instalar el Software para utilizarlo en cualquier estacin de trabajo o servidor conectado en red solamente en combinacin con el Equipo. Cuando est conectado en red, otros usuarios de la red pueden acceder al Software y utilizarlo en combinacin con el Equipo. 3. PROPIEDAD, COPIAS, MODIFICACIONES Y CONFIDENCIALIDAD 3.1 Xerox posee todos los derechos del Software, o de lo contrario tiene derecho a conceder licencias en relacin con el Software. 3.2 No se le transfiere la propiedad del Software ni ningn derecho de propiedad de l. 3.3 Puede, de acuerdo con la seccin 3.4 siguiente, hacer una copia de todo o parte del Software slo con el fin expresamente permitido en la seccin 2 ms arriba y para tener copia de seguridad. Dicha copia permitida incluir en formato legible cualquier aviso de derechos de autor (copyright) y otros avisos de propiedad que haya en el Software original. 3.4 Puede copiar la documentacin relacionada solamente para utilizarla en combinacin con el Equipo. 3.5 No puede distribuir, ni alterar ni modificar el software, ni hacer ni permitir que otros lo alteren o modifiquen. 3.6 Acepta no proveer ni poner el Software a disposicin de nadie excepto sus empleados y agentes directamente afectados por el uso bajo licencia del Software. 3.7 El Software est protegido por los derechos de autor y otros derechos de propiedad de Xerox y/o una tercera parte. Dicha tercera parte puede considerarle responsable de una infraccin de dichos derechos por parte de usted. 3.8 Acepta no realizar ingeniera inversa, descompilar ni desensamblar el Software por ningn motivo, excepto en la medida que lo permita la ley. 3.9 Acepta no exportar o reexportar el Software de ninguna manera sin primero obtener, en el caso de un cliente de los Estados Unidos, todas las licencias necesarias de las autoridades de los Estados Unidos, y en el caso de un cliente de fuera de los Estados Unidos, todas las licencias pertinentes de las autoridades del pas correspondiente, exigidas por la ley, y an as la exportacin ser nicamente junto con la exportacin del Equipo. 3.10 Xerox podr terminar la licencia del Software (i) inmediatamente si ya no utiliza o no posee el Equipo, o si es un arrendador del Equipo y su primer arrendatario ya no utiliza o no posee el Equipo o (ii) al concluir el contrato de arrendamiento o concesin del Equipo 4. TRANSFERENCIA DEL SOFTWARE BAJO LICENCIA Si transfiere la propiedad del Equipo, Xerox ofrecer al cesionario una licencia para utilizar el Software con l o en l, sujeto a los trminos y derechos de licencia, si los hubiera, de Xerox aplicables en aquel momento y siempre que la transferencia no infrinja los derechos de Xerox. 5. GARANTA LIMITADA 5.1 Xerox garantiza que el Software se ajustar substancialmente al Manual del usuario de Xerox, u otra documentacin de Xerox, suministrado en el momento de la entrega al Cliente original. Xerox no garantiza que el funcionamiento del Software ser ininterrumpido o libre de errores, ni que satisfar sus requisitos. 5.2 En caso de que el Software no se ajuste a la garanta limitada expresada en la seccin 5.1 anterior, la nica solucin del Cliente ser notificarlo a Xerox en el plazo de noventa (90) das a partir de la fecha de entrega y la nica obligacin de Xerox o de su proveedor ser realizar todos los esfuerzos razonables para proveer una solucin que haga que el software se ajuste a la garanta limitada, o proveer al Cliente con un Software que se ajuste substancialmente al Manual del usuario de Xerox u otra documentacin Xerox suministrada. 5.3 XEROX NO CONCEDE NINGUNA OTRA GARANTA DEL "SOFTWARE", NI EXPRESA NI PRESUPUESTA, ESTATUTARIA NI DE OTRO TIPO, INCLUIDAS SIN LIMITACIN LAS GARANTAS PRESUPUESTAS DE SER APTO PARA EL COMERCIO Y ADECUADO PARA UN FIN DETERMINADO. XEROX ADEMS DECLINA LA RESPONSABILIDAD DE CUALESQUIERA GARANTAS DADAS POR PERSONAS APARTE DE XEROX (INCLUIDOS PERO NO LIMITADOS A ELLOS LOS DISTRIBUIDORES, AGENTES Y CONCESIONARIOS DEL SOFTWARE XEROX). 5.4 Las garantas expresas enunciadas ms arriba sern nulas si no utiliza debidamente el Software en el entorno apropiado como se especifique en la documentacin de Xerox suministrada o si el Software se modifica o altera de alguna manera. 6. INDEMNIZACIN POR PATENTE Y DERECHOS DE AUTOR Xerox defender e indemnizar al Cliente si se alega que el Software infringe, en los Estados Unidos, cualquier patente, secreto comercial o derechos de autor, siempre que el Cliente avise por escrito a Xerox con prontitud de cualquier supuesta infraccin, permita que Xerox defienda dicha alegacin y coopere con Xerox. Todas las notificaciones debern enviarse a Xerox Office of General Counsel, P.O. Box 1600, Stamford, Connecticut 06904, Estados Unidos. Xerox no es responsable de ningn gasto o pago por litigios ajenos a Xerox a menos que Xerox conceda su acuerdo por escrito. Para evitar infracciones, Xerox puede, a su discrecin, y sin ningn cargo al Cliente, obtener una licencia o modificar, sustituir con uno equivalente, o retirar el Software. Si Xerox retira el Software por este motivo, se le reembolsar al Cliente la cantidad total designada como derechos de licencia, si se design; si no se design ninguna proporcin de las cantidades abonadas a Xerox en la operacin de adquisicin del Software como derechos de licencia, Xerox reembolsar la proporcin de las cantidades abonadas que Xerox designe razonablemente como relacionadas con la adquisicin del Software. Xerox no es responsable de ninguna infraccin cometida debido a que el Software se haga o modifique (por Xerox u otros, incluido el Cliente) segn las especificaciones del Cliente, o se utilice o venda en combinacin con equipo, software o suministros no provistos por Xerox. XEROX NO CONCEDE NINGUNA OTRA GARANTA, NI EXPRESA NI IMPLCITA, DE NO-INFRACCIN O DE RESPONSABILIDAD POR INFRACCIN O POR CUALQUIER DAO QUE SE ORIGINE DE ELLO. 7. LIMITACIN DE RESPONSABILIDAD EN NINGN CASO NI XEROX NI SUS PROVEEDORES SERN RESPONSABLES DE LOS DAOS ESPECIALES, INDIRECTOS, INCIDENTALES, CONSECUENTES (INCLUIDA SIN LIMITACIN LA PRDIDA DE DATOS) QUE SE DERIVEN DE ALGUNA MANERA O ESTN RELACIONADOS CON EL USO O LA IMPOSIBILIDAD DE USAR EL "SOFTWARE", INCLUSO SI SE HA AVISADO DE LA POSIBILIDAD DE DICHOS DAOS. EN NINGN CASO, LA RESPONSABILIDAD POR LOS DAOS DIRECTOS DE XEROX AL CLIENTE EXCEDER EL IMPORTE TOTAL DE LA LICENCIA ABONADO POR EL CLIENTE POR DICHA LICENCIA DE USO DEL SOFTWARE. 8. TERMINACIN Xerox podr terminar esta licencia de inmediato mediante aviso, en caso de infraccin importante por parte de usted, o si ya no usa o posee el equipo con el que debe utilizarse este Software, en cuyo caso deber devolver a Xerox todas las copias del Software y retirar el mismo de todos los equipos donde lo haya cargado. 9. LEY APLICABLE Este contrato se regir por las leyes del Estado de Nueva York, Estados Unidos o, si adquiri el Software fuera de los Estados Unidos, por las leyes del pas donde adquiri el Equipo, exceptuando la aplicacin de sus normas de conflictos de leyes. En algunas jurisdicciones no se permite la limitacin de duracin de una garanta implcita, ni la exclusin o limitacin de daos incidentales o consecuentes y, por tanto, las limitaciones y exclusiones anteriores pudieran no ser aplicables en su caso, en su totalidad o en parte. 10. INTEGRIDAD DEL CONTRATO El presente contrato de licencia de uso del Software es el acuerdo total entre Xerox y usted en relacin con el Software, y sustituye a todos los acuerdos o arreglos anteriores y actuales entre las partes respecto al Software. Acepta que los trminos y condiciones relacionados con el Software contenidos en cualquier orden de compra del Cliente u otro documento de pedido enviado para encargar el Software no tendrn efecto para Xerox y no modificarn este Contrato en ningn sentido. Si, despus de leer los trminos y condiciones, stos le fueran inaceptables, deber devolver inmediatamente el software sin utilizarlo para evitar obligaciones y responsabilidades contractuales, y tendr derecho al reembolso de las cantidades que haya abonado para obtener la licencia del Software. ====================================================================== LICENSE AGREEMENT AND WARRANTY FOR THE ENCLOSED SOFTWARE AND RELATED DOCUMENTATION YOUR LICENSE AGREEMENT - READ BEFORE INSTALLING SOFTWARE IMPORTANT: THIS AGREEMENT CONTAINS THE LICENSE TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR LICENSED SOFTWARE AND RELATED DOCUMENTATION. INSTALLING THE SOFTWARE PACKAGE SIGNIFIES YOUR ACCEPTANCE OF THIS AGREEMENT. IF YOU DO NOT ACCEPT THIS AGREEMENT, YOU MUST PROMPTLY RETURN THE SOFTWARE PACKAGE AND DELETE ANY SOFTWARE FILES ACCESSED BY YOU FROM ANY AND ALL COMPUTER MEMORY INTO WHICH SUCH SOFTWARE HAS BEEN LOADED OR STORED. WHEN USED IN THIS AGREEMENT THE WORD "XEROX" SHALL MEAN XEROX CORPORATION, ITS OPERATING COMPANY SUBSIDIARY OR AFFILIATE FROM WHICH YOU OBTAINED THE XEROX PRODUCT WITH WHICH THE SOFTWARE IS TO BE USED (the "Equipment"), UNLESS YOU OBTAINED THE EQUIPMENT FROM AN AUTHORIZED DEALER, AGENT, CONCESSIONAIRE OR DISTRIBUTOR, IN WHICH CASE "XEROX" SHALL MEAN XEROX CORPORATION, ITS OPERATING COMPANY, SUBSIDIARY OR AFFILIATE FROM WHICH THE ENTITY THAT SOLD YOU THE EQUIPMENT ACQUIRED IT. 1. GRANT OF LICENSE Xerox hereby grants you a non-exclusive, non-transferable license to use the software and related documentation ("Software") enclosed in this package with the Equipment, for as long as you are current in the payment of any indicated software license fees (including any annual renewal or maintenance fees) on the following terms and conditions. 2. USE You may install the Software for use on any networked workstation or server only in conjunction with the Equipment. When networked, other users on the network may access and use the Software in conjunction with the Equipment. 3. OWNERSHIP, COPYING, MODIFICATION AND CONFIDENTIALITY 3.1 Xerox owns or is otherwise entitled to grant licenses in respect of all rights in the Software. 3.2 No title to or ownership of the Software or any proprietary right therein is transferred to you. 3.3 You may, subject to Section 3.4 below, make one copy of the Software in whole or in part only for that purpose expressly permitted in Section 2 above and for back-up. Such permitted copy shall include in readable format any copyright and other proprietary notices contained on the original Software. 3.4 You may copy the related documentation for use only in conjunction with the Equipment. 3.5 You may not distribute, alter or modify nor cause or allow others to alter or modify the Software. 3.6 You agree not to provide or otherwise make available the Software to anyone other than your employees and agents directly concerned with the licensed use of the Software. 3.7 The Software is protected by copyright and other proprietary rights of Xerox and/or a third party. You may be held directly responsible by such third party for an infringement of such rights by you. 3.8 You agree not to reverse engineer, decompile or disassemble the Software for any purpose whatsoever, except to the extent permitted by law. 3.9 You agree not to export or re-export the Software in any form without, in the case of a customer in the United States, first obtaining all United States government licenses, and in the case of a customer outside of the United States, all relevant foreign government licenses, required by law, and then only upon the export of the Equipment. 3.10 Xerox may terminate your license for the Software (i) immediately if you no longer use or possess the Equipment or are a lessor of the Equipment and your first lessee no longer uses or possesses it or (ii) upon the termination of any agreement under which you have rented or leased the Equipment. 4. TRANSFER OF LICENSED SOFTWARE If you transfer possession of the Equipment, Xerox will offer the transferee a license to use the Software on or with it, subject to Xerox' then applicable terms and license fees, if any, and provided the transfer is not in violation of Xerox' rights. 5. LIMITED WARRANTY 5.1 Xerox warrants that the Software shall substantially conform to Xerox' User Manual or other Xerox documentation supplied at delivery to the original Customer. Xerox does not warrant that the operation of the Software will be uninterrupted or error free, nor that it will meet your needs. 5.2 In the event that the Software does not conform to the limited warranty contained in Section 5.1 above, your exclusive remedy is to notify Xerox within ninety (90) days of the date of delivery, and Xerox' or its supplier's sole obligation shall be to use all reasonable efforts to provide a work-around which avoids the nonconformity or to provide you with Software which does substantially conform to the Xerox User Manual or other Xerox supplied documentation. 5.3 XEROX GRANTS NO OTHER WARRANTIES ON THE "SOFTWARE", EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, WHETHER CREATED BY STATUTE OR OTHERWISE, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. XEROX FURTHER DISCLAIMS ANY WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS MADE BY PERSONS OTHER THAN XEROX (INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO XEROX SOFTWARE DEALERS, AGENTS, CONCESSIONAIRES OR DISTRIBUTORS). 5.4 The express warranties set forth above shall be void if you fail to properly use the Software in the appropriate environment as specified in the Xerox supplied documentation or if the Software is modified or altered in any fashion. 6. PATENT AND COPYRIGHT INDEMNIFICATION Xerox will defend and indemnify you if the Software is alleged to infringe, in the United States, any patent, trade secret, or copyright, if you promptly notify Xerox in writing of any alleged infringement, allow Xerox to direct the defense of such claim, and cooperate with Xerox. All notices should be sent to the Xerox Office of General Counsel, P.O. Box 1600, Stamford, Connecticut 06904. Xerox is not responsible for any non-Xerox litigation expenses or settlements unless Xerox pre-approves them in writing. To avoid infringement, Xerox may, at its option, and at no charge to you, obtain a license, or modify, or substitute an equivalent of, or remove the Software. If Software is removed by Xerox for this reason, any designated license fees paid by you will be fully refunded; if no portion of the amounts paid to Xerox within the transaction in which the Software was acquired was designated as a license fee for the Software, Xerox shall refund that portion of the amounts paid that Xerox reasonably designates as associated with the Software's acquisition. Xerox is not liable for any infringement due to the Software being made or modified (by Xerox or others, including you) to your specifications, or being used or sold in combination with equipment, software, or supplies not provided by Xerox. XEROX MAKES NO OTHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTY OF NON-INFRINGEMENT OR LIABILITY FOR INFRINGEMENT OR ANY DAMAGES THEREFROM. 7. LIMITATION OF LIABILITY IN NO EVENT SHALL XEROX OR ITS SUPPLIERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, (INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, LOSS OF DATA) IN ANY WAY ARISING OUT OF OR RELATED TO THE USE OR INABILITY TO USE THE "SOFTWARE", EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. IN NO EVENT SHALL XEROX' DIRECT DAMAGES TO YOU EXCEED THE TOTAL LICENSE FEE ACTUALLY PAID BY YOU FOR SUCH SOFTWARE. 8. TERMINATION Xerox may terminate this license immediately upon notice in the event of a material breach by you or if you no longer use or possess the equipment with which this Software is intended to be used, in which event you shall return to Xerox all copies of the Software, and remove same from all equipment into which such Software may have been loaded by you. 9. GOVERNING LAW This agreement will be governed by the laws of the State of New York, USA or if you acquire the Software outside the USA, by the laws of the country in which you acquired the Equipment, excluding its conflict of laws provisions. Some jurisdictions do not allow limitations on how long an implied warranty lasts or the exclusion or limitation of incidental or consequential damages, so the above disclaimers, limitations or exclusions, in whole or in part, may not apply to you. 10. ENTIRE AGREEMENT This Software License Agreement is the entire agreement between Xerox and you pertaining to the Software and supersedes all proposals or prior and contemporaneous agreements or understandings of the parties regarding the Software. You agree that any terms and conditions contained in any purchase order or other ordering document submitted to order the Software shall have no binding effect on Xerox and will not modify this Agreement in any way. If, after reading the terms and conditions, they are unacceptable to you, then, to avoid contractual obligations and liability, you should promptly return the software unused, and you will then be entitled to a refund of any sums paid by you to license the Software. e Xerox supplied documentation or if the Software is modified or altered in any fashion. 6. PATENT AND COPYRIGHT INDEMNIFICATION Xerox will defend and indemnify you if the Software is alleged to infringe, in the United States, any patent, trade secret, or copyright, if you promptly notify Xerox in writing of any alleged infringement, allow Xerox to direct the defense of such claim, and cooperate with Xerox. All notices should be sent to the Xerox Office of General Counsel, P.O. Box 1600, Stamford, Connecticut 06904. Xerox is not responsible for any non-Xerox litigation expenses or settlements unless Xerox pre-approves them in writing. To avoid infringement, Xerox may, at its option, and at no charge to you, obtain a license, or modify, or substitute an equivalent of, or remove the Software. If Software is removed by Xerox for this reason, any designated license fees paid by you will be fully refunded; if no portion of the amounts paid to Xerox within the transaction in which the Software was acq"16" = "Den hr skivan uppfyller inte kraven fr den hr uppdateringen."; "17" = "Otillrckligt utrymme. Den hr uppdateringen krver 300 MB ledigt utrymme."; "18" = "Det hr paketet kan endast anvndas p Mac OS X, version 10.2 eller senare."; FOR INFRINGEMENT OR ANY DAMAGES THEREFROM. 7. LIMITATION OF LIABILITY IN NO EVENT SHALL XEROX OR ITS SUPPLIERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, (INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, LOSS OF DATA) IN ANY WAY ARISING OUT OF OR RELATED TO THE USE OR INABILITY TO USE THE "SOFTWARE", EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. IN NO EVENT SHALL XEROX' DIRECT DAMAGES TO YOU EXCEED THE TOTAL LICENSE FEE ACTUALLY PAID BY YOU FOR SUCH SOFTWARE. 8. TERMINATION Xerox may terminate this license immediately upon notice in the event of a material breach by you or if you no longer use or possess the equipment with which this Software is intended to be used, in which event you shall return to Xerox all copies of the Software, and remove same from all equipment into which such Software may have been loaded by you. 9. GOVERNING LAW This agreement will be governed by the laws of the State of New York, USA or if you acquire the Software outside the USA, by the laws of the country in which you acquired the Equipment, excluding its conflict of laws provisions. Some jurisdictions do not allow limitations on how long an implied warranty lasts or the exclusion or limitation of incidental or consequential damages, so the above disclaimers, limitations or exclusions, in whole or in part, may not apply to you. 10. ENTIRE AGREEMENT This Software License Agreement is the entire agreement between Xerox and you pertaining to the Software and supersedes all proposals or prior and contemporaneous agreements or understandings of the parties regarding the Software. You agree that any terms and conditions contained in any purchase order or other ordering document submitted to order the Software shall have no binding effect on Xerox and will not modify this Agreement in any way. If, after reading the terms and conditions, they are unacceptable to you, then, to avoid contractual obligations and liability, you should promptly return the software unused, and you will then be entitled to a refund of any sums paid by you to license the Software. versttningen av detta licensavtal har utfrts av Xerox, Europa, och r inte juridiskt bindande. Den engelska texten efter den versatta texten r dock juridiskt bindande. ======================================================================= DETTA R DITT LICENSAVTAL SOM REGLERAR DIN ANVNDNING AV PROGRAMVARAN - LS AVTALET INNAN DU PPNAR PROGRAMVARUFRPACKNINGEN ELLER ANVNDER PROGRAMMET OBS! DETTA AVTAL ANGER LICENSVILLKOREN FR DEN BIFOGADE LICENSIERADE PROGRAMVARAN OCH TILLHRANDE DOKUMENTATION. OM DU BRYTER PROGRAMVARUFRPACKNINGEN ANSES DU HA ACCEPTERAT AVTALET, SVIDA INTE XEROX INSTALLERAR PROGRAMMET, I VILKET FALL DU ACCEPTERAR AVTALET NR DU BRJAR ANVNDA PROGRAMMET. OM DU INTE ACCEPTERAR AVTALET, MSTE DU SNARAST RETURNERA PROGRAMVARUFRPACKNINGEN OANVND. OM XEROX INSTALLERAR PROGRAMMET, MSTE DU RETURNERA PROGRAMVARUFRPACKNINGEN OCH RADERA EVENTUELLA PROGRAMVARUFILER UR ALLA DATORMINNEN I VILKA SDAN PROGRAMVARA HAR INSTALLERATS ELLER LAGRATS. I DETTA AVTAL AVSES MED "XEROX" XEROX CORPORATION, DOTTERBOLAG TILL XEROX CORPORATION ELLER ANNAT ANSLUTET FRETAG FRN VILKET DU ERHLL DIN UTRUSTNING I SERIEN XEROX DOCUMENT CENTRE ("Utrustning") I VILKEN PROGRAMVARAN SKA INSTALLERAS. OM DU ERHLL UTRUSTNINGEN FRN EN AUKTORISERAD TERFRSLJARE, AGENT, DISTRIBUTR ELLER ANNAN MELLANMAN, AVSES MED "XEROX" XEROX CORPORATION, DESS DOTTERBOLAG ELLER ANNAT ANSLUTET FRETAG FRN VILKET DET FRETAG, SOM SLDE UTRUSTNINGEN TILL DIG, HADE ERHLLIT UTRUSTNINGEN. 1. NYTTJANDERTT Xerox upplter hrmed till dig en icke-exklusiv, icke verltbar rtt att anvnda datorprogrammet och till-hrande dokumentation som ingr i detta paket ("Programvaran"), p en enskild Utrustning, vilket ven avser ntverksansluten Utrustning, s lnge du vid rtt tid erlgger alla indikerade licensavgifter (inklusive eventuella rliga fortsttningsavgifter) och fljer avtalade villkor fr nyttjandet. Nyttjandet skall ske p fljande villkor. 2. ANVNDNING Du kan installera Programvaran fr anvndning i varje ntverksansluten arbetsstation eller server, dock endast i samband med Utrustningen. Ntverksansluten kan andra anvndare p ntverket anvnda Programvaran i anslutning till Utrustningen. 3. GANDERTT, KOPIERING, NDRING OCH SEKRETESS 3.1 Xerox ger eller har p annat stt rtt att utfrda licenser betrffande alla rttigheter till Programvaran. 3.2 Ingen gandertt till Programvaran eller annan form av gande verfrs drmed till dig. 3.3 Du kan, enligt punkt 3.4 nedan, gra en kopia av Programvaran, i sin helhet eller delar drav fr syfte uttryckligen uttalat i punkt 2 ovan och fr back-up. Sdan tillten kopia skall inkludera copyright och andra ganderttsnoteringar i lsbart format som finns i Programvarans original. 3.4 Du kan kopiera tillhrande dokumentation endast fr anvndning tillsammans med Utrustningen. 3.5 Du fr inte distribuera, omarbeta eller ndra, ej heller bist eller tillta andra att omarbeta eller ndra Programvaran. 3.6 Du tar dig ocks att inte tillhandahlla eller p annat stt gra Programvaran tillgnglig fr andra n dina anstllda och representanter som direkt berrs av licensierad anvndning av Programvaran. 3.7 Programvaran och annan gandertt r genom copyright skyddad av Xerox och/eller annan tredjepart mot vertrdelse av sdana rttigheter och du kommer att hllas direkt ansvarig i sdant fall. 3.8 Du tar dig ocks att inte framstlla derivat, dekompilera eller backassemblera, oavsett anledning, frutom i de fall som tillts av lagstiftning. 3.9 Du tar dig ocks att inte exportera eller terexportera Programvaran i ngon form utan att frst erhlla alla exportlicenser och i s fall endast tillsammans med export av Utrustningen. 3.10 Xerox kan omedelbart upphva din licens fr Programvaran (i) om du inte lngre anvnder eller ger Utrustningen eller leasar Utrustningen och din leasetagare inte lngre anvnder eller innehar den eller (ii) om avtalet enligt vilket du har hyrt eller leasat Utrustningen upphr att glla. 4. VERFRING AV LICENCIERAD PROGRAMVARA Om du verfr gandertten av Utrustningen, kommer Xerox att erbjuda den nya garen rtt att anvnda Programvaran i Utrustningen i enlighet med Xerox gllande villkor och eventuella licensavgifter och frutsatt att verfringen inte strider mot Xerox rttigheter. 5. BEGRNSAD GARANTI 5.1 Xerox garanterar att Programvaran i allt vsentligt kommer att fungera i verensstmmelse med av Xerox utgivna specifikationer under en period p 90 dagar frn det datum d den levereras eller, i fall av Programvara installeras av Xerox, det datum d Programvaran installeras. Varken Xerox eller dess licensgivare garanterar att Programvaran r felfri, att den kan anvndas utan avbrott eller att den uppfyller dina behov. 5.2 I den hndelse att Programvaran inte r i verensstmmelse med den begrnsade garantin angiven i punkt 5.1 ovan, skall du reklamera felet till Xerox inom nittio (90) dagar frn leveransdatum eller, om Xerox har installerat Programvaran, inom nittio (90) dagar efter installationen. Den exklusiva pfljden och Xerox eller dess leverantrs enda skyldighet r att vidta rimliga tgrder fr att kringg avvikelsen eller fr att tillhandahlla programvara som vsentligen verensstmmer med Xerox anvndarmanual eller annan dokumentation levererad av Xerox. 5.3 XEROX GER INGA ANDRA, UTTRYCKLIGA ELLER UNDERFRSTDDA, GARANTIER FR "PROGRAMVARAN", OAVSETT OM DE UPPSTR P GRUND AV LAG ELLER P ANNAT STT, INKLUDERANDE MEN INTE BEGRNSAT TILL UNDERFRSTDDA GARANTIER FR SLJBARHET OCH ANVNDBARHET FR ETT VISST NDAML. VIDARE FRNSGER SIG XEROX EVENTUELLA GARANTIER ELLER UTFSTELSER SOM HAR GJORTS AV ANDRA PERSONER N BEHRIG XEROX PERSONAL (INKLUSIVE MEN INTE BEGRNSAT TILL XEROX TERFRSLJARE AV PROGRAMVARA, AGENTER, DISTRIBUTR ELLER ANNAN MELLANMAN). 5.4 De uttryckliga garantierna angivna ovan gller inte om Kunden inte anvnder Programvaran p rtt stt och i enlighet med Xerox instruktioner samt i avsedd systemmilj enligt specifikationer i dokumentationen frn Xerox eller om Programvaran ndras p ngot stt. 6. INTRNG I PATENT OCH UPPHOVSRTT Xerox kommer att frsvara och erstta Kunden om Programvaran psts krnka amerikanskt patent, rtt till fretagshemlighet eller upphovsrtt, om Kunden omedelbart skriftligen meddelar Xerox om det pstdda intrnget, lter Xerox handlgga rendet och samarbetar med Xerox. Alla rapporter om intrng skall skickas till Xerox, Office of General Counsel, P.O. Box 1600, Stamford, Connecticut 06904, USA. Xerox ansvarar inte fr ombudskostnad eller andra rttsliga kostnader som inte r hnfrliga till Xerox eller fr uppgrelse om inte Xerox skriftligen har godknt den i frvg. Fr att undvika att intrng freligger, kan Xerox, enligt eget val och utan kostnad fr Kunden, frvrva en licens eller ndra eller erstta Programvaran med likvrdig produkt eller terta Programvaran. Om Programvaran tertas av Xerox av denna anledning, terbetalas eventuella avgifter som specificerats som licensavgift vilka du har betalt. Om ingen del av beloppen, som betalades till Xerox i samband med avtalet genom vilket Programvaran frvrvades av dig var specificerad som licensavgift fr Programvaran, terbetalar Xerox den delen av de betala beloppen som Xerox rimligen kan specificera som tillhrande frvrvet av licensen fr Programvaran. Xerox ansvarar inte fr eventuellt intrng orsakad av ndring eller anpassning av Programvaran (av Xerox eller andra inklusive Kunden) enligt Kundens specifikationer, eller genom anvndning eller frsljning i kombination med utrustning, programvara eller frbrukningsmaterial som inte levererats av Xerox. XEROX GER INGEN ANNAN UTTRYCKLIG ELLER UNDERFRSTDD GARANTI AVSEENDE ATT PROGRAMVARAN INTE GR INTRNG I NGON RTTIGHET OCH HAR INTE HELLER NGOT ANNAT ANSVAR N VAD SOM SGS I DENNA PUNKT FR INTRNG I TREDJE MANS RTTIGHET ELLER DRIGENOM UPPSTTT SKADESTND. 7. ANSVARSBEGRNSNING UNDER INGA OMSTNDIGHETER ANSVARAR XEROX ELLER DESS LEVERANTRER FR FLJDSKADA, UTEBLIVEN VINST ELLER ANNAN INDIREKT FRLUST (INKLUDERANDE MEN INTE BEGRNSAT TILL FRLUST ELLER FRVANSKNING AV DATA) SOM P NGOT STT HAR ORSAKATS AV ELLER R FRKNIPPAD MED ANVNDNING ELLER OANVNDBARHET AV "PROGRAMVARAN". DETTA GLLER VEN OM XEROX INFORMERATS OM MJLIGHETEN AV SDAN SKADA. XEROX ANSVAR R BEGRNSAT TILL DIREKT FRLUSTER TILL ETT BELPOPP SOM HGST UPPGR TILL DEN TOTALA LICENSAVGIFTEN SOM HAR BETALATS AV KUNDEN FR SDAN PROGRAMVARA. 8. UPPSGNING Xerox kan omedelbart upphva din licens fr Programvaran om du inte lngre anvnder eller ger Utrustningen eller leasar Utrustningen och din leasetagare inte lngre anvnder eller innehar den eller om avtalet enligt vilket du har hyrt eller leasat Utrustningen upphr att glla. 9. GLLANDE LAG Fr detta avtal skall lagstiftningen i delstaten New York, USA vara tillmplig, eller, om Programvaran frvrvades utanfr USA, lagstiftningen i landet dr du frvrvade Utrustningen i serien Document Centre fr vilken Programvaran skall anvndas, dock inte detta lands lagstiftning om tillmplig lag. I vissa lnder tillts inte begrnsning av hur lnge en underfrstdd garanti r gllande eller uteslutande eller begrnsning av tillfllig eller fljdskada. I sdant fall berrs inte Kunden av ovanstende friskrivningar eller begrnsningar i den utstrckning tvingande lag uttrycklingen inte inte medger sdan regleringen. 10. FULLSTNDIGT AVTAL Detta programlicensavtal r det fullstndiga avtalet mellan Xerox och Kunden med avseende p licensiering av Programvaran och det erstter alla frslag och tidigare eller samtidiga avtal, utfstelser eller andra verenskommelser mellan parterna avseende Programvaran. Kunden accepterar att licensieringsvillkor som gller denna Programvara och som anges p Kundens inkpsorder eller annat bestllningsdokument, som anvnds vid bestllning av Programvaran, inte har ngon bindande verkan fr Xerox och inte skall ndra detta avtal p ngot stt. Om du inte accepterar avtalsvillkoren nr du har lst dem, returnerar du omedelbart Programvaran oanvnd fr att undvika kontraktskyldigheter och kontraktansvar. Du har d rtt till terbetalning av eventuella belopp du har betalat fr licensiering av Programvaran. ====================================================================== LICENSE AGREEMENT AND WARRANTY FOR THE ENCLOSED SOFTWARE AND RELATED DOCUMENTATION YOUR LICENSE AGREEMENT - READ BEFORE INSTALLING SOFTWARE IMPORTANT: THIS AGREEMENT CONTAINS THE LICENSE TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR LICENSED SOFTWARE AND RELATED DOCUMENTATION. INSTALLING THE SOFTWARE PACKAGE SIGNIFIES YOUR ACCEPTANCE OF THIS AGREEMENT. IF YOU DO NOT ACCEPT THIS AGREEMENT, YOU MUST PROMPTLY RETURN THE SOFTWARE PACKAGE AND DELETE ANY SOFTWARE FILES ACCESSED BY YOU FROM ANY AND ALL COMPUTER MEMORY INTO WHICH SUCH SOFTWARE HAS BEEN LOADED OR STORED. WHEN USED IN THIS AGREEMENT THE WORD "XEROX" SHALL MEAN XEROX CORPORATION, ITS OPERATING COMPANY SUBSIDIARY OR AFFILIATE FROM WHICH YOU OBTAINED THE INDIVIDUAL UNIT OF THE XEROX DOCUMENT CENTRE SYSTEM EQUIPMENT (the "Equipment") WITH WHICH THE SOFTWARE IS TO BE USED, UNLESS YOU OBTAINED THE EQUIPMENT FROM AN AUTHORIZED DEALER, AGENT, CONCESSIONAIRE OR DISTRIBUTOR, IN WHICH CASE "XEROX" SHALL MEAN XEROX CORPORATION, ITS OPERATING COMPANY, SUBSIDIARY OR AFFILIATE FROM WHICH THE ENTITY THAT SOLD YOU THE EQUIPMENT ACQUIRED IT. 1. GRANT OF LICENSE Xerox hereby grants you a non-exclusive, non-transferable license to use the software and related documentation ("Software") enclosed in this package with the Equipment, for as long as you are current in the payment of any indicated software license fees (including any annual renewal or maintenance fees) on the following terms and conditions. 2. USE You may install the Software for use on any networked workstation or server only in conjunction with the Equipment. When networked, other users on the network may access and use the Software in conjunction with the Equipment. 3. OWNERSHIP, COPYING, MODIFICATION AND CONFIDENTIALITY 3.1 Xerox owns or is otherwise entitled to grant licenses in respect of all rights in the Software. 3.2 No title to or ownership of the Software or any proprietary right therein is transferred to you. 3.3 You may, subject to Section 3.4 below, make one copy of the Software in whole or in part only for that purpose expressly permitted in Section 2 above and for back-up. Such permitted copy shall include in readable format any copyright and other proprietary notices contained on the original Software. 3.4 You may copy the related documentation for use only in conjunction with the Equipment. 3.5 You may not distribute, alter or modify nor cause or allow others to alter or modify the Software. 3.6 You agree not to provide or otherwise make available the Software to anyone other than your employees and agents directly concerned with the licensed use of the Software. 3.7 The Software is protected by copyright and other proprietary rights of Xerox and/or a third party. You may be held directly responsible by such third party for an infringement of such rights by you. 3.8 You agree not to reverse engineer, decompile or disassemble the Software for any purpose whatsoever, except to the extent permitted by law. 3.9 You agree not to export or re-export the Software in any form without, in the case of a customer in the United States, first obtaining all United States government licenses, and in the case of a customer outside of the United States, all relevant foreign government licenses, required by law, and then only upon the export of the Equipment. 3.10 Xerox may terminate your license for the Software (i) immediately if you no longer use or possess the Equipment or are a lessor of the Equipment and your first lessee no longer uses or possesses it or (ii) upon the termination of any agreement under which you have rented or leased the Equipment. 4. TRANSFER OF LICENSED SOFTWARE If you transfer possession of the Equipment, Xerox will offer the transferee a license to use the Software on or with it, subject to Xerox' then applicable terms and license fees, if any, and provided the transfer is not in violation of Xerox' rights. 5. LIMITED WARRANTY 5.1 Xerox warrants that the Software shall substantially conform to Xerox' User Manual or other Xerox documentation supplied at delivery to the original Customer. Xerox does not warrant that the operation of the Software will be uninterrupted or error free, nor that it will meet your needs. 5.2 In the event that the Software does not conform to the limited warranty contained in Section 5.1 above, your exclusive remedy is to notify Xerox within ninety (90) days of the date of delivery, and Xerox' or its supplier's sole obligation shall be to use all reasonable efforts to provide a work-around which avoids the nonconformity or to provide you with Software which does substantially conform to the Xerox User Manual or other Xerox supplied documentation. 5.3 XEROX GRANTS NO OTHER WARRANTIES ON THE "SOFTWARE", EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, WHETHER CREATED BY STATUTE OR OTHERWISE, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. XEROX FURTHER DISCLAIMS ANY WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS MADE BY PERSONS OTHER THAN XEROX (INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO XEROX SOFTWARE DEALERS, AGENTS, CONCESSIONAIRES OR DISTRIBUTORS). 5.4 The express warranties set forth above shall be void if you fail to properly use the Software in the appropriate environment as specified in the Xerox supplied documentation or if the Software is modified or altered in any fashion. 6. PATENT AND COPYRIGHT INDEMNIFICATION Xerox will defend and indemnify you if the Software is alleged to infringe, in the United States, any patent, trade secret, or copyright, if you promptly notify Xerox in writing of any alleged infringement, allow Xerox to direct the defense of such claim, and cooperate with Xerox. All notices should be sent to the Xerox Office of General Counsel, P.O. Box 1600, Stamford, Connecticut 06904. Xerox is not responsible for any non-Xerox litigation expenses or settlements unless Xerox pre-approves them in writing. To avoid infringement, Xerox may, at its option, and at no charge to you, obtain a license, or modify, or substitute an equivalent of, or remove the Software. If Software is removed by Xerox for this reason, any designated license fees paid by you will be fully refunded; if no portion of the amounts paid to Xerox within the transaction in which the Software was acquired was designated as a license fee for the Software, Xerox shall refund that portion of the amounts paid that Xerox reasonably designates as associated with the Software's acquisition. Xerox is not liable for any infringement due to the Software being made or modified (by Xerox or others, including you) to your specifications, or being used or sold in combination with equipment, software, or supplies not provided by Xerox. XEROX MAKES NO OTHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTY OF NON-INFRINGEMENT OR LIABILITY FOR INFRINGEMENT OR ANY DAMAGES THEREFROM. 7. LIMITATION OF LIABILITY IN NO EVENT SHALL XEROX OR ITS SUPPLIERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, (INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, LOSS OF DATA) IN ANY WAY ARISING OUT OF OR RELATED TO THE USE OR INABILITY TO USE THE "SOFTWARE", EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. IN NO EVENT SHALL XEROX' DIRECT DAMAGES TO YOU EXCEED THE TOTAL LICENSE FEE ACTUALLY PAID BY YOU FOR SUCH SOFTWARE. 8. TERMINATION Xerox may terminate this license immediately upon notice in the event of a material breach by you or if you no longer use or possess the equipment with which this Software is intended to be used, in which event you shall return to Xerox all copies of the Software, and remove same from all equipment into which such Software may have been loaded by you. 9. GOVERNING LAW This agreement will be governed by the laws of the State of New York, USA or if you acquire the Software outside the USA, by the laws of the country in which you acquired the Document Centre System Equipment with which this software is to be used, excluding its conflict of laws provisions. Some jurisdictions do not allow limitations on how long an implied warranty lasts or the exclusion or limitation of incidental or consequential damages, so the above disclaimers, limitations or exclusions, in whole or in part, may not apply to you. 10. ENTIRE AGREEMENT This Software License Agreement is the entire agreement between Xerox and you pertaining to the Software and supersedes all proposals or prior and contemporaneous agreements or understandings of the parties regarding the Software. You agree that any terms and conditions contained in any purchase order or other ordering document submitted to order the Software shall have no binding effect on Xerox and will not modify this Agreement in any way. If, after reading the terms and conditions, they are unacceptable to you, then, to avoid contractual obligations and liability, you should promptly return the software unused, and you will then be entitled to a refund of any sums paid by you to license the Software. you are current in the payment of any indicated software license fees (including any annual renewal or maintenance fees) on the following terms and conditions. 2. USE You may install the Software for use on any networked workstation or server only in conjunction with the Equipment. When networked, other users on the network may access and use the Software in conjunction with the Equipment. 3. OWNERSHIP, COPYING, MODIFICATION AND CONFIDENTIALITY 3.1 Xerox owns or is otherwise en"16" = "Il volume non possiede i requisiti necessari per realizzare questo aggiornamento."; "17" = "Spazio insufficiente per l'aggiornamento. Sono necessari 300MB."; "18" = "Questo pacchetto funziona solo con Mac OS X, versione 10.2 o successiva."; ation for use only in conjunction with the Equipment. 3.5 You may not distribute, alter or modify nor cause or allow others to alter or modify the Software. 3.6 You agree not to provide or otherwise make available the Software to anyone other than your employees and agents directly concerned with the licensed use of the Software. 3.7 The Software is protected by copyright and other proprietary rights of Xerox and/or a third party. You may be held directly responsible by such third party for an infringement of such rights by you. 3.8 You agree not to reverse engineer, decompile or disassemble the Software for any purpose whatsoever, except to the extent permitted by law. 3.9 You agree not to export or re-export the Software in any form without, in the case of a customer in the United States, first obtaining all United States government licenses, and in the case of a customer outside of the United States, all relevant foreign government licenses, required by law, and then only upon the export of the Equipment. 3.10 Xerox may terminate your license for the Software (i) immediately if you no longer use or possess the Equipment or are a lessor of the Equipment and your first lessee no longer uses or possesses it or (ii) upon the termination of any agreement under which you have rented or leased the Equipment. 4. TRANSFER OF LICENSED SOFTWARE If you transfer possession of the Equipment, Xerox will offer the transferee a license to use the Software on or with it, subject to Xerox' then applicable terms and license fees, if any, and provided the transfer is not in violation of Xerox' rights. 5. LIMITED WARRANTY 5.1 Xerox warrants that the Software shall substantially conform to Xerox' User Manual or other Xerox documentation supplied at delivery to the original Customer. Xerox does not warrant that the operation of the Software will be uninterrupted or error free, nor that it will meet your needs. 5.2 In the event that the Software does not conform to the limited warranty contained in Section 5.1 above, your exclusive remedy is to notify Xerox within ninety (90) days of the date of delivery, and Xerox' or its supplier's sole obligation shall be to use all reasonable efforts to provide a work-around which avoids the nonconformity or to provide you with Software which does substantially conform to the Xerox User Manual or other Xerox supplied documentation. 5.3 XEROX GRANTS NO OTHER WARRANTIES ON THE "SOFTWARE", EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, WHETHER CREATED BY STATUTE OR OTHERWISE, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. XEROX FURTHER DISCLAIMS ANY WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS MADE BY PERSONS OTHER THAN XEROX (INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO XEROX SOFTWARE DEALERS, AGENTS, CONCESSIONAIRES OR DISTRIBUTORS). 5.4 The express warranties set forth above shall be void if you fail to properly use the Software in the appropriate environment as specified in the Xerox supplied documentation or if the Software is modified or altered in any fashion. 6. PATENT AND COPYRIGHT INDEMNIFICATION Xerox will defend and indemnify you if the Software is alleged to infringe, in the United States, any patent, trade secret, or copyright, if you promptly notify Xerox in writing of any alleged infringement, allow Xerox to direct the defense of such claim, and cooperate with Xerox. All notices should be sent to the Xerox Office of General Counsel, P.O. Box 1600, Stamford, Connecticut 06904. Xerox is not responsible for any non-Xerox litigation expensesLa traduzione del presente contratto di licenza viene fornita da Xerox Europe e non vincolante ai sensi della legge. Il testo in inglese, posto dopo la traduzione, ha valore legale. ================================================================== CONTRATTO DI LICENZA E GARANZIA PER IL SOFTWARE INCLUSO E LA RELATIVA DOCUMENTAZIONE CONTRATTO DI LICENZA - DA LEGGERE PRIMA DI INSTALLARE IL SOFTWARE IMPORTANTE: QUESTO CONTRATTO DI LICENZA CONTIENE I TERMINI E LE CONDIZIONI DEL SOFTWARE DATO IN LICENZA E DELLA RELATIVA DOCUMENTAZIONE. L'INSTALLAZIONE DEL PACCHETTO SOFTWARE IMPLICA L'ACCETTAZIONE DEI TERMINI DI QUESTO CONTRATTO. QUALORA NON INTENDA ACCETTARE I TERMINI DI QUESTO CONTRATTO, IL CLIENTE TENUTO A RESTITUIRE IMMEDIATAMENTE AL FORNITORE IL PACCHETTO E A CANCELLARE TUTTI I FILE DEL SOFTWARE CARICATI O INSTALLATI SUI PROPRI COMPUTER. ALL'INTERNO DI QUESTO DOCUMENTO, "XEROX" RAPPRESENTA LA XEROX CORPORATION, LA CONSOCIATA O LA FILIALE TRAMITE LA QUALE IL CLIENTE HA OTTENUTO LA SINGOLA UNIT DELL'APPARECCHIATURA XEROX ("l'Apparecchiatura") SULLA QUALE IL SOFTWARE DEVE ESSERE UTILIZZATO, A MENO CHE L'APPARECCHIATURA NON SIA STATA OTTENUTA DA UN RIVENDITORE, AGENTE, CONCESSIONARIO O DISTRIBUTORE, NEL QUAL CASO "XEROX" RAPPRESENTA LA XEROX CORPORATION, LA CONSOCIATA O LA FILIALE PRESSO LA QUALE IL FORNITORE HA ACQUISTATO L'APPARECCHIATURA. 1. CONCESSIONE DELLA LICENZA Con il presente contratto, la Xerox concede all'utente una licenza personale non esclusiva per l'utilizzo del software e della relativa documentazione (il "Software") di questo pacchetto con l'Apparecchiatura, a condizione che siano state corrisposte le quote indicate dal presente contratto di licenza (comprese le spese annuali di rinnovamento e di manutenzione). 2. USO Il Software pu essere installato su qualsiasi computer o server della rete a condizione che venga utilizzato con l'Apparecchiatura. Se installato in una rete, tutti gli utenti della medesima possono accedere al software e utilizzarlo mediante l'Apparecchiatura. 3. PROPRIET, COPIA, MODIFICA E RISERVATEZZA 3.1 La Xerox detiene il possesso del Software o ha comunque la facolt di concedere le licenze relative a tutti i suoi diritti. 3.2 Al Cliente non vengono trasferiti n la propriet del Software, n alcun diritto relativo a tale propriet. 3.3 Il Cliente autorizzato a copiare parzialmente o interamente il Software, tenendo conto di quanto indicato al paragrafo 3.4, solo per le finalit espressamente indicate nella sezione 2 e a scopo di backup. Ogni copia deve includere in formato leggibile tutte le informazioni di copyright e propriet contenute nel Software originale. 3.4 Il Cliente pu copiare la documentazione del Software unicamente per utilizzarla congiuntamente all'Apparecchiatura. 3.5 Il Cliente non pu distribuire, alterare o modificare il Software, n personalmente n per mezzo di terzi. 3.6 Il Cliente si impegna a fornire o rendere disponibile il Software esclusivamente ai suoi dipendenti e agli agenti direttamente interessati dalla licenza d'uso del Software. 3.7 Il Software protetto dalle leggi sul copyright e da altri diritti di propriet della Xerox e/o di una terza parte. Tale parte pu ritenere il Cliente direttamente responsabile delle violazioni di questi diritti. 3.8 Il Cliente si impegna a non retroingegnerizzare, decompilare o disassemblare il Software per nessun motivo, ad eccezione dei casi consentiti dalla legge. 3.9 Il Cliente si impegna a non esportare o riesportare il Software in qualunque forma senza prima ottenere tutte le licenze previste dalla legge degli Stati Uniti e dei paesi stranieri in oggetto, e senza l'esportazione contestuale dell'Apparecchiatura. 3.10 La Xerox ha il diritto di revocare la licenza del software (i) immediatamente se il Cliente non possiede o non utilizza pi l'Apparecchiatura o, nel caso in cui il Cliente funga da locatore, se il principale locatario non possiede o non utilizza pi l'Apparecchiatura oppure (ii) allo scadere dell'accordo in base al quale il Cliente ha noleggiato o acquisito il locazione l'Apparecchiatura. 4. TRASFERIMENTO DELLA LICENZA DEL SOFTWARE Se il cliente trasferisce l'Apparecchiatura, la Xerox offre al cessionario la licenza di utilizzo del Software in base ai termini e alle quote da corrispondere previste in quel momento dalla Xerox e a condizione che il trasferimento dell'Apparecchiatura non costituisca una violazione dei diritti della Xerox. 5. GARANZIA LIMITATA 5.1 La Xerox garantisce che il Software funzioner in sostanziale conformit con la guida per l'utente e la documentazione di altro tipo fornita al Cliente originario. La Xerox non garantisce che il Software funzioner in maniera ininterrotta o priva di errori, n che il Software sar in grado di soddisfare le esigenze del Cliente. 5.2 Nel caso in cui il Software non risulti conforme alla garanzia limitata di cui al paragrafo 5.1, il Cliente ha la facolt di restituire il Software alla Xerox entro novanta (90) giorni dalla data di consegna. La Xerox e i suoi fornitori, da parte loro, avranno unicamente l'obbligo di impegnarsi in modo ragionevole a ovviare alla non conformit oppure di sostituire il Software con un Software idoneo. 5.3 LA XEROX NON FORNISCE ALTRE GARANZIE RELATIVE AL "SOFTWARE", ESPLICITE O IMPLICITE, STABILITE PER LEGGE O ALTRIMENTI, COMPRESE, SENZA LIMITAZIONE, LE GARANZIE IMPLICITE DI COMMERCIABILIT E IDONEIT A SCOPI PARTICOLARI. LA XEROX NON RICONOSCE LE GARANZIE O LE DICHIARAZIONI RESE DA SOGGETTI DIVERSI DALLA XEROX (COMPRESI, A TITOLO ESEMPLIFICATIVO MA NON LIMITATIVO, I RIVENDITORI, GLI AGENTI, I CONCESSIONARI E I DISTRIBUTORI). 5.4 Le garanzie esplicite sopra indicate sono da ritenersi nulle nel caso in cui il Cliente non utilizzi il Software in maniera appropriata e in un ambiente adeguato, secondo quanto specificato nella documentazione fornita dalla Xerox, o qualora il Software fosse stato modificato o alterato. 6. VIOLAZIONE DI BREVETTI E COPYRIGHT La Xerox si impegna a difendere il Cliente, nonch a sostenere le necessarie spese di giudizio, nel caso in cui il Software violi brevetti, segreti commerciali o copyright negli Stati Uniti. Per poter godere di tale beneficio, il Cliente tenuto a notificare sollecitamente e per iscritto alla Xerox le eventuali violazioni di cui a conoscenza e deve inoltre consentire alla Xerox di assumere la sua difesa e prestare la propria collaborazione. Le notifiche vanno indirizzate a: Xerox Office of General Counsel, P.O. Box 1600, Stamford, Connecticut 06904, USA. La Xerox non responsabile di spese legali o indennizzi che non riguardino i suoi prodotti, a meno che non acconsenta a farsene carico per iscritto. Per evitare di incorrere nelle suddette violazioni, anche in via preventiva, la Xerox ha la facolt, a sua discrezione e senza spese per il Cliente, di ottenere una licenza, modificare, sostituire o farsi restituire il Software. In caso di restituzione del Software, il Cliente avr diritto al pieno rimborso delle quote di licenza versate; se nessuna porzione delle spese associate alla transazione di acquisizione del Software era stata designata come quota di licenza per il Software, la Xerox rimborser la porzione di spese che ritiene ragionevolmente associata all'acquisizione del Software. La Xerox declina ogni responsabilit nel caso in cui il Software sia stato creato o modificato (dalla Xerox stessa o da altri, compreso il Cliente) in base alle specifiche del Cliente, oppure sia stato utilizzato o venduto in combinazione con apparecchiature, programmi o prodotti non forniti dalla Xerox. LA XEROX NON FORNISCE ALTRE GARANZIE ESPLICITE O IMPLICITE DI NON VIOLAZIONE E DECLINA OGNI RESPONSABILIT IN CASO DI VIOLAZIONE O PER DANNI CONSEGUENTI. 7. LIMITAZIONE DELLA RESPONSABILIT IN NESSUN CASO LA XEROX E I SUOI FORNITORI SARANNO RESPONSABILI DEI DANNI SPECIALI, INDIRETTI, ACCIDENTALI O CONSEQUENZIALI (COMPRESA, AD ESEMPIO, LA PERDITA DI DATI) DERIVANTI DALL'USO DEL SOFTWARE O DALL'INCAPACIT DI UTILIZZARLO, ANCHE NEL CASO IN CUI SIANO STATI AVVERTITI DELLA POSSIBILIT DI TALI DANNI. LA RESPONSABILIT TOTALE DELLA XEROX PER I DANNI DIRETTI SUBITI DAL CLIENTE, INOLTRE, NON PU IN ALCUN CASO SUPERARE LA QUOTA DI LICENZA EFFETTIVAMENTE PAGATA DAL CLIENTE PER IL SOFTWARE. 8. REVOCA La Xerox ha la facolt di revocare immediatamente la presente licenza in caso di violazione sostanziale del Contratto da parte del Cliente, o nel caso in cui il Cliente non utilizzi o non possieda pi l'Apparecchiatura su cui Software deve essere utilizzato. In questo caso, il Cliente tenuto a restituire alla Xerox tutte le copie del Software e rimuovere lo stesso dagli eventuali dispositivi in cui il Software stato caricato. 9. LEGGE APPLICABILE Il presente Contratto regolato dalle leggi dello Stato di New York, USA oppure, se il Software stato acquisito al di fuori degli Stati Uniti, dalle leggi del paese in cui stata acquistata l'Apparecchiatura. Sono esclusi gli eventuali conflitti con le norme di legge. Alcune giurisdizioni non contemplano limitazioni sulla durata delle garanzie implicite o sulla declinazione di responsabilit per i danni incidentali o consequenziali. Di conseguenza, la limitazione o la declinazione di responsabilit di cui sopra pu non riguardare, parzialmente o totalmente, il Cliente. 10. APPLICABILIT DEL CONTRATTO Il presente Contratto rappresenta l'unica forma di accordo tra la Xerox e il Cliente in relazione all'uso del Software e sostituisce tutte le proposte, le intese e gli accordi precedenti o contemporanei. Il Cliente riconosce che i termini e le condizioni contenuti negli ordini d'acquisto o in documenti di ordinazione di altro tipo non sono da ritenersi vincolanti nei confronti della Xerox e non modificano il Contratto in alcun modo. Se giudica inaccettabili i termini e le condizioni del presente contratto, il Cliente tenuto, al fine di evitare obbligazioni contrattuali e responsabilit, a restituire prontamente il software intatto. In caso di restituzione del Software, il Cliente avr diritto al pieno rimborso delle quote di licenza versate. ====================================================================== LICENSE AGREEMENT AND WARRANTY FOR THE ENCLOSED SOFTWARE AND RELATED DOCUMENTATION YOUR LICENSE AGREEMENT - READ BEFORE INSTALLING SOFTWARE IMPORTANT: THIS AGREEMENT CONTAINS THE LICENSE TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR LICENSED SOFTWARE AND RELATED DOCUMENTATION. INSTALLING THE SOFTWARE PACKAGE SIGNIFIES YOUR ACCEPTANCE OF THIS AGREEMENT. IF YOU DO NOT ACCEPT THIS AGREEMENT, YOU MUST PROMPTLY RETURN THE SOFTWARE PACKAGE AND DELETE ANY SOFTWARE FILES ACCESSED BY YOU FROM ANY AND ALL COMPUTER MEMORY INTO WHICH SUCH SOFTWARE HAS BEEN LOADED OR STORED. WHEN USED IN THIS AGREEMENT THE WORD "XEROX" SHALL MEAN XEROX CORPORATION, ITS OPERATING COMPANY SUBSIDIARY OR AFFILIATE FROM WHICH YOU OBTAINED THE XEROX PRODUCT WITH WHICH THE SOFTWARE IS TO BE USED (the "Equipment"), UNLESS YOU OBTAINED THE EQUIPMENT FROM AN AUTHORIZED DEALER, AGENT, CONCESSIONAIRE OR DISTRIBUTOR, IN WHICH CASE "XEROX" SHALL MEAN XEROX CORPORATION, ITS OPERATING COMPANY, SUBSIDIARY OR AFFILIATE FROM WHICH THE ENTITY THAT SOLD YOU THE EQUIPMENT ACQUIRED IT. 1. GRANT OF LICENSE Xerox hereby grants you a non-exclusive, non-transferable license to use the software and related documentation ("Software") enclosed in this package with the Equipment, for as long as you are current in the payment of any indicated software license fees (including any annual renewal or maintenance fees) on the following terms and conditions. 2. USE You may install the Software for use on any networked workstation or server only in conjunction with the Equipment. When networked, other users on the network may access and use the Software in conjunction with the Equipment. 3. OWNERSHIP, COPYING, MODIFICATION AND CONFIDENTIALITY 3.1 Xerox owns or is otherwise entitled to grant licenses in respect of all rights in the Software. 3.2 No title to or ownership of the Software or any proprietary right therein is transferred to you. 3.3 You may, subject to Section 3.4 below, make one copy of the Software in whole or in part only for that purpose expressly permitted in Section 2 above and for back-up. Such permitted copy shall include in readable format any copyright and other proprietary notices contained on the original Software. 3.4 You may copy the related documentation for use only in conjunction with the Equipment. 3.5 You may not distribute, alter or modify nor cause or allow others to alter or modify the Software. 3.6 You agree not to provide or otherwise make available the Software to anyone other than your employees and agents directly concerned with the licensed use of the Software. 3.7 The Software is protected by copyright and other proprietary rights of Xerox and/or a third party. You may be held directly responsible by such third party for an infringement of such rights by you. 3.8 You agree not to reverse engineer, decompile or disassemble the Software for any purpose whatsoever, except to the extent permitted by law. 3.9 You agree not to export or re-export the Software in any form without, in the case of a customer in the United States, first obtaining all United States government licenses, and in the case of a customer outside of the United States, all relevant foreign government licenses, required by law, and then only upon the export of the Equipment. 3.10 Xerox may terminate your license for the Software (i) immediately if you no longer use or possess the Equipment or are a lessor of the Equipment and your first lessee no longer uses or possesses it or (ii) upon the termination of any agreement under which you have rented or leased the Equipment. 4. TRANSFER OF LICENSED SOFTWARE If you transfer possession of the Equipment, Xerox will offer the transferee a license to use the Software on or with it, subject to Xerox' then applicable terms and license fees, if any, and provided the transfer is not in violation of Xerox' rights. 5. LIMITED WARRANTY 5.1 Xerox warrants that the Software shall substantially conform to Xerox' User Manual or other Xerox documentation supplied at delivery to the original Customer. Xerox does not warrant that the operation of the Software will be uninterrupted or error free, nor that it will meet your needs. 5.2 In the event that the Software does not conform to the limited warranty contained in Section 5.1 above, your exclusive remedy is to notify Xerox within ninety (90) days of the date of delivery, and Xerox' or its supplier's sole obligation shall be to use all reasonable efforts to provide a work-around which avoids the nonconformity or to provide you with Software which does substantially conform to the Xerox User Manual or other Xerox supplied documentation. 5.3 XEROX GRANTS NO OTHER WARRANTIES ON THE "SOFTWARE", EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, WHETHER CREATED BY STATUTE OR OTHERWISE, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. XEROX FURTHER DISCLAIMS ANY WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS MADE BY PERSONS OTHER THAN XEROX (INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO XEROX SOFTWARE DEALERS, AGENTS, CONCESSIONAIRES OR DISTRIBUTORS). 5.4 The express warranties set forth above shall be void if you fail to properly use the Software in the appropriate environment as specified in the Xerox supplied documentation or if the Software is modified or altered in any fashion. 6. PATENT AND COPYRIGHT INDEMNIFICATION Xerox will defend and indemnify you if the Software is alleged to infringe, in the United States, any patent, trade secret, or copyright, if you promptly notify Xerox in writing of any alleged infringement, allow Xerox to direct the defense of such claim, and cooperate with Xerox. All notices should be sent to the Xerox Office of General Counsel, P.O. Box 1600, Stamford, Connecticut 06904. Xerox is not responsible for any non-Xerox litigation expenses or settlements unless Xerox pre-approves them in writing. To avoid infringement, Xerox may, at its option, and at no charge to you, obtain a license, or modify, or substitute an equivalent of, or remove the Software. If Software is removed by Xerox for this reason, any designated license fees paid by you will be fully refunded; if no portion of the amounts paid to Xerox within the transaction in which the Software was acquired was designated as a license fee for the Software, Xerox shall refund that portion of the amounts paid that Xerox reasonably designates as associated with the Software's acquisition. Xerox is not liable for any infringement due to the Software being made or modified (by Xerox or others, including you) to your specifications, or being used or sold in combination with equipment, software, or supplies not provided by Xerox. XEROX MAKES NO OTHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTY OF NON-INFRINGEMENT OR LIABILITY FOR INFRINGEMENT OR ANY DAMAGES THEREFROM. 7. LIMITATION OF LIABILITY IN NO EVENT SHALL XEROX OR ITS SUPPLIERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, (INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, LOSS OF DATA) IN ANY WAY ARISING OUT OF OR RELATED TO THE USE OR INABILITY TO USE THE "SOFTWARE", EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. IN NO EVENT SHALL XEROX' DIRECT DAMAGES TO YOU EXCEED THE TOTAL LICENSE FEE ACTUALLY PAID BY YOU FOR SUCH SOFTWARE. 8. TERMINATION Xerox may terminate this license immediately upon notice in the event of a material breach by you or if you no longer use or possess the equipment with which this Software is intended to be used, in which event you shall return to Xerox all copies of the Software, and remove same from all equipment into which such Software may have been loaded by you. 9. GOVERNING LAW This agreement will be governed by the laws of the State of New York, USA or if you acquire the Software outside the USA, by the laws of the country in which you acquired the Equipment, excluding its conflict of laws provisions. Some jurisdictions do not allow limitations on how long an implied warranty lasts or the exclusion or limitation of incidental or consequential damages, so the above disclaimers, limitations or exclusions, in whole or in part, may not apply to you. 10. ENTIRE AGREEMENT This Software License Agreement is the entire agreement between Xerox and you pertaining to the Software and supersedes all proposals or prior and contemporaneous agreements or understandings of the parties regarding the Software. You agree that any terms and conditions contained in any purchase order or other ordering document submitted to order the Software shall have no binding effect on Xerox and will not modify this Agreement in any way. If, after reading the terms and conditions, they are unacceptable to you, then, to avoid contractual obligations and liability, you should promptly return the software unused, and you will then be entitled to a refund of any sums paid by you to license the Software. cenza per il Software, la Xerox rimborser la porzione di spese che ritiene ragionevolmente associata all'acquisizione del Software. La Xerox declina ogni responsabilit nel caso in cui il Software sia stato creato o modificato (dalla Xerox stessa o da altri, compreso il Cliente) in base alle specifiche del Cliente, oppure sia stato utilizzato o venduto in combinazione con apparecchiature, programmi o prodotti non forniti dalla Xerox. LA XEROX NON FORNISCE ALTRE GARANZIE ESPLICITE O IMPLICITE DI NON VIOLAZIONE E DECLINA OGNI RESPONSABILIT IN CASO DI VIOLAZIONE O PER DANNI CONSEGUENTI. 7. LIMITAZIONE DELLA RESPONSABILIT IN NESSUN CASO LA XEROX E I SUOI FORNITORI SARANNO RESPONSABILI DEI DANNI SPECIALI, INDIRETTI, ACCIDENTALI O CONSEQUENZIALI (COMPRESA, AD ESEMPIO, LA PERDITA DI DATI) DERIVANTI DALL'USO DEL SOFTWARE O DALL'INCAPACIT DI UTILIZZARLO, ANCHE NEL CASO IN CUI SIANO STATI AVVERTITI DELLA POSSIBILIT DI TALI DANNI. LA RESPONSABILIT TOTALE DELLA XEROX PER I DANNI DIRETTI SUBITI DAL CL"16" = "Enheden kan ikke bruges til denne opdatering."; "17" = "Der er ikke plads nok til opdateringen. Der krves 300 MB ledig plads."; "18" = "Denne pakke kan kun afvikles p Mac OS X version 10.2 eller en nyere version."; o dagli eventuali dispositivi in cui il Software stato caricato. 9. LEGGE APPLICABILE Il presente Contratto regolato dalle leggi dello Stato di New York, USA oppure, se il Software stato acquisito al di fuori degli Stati Uniti, dalle leggi del paese in cui stata acquistata l'Apparecchiatura. Sono esclusi gli eventuali conflitti con le norme di legge. Alcune giurisdizioni non contemplano limitazioni sulla durata delle garanzie implicite o sulla declinazione di responsabilit per i danni incidentali o consequenziali. Di conseguenza, la limitazione o la declinazione di responsabilit di cui sopra pu non riguardare, parzialmente o totalmente, il Cliente. 10. APPLICABILIT DEL CONTRATTO Il presente Contratto rappresenta l'unica forma di accordo tra la Xerox e il Cliente in relazione all'uso del Software e sostituisce tutte le proposte, le intese e gli accordi precedenti o contemporanei. Il Cliente riconosce che i termini e le condizioni contenuti negli ordini d'acquisto o in documenti di ordinazione di altro tipo non sono da ritenersi vincolanti nei confronti della Xerox e non modificano il Contratto in alcun modo. Se giudica inaccettabili i termini e le condizioni del presente contratto, il Cliente tenuto, al fine di evitare obbligazioni contrattuali e responsabilit, a restituire prontamente il software intatto. In caso di restituzione del Software, il Cliente avr diritto al pieno rimborso delle quote di licenza versate. ====================================================================== LICENSE AGREEMENT AND WARRANTY FOR THE ENCLOSED SOFTWARE AND RELATED DOCUMENTATION YOUR LICENSE AGREEMENT - READ BEFORE INSTALLING SOFTWARE IMPORTANT: THIS AGREEMENT CONTAINS THE LICENSE TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR LICENSED SOFTWARE AND RELATED DOCUMENTATION. INSTALLING THE SOFTWARE PACKAGE SIGNIFIES YOUR ACCEPTANCE OF THIS AGREEMENT. IF YOU DO NOT ACCEPT THIS AGREEMENT, YOU MUST PROMPTLY RETURN THE SOFTWARE PACKAGE AND DELETE ANY SOFTWARE FILES ACCESSED BY YOU FROM ANY AND ALL COMPUTER MEMORY INTO WHICH SUCH SOFTWARE HAS BEEN LOADED OR STORED. WHEN USED IN THIS AGREEMENT THE WORD "XEROX" SHALL MEAN XEROX CORPORATION, ITS OPERATING COMPANY SUBSIDIARY OR AFFILIATE FROM WHICH YOU OBTAINED THE XEROX PRODUCT WITH WHICH THE SOFTWARE IS TO BE USED (the "Equipment"), UNLESS YOU OBTAINED THE EQUIPMENT FROM AN AUTHORIZED DEALER, AGENT, CONCESSIONAIRE OR DISTRIBUTOR, IN WHICH CASE "XEROX" SHALL MEAN XEROX CORPORATION, ITS OPERATING COMPANY, SUBSIDIARY OR AFFILIATE FROM WHICH THE ENTITY THAT SOLD YOU THE EQUIPMENT ACQUIRED IT. 1. GRANT OF LICENSE Xerox hereby grants you a non-exclusive, non-transferable license to use the software and related documentation ("Software") enclosed in this package with the Equipment, for as long as you are current in the payment of any indicated software license fees (including any annual renewal or maintenance fees) on the following terms and conditions. 2. USE You may install the Software for use on any networked workstation or server only in conjunction with the Equipment. When networked, other users on the network may access and use the Software in conjunction with the Equipment. 3. OWNERSHIP, COPYING, MODIFICATION AND CONFIDENTIALITY 3.1 Xerox owns or is otherwise entitled to grant licenses in respect of all rights in the Software. 3.2 No title to or ownership of the Software or any proprietary right therein is transferred to you. 3.3 You may, subject to Section 3.4 below, make one copy of tOversttelsen af denne licensaftale er leveret af Xerox Europe og er ikke juridisk bindende. Den engelske tekst, der flger efter den oversatte tekst, er juridisk bindende. ====================================================================== LICENSAFTALE OG GARANTI FOR VEDLAGTE SOFTWARE OG TILHRENDE DOKUMENTATION LS DENNE LICENSAFTALE, FR PAKKEN MED CENTREWARE-SOFTWARE BNES. VIGTIGT: DENNE AFTALE INDEHOLDER LICENSBETINGELSER OG -VILKR FOR LICENSSOFTWAREN OG DEN TILHRENDE DOKUMENTATION. HVIS PAKKEN BNES, TILKENDEGIVER DE, AT DE ACCEPTERER AFTALENS BETINGELSER. HVIS DE IKKE KAN ACCEPTERE EN ELLER FLERE AF AFTALENS BETINGELSER, BEDES DE RETURNERE LICENSPAKKEN MED SOFTWARE UBNET TIL LEVERANDREN, SAMT SLETTE ALLE SOFTWAREFILER, SOM DE HAR HAFT ADGANG TIL FRA EN HVILKEN SOM HELST COMPUTERHUKOMMELSE, HVORTIL DEN PGLDENDE SOFTWARE ER BLEVET INDLST ELLER GEMT. NR ORDET "XEROX" ANVENDES I DENNE AFTALE, ER DET I BETYDNINGEN XEROX CORPORATION, ELLER DET XEROX-DATTERSELSKAB, HVORFRA XEROX DOCUMENT CENTRE-UDSTYRET ("Udstyret"), HVOR SOFTWAREN SKAL INSTALLERES, ER KBT, MEDMINDRE UDSTYRET ER KBT HOS EN AUTORISERET FORHANDLER, AGENT ELLER DISTRIBUTR. NR ORDET "XEROX" ANVENDES I SIDSTNVNTE SAMMENHNG ER DET I BETYDNINGEN XEROX CORPORATION ELLER DET XEROX-DATTERSELSKAB, HVORFRA TREDJEPARTEN, DER SOLGTE DEM UDSTYRET, HAR KBT UDSTYRET. 1. LICENSBEVILLING Xerox giver Dem en ikke-eksklusiv ret, som ikke kan overdrages, til at anvende den software og tilhrende dokumentation ("softwaren"), som er indeholdt i denne pakke sammen med udstyret, s lnge De betaler licensafgiften indeholdt i nrvrende licensaftale (inklusive en eventuel rlig fornyelse af licensafgift) og i vrigt overholder flgende betingelser og vilkr. 2. ANVENDELSE De m udelukkende installere softwaren til brug sammen med en hvilken som helst netvrksopkoblet computer eller server, som er forbundet med Udstyret. Ved en netvrksopkobling kan andre brugere p netvrket f adgang til og anvende softwaren sammen med udstyret. 3. EJENDOMSRET, KOPIERING, NDRINGER OG FORTROLIGHED 3.1 Xerox ejer eller er p anden vis berettiget til at bevilge licenser med respekt af alle rettigheder til softwaren. 3.2 Der overfres ikke rettigheder eller ejendomsret af softwaren til kunden. 3.3 I overensstemmelse med punkt 3.4 herunder er kunden kun berettiget til helt eller delvist at kopiere softwaren til det forml, der udtrykkeligt er beskrevet i punkt 2 herover og med henblik p sikkerhedskopiering. Enhver tilladt kopi skal i et lseligt format inkludere copyright og andre ejendomsretlige bestemmelser indeholdt i den originale software. 3.4 Kunden m kun kopiere den tilhrende dokumentation til anvendelse sammen med Udstyret. 3.5 Kunden m ikke distribuere, ndre eller modificere softwaren eller give anledning til eller tillade, at andre ndrer eller modificerer softwaren. 3.6 Kunden accepterer ikke at overdrage eller p anden mde gre softwaren tilgngelig for andre end de medarbejdere og agenter, der er direkte beskftiget med den licensberettigede anvendelse af softwaren. 3.7 Softwaren er copyright-beskyttet, og alle rettigheder tilhrer Xerox og/eller en tredjepart. Kunden kan holdes direkte ansvarlig af en sdan tredjepart ved kundens overtrdelse af nvnte rettigheder. 3.8 Kunden accepterer under ingen omstndigheder at ville samle softwaren omvendt, dekompilere eller skille softwaren ad. 3.9 Kunden accepterer ikke at eksportere eller geneksportere softwaren i en hvilken som helst form uden frst at indhente svel alle nationale som internationale licenser, som loven foreskriver, og i s fald kun ved eksport af Xerox-produktet. 3.10 Xerox kan ophve denne licensaftale (i) jeblikkeligt, hvis kunden ikke lngere anvender eller er i besiddelse af det udstyr, hvortil denne software er beregnet, eller hvis kunden leaser udstyret, og den frste leasingtager ikke lngere anvender eller er i besiddelse af udstyret (ii) ved ophr af den aftale, der blev indget i forbindelse med, at kunden lejede eller leasede udstyret. 4. OVERDRAGELSE AF LICENSSOFTWAREN Kunden kan overdrage softwaren i forbindelse med en overdragelse af Xerox-produktet, forudsat at modtageren skriftligt accepterer alle de beskrevne vilkr og betingelser indeholdt i nrvrende licensaftale, og at overdragelsen ikke er i strid med Xerox' rettigheder. 5. BEGRNSET GARANTI 5.1 Xerox oplyser, at softwaren p alle vsentlige punkter fungerer i overensstemmelse med Xerox' Betjeningsvejledning eller andet Xerox-dokumentation, der p leveringstidspunktet overdrages til den oprindelige kunde. Xerox indestr ikke for, at softwaren kan anvendes, uden at der opstr afbrydelser eller fejl, eller at softwaren imdekommer kundens behov. Er Udstyret solgt til en forbruger, som defineret i kbelovgivningen, fraviger ovennvnte bestemmelse ikke forbrugerens rettigheder i henhold til kbelovgivningens forbrugerbeskyttelsesprceptive regler. 5.2 Hvis softwaren ikke er i overensstemmelse med funktionaliteten, indeholdt i punkt 5.1 herover, er kundens eneste misligeholdelsesbefjelse at underrette Xerox om forholdet inden for halvfems (90) dage efter levering, og Xerox eller dennes leverandr er kun forpligtet til at foretage, hvad der m anses for rimeligt for at finde en lsning, som afhjlper denne manglende funktionalitet, eller til at skaffe kunden software, som i al vsentlighed er i overensstemmelse med Xerox' Betjeningsvejledning eller anden dokumentation, leveret af Xerox. Er Udstyret solgt til en forbruger, som defineret i kbelovgivningen, fraviger ovennvnte bestemmelse ikke forbrugerens rettigheder i henhold til kbelovgivningens forbrugerbeskyttelsesprceptive regler. 5.3 XEROX YDER INGEN ANDRE GARANTIER FOR SOFTWAREN, SVEL UDTRYKKELIGE SOM UNDERFORSTEDE, OG SVEL LOVMSSIGE SOM P ANDEN VIS ETABLEREDE, HERUNDER MEN IKKE BEGRNSET TIL, ENHVER UNDERFORSTET GARANTI FOR SALGBARHED OG EGNETHED TIL ET BESTEMT FORML. XEROX FRALGGER SIG DESUDEN ETHVERT ANSVAR FOR GARANTIER OG LIGNENDE, SOM ER GIVET AF ANDRE PERSONER END XEROX-ANSAT PERSONALE (VED ANDRE PERSONER END XEROX-ANSAT PERSONALE FORSTS BL.A. XEROX SOFTWARE-DISTRIBUTRER OG -FORHANDLERE). 5.4 De udtrykkelige garantier, der er anfrt ovenfor, er ugyldige, hvis kunden ikke anvender softwaren som beskrevet, eller hvis softwaren modificeres eller ndres p en hvilken som helst mde. 6. PATENT OG COPYRIGHT-KRNKELSE Xerox vil forsvare og holde kunden skadesls, hvis det hvdes, at softwaren krnker patenter, forretningshemmeligheder eller copyright i USA, forudsat at kunden jeblikkeligt skriftligt gr Xerox opmrksom p en eventuel pstet overtrdelse, er indstillet p at lade Xerox forsvare en sdan pstand og samarbejder med Xerox. Xerox er ikke ansvarlig for eventuelle ikke-Xerox retstvistlige udgifter eller forlig, medmindre Xerox p forhnd accepterer disse skriftligt. For at undg en overtrdelse kan Xerox, efter eget skn, og uden omkostninger for kunden skaffe en licens eller ndre eller udskifte softwaren med en lignende eller fjerne softwaren. Hvis softwaren fjernes af Xerox af ovenstende rsag, refunderes den af kunden betalte licensafgift. Xerox er ikke ansvarlig for en evt. krnkelse, som skyldes, at softwaren fremstilles eller ndres (af Xerox eller andre, inkl. kunden) efter kundens specifikationer, eller hvis softwaren anvendes eller slges sammen med andet udstyr, software eller forbrugsstoffer, som ikke er leveret af Xerox. XEROX GIVER IKKE ANDRE UDTRYKKELIGE ELLER UNDERFORSTEDE GARANTIER FOR IKKE-KRNKELSER OG ER IKKE ANSVARLIG FOR KRNKELSER ELLER EVENTUELLE SKADESERSTATNINGER SOM FLGE HERAF. 7. BEGRNSNING AF ANSVAR HVERKEN XEROX ELLER DETS LEVERANDRER KAN HOLDES ANSVARLIGE FOR SPECIELLE, INDIREKTE, TILFLDIGE SKADER ELLER FLGESKADER, (INKLUSIVE, MEN IKKE BEGRNSET TIL TAB AF DATA) SOM OPSTR SOM FLGE AF BRUGEN AF ELLER I FORBINDELSE MED BRUGEN AF ELLER MANGLENDE EVNE TIL AT BRUGE SOFTWAREN, SELV HVIS DER ER GJORT OPMRKSOM P MULIGHEDEN FOR SDANNE SKADER. UNDER INGEN OMSTNDIGHEDER KAN XEROX' ANSVAR OVER FOR KUNDEN FOR DIREKTE SKADESERSTATNINGER OVERSTIGE DEN SAMLEDE LICENSAFGIFT, SOM REELT ER BETALT AF KUNDEN FOR SOFTWAREN. 8. OPHVELSE Xerox kan ophve denne licens jeblikkeligt, hvis aftalen p vsentlige punkter misligeholdes af kunden, eller hvis kunden ikke lngere anvender eller er i besiddelse af det udstyr, hvortil denne software er beregnet, i hvilket tilflde kunden skal returnere alle kopier af softwaren til Xerox og fjerne samme fra ethvert udstyr, hvori softwaren mtte vre indlst af kunden. 9. LOVGIVNING Nrvrende aftale er underlagt lovene i det land, hvor den Xerox-virksomhed, hvorfra det udstyr, hvortil softwaren er beregnet, er kbt. Nogle retssystemer tillader ingen begrnsning af, hvor lnge en underforstet garanti varer, eller udelukkelse eller begrnsning af erstatningansvar for hndelige svel som flgeskader, hvorfor ovennvnte ansvarsfraskrivelser, begrnsninger eller indskrnkninger, helt eller delvist, ikke ndvendigvis finder anvendelse i Deres tilflde. 10. HELE AFTALEN Nrvrende softwarelicensaftale udgr hele aftalen mellem Xerox og kunden, hvad angr softwaren, og tilsidestter alle udkast eller tidligere og nuvrende aftaler eller betingelser indget mellem parterne angende softwaren. Kunden accepterer, at betingelser og vilkr indeholdt i kundens indkbsrekvisition eller andre bestillingsdokumenter, som er afsendt med henblik p at bestille softwaren, ikke har nogen bindende effekt for Xerox og p ingen mde ndrer denne aftale. Hvis disse betingelser og vilkr, efter endt gennemlsning, ikke kan accepteres, br De, for at undg kontraktmssige forpligtelser og ansvar, jeblikkeligt returnere softwaren i ubrugt stand, hvorefter De er berettiget til at f refunderet ethvert belb, De mtte have betalt for at f licens til at bruge softwaren. ====================================================================== LICENSE AGREEMENT AND WARRANTY FOR THE ENCLOSED SOFTWARE AND RELATED DOCUMENTATION YOUR LICENSE AGREEMENT - READ BEFORE INSTALLING SOFTWARE IMPORTANT: THIS AGREEMENT CONTAINS THE LICENSE TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR LICENSED SOFTWARE AND RELATED DOCUMENTATION. INSTALLING THE SOFTWARE PACKAGE SIGNIFIES YOUR ACCEPTANCE OF THIS AGREEMENT. IF YOU DO NOT ACCEPT THIS AGREEMENT, YOU MUST PROMPTLY RETURN THE SOFTWARE PACKAGE AND DELETE ANY SOFTWARE FILES ACCESSED BY YOU FROM ANY AND ALL COMPUTER MEMORY INTO WHICH SUCH SOFTWARE HAS BEEN LOADED OR STORED. WHEN USED IN THIS AGREEMENT THE WORD "XEROX" SHALL MEAN XEROX CORPORATION, ITS OPERATING COMPANY SUBSIDIARY OR AFFILIATE FROM WHICH YOU OBTAINED THE INDIVIDUAL UNIT OF THE XEROX DOCUMENT CENTRE SYSTEM EQUIPMENT (the "Equipment") WITH WHICH THE SOFTWARE IS TO BE USED, UNLESS YOU OBTAINED THE EQUIPMENT FROM AN AUTHORIZED DEALER, AGENT, CONCESSIONAIRE OR DISTRIBUTOR, IN WHICH CASE "XEROX" SHALL MEAN XEROX CORPORATION, ITS OPERATING COMPANY, SUBSIDIARY OR AFFILIATE FROM WHICH THE ENTITY THAT SOLD YOU THE EQUIPMENT ACQUIRED IT. 1. GRANT OF LICENSE Xerox hereby grants you a non-exclusive, non-transferable license to use the software and related documentation ("Software") enclosed in this package with the Equipment, for as long as you are current in the payment of any indicated software license fees (including any annual renewal or maintenance fees) on the following terms and conditions. 2. USE You may install the Software for use on any networked workstation or server only in conjunction with the Equipment. When networked, other users on the network may access and use the Software in conjunction with the Equipment. 3. OWNERSHIP, COPYING, MODIFICATION AND CONFIDENTIALITY 3.1 Xerox owns or is otherwise entitled to grant licenses in respect of all rights in the Software. 3.2 No title to or ownership of the Software or any proprietary right therein is transferred to you. 3.3 You may, subject to Section 3.4 below, make one copy of the Software in whole or in part only for that purpose expressly permitted in Section 2 above and for back-up. Such permitted copy shall include in readable format any copyright and other proprietary notices contained on the original Software. 3.4 You may copy the related documentation for use only in conjunction with the Equipment. 3.5 You may not distribute, alter or modify nor cause or allow others to alter or modify the Software. 3.6 You agree not to provide or otherwise make available the Software to anyone other than your employees and agents directly concerned with the licensed use of the Software. 3.7 The Software is protected by copyright and other proprietary rights of Xerox and/or a third party. You may be held directly responsible by such third party for an infringement of such rights by you. 3.8 You agree not to reverse engineer, decompile or disassemble the Software for any purpose whatsoever, except to the extent permitted by law. 3.9 You agree not to export or re-export the Software in any form without, in the case of a customer in the United States, first obtaining all United States government licenses, and in the case of a customer outside of the United States, all relevant foreign government licenses, required by law, and then only upon the export of the Equipment. 3.10 Xerox may terminate your license for the Software (i) immediately if you no longer use or possess the Equipment or are a lessor of the Equipment and your first lessee no longer uses or possesses it or (ii) upon the termination of any agreement under which you have rented or leased the Equipment. 4. TRANSFER OF LICENSED SOFTWARE If you transfer possession of the Equipment, Xerox will offer the transferee a license to use the Software on or with it, subject to Xerox' then applicable terms and license fees, if any, and provided the transfer is not in violation of Xerox' rights. 5. LIMITED WARRANTY 5.1 Xerox warrants that the Software shall substantially conform to Xerox' User Manual or other Xerox documentation supplied at delivery to the original Customer. Xerox does not warrant that the operation of the Software will be uninterrupted or error free, nor that it will meet your needs. 5.2 In the event that the Software does not conform to the limited warranty contained in Section 5.1 above, your exclusive remedy is to notify Xerox within ninety (90) days of the date of delivery, and Xerox' or its supplier's sole obligation shall be to use all reasonable efforts to provide a work-around which avoids the nonconformity or to provide you with Software which does substantially conform to the Xerox User Manual or other Xerox supplied documentation. 5.3 XEROX GRANTS NO OTHER WARRANTIES ON THE "SOFTWARE", EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, WHETHER CREATED BY STATUTE OR OTHERWISE, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. XEROX FURTHER DISCLAIMS ANY WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS MADE BY PERSONS OTHER THAN XEROX (INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO XEROX SOFTWARE DEALERS, AGENTS, CONCESSIONAIRES OR DISTRIBUTORS). 5.4 The express warranties set forth above shall be void if you fail to properly use the Software in the appropriate environment as specified in the Xerox supplied documentation or if the Software is modified or altered in any fashion. 6. PATENT AND COPYRIGHT INDEMNIFICATION Xerox will defend and indemnify you if the Software is alleged to infringe, in the United States, any patent, trade secret, or copyright, if you promptly notify Xerox in writing of any alleged infringement, allow Xerox to direct the defense of such claim, and cooperate with Xerox. All notices should be sent to the Xerox Office of General Counsel, P.O. Box 1600, Stamford, Connecticut 06904. Xerox is not responsible for any non-Xerox litigation expenses or settlements unless Xerox pre-approves them in writing. To avoid infringement, Xerox may, at its option, and at no charge to you, obtain a license, or modify, or substitute an equivalent of, or remove the Software. If Software is removed by Xerox for this reason, any designated license fees paid by you will be fully refunded; if no portion of the amounts paid to Xerox within the transaction in which the Software was acquired was designated as a license fee for the Software, Xerox shall refund that portion of the amounts paid that Xerox reasonably designates as associated with the Software's acquisition. Xerox is not liable for any infringement due to the Software being made or modified (by Xerox or others, including you) to your specifications, or being used or sold in combination with equipment, software, or supplies not provided by Xerox. XEROX MAKES NO OTHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTY OF NON-INFRINGEMENT OR LIABILITY FOR INFRINGEMENT OR ANY DAMAGES THEREFROM. 7. LIMITATION OF LIABILITY IN NO EVENT SHALL XEROX OR ITS SUPPLIERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, (INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, LOSS OF DATA) IN ANY WAY ARISING OUT OF OR RELATED TO THE USE OR INABILITY TO USE THE "SOFTWARE", EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. IN NO EVENT SHALL XEROX' DIRECT DAMAGES TO YOU EXCEED THE TOTAL LICENSE FEE ACTUALLY PAID BY YOU FOR SUCH SOFTWARE. 8. TERMINATION Xerox may terminate this license immediately upon notice in the event of a material breach by you or if you no longer use or possess the equipment with which this Software is intended to be used, in which event you shall return to Xerox all copies of the Software, and remove same from all equipment into which such Software may have been loaded by you. 9. GOVERNING LAW This agreement will be governed by the laws of the State of New York, USA or if you acquire the Software outside the USA, by the laws of the country in which you acquired the Document Centre System Equipment with which this software is to be used, excluding its conflict of laws provisions. Some jurisdictions do not allow limitations on how long an implied warranty lasts or the exclusion or limitation of incidental or consequential damages, so the above disclaimers, limitations or exclusions, in whole or in part, may not apply to you. 10. ENTIRE AGREEMENT This Software License Agreement is the entire agreement between Xerox and you pertaining to the Software and supersedes all proposals or prior and contemporaneous agreements or understandings of the parties regarding the Software. You agree that any terms and conditions contained in any purchase order or other ordering document submitted to order the Software shall have no binding effect on Xerox and will not modify this Agreement in any way. If, after reading the terms and conditions, they are unacceptable to you, then, to avoid contractual obligations and liability, you should promptly return the software unused, and you will then be entitled to a refund of any sums paid by you to license the Software. de anvendelse af softwaren. 3.7 Softwaren er copyright-beskyttet, og alle rettigheder tilhrer Xerox og/eller en tredjepart. Kunden kan holdes direkte ansvarlig af en sdan tredjepart ved kundens overtrdelse af nvnte rettigheder. 3.8 Kunden accepterer under ingen omstndigheder at ville samle softwaren omvendt, dekompilere eller skille softwaren ad. 3.9 Kunden accepterer ikke at eksportere eller geneksportere softwaren i en hvilken som helst form uden frst at indhente svel alle nationale som internationale licenser, som loven foreskriver, og i s fald kun ved eksport af Xerox-produktet. 3.10 Xerox kan ophve denne licensaftale (i) jeblikkeligt, hvis kunden ikke lngere anvender eller er i besiddelse af det udstyr, hvortil denne software er beregnet, eller hvis kunden leaser udstyret, og den frste leasingtager ikke lngere anvender eller er i besiddelse af udstyret (ii) ved ophr af den aftale, der blev indget i forbindelse med, at kunden lejede eller leasede udstyret. 4. OVERDRAGELSE AF LICENSSO"16" = "Este volume no satisfaz os requisitos para esta atualizao."; "17" = "No h suficiente espao para esta atualizao. So necessrios 300 MB de espao."; "18" = "Este Pacote somente pode ser executado no Mac OS X, verso 10.2 ou superior."; kunde. Xerox indestr ikke for, at softwaren kan anvendes, uden at der opstr afbrydelser eller fejl, eller at softwaren imdekommer kundens behov. Er Udstyret solgt til en forbruger, som defineret i kbelovgivningen, fraviger ovennvnte bestemmelse ikke forbrugerens rettigheder i henhold til kbelovgivningens forbrugerbeskyttelsesprceptive regler. 5.2 Hvis softwaren ikke er i overensstemmelse med funktionaliteten, indeholdt i punkt 5.1 herover, er kundens eneste misligeholdelsesbefjelse at underrette Xerox om forholdet inden for halvfems (90) dage efter levering, og Xerox eller dennes leverandr er kun forpligtet til at foretage, hvad der m anses for rimeligt for at finde en lsning, som afhjlper denne manglende funktionalitet, eller til at skaffe kunden software, som i al vsentlighed er i overensstemmelse med Xerox' Betjeningsvejledning eller anden dokumentation, leveret af Xerox. Er Udstyret solgt til en forbruger, som defineret i kbelovgivningen, fraviger ovennvnte bestemmelse ikke forbrugerens rettigheder i henhold til kbelovgivningens forbrugerbeskyttelsesprceptive regler. 5.3 XEROX YDER INGEN ANDRE GARANTIER FOR SOFTWAREN, SVEL UDTRYKKELIGE SOM UNDERFORSTEDE, OG SVEL LOVMSSIGE SOM P ANDEN VIS ETABLEREDE, HERUNDER MEN IKKE BEGRNSET TIL, ENHVER UNDERFORSTET GARANTI FOR SALGBARHED OG EGNETHED TIL ET BESTEMT FORML. XEROX FRALGGER SIG DESUDEN ETHVERT ANSVAR FOR GARANTIER OG LIGNENDE, SOM ER GIVET AF ANDRE PERSONER END XEROX-ANSAT PERSONALE (VED ANDRE PERSONER END XEROX-ANSAT PERSONALE FORSTS BL.A. XEROX SOFTWARE-DISTRIBUTRER OG -FORHANDLERE). 5.4 De udtrykkelige garantier, der er anfrt ovenfor, er ugyldige, hvis kunden ikke anvender softwaren som beskrevet, eller hvis softwaren modificeres eller ndres p en hvilken som helst mde. 6. PATENT OG COPYRIGHT-KRNKELSE Xerox vil forsvare og holde kunden skadesls, hvis det hvdes, at softwaren krnker patenter, forretningshemmeligheder eller copyright i USA, forudsat at kunden jeblikkeligt skriftligt gr Xerox opmrksom p en eventuel pstet overtrdelse, er indstillet p at lade Xerox forsvare en sdan pstand og samarbejder med Xerox. Xerox er ikke ansvarlig for eventuelle ikke-Xerox retstvistlige udgifter eller forlig, medmindre Xerox p forhnd accepterer disse skriftligt. For at undg en overtrdelse kan Xerox, efter eget skn, og uden omkostninger for kunden skaffe en licens eller ndre eller udskifte softwaren med en lignende eller fjerne softwaren. Hvis softwaren fjernes af Xerox af ovenstende rsag, refunderes den af kunden betalte licensafgift. Xerox er ikke ansvarlig for en evt. krnkelse, som skyldes, at softwaren fremstilles eller ndres (af Xerox eller andre, inkl. kunden) efter kundens specifikationer, eller hvis softwaren anvendes eller slges sammen med andet udstyr, software eller forbrugsstoffer, som ikke er leveret af Xerox. XEROX GIVER IKKE ANDRE UDTRYKKELIGE ELLER UNDERFORSTEDE GARANTIER FOR IKKE-KRNKELSER OG ER IKKE ANSVARLIG FOR KRNKELSER ELLER EVENTUELLE SKADESERSTATNINGER SOM FLGE HERAF. 7. BEGRNSNING AF ANSVAR HVERKEN XEROX ELLER DETS LEVERANDRER KAN HOLDES ANSVARLIGE FOR SPECIELLE, INDIREKTE, TILFLDIGE SKADER ELLER FLGESKADER, (INKLUSIVE, MEN IKKE BEGRNSET TIL TAB AF DATA) SOM OPSTR SOM FLGE AF BRUGEN AF ELLER I FORBINDELSE MED BRUGEN AF ELLER MANGLENDE EVNE TIL AT BRUGE SOFTWAREN, SELV HVIS DER ER GJORT OPMRKSOM P MULIGHEDEN FOR SDANNE SKADER. UNDER INGEN OMSTNDIGHEDER KAN XEROX' ANSVAR OVER FOR KUNDEN FOR DIREKTE SKADESERSTATNINGER OVERSTIGE DEN SAMLEDE LICENSAFGIFT, SOM REELT ER BETALT AF EXONERAO DE RESPONSABILIDADE: A traduo deste acordo de licena foi fornecida pela Xerox Europe e no obriga a qualquer vnculo jurdico. O texto em ingls que segue a traduo vinculativo juridicamente. ======================================================================= CONTRATO DE LICENA E GARANTIA PARA O SOFTWARE INCLUDO E DOCUMENTAO RELACIONADA CONTRATO DE LICENA - LEIA ANTES DE INSTALAR O SOFTWARE IMPORTANTE: ESTE CONTRATO CONTM OS TERMOS E AS CONDIES DA LICENA PARA O SOFTWARE LICENCIADO E DOCUMENTAO RELACIONADA. A INSTALAO DO PACOTE DE SOFTWARE IMPLICA A SUA ACEITAO DESTE CONTRATO. CASO NO O ACEITE, DEVER DEVOLVER IMEDIATAMENTE O PACOTE DE SOFTWARE E APAGAR OS FICHEIROS DE SOFTWARE ACEDIDOS POR SI DE TODA E QUALQUER MEMRIA DE COMPUTADOR, NA QUAL TAL SOFTWARE TENHA SIDO INSTALADO OU ARMAZENADO. SEMPRE QUE UTILIZADA NESTE CONTRATO, A PALAVRA "XEROX" SIGNIFICAR XEROX CORPORATION, UMA SUA EMPRESA DE EXPLORAO, SUBSIDIRIA OU AFILIADA QUAL TIVER ADQUIRIDO A UNIDADE INDIVIDUAL DO EQUIPAMENTO XEROX DOCUMENT CENTRE SYSTEM (O "Equipamento") E COM A QUAL SER UTILIZADO ESTE SOFTWARE, A MENOS QUE TENHA ADQUIRIDO O EQUIPAMENTO A UM REPRESENTANTE, AGENTE, CONCESSIONRIO OU DISTRIBUIDOR AUTORIZADO, EM CUJO CASO "XEROX" SIGNIFICAR XEROX CORPORATION, UMA SUA EMPRESA DE EXPLORAO, SUBSIDIRIA OU AFILIADA QUAL A ENTIDADE QUE LHE VENDEU O EQUIPAMENTO O COMPROU. 1. CONCESSO DE LICENA Atravs do presente, a Xerox concede-lhe uma licena intransmissvel e no exclusiva de utilizao do software e da documentao relacionada ("Software"), fornecidos neste pacote com o Equipamento, durante o perodo de cumprimento dos pagamentos das taxas de licena do software indicados (incluindo eventuais taxas de renovao anual ou de manuteno), sujeita aos termos e condies que se seguem. 2. UTILIZAO Poder instalar o Software para que seja utilizado numa estao de trabalho ou num servidor ligados em rede, apenas em conjunto com o Equipamento. Quando ligados em rede, os restantes utilizadores da rede podero aceder e utilizar o Software em conjunto com o Equipamento. 3. PROPRIEDADE, CPIA, MODIFICAO E CONFIDENCIALIDADE 3.1 A Xerox proprietria ou detm o direito de conceder licenas relativamente a todos os direitos deste Software. 3.2 No lhe sero transmitidos ttulo de propriedade do Software ou quaisquer direitos de patentes. 3.3 Poder, ao abrigo da Seco 3.4 infracitada, efectuar uma cpia total ou parcial do Software apenas para a finalidade expressamente permitida na Seco 2 supracitada e para fins de salvaguarda. A cpia permitida incluir, em formato legvel, as notas relativas a direitos de autor e de propriedade includas no Software original. 3.4 Poder copiar a documentao relacionada apenas para utilizao em conjunto com o Equipamento. 3.5 No poder distribuir, alterar nem modificar o Software, nem permitir que outros o alterem ou modifiquem. 3.6 Aceita no fornecer ou de outro disponibilizar o Software a outrm, que no os seus funcionrios ou as entidades directamente relacionadas com a utilizao licenciada do Software. 3.7 O Software encontra-se protegido pelas leis de direitos de autor e outros direitos de propriedade da Xerox e/ou um terceiro. Poder ser directamente responsabilizado por esse terceiro se violar tais direitos. 3.8 Aceita no inverter a concepo do Software, nem decomp-lo ou desmont-lo para qualquer fim, excepto at ao ponto permitido por lei. 3.9 Aceita no exportar nem reexportar o Software sob qualquer forma sem, no caso de um cliente nos Estado Unidos, primeiro obter todas as licenas do governo dos Estados Unidos e, no caso de um cliente fora dos Estados Unidos, todas as licenas governamentais externas relevante, exigidas por lei. 3.10 A Xerox poder rescindir a sua licena do Software (i) imediatamente, se j no utilizar ou no possuir o Equipamento ou for um locador do Equipamento e o seu primeiro locatrio j no o utilizar ou possuir (ii) depois de rescindido qualquer acordo, mediante o qual tiver alugado ou feito o leasing do Equipamento. 4. TRANSMISSO DO SOFTWARE LICENCIADO Se transferir a posse do Equipamento, a Xerox oferecer ao transmissrio uma licena para utilizar o Software com este ou em conjunto com o mesmo, sujeita aos termos e s taxas de licena da Xerox aplicveis na altura, caso existam, desde que a transmisso no viole os direitos da Xerox. 5. GARANTIA LIMITADA 5.1 A Xerox garante que o Software estar substancialmente em conformidade com o Manual do Utilizador da Xerox ou outra documentao Xerox fornecida no momento da entrega ao Cliente original. A Xerox no garante que o funcionamento do Software venha a ser ininterrupto ou isento de erros, nem que o mesmo v satisfazer as suas necessidades. 5.2 Na eventualidade de o Software no estar em conformidade com a garantia limitada indicada na Seco 5.1 supracitada, a sua nica alternativa ser a de notificar a Xerox no prazo de noventa (90) dias a contar da data de entrega, sendo a nica obrigao da Xerox ou do seu fornecedor a de empregar todos os esforos razoveis para proporcionar uma soluo para evitar a no conformidade ou a de fornecer-lhe Software que esteja substancialmente em conformidade com o Manual do Utilizador da Xerox ou outra documentao fornecida pela Xerox. 5.3 A XEROX NO FORNECE QUAISQUER OUTRAS GARANTIAS RELATIVAS AO "SOFTWARE", EXPRESSAS OU IMPLCITAS, QUER LEGAIS QUER DE OUTRA NATUREZA, INCLUINDO, SEM LIMITAO, GARANTIAS IMPLCITAS DE QUE O PRODUTO SEJA ADEQUADO OU SIRVA PARA O FIM A QUE SE DESTINA. A XEROX REJEITA TAMBM QUAISQUER GARANTIAS OU REPRESENTAES FEITAS POR OUTRM (INCLUINDO REPRESENTANTES, AGENTES, CONCESSIONRIOS OU DISTRIBUIDORES DO SOFTWARE XEROX, MAS NO SE LIMITANDO A ESTAS ENUMERAES). 5.4 As garantias expressas supracitadas no tero qualquer validade se no utilizar devidamente o Software no ambiente adequado, conforme especificado na documentao fornecida pela Xerox, nem se o Software for modificado ou alterado de algum modo. 6. INDEMNIZAO POR DIREITOS DE AUTOR E PATENTE A Xerox ir defender e indemniz-lo, se o Software alegadamente violar, nos Estados Unidos, qualquer patente, segredo comercial ou direito de autor, caso notifique imediatamente a Xerox por escrito de qualquer alegada violao, permita que a Xerox conduza a defesa de tal queixa e coopere com a Xerox. Todas as notificaes devem ser enviadas para Xerox Office of General Counsel, P.O. Box 1600, Stamford, Connecticut 06904. A Xerox no ser responsvel por quaisquer despesas ou pagamentos decorrentes de um processo judicial, a menos que seja fornecida a aprovao prvia da Xerox por escrito. Para evitar uma eventual violao, a Xerox poder, por sua iniciativa, e sem qualquer encargo para si, obter uma licena, ou modificar ou substituir um equivalente do Software, ou remov-lo. Se o Software for removido pela Xerox por esta razo, as taxas de licenas estipuladas que tiver pago sero reembolsadas na totalidade; se nenhuma parte das quantias pagas Xerox no mbito da transaco na qual o Software foi adquirido tiver sido considerada taxa de licena para o Software, a Xerox reembolsar essa parte paga que determine associada aquisio do Software. A Xerox no responsvel por qualquer violao em consequncia de o Software ter sido criado ou modificado (pela Xerox ou outrm, incluindo a sua pessoa) de acordo com as suas especificaes, ou de ter sido utilizado ou vendido em conjunto com o equipamento, software ou consumveis no fornecidos pela Xerox. A XEROX NO FORNECE QUAISQUER GARANTIAS EXPRESSAS OU IMPLCITAS DE NO VIOLAO OU RESPONSABILIDADE POR VIOLAO OU POR QUAISQUER DANOS DECORRENTES DESTA. 7. LIMITE DE RESPONSABILIDADE EM CASO ALGUM SER A XEROX OU SEUS FORNECEDORES RESPONSVEIS POR QUAISQUER DANOS ESPECIAIS, INDIRECTOS, ACIDENTAIS OU CONSEQUENCIAIS, (INCLUINDO, SEM LIMITAO, A PERDA DE DADOS) RESULTANTES, DE ALGUMA FORMA, OU RELACIONADOS COM A UTILIZAO OU INCAPACIDADE DE UTILIZAO DO "SOFTWARE", AINDA QUE TENHAM SIDO AVISADOS ACERCA DA POSSIBILIDADE DE TAIS DANOS. EM CASO ALGUM EXCEDERO OS DANOS DIRECTOS DA XEROX PARA COM A SUA PESSOA A TAXA DE LICENA TOTAL REAL, PAGA POR SI POR TAL SOFTWARE. 8. RESCISO A Xerox poder rescindir esta licena imediatamente, mediante notificao de violao de material por si, ou se j no utilizar ou possuir o equipamento com o qual este Software deve ser utilizado, em cujo caso, devolver Xerox todas as cpias do Software e remover o mesmo de todo o equipamento no qual poder ter sido instalado. 9. LEI APLICVEL Este contrato ser regido pelas leis em vigor no Estado de Nova Iorque, EUA, ou, caso tenha adquirido o Software fora dos EUA, pelas leis do pas no qual tiver adquirido o Equipamento Document Centre System com o qual ser utilizado este software, excluindo o conflito de provises legais. Algumas jurisdies no permitem limitaes relativamente durao de uma garantia implcita ou excluso ou limitao de danos acidentais ou consequenciais; por conseguinte, a exonerao de responsabilidade, as limitaes ou excluses supracitadas, na sua totalidade ou parcialmente, podero no se aplicar a si. 10. ACORDO TOTAL Este Contrato de Licena de Software constitui o acordo total entre a Xerox e a sua pessoa relativamente ao Software e substitui todas as propostas ou acordos anteriores e actuais ou a compreenso das partes com referncia ao Software. Concorda que os termos e as condies contidos em qualquer nota de encomenda ou outro documento de encomenda do Software no tero efeitos vinculativos sobre a Xerox e no modificaro de forma alguma este Contrato. Se, depois de ter lido os termos e as condies, os mesmos lhe parecerem inaceitveis, ento, para evitar as obrigaes e a responsabilidade contratuais, dever devolver prontamente o software no utilizado e ter direito ao reembolso de quaisquer quantias pagas por si para licenciar o Software. ====================================================================== LICENSE AGREEMENT AND WARRANTY FOR THE ENCLOSED SOFTWARE AND RELATED DOCUMENTATION YOUR LICENSE AGREEMENT - READ BEFORE INSTALLING SOFTWARE IMPORTANT: THIS AGREEMENT CONTAINS THE LICENSE TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR LICENSED SOFTWARE AND RELATED DOCUMENTATION. INSTALLING THE SOFTWARE PACKAGE SIGNIFIES YOUR ACCEPTANCE OF THIS AGREEMENT. IF YOU DO NOT ACCEPT THIS AGREEMENT, YOU MUST PROMPTLY RETURN THE SOFTWARE PACKAGE AND DELETE ANY SOFTWARE FILES ACCESSED BY YOU FROM ANY AND ALL COMPUTER MEMORY INTO WHICH SUCH SOFTWARE HAS BEEN LOADED OR STORED. WHEN USED IN THIS AGREEMENT THE WORD "XEROX" SHALL MEAN XEROX CORPORATION, ITS OPERATING COMPANY SUBSIDIARY OR AFFILIATE FROM WHICH YOU OBTAINED THE INDIVIDUAL UNIT OF THE XEROX DOCUMENT CENTRE SYSTEM EQUIPMENT (the "Equipment") WITH WHICH THE SOFTWARE IS TO BE USED, UNLESS YOU OBTAINED THE EQUIPMENT FROM AN AUTHORIZED DEALER, AGENT, CONCESSIONAIRE OR DISTRIBUTOR, IN WHICH CASE "XEROX" SHALL MEAN XEROX CORPORATION, ITS OPERATING COMPANY, SUBSIDIARY OR AFFILIATE FROM WHICH THE ENTITY THAT SOLD YOU THE EQUIPMENT ACQUIRED IT. 1. GRANT OF LICENSE Xerox hereby grants you a non-exclusive, non-transferable license to use the software and related documentation ("Software") enclosed in this package with the Equipment, for as long as you are current in the payment of any indicated software license fees (including any annual renewal or maintenance fees) on the following terms and conditions. 2. USE You may install the Software for use on any networked workstation or server only in conjunction with the Equipment. When networked, other users on the network may access and use the Software in conjunction with the Equipment. 3. OWNERSHIP, COPYING, MODIFICATION AND CONFIDENTIALITY 3.1 Xerox owns or is otherwise entitled to grant licenses in respect of all rights in the Software. 3.2 No title to or ownership of the Software or any proprietary right therein is transferred to you. 3.3 You may, subject to Section 3.4 below, make one copy of the Software in whole or in part only for that purpose expressly permitted in Section 2 above and for back-up. Such permitted copy shall include in readable format any copyright and other proprietary notices contained on the original Software. 3.4 You may copy the related documentation for use only in conjunction with the Equipment. 3.5 You may not distribute, alter or modify nor cause or allow others to alter or modify the Software. 3.6 You agree not to provide or otherwise make available the Software to anyone other than your employees and agents directly concerned with the licensed use of the Software. 3.7 The Software is protected by copyright and other proprietary rights of Xerox and/or a third party. You may be held directly responsible by such third party for an infringement of such rights by you. 3.8 You agree not to reverse engineer, decompile or disassemble the Software for any purpose whatsoever, except to the extent permitted by law. 3.9 You agree not to export or re-export the Software in any form without, in the case of a customer in the United States, first obtaining all United States government licenses, and in the case of a customer outside of the United States, all relevant foreign government licenses, required by law, and then only upon the export of the Equipment. 3.10 Xerox may terminate your license for the Software (i) immediately if you no longer use or possess the Equipment or are a lessor of the Equipment and your first lessee no longer uses or possesses it or (ii) upon the termination of any agreement under which you have rented or leased the Equipment. 4. TRANSFER OF LICENSED SOFTWARE If you transfer possession of the Equipment, Xerox will offer the transferee a license to use the Software on or with it, subject to Xerox' then applicable terms and license fees, if any, and provided the transfer is not in violation of Xerox' rights. 5. LIMITED WARRANTY 5.1 Xerox warrants that the Software shall substantially conform to Xerox' User Manual or other Xerox documentation supplied at delivery to the original Customer. Xerox does not warrant that the operation of the Software will be uninterrupted or error free, nor that it will meet your needs. 5.2 In the event that the Software does not conform to the limited warranty contained in Section 5.1 above, your exclusive remedy is to notify Xerox within ninety (90) days of the date of delivery, and Xerox' or its supplier's sole obligation shall be to use all reasonable efforts to provide a work-around which avoids the nonconformity or to provide you with Software which does substantially conform to the Xerox User Manual or other Xerox supplied documentation. 5.3 XEROX GRANTS NO OTHER WARRANTIES ON THE "SOFTWARE", EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, WHETHER CREATED BY STATUTE OR OTHERWISE, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. XEROX FURTHER DISCLAIMS ANY WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS MADE BY PERSONS OTHER THAN XEROX (INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO XEROX SOFTWARE DEALERS, AGENTS, CONCESSIONAIRES OR DISTRIBUTORS). 5.4 The express warranties set forth above shall be void if you fail to properly use the Software in the appropriate environment as specified in the Xerox supplied documentation or if the Software is modified or altered in any fashion. 6. PATENT AND COPYRIGHT INDEMNIFICATION Xerox will defend and indemnify you if the Software is alleged to infringe, in the United States, any patent, trade secret, or copyright, if you promptly notify Xerox in writing of any alleged infringement, allow Xerox to direct the defense of such claim, and cooperate with Xerox. All notices should be sent to the Xerox Office of General Counsel, P.O. Box 1600, Stamford, Connecticut 06904. Xerox is not responsible for any non-Xerox litigation expenses or settlements unless Xerox pre-approves them in writing. To avoid infringement, Xerox may, at its option, and at no charge to you, obtain a license, or modify, or substitute an equivalent of, or remove the Software. If Software is removed by Xerox for this reason, any designated license fees paid by you will be fully refunded; if no portion of the amounts paid to Xerox within the transaction in which the Software was acquired was designated as a license fee for the Software, Xerox shall refund that portion of the amounts paid that Xerox reasonably designates as associated with the Software's acquisition. Xerox is not liable for any infringement due to the Software being made or modified (by Xerox or others, including you) to your specifications, or being used or sold in combination with equipment, software, or supplies not provided by Xerox. XEROX MAKES NO OTHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTY OF NON-INFRINGEMENT OR LIABILITY FOR INFRINGEMENT OR ANY DAMAGES THEREFROM. 7. LIMITATION OF LIABILITY IN NO EVENT SHALL XEROX OR ITS SUPPLIERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, (INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, LOSS OF DATA) IN ANY WAY ARISING OUT OF OR RELATED TO THE USE OR INABILITY TO USE THE "SOFTWARE", EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. IN NO EVENT SHALL XEROX' DIRECT DAMAGES TO YOU EXCEED THE TOTAL LICENSE FEE ACTUALLY PAID BY YOU FOR SUCH SOFTWARE. 8. TERMINATION Xerox may terminate this license immediately upon notice in the event of a material breach by you or if you no longer use or possess the equipment with which this Software is intended to be used, in which event you shall return to Xerox all copies of the Software, and remove same from all equipment into which such Software may have been loaded by you. 9. GOVERNING LAW This agreement will be governed by the laws of the State of New York, USA or if you acquire the Software outside the USA, by the laws of the country in which you acquired the Document Centre System Equipment with which this software is to be used, excluding its conflict of laws provisions. Some jurisdictions do not allow limitations on how long an implied warranty lasts or the exclusion or limitation of incidental or consequential damages, so the above disclaimers, limitations or exclusions, in whole or in part, may not apply to you. 10. ENTIRE AGREEMENT This Software License Agreement is the entire agreement between Xerox and you pertaining to the Software and supersedes all proposals or prior and contemporaneous agreements or understandings of the parties regarding the Software. You agree that any terms and conditions contained in any purchase order or other ordering document submitted to order the Software shall have no binding effect on Xerox and will not modify this Agreement in any way. If, after reading the terms and conditions, they are unacceptable to you, then, to avoid contractual obligations and liability, you should promptly return the software unused, and you will then be entitled to a refund of any sums paid by you to license the Software. "16" = "Este volume no satisfaz os requisitos para esta atualizao."; "17" = "No h suficiente espao para esta atualizao. So necessrios 300 MB de espao."; "18" = "Este Pacote somente pode ser executado no Mac OS X, verso 10.2 ou superior."; LICENA PARA O SOFTWARE LICENCIADO E DOCUMENTAO RELACIONADA. A INSTALAO DO PACOTE DE SOFTWARE IMPLICA A SUA ACEITAO DESTE CONTRATO. CASO NO O ACEITE, DEVER DEVOLVER IMEDIATAMENTE O PACOTE DE SOFTWARE E APAGAR OS FICHEIROS DE SOFTWARE ACEDIDOS POR SI DE TODA E QUALQUER MEMRIA DE COMPUTADOR, NA QUAL TAL SOFTWARE TENHA SIDO INSTALADO OU ARMAZENADO. SEMPRE QUE UTILIZADA NESTE CONTRATO, A PALAVRA "XEROX" SIGNIFICAR XEROX CORPORATION, UMA SUA EMPRESA DE EXPLORAO, SUBSIDIRIA OU AFILIADA QUAL TIVER ADQUIRIDO A UNIDADE INDIVIDUAL DO EQUIPAMENTO XEROX DOCUMENT CENTRE SYSTEM (O "Equipamento") E COM A QUAL SER UTILIZADO ESTE SOFTWARE, A MENOS QUE TENHA ADQUIRIDO O EQUIPAMENTO A UM REPRESENTANTE, AGENTE, CONCESSIONRIO OU DISTRIBUIDOR AUTORIZADO, EM CUJO CASO "XEROX" SIGNIFICAR XEROX CORPORATION, UMA SUA EMPRESA DE EXPLORAO, SUBSIDIRIA OU AFILIADA QUAL A ENTIDADE QUE LHE VENDEU O EQUIPAMENTO O COMPROU. 1. CONCESSO DE LICENA Atravs do presente, a Xerox concede-lhe uma licena intransmissvel e no exclusiva de utilizao do software e da documentao relacionada ("Software"), fornecidos neste pacote com o Equipamento, durante o perodo de cumprimento dos pagamentos das taxas de licena do software indicados (incluindo eventuais taxas de renovao anual ou de manuteno), sujeita aos termos e condies que se seguem. 2. UTILIZAO Poder instalar o Software para que seja utilizado numa estao de trabalho ou num servidor ligados em rede, apenas em conjunto com o Equipamento. Quando ligados em rede, os restantes utilizadores da rede podero aceder e utilizar o Software em conjunto com o Equipamento. 3. PROPRIEDADE, CPIA, MODIFICAO E CONFIDENCIALIDADE 3.1 A Xerox proprietria ou detm o direito de conceder licenas relativamente a todos os direitos deste Software. 3.2 No lhe sero transmitidos ttulo de propriedade do Software ou quaisquer direitos de patentes. 3.3 Poder, ao abrigo da Seco 3.4 infracitada, efectuar uma cpia total ou parcial do Software apenas para a finalidade expressamente permitida na Seco 2 supracitada e para fins de salvaguarda. A cpia permitida incluir, em formato legvel, as notas relativas a direitos de autor e de propriedade includas no Software original. 3.4 Poder copiar a documentao relacionada apenas para utilizao em conjunto com o Equipamento. 3.5 No poder distribuir, alterar nem modificar o Software, nem permitir que outros o alterem ou modifiquem. 3.6 Aceita no fornecer ou de outro disponibilizar o Software a outrm, que no os seus funcionrios ou as entidades directamente relacionadas com a utilizao licenciada do Software. 3.7 O Software encontra-se protegido pelas leis de direitos de autor e outros direitos de propriedade da Xerox e/ou um terceiro. Poder ser directamente responsabilizado por esse terceiro se violar tais direitos. 3.8 Aceita no inverter a concepo do Software, nem decomp-lo ou desmont-lo para qualquer fim, excepto at ao ponto permitido por lei. 3.9 Aceita no exportar nem reexportar o Software sob qualquer forma sem, no caso de um cliente nos Estado Unidos, primeiro obter todas as licenas do governo dos Estados Unidos e, no caso de um cliente fora dos Estados Unidos, todas as licenas governamentais externas relevante, exigidas por lei. 3.10 A Xerox poder rescindir a sua licena do Software (i) imediatamente, se j no utilizar ou no possuir o Equipamento ou for um locador do Equipamento e o seu primeiro locatrio j no o utilizar ou possuir (ii) depois de rescindido qualquer acordo, mA traduo deste contrato de licena de usurio foi fornecida pela Xerox Europe e no juridicamente imputvel. O texto em ingls, que acompanha a traduo, tem valor legal. ========================================================================= ACORDO DE LICENA E DE GARANTIA CORRESPONDENTE AO SOFTWARE E SUA DOCUMENTAO SEU ACORDO DE LICENA - LEIA ANTES DE INSTALAR O SOFTWARE IMPORTANTE: ESTE ACORDO CONTM OS TERMOS DE LICENA E AS CONDIES DE LICENCIAMENTO DO SEU SOFTWARE E DA SUA DOCUMENTAO. A INSTALAO DO PACOTE DE SOFTWARE SIGNIFICA A SUA INEQUVOCA ACEITAO DESTE ACORDO. SE VOC NO ACEITAR ESTE ACORDO, VOC DEVE APAGAR QUAISQUER ARQUIVOS DO SOFTWARE ACESSADO POR VOC DE QUALQUER E DE TODA MEMRIA DO(S) COMPUTADOR(ES) NA QUAL ESSE SOFTWARE FOI CARREGADO OU ARMAZENADO. TAL COMO UTILIZADA NESTE ACORDO, A PALAVRA "XEROX" DEVE SIGNIFICAR XEROX CORPORATION, A COMPANHIA DE OPERAO SUBSIDIRIA OU O DISTRIBUIDOR AUTORIZADO ATRAVS DOS QUAIS VOC OBTEVE O PRODUTO XEROX A MENOS QUE VOC O TENHA OBTIDO ATRAVS DE UM DEALER, AGENTE, CONCESSIONRIA OU DISTRIBUIDOR AUTORIZADO, EM CUJO CASO, "XEROX" SIGNIFICA XEROX CORPORATION, A COMPANHIA DE OPERAO SUBSIDIRIA OU AFILIADA DE CUJA IDENTIDADE VOC ADQUIRIU O EQUIPAMENTO. 1. CONCESSO DE LICENA A Xerox por meio desta concede ao Cliente uma licena no-exclusiva para utilizar o software e a documentao inerente ("Software") que acompanha este pacote com o Equipamento, enquanto voc estiver em dia com o pagamento de quaisquer mensalidades inerentes licena de software (inclusive renovaes anuais e taxas de manuteno), nos seguintes termos e condies. 2. USO O Cliente pode instalar o Software para o uso em qualquer estao de trabalho ou servidor de rede somente em conjunto com o Equipamento. Estando na rede, outros usurios da rede podem acessar e utilizar o Software em conjunto com o Equipamento. 3. PROPRIEDADE, CPIA, MODIFICAO E SEGURANA 3.1 A Xerox possui ou est autorizada a conceder licenas relacionadas a todos os direitos contidos no software. 3.2 Nenhum ttulo ou posse do software ou qualquer direito de propriedade nesse sentido transferido para o Cliente. 3.3 O Cliente pode, sujeito Seo 3.4 abaixo, copiar o Software por completo ou em parte somente para o propsito permitido na Seo 2 acima e para cpia de segurana. Cada cpia permitida deve incluir em formato legvel qualquer direito autoral e outras notas de propriedade contidas no Software original. 3.4 O cliente no pode fazer cpias da documentao relacionada, exceto para o uso com o prprio Equipamento. 3.5 O Cliente no deve distribuir, alterar ou modificar nem causar ou permitir que outros alterem ou modifiquem o Software. 3.6 O Cliente concorda em no fornecer ou tornar o Software disponvel para qualquer outra pessoa alm dos seus funcionrios e pessoas diretamente envolvidas com o uso da licena do Software. 3.7 O Software protegido por direitos autorais e outros direitos de propriedade da Xerox e/ou de terceiros. O Cliente pode ser considerado diretamente responsvel pelos terceiros em caso de uma infrao desses direitos. 3.8 O Cliente concorda em no alterar, descompilar ou desmontar o Software para qualquer propsito. 3.9 O cliente concorda em no exportar ou re-exportar o Software de nehuma maneira, sem primeiramente, no caso de um cliente localizado nos Estados Unidos da Amrica, obter todas as licenas emitidas pelo governo dos Estados Unidos. No caso de um cliente localizado fora dos Estados Unidos, este dever adquirir quaisquer licenas governamentais estrangeiras relevantes, exigidas perante lei, e somente aps a aquisio das mesmas, a exportao do equipamento poder ter lugar. 3.10 A Xerox pode anular a sua licena de software (i) imediatamente se voc no utilizar ou possuir mais o Equipamento ou se voc estiver alugando o Equipamento e a pessoa que tiver feito o aluguel no mais utiliza ou possui o Equipamento ou (ii) sob o cancelamento de qualquer acordo sob os quais voc tiver alugado o Equipamento. 4. TRANSFERNCIA DO SOFTWARE LICENCIADO Se voc transferir a posse do Equipamento, a Xerox oferecer ao novo proprietrio uma licena para utilizar o Software com o Equipamento, estando o novo proprietrio sujeito s taxas de licena e termos aplicveis, caso existam, contanto que a transferncia no esteja em violao com os direitos da Xerox. 5. GARANTIA LIMITADA 5.1 A Xerox garante que o Software deve estar em conformidade com o Manual do Usurio da Xerox ou com outra descrio do produto da Xerox fornecido no ato da entrega ao Cliente original. A Xerox no garante que a operao do Software ser contnua ou sem erros e nem que ela ir de encontro s necessidades do Cliente. 5.2 No caso de o Software no corresponder garantia limitada contida na Seo 5.1 acima, o nico recurso do Cliente notificar a Xerox dentro de noventa (90) dias a partir da data da entrega e a nica obrigao da Xerox e dos seus fornecedores a de utilizar esforos para fornecer uma soluo alternativa que evite a no-conformidade ou fornecer para o Cliente um Software que esteja de acordo com o Manual do Usurio da Xerox ou com outra documentao fornecida pela Xerox. 5.3 NENHUMA OUTRA GARANTIA, EXPLICITA OU IMPLICITA, QUE NO AQUELA CONSTANTE DESTE ACORDO DE LICENA , POR QUALQUER FORMA, CONCEDIDA PELA XEROX. A XEROX NO ESTAR, AINDA, OBRIGADA POR QUALQUER DITA "GARANTIA" OFERECIDA POR PESSOAS QUE NO A PRPRIA XEROX (INCLUINDO MAS SEM LIMITAR QUAISQUER DEALERS, AGENTES, CONCESSIONRIAS OU DISTRIBUIDORES XEROX). 5.4 As garantias mencionadas acima sero anuladas se o Cliente no utilizar o Software no ambiente apropriado como detalhado na documentao fornecida pela Xerox, ou se o Software for modificado ou alterado. 6. INDENIZAO DE PATENTE E DIREITO AUTORAL A Xerox defender e indenizar o Cliente se for alegado que o Software infringe qualquer patente, segredo comercial ou direito autoral. O Cliente dever notificar de imediato a Xerox, por escrito, qualquer infrao alegada, permitindo que a Xerox defenda tal alegao e cooperando com a Xerox. A Xerox no responsvel por quaisquer gastos de demanda ou acordos no relacionados Xerox, a no ser que a Xerox concorde com os mesmos, por escrito. Para evitar infrao, a Xerox pode, por opo e sem custo adicional para o Cliente, obter uma licena, modificar ou substituir por uma equivalente, independentemente da remoo do Software. A Xerox no responsvel por qualquer infrao devido ao Software ter sido fabricado ou modificado (pela Xerox ou outros, incluindo o Cliente) para especificaes do Cliente, ou por ter sido utilizado ou vendido em conjunto com equipamento, software ou suprimentos no providos pela Xerox. A XEROX NO TEM NENHUMA OUTRA GARANTIA EXPLCITA OU IMPLCITA DE NO INFRAO OU RESPONSABILIDADE POR INFRAES OU QUALQUER DANO A PARTIR DESTE MOMENTO. 7. LIMITAO DE RESPONSABILIDADE EM NENHUMA CIRCUNSTNCIA, A XEROX SER RESPONSVEL POR QUALQUER DANO ESPECIAL, INDIRETO OU INCIDENTAL (A INCLUIDA A EVENTUAL PERDA ILIMITADA DE DADOS) RELACIONADO OU NO UTILIZAO OU INCAPACIDADE DE UTILIZAO DO "SOFTWARE", MESMO SE ADVERTIDA DA POSSIBILIDADE DESSES DANOS. EM NENHUMA CIRCUNSTNCIA OS DANOS RELACIONADOS XEROX DEVERO EXCEDER O VALOR TOTAL DA TAXA DE LICENA PAGA POR VOC PELO SOFTWARE. 8. TERMINAO DA LICENA A Xerox poder cancelar esta licena imediatamente ao perceber a violao do produto pelo Cliente ou caso o Cliente no mais utilize ou possua o equipamento com o qual esse Software destinado para uso. Neste caso, o Cliente deve devolver Xerox todas as cpias do Software e remover toda(s) aquela(s) de todos os equipamentos nos quais o Software tenha sido carregado pelo Cliente. 9. LEIS ADMINISTRATIVAS Este acordo ser administrado pelas leis do Estado de Nova York, EUA ou pelas leis do pas de registro da Companhia Operacional da Xerox ou do Distribuidor autorizado do qual voc adquiriu o Equipamento para o qual esse software deve ser utilizado. Algumas jurisdies no permitem limitaes sobre o perodo de durao da garantia limitada ou a excluso ou limitao de danos incidentais ou conseqentes, portanto, as refernncias acimas, limitaes ou excluses mencionadas acima, integralmente ou parcialmente podem no se aplicar voc. 10. ACORDO GERAL Esse Acordo de Licena de Software o acordo geral entre a Xerox e o Cliente relativo ao Software e substitui todas as propostas e acordos inerentes anteriores. Voc deve concordar que quaisquer termos e condies contidos em qualquer ordem de compra ou qualquer outro tipo de documento submetido para requisitar o Software no tm qualquer efeito sobre a Xerox e no podem modificar este acordo de licena de modo algum. Se aps ter lido os termos e condies, eles no forem aceitos por voc, ento, para evitar obrigaes e responsabilidades contratuais, voc dever devolver imediatamente o Software sem us-lo antes. ====================================================================== LICENSE AGREEMENT AND WARRANTY FOR THE ENCLOSED SOFTWARE AND RELATED DOCUMENTATION YOUR LICENSE AGREEMENT - READ BEFORE INSTALLING SOFTWARE IMPORTANT: THIS AGREEMENT CONTAINS THE LICENSE TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR LICENSED SOFTWARE AND RELATED DOCUMENTATION. INSTALLING THE SOFTWARE PACKAGE SIGNIFIES YOUR ACCEPTANCE OF THIS AGREEMENT. IF YOU DO NOT ACCEPT THIS AGREEMENT, YOU MUST PROMPTLY RETURN THE SOFTWARE PACKAGE AND DELETE ANY SOFTWARE FILES ACCESSED BY YOU FROM ANY AND ALL COMPUTER MEMORY INTO WHICH SUCH SOFTWARE HAS BEEN LOADED OR STORED. WHEN USED IN THIS AGREEMENT THE WORD "XEROX" SHALL MEAN XEROX CORPORATION, ITS OPERATING COMPANY SUBSIDIARY OR AFFILIATE FROM WHICH YOU OBTAINED THE XEROX PRODUCT WITH WHICH THE SOFTWARE IS TO BE USED (the "Equipment"), UNLESS YOU OBTAINED THE EQUIPMENT FROM AN AUTHORIZED DEALER, AGENT, CONCESSIONAIRE OR DISTRIBUTOR, IN WHICH CASE "XEROX" SHALL MEAN XEROX CORPORATION, ITS OPERATING COMPANY, SUBSIDIARY OR AFFILIATE FROM WHICH THE ENTITY THAT SOLD YOU THE EQUIPMENT ACQUIRED IT. 1. GRANT OF LICENSE Xerox hereby grants you a non-exclusive, non-transferable license to use the software and related documentation ("Software") enclosed in this package with the Equipment, for as long as you are current in the payment of any indicated software license fees (including any annual renewal or maintenance fees) on the following terms and conditions. 2. USE You may install the Software for use on any networked workstation or server only in conjunction with the Equipment. When networked, other users on the network may access and use the Software in conjunction with the Equipment. 3. OWNERSHIP, COPYING, MODIFICATION AND CONFIDENTIALITY 3.1 Xerox owns or is otherwise entitled to grant licenses in respect of all rights in the Software. 3.2 No title to or ownership of the Software or any proprietary right therein is transferred to you. 3.3 You may, subject to Section 3.4 below, make one copy of the Software in whole or in part only for that purpose expressly permitted in Section 2 above and for back-up. Such permitted copy shall include in readable format any copyright and other proprietary notices contained on the original Software. 3.4 You may copy the related documentation for use only in conjunction with the Equipment. 3.5 You may not distribute, alter or modify nor cause or allow others to alter or modify the Software. 3.6 You agree not to provide or otherwise make available the Software to anyone other than your employees and agents directly concerned with the licensed use of the Software. 3.7 The Software is protected by copyright and other proprietary rights of Xerox and/or a third party. You may be held directly responsible by such third party for an infringement of such rights by you. 3.8 You agree not to reverse engineer, decompile or disassemble the Software for any purpose whatsoever, except to the extent permitted by law. 3.9 You agree not to export or re-export the Software in any form without, in the case of a customer in the United States, first obtaining all United States government licenses, and in the case of a customer outside of the United States, all relevant foreign government licenses, required by law, and then only upon the export of the Equipment. 3.10 Xerox may terminate your license for the Software (i) immediately if you no longer use or possess the Equipment or are a lessor of the Equipment and your first lessee no longer uses or possesses it or (ii) upon the termination of any agreement under which you have rented or leased the Equipment. 4. TRANSFER OF LICENSED SOFTWARE If you transfer possession of the Equipment, Xerox will offer the transferee a license to use the Software on or with it, subject to Xerox' then applicable terms and license fees, if any, and provided the transfer is not in violation of Xerox' rights. 5. LIMITED WARRANTY 5.1 Xerox warrants that the Software shall substantially conform to Xerox' User Manual or other Xerox documentation supplied at delivery to the original Customer. Xerox does not warrant that the operation of the Software will be uninterrupted or error free, nor that it will meet your needs. 5.2 In the event that the Software does not conform to the limited warranty contained in Section 5.1 above, your exclusive remedy is to notify Xerox within ninety (90) days of the date of delivery, and Xerox' or its supplier's sole obligation shall be to use all reasonable efforts to provide a work-around which avoids the nonconformity or to provide you with Software which does substantially conform to the Xerox User Manual or other Xerox supplied documentation. 5.3 XEROX GRANTS NO OTHER WARRANTIES ON THE "SOFTWARE", EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, WHETHER CREATED BY STATUTE OR OTHERWISE, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. XEROX FURTHER DISCLAIMS ANY WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS MADE BY PERSONS OTHER THAN XEROX (INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO XEROX SOFTWARE DEALERS, AGENTS, CONCESSIONAIRES OR DISTRIBUTORS). 5.4 The express warranties set forth above shall be void if you fail to properly use the Software in the appropriate environment as specified in the Xerox supplied documentation or if the Software is modified or altered in any fashion. 6. PATENT AND COPYRIGHT INDEMNIFICATION Xerox will defend and indemnify you if the Software is alleged to infringe, in the United States, any patent, trade secret, or copyright, if you promptly notify Xerox in writing of any alleged infringement, allow Xerox to direct the defense of such claim, and cooperate with Xerox. All notices should be sent to the Xerox Office of General Counsel, P.O. Box 1600, Stamford, Connecticut 06904. Xerox is not responsible for any non-Xerox litigation expenses or settlements unless Xerox pre-approves them in writing. To avoid infringement, Xerox may, at its option, and at no charge to you, obtain a license, or modify, or substitute an equivalent of, or remove the Software. If Software is removed by Xerox for this reason, any designated license fees paid by you will be fully refunded; if no portion of the amounts paid to Xerox within the transaction in which the Software was acquired was designated as a license fee for the Software, Xerox shall refund that portion of the amounts paid that Xerox reasonably designates as associated with the Software's acquisition. Xerox is not liable for any infringement due to the Software being made or modified (by Xerox or others, including you) to your specifications, or being used or sold in combination with equipment, software, or supplies not provided by Xerox. XEROX MAKES NO OTHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTY OF NON-INFRINGEMENT OR LIABILITY FOR INFRINGEMENT OR ANY DAMAGES THEREFROM. 7. LIMITATION OF LIABILITY IN NO EVENT SHALL XEROX OR ITS SUPPLIERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, (INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, LOSS OF DATA) IN ANY WAY ARISING OUT OF OR RELATED TO THE USE OR INABILITY TO USE THE "SOFTWARE", EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. IN NO EVENT SHALL XEROX' DIRECT DAMAGES TO YOU EXCEED THE TOTAL LICENSE FEE ACTUALLY PAID BY YOU FOR SUCH SOFTWARE. 8. TERMINATION Xerox may terminate this license immediately upon notice in the event of a material breach by you or if you no longer use or possess the equipment with which this Software is intended to be used, in which event you shall return to Xerox all copies of the Software, and remove same from all equipment into which such Software may have been loaded by you. 9. GOVERNING LAW This agreement will be governed by the laws of the State of New York, USA or if you acquire the Software outside the USA, by the laws of the country in which you acquired the Equipment, excluding its conflict of laws provisions. Some jurisdictions do not allow limitations on how long an implied warranty lasts or the exclusion or limitation of incidental or consequential damages, so the above disclaimers, limitations or exclusions, in whole or in part, may not apply to you. 10. ENTIRE AGREEMENT This Software License Agreement is the entire agreement between Xerox and you pertaining to the Software and supersedes all proposals or prior and contemporaneous agreements or understandings of the parties regarding the Software. You agree that any terms and conditions contained in any purchase order or other ordering document submitted to order the Software shall have no binding effect on Xerox and will not modify this Agreement in any way. If, after reading the terms and conditions, they are unacceptable to you, then, to avoid contractual obligations and liability, you should promptly return the software unused, and you will then be entitled to a refund of any sums paid by you to license the Software. "16" = "Dette volumet tilfredsstiller ikke kravene til denne oppdateringen."; "17" = "Ikke nok ledig plass for denne oppdateringen. 300 MB ledig plass er ndvendig."; "18" = "Denne pakken kan kun brukes p Mac OS X, versjon 10.2 eller nyere."; %x atcoatco$Oversettelsen av denne lisensavtalen er levert av Xerox Europe, og den er ikke juridisk bindende. Den engelske teksten som er tatt med etter den oversatte teksten har juridisk kraft. ======================================================================= LISENSAVTALE OG GARANTI FOR VEDLAGTE PROGRAMVARE OG TILHRENDE DOKUMENTASJON DIN LISENSAVTALE - LES GJENNOM DENNE FR DU INSTALLERER PROGRAMVAREN VIKTIG: DENNE AVTALEN INNEHOLDER LISENSBETINGELSENE OG -VILKRENE FOR DEN LISENSIERTE PROGRAMVAREN OG TILHRENDE DOKUMENTASJON. VED INSTALLERE PROGRAMVAREPAKKEN GODTAR DU DENNE AVTALEN. HVIS DU IKKE GODTAR DENNE AVTALEN, M DU STRAKS RETURNERE PROGRAMVAREPAKKEN OG SLETTE ALLE PROGRAMVAREFILER DU HAR HATT TILGANG TIL FRA ALLE DATAMASKINER DER SLIK PROGRAMVARE HAR VRT LASTET ELLER LAGRET. ORDET "XEROX" VIL I DENNE AVTALEN SI XEROX CORPORATION, DERES OPERATIVSELSKAPER, DATTERSELSKAPER ELLER TILKNYTTEDE SELSKAPER SOM LEVERTE DEN INDIVIDUELLE ENHETEN TIL XEROX DOCUMENT CENTRE-SYSTEMET ("utstyret") SOM PROGRAMVAREN SKAL BRUKES P, MED MINDRE DU ANSKAFFET UTSTYRET FRA EN AUTORISERT FORHANDLER, AGENT, KONSESJONSHAVER ELLER DISTRIBUTR. I SLIKE TILFELLER VIL "XEROX" SI XEROX CORPORATION, DERES OPERATIVSELSKAPER, DATTERSELSKAPER ELLER TILKNYTTEDE SELSKAPER SOM SELGEREN DU KJPTE UTSTYRET FRA, HAR ANSKAFFET ENHETEN FRA. 1. LISENSTILDELING Xerox gir det herved en ikke-eksklusiv, ikke-overfrbar rett til bruke programvaren og tilhrende dokumentasjon ("programvare") som er vedlagt denne utstyrspakken, s lenge du betaler eventuell angitt programvarelisensavgift (inkludert eventuell rlig fornyelses- eller vedlikeholdsavgift) i henhold til flgende vilkr og betingelser. 2. BRUK Du kan installere programvaren for bruk p alle nettverkstilknyttede arbeidsstasjoner eller servere kun i forbindelse med utstyret. Ved bruk i nettverk kan andre brukere p nettverket f tilgang til og bruke programvaren i forbindelse med utstyret. 3. EIENDOMSRETT, KOPIERING, ENDRING OG KONFIDENSIALITET 3.1 Xerox eier eller har p annen mte rett til tildele lisenser i forbindelse med alle rettigheter til programvaren. 3.2 Ingen eiendomsrett til programvaren eller opphavsrett i forbindelse med denne overfres til deg. 3.3 I henhold til del 3.4 nedenfor kan du ta n kopi av hele eller deler av programvaren til det formlet som uttrykkelig er tillatt etter del 2 ovenfor og for sikkerhetskopiering. Slike tillatte kopier skal omfatte i lesbart format alle meldinger om opphavsrett og annen eiendomsrett som er med i den opprinnelige programvaren. 3.4 Du kan kun kopiere den tilhrende dokumentasjonen for bruk i forbindelse med utstyret. 3.5 Du kan ikke distribuere, endre eller tilpasse, eller forrsake eller tillate at andre endrer eller tilpasser, programvaren. 3.6 Du aksepterer ikke overlate eller gjre programvaren p annen mte tilgjengelig for andre enn dine ansatte og underleverandrer som arbeider med den lisensierte programvaren. 3.7 Programvaren er beskyttet ved opphavsrett og annen eiendomsrett som tilhrer Xerox og/eller en tredjepart. Du kan holdes direkte ansvarlig av slik tredjepart ved brudd p slike rettigheter. 3.8 Du aksepterer ikke snu om p, dekompilere eller demontere programvaren til noe forml, unntatt som tillatt ved lov. 3.9 Du aksepterer ikke eksportere eller gjeneksportere programvaren i noen form uten, nr det gjelder kunder i USA, frst innhente alle lisenser fra de offentlige myndighetene, og nr det gjelder kunder utenfor USA, alle relevante lisenser fra offentlige myndigheter som kreves ved lov, og da kun ved eksport av utstyret. 3.10 Xerox kan si opp programvarelisensen (i) straks hvis du ikke lenger bruker eller eier utstyret, eller er utleier av utstyret og frste fester ikke lenger bruker eller innehar det, eller (ii) ved opphr av eventuell avtale som du har leid eller leaset utstyret i henhold til. 4. OVERFRING AV LISENSIERT PROGRAMVARE Hvis du overfrer eierretten til utstyret, tilbyr Xerox den nye eieren en lisens til bruke programvaren p eller sammen med utstyret, i henhold til Xerox' gjeldende betingelser og eventuelle lisensavgifter, og sfremt overfringen ikke medfrer brudd p noen av Xerox' rettigheter. 5. GARANTIBEGRENSNING 5.1 Xerox garanterer at programvaren i hovedsak samsvarer med brukerhndboken eller annen dokumentasjon fra Xerox som leveres sammen med enheten til den opprinnelige kunden. Xerox garanterer ikke at programvaren vil fungere uavbrutt eller feilfritt, eller at den dekker dine behov. 5.2 Dersom programvaren ikke overholder den begrensede garantien i del 5.1 ovenfor, m du melde fra til Xerox innen nitti (90) dager etter leveringsdato, og den eneste forpliktelsen til Xerox eller deres leverandrer er treffe rimelige tiltak for levere en lsning som korrigerer misforholdet, eller levere programvare som i hovedsak samstemmer med brukerhndboken fra Xerox eller annen dokumentasjon som leveres fra Xerox. 5.3 XEROX GIR INGEN ANDRE GARANTIER FOR PROGRAMVAREN, VERKEN UTTRYKTE ELLER UNDERFORSTTTE, OPPSTTT ETTER VEDTEKTER ELLER P ANNEN MTE, INKLUDERT UTEN BEGRENSNINGER UNDERFORSTTTE GARANTIER OM SALGBARHET OG EGNETHET FOR ET BESTEMT FORML. XEROX FRASKRIVER SEG OGS ANSVARET FOR GARANTIER ELLER UTSAGN GITT AV ANDRE PERSONER ENN ANSATTE HOS XEROX (INKLUDERT, MEN IKKE BEGRENSET TIL XEROX' PROGRAMVAREFORHANDLERE, AGENTER, KONSESJONSHAVERE ELLER DISTRIBUTRER). 5.4 De uttrykte garantiene fastsatt ovenfor er ugyldige hvis du ikke bruker programvaren riktig i riktig milj, som angitt i den vedlagte dokumentasjonen fra Xerox, eller hvis programvaren endres eller tilpasses p noen mte. 6. ERSTATNING I FORBINDELSE MED PATENTER OG OPPHAVSRETT Xerox forsvarer deg mot og srger for erstatning hvis det psts at programvaren i USA medfrer brudd p patenter, forretningshemmeligheter eller opphavsrett, hvis du straks varsler Xerox om dette skriftlig, lar Xerox fre saken i forbindelse med slikt krav og samarbeider med Xerox. Alle meldinger m sendes til Xerox Office of General Counsel, P.O. Box 1600, Stamford, Connecticut 06904. Xerox er ikke ansvarlig for utgifter til rettstvister eller erstatningskrav som ikke har forbindelse med Xerox, med mindre Xerox har gtt med p dette skriftlig p forhnd. For unng brudd p rettigheter, kan Xerox etter eget forgodtbefinnende og uten kostnader for deg, innhente en lisens eller endre eller erstatte med tilsvarende produkt eller fjerne programvaren. Hvis programvaren fjernes av Xerox av denne rsak, blir lisensavgift du har betalt i forbindelse med denne refundert i sin helhet. Hvis ingen del av belpene som er betalt til Xerox innenfor transaksjonen da programvaren ble anskaffet, ble utpekt som lisensavgift for programvaren, skal Xerox refundere den delen av det betalte belpet som Xerox finner rimelig i forbindelse med anskaffelse av programvaren. Xerox har ikke ansvar for brudd som forrsakes av at programvare lages eller endres (av Xerox eller andre, inkludert deg) etter dine spesifikasjoner eller benyttes eller selges sammen med utstyr, programvare eller forbruksartikler som ikke er levert av Xerox. XEROX GIR INGEN ANDRE GARANTIER, VERKEN UTTRYKTE ELLER UNDERFORSTTTE OM UNNG OVERTREDELSER ELLER ANSVAR FOR OVERTREDELSER ELLER SKADE SOM OPPSTR P GRUNN AV DETTE. 7. ANSVARSBEGRENSNING UNDER INGEN OMSTENDIGHETER SKAL XEROX ELLER DERES LEVERANDRER VRE ANSVARLIG FOR SPESIELL ELLER INDIREKTE SKADE, FLGESKADE ELLER SKADE VED UHELL (INKLUDERT, UTEN BEGRENSNINGER, TAP AV DATA) SOM P NOEN MTE OPPSTR P GRUNN AV ELLER I FORBINDELSE MED BRUK ELLER MANGLENDE EVNE TIL KUNNE BRUKE "PROGRAMVAREN", SELV OM XEROX HAR BLITT FORTALT OM MULIGHETEN FOR SLIK SKADE. UNDER INGEN OMSTENDIGHETER SKAL XEROX' DIREKTE ERSTATNING OVERFOR DEG OVERSTIGE DEN SAMLEDE LISENSAVGIFTEN SOM DU FAKTISK HAR BETALT FOR SLIK PROGRAMVARE. 8. OPPHR Xerox kan si opp denne lisensen umiddelbart etter varsel ved alvorlig mislighold fra din side, eller hvis du ikke lenger bruker eller eier utstyret som denne programvaren er beregnet for bruk p. Du skal da returnere alle kopier av programvaren til Xerox og fjerne denne fra alt utstyr denne programvaren har vrt lastet p. 9. GJELDENDE LOVER Denne avtalen reguleres av lovene i staten New York, USA, eller, hvis du anskaffer programvaren utenfor USA, av lovene i det landet der du kjpte Document Centre-system-utstyret som denne programvaren skal brukes p, dersom den kommer i konflikt med lovbestemmelser. Enkelte domsmyndigheter tillater ikke begrensninger for hvor lenge en garanti varer eller unntak eller begrensninger av flgeskader eller skader ved uhell, slik at hele eller deler av fraskrivelsene, begrensningene eller unntakene ovenfor kanskje ikke gjelder for deg. 10. HELE AVTALEN Denne programvarelisensavtalen er hele avtalen mellom Xerox og deg i forbindelse med programvaren og erstatter alle forslag eller tidligere og nvrende avtaler eller forstelser mellom partene angende programvaren. Du aksepterer at ingen betingelser og vilkr i kjpsordrer eller annet bestillingsdokument som ble levert ved bestilling av programvaren, har bindende virkning p Xerox, og de endrer ikke denne avtalen p noen mte. Dersom du etter ha lest gjennom vilkrene og betingelsene bestemmer at du ikke kan akseptere dem, unngr du bindes av kontrakten hvis du straks returnerer programvaren i ubrukt stand. Du har s krav p refusjon av det belpet du har betalt for f lisens til bruke programvaren. ====================================================================== LICENSE AGREEMENT AND WARRANTY FOR THE ENCLOSED SOFTWARE AND RELATED DOCUMENTATION YOUR LICENSE AGREEMENT - READ BEFORE INSTALLING SOFTWARE IMPORTANT: THIS AGREEMENT CONTAINS THE LICENSE TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR LICENSED SOFTWARE AND RELATED DOCUMENTATION. INSTALLING THE SOFTWARE PACKAGE SIGNIFIES YOUR ACCEPTANCE OF THIS AGREEMENT. IF YOU DO NOT ACCEPT THIS AGREEMENT, YOU MUST PROMPTLY RETURN THE SOFTWARE PACKAGE AND DELETE ANY SOFTWARE FILES ACCESSED BY YOU FROM ANY AND ALL COMPUTER MEMORY INTO WHICH SUCH SOFTWARE HAS BEEN LOADED OR STORED. WHEN USED IN THIS AGREEMENT THE WORD "XEROX" SHALL MEAN XEROX CORPORATION, ITS OPERATING COMPANY SUBSIDIARY OR AFFILIATE FROM WHICH YOU OBTAINED THE INDIVIDUAL UNIT OF THE XEROX DOCUMENT CENTRE SYSTEM EQUIPMENT (the "Equipment") WITH WHICH THE SOFTWARE IS TO BE USED, UNLESS YOU OBTAINED THE EQUIPMENT FROM AN AUTHORIZED DEALER, AGENT, CONCESSIONAIRE OR DISTRIBUTOR, IN WHICH CASE "XEROX" SHALL MEAN XEROX CORPORATION, ITS OPERATING COMPANY, SUBSIDIARY OR AFFILIATE FROM WHICH THE ENTITY THAT SOLD YOU THE EQUIPMENT ACQUIRED IT. 1. GRANT OF LICENSE Xerox hereby grants you a non-exclusive, non-transferable license to use the software and related documentation ("Software") enclosed in this package with the Equipment, for as long as you are current in the payment of any indicated software license fees (including any annual renewal or maintenance fees) on the following terms and conditions. 2. USE You may install the Software for use on any networked workstation or server only in conjunction with the Equipment. When networked, other users on the network may access and use the Software in conjunction with the Equipment. 3. OWNERSHIP, COPYING, MODIFICATION AND CONFIDENTIALITY 3.1 Xerox owns or is otherwise entitled to grant licenses in respect of all rights in the Software. 3.2 No title to or ownership of the Software or any proprietary right therein is transferred to you. 3.3 You may, subject to Section 3.4 below, make one copy of the Software in whole or in part only for that purpose expressly permitted in Section 2 above and for back-up. Such permitted copy shall include in readable format any copyright and other proprietary notices contained on the original Software. 3.4 You may copy the related documentation for use only in conjunction with the Equipment. 3.5 You may not distribute, alter or modify nor cause or allow others to alter or modify the Software. 3.6 You agree not to provide or otherwise make available the Software to anyone other than your employees and agents directly concerned with the licensed use of the Software. 3.7 The Software is protected by copyright and other proprietary rights of Xerox and/or a third party. You may be held directly responsible by such third party for an infringement of such rights by you. 3.8 You agree not to reverse engineer, decompile or disassemble the Software for any purpose whatsoever, except to the extent permitted by law. 3.9 You agree not to export or re-export the Software in any form without, in the case of a customer in the United States, first obtaining all United States government licenses, and in the case of a customer outside of the United States, all relevant foreign government licenses, required by law, and then only upon the export of the Equipment. 3.10 Xerox may terminate your license for the Software (i) immediately if you no longer use or possess the Equipment or are a lessor of the Equipment and your first lessee no longer uses or possesses it or (ii) upon the termination of any agreement under which you have rented or leased the Equipment. 4. TRANSFER OF LICENSED SOFTWARE If you transfer possession of the Equipment, Xerox will offer the transferee a license to use the Software on or with it, subject to Xerox' then applicable terms and license fees, if any, and provided the transfer is not in violation of Xerox' rights. 5. LIMITED WARRANTY 5.1 Xerox warrants that the Software shall substantially conform to Xerox' User Manual or other Xerox documentation supplied at delivery to the original Customer. Xerox does not warrant that the operation of the Software will be uninterrupted or error free, nor that it will meet your needs. 5.2 In the event that the Software does not conform to the limited warranty contained in Section 5.1 above, your exclusive remedy is to notify Xerox within ninety (90) days of the date of delivery, and Xerox' or its supplier's sole obligation shall be to use all reasonable efforts to provide a work-around which avoids the nonconformity or to provide you with Software which does substantially conform to the Xerox User Manual or other Xerox supplied documentation. 5.3 XEROX GRANTS NO OTHER WARRANTIES ON THE "SOFTWARE", EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, WHETHER CREATED BY STATUTE OR OTHERWISE, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. XEROX FURTHER DISCLAIMS ANY WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS MADE BY PERSONS OTHER THAN XEROX (INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO XEROX SOFTWARE DEALERS, AGENTS, CONCESSIONAIRES OR DISTRIBUTORS). 5.4 The express warranties set forth above shall be void if you fail to properly use the Software in the appropriate environment as specified in the Xerox supplied documentation or if the Software is modified or altered in any fashion. 6. PATENT AND COPYRIGHT INDEMNIFICATION Xerox will defend and indemnify you if the Software is alleged to infringe, in the United States, any patent, trade secret, or copyright, if you promptly notify Xerox in writing of any alleged infringement, allow Xerox to direct the defense of such claim, and cooperate with Xerox. All notices should be sent to the Xerox Office of General Counsel, P.O. Box 1600, Stamford, Connecticut 06904. Xerox is not responsible for any non-Xerox litigation expenses or settlements unless Xerox pre-approves them in writing. To avoid infringement, Xerox may, at its option, and at no charge to you, obtain a license, or modify, or substitute an equivalent of, or remove the Software. If Software is removed by Xerox for this reason, any designated license fees paid by you will be fully refunded; if no portion of the amounts paid to Xerox within the transaction in which the Software was acquired was designated as a license fee for the Software, Xerox shall refund that portion of the amounts paid that Xerox reasonably designates as associated with the Software's acquisition. Xerox is not liable for any infringement due to the Software being made or modified (by Xerox or others, including you) to your specifications, or being used or sold in combination with equipment, software, or supplies not provided by Xerox. XEROX MAKES NO OTHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTY OF NON-INFRINGEMENT OR LIABILITY FOR INFRINGEMENT OR ANY DAMAGES THEREFROM. 7. LIMITATION OF LIABILITY IN NO EVENT SHALL XEROX OR ITS SUPPLIERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, (INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, LOSS OF DATA) IN ANY WAY ARISING OUT OF OR RELATED TO THE USE OR INABILITY TO USE THE "SOFTWARE", EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. IN NO EVENT SHALL XEROX' DIRECT DAMAGES TO YOU EXCEED THE TOTAL LICENSE FEE ACTUALLY PAID BY YOU FOR SUCH SOFTWARE. 8. TERMINATION Xerox may terminate this license immediately upon notice in the event of a material breach by you or if you no longer use or possess the equipment with which this Software is intended to be used, in which event you shall return to Xerox all copies of the Software, and remove same from all equipment into which such Software may have been loaded by you. 9. GOVERNING LAW This agreement will be governed by the laws of the State of New York, USA or if you acquire the Software outside the USA, by the laws of the country in which you acquired the Document Centre System Equipment with which this software is to be used, excluding its conflict of laws provisions. Some jurisdictions do not allow limitations on how long an implied warranty lasts or the exclusion or limitation of incidental or consequential damages, so the above disclaimers, limitations or exclusions, in whole or in part, may not apply to you. 10. ENTIRE AGREEMENT This Software License Agreement is the entire agreement between Xerox and you pertaining to the Software and supersedes all proposals or prior and contemporaneous agreements or understandings of the parties regarding the Software. You agree that any terms and conditions contained in any purchase order or other ordering document submitted to order the Software shall have no binding effect on Xerox and will not modify this Agreement in any way. If, after reading the terms and conditions, they are unacceptable to you, then, to avoid contractual obligations and liability, you should promptly return the software unused, and you will then be entitled to a refund of any sums paid by you to license the Software. #!/usr/bin/perl my $SYSTEM_VERS = "/System/Library/CoreServices/SystemVersion.plist"; my $EXIT_VALUE = 0; DO_CHECKS: { # 10.2 or higher system must be active if(CheckVersion("$SYSTEM_VERS", "10.2", "ProductVersion", "<")) { $EXIT_VALUE = ((1 << 6) | ( 1 << 5 ) | 18 ); last; } } exit($EXIT_VALUE); ### sub CheckVersion { my $path = $_[0]; my $version = $_[1]; my $keyName = $_[2]; my $operator = $_[3]; if (! -e $path) { return 0; } if (!$operator) { $operator = "=="; } my $oldSeperator = $/; $/ = \0; open( PLIST, "$path") || do { return 0; }; $plistData = ; $plistData =~ /(.*?)<\/dict>/gis; @items = split(//, $plistData); shift @items; foreach $item (@items) { $item =~ /(.*?)<\/key>.*?(.*?)<\/string>/gis; $versiondata{ $1 } = $2; } close(PLIST); $/ = $oldSeperator; @theVersionArray = split(/\./, $versiondata{$keyName}); for ($i = 0; $i < 3; $i++) { if(!$theVersionArray[$i]) { $theVersionArray[$i] = '0'; } } @versionArray = split(/\./, $version); my $actualVersion; for ($i = 0; $i < 3; $i++) { if (($theVersionArray[$i] != $versionArray[$i]) or ($i == 2)) { $actualVersion = $theVersionArray[$i]; $version = $versionArray[$i]; last; } } my $expression = '$actualVersion ' . $operator . ' $version'; if( eval ($expression) ) { return 1; } else { return 0; } } "16" = "Dette volumet tilfredsstiller ikke kravene til denne oppdateringen."; "17" = "Ikke nok ledig plass for denne oppdateringen. 300 MB ledig plass er ndvendig."; "18" = "Denne pakken kan kun brukes p Mac OS X, versjon 10.2 eller nyere."; Oversettelsen av denne lisensavtalen er levert av Xerox Europe, og den er ikke juridisk bindende. Den engelske teksten som er tatt med etter den oversatte teksten har juridisk kraft. ======================================================================= LISENSAVTALE OG GARANTI FOR VEDLAGTE PROGRAMVARE OG TILHRENDE DOKUMENTASJON DIN LISENSAVTALE - LES GJENNOM DENNE FR DU INSTALLERER PROGRAMVAREN VIKTIG: DENNE AVTALEN INNEHOLDER LISENSBETINGELSENE OG -VILKRENE FOR DEN LISENSIERTE PROGRAMVAREN OG TILHRENDE DOKUMENTASJON. VED INSTALLERE PROGRAMVAREPAKKEN GODTAR DU DENNE AVTALEN. HVIS DU IKKE GODTAR DENNE AVTALEN, M DU STRAKS RETURNERE PROGRAMVAREPAKKEN OG SLETTE ALLE PROGRAMVAREFILER DU HAR HATT TILGANG TIL FRA ALLE DATAMASKINER DER SLIK PROGRAMVARE HAR VRT LASTET ELLER LAGRET. ORDET "XEROX" VIL I DENNE AVTALEN SI XEROX CORPORATION, DERES OPERATIVSELSKAPER, DATTERSELSKAPER ELLER TILKNYTTEDE SELSKAPER SOM LEVERTE DEN INDIVIDUELLE ENHETEN TIL XEROX DOCUMENT CENTRE-SYSTEMET ("utstyret") SOM PROGRAMVAREN SKAL BRUKES P, MED MINDRE DU ANSKAFFET UTSTYRET FRA EN AUTORISERT FORHANDLER, AGENT, KONSESJONSHAVER ELLER DISTRIBUTR. I SLIKE TILFELLER VIL "XEROX" SI XEROX CORPORATION, DERES OPERATIVSELSKAPER, DATTERSELSKAPER ELLER TILKNYTTEDE SELSKAPER SOM SELGEREN DU KJPTE UTSTYRET FRA, HAR ANSKAFFET ENHETEN FRA. 1. LISENSTILDELING Xerox gir det herved en ikke-eksklusiv, ikke-overfrbar rett til bruke programvaren og tilhrende dokumentasjon ("programvare") som er vedlagt denne utstyrspakken, s lenge du betaler eventuell angitt programvarelisensavgift (inkludert eventuell rlig fornyelses- eller vedlikeholdsavgift) i henhold til flgende vilkr og betingelser. 2. BRUK Du kan installere programvaren for bruk p alle nettverkstilknyttede arbeidsstasjoner eller servere kun i forbindelse med utstyret. Ved bruk i nettverk kan andre brukere p nettverket f tilgang til og bruke programvaren i forbindelse med utstyret. 3. EIENDOMSRETT, KOPIERING, ENDRING OG KONFIDENSIALITET 3.1 Xerox eier eller har p annen mte rett til tildele lisenser i forbindelse med alle rettigheter til programvaren. 3.2 Ingen eiendomsrett til programvaren eller opphavsrett i forbindelse med denne overfres til deg. 3.3 I henhold til del 3.4 nedenfor kan du ta n kopi av hele eller deler av programvaren til det formlet som uttrykkelig er tillatt etter del 2 ovenfor og for sikkerhetskopiering. Slike tillatte kopier skal omfatte i lesbart format alle meldinger om opphavsrett og annen eiendomsrett som er med i den opprinnelige programvaren. 3.4 Du kan kun kopiere den tilhrende dokumentasjonen for bruk i forbindelse med utstyret. 3.5 Du kan ikke distribuere, endre eller tilpasse, eller forrsake eller tillate at andre endrer eller tilpasser, programvaren. 3.6 Du aksepterer ikke overlate eller gjre programvaren p annen mte tilgjengelig for andre enn dine ansatte og underleverandrer som arbeider med den lisensierte programvaren. 3.7 Programvaren er beskyttet ved opphavsrett og annen eiendomsrett som tilhrer Xerox og/eller en tredjepart. Du kan holdes direkte ansvarlig av slik tredjepart ved brudd p slike rettigheter. 3.8 Du aksepterer ikke snu om p, dekompilere eller demontere programvaren til noe forml, unntatt som tillatt ved lov. 3.9 Du aksepterer ikke eksportere eller gjeneksportere programvaren i noen form uten, nr det gjelder kunder i USA, frst innhente alle lisenser fra de offentlige myndighetene, og nr det gjelder kunder utenfor USA, alle relevante lisenser fra offentlige myndigheter som kreves ved lov, og da kun ved eksport av utstyret. 3.10 Xerox kan si opp programvarelisensen (i) straks hvis du ikke lenger bruker eller eier utstyret, eller er utleier av utstyret og frste fester ikke lenger bruker eller innehar det, eller (ii) ved opphr av eventuell avtale som du har leid eller leaset utstyret i henhold til. 4. OVERFRING AV LISENSIERT PROGRAMVARE Hvis du overfrer eierretten til utstyret, tilbyr Xerox den nye eieren en lisens til bruke programvaren p eller sammen med utstyret, i henhold til Xerox' gjeldende betingelser og eventuelle lisensavgifter, og sfremt overfringen ikke medfrer brudd p noen av Xerox' rettigheter. 5. GARANTIBEGRENSNING 5.1 Xerox garanterer at programvaren i hovedsak samsvarer med brukerhndboken eller annen dokumentasjon fra Xerox som leveres sammen med enheten til den opprinnelige kunden. Xerox garanterer ikke at programvaren vil fungere uavbrutt eller feilfritt, eller at den dekker dine behov. 5.2 Dersom programvaren ikke overholder den begrensede garantien i del 5.1 ovenfor, m du melde fra til Xerox innen nitti (90) dager etter leveringsdato, og den eneste forpliktelsen til Xerox eller deres leverandrer er treffe rimelige tiltak for levere en lsning som korrigerer misforholdet, eller levere programvare som i hovedsak samstemmer med brukerhndboken fra Xerox eller annen dokumentasjon som leveres fra Xerox. 5.3 XEROX GIR INGEN ANDRE GARANTIER FOR PROGRAMVAREN, VERKEN UTTRYKTE ELLER UNDERFORSTTTE, OPPSTTT ETTER VEDTEKTER ELLER P ANNEN MTE, INKLUDERT UTEN BEGRENSNINGER UNDERFORSTTTE GARANTIER OM SALGBARHET OG EGNETHET FOR ET BESTEMT FORML. XEROX FRASKRIVER SEG OGS ANSVARET FOR GARANTIER ELLER UTSAGN GITT AV ANDRE PERSONER ENN ANSATTE HOS XEROX (INKLUDERT, MEN IKKE BEGRENSET TIL XEROX' PROGRAMVAREFORHANDLERE, AGENTER, KONSESJONSHAVERE ELLER DISTRIBUTRER). 5.4 De uttrykte garantiene fastsatt ovenfor er ugyldige hvis du ikke bruker programvaren riktig i riktig milj, som angitt i den vedlagte dokumentasjonen fra Xerox, eller hvis programvaren endres eller tilpasses p noen mte. 6. ERSTATNING I FORBINDELSE MED PATENTER OG OPPHAVSRETT Xerox forsvarer deg mot og srger for erstatning hvis det psts at programvaren i USA medfrer brudd p patenter, forretningshemmeligheter eller opphavsrett, hvis du straks varsler Xerox om dette skriftlig, lar Xerox fre saken i forbindelse med slikt krav og samarbeider med Xerox. Alle meldinger m sendes til Xerox Office of General Counsel, P.O. Box 1600, Stamford, Connecticut 06904. Xerox er ikke ansvarlig for utgifter til rettstvister eller erstatningskrav som ikke har forbindelse med Xerox, med mindre Xerox har gtt med p dette skriftlig p forhnd. For unng brudd p rettigheter, kan Xerox etter eget forgodtbefinnende og uten kostnader for deg, innhente en lisens eller endre eller erstatte med tilsvarende produkt eller fjerne programvaren. Hvis programvaren fjernes av Xerox av denne rsak, blir lisensavgift du har betalt i forbindelse med denne refundert i sin helhet. Hvis ingen del av belpene som er betalt til Xerox innenfor transaksjonen da programvaren ble anskaffet, ble utpekt som lisensavgift for programvaren, skal Xerox refundere den delen av det betalte belpet som Xerox finner rimelig i forbindelse med anskaffelse av programvaren. Xerox har ikke ansvar for brudd som forrsakes av at programvare lages eller endres (av Xerox eller andre, inkludert deg) etter dine spesifikasjoner eller benyttes eller selges sammen med utstyr, programvare eller forbruksartikler som ikke er levert av Xerox. XEROX GIR INGEN ANDRE GARANTIER, VERKEN UTTRYKTE ELLER UNDERFORSTTTE OM UNNG OVERTREDELSER ELLER ANSVAR FOR OVERTREDELSER ELLER SKADE SOM OPPSTR P GRUNN AV DETTE. 7. ANSVARSBEGRENSNING UNDER INGEN OMSTENDIGHETER SKAL XEROX ELLER DERES LEVERANDRER VRE ANSVARLIG FOR SPESIELL ELLER INDIREKTE SKADE, FLGESKADE ELLER SKADE VED UHELL (INKLUDERT, UTEN BEGRENSNINGER, TAP AV DATA) SOM P NOEN MTE OPPSTR P GRUNN AV ELLER I FORBINDELSE MED BRUK ELLER MANGLENDE EVNE TIL KUNNE BRUKE "PROGRAMVAREN", SELV OM XEROX HAR BLITT FORTALT OM MULIGHETEN FOR SLIK SKADE. UNDER INGEN OMSTENDIGHETER SKAL XEROX' DIREKTE ERSTATNING OVERFOR DEG OVERSTIGE DEN SAMLEDE LISENSAVGIFTEN SOM DU FAKTISK HAR BETALT FOR SLIK PROGRAMVARE. 8. OPPHR Xerox kan si opp denne lisensen umiddelbart etter varsel ved alvorlig mislighold fra din side, eller hvis du ikke lenger bruker eller eier utstyret som denne programvaren er beregnet for bruk p. Du skal da returnere alle kopier av programvaren til Xerox og fjerne denne fra alt utstyr denne programvaren har vrt lastet p. 9. GJELDENDE LOVER Denne avtalen reguleres av lovene i staten New York, USA, eller, hvis du anskaffer programvaren utenfor USA, av lovene i det landet der du kjpte Document Centre-system-utstyret som denne programvaren skal brukes p, dersom den kommer i konflikt med lovbestemmelser. Enkelte domsmyndigheter tillater ikke begrensninger for hvor lenge en garanti varer eller unntak eller begrensninger av flgeskader eller skader ved uhell, slik at hele eller deler av fraskrivelsene, begrensningene eller unntakene ovenfor kanskje ikke gjelder for deg. 10. HELE AVTALEN Denne programvarelisensavtalen er hele avtalen mellom Xerox og deg i forbindelse med programvaren og erstatter alle forslag eller tidligere og nvrende avtaler eller forstelser mellom partene angende programvaren. Du aksepterer at ingen betingelser og vilkr i kjpsordrer eller annet bestillingsdokument som ble levert ved bestilling av programvaren, har bindende virkning p Xerox, og de endrer ikke denne avtalen p noen mte. Dersom du etter ha lest gjennom vilkrene og betingelsene bestemmer at du ikke kan akseptere dem, unngr du bindes av kontrakten hvis du straks returnerer programvaren i ubrukt stand. Du har s krav p refusjon av det belpet du har betalt for f lisens til bruke programvaren. ====================================================================== LICENSE AGREEMENT AND WARRANTY FOR THE ENCLOSED SOFTWARE AND RELATED DOCUMENTATION YOUR LICENSE AGREEMENT - READ BEFORE INSTALLING SOFTWARE IMPORTANT: THIS AGREEMENT CONTAINS THE LICENSE TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR LICENSED SOFTWARE AND RELATED DOCUMENTATION. INSTALLING THE SOFTWARE PACKAGE SIGNIFIES YOUR ACCEPTANCE OF THIS AGREEMENT. IF YOU DO NOT ACCEPT THIS AGREEMENT, YOU MUST PROMPTLY RETURN THE SOFTWARE PACKAGE AND DELETE ANY SOFTWARE FILES ACCESSED BY YOU FROM ANY AND ALL COMPUTER MEMORY INTO WHICH SUCH SOFTWARE HAS BEEN LOADED OR STORED. WHEN USED IN THIS AGREEMENT THE WORD "XEROX" SHALL MEAN XEROX CORPORATION, ITS OPERATING COMPANY SUBSIDIARY OR AFFILIATE FROM WHICH YOU OBTAINED THE INDIVIDUAL UNIT OF THE XEROX DOCUMENT CENTRE SYSTEM EQUIPMENT (the "Equipment") WITH WHICH THE SOFTWARE IS TO BE USED, UNLESS YOU OBTAINED THE EQUIPMENT FROM AN AUTHORIZED DEALER, AGENT, CONCESSIONAIRE OR DISTRIBUTOR, IN WHICH CASE "XEROX" SHALL MEAN XEROX CORPORATION, ITS OPERATING COMPANY, SUBSIDIARY OR AFFILIATE FROM WHICH THE ENTITY THAT SOLD YOU THE EQUIPMENT ACQUIRED IT. 1. GRANT OF LICENSE Xerox hereby grants you a non-exclusive, non-transferable license to use the software and related documentation ("Software") enclosed in this package with the Equipment, for as long as you are current in the payment of any indicated software license fees (including any annual renewal or maintenance fees) on the following terms and conditions. 2. USE You may install the Software for use on any networked workstation or server only in conjunction with the Equipment. When networked, other users on the network may access and use the Software in conjunction with the Equipment. 3. OWNERSHIP, COPYING, MODIFICATION AND CONFIDENTIALITY 3.1 Xerox owns or is otherwise entitled to grant licenses in respect of all rights in the Software. 3.2 No title to or ownership of the Software or any proprietary right therein is transferred to you. 3.3 You may, subject to Section 3.4 below, make one copy of the Software in whole or in part only for that purpose expressly permitted in Section 2 above and for back-up. Such permitted copy shall include in readable format any copyright and other proprietary notices contained on the original Software. 3.4 You may copy the related documentation for use only in conjunction with the Equipment. 3.5 You may not distribute, alter or modify nor cause or allow others to alter or modify the Software. 3.6 You agree not to provide or otherwise make available the Software to anyone other than your employees and agents directly concerned with the licensed use of the Software. 3.7 The Software is protected by copyright and other proprietary rights of Xerox and/or a third party. You may be held directly responsible by such third party for an infringement of such rights by you. 3.8 You agree not to reverse engineer, decompile or disassemble the Software for any purpose whatsoever, except to the extent permitted by law. 3.9 You agree not to export or re-export the Software in any form without, in the case of a customer in the United States, first obtaining all United States government licenses, and in the case of a customer outside of the United States, all relevant foreign government licenses, required by law, and then only upon the export of the Equipment. 3.10 Xerox may terminate your license for the Software (i) immediately if you no longer use or possess the Equipment or are a lessor of the Equipment and your first lessee no longer uses or possesses it or (ii) upon the termination of any agreement under which you have rented or leased the Equipment. 4. TRANSFER OF LICENSED SOFTWARE If you transfer possession of the Equipment, Xerox will offer the transferee a license to use the Software on or with it, subject to Xerox' then applicable terms and license fees, if any, and provided the transfer is not in violation of Xerox' rights. 5. LIMITED WARRANTY 5.1 Xerox warrants that the Software shall substantially conform to Xerox' User Manual or other Xerox documentation supplied at delivery to the original Customer. Xerox does not warrant that the operation of the Software will be uninterrupted or error free, nor that it will meet your needs. 5.2 In the event that the Software does not conform to the limited warranty contained in Section 5.1 above, your exclusive remedy is to notify Xerox within ninety (90) days of the date of delivery, and Xerox' or its supplier's sole obligation shall be to use all reasonable efforts to provide a work-around which avoids the nonconformity or to provide you with Software which does substantially conform to the Xerox User Manual or other Xerox supplied documentation. 5.3 XEROX GRANTS NO OTHER WARRANTIES ON THE "SOFTWARE", EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, WHETHER CREATED BY STATUTE OR OTHERWISE, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. XEROX FURTHER DISCLAIMS ANY WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS MADE BY PERSONS OTHER THAN XEROX (INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO XEROX SOFTWARE DEALERS, AGENTS, CONCESSIONAIRES OR DISTRIBUTORS). 5.4 The express warranties set forth above shall be void if you fail to properly use the Software in the appropriate environment as specified in the Xerox supplied documentation or if the Software is modified or altered in any fashion. 6. PATENT AND COPYRIGHT INDEMNIFICATION Xerox will defend and indemnify you if the Software is alleged to infringe, in the United States, any patent, trade secret, or copyright, if you promptly notify Xerox in writing of any alleged infringement, allow Xerox to direct the defense of such claim, and cooperate with Xerox. All notices should be sent to the Xerox Office of General Counsel, P.O. Box 1600, Stamford, Connecticut 06904. Xerox is not responsible for any non-Xerox litigation expenses or settlements unless Xerox pre-approves them in writing. To avoid infringement, Xerox may, at its option, and at no charge to you, obtain a license, or modify, or substitute an equivalent of, or remove the Software. If Software is removed by Xerox for this reason, any designated license fees paid by you will be fully refunded; if no portion of the amounts paid to Xerox within the transaction in which the Software was acquired was designated as a license fee for the Software, Xerox shall refund that portion of the amounts paid that Xerox reasonably designates as associated with the Software's acquisition. Xerox is not liable for any infringement due to the Software being made or modified (by Xerox or others, including you) to your specifications, or being used or sold in combination with equipment, software, or supplies not provided by Xerox. XEROX MAKES NO OTHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTY OF NON-INFRINGEMENT OR LIABILITY FOR INFRINGEMENT OR ANY DAMAGES THEREFROM. 7. LIMITATION OF LIABILITY IN NO EVENT SHALL XEROX OR ITS SUPPLIERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, (INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, LOSS OF DATA) IN ANY WAY ARISING OUT OF OR RELATED TO THE USE OR INABILITY TO USE THE "SOFTWARE", EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. IN NO EVENT SHALL XEROX' DIRECT DAMAGES TO YOU EXCEED THE TOTAL LICENSE FEE ACTUALLY PAID BY YOU FOR SUCH SOFTWARE. 8. TERMINATION Xerox may terminate this license immediately upon notice in the event of a material breach by you or if you no longer use or possess the equipment with which this Software is intended to be used, in which event you shall return to Xerox all copies of the Software, and remove same from all equipment into which such Software may have been loaded by you. 9. GOVERNING LAW This agreement will be governed by the laws of the State of New York, USA or if you acquire the Software outside the USA, by the laws of the country in which you acquired the Document Centre System Equipment with which this software is to be used, excluding its conflict of laws provisions. Some jurisdictions do not allow limitations on how long an implied warranty lasts or the exclusion or limitation of incidental or consequential damages, so the above disclaimers, limitations or exclusions, in whole or in part, may not apply to you. 10. ENTIRE AGREEMENT This Software License Agreement is the entire agreement between Xerox and you pertaining to the Software and supersedes all proposals or prior and contemporaneous agreements or understandings of the parties regarding the Software. You agree that any terms and conditions contained in any purchase order or other ordering document submitted to order the Software shall have no binding effect on Xerox and will not modify this Agreement in any way. If, after reading the terms and conditions, they are unacceptable to you, then, to avoid contractual obligations and liability, you should promptly return the software unused, and you will then be entitled to a refund of any sums paid by you to license the Software. Title WorkCentre Pro 40 Color Version 1.2.2 Description DefaultLocation /Library/Printers/PPDs/Contents/Resources DeleteWarning ### Package Flags NeedsAuthorization YES Required NO Relocatable NO RequiresReboot NO UseUserMask NO OverwritePermissions NO InstallFat NO #!/usr/bin/perl my $SYSTEM_VERS = "/System/Library/CoreServices/SystemVersion.plist"; my $EXIT_VALUE = 0; DO_CHECKS: { # 10.2 or higher system must be active if(CheckVersion("$SYSTEM_VERS", "10.2", "ProductVersion", "<")) { $EXIT_VALUE = ((1 << 6) | ( 1 << 5 ) | 18 ); last; } } exit($EXIT_VALUE); ### sub CheckVersion { my $path = $_[0]; my $version = $_[1]; my $keyName = $_[2]; my $operator = $_[3]; if (! -e $path) { return 0; } if (!$operator) { $operator = "=="; } my $oldSeperator = $/; $/ = \0; open( PLIST, "$path") || do { return 0; }; $plistData = ; $plistData =~ /(.*?)<\/dict>/gis; @items = split(//, $plistData); shift @items; foreach $item (@items) { $item =~ /(.*?)<\/key>.*?(.*?)<\/string>/gis; $versiondata{ $1 } = $2; } close(PLIST); $/ = $oldSeperator; @theVersionArray = split(/\./, $versiondata{$keyName}); for ($i = 0; $i < 3; $i++) { if(!$theVersionArray[$i]) { $theVersionArray[$i] = '0'; } } @versionArray = split(/\./, $version); my $actualVersion; for ($i = 0; $i < 3; $i++) { if (($theVersionArray[$i] != $versionArray[$i]) or ($i == 2)) { $actualVersion = $theVersionArray[$i]; $version = $versionArray[$i]; last; } } my $expression = '$actualVersion ' . $operator . ' $version'; if( eval ($expression) ) { return 1; } else { return 0; } } BOMStore}:U"q1nfotreetree'treetree. dexBomInfoPathsHLIndexVIndexAc>Cc>C0`|'.DS_Store Ac>5^da.lprojc>,#Dvv.DS_Storec>-^5,Κ?XRWCP40C.PPD.gzAc>5^de.lprojc>,#Kvv.DS_Storec>50,+z$"XRWCP40C.PPD.gzAc>?aen.lproj !c>,#WIN7L .DS_Store $c>?`y XRWCP40C.PPD 'c>,*"5 XRWCP40C.PPD.gz *Ac>5^es.lproj -c>,#Wvv .DS_Store0c>-^,e%P XRWCP40C.PPD.gz3Ac>5^fi.lproj6c>,#[vv.DS_Store9c>-_,7XRWCP40C.PPD.gz<Ac>5^fr.lproj?c>,#_vv.DS_StoreBc>-_,]XRWCP40C.PPD.gzEAc>5^it.lprojHc>,#cvv.DS_StoreKc>-_,h GXRWCP40C.PPD.gzNAc>5^nl.lprojQc>,#fvv.DS_StoreTc>-_,+/"XRWCP40C.PPD.gzWAc>5^no.lprojZc>,#kvv.DS_Store]c>5),I4XRWCP40C.PPD.gz`Ac>5^pt.lprojcc>,#rvv.DS_Store fc>5,^ۙXRWCP40C.PPD.gz!iAc>5^pt_BR.lproj"lc>,#nIN7L".DS_Store#oc>-`=,:߱"XRWCP40C.PPD.gz$rAc>5^sv.lproj%uc>,$vv%.DS_Store&xc>-`e,M,^%XRWCP40C.PPD.gz'{( '  #"/.87A@JISR\[ednmwv &%)(,+2154;:>=DCGFMLPOVUYX_^bahgkjqptszy}| *1*q K"#"`f#9#T#b#j# ########$ $"$*$E$S$[$v$$$ $$$$$% %%#%>%R%Z%q %~%%%%%%%& &&&5&C&K&f&z&& &&&&&&'''- ':'B']'k's'''' ''''(("(6(>(U (b(j((((((( (())')/)J)^)f)}))))))))* *!*)*D*R*Z*u* FnuNf5yA-}|e=v]C0:?"&fՇg0;aԵ+bWf2ӧ>Ɩ]"pWzfcb"fmCn^$7-`b_$Dr$!L߅}䡻$&NS29?{R$3 hg'Z7Kx[?eq|Y(WOE5ڏ{Ѯ>N{< O{ˉ̦  "1>K#H.ږ<ɿ)41k\|j-==)k9)N{Kmu}FbZ2 K z_/  $Vy!M%iN%h]x,A8d$H@zGC%$̝3NA,'ZC(yG__}bǜPɭUoIyq!,-%3kӧrH%k-CbX r0߼kK2{>;VBiCgZs[t Ms偂A=_{r=[RNA[f{fDBF?$NJ_0ҿMp$x$xI1hocsnOjCmqR.aM]=MbG2,/NM Ky UøVܦo8jXZ6O0)<(ϐ3)?Z Gl+=S./:,},bI|lK#*ÝHgGM kg݉}!d:;G}ӽ{ i&"7Y^q_l>F=Л ZLEXD{&ieozgD 1cPtT篧9uOY_p*5}S"լ<.&a0[whC&$a;um*0|^j GuM{SbS^yݬosrInFLW Hr83\0<lIyUEASlxԝpqR/chF[$;%KPƨЪHv3_wWm PzkH/6纛= UFe|T }:dZթTt~ 9gf5ͦϰS9qrI` KY%qԵRtϹhw&{tkZ<0g.Ƴ˩hݤfРi,|J-$%C{]vչCL~Ϧo^ exjgA C9qO^e ݭvņdvi|#w}c;㠱ih̉Qr~+0%D,O>=B4$Y;. }r~|PRV*ʛjoۻP'$&VňE#ƷՍ7BۋiFw&1KϊqiT ֘<+(_6~@To[pC6d. {k+IC=NhM O5bF~/a+P2qQYY;.ι}_02M:ם;GCާ).VP'Ԓvî&Rpw7SkMkxKFq% %x|b?(+_X+hXۄ w=8_&y\lg祐kul0Lw" ]LU"wr1֤hbߘ),1B j:?P77eCe׉+tx𕦹; {A5:+ygB(ayߠ>YSi׊H5ܣ(ḬMknI{?윍 %9)/Gd۬Je;jiO{YȘwތC aD)$0IF=cQ'ژNG ] wYB͜LqO:MWB[qsu JQ?]Ao\#q q.X:fZǧqLO>P6W04^%O짡 /ey4$^x65wPaiW˾ mLc,:/0HLaDT{%3$l*%OG""_}o\c u+%ȬONY7SQYM8R ]}0>?'~A-WU«bCL4 # HW/.md] 9| Wd%+:rIT"#":7-;u_v6!f$ξyΠeQ#:m]6dCRm>1 >u9VԂsc ">ݹyܪ*&O9u7Xɑ/Ǎ g*[AA֖pxmOm6]}9]Ҍ]2艭(!8hp JiTۮKr=r"L)CTB4]uO#Z,NDc AùD#^hC1[k hn[ Mpvee*ʹ݊1'h6͟B}"~Wj)A},tw] 1J`MgX&+|İTveKI_\N}dD(37㑌IdB.^x趆M-ZŢPL1"Mxccn} CayTDn 'nIҠ2eRv"8{Ʃ|fyꘕE3==hxXg\4 lAh<^UQ4FgptZYʗTy~hPlyf(h{/ ]ׇM7!#t~0>kA`ɗsfZ9Ⱥe=H$nW49Q*POTۏs@7#ܡzv)pոEt?ͤ^ӕFAW ZLF8$O$v,f$٥׌Xt,Z).[Rʪ/gT_^S][dmm ˣr(? >v?eo}&|eD4کǽ2&x3.4,:/J2:3x! *Y<7~7d%ܩ a T$?*ț|Fۻht~LQ^]|=mMQJ6jlpǑ,P(L==wR5M[/߾F' FǑ !SɷBÏVJg1ڮtxҥ < Ԃkuye;{u=*_Xnȃj-O>LE>㞕oq2?Js#L[:I5;=>lap> bt,eX5m%yi9[ SSk)u!)zd΁1(J+=Ss7VTG[󃔼x/"dndD'onG.>Ժ ;xqhixáEղ?w>#iaX03Sw M!nF3|>~F'~mVW~EuiC R1kwgM]2q(:<e!]OO%uI0C]wOKB ^l__BGS`4 sՅsɬrkV%HZu},NtaDz^TSgei0`JB0`3Hl~ (*Ԡ_*w'ۤS~oNDž4fVnT$PVmES%+Zrt'~x\ԖE~ ~/7ЎB2&Hq>iJ A? 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GLLANDE LAG Fr detta avtal skall lagstiftningen i delstaten New York, USA vara tillmplig, eller, om Programvaran frvrvades utanfr USA, lagstiftningen i landet dr du frvrvade Utrustningen i serien Document Centre fr vilken Programvaran skall anvndas, dock inte detta lands lagstiftning om tillmplig lag. I vissa lnder tillts inte begrnsning av hur lnge en underfrstdd garanti r gllande eller uteslutande eller begrnsning av tillfllig eller fljdskada. I sdant fall berrs inte Kunden av ovanstende friskrivningar eller begrnsningar i den utstrckning tvingande lag uttrycklingen inte inte medger sdan regleringen. 10. FULLSTNDIGT AVTAL Detta programlicensavtal r det fullstndiga avtalet mellan Xerox och Kunden med avseende p licensiering av Programvaran och det erstter alla frslag och tidigare eller samtidiga avtal, utfstelser eller andra verenskommelser mellan parterna avseende Programvaran. Kunden accepterar att licensieringsvillkor som gller denna Programvara och som anges p Kundens inkpsorder eller annat bestllningsdokument, som anvnds vid bestllning av Programvaran, inte har ngon bindande verkan fr Xerox och inte skall ndra detta avtal p ngot stt. Om du inte accepterar avtalsvillkoren nr du har lst dem, returnerar du omedelbart Programvaran oanvnd fr att undvika kontraktskyldigheter och kontraktansvar. Du har d rtt till terbetalning av eventuella belopp du har betalat fr licensiering av Programvaran. ====================================================================== LICENSE AGREEMENT AND WARRANTY FOR THE ENCLOSED SOFTWARE AND RELATED DOCUMENTATION YOUR LICENSE AGREEMENT - READ BEFORE INSTALLING SOFTWARE IMPORTANT: THIS AGREEMENT CONTAINS THE LICENSE TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR LICENSED SOFTWARE AND RELATED DOCUMENTATION. INSTALLING THE SOFTWARE PACKAGE SIGNIFIES YOUR ACCEPTANCE OF THIS AGREEMENT. IF YOU DO NOT ACCEPT THIS AGREEMENT, YOU MUST PROMPTLY RETURN THE SOFTWARE PACKAGE AND DELETE ANY SOFTWARE FILES ACCESSED BY YOU FROM ANY AND ALL COMPUTER MEMORY INTO WHICH SUCH SOFTWARE HAS BEEN LOADED OR STORED. WHEN USED IN THIS AGREEMENT THE WORD "XEROX" SHALL MEAN XEROX CORPORATION, ITS OPERATING COMPANY SUBSIDIARY OR AFFILIATE FROM WHICH YOU OBTAINED THE INDIVIDUAL UNIT OF THE XEROX DOCUMENT CENTRE SYSTEM EQUIPMENT (the "Equipment") WITH WHICH THE SOFTWARE IS TO BE USED, UNLESS YOU OBTAINED THE EQUIPMENT FROM AN AUTHORIZED DEALER, AGENT, CONCESSIONAIRE OR DISTRIBUTOR, IN WHICH CASE "XEROX" SHALL MEAN XEROX CORPORATION, ITS OPERATING COMPANY, SUBSIDIARY OR AFFILIATE FROM WHICH THE ENTITY THAT SOLD YOU THE EQUIPMENT ACQUIRED IT. 1. GRANT OF LICENSE Xerox hereby grants you a non-exclusive, non-transferable license to use the software and related documentation ("Software") enclosed in this package with the Equipment, for as long as you are current in the payment of any indicated software license fees (including any annual renewal or maintenance fees) on the following terms and conditions. 2. USE You may install the Software for use on any networked workstation or server only in conjunction with the Equipment. When networked, other users on the network may access and use the Software in conjunction with the Equipment. 3. OWNERSHIP, COPYING, MODIFICATION AND CONFIDENTIALITY 3.1 Xerox owns or is otherwise engT˶(QD3 HACRD HNJND@aD AAdE2oF#ֽzfvuLUu T !""P8TTA`p6.o o0#a 3oX?j16p DAX@s л$~ 1vXɅ>.4  ή >s+eoW`qc(+eoW`p++ٱR+v%|`#`{(8XɎ*W黓Gt%'s[3[1p [s3[3`n_@o;~j3B@{ˀ`?Qpb~((.3`?:5 [GgDit.hկ3?AqKt_'f}{OZ]hD:98̊h%&{PB;U7et:g{[Mt_8hӹ7>~}rFU:AVuMf'{g!ԚU'I =E u0w*VkFAnmmwsvBM5 (Uo:)I(ŕJ$ ??80_kn`@Д=ꟳ[`~22@! bw])$AԌ9mӍδ}+C)lVnqr2gIR\FAřO\}f'^p˛iQx4<,{6µkň>KEjhKN铰 %6O %:o>LkscpNaxe: *C?NX֖꫾c)EދY]p _ʚ5+e]D> U8jF{ׄja(c@gXl͋EvjVln;4I?_ "*TY:9-=Tz8yO ^찚~8`":1'eaIB<9X>kcC"5y'ULĊ8ƛ [s}쉤0O5.r̊!,11L||k6,:EC<%jg[MD1^ tq wp<3҈(1]ާIsk`ek ! w! :kPRIy*ƐWR[>rJ#+XF!9-][Ln!::?6l_&14:neUnSJvݳe<}F㑧ͽȎQ"ךْYxx\e-\\xJ }aH"=Z}1>T;V66d}_͙}Z&Ju6AAm45赯oՑ[_cm#,]x)C&=E1^}TpM2E#8;޾pW Eيڶ+W>䙗Huܮ-.YEfW)g:/ `Mˈm4Tm)sѯM %4K4)~#xjau&VHIj+Uj m}΢|+*j9sI8> proQWhjCqg-S2>¡R9 :bQ@x;Nee-u5RitLSn©;.SnbliE bHV bA> z2+UoRFf"is7^U_ZpX=Cbbf`M}d"s[koo lү?RT]$I{ױڏ3.j/)nf<3K]Qj27<ەcipV1>h*9Ǽ}˳E(R;Yy(!ˀӨ Ohy=](p!GliȉxLPˉ*H]Ls/_mpxȍϥ-r 2Fr VxGޘC\^%#*')B-v!J=kC+.o|'pM3U!.YL(ʀRnN mk!GTBOc/é.$!(i]l8{(e[ºٸˬ„JEsɥ^哙LSuEMP8$-qO5IŧoyG'm o3 ?60Ϻ4쒘&UK'`l c@eYW8&EV%y&R*eRjn:b|~{+JE1tbl`ǒz[+W[ʦmȉK[XH!tGbd^KlZ]lAנpG80TNj/,(m/ʟʜ3S,íƫ"O\a5}/ +5B3YSΥؤ.Ę-7ӲU#!$ ?LcPq8I7HPCt9f2e3OG#l:: ي)6H?ӜAʉ[K/U2?~>6JC;/Uӵ ]=ҼD">SVe"L:OeC+|޶:?OaNXYI&L=3IF΂Pzϴ䷰PTVM?8soJ)wQ5ޟCd<_m'QE߅Zr_Ҫ]Q;.דMprqn;YiS7ÛٵGśK%ZVΪo]Sldm c6JDCL6jcCOƤ%>td=XʸH4}\/ȳX.j]?Bu+5ڹJ dصd6G UdC#K[7*[zp>i*o/kk"$$>J[@]_؟S3_yQ.μft҇:u. 6acN0ߢ#)3]!^t.04Y;јN-sdXo16Ӷ+-ABݚ%~d -~iYOEԧbW]CʎEV܈9ɠ*ak$j밲dʲ0ûWBj׹I^0Y(u羗F[Ybl (P:31,t}hȂL`l34T`9f'0]C-:NIOч+5sb;+yJov>c6P3x5|!Z]u|vSQntKPnMc#vE9f86xԊ1vMMf1*Kڔ3tNs'"-coqT5 {hVV׻Sn \mWK<}'{w<҅[:uI=JÀPֻ#/;oP + ҹnAMw7 ]"HwH#  FOs9z{_vYf֚5~pHtGͺZ$wҸ;E!Eؒs,>!2B.=[yϞBM4Ȉ(XbisXP~ݩsӆൌX]}H3;,QԐcw8RW~/Uȹ𓝈%fiΧE1;eނ0; vG;Bܗ@E<)),@=oөl,A$ Tƪ` D1m4 P kEcs:f 4jUTK=-J-NbN#\ q"`HTʅu%xfIAPrGq~IٓSn)l:TE~hE+M*(yD!6pIG띈lRra-g\>vQjEB%;+]୉0bx]fF*!+jz|;ni>xb]&s*8XĒ0`PBTXqB!Kr'81H%% R?2r<ݞI; s2mV[ AjYH hXId aH")rOv2̲Yeu0%K܍)k}6r~OU}ÀevאZ7t{ 5 4(vp̐ {z^T/*78`gN3nuH,}~iKyN܁k/:6uyu:t?#{ dx ϕ+o+ȣ6|v`:d:c]ZwN3Y @-(?'o)kLѝL'm3P~@_!RGx/!g!X !05-pwX1#[Yz;\A3hv%G܂'2GώM2.YotR ώ/26ROgGas!WeB$xD& ъr A{Q$o=i'5%+Rmd8b.?^$jL6)va &gbGEݾA M ֜x{,_H1{oƒ!w< )BxECy'm ;.Ȭ )JfM'm_09֢_.K;L3]D]s <=<*@I'l(Չ.9H~kJG{S:9"]R̋e3It 4I<%GWATEUQ:?E^P=x3-" VX(*>Z2# 8Ʃ$G~V k'ޭSУAR s|9cǃ"! !#(*Wcⴒe5Q^pw[u+P*p`{[ڴ1&59 H9Tnm;‛C5o]7ɞ×!&" E/3|Zj% Y8r9!gs0џ:{їD|k76R_:ƯO Ŏy'~78ݹ^M{ { ڳnm[^ގh`uؒ$T+!xcFV]U.-F2o1>K-8- *65e=5NV.Ȭj_B8MT76fz^Dw6NX9~ܼEݕ \y,3~D06]UXJ[N-vr\ EI}^HS3VeuCN$6zxꢂn=SЬC[yuQ Oニ0cսaD-iO8V#ˏ3E`e/!Κ͏,rήrjdd> 4327:){>7Ex\B@xBgK>pϲU"xlïBO6մUF#B 0D^r!{driLBbm}m{)hS>H]I67-+e|Wr75c R{S) .I2 *2> v=]qxg׵}ݫP!l3Ӵ̠IŻ{Ɣw^=E%?pjVˠ=a)P9Bg?)ǖؗd & bI}v;ľ %EYDcVʫ{Pߑ(knس~aKQRC 2xxQuw'~tҔӦ /Ɍ*ƙC쩍?M,+aYlJR/#\StD8%L 4R2hq_Dw.oT*Lkfe/ΏgN<̯7OvQ͢b{eњbުfU#Ek)f]T#z13{$^5,p+F^Ds'jˆ*eYћ+o/(4E 3/te! mI0R0酔 UWtzb+MQ9Lh%αUz\\ FS%1,&dD;"D&Lk]"!&LH/lͺAؐ{/yjl>Ɓpyv_8D}qy$rc8>)9Q")`6Z U[Ji NLav7C\ޅrޅW?/OZ&}MN~qlvns(K\!/>F"ިkl(;&Jxw{3WB/qQ0nÙ*QY#͑3I>P ^aT+ 0a #\ 6x HF01ԯ5B7 %B~?94 Ie%7݋@ۏ*f z3Z7Hjb%2鞁S>-3>d!6#~6XP9"kQzs˕ˁƫ2˕䡵z"ܡvh oi98a{.gO3{Zu8Ao* /D:#X 7~>Ʀs:y#ؘ<@<(Q# f8Yr@LFA-hh,OdQzWL{ƍ~Id7M7`A-R]2(,z%ڧ`tE_}nwKJu:E烔}"3\)nDfZWTSQ=Hm91%E>sSjc1:)9ǷV0S]v-N l}TG{)VF/B3&es5^iq4m;Pƾ1BfP|nfW u.l,re! <kCTp5Y#N؜%ᰭ\j(1Sq.w IC@HBfEr~,EFak;~>oOi8PF- ?oӾ E:+lvyiKێ=w~ݤc)/׽Ϧ=~gs#յ~Eی?{U# iKfkr<):aZjөF^,fEo"فiFgUU"6s)nK[M8EfWMH=9o]Mۨ*޺z5Yfj?{vkYE0Z$1O6*Le΅Pto~UG(mQ'` 9txK 2pt->=BnnqZOF; ƹѽHI?AڜAӀ9H,~n+"q W' Mm{TK*Hy{3-X+'R,1T&{jpy.*(%G}b>p Y <)CS гd/;_"%xI\=:d b4PUanq]l?T>)6;(GvvOS%umx1]D I>tؚ9x:IBٳ3kA&ZdKXJv fɠs<ߪ?^1;%O>]U'm  fzZؚC%f$Vx("#$ijm/mH! 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Si, despus de leer los trminos y condiciones, stos le fueran inaceptables, deber devolver inmediatamente el software sin utilizarlo para evitar obligaciones y responsabilidades contractuales, y tendr derecho al reembolso de las cantidades que haya abonado para obtener la licencia del Software. ====================================================================== LICENSE AGREEMENT AND WARRANTY FOR THE ENCLOSED SOFTWARE AND RELATED DOCUMENTATION YOUR LICENSE AGREEMENT - READ BEFORE INSTALLING SOFTWARE IMPORTANT: THIS AGREEMENT CONTAINS THE LICENSE TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR LICENSED SOFTWARE AND RELATED DOCUMENTATION. INSTALLING THE SOFTWARE PACKAGE SIGNIFIES YOUR ACCEPTANCE OF THIS AGREEMENT. IF YOU DO NOT ACCEPT THIS AGREEMENT, YOU MUST PROMPTLY RETURN THE SOFTWARE PACKAGE AND DELETE ANY SOFTWARE FILES ACCESSED BY YOU FROM ANY AND ALL COMPUTER MEMORY INTO WHICH SUCH SOFTWARE HAS BEEN LOADED OR STORED. WHEN USED IN THIS AGREEMENT THE WORD "XEROX" SHALL MEAN XEROX CORPORATION, ITS OPERATING COMPANY SUBSIDIARY OR AFFILIATE FROM WHICH YOU OBTAINED THE INDIVIDUAL UNIT OF THE XEROX DOCUMENT CENTRE SYSTEM EQUIPMENT (the "Equipment") WITH WHICH THE SOFTWARE IS TO BE USED, UNLESS YOU OBTAINED THE EQUIPMENT FROM AN AUTHORIZED DEALER, AGENT, CONCESSIONAIRE OR DISTRIBUTOR, IN WHICH CASE "XEROX" SHALL MEAN XEROX CORPORATION, ITS OPERATING COMPANY, SUBSIDIARY OR AFFILIATE FROM WHICH THE ENTITY THAT SOLD YOU THE EQUIPMENT ACQUIRED IT. 1. GRANT OF LICENSE Xerox hereby grants you a non-exclusive, non-transferable license to use the software and related documentation ("Software") enclosed in this package with the Equipment, for as long as you are current in the payment of any indicated software license fees (including any annual renewal or maintenance fees) on the following terms and conditions. 2. USE You may install the Software for use on any networked workstation or server only in conjunction with the Equipment. When networked, other users on the network may access and use the Software in conjunction with the Equipment. 3. OWNERSHIP, COPYING, MODIFICATION AND CONFIDENTIALITY 3.1 Xerox owns or is otherwise entitled to grant licenses in respect of all rights in the Software. 3.2 No title to or ownership of the Software or any proprietary right therein is transferred to you. 3.3 You may, subject to Section 3.4 below, make one copy of the Software in whole or in part only for that purpose pmkrpkg1 if (! -e $path) { return 0; } if (!$operator) { $operator = "=="; } my $oldSeperator = $/; $/ = \0; open( PLIST, "$path") || do { return 0; }; $plistData = ; $plistData =~ /(.*?)<\/dict>/gis; @items = split(//, $plistData); shift @items; foreach $item (@items) { $item =~ /(.*?)<\/key>.*?(.*?)<\/string>/gis; $versiondata{ $1 } = $2; } close(PLIST); $/ = $oldSeperator; @theVersionArray = split(/\./, $versiondata{$keyName}); for ($i = 0; $i < 3; $i++) { if(!$theVersionArray[$i]) { $theVersionArray[$i] = '0'; } } @versionArray = split(/\./, $version); my $actualVersion; for ($i = 0; $i < 3; $i++) { if (($theVersionArray[$i] != $versionArray[$i]) or ($i == 2)) { $actualVersion = $theVersionArray[$i]; $version = $versionArray[$i]; last; } } my $expression = '$actualVersion ' . $operator . ' $version'; if( eval ($expression) ) { return 1; } else { return 0; } } autorizada a conceder licenas relacionadas a todos os direitos contidos no software. 3.2 Nenhum ttulo ou posse do software ou qualquer direito de propriedade nesse sentido transferido para o Cliente. 3.3 O Cliente pode, sujeito Seo 3.4 abaixo, copiar o Software por completo ou em parte somente para o propsito permitido na Seo 2 acima e para cpia de segurana. Cada cpia permitida deve incluir em formato legvel qualquer direito autoral e outras notas de propriedade contidas no Software original. 3.4 O cliente no pode fazer cpias da documentao relacionada, exceto para o uso com o prprio Equipamento. 3.5 O Cliente no deve distribuir, alterar ou modificar nem causar ou permitir que outros alterem ou modifiquem o Software. 3.6 O Cliente concorda em no fornecer ou tornar o Software disponvel para qualquer outra pessoa alm dos seus funcionrios e pessoas diretamente envolvidas com o uso da licena do Software. 3.7 O Software protegido por direitos autorais e outros direitos de propriedade da Xerox e/ou de terceiros. O Cliente pode ser considerado diretamente responsvel pelos terceiros em caso de uma infrao desses direitos. 3.8 O Cliente concorda em no alterar, descompilar ou desmontar o Software para qualquer propsito. 3.9 O cliente concorda em no exportar ou re-exportar o Software de nehuma maneira, sem primeiramente, no caso de um cliente localizado nos Estados Unidos da Amrica, obter todas as licenas emitidas pelo governo dos Estados Unidos. No caso de um cliente localizado fora dos Estados Unidos, este dever adquirir quaisquer licenas governamentais estrangeiras relevantes, exigidas perante lei, e somente aps a aquisio das mesmas, a exportao do equipamento poder ter lugar. 3.10 A Xerox pode anular a sua licena de software (i) imediatamente se voc no utilizar ou possuir mais o Equipamento ou se voc estiver alugando o Equipamento e a pessoa que tiver feito o aluguel no mais utiliza ou possui o Equipamento ou (ii) sob o cancelamento de qualquer acordo sob o"16" = "Dieses Volume erfllt nicht die Voraussetzungen fr dieses Update."; "17" = "Nicht gengend freier Platz verfgbar. 300 MB freier Platz werden bentigt."; "18" = "Fr dieses Update wird Mac OS X Version 10.2 oder neuer bentigt."; nfotreetreeDie bersetzung dieser Benutzerlizenzvereinbarung wurde von Xerox Europe angefertigt und ist nicht rechtlich bindend. Die der bersetzung folgende englische Originalversion ist dagegen rechtlich bindend. ===================================================================== LIZENZVERTRAG UND GARANTIEVEREINBARUNG ZUR BEILIEGENDEN SOFTWARE UND DOKUMENTATION LIZENZVERTRAG - VOR DEM INSTALLIEREN DER SOFTWARE SORGFLTIG LESEN WICHTIG: DURCH DAS INSTALLIEREN DER SOFTWARE ERKLRT SICH DER BENUTZER MIT DEN NACHFOLGEND AUFGEFHRTEN LIZENZBEDINGUNGEN EINVERSTANDEN. FALLS DER BENUTZER MIT DIESEM LIZENZVERTRAG NICHT EINVERSTANDEN IST, MSSEN SMTLICHE DATEIEN DER SOFTWARE VON ALLEN RECHNERN, AUF DENEN DIE SOFTWARE INSTALLIERT WURDE, GELSCHT WERDEN. IM WEITEREN BEZIEHT SICH "XEROX" AUF XEROX GMBH BZW. AUF DIE GESCHFTSSTELLE, VON DER DAS XEROX PRODUKT ("PRODUKT") ERWORBEN WURDE. WURDE DAS PRODUKT VON EINEM ZWISCHENHNDLER ERWORBEN, BEZIEHT SICH "XEROX" AUF XEROX GMBH BZW. AUF DIE GESCHFTSSTELLE, VON WELCHER DER ZWISCHENHNDLER DAS PRODUKT BEZOGEN HAT. 1. LIZENZGEWHRUNG Hiermit gewhrt Xerox dem Benutzer zu den nachfolgend aufgefhrten Bedingungen eine nicht exklusive, nicht bertragbare Lizenz zur Verwendung der beiliegenden Software und der zugehrigen Dokumentation ("Software") in Verbindung mit dem Produkt, sofern jegliche anfallenden Lizenzgebhren (einschlielich jhrliche Zahlungen fr Wartung oder Updates) entrichtet wurden. 2. VERWENDUNG Der Benutzer darf die Software in Verbindung mit dem Produkt auf einem beliebigen vernetzten Rechner (Workstation oder Server) installieren. In einem Netzwerk drfen andere Benutzer auf die Software in Verbindung mit dem Produkt zugreifen. 3. URHEBERRECHT, COPYRIGHT UND VERTRAULICHKEIT 3.1 Xerox ist berechtigt, unter Bercksichtigung der hier aufgefhrten Lizenzbedingungen Lizenzen zur Nutzung der beiliegenden Software zu gewhren. 3.2 Das Eigentumsrecht der Software verbleibt zu jedem Zeitpunkt bei Xerox und wird nicht auf den Benutzer bertragen. 3.3 Es ist dem Benutzer gestattet, fr die Nutzung im Rahmen der unter 3.4 dargelegten Nutzungsbedingungen sowie fr Archivierungszwecke Kopien der Software zu erstellen. Jede Kopie muss smtliche auf dem Original vorhandenen Urheberrechts- und andere Hinweise in lesbarer Form aufweisen. 3.4 Kopien der Dokumentation drfen nur in Verbindung mit dem Produkt erstellt werden. 3.5 Die Software darf weder durch den Benutzer noch durch Dritte verndert oder weitergegeben werden. 3.6 Der Benutzer verpflichtet sich, die Software keinem Dritten verfgbar zu machen, mit Ausnahme der eigenen Angestellten sowie von Bevollmchtigten, die direkt mit der in diesem Lizenzvertrag genehmigten Nutzung der Software zu tun haben. 3.7 Die Software unterliegt dem Urheberrecht und dem Markenschutzrecht. Der Benutzer kann bei einem Versto gegen dieses Recht direkt haftbar gemacht werden. 3.8 Die Software darf weder dekompiliert noch zurckentwickelt oder auf irgendeine Weise zerlegt werden. 3.9 Der Benutzer darf die Software nur dann exportieren, wenn vorher die erforderliche Exporterlaubnis eingeholt wurde. 3.10 Xerox behlt sich das Recht vor, die Nutzungslizenz mit sofortiger Wirkung zu kndigen, wenn (i) der Benutzer bzw. ein weiterer Leasingkunde das Produkt nicht mehr benutzt bzw. besitzt oder (ii) bei Kndigung einer Vereinbarung, unter welcher der Benutzer das Produkt geleast bzw. gemietet hat. 4. WEITERGABE DER SOFTWARE Bei bertragung des Produkts an Dritte bietet Xerox dem Erwerber eine Nutzungslizenz fr die Software in Verbindung mit dem Produkt unter der Bedingung der Einhaltung der jeweiligen Nutzungsbestimmungen sowie der Entrichtung jeglicher anfallenden Lizenzgebhren. 5. EINGESCHRNKTE GEWHRLEISTUNG 5.1 Xerox garantiert, dass die Software im Wesentlichen den Angaben in der Dokumentation zum Gert entspricht. Gewhrleistung dafr, dass die Software ohne Unterbrechung und fehlerfrei betrieben werden kann, sowie Gewhrleistung der Brauchbarkeit fr den Zweck des Benutzers sind hiermit von diesem Vertrag ausgeschlossen. 5.2 Sollte die Software nicht der in Abschnitt 5.1 aufgefhrten begrenzten Gewhrleistung entsprechen, besteht der ausschlieliche Anspruch des Benutzers in der Mglichkeit, die Software innerhalb von 90 Tagen ab Lieferdatum an den Hndler, bei dem sie erworben wurde, zurckzugeben. Xerox ist ausschlielich dazu verpflichtet, im vertretbaren Rahmen die Software durch Software zu ersetzen, welche der obigen Gewhrleistung entspricht, oder eine Problemumgehung verfgbar zu machen. 5.3 XEROX IST ZU KEINER WEITEREN GEWHRLEISTUNG FR DIE "SOFTWARE" VERPFLICHTET. JEGLICHE ANDERE AUSDRCKLICHE ODER IMPLIZITE GEWHRLEISTUNG, DIE AUF GESETZEN, STATUTEN O. . BERUHT, EINSCHLIESSLICH DER HAFTUNG FR INDIREKTE ODER FOLGESCHDEN ODER SCHDEN (EINSCHLIESSLICH DATENVERLUST), DIE BEI ODER IM ZUSAMMENHANG MIT DER BENUTZUNG DER SOFTWARE ENTSTEHEN, IST HIERMIT AUSDRCKLICH VON DIESEM LIZENZVERTRAG AUSGESCHLOSSEN. XEROX LEHNT ZUDEM JEGLICHE HAFTUNG FR GEWHRLEISTUNGEN ODER ERKLRUNGEN DURCH DRITTE AB. 5.4 Die oben ausdrcklich aufgefhrte Gewhrleistung verliert ihre Gltigkeit, wenn die Software nicht wie in der Dokumentation und/oder in diesem Lizenzvertrag festgelegt verwendet wird. 6. GEWHRLEISTUNG BEI RECHTSVERLETZUNG Xerox bernimmt in dem Land, in dem die Niederlassung, bei welcher der Benutzer das Gert bezogen hat, registriert ist, die Verteidigung des Benutzers bei Ansprchen aufgrund von Weitergabe von Betriebsgeheimnissen oder wegen Verletzung des Patent- und Urheberrechts sowie die Begleichung daraus resultierender Forderungen. Diese Gewhrleistung durch Xerox und ein solcher Rechtsanspruch haben nur dann Geltung, wenn der Benutzer Xerox innerhalb von 90 Tagen von dem Anspruch in Kenntnis setzt und sich mit der Verteidigung durch Xerox bzw. durch einen von Xerox Beauftragten einverstanden erklrt und zu diesem Zweck mit Xerox zusammenarbeitet. Xerox ist nicht fr Gerichtskosten oder Abfindungen verantwortlich, die nicht im Zusammenhang mit Xerox entstehen, auer wenn Xerox eine entsprechende schriftliche Erklrung abgibt. Um einen Rechtsanspruch auch ohne Geltendmachung zu vermeiden, behlt sich Xerox vor, ohne Belastung des Benutzers eine Lizenz zu erwerben oder die Software zu modifizieren, zu ersetzen oder zu entfernen. Wird die Software durch Xerox aus einem solchen Grund entfernt, erhlt der Benutzer die Lizenzgebhr in voller Hhe rckerstattet. Xerox kann nicht fr Rechtsansprche haftbar gemacht werden, die entstehen, wenn die Software auf Wunsch des Benutzers von Xerox oder Dritten (einschlielich des Benutzers) modifiziert wird, oder wenn die Software zusammen mit Gerten, Software oder anderen Materialien verwendet oder verkauft wird, die nicht von Xerox geliefert werden. XEROX UND SEINE LIEFERBETRIEBE VERPFLICHTEN SICH ZU KEINERLEI ANDERER AUSDRCKLICHER ODER IMPLIZITER GEWHRLEISTUNG BEI RECHTSANSPRCHEN UND SIND IN KEINER ANDEREN WEISE FR ANSPRCHE, DIE AUS RECHTSVERLETZUNGEN ERWACHSEN, BZW. AUS RECHTSVERLETZUNGEN RESULTIERENDE SCHADENSERSATZANSPRCHE HAFTBAR. 7. HAFTUNGSAUSSCHLUSS AUSSER WENN DIE GELTENDE GESETZGEBUNG DIES VORSIEHT, KNNEN WEDER XEROX NOCH SEINE LIEFERBETRIEBE FR SPEZIELLE, INDIREKTE ODER FOLGESCHDEN (EINSCHLIESSLICH UND OHNE BESCHRNKUNG DATENVERLUST) ODER FR AUFWENDUNGEN BEI VERTRAGSERFLLUNG, DIE AUS DER BENUTZUNG DER SOFTWARE ENTSTEHEN, ODER DARAUS, DASS DIE SOFTWARE NICHT BENUTZT WERDEN KANN, HAFTBAR GEMACHT WERDEN, SELBST WENN AUF DIE MGLICHKEIT SOLCHER SCHDEN HINGEWIESEN WURDE. DIE MAXIMALSUMME DER VERBINDLICHKEIT KANN DIE FR DIE LIZENZ ENTRICHTETE GEBHR NICHT BERSCHREITEN. 8. VERTRAGSENDE Im Falle eines Vertragsbruches durch den Benutzer behlt sich Xerox das Recht vor, den Lizenzvertrag mit sofortiger Wirkung zu kndigen. Der Benutzer ist in diesem Fall zur Rckgabe smtlicher Exemplare der Software an Xerox oder dessen Lieferbetriebe sowie zur Deinstallation smtlicher Kopien derselben verpflichtet. 9. ANWENDBARES RECHT Dieser Lizenzvertrag unterliegt mit Ausnahme des internationalen Privatrechts der Gesetzgebung des Landes, in dem die Xerox Niederlassung registriert ist, von der das Produkt erworben wurde. 10. VOLLSTNDIGKEIT DES VERTRAGS Diese Lizenz bildet den gesamten Vertrag ber die Software zwischen Xerox und dem Benutzer und ersetzt jegliche anderen Entwrfe oder ltere und derzeitige Vertrge oder Vereinbarungen ber die Software. Der Benutzer erklrt hiermit, dass jegliche Verkaufs- und Lieferbedingungen in der Bestellung oder einem hnlichen Dokument, das nach Abschluss dieses Vertrags eingereicht wird, keinerlei bindende Wirkung fr Xerox oder seine Lieferbetriebe hat und keine nderung an diesem Vertrag darstellt. Sollte der Benutzer nach der Lektre der oben aufgefhrten Lizenzbedingungen diese nicht akzeptieren, ist die Software umgehend an den Hndler, bei dem sie erworben wurde, zurckzugeben. In diesem Fall erhlt der Benutzer die entrichtete Lizenzgebhr in voller Hhe zurckerstattet. ====================================================================== LICENSE AGREEMENT AND WARRANTY FOR THE ENCLOSED SOFTWARE AND RELATED DOCUMENTATION YOUR LICENSE AGREEMENT - READ BEFORE INSTALLING SOFTWARE IMPORTANT: THIS AGREEMENT CONTAINS THE LICENSE TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR LICENSED SOFTWARE AND RELATED DOCUMENTATION. INSTALLING THE SOFTWARE PACKAGE SIGNIFIES YOUR ACCEPTANCE OF THIS AGREEMENT. IF YOU DO NOT ACCEPT THIS AGREEMENT, YOU MUST PROMPTLY RETURN THE SOFTWARE PACKAGE AND DELETE ANY SOFTWARE FILES ACCESSED BY YOU FROM ANY AND ALL COMPUTER MEMORY INTO WHICH SUCH SOFTWARE HAS BEEN LOADED OR STORED. WHEN USED IN THIS AGREEMENT THE WORD "XEROX" SHALL MEAN XEROX CORPORATION, ITS OPERATING COMPANY SUBSIDIARY OR AFFILIATE FROM WHICH YOU OBTAINED THE XEROX PRODUCT WITH WHICH THE SOFTWARE IS TO BE USED (the "Equipment"), UNLESS YOU OBTAINED THE EQUIPMENT FROM AN AUTHORIZED DEALER, AGENT, CONCESSIONAIRE OR DISTRIBUTOR, IN WHICH CASE "XEROX" SHALL MEAN XEROX CORPORATION, ITS OPERATING COMPANY, SUBSIDIARY OR AFFILIATE FROM WHICH THE ENTITY THAT SOLD YOU THE EQUIPMENT ACQUIRED IT. 1. GRANT OF LICENSE Xerox hereby grants you a non-exclusive, non-transferable license to use the software and related documentation ("Software") enclosed in this package with the Equipment, for as long as you are current in the payment of any indicated software license fees (including any annual renewal or maintenance fees) on the following terms and conditions. 2. USE You may install the Software for use on any networked workstation or server only in conjunction with the Equipment. When networked, other users on the network may access and use the Software in conjunction with the Equipment. 3. OWNERSHIP, COPYING, MODIFICATION AND CONFIDENTIALITY 3.1 Xerox owns or is otherwise entitled to grant licenses in respect of all rights in the Software. 3.2 No title to or ownership of the Software or any proprietary right therein is transferred to you. 3.3 You may, subject to Section 3.4 below, make one copy of the Software in whole or in part only for that purpose expressly permitted in Section 2 above and for back-up. Such permitted copy shall include in readable format any copyright and other proprietary notices contained on the original Software. 3.4 You may copy the related documentation for use only in conjunction with the Equipment. 3.5 You may not distribute, alter or modify nor cause or allow others to alter or modify the Software. 3.6 You agree not to provide or otherwise make available the Software to anyone other than your employees and agents directly concerned with the licensed use of the Software. 3.7 The Software is protected by copyright and other proprietary rights of Xerox and/or a third party. You may be held directly responsible by such third party for an infringement of such rights by you. 3.8 You agree not to reverse engineer, decompile or disassemble the Software for any purpose whatsoever, except to the extent permitted by law. 3.9 You agree not to export or re-export the Software in any form without, in the case of a customer in the United States, first obtaining all United States government licenses, and in the case of a customer outside of the United States, all relevant foreign government licenses, required by law, and then only upon the export of the Equipment. 3.10 Xerox may terminate your license for the Software (i) immediately if you no longer use or possess the Equipment or are a lessor of the Equipment and your first lessee no longer uses or possesses it or (ii) upon the termination of any agreement under which you have rented or leased the Equipment. 4. TRANSFER OF LICENSED SOFTWARE If you transfer possession of the Equipment, Xerox will offer the transferee a license to use the Software on or with it, subject to Xerox' then applicable terms and license fees, if any, and provided the transfer is not in violation of Xerox' rights. 5. LIMITED WARRANTY 5.1 Xerox warrants that the Software shall substantially conform to Xerox' User Manual or other Xerox documentation supplied at delivery to the original Customer. Xerox does not warrant that the operation of the Software will be uninterrupted or error free, nor that it will meet your needs. 5.2 In the event that the Software does not conform to the limited warranty contained in Section 5.1 above, your exclusive remedy is to notify Xerox within ninety (90) days of the date of delivery, and Xerox' or its supplier's sole obligation shall be to use all reasonable efforts to provide a work-around which avoids the nonconformity or to provide you with Software which does substantially conform to the Xerox User Manual or other Xerox supplied documentation. 5.3 XEROX GRANTS NO OTHER WARRANTIES ON THE "SOFTWARE", EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, WHETHER CREATED BY STATUTE OR OTHERWISE, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. XEROX FURTHER DISCLAIMS ANY WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS MADE BY PERSONS OTHER THAN XEROX (INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO XEROX SOFTWARE DEALERS, AGENTS, CONCESSIONAIRES OR DISTRIBUTORS). 5.4 The express warranties set forth above shall be void if you fail to properly use the Software in the appropriate environment as specified in the Xerox supplied documentation or if the Software is modified or altered in any fashion. 6. PATENT AND COPYRIGHT INDEMNIFICATION Xerox will defend and indemnify you if the Software is alleged to infringe, in the United States, any patent, trade secret, or copyright, if you promptly notify Xerox in writing of any alleged infringement, allow Xerox to direct the defense of such claim, and cooperate with Xerox. All notices should be sent to the Xerox Office of General Counsel, P.O. Box 1600, Stamford, Connecticut 06904. Xerox is not responsible for any non-Xerox litigation expenses or settlements unless Xerox pre-approves them in writing. To avoid infringement, Xerox may, at its option, and at no charge to you, obtain a license, or modify, or substitute an equivalent of, or remove the Software. If Software is removed by Xerox for this reason, any designated license fees paid by you will be fully refunded; if no portion of the amounts paid to Xerox within the transaction in which the Software was acquired was designated as a license fee for the Software, Xerox shall refund that portion of the amounts paid that Xerox reasonably designates as associated with the Software's acquisition. Xerox is not liable for any infringement due to the Software being made or modified (by Xerox or others, including you) to your specifications, or being used or sold in combination with equipment, software, or supplies not provided by Xerox. XEROX MAKES NO OTHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTY OF NON-INFRINGEMENT OR LIABILITY FOR INFRINGEMENT OR ANY DAMAGES THEREFROM. 7. LIMITATION OF LIABILITY IN NO EVENT SHALL XEROX OR ITS SUPPLIERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, (INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, LOSS OF DATA) IN ANY WAY ARISING OUT OF OR RELATED TO THE USE OR INABILITY TO USE THE "SOFTWARE", EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. IN NO EVENT SHALL XEROX' DIRECT DAMAGES TO YOU EXCEED THE TOTAL LICENSE FEE ACTUALLY PAID BY YOU FOR SUCH SOFTWARE. 8. TERMINATION Xerox may terminate this license immediately upon notice in the event of a material breach by you or if you no longer use or possess the equipment with which this Software is intended to be used, in which event you shall return to Xerox all copies of the Software, and remove same from all equipment into which such Software may have been loaded by you. 9. GOVERNING LAW This agreement will be governed by the laws of the State of New York, USA or if you acquire the Software outside the USA, by the laws of the country in which you acquired the Equipment, excluding its conflict of laws provisions. Some jurisdictions do not allow limitations on how long an implied warranty lasts or the exclusion or limitation of incidental or consequential damages, so the above disclaimers, limitations or exclusions, in whole or in part, may not apply to you. 10. ENTIRE AGREEMENT This Software License Agreement is the entire agreement between Xerox and you pertaining to the Software and supersedes all proposals or prior and contemporaneous agreements or understandings of the parties regarding the Software. You agree that any terms and conditions contained in any purchase order or other ordering document submitted to order the Software shall have no binding effect on Xerox and will not modify this Agreement in any way. If, after reading the terms and conditions, they are unacceptable to you, then, to avoid contractual obligations and liability, you should promptly return the software unused, and you will then be entitled to a refund of any sums paid by you to license the Software. "16" = "Dit volume voldoet niet aan de vereisten voor deze update."; "17" = "Onvoldoende vrije ruimte voor deze update. Er is 300 MB vrije ruimte vereist."; "18" = "Dit pakket kan alleen worden genstalleerd op Mac OS X versie 10.2 of hoger."; De vertaling van deze licentieovereenkomst is aangeleverd door Xerox Europe en is niet wettelijk bindend. De Engelse tekst, die na de vertaalde tekst volgt, is wettelijk bindend. ====================================================================== LICENTIEOVEREENKOMST EN GARANTIE VOOR DE INGESLOTEN SOFTWARE EN BIJBEHORENDE DOCUMENTATIE LICENTIEOVEREENKOMST - LEZEN ALVORENS DE SOFTWARE TE INSTALLEREN BELANGRIJK: DEZE OVEREENKOMST BEVAT DE LICENTIEVOORWAARDEN EN -BEPALINGEN WAARONDER DE SOFTWARE EN DE BIJBEHORENDE DOCUMENTATIE IN GEBRUIK MAG WORDEN GEGEVEN. DOOR HET INSTALLEREN VAN DE SOFTWARE ACCEPTEERT U DEZE OVEREENKOMST. ALS U NIET INSTEMT MET DEZE OVEREENKOMST DIENT U HET SOFTWAREPAKKET ONMIDDELLIJK TE RETOURNEREN EN SOFTWARE-BESTANDEN DIE DOOR U ZIJN GEACTIVEERD TE VERWIJDEREN UIT ELK COMPUTERGEHEUGEN WAARIN DE SOFTWARE IS GELADEN OF OPGESLAGEN. IN DEZE OVEREENKOMST STAAT HET WOORD "XEROX" VOOR XEROX CORPORATION, HET IN HAAR NAAM OPTREDENDE BEDRIJF, DE DOCHTERONDERNEMING OF HET AANGESLOTEN FILIAAL VIA WELKE U DE AFZONDERLIJKE EENHEID VAN DE XEROX DOCUMENT CENTRE-SYSTEEMAPPARATUUR (de "Apparatuur") HEEFT VERKREGEN EN WAARMEE DE SOFTWARE DIENT TE WORDEN GEBRUIKT, TENZIJ DE APPARATUUR IS AANGESCHAFT VIA EEN GEAUTORISEERDE DEALER, TUSSENPERSOON, LICENTIEHOUDER OF GROOTHANDELAAR, IN WELK GEVAL "XEROX" STAAT VOOR XEROX CORPORATION, HET IN HAAR NAAM OPTREDENDE BEDRIJF, DE DOCHTERONDERNEMING OF HET AANGESLOTEN FILIAAL VIA WELKE DE EENHEID DIE U DE APPARATUUR HEEFT VERKOCHT, IS AANGESCHAFT. 1. LICENTIEVERLENING Xerox verleent u hierbij het niet-exclusieve, niet-overdraagbare recht de software en bijbehorende documentatie ("Software") ingesloten in dit pakket op de Apparatuur te gebruiken, zolang u voldoet aan de betaling van enige van toepassing zijnde kosten met betrekking tot de softwarelicentie (inclusief eventuele jaarlijkse verlengingskosten) volgens de volgende voorwaarden en bepalingen. 2. GEBRUIK U mag de Software voor gebruik installeren op een werkstation of server in een netwerk, enkel in combinatie met de Apparatuur. Andere gebruikers op het netwerk mogen de Software activeren en gebruiken in combinatie met de Apparatuur. 3. EIGENDOMSRECHTEN, KOPIEN, WIJZIGINGEN EN VERTROUWELIJKHEID 3.1 Xerox heeft de Software in eigendom of heeft op andere wijze het recht licenties te verlenen met betrekking tot alle rechten in de Software. 3.2 Aan u worden in het geheel geen rechten van eigendom of beschikking overgedragen met betrekking tot de Software. 3.3 U mag, behoudens het onderstaande in artikel 3.4, de Software geheel of gedeeltelijk kopiren, maar uitsluitend voor het doel dat uitdrukkelijk is toegestaan in artikel 2 hierboven en voor het maken van een reservekopie. Elke kopie dient duidelijk leesbaar de vermeldingen van auteursrecht en andere eigendomsrechten te bevatten die in de oorspronkelijke Software zijn opgenomen. 3.4 U mag de bijbehorende documentatie alleen kopiren voor gebruik in combinatie met de Apparatuur. 3.5 U mag de Software niet verspreiden of hier wijzigingen of aanpassingen in aanbrengen noch anderen toestaan of ertoe aanzetten de Software te wijzigen of aan te passen. 3.6 U verklaart de Software niet te zullen verstrekken of anderszins beschikbaar te stellen aan andere gebruikers dan uw werknemers en vertegenwoordigers die rechtstreeks betrokken zijn bij het gebruik van de Software onder licentie. 3.7 De Software wordt beschermd door auteursrecht en andere eigendomsrechten van Xerox en/of derden. Indien u op enigerlei wijze deze rechten schendt, kunt u hiervoor ook door betrokken derden rechtstreeks aansprakelijk worden gesteld. 3.8 U verklaart de Software voor geen enkel doel te zullen terugvertalen, decompileren of disassembleren, behalve voor zover dit wettelijk is toegestaan. 3.9 U verklaart de Software niet in enige vorm te exporteren of te herexporteren zonder, in het geval van een klant in de Verenigde Staten van Amerika, eerst alle vereiste Amerikaanse overheidsvergunningen of, in het geval van een klant buiten de Verenigde Staten van Amerika, alle buitenlandse overheidsvergunningen te verkrijgen die wettelijk zijn vereist en bovendien uitsluitend bij export van de Apparatuur. 3.10 Xerox kan de licentie voor de Software met directe ingang beindigen (i) indien u de Apparatuur niet langer gebruikt of in bezit heeft, indien u verhuurder bent van de Apparatuur en uw eerste huurder deze niet langer gebruikt of in bezit heeft, of (ii) met ingang van de beindiging van enige overeenkomst waaronder de Apparatuur is gehuurd of geleasd. 4. OVERDRACHT VAN DE SOFTWARE ONDER LICENTIE Indien u bezit van de Apparatuur overdraagt, biedt Xerox de begunstigde een licentie voor het gebruik van de Software op of bij de Apparatuur, volgens de dan van toepassing zijnde voorwaarden en licentiekosten van Xerox, mits de overdracht niet in overtreding is met de rechten van Xerox. 5. BEPERKTE GARANTIE 5.1 Xerox garandeert dat de Software bij levering aan de oorspronkelijke klant in grote mate conform is aan de Xerox Handleiding voor de gebruiker of aan andere bijgeleverde Xerox-documentatie. Xerox garandeert niet dat de Software zonder onderbrekingen of zonder fouten functioneert, noch dat deze voorziet in de behoeften van de klant. 5.2 Indien de Software niet voldoet aan de bepalingen betreffende de beperkte garantie in artikel 5.1 hierboven, heeft u geen andere rechten dan Xerox hiervan binnen negentig (90) dagen vanaf de datum van levering op de hoogte te stellen. De enige verplichting van Xerox of van de Xerox-leverancier is in redelijkheid te proberen een oplossing ter vermijding van het conformiteitsprobleem te verschaffen of om de klant Software te leveren die in grote mate conform is aan de Xerox Handleiding voor de gebruiker of aan andere door Xerox verschafte documentatie. 5.3 XEROX VERLEENT GEEN ANDERE GARANTIES OP DE "SOFTWARE", UITDRUKKELIJK NOCH IMPLICIET, NOCH OP GROND VAN WETGEVING NOCH ANDERSZINS, MET INBEGRIP VAN, MAAR NIET BEPERKT TOT ENIGE IMPLICIETE GARANTIE VOOR VERHANDELBAARHEID OF GESCHIKTHEID VOOR EEN SPECIFIEK DOELEINDE. XEROX WIJST VERDER ALLE GARANTIES OF VERKLARINGEN AF DIE ZIJN GEGEVEN DOOR PERSONEN NIET ZIJNDE XEROX (OOK GARANTIES OF VERKLARINGEN VAN BIJVOORBEELD XEROX-SOFTWAREDEALERS, TUSSENPERSONEN, LICENTIEHOUDERS OF GROOTHANDELAREN WORDEN DERHALVE DOOR XEROX AFGEWEZEN). 5.4 De uitdrukkelijke garantiebepalingen die hierboven zijn uiteengezet, verliezen hun geldigheid wanneer u verzuimt de Software op de juiste wijze te gebruiken in de correcte omgeving zoals wordt aangegeven in de door Xerox geleverde documentatie of wanneer de Software op enigerlei wijze wordt gewijzigd. 6. SCHADELOOSSTELLING BIJ SCHENDING OCTROOIRECHT EN AUTEURSRECHT Xerox zal u verdedigen en schadeloosstellen in geval van een vordering met betrekking tot schending door de Software van een octrooirecht, handelsgeheim of auteursrecht in de Verenigde Staten, indien u Xerox terstond schriftelijk op de hoogte brengt van de vermeende schending, Xerox toestemming geeft zich tegen een dergelijke vordering te verdedigen en medewerking verleent aan Xerox. Alle informatie dient te worden opgestuurd naar: Xerox Office of General Counsel, P.O. Box 1600, Stamford, Connecticut 06904, VS. Xerox is niet verantwoordelijk voor enige niet door Xerox gemaakte proceskosten of getroffen schaderegelingen, tenzij Xerox daartoe schriftelijk heeft toegestemd. Om eventuele inbreuk te voorkomen, kan Xerox, naar eigen keuze en zonder kosten voor de klant, een licentie aanschaffen, de Software wijzigen, de Software vervangen door gelijksoortige Software of de Software verwijderen. Indien de Software om deze reden door Xerox wordt verwijderd, worden de door u betaalde licentiekosten volledig terugbetaald, indien geen gedeelte van de betaalde bedragen aan Xerox binnen de transactie waarbij de Software is aangeschaft, is toegewezen als zijnde licentiekosten voor de Software, dan zal Xerox dat gedeelte van de betaalde bedragen terugbetalen waarbij Xerox bepaalt welk bedrag als redelijk kan worden gezien voor de aanwerving van de Software. Xerox is niet aansprakelijk voor inbreuk die het gevolg is van ontwerp of wijziging van de Software op basis van uw eigen specificaties (door Xerox of anderen, met inbegrip van uzelf), of die het gevolg zijn van het gebruik of de verkoop van de Software in combinatie met apparatuur, software of verbruiksartikelen die niet door Xerox zijn geleverd. XEROX BIEDT GEEN ENKELE ANDERE UITDRUKKELIJKE OF IMPLICIETE GARANTIE MET BETREKKING TOT NIET-SCHENDING VAN RECHTEN OF AANSPRAKELIJKHEID VOOR SCHENDING VAN RECHTEN OF ENIGE DAARUIT VOORTVLOEIENDE SCHADE. 7. BEPERKING VAN AANSPRAKELIJKHEID IN GEEN ENKEL GEVAL DRAAGT XEROX OF ENIGE LEVERANCIER VAN HET BEDRIJF AANSPRAKELIJKHEID VOOR ENIGE SPECIALE, INDIRECTE OF GEVOLGSCHADE (MET INBEGRIP VAN, MAAR NIET BEPERKT TOT VERLIES VAN GEGEVENS) DIE OP ENIGE MANIER VOORTKOMT UIT OF VERBAND HOUDT MET HET GEBRUIK VAN OF DE ONMOGELIJKHEID VAN HET GEBRUIK VAN DE "SOFTWARE", ZELFS INDIEN HET BEDRIJF WAS GENFORMEERD OVER DE MOGELIJKHEID VAN EEN DERGELIJKE SCHADE. VOORTS ZAL XEROX' AANSPRAKELIJKHEID VOOR DIRECTE SCHADE STEEDS BEPERKT ZIJN TOT HET TOTALE BEDRAG DAT DE KLANT VOOR DE SOFTWARELICENTIE HEEFT BETAALD. 8. BEINDIGING Xerox kan deze licentie na kennisgeving met directe ingang beindigen, indien u materieel in gebreke blijft of indien u de apparatuur waarmee de Software dient te worden gebruikt, niet langer gebruikt of in bezit heeft. In dit geval dient u alle kopien van de Software te retourneren aan Xerox en de Software te verwijderen van alle apparatuur waarop de Software door u is geladen. 9. TOEPASSELIJKE WETGEVING Deze overeenkomst wordt beheerst door de wetgeving van de staat New York, Verenigde Staten van Amerika, of door de wetgeving van het land waarin u de Document Centre-systeemapparatuur waarvoor deze Software is bedoeld, heeft aangeschaft (conflicterende bepalingen buiten beschouwing houdende). In sommige rechtsgebieden worden beperkingen met betrekking tot de lengte van een impliciete garantie of de uitsluiting of beperking van incidentele of gevolgschades niet toegestaan. Bovenstaande uitsluitingen en beperkingen kunnen mogelijk, geheel of gedeeltelijk, niet van toepassing zijn op u. 10. VOLLEDIGE OVEREENKOMST Deze licentieovereenkomst is de volledige overeenkomst tussen Xerox en u met betrekking tot de Software, en treedt in de plaats van alle eerdere of gelijktijdige voorstellen of afspraken tussen de partijen betreffende de Software. U verklaart dat alle voorwaarden en bepalingen in eventuele inkooporders of andere documenten die de klant in verband met de bestelling van het product heeft verzonden, niet bindend zijn voor Xerox en van geen enkele invloed zijn op deze overeenkomst. Indien u na het lezen van de voorwaarden en bepalingen deze niet kunt aanvaarden, dient u, om contractuele verplichtingen en aansprakelijkheid te voorkomen, de Software onmiddellijk ongebruikt te retourneren. U heeft dan recht op volledige vergoeding van de prijs die u heeft betaald voor de softwarelicentie. ====================================================================== LICENSE AGREEMENT AND WARRANTY FOR THE ENCLOSED SOFTWARE AND RELATED DOCUMENTATION YOUR LICENSE AGREEMENT - READ BEFORE INSTALLING SOFTWARE IMPORTANT: THIS AGREEMENT CONTAINS THE LICENSE TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR LICENSED SOFTWARE AND RELATED DOCUMENTATION. INSTALLING THE SOFTWARE PACKAGE SIGNIFIES YOUR ACCEPTANCE OF THIS AGREEMENT. IF YOU DO NOT ACCEPT THIS AGREEMENT, YOU MUST PROMPTLY RETURN THE SOFTWARE PACKAGE AND DELETE ANY SOFTWARE FILES ACCESSED BY YOU FROM ANY AND ALL COMPUTER MEMORY INTO WHICH SUCH SOFTWARE HAS BEEN LOADED OR STORED. WHEN USED IN THIS AGREEMENT THE WORD "XEROX" SHALL MEAN XEROX CORPORATION, ITS OPERATING COMPANY SUBSIDIARY OR AFFILIATE FROM WHICH YOU OBTAINED THE INDIVIDUAL UNIT OF THE XEROX DOCUMENT CENTRE SYSTEM EQUIPMENT (the "Equipment") WITH WHICH THE SOFTWARE IS TO BE USED, UNLESS YOU OBTAINED THE EQUIPMENT FROM AN AUTHORIZED DEALER, AGENT, CONCESSIONAIRE OR DISTRIBUTOR, IN WHICH CASE "XEROX" SHALL MEAN XEROX CORPORATION, ITS OPERATING COMPANY, SUBSIDIARY OR AFFILIATE FROM WHICH THE ENTITY THAT SOLD YOU THE EQUIPMENT ACQUIRED IT. 1. GRANT OF LICENSE Xerox hereby grants you a non-exclusive, non-transferable license to use the software and related documentation ("Software") enclosed in this package with the Equipment, for as long as you are current in the payment of any indicated software license fees (including any annual renewal or maintenance fees) on the following terms and conditions. 2. USE You may install the Software for use on any networked workstation or server only in conjunction with the Equipment. When networked, other users on the network may access and use the Software in conjunction with the Equipment. 3. OWNERSHIP, COPYING, MODIFICATION AND CONFIDENTIALITY 3.1 Xerox owns or is otherwise entitled to grant licenses in respect of all rights in the Software. 3.2 No title to or ownership of the Software or any proprietary right therein is transferred to you. 3.3 You may, subject to Section 3.4 below, make one copy of the Software in whole or in part only for that purpose expressly permitted in Section 2 above and for back-up. Such permitted copy shall include in readable format any copyright and other proprietary notices contained on the original Software. 3.4 You may copy the related documentation for use only in conjunction with the Equipment. 3.5 You may not distribute, alter or modify nor cause or allow others to alter or modify the Software. 3.6 You agree not to provide or otherwise make available the Software to anyone other than your employees and agents directly concerned with the licensed use of the Software. 3.7 The Software is protected by copyright and other proprietary rights of Xerox and/or a third party. You may be held directly responsible by such third party for an infringement of such rights by you. 3.8 You agree not to reverse engineer, decompile or disassemble the Software for any purpose whatsoever, except to the extent permitted by law. 3.9 You agree not to export or re-export the Software in any form without, in the case of a customer in the United States, first obtaining all United States government licenses, and in the case of a customer outside of the United States, all relevant foreign government licenses, required by law, and then only upon the export of the Equipment. 3.10 Xerox may terminate your license for the Software (i) immediately if you no longer use or possess the Equipment or are a lessor of the Equipment and your first lessee no longer uses or possesses it or (ii) upon the termination of any agreement under which you have rented or leased the Equipment. 4. TRANSFER OF LICENSED SOFTWARE If you transfer possession of the Equipment, Xerox will offer the transferee a license to use the Software on or with it, subject to Xerox' then applicable terms and license fees, if any, and provided the transfer is not in violation of Xerox' rights. 5. LIMITED WARRANTY 5.1 Xerox warrants that the Software shall substantially conform to Xerox' User Manual or other Xerox documentation supplied at delivery to the original Customer. Xerox does not warrant that the operation of the Software will be uninterrupted or error free, nor that it will meet your needs. 5.2 In the event that the Software does not conform to the limited warranty contained in Section 5.1 above, your exclusive remedy is to notify Xerox within ninety (90) days of the date of delivery, and Xerox' or its supplier's sole obligation shall be to use all reasonable efforts to provide a work-around which avoids the nonconformity or to provide you with Software which does substantially conform to the Xerox User Manual or other Xerox supplied documentation. 5.3 XEROX GRANTS NO OTHER WARRANTIES ON THE "SOFTWARE", EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, WHETHER CREATED BY STATUTE OR OTHERWISE, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. XEROX FURTHER DISCLAIMS ANY WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS MADE BY PERSONS OTHER THAN XEROX (INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO XEROX SOFTWARE DEALERS, AGENTS, CONCESSIONAIRES OR DISTRIBUTORS). 5.4 The express warranties set forth above shall be void if you fail to properly use the Software in the appropriate environment as specified in the Xerox supplied documentation or if the Software is modified or altered in any fashion. 6. PATENT AND COPYRIGHT INDEMNIFICATION Xerox will defend and indemnify you if the Software is alleged to infringe, in the United States, any patent, trade secret, or copyright, if you promptly notify Xerox in writing of any alleged infringement, allow Xerox to direct the defense of such claim, and cooperate with Xerox. All notices should be sent to the Xerox Office of General Counsel, P.O. Box 1600, Stamford, Connecticut 06904. Xerox is not responsible for any non-Xerox litigation expenses or settlements unless Xerox pre-approves them in writing. To avoid infringement, Xerox may, at its option, and at no charge to you, obtain a license, or modify, or substitute an equivalent of, or remove the Software. If Software is removed by Xerox for this reason, any designated license fees paid by you will be fully refunded; if no portion of the amounts paid to Xerox within the transaction in which the Software was acquired was designated as a license fee for the Software, Xerox shall refund that portion of the amounts paid that Xerox reasonably designates as associated with the Software's acquisition. Xerox is not liable for any infringement due to the Software being made or modified (by Xerox or others, including you) to your specifications, or being used or sold in combination with equipment, software, or supplies not provided by Xerox. XEROX MAKES NO OTHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTY OF NON-INFRINGEMENT OR LIABILITY FOR INFRINGEMENT OR ANY DAMAGES THEREFROM. 7. LIMITATION OF LIABILITY IN NO EVENT SHALL XEROX OR ITS SUPPLIERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, (INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, LOSS OF DATA) IN ANY WAY ARISING OUT OF OR RELATED TO THE USE OR INABILITY TO USE THE "SOFTWARE", EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. IN NO EVENT SHALL XEROX' DIRECT DAMAGES TO YOU EXCEED THE TOTAL LICENSE FEE ACTUALLY PAID BY YOU FOR SUCH SOFTWARE. 8. TERMINATION Xerox may terminate this license immediately upon notice in the event of a material breach by you or if you no longer use or possess the equipment with which this Software is intended to be used, in which event you shall return to Xerox all copies of the Software, and remove same from all equipment into which such Software may have been loaded by you. 9. GOVERNING LAW This agreement will be governed by the laws of the State of New York, USA or if you acquire the Software outside the USA, by the laws of the country in which you acquired the Document Centre System Equipment with which this software is to be used, excluding its conflict of laws provisions. Some jurisdictions do not allow limitations on how long an implied warranty lasts or the exclusion or limitation of incidental or consequential damages, so the above disclaimers, limitations or exclusions, in whole or in part, may not apply to you. 10. ENTIRE AGREEMENT This Software License Agreement is the entire agreement between Xerox and you pertaining to the Software and supersedes all proposals or prior and contemporaneous agreements or understandings of the parties regarding the Software. You agree that any terms and conditions contained in any purchase order or other ordering document submitted to order the Software shall have no binding effect on Xerox and will not modify this Agreement in any way. If, after reading the terms and conditions, they are unacceptable to you, then, to avoid contractual obligations and liability, you should promptly return the software unused, and you will then be entitled to a refund of any sums paid by you to license the Software. IFPkgDescriptionDeleteWarning IFPkgDescriptionDescription IFPkgDescriptionTitle WorkCentre Pro 40 Color IFPkgDescriptionVersion 1.2.7 }ƣu@24\ ׻IQ۫9ܥDt'f9Oe(mm>=&AǮ?{K;Cߋ{{ܯ#\ȯn9ſ믽USP!%%N=q{=q{r$S  @ @ @ @"16" = "This volume does not meet the requirements for this update."; "17" = "Insufficient space for this update. 300MB of space is required."; "18" = "This Package may only be run on Mac OS X, version 10.2 or higher."; DSDB ` @ @ @LICENSE AGREEMENT AND WARRANTY FOR THE ENCLOSED SOFTWARE AND RELATED DOCUMENTATION YOUR LICENSE AGREEMENT - READ BEFORE INSTALLING SOFTWARE IMPORTANT: THIS AGREEMENT CONTAINS THE LICENSE TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR LICENSED SOFTWARE AND RELATED DOCUMENTATION. INSTALLING THE SOFTWARE PACKAGE SIGNIFIES YOUR ACCEPTANCE OF THIS AGREEMENT. IF YOU DO NOT ACCEPT THIS AGREEMENT, YOU MUST PROMPTLY RETURN THE SOFTWARE PACKAGE AND DELETE ANY SOFTWARE FILES ACCESSED BY YOU FROM ANY AND ALL COMPUTER MEMORY INTO WHICH SUCH SOFTWARE HAS BEEN LOADED OR STORED. WHEN USED IN THIS AGREEMENT THE WORD "XEROX" SHALL MEAN XEROX CORPORATION, ITS OPERATING COMPANY SUBSIDIARY OR AFFILIATE FROM WHICH YOU OBTAINED THE XEROX PRODUCT WITH WHICH THE SOFTWARE IS TO BE USED (the "Equipment"), UNLESS YOU OBTAINED THE EQUIPMENT FROM AN AUTHORIZED DEALER, AGENT, CONCESSIONAIRE OR DISTRIBUTOR, IN WHICH CASE "XEROX" SHALL MEAN XEROX CORPORATION, ITS OPERATING COMPANY, SUBSIDIARY OR AFFILIATE FROM WHICH THE ENTITY THAT SOLD YOU THE EQUIPMENT ACQUIRED IT. 1. GRANT OF LICENSE Xerox hereby grants you a non-exclusive, non-transferable license to use the software and related documentation ("Software") enclosed in this package with the Equipment, for as long as you are current in the payment of any indicated software license fees (including any annual renewal or maintenance fees) on the following terms and conditions. 2. USE You may install the Software for use on any networked workstation or server only in conjunction with the Equipment. When networked, other users on the network may access and use the Software in conjunction with the Equipment. 3. OWNERSHIP, COPYING, MODIFICATION AND CONFIDENTIALITY 3.1 Xerox owns or is otherwise entitled to grant licenses in respect of all rights in the Software. 3.2 No title to or ownership of the Software or any proprietary right therein is transferred to you. 3.3 You may, subject to Section 3.4 below, make one copy of the Software in whole or in part only for that purpose expressly permitted in Section 2 above and for back-up. Such permitted copy shall include in readable format any copyright and other proprietary notices contained on the original Software. 3.4 You may copy the related documentation for use only in conjunction with the Equipment. 3.5 You may not distribute, alter or modify nor cause or allow others to alter or modify the Software. 3.6 You agree not to provide or otherwise make available the Software to anyone other than your employees and agents directly concerned with the licensed use of the Software. 3.7 The Software is protected by copyright and other proprietary rights of Xerox and/or a third party. You may be held directly responsible by such third party for an infringement of such rights by you. 3.8 You agree not to reverse engineer, decompile or disassemble the Software for any purpose whatsoever, except to the extent permitted by law. 3.9 You agree not to export or re-export the Software in any form without, in the case of a customer in the United States, first obtaining all United States government licenses, and in the case of a customer outside of the United States, all relevant foreign government licenses, required by law, and then only upon the export of the Equipment. 3.10 Xerox may terminate your license for the Software (i) immediately if you no longer use or possess the Equipment or are a lessor of the Equipment and your first lessee no longer uses or possesses it or (ii) upon the termination of any agreement under which you have rented or leased the Equipment. 4. TRANSFER OF LICENSED SOFTWARE If you transfer possession of the Equipment, Xerox will offer the transferee a license to use the Software on or with it, subject to Xerox' then applicable terms and license fees, if any, and provided the transfer is not in violation of Xerox' rights. 5. LIMITED WARRANTY 5.1 Xerox warrants that the Software shall substantially conform to Xerox' User Manual or other Xerox documentation supplied at delivery to the original Customer. Xerox does not warrant that the operation of the Software will be uninterrupted or error free, nor that it will meet your needs. 5.2 In the event that the Software does not conform to the limited warranty contained in Section 5.1 above, your exclusive remedy is to notify Xerox within ninety (90) days of the date of delivery, and Xerox' or its supplier's sole obligation shall be to use all reasonable efforts to provide a work-around which avoids the nonconformity or to provide you with Software which does substantially conform to the Xerox User Manual or other Xerox supplied documentation. 5.3 XEROX GRANTS NO OTHER WARRANTIES ON THE "SOFTWARE", EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, WHETHER CREATED BY STATUTE OR OTHERWISE, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. XEROX FURTHER DISCLAIMS ANY WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS MADE BY PERSONS OTHER THAN XEROX (INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO XEROX SOFTWARE DEALERS, AGENTS, CONCESSIONAIRES OR DISTRIBUTORS). 5.4 The express warranties set forth above shall be void if you fail to properly use the Software in the appropriate environment as specified in the Xerox supplied documentation or if the Software is modified or altered in any fashion. 6. PATENT AND COPYRIGHT INDEMNIFICATION Xerox will defend and indemnify you if the Software is alleged to infringe, in the United States, any patent, trade secret, or copyright, if you promptly notify Xerox in writing of any alleged infringement, allow Xerox to direct the defense of such claim, and cooperate with Xerox. All notices should be sent to the Xerox Office of General Counsel, P.O. Box 1600, Stamford, Connecticut 06904. Xerox is not responsible for any non-Xerox litigation expenses or settlements unless Xerox pre-approves them in writing. To avoid infringement, Xerox may, at its option, and at no charge to you, obtain a license, or modify, or substitute an equivalent of, or remove the Software. If Software is removed by Xerox for this reason, any designated license fees paid by you will be fully refunded; if no portion of the amounts paid to Xerox within the transaction in which the Software was acquired was designated as a license fee for the Software, Xerox shall refund that portion of the amounts paid that Xerox reasonably designates as associated with the Software's acquisition. Xerox is not liable for any infringement due to the Software being made or modified (by Xerox or others, including you) to your specifications, or being used or sold in combination with equipment, software, or supplies not provided by Xerox. XEROX MAKES NO OTHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTY OF NON-INFRINGEMENT OR LIABILITY FOR INFRINGEMENT OR ANY DAMAGES THEREFROM. 7. LIMITATION OF LIABILITY IN NO EVENT SHALL XEROX OR ITS SUPPLIERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, (INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, LOSS OF DATA) IN ANY WAY ARISING OUT OF OR RELATED TO THE USE OR INABILITY TO USE THE "SOFTWARE", EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. IN NO EVENT SHALL XEROX' DIRECT DAMAGES TO YOU EXCEED THE TOTAL LICENSE FEE ACTUALLY PAID BY YOU FOR SUCH SOFTWARE. 8. TERMINATION Xerox may terminate this license immediately upon notice in the event of a material breach by you or if you no longer use or possess the equipment with which this Software is intended to be used, in which event you shall return to Xerox all copies of the Software, and remove same from all equipment into which such Software may have been loaded by you. 9. GOVERNING LAW This agreement will be governed by the laws of the State of New York, USA or if you acquire the Software outside the USA, by the laws of the country in which you acquired the Equipment, excluding its conflict of laws provisions. Some jurisdictions do not allow limitations on how long an implied warranty lasts or the exclusion or limitation of incidental or consequential damages, so the above disclaimers, limitations or exclusions, in whole or in part, may not apply to you. 10. ENTIRE AGREEMENT This Software License Agreement is the entire agreement between Xerox and you pertaining to the Software and supersedes all proposals or prior and contemporaneous agreements or understandings of the parties regarding the Software. You agree that any terms and conditions contained in any purchase order or other ordering document submitted to order the Software shall have no binding effect on Xerox and will not modify this Agreement in any way. If, after reading the terms and conditions, they are unacceptable to you, then, to avoid contractual obligations and liability, you should promptly return the software unused, and you will then be entitled to a refund of any sums paid by you to license the Software. ente contrato de licencia de uso del Software es el acuerdo total entre Xerox y usted en relacin con el Software, y sustituye a todos los acuerdos o arreglos anteriores y actuales entre las partes respecto al Software. Acepta que los trminos y condiciones relacionados con el Software contenidos en cualquier orden de compra del Cliente u otro documento de pedido enviado para encargar el Software no tendrn efecto para Xerox y no modificarn este Contrato en ningn sentido. Si, despus de leer los trminos y condiciones, stos le fueran inaceptables, deber devolver inmediatamente el software sin utilizarlo para evitar obligaciones y responsabilidades contractuales, y tendr derecho al reembolso de las cantidades que haya abonado para obtener la licencia del Software. ====================================================================== LICENSE AGREEMENT AND WARRANTY FOR THE ENCLOSED SOFTWARE AND RELATED DOCUMENTATION YOUR LICENSE AGREEMENT - READ BEFORE INSTALLING SOFTWARE IMPORTANT: THIS AGREEMENT CONTAINS THE LICENSE TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR LICENSED SOFTWARE AND RELATED DOCUMENTATION. INSTALLING THE SOFTWARE PACKAGE SIGNIFIES YOUR ACCEPTANCE OF THIS AGREEMENT. IF YOU DO NOT ACCEPT THIS AGREEMENT, YOU MUST PROMPTLY RETURN THE SOFTWARE PACKAGE AND DELETE ANY SOFTWARE FILES ACCESSED BY YOU FROM ANY AND ALL COMPUTER MEMORY INTO WHICH SUCH SOFTWARE HAS BEEN LOADED OR STORED. WHEN USED IN THIS AGREEMENT THE WORD "XEROX" SHALL MEAN XEROX CORPORATION, ITS OPERATING COMPANY SUBSIDIARY OR AFFILIATE FROM WHICH YOU OBTAINED THE XEROX PRODUCT WITH WHICH THE SOFTWARE IS TO BE USED (the "Equipment"), UNLESS YOU OBTAINED THE EQUIPMENT FROM AN AUTHORIZED DEALER, AGENT, CONCESSIONAIRE OR DISTRIBUTOR, IN WHICH CASE "XEROX" SHALL MEAN XEROX CORPORATION, ITS OPERATING COMPANY, SUBSIDIARY OR AFFILIATE FROM WHICH THE ENTITY THAT SOLD YOU THE EQUIPMENT ACQUIRED IT. 1. GRANT OF LICENSE Xerox hereby grants you a non-exclusive, non-transferable license to use the software and related documentation ("Software") enclosed in this package with the Equipment, for as long as you are current in the payment of any indicated software license fees (including any annual renewal or maintenance fees) on the following terms and conditions. 2. USE You may install the Software for use on any networked workstation or server only in conjunction with the Equipment. When networked, other users on the network may access and use the Software in conjunction with the Equipment. 3. OWNERSHIP, COPYING, MODIFICATION AND CONFIDENTIALITY 3.1 Xerox owns or is otherwise entitled to grant licenses in respect of all rights in the Software. 3.2 No title to or ownership of the Software or any proprietary right therein is transferred to you. 3.3 You may, subject to Section 3.4 below, make one copy of the Software in whole or in part only for that purpose expressly permitted in Section 2 above and for back-up. Such permitted copy shall include in readable format any copyright and other proprie"16" = "Tm taltio ei tyt pivityksen vaatimuksia."; "17" = "Pivitykselle ei ole riittvsti tilaa. Vaaditaan 300 Mt tilaa."; "18" = "Tm paketti voidaan suorittaa vain Mac OS X:ss, versiossa 10.2 tai uudemmassa."; HFOLGEND AUFGEFHRTEN LIZENZBEDINGUNGEN EINVERSTANDEN. FALLS DER BENUTZER MIT DIESEM LIZENZVERTRAG NICHT EINVERSTANDEN IST, MSSEN SMTLICHE DATEIEN DER SOFTWARE VON ALLEN RECHNERN, AUF DENEN DIE SOFTWARE INSTALLIERT WURDE, GELSCHT WERDEN. IM WEITEREN BEZIEHT SICH "XEROX" AUF XEROX GMBH BZW. AUF DIE GESCHFTSSTELLE, VON DER DAS XEROX PRODUKT ("PRODUKT") ERWORBEN WURDE. WURDE DAS PRODUKT VON EINEM ZWISCHENHNDLER ERWORBEN, BEZIEHT SICH "XEROX" AUF XEROX GMBH BZW. AUF DIE GESCHFTSSTELLE, VON WELCHER DER ZWISCHENHNDLER DAS PRODUKT BEZOGEN HAT. 1. LIZENZGEWHRUNG Hiermit gewhrt Xerox dem Benutzer zu den nachfolgend aufgefhrten Bedingungen eine nicht exklusive, nicht bertragbare Lizenz zur Verwendung der beiliegenden Software und der zugehrigen Dokumentation ("Software") in Verbindung mit dem Produkt, sofern jegliche anfallenden Lizenzgebhren (einschlielich jhrliche Zahlungen fr Wartung oder Updates) entrichtet wurden. 2. VERWENDUNG Der Benutzer darf die Software in Verbindung mit dem Produkt auf einem beliebigen vernetzten Rechner (Workstation oder Server) installieren. In einem Netzwerk drfen andere Benutzer auf die Software in Verbindung mit dem Produkt zugreifen. 3. URHEBERRECHT, COPYRIGHT UND VERTRAULICHKEIT 3.1 Xerox ist berechtigt, unter Bercksichtigung der hier aufgefhrten Lizenzbedingungen Lizenzen zur Nutzung der beiliegenden Software zu gewhren. 3.2 Das Eigentumsrecht der Software verbleibt zu jedem Zeitpunkt bei Xerox und wird nicht auf den Benutzer bertragen. 3.3 Es ist dem Benutzer gestattet, fr die Nutzung im Rahmen der unter 3.4 dargelegten Nutzungsbedingungen sowie fr Archivierungszwecke Kopien der Software zu erstellen. Jede Kopie muss smtliche auf dem Original vorhandenen Urheberrechts- und andere Hinweise in lesbarer Form aufweisen. 3.4 Kopien der Dokumentation drfen nur in Verbindung mit dem Produkt erstellt werden. 3.5 Die Software darf weder durch den Benutzer noch durch Dritte verndert oder weitergegeben werden. 3.6 Der Benutzer verpflichtet sich, die Software keinem Dritten verfgbar zu machen, mit Ausnahme der eigenen Angestellten sowie von Bevollmchtigten, die direkt mit der in diesem Lizenzvertrag genehmigten Nutzung der Software zu tun haben. 3.7 Die Software unterliegt dem Urheberrecht und dem Markenschutzrecht. Der Benutzer kann bei einem Versto gegen dieses Recht direkt haftbar gemacht werden. 3.8 Die Software darf weder dekompiliert noch zurckentwickelt oder auf irgendeine Weise zerlegt werden. 3.9 Der Benutzer darf die Software nur dann exportieren, wenn vorher die erforderliche Exporterlaubnis eingeholt wurde. 3.10 Xerox behlt sich das Recht vor, die Nutzungslizenz mit sofortiger Wirkung zu kndigen, wenn (i) der Benutzer bzw. ein weiterer Leasingkunde das Produkt nicht mehr benutzt bzw. besitzt oder (ii) bei Kndigung einer Vereinbarung, unter welcher der Benutzer das Produkt geleast bzw. gemietet hat. 4. WEITERGABE DER SOFTWARE Bei bertragung des Produkts an Dritte bietet Xerox dem Erwerber eine Nutzungslizenz fr die Software in Verbindung mit dem Produkt unter der Bedingung der Einhaltung der jeweiligen Nutzungsbestimmungen sowie der Entrichtung jeglicher anfallenden Lizenzgebhren. 5. EINGESCHRNKTE GEWHRLEISTUNG 5.1 Xerox garantiert, dass die Software im Wesentlichen den Angaben in der Dokumentation zum Gert entspricht. Gewhrleistung dafr, dass die Software ohne Unterbrechung und fehlerfrei betrieben werden kann, sowie Gewhrleistung der Brauchbarkeit fr den Zweck des Benutzers sind hiermit von diesem Vertrag ausgeschlossen. 5.2 Sollte die STmn lisenssisopimuksen knnksen on tuottanut Xerox Europe, ja se ei ole laillisesti sitova. Knnst seuraava englanninkielinen teksti sit vastoin on laillisesti sitova. ========================================================================= LISENSSISOPIMUS JA TAKUU OHJELMISTOLLE JA SIIHEN LIITTYVLLE DOKUMENTAATIOLLE LISENSSISOPIMUS - LUKEKAA ENNEN OHJELMISTON ASENTAMISTATRKE: TM SOPIMUS SISLT LISENSOITUA OHJELMISTOA JA SIIHEN LIITTYV DOKUMENTAATIOTA KOSKEVAT LISENSSIEHDOT. OHJELMISTON ASENTAMINEN EDELLYTT JA MERKITSEE SIT, ETT HYVKSYTTE TMN SOPIMUKSEN. ELLETTE HYVKSY TT SOPIMUSTA, TEIDN ON VIIPYMTT PALAUTETTAVA OHJELMISTOPAKETTI JA HVITETTV KAIKKI KYTETTVISSNNE OLEVAT OHJELMISTOTIEDOSTOT KAIKISTA TIETOKONEIDEN MUISTILAITTEISTA, JOIHIN NE ON ASENNETTU TAI TALLENNETTU. TSS SOPIMUKSESSA "XEROX" TARKOITTAA XEROX CORPORATIONIA TAI SEN MAAN PAIKALLISTA XEROX-YHTIT, JOSTA OLETTE HANKKINUT XEROX DOCUMENT CENTRE SYSTEM -LAITTEEN ("LAITE"), JONKA YHTEYDESS OHJELMISTOA ON MR KYTT, PAITSI JOS OLETTE HANKKINUT LAITTEEN VALTUUTETULTA JLLEENMYYJLT, AGENTILTA TAI JAKELIJALTA, MISS TAPAUKSESSA "XEROX" TARKOITTAA XEROX CORPORATIONIA TAI PAIKALLISTA XEROX-YHTIT, JOSTA TEILLE LAITTEEN MYYNYT YKSIKK ON HANKKINUT LAITTEEN. 1. LISENSSIN KSITTMT OIKEUDET Xerox mynt teille seuraavassa esitettvin ehdoin lisenssin eli oikeuden kytt tmn pakkauksen sisltm ohjelmistoa ja siihen liittyv dokumentaatiota ("Ohjelmisto") Laitteen yhteydess niin kauan kuin maksatte ajallaan ohjelmistolisenssimaksut (mukaan lukien vuosittaiset pivitys- tai yllpitomaksut). Lisenssi ei mynnet yksinoikeudella, eik sit voida siirt. 2. KYTT Te saatte asentaa Ohjelmiston mihin tahansa verkkoon liitettyyn tyasemaan tai palvelimeen kytettvksi yksinomaan Laitteen yhteydess. Kun Ohjelmisto on asennettu verkkoon, verkon kyttjt saavat kytt sit Laitteen yhteydess. 3. OMISTUSOIKEUS, KOPIOINTI, MUUTTAMINEN JA LUOTTAMUKSELLISUUS 3.1 Xerox omistaa tai sill on muuten oikeus mynt kaikkia Ohjelmistoon liittyvi oikeuksia koskevat lisenssit. 3.2 Sopimus ei siirr teille mitn Ohjelmistoon liittyvi omistus-, tekijn- tai muita oikeuksia. 3.3 Te saatte, alla kohdassa 3.4 sanottu huomioon ottaen, tehd yhden kopion koko Ohjelmistosta tai sen osasta vain yll kohdassa 2 nimenomaisesti mainittuun tarkoitukseen ja varmuuskopioksi. Tllaisessa sallitussa kopiossa on oltava luettavassa muodossa kaikki alkuperisen Ohjelmiston sisltmt tekijnoikeutta ja omistusoikeutta koskevat tiedot. 3.4 Te saatte kopioida ohjelmistoon liittyvn dokumentaation kytettvksi yksinomaan Laitteen yhteydess. 3.5 Te ette saa luovuttaa edelleen, muuttaa ettek muokata Ohjelmistoa ettek antaa muiden muuttaa tai muokata sit. 3.6 Te sitoudutte olemaan antamatta Ohjelmistoa muiden kuin sellaisten tyntekijittenne tai edustajienne kyttn tai saataville, jotka suoraan osallistuvat Ohjelmiston lisenssinmukaiseen kyttn. 3.7 Ohjelmisto on suojattu Xeroxille ja/tai kolmannelle osapuolelle kuuluvilla tekijn- ja muilla oikeuksilla. Tllainen kolmas osapuoli voi suoraankin esitt vaatimuksia teit kohtaan, mikli te loukkaatte kyseisi oikeuksia. 3.8 Te sitoudutte olemaan kntmtt Ohjelmiston koodia tai purkamatta sit mihinkn tarkoitukseen paitsi lain sallimissa rajoissa. 3.9 Te sitoudutte olemaan viemtt Ohjelmistoa maasta missn muodossa ilman lain mahdollisesti edellyttmi Yhdysvaltojen tai muun valtion viranomaisten myntmi lupia ja silloinkin vain Laitteen ulkomaille vientiin liittyen. 3.10 Xerox voi ptt tmn lisenssin voimassaolon (i) vlittmsti, jos te ette en kyt tai teidn hallussanne ei ole Laitetta tai olette Laitteen vuokralleantaja ja ensimminen Laitteen vuokralleottaja ei en kyt tai hnen hallussaan ei ole Laitetta, tai (ii) teidn tekemnne Laitetta koskevan vuokrasopimuksen pttyess. 4. LISENSOIDUN OHJELMISTON SIIRTMINEN Jos siirrtte Laitteen omistusoikeuden, Xerox tarjoaa siirron saajalle oikeuden kytt Ohjelmistoa Laitteessa tai Laitteen yhteydess Xeroxin kyseisen aikana voimassa olevien ehtojen ja mahdollisten lisenssimaksujen mukaisesti, edellytten ett siirto ei vaaranna Xeroxin oikeuksia. 5. RAJOITETTU TAKUU 5.1 Xerox takaa, ett alkuperiselle Asiakkaalle toimitettaessa Ohjelmisto on olennaisilta osiltaan Xeroxin Kyttjn ksikirjan tai muun Xeroxin toimittaman dokumentaation mukainen. Xerox ei takaa Ohjelmiston keskeytyksetnt tai virheetnt toimintaa eik sen soveltuvuutta teidn kytttarkoitukseenne. 5.2 Mikli Ohjelmisto ei ole yll kohdassa 5.1 mainitun rajoitetun takuun mukainen, teidn tulee ilmoittaa siit Xeroxille yhdeksnkymmenen (90) pivn kuluessa toimituspivst, jolloin Xerox tai sen jlleenmyyj on velvollinen kaikin kohtuudella kytettvissn olevin keinoin osoittamaan menetelmn, jolla edell mainittu poikkeavuus vltetn, tai toimittamaan teille sellaisen Ohjelmiston, joka on olennaisilta osiltaan Xeroxin Kyttjn ksikirjan tai muun Xeroxin toimittaman dokumentaation mukainen. Teill ei ole muita oikeuksia eik Xeroxilla ole muita velvollisuuksia Ohjelmiston virheisiin liittyen. 5.3 XEROX EI MYNN "OHJELMISTOLLE" MITN MUUTA SUORAA TAI EPSUORAA, LAKIIN TAI MUUHUN PERUSTUVAA TAKUUTA, EIK XEROX TAKAA TAI SEN OLE KATSOTTAVA TAKAAVAN "OHJELMISTON" KURANTTIUTTA TAI SEN SOVELTUVUUTTA JOHONKIN TIETTYYN TARKOITUKSEEN. XEROX EI MYSKN VASTAA MUIDEN KUIN XEROXIN ANTAMISTA SITOUMUKSISTA TAI TAKUISTA (KOSKIEN MYS XEROX-OHJELMISTOJEN JLLEENMYYJI, AGENTTEJA TAI JAKELIJOITA HEIHIN RAJOITTUMATTA). 5.4 Yll mainitut nimenomaiset takuut raukeavat, mikli te ette kyt Ohjelmistoa oikein ja Xeroxin toimittaman dokumentaation osoittamassa asianmukaisessa ympristss tai mikli Ohjelmistoa muokataan tai muutetaan milln tavalla. 6. PATENTTI- JA TEKIJNOIKEUKSIA KOSKEVAT VAATEET Xerox puolustaa teit ja korvaa teille mahdolliset vahingot, mikli Ohjelmiston vitetn loukkaavan patentti- tai tekijnoikeutta tai liikesalaisuutta Yhdysvalloissa. Tm kuitenkin edellytt, ett te vlittmsti ja kirjallisesti ilmoitatte Xeroxille kaikista vitetyist oikeudenloukkauksista, annatte Xeroxin huolehtia puolustuksesta ja toimitte yhteistyss Xeroxin kanssa. Kaikki ilmoitukset on lhetettv osoitteella: Xerox Office of General Counsel, P.O. Box 1600, Stamford, Connecticut 06904, USA. Xerox ei vastaa Xeroxiin liittymttmist oikeudenkyntikuluista tai sovintoratkaisuista, ellei Xerox ole etukteen hyvksynyt niit kirjallisesti. Oikeudenloukkauksien vlttmiseksi Xerox voi halutessaan ja ilman teille koituvia kustannuksia hankkia lisenssin tai muokata Ohjelmistoa, korvata Ohjelmiston vastaavalla tai poistaa Ohjelmiston. Jos Xerox poistaa Ohjelmiston tst syyst, teille palautetaan teidn maksamanne osoitetut lisenssimaksut tysimrisin; jos mitn osaa Xeroxille maksetuista maksuista, jotka liittyvt Ohjelmiston hankintaan, ei ole osoitettu Ohjelmiston lisenssimaksuksi, Xerox palauttaa maksuista osan, jonka Xerox kohtuudella katsoo liittyneen Ohjelmiston hankintaan. Xerox ei vastaa oikeudenloukkauksista, jotka johtuvat siit, ett Ohjelmisto on tehty tai ett sit on muokattu teidn mritystenne mukaisesti (Xeroxin tai muiden toimesta, te mukaan lukien) tai ett Ohjelmistoa on kytetty tai se on myyty sellaisten laitteiden, ohjelmistojen tai tarvikkeiden yhteydess, joita Xerox ei ole toimittanut. XEROX EI ANNA MITN MUUTA SUORAA TAI EPSUORAA TAKUUTA SIIT, ETT OHJELMISTO EI LOUKKAA TSS MAINITTUJA OIKEUKSIA, EIK HYVKSY MITN MUUTA TAI LAAJEMPAA VASTUUTA LOUKKAUSTEN AIHEUTTAMISTA VAHINGOISTA. 7. VASTUUN RAJOITUS XEROX TAI SEN JLLEENMYYJT EIVT MISSN TAPAUKSESSA VASTAA MISTN VLILLISIST TAI EPSUORISTA TAI ERITYISIST VAHINGOISTA (MUKAAN LUKIEN TIETOJEN MENETYS RAJOITUKSETTA), JOTKA MILLN TAVALLA JOHTUVAT "OHJELMISTON" KYTST TAI KYKENEMTTMYYDEST KYTT "OHJELMISTOA", VAIKKA TLLAISTEN VAHINKOJEN MAHDOLLISUUDESTA OLISI ILMOITETTU. MISSN TAPAUKSESSA XEROXIN KORVAUSVELVOLLISUUS VLITTMIST VAHINGOISTA EI YLIT TEIDN OHJELMISTOSTA MAKSAMAANNE KOKONAISLISENSSIMAKSUA. 8. LISENSSIN PTTYMINEN Xerox voi ptt tmn lisenssin voimassaolon vlittmsti, mikli te olennaisesti rikotte sen ehtoja tai ette en kyt tai teidn hallussanne ei ole Laitetta, jossa tm Ohjelmisto on tarkoitettu kytettvksi. Teidn on tllin palautettava Xeroxille kaikki Ohjelmiston kopiot ja poistettava ne kaikista laitteista, joihin olette ne asentanut. 9. SOVELLETTAVA LAKI Thn sopimukseen sovelletaan Suomen lakia (lainvalintaan liittyvi sntj lukuun ottamatta), edellytten ett olette hankkinut Ohjelmiston kanssa kytettvn Document Centre System -laitteen Suomesta Xerox Oy:lt tai sen valtuuttamalta taholta, mutta muussa tapauksessa thn sopimukseen sovelletaan Yhdysvaltain New Yorkin osavaltion lakia. 10. KOKO SOPIMUS Tm ohjelmistolisenssisopimus on Xeroxin ja teidn vlinen Ohjelmistoa koskeva koko sopimus. Se korvaa kaikki Ohjelmistoa koskevat ehdotukset tai aiemmat sopimukset tai vlipuheet osapuolten vlill. Te hyvksytte sen, ett mitkn teidn tilaukseenne liittyvn asiakirjan ehdot eivt sido Xeroxia eivtk vaikuta milln tavalla thn sopimukseen. Jos ehdot luettuanne ette hyvksy niit, teidn on sopimussidonnaisuuden vlttksenne palautettava Ohjelmisto vlittmsti kyttmttmn. Tllin teill on oikeus saada takaisin kaikki Ohjelmiston kyttoikeudesta maksamanne maksut. ====================================================================== LICENSE AGREEMENT AND WARRANTY FOR THE ENCLOSED SOFTWARE AND RELATED DOCUMENTATION YOUR LICENSE AGREEMENT - READ BEFORE INSTALLING SOFTWARE IMPORTANT: THIS AGREEMENT CONTAINS THE LICENSE TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR LICENSED SOFTWARE AND RELATED DOCUMENTATION. INSTALLING THE SOFTWARE PACKAGE SIGNIFIES YOUR ACCEPTANCE OF THIS AGREEMENT. IF YOU DO NOT ACCEPT THIS AGREEMENT, YOU MUST PROMPTLY RETURN THE SOFTWARE PACKAGE AND DELETE ANY SOFTWARE FILES ACCESSED BY YOU FROM ANY AND ALL COMPUTER MEMORY INTO WHICH SUCH SOFTWARE HAS BEEN LOADED OR STORED. WHEN USED IN THIS AGREEMENT THE WORD "XEROX" SHALL MEAN XEROX CORPORATION, ITS OPERATING COMPANY SUBSIDIARY OR AFFILIATE FROM WHICH YOU OBTAINED THE INDIVIDUAL UNIT OF THE XEROX DOCUMENT CENTRE SYSTEM EQUIPMENT (the "Equipment") WITH WHICH THE SOFTWARE IS TO BE USED, UNLESS YOU OBTAINED THE EQUIPMENT FROM AN AUTHORIZED DEALER, AGENT, CONCESSIONAIRE OR DISTRIBUTOR, IN WHICH CASE "XEROX" SHALL MEAN XEROX CORPORATION, ITS OPERATING COMPANY, SUBSIDIARY OR AFFILIATE FROM WHICH THE ENTITY THAT SOLD YOU THE EQUIPMENT ACQUIRED IT. 1. GRANT OF LICENSE Xerox hereby grants you a non-exclusive, non-transferable license to use the software and related documentation ("Software") enclosed in this package with the Equipment, for as long as you are current in the payment of any indicated software license fees (including any annual renewal or maintenance fees) on the following terms and conditions. 2. USE You may install the Software for use on any networked workstation or server only in conjunction with the Equipment. When networked, other users on the network may access and use the Software in conjunction with the Equipment. 3. OWNERSHIP, COPYING, MODIFICATION AND CONFIDENTIALITY 3.1 Xerox owns or is otherwise entitled to grant licenses in respect of all rights in the Software. 3.2 No title to or ownership of the Software or any proprietary right therein is transferred to you. 3.3 You may, subject to Section 3.4 below, make one copy of the Software in whole or in part only for that purpose expressly permitted in Section 2 above and for back-up. Such permitted copy shall include in readable format any copyright and other proprietary notices contained on the original Software. 3.4 You may copy the related documentation for use only in conjunction with the Equipment. 3.5 You may not distribute, alter or modify nor cause or allow others to alter or modify the Software. 3.6 You agree not to provide or otherwise make available the Software to anyone other than your employees and agents directly concerned with the licensed use of the Software. 3.7 The Software is protected by copyright and other proprietary rights of Xerox and/or a third party. You may be held directly responsible by such third party for an infringement of such rights by you. 3.8 You agree not to reverse engineer, decompile or disassemble the Software for any purpose whatsoever, except to the extent permitted by law. 3.9 You agree not to export or re-export the Software in any form without, in the case of a customer in the United States, first obtaining all United States government licenses, and in the case of a customer outside of the United States, all relevant foreign government licenses, required by law, and then only upon the export of the Equipment. 3.10 Xerox may terminate your license for the Software (i) immediately if you no longer use or possess the Equipment or are a lessor of the Equipment and your first lessee no longer uses or possesses it or (ii) upon the termination of any agreement under which you have rented or leased the Equipment. 4. TRANSFER OF LICENSED SOFTWARE If you transfer possession of the Equipment, Xerox will offer the transferee a license to use the Software on or with it, subject to Xerox' then applicable terms and license fees, if any, and provided the transfer is not in violation of Xerox' rights. 5. LIMITED WARRANTY 5.1 Xerox warrants that the Software shall substantially conform to Xerox' User Manual or other Xerox documentation supplied at delivery to the original Customer. Xerox does not warrant that the operation of the Software will be uninterrupted or error free, nor that it will meet your needs. 5.2 In the event that the Software does not conform to the limited warranty contained in Section 5.1 above, your exclusive remedy is to notify Xerox within ninety (90) days of the date of delivery, and Xerox' or its supplier's sole obligation shall be to use all reasonable efforts to provide a work-around which avoids the nonconformity or to provide you with Software which does substantially conform to the Xerox User Manual or other Xerox supplied documentation. 5.3 XEROX GRANTS NO OTHER WARRANTIES ON THE "SOFTWARE", EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, WHETHER CREATED BY STATUTE OR OTHERWISE, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. XEROX FURTHER DISCLAIMS ANY WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS MADE BY PERSONS OTHER THAN XEROX (INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO XEROX SOFTWARE DEALERS, AGENTS, CONCESSIONAIRES OR DISTRIBUTORS). 5.4 The express warranties set forth above shall be void if you fail to properly use the Software in the appropriate environment as specified in the Xerox supplied documentation or if the Software is modified or altered in any fashion. 6. PATENT AND COPYRIGHT INDEMNIFICATION Xerox will defend and indemnify you if the Software is alleged to infringe, in the United States, any patent, trade secret, or copyright, if you promptly notify Xerox in writing of any alleged infringement, allow Xerox to direct the defense of such claim, and cooperate with Xerox. All notices should be sent to the Xerox Office of General Counsel, P.O. Box 1600, Stamford, Connecticut 06904. Xerox is not responsible for any non-Xerox litigation expenses or settlements unless Xerox pre-approves them in writing. To avoid infringement, Xerox may, at its option, and at no charge to you, obtain a license, or modify, or substitute an equivalent of, or remove the Software. If Software is removed by Xerox for this reason, any designated license fees paid by you will be fully refunded; if no portion of the amounts paid to Xerox within the transaction in which the Software was acquired was designated as a license fee for the Software, Xerox shall refund that portion of the amounts paid that Xerox reasonably designates as associated with the Software's acquisition. Xerox is not liable for any infringement due to the Software being made or modified (by Xerox or others, including you) to your specifications, or being used or sold in combination with equipment, software, or supplies not provided by Xerox. XEROX MAKES NO OTHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTY OF NON-INFRINGEMENT OR LIABILITY FOR INFRINGEMENT OR ANY DAMAGES THEREFROM. 7. LIMITATION OF LIABILITY IN NO EVENT SHALL XEROX OR ITS SUPPLIERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, (INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, LOSS OF DATA) IN ANY WAY ARISING OUT OF OR RELATED TO THE USE OR INABILITY TO USE THE "SOFTWARE", EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. IN NO EVENT SHALL XEROX' DIRECT DAMAGES TO YOU EXCEED THE TOTAL LICENSE FEE ACTUALLY PAID BY YOU FOR SUCH SOFTWARE. 8. TERMINATION Xerox may terminate this license immediately upon notice in the event of a material breach by you or if you no longer use or possess the equipment with which this Software is intended to be used, in which event you shall return to Xerox all copies of the Software, and remove same from all equipment into which such Software may have been loaded by you. 9. GOVERNING LAW This agreement will be governed by the laws of the State of New York, USA or if you acquire the Software outside the USA, by the laws of the country in which you acquired the Document Centre System Equipment with which this software is to be used, excluding its conflict of laws provisions. Some jurisdictions do not allow limitations on how long an implied warranty lasts or the exclusion or limitation of incidental or consequential damages, so the above disclaimers, limitations or exclusions, in whole or in part, may not apply to you. 10. ENTIRE AGREEMENT This Software License Agreement is the entire agreement between Xerox and you pertaining to the Software and supersedes all proposals or prior and contemporaneous agreements or understandings of the parties regarding the Software. You agree that any terms and conditions contained in any purchase order or other ordering document submitted to order the Software shall have no binding effect on Xerox and will not modify this Agreement in any way. If, after reading the terms and conditions, they are unacceptable to you, then, to avoid contractual obligations and liability, you should promptly return the software unused, and you will then be entitled to a refund of any sums paid by you to license the Software. ndra rttsliga kostnader som inte r hnfrliga till Xerox eller fr uppgrelse om inte Xerox skriftligen har godknt den i frvg. Fr att undvika att intrng freligger, kan Xerox, enligt eget val och utan kostnad fr Kunden, frvrva en licens eller ndra eller erstta Programvaran med likvrdig produkt eller terta Programvaran. Om Programvaran tertas av Xerox av denna anledning, terbetalas eventuella avgifter som specificerats som licensavgift vilka du har betalt. Om ingen del av beloppen, som betalades till Xerox i samband med avtalet genom vilket Programvaran frvrvades av dig var specificerad som licensavgift fr Programvaran, terbetalar Xerox den delen av de betala beloppen som Xerox rimligen kan specificera som tillhrande frvrvet av licensen fr Programvaran. Xerox ansvarar inte fr eventuellt intrng orsakad av ndring eller anpassning av Programvaran (av Xerox eller andra inklusive Kunden) enligt Kundens specifikationer, eller genom anvndning eller frsljning i kombination med utrustning, programvara eller frbrukningsmaterial som inte levererats av Xerox. XEROX GER INGEN ANNAN UTTRYCKLIG ELLER UNDERFRSTDD GARANTI AVSEENDE ATT PROGRAMVARAN INTE GR INTRNG I NGON RTTIGHET OCH HAR INTE HELLER NGOT ANNAT ANSVAR N VAD SOM SGS I DENNA PUNKT FR INTRNG I TREDJE MANS RTTIGHET ELLER DRIGENOM UPPSTTT SKADESTND. 7. ANSVARSBEGRNSNING UNDER INGA OMSTNDIGHETER ANSVARAR XEROX ELLER DESS LEVERANTRER FR FLJDSKADA, UTEBLIVEN VINST ELLER ANNAN INDIREKT FRLUST (INKLUDERANDE MEN INTE BEGR"16" = "Ce volume ne remplit pas les conditions requises pour cette mise jour."; "17" = "Espace insuffisant. Cette mise jour requiert au moins 300 Mo d espace disponible."; "18" = "Ce progiciel ne peut tre excut que sur Mac OS X, version 10.2 ou ultrieure."; ssa lnder tillts inte begrnsning av hur lnge en underfrstdd garanti r gllande eller uteslutande eller begrnsning av tillfllig eller fljdskada. I sdant fall berrs inte Kunden av ovanstende friskrivningar eller begrnsningar i den utstrckning tvingande lag uttrycklingen inte inte medger sdan regleringen. 10. FULLSTNDIGT AVTAL Detta programlicensavtal r det fullstndiga avtalet mellan Xerox och Kunden med avseende p licensiering av Programvaran och det erstter alla frslag och tidigare eller samtidiga avtal, utfstelser eller andra verenskommelser mellan parterna avseende Programvaran. Kunden accepterar att licensieringsvillkor som gller denna Programvara och som anges p Kundens inkpsorder eller annat bestllningsdokument, som anvnds vid bestllning av Programvaran, inte har ngon bindande verkan fr Xerox och inte skall ndra detta avtal p ngot stt. Om du inte accepterar avtalsvillkoren nr du har lst dem, returnerar du omedelbart Programvaran oanvnd fr att undvika kontraktskyldigheter och kontraktansvar. Du har d rtt till terbetalning av eventuella belopp du har betalat fr licensiering av Programvaran. ====================================================================== LICENSE AGREEMENT AND WARRANTY FOR THE ENCLOSED SOFTWARE AND RELATED DOCUMENTATION YOUR LICENSE AGREEMENT - READ BEFORE INSTALLING SOFTWARE IMPORTANT: THIS AGREEMENT CONTAINS THE LICENSE TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR LICENSED SOFTWARE AND RELATED DOCUMENTATION. INSTALLING THE SOFTWARE PACKAGE SIGNIFIES YOUR ACCEPTANCE OF THIS AGREEMENT. IF YOU DO NOT ACCEPT THIS AGREEMENT, YOU MUST PROMPTLY RETURN THE SOFTWARE PACKAGE AND DELETE ANY SOFTWARE FILES ACCESSED BY YOU FROM ANY AND ALL COMPUTER MEMORY INTO WHICH SUCH SOFTWARE HAS BEEN LOADED OR STORED. WHEN USED IN THIS AGREEMENT THE WORD "XEROX" SHALL MEAN XEROX CORPORATION, ITS OPERATING COMPANY SUBSIDIARY OR AFFILIATE FROM WHICH YOU OBTAINED THE INDIVIDUAL UNIT OF THE XEROX DOCUMENT CENTRE SYSTEM EQUIPMENT (the "Equipment") WITH WHICH THE SOFTWARE IS TO BE USED, UNLESS YOU OBTAINED THE EQUIPMENT FROM AN AUTHORIZED DEALER, AGENT, CONCESSIONAIRE OR DISTRIBUTOR, IN WHICH CASE "XEROX" SHALL MEAN XEROX CORPORATION, ITS OPERATING COMPANY, SUBSIDIARY OR AFFILIATE FROM WHICH THE ENTITY THAT SOLD YOU THE EQUIPMENT ACQUIRED IT. 1. GRANT OF LICENSE Xerox hereby grants you a non-exclusive, non-transferable license to use the software and related documentation ("Software") enclosed in this package with the Equipment, for as long as you are current in the payment of any indicated software license fees (including any annual renewal or maintenance fees) on the following terms and conditions. 2. USE You may install the Software for use on any networked workstation or server only in conjunction with the Equipment. When networked, other users on the network may access and use the Software in conjunction with the Equipment. 3. OWNERSHIP, COPYING, MODIFICATION AND CONFIDENTIALITY 3.1 Xerox owns or is otherwise enLa traduction de ce contrat de licence d'utilisation a t fournie par Xerox Europe et n'oblige pas en droit. Le texte anglais qui suit la traduction a une valeur juridique. ================================================================== CONTRAT DE LICENCE ET GARANTIE POUR LE LOGICIEL ET LA DOCUMENTATION VEUILLEZ LIRE LE CONTRAT DE LICENCE CI-APRES AVANT D'INSTALLER LE LOGICIEL IMPORTANT : CE CONTRAT CONTIENT LES CONDITIONS AUX TERMES DESQUELLES EST CONFERE LE DROIT D'UTILISATION DU LOGICIEL ET DE LA DOCUMENTATION ANNEXE. EN INSTALLANT CE LOGICIEL, LE CLIENT S'ENGAGE A RESPECTER LES TERMES ET CONDITIONS DE CETTE LICENCE. SI LE CLIENT N'ACCEPTE PAS LES CLAUSES DE CE CONTRAT, IL DOIT RETOURNER CE LOGICIEL ET EFFACER TOUS LES FICHIERS AUXQUELS IL A ACCEDE DE TOUTES LES MEMOIRES DANS LESQUELLES CE LOGICIEL A ETE CHARGE OU STOCKE. LE TERME "XEROX" TEL QU'IL EST UTILISE DANS LE PRESENT DOCUMENT DESIGNE XEROX CORPORATION OU LA FILIALE DE XEROX AUPRES DE LAQUELLE LE CLIENT A OBTENU LE PRODUIT XEROX (ci-aprs dnomm "Equipement") AVEC LEQUEL LE LOGICIEL EST UTILISE, SAUF SI LE CLIENT A OBTENU L'EQUIPEMENT AUPRES D'UN REVENDEUR, AGENT, CONCESSIONNAIRE OU DISTRIBUTEUR AGREE, AUQUEL CAS "XEROX" DESIGNE XEROX CORPORATION OU LA FILIALE DE XEROX AUPRES DE LAQUELLE L'EQUIPEMENT A ETE ACQUIS. 1. OCTROI D'UNE LICENCE Xerox consent au Client, par les prsentes, une licence non exclusive et non transfrable d'utilisation du logiciel et de la documentation (ci-aprs dnomms "Logiciel") fournis avec l'Equipement, sous rserve de paiement des droits de licence requis (y compris les droits de renouvellement annuels), selon les conditions suivantes. 2. DROIT D'UTILISATION Le Client peut installer le Logiciel, seule fin d'utilisation avec l'Equipement, sur tout serveur ou poste de travail rseau. Si l'Equipement est connect au rseau, les autres utilisateurs du rseau peuvent accder au Logiciel et l'utiliser avec l'Equipement. 3. PROPRIETE, COPIE, MODIFICATION ET CONFIDENTIALITE 3.1 Xerox est propritaire ou dispose du droit de consentir des licences portant sur tous les droits relatifs au Logiciel. 3.2 Aucun droit de proprit sur le Logiciel n'est transfr au Client. 3.3 Sous rserve de l'application de la clause 3.4, le Client peut copier le Logiciel en entier ou en partie mais seulement pour les besoins expressment noncs dans la clause 2 ci-dessus ou comme copie de sauvegarde. Chaque copie doit inclure sous une forme lisible toutes les indications tout brevet, marque ou droit d'auteur mentionns sur le Logiciel d'origine. 3.4 Le Client peut copier la documentation seule fin d'utilisation avec l'Equipement. 3.5 Le Client ne peut ni distribuer ni modifier ou changer le Logiciel ni le faire modifier par un tiers. 3.6 Le Client ne doit pas fournir ou mettre disposition le Logiciel toute personne autre que ses employs et agents directement concerns par le droit d'utilisation du Logiciel. 3.7 Le Logiciel est protg par le droit d'auteur et les autres droits de proprit de Xerox ainsi que, en fonction du type de Logiciel, d'un tiers. Le Client peut tre tenu directement responsable par ce tiers de toute violation des droits de ce dernier. 3.8 Le Client ne doit en aucun cas reconstituer la logique du programme, dcompiler ou dsassembler le Logiciel sous licence, sauf dans les limites autorises par la loi. 3.9 Le Client accepte de ne pas exporter ou rexporter le Logiciel de quelque faon que ce soit sans avoir obtenu au pralable toutes les licences des Etats-Unis ou des gouvernements trangers exiges par la loi du pays o rside le Client et sous rserve d'exportation de l'Equipement. 3.10 Xerox peut mettre fin au contrat (i) sans pravis si le Client n'utilise plus ou ne possde plus l'Equipement ou, en cas de bail, si le premier preneur ne l'utilise plus ou ne le possde plus ou (ii) la date d'expiration du contrat de location ou de leasing de l'Equipement. 4. TRANSFERT DU LOGICIEL SOUS LICENCE Si le Client transfre la proprit de l'Equipement, Xerox fournira au nouveau propritaire une licence d'utilisation pour le Logiciel, selon les conditions applicables par Xerox et, le cas chant, moyennant des droits de licence, sous rserve que le transfert n'entrane pas une violation des droits de Xerox. 5. GARANTIE LIMITEE 5.1 Xerox garantit que le Logiciel est conforme aux spcifications du manuel d'utilisation ou celles de toute autre documentation fournie par Xerox la livraison au premier Client. Xerox ne garantit pas que le Logiciel fonctionnera de faon ininterrompue ou sans erreur, ni qu'il rponde aux exigences du Client. 5.2 En cas de non conformit aux conditions dfinies au paragraphe 5.1, le seul recours du Client est d'en informer Xerox dans un dlai maximum de 90 jours compter de la date de livraison, la seule obligation de Xerox ou de son fournisseur tant de fournir une correction pour annuler la non conformit, ou de remplacer le Logiciel par un Logiciel conforme aux spcifications du manuel d'utilisation ou celles de toute autre documentation fournie par Xerox. 5.3 XEROX NE FOURNIT AUCUNE AUTRE GARANTIE SUR LE "LOGICIEL", EXPRESSE OU IMPLICITE, QU'ELLE RESULTE OU NON DE LA LOI, Y COMPRIS SANS TOUTEFOIS S'Y LIMITER LA GARANTIE D'ADAPTABILITE A UNE UTILISATION PARTICULIERE. XEROX DECLINE EN OUTRE TOUTE RESPONSABILITE OU GARANTIE DONNEE PAR DES PERSONNES AUTRES QUE XEROX (Y COMPRIS SANS TOUTEFOIS S'Y LIMITER SES DISTRIBUTEURS, AGENTS, CONCESSIONNAIRES ET REVENDEURS). 5.4 Toute modification du Logiciel ou utilisation dans un environnement autre que celui dcrit dans la documentation fournie par Xerox annule les garanties stipules ci-dessus. 6. VIOLATION DES DROITS DE PROPRIETE INTELLECTUELLE Au cas o le Client serait poursuivi par des tiers sur le fondement d'une prtendue violation des droits de brevet, secret professionnel ou droits d'auteur, par le Logiciel sous licence, dans le pays d'enregistrement de la socit Xerox qui a fourni le Logiciel au Client, Xerox assumera la dfense du Client contre ces revendications et les consquences pcuniaires d'une dcision judiciaire dfinitive, la condition que le Client informe Xerox immdiatement et par crit de la prtendue violation et que le Client accepte l'intervention de Xerox et coopre au rglement d'un ventuel litige. Le courrier sera envoy Xerox Office of General Counsel, P.O. Box 1600, Stamford, Connecticut 06904. La socit Xerox ne prendra en charge que les dpenses de procdure et rglements qu'elle aura expressment accepts par crit. Afin d'viter toute infraction, mme non allgue, Xerox peut dcider, et cela sans aucun frais pour le Client, d'obtenir une licence, ou de fournir un quivalent du Logiciel, ou de modifier ou retirer le Logiciel. Dans ce dernier cas, Xerox remboursera les droits de licence pays par le Client pour ce Logiciel ; si aucune partie de la somme paye Xerox lors de la transaction au cours de laquelle le Logiciel a t acquis n'a t dsigne comme droit de licence pour le Logiciel, Xerox remboursera la partie des frais associe selon Xerox l'acquisition du Logiciel. Xerox ne rpond pas des infractions dues la modification du Logiciel (par Xerox ou toute autre personne, y compris le Client) selon les spcifications du Client ou l'utilisation conjointe du Logiciel sous licence et d'autres logiciels, matriels ou produits non fournis par Xerox. XEROX NE DONNE AUCUNE GARANTIE EXPRESSE OU TACITE DE NON VIOLATION DESDITS DROITS. SA RESPONSABILITE NE SAURAIT ETRE ENGAGEE AU TITRE D'UNE VIOLATION AUTRE QUE CELLE MENTIONNEE CI-DESSUS OU DE TOUT DOMMAGE QUI EN RESULTERAIT. 7. RESPONSABILITE LIMITEE XEROX OU SES FOURNISSEURS NE SAURAIENT ETRE TENUS POUR RESPONSABLES, SANS QUE CETTE LISTE SOIT LIMITATIVE, DES DOMMAGES INDIRECTS (Y COMPRIS LA PERTE DE DONNEES) PROVENANT DE OU LIES A L'UTILISATION OU L'IMPOSSIBILITE D'UTILISATION DU LOGICIEL, MEME SI XEROX A ETE AVISEE DE L'EVENTUALITE DE TELS DOMMAGES, A MOINS QUE LA LOI APPLICABLE AU CONTRAT N'EN DISPOSE AUTREMENT. EN TOUT ETAT DE CAUSE, LA RESPONSABILITE DE XEROX EN MATIERE DE DOMMAGES DIRECTS NE POURRA EN AUCUN CAS EXCEDER LES DROITS DE LICENCE PAYES PAR LE CLIENT POUR L'ACHAT DE CE LOGICIEL. 8. FIN DU CONTRAT Xerox peut mettre fin au contrat sans pravis en cas de manquement du Client l'une quelconque de ses obligations ou si le Client n'utilise ou ne possde plus l'quipement pour lequel le Logiciel devait tre utilis. Dans ce cas, le Client devra retourner Xerox toutes les copies du Logiciel et retirer ce dernier de tous les quipements sur lesquels il a pu tre charg par le Client. 9. LOI APPLICABLE Le prsent contrat est rgi par les lois de l'tat de New York, Etats-Unis, ou du pays d'enregistrement de la socit Xerox qui a fourni l'quipement, nonobstant tout conflit de dispositions lgales. Certaines juridictions ne permettent pas la limitation de dure d'une garantie implicite ou l'exclusion ou la limitation de responsabilit relative aux dommages indirects ou conscutifs. Certaines clauses ci-dessus peuvent donc en tout ou partie ne pas s'appliquer votre gard. 10. PORTEE DU CONTRAT Le prsent Contrat constitue l'intgralit de l'accord entre Xerox et le Client concernant le Logiciel et remplace toutes les propositions ou accords antrieurs ou actuels des parties concernant le logiciel. Il annule ce que le Client accepte, l'application de tous les termes et conditions contenus dans un bon de commande du Client pass dans le cadre des prsentes. Si, aprs avoir lu les conditions du prsent contrat, le Client les juge inacceptables, il doit, pour viter les obligations contractuelles, retourner promptement le Logiciel inutilis. Il aura alors droit au remboursement des sommes qu'il a payes pour obtenir le droit d'utiliser le logiciel. ====================================================================== LICENSE AGREEMENT AND WARRANTY FOR THE ENCLOSED SOFTWARE AND RELATED DOCUMENTATION YOUR LICENSE AGREEMENT - READ BEFORE INSTALLING SOFTWARE IMPORTANT: THIS AGREEMENT CONTAINS THE LICENSE TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR LICENSED SOFTWARE AND RELATED DOCUMENTATION. INSTALLING THE SOFTWARE PACKAGE SIGNIFIES YOUR ACCEPTANCE OF THIS AGREEMENT. IF YOU DO NOT ACCEPT THIS AGREEMENT, YOU MUST PROMPTLY RETURN THE SOFTWARE PACKAGE AND DELETE ANY SOFTWARE FILES ACCESSED BY YOU FROM ANY AND ALL COMPUTER MEMORY INTO WHICH SUCH SOFTWARE HAS BEEN LOADED OR STORED. WHEN USED IN THIS AGREEMENT THE WORD "XEROX" SHALL MEAN XEROX CORPORATION, ITS OPERATING COMPANY SUBSIDIARY OR AFFILIATE FROM WHICH YOU OBTAINED THE XEROX PRODUCT WITH WHICH THE SOFTWARE IS TO BE USED (the "Equipment"), UNLESS YOU OBTAINED THE EQUIPMENT FROM AN AUTHORIZED DEALER, AGENT, CONCESSIONAIRE OR DISTRIBUTOR, IN WHICH CASE "XEROX" SHALL MEAN XEROX CORPORATION, ITS OPERATING COMPANY, SUBSIDIARY OR AFFILIATE FROM WHICH THE ENTITY THAT SOLD YOU THE EQUIPMENT ACQUIRED IT. 1. GRANT OF LICENSE Xerox hereby grants you a non-exclusive, non-transferable license to use the software and related documentation ("Software") enclosed in this package with the Equipment, for as long as you are current in the payment of any indicated software license fees (including any annual renewal or maintenance fees) on the following terms and conditions. 2. USE You may install the Software for use on any networked workstation or server only in conjunction with the Equipment. When networked, other users on the network may access and use the Software in conjunction with the Equipment. 3. OWNERSHIP, COPYING, MODIFICATION AND CONFIDENTIALITY 3.1 Xerox owns or is otherwise entitled to grant licenses in respect of all rights in the Software. 3.2 No title to or ownership of the Software or any proprietary right therein is transferred to you. 3.3 You may, subject to Section 3.4 below, make one copy of the Software in whole or in part only for that purpose expressly permitted in Section 2 above and for back-up. Such permitted copy shall include in readable format any copyright and other proprietary notices contained on the original Software. 3.4 You may copy the related documentation for use only in conjunction with the Equipment. 3.5 You may not distribute, alter or modify nor cause or allow others to alter or modify the Software. 3.6 You agree not to provide or otherwise make available the Software to anyone other than your employees and agents directly concerned with the licensed use of the Software. 3.7 The Software is protected by copyright and other proprietary rights of Xerox and/or a third party. You may be held directly responsible by such third party for an infringement of such rights by you. 3.8 You agree not to reverse engineer, decompile or disassemble the Software for any purpose whatsoever, except to the extent permitted by law. 3.9 You agree not to export or re-export the Software in any form without, in the case of a customer in the United States, first obtaining all United States government licenses, and in the case of a customer outside of the United States, all relevant foreign government licenses, required by law, and then only upon the export of the Equipment. 3.10 Xerox may terminate your license for the Software (i) immediately if you no longer use or possess the Equipment or are a lessor of the Equipment and your first lessee no longer uses or possesses it or (ii) upon the termination of any agreement under which you have rented or leased the Equipment. 4. TRANSFER OF LICENSED SOFTWARE If you transfer possession of the Equipment, Xerox will offer the transferee a license to use the Software on or with it, subject to Xerox' then applicable terms and license fees, if any, and provided the transfer is not in violation of Xerox' rights. 5. LIMITED WARRANTY 5.1 Xerox warrants that the Software shall substantially conform to Xerox' User Manual or other Xerox documentation supplied at delivery to the original Customer. Xerox does not warrant that the operation of the Software will be uninterrupted or error free, nor that it will meet your needs. 5.2 In the event that the Software does not conform to the limited warranty contained in Section 5.1 above, your exclusive remedy is to notify Xerox within ninety (90) days of the date of delivery, and Xerox' or its supplier's sole obligation shall be to use all reasonable efforts to provide a work-around which avoids the nonconformity or to provide you with Software which does substantially conform to the Xerox User Manual or other Xerox supplied documentation. 5.3 XEROX GRANTS NO OTHER WARRANTIES ON THE "SOFTWARE", EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, WHETHER CREATED BY STATUTE OR OTHERWISE, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. XEROX FURTHER DISCLAIMS ANY WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS MADE BY PERSONS OTHER THAN XEROX (INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO XEROX SOFTWARE DEALERS, AGENTS, CONCESSIONAIRES OR DISTRIBUTORS). 5.4 The express warranties set forth above shall be void if you fail to properly use the Software in the appropriate environment as specified in the Xerox supplied documentation or if the Software is modified or altered in any fashion. 6. PATENT AND COPYRIGHT INDEMNIFICATION Xerox will defend and indemnify you if the Software is alleged to infringe, in the United States, any patent, trade secret, or copyright, if you promptly notify Xerox in writing of any alleged infringement, allow Xerox to direct the defense of such claim, and cooperate with Xerox. All notices should be sent to the Xerox Office of General Counsel, P.O. Box 1600, Stamford, Connecticut 06904. Xerox is not responsible for any non-Xerox litigation expenses or settlements unless Xerox pre-approves them in writing. To avoid infringement, Xerox may, at its option, and at no charge to you, obtain a license, or modify, or substitute an equivalent of, or remove the Software. If Software is removed by Xerox for this reason, any designated license fees paid by you will be fully refunded; if no portion of the amounts paid to Xerox within the transaction in which the Software was acquired was designated as a license fee for the Software, Xerox shall refund that portion of the amounts paid that Xerox reasonably designates as associated with the Software's acquisition. Xerox is not liable for any infringement due to the Software being made or modified (by Xerox or others, including you) to your specifications, or being used or sold in combination with equipment, software, or supplies not provided by Xerox. XEROX MAKES NO OTHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTY OF NON-INFRINGEMENT OR LIABILITY FOR INFRINGEMENT OR ANY DAMAGES THEREFROM. 7. LIMITATION OF LIABILITY IN NO EVENT SHALL XEROX OR ITS SUPPLIERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, (INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, LOSS OF DATA) IN ANY WAY ARISING OUT OF OR RELATED TO THE USE OR INABILITY TO USE THE "SOFTWARE", EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. IN NO EVENT SHALL XEROX' DIRECT DAMAGES TO YOU EXCEED THE TOTAL LICENSE FEE ACTUALLY PAID BY YOU FOR SUCH SOFTWARE. 8. TERMINATION Xerox may terminate this license immediately upon notice in the event of a material breach by you or if you no longer use or possess the equipment with which this Software is intended to be used, in which event you shall return to Xerox all copies of the Software, and remove same from all equipment into which such Software may have been loaded by you. 9. GOVERNING LAW This agreement will be governed by the laws of the State of New York, USA or if you acquire the Software outside the USA, by the laws of the country in which you acquired the Equipment, excluding its conflict of laws provisions. Some jurisdictions do not allow limitations on how long an implied warranty lasts or the exclusion or limitation of incidental or consequential damages, so the above disclaimers, limitations or exclusions, in whole or in part, may not apply to you. 10. ENTIRE AGREEMENT This Software License Agreement is the entire agreement between Xerox and you pertaining to the Software and supersedes all proposals or prior and contemporaneous agreements or understandings of the parties regarding the Software. You agree that any terms and conditions contained in any purchase order or other ordering document submitted to order the Software shall have no binding effect on Xerox and will not modify this Agreement in any way. If, after reading the terms and conditions, they are unacceptable to you, then, to avoid contractual obligations and liability, you should promptly return the software unused, and you will then be entitled to a refund of any sums paid by you to license the Software. nd your first lessee no longer uses or possesses it or (ii) upon the termination of any agreement under which you have rented or leased the Equipment. 4. TRANSFER OF LICENSED SOFTWARE If you transfer possession of the Equipment, Xerox will offer the transferee a license to use the Software on or with it, subject to Xerox' then applicable terms and license fees, if any, and provided the transfer is not in violation of Xerox' rights. 5. LIMITED WARRANTY 5.1 Xerox warrants that the Software shall substantially conform to Xerox' User Manual or other Xerox documentation supplied at delivery to the original Customer. Xerox does not warrant that the operation of the Software will be uninterrupted or error free, nor that it will meet your needs. 5.2 In the event that the Software does not conform to the limited warranty contained in Section 5.1 above, your exclusive remedy is to notify Xerox within ninety (90) days of the date of delivery, and Xerox' or its supplier's sole obligation shall be to use all reasonable efforts to provide a work-around which avoids the nonconformity or to provide you with Software which does substantially conform to the Xerox User Manual or other Xerox supplied documentation. 5.3 XEROX GRANTS NO OTHER WARRANTIES ON THE "SOFTWARE", EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, WHETHER CREATED BY STATUTE OR OTHERWISE, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. XEROX FURTHER DISCLAIMS ANY WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS MA"16" = "Este volumen no cumple los requisitos para instalar esta actualizacin."; "17" = "No hay espacio suficiente para instalar esta actualizacin: se requieren 300 MB."; "18" = "Este paquete slo puede ejecutarse en el Mac OS X 10.2 o en una versin posterior."; r modify, or substitute an equivalent of, or remove the Software. If Software is removed by Xerox for this reason, any designated license fees paid by you will be fully refunded; if no portion of the amounts paid to Xerox within the transaction in which the Software was acquired was designated as a license fee for the Software, Xerox shall refund that portion of the amounts paid that Xerox reasonably designates as associated with the Software's acquisition. Xerox is not liable for any infringement due to the Software being made or modified (by Xerox or others, including you) to your specifications, or being used or sold in combination with equipment, software, or supplies not provided by Xerox. XEROX MAKES NO OTHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTY OF NON-INFRINGEMENT OR LIABILITY FOR INFRINGEMENT OR ANY DAMAGES THEREFROM. 7. LIMITATION OF LIABILITY IN NO EVENT SHALL XEROX OR ITS SUPPLIERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, (INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, LOSS OF DATA) IN ANY WAY ARISING OUT OF OR RELATED TO THE USE OR INABILITY TO USE THE "SOFTWARE", EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. IN NO EVENT SHALL XEROX' DIRECT DAMAGES TO YOU EXCEED THE TOTAL LICENSE FEE ACTUALLY PAID BY YOU FOR SUCH SOFTWARE. 8. TERMINATION Xerox may terminate this license immediately upon notice in the event of a material breach by you or if you no longer use or possess the equipment with which this Software is intended to be used, in which event you shall return to Xerox all copies of the Software, and remove same from all equipment into which such Software may have been loaded by you. 9. GOVERNING LAW This agreement will be governed by the laws of the State of New York, USA or if you acquire the Software outside the USA, by the laws of the country in which you acquired the Document Centre System Equipment with which this software is to be used, excluding its conflict of laws provisions. Some jurisdictions do not allow limitations on how long an implied warranty lasts or the exclusion or limitation of incidental or consequential damages, so the above disclaimers, limitations or exclusions, in whole or in part, may not apply to you. 10. ENTIRE AGREEMENT This Software License Agreement is the entire agreement between Xerox and you pertaining to the Software and supersedes all proposals or prior and contemporaneous agreements or understandings of the parties regarding the Software. You agree that any terms and conditions contained in any purchase order or other ordering document submitted to order the Software shall have no binding effect on Xerox and will not modify this Agreement in any way. If, after reading the terms and conditions, they are unacceptable to you, then, to avoid contractual obligations and liability, you should promptly return the software unused, and you will then be entitled to a refund of any sums paid by you to license the Software. La traduccin de este acuerdo de licencia la proporciona Xerox Europe y no tiene fuerza legal. El texto en ingls, incluido a continuacin del texto traducido, tiene fuerza legal. ======================================================================= CONTRATO DE LICENCIA Y GARANTA DEL SOFTWARE INCLUIDO EN ESTE PAQUETE Y LA DOCUMENTACIN RELACIONADA CONTRATO DE LICENCIA. LALO ANTES DE INSTALAR EL SOFTWARE. IMPORTANTE: ESTE CONTRATO CONTIENE LOS TRMINOS Y CONDICIONES DE LA LICENCIA PARA EL SOFTWARE CEDIDO EN LICENCIA Y LA DOCUMENTACIN RELACIONADA. SI INSTALA EL SOFTWARE SIGNIFICA QUE ACEPTA EL CONTRATO. SI NO ACEPTA EL CONTRATO, DEBE DEVOLVER EL PAQUETE DE SOFTWARE SIN USARLO Y ELIMINAR TODOS LOS ARCHIVOS DE SOFTWARE A LOS QUE HAYA ACCEDIDO EN CUALQUIERA Y TODAS LAS MEMORIAS DE LOS SISTEMAS INFORMTICOS EN LOS QUE HAYA CARGADO O ALMACENADO DICHO SOFTWARE. LA PALABRA "XEROX", CUANDO SE UTILIZA EN ESTE CONTRATO, SIGNIFICAR XEROX CORPORATION, SU COMPAA OPERATIVA, FILIAL O ASOCIADA DE LA QUE HA OBTENIDO EL PRODUCTO XEROX (el "Equipo") CON EL QUE SE VAYA A UTILIZAR EL SOFTWARE, A MENOS QUE HAYA ADQUIRIDO EL EQUIPO A TRAVS DE UN DISTRIBUIDOR, CONCESIONARIO O AGENTE AUTORIZADO, EN CUYO CASO, "XEROX" SIGNIFICAR XEROX CORPORATION, SU COMPAA OPERATIVA, FILIAL O ASOCIADA DE LA QUE OBTUVO EL EQUIPO LA ENTIDAD QUE SE LO HA VENDIDO. 1. CONCESIN DE LICENCIA Por el presente contrato Xerox le concede una licencia no exclusiva e intransferible para utilizar el software y la documentacin relacionada ("Software"), incluidos en este paquete, con el Equipo, siempre que est al corriente en el pago de los derechos de licencia, si los hay (incluida la cuota anual de renovacin, si hay), sujeto a los trminos y condiciones siguientes: 2. UTILIZACIN Puede instalar el Software para utilizarlo en cualquier estacin de trabajo o servidor conectado en red solamente en combinacin con el Equipo. Cuando est conectado en red, otros usuarios de la red pueden acceder al Software y utilizarlo en combinacin con el Equipo. 3. PROPIEDAD, COPIAS, MODIFICACIONES Y CONFIDENCIALIDAD 3.1 Xerox posee todos los derechos del Software, o de lo contrario tiene derecho a conceder licencias en relacin con el Software. 3.2 No se le transfiere la propiedad del Software ni ningn derecho de propiedad de l. 3.3 Puede, de acuerdo con la seccin 3.4 siguiente, hacer una copia de todo o parte del Software slo con el fin expresamente permitido en la seccin 2 ms arriba y para tener copia de seguridad. Dicha copia permitida incluir en formato legible cualquier aviso de derechos de autor (copyright) y otros avisos de propiedad que haya en el Software original. 3.4 Puede copiar la documentacin relacionada solamente para utilizarla en combinacin con el Equipo. 3.5 No puede distribuir, ni alterar ni modificar el software, ni hacer ni permitir que otros lo alteren o modifiquen. 3.6 Acepta no proveer ni poner el Software a disposicin de nadie excepto sus empleados y agentes directamente afectados por el uso bajo licencia del Software. 3.7 El Software est protegido por los derechos de autor y otros derechos de propiedad de Xerox y/o una tercera parte. Dicha tercera parte puede considerarle responsable de una infraccin de dichos derechos por parte de usted. 3.8 Acepta no realizar ingeniera inversa, descompilar ni desensamblar el Software por ningn motivo, excepto en la medida que lo permita la ley. 3.9 Acepta no exportar o reexportar el Software de ninguna manera sin primero obtener, en el caso de un cliente de los Estados Unidos, todas las licencias necesarias de las autoridades de los Estados Unidos, y en el caso de un cliente de fuera de los Estados Unidos, todas las licencias pertinentes de las autoridades del pas correspondiente, exigidas por la ley, y an as la exportacin ser nicamente junto con la exportacin del Equipo. 3.10 Xerox podr terminar la licencia del Software (i) inmediatamente si ya no utiliza o no posee el Equipo, o si es un arrendador del Equipo y su primer arrendatario ya no utiliza o no posee el Equipo o (ii) al concluir el contrato de arrendamiento o concesin del Equipo 4. TRANSFERENCIA DEL SOFTWARE BAJO LICENCIA Si transfiere la propiedad del Equipo, Xerox ofrecer al cesionario una licencia para utilizar el Software con l o en l, sujeto a los trminos y derechos de licencia, si los hubiera, de Xerox aplicables en aquel momento y siempre que la transferencia no infrinja los derechos de Xerox. 5. GARANTA LIMITADA 5.1 Xerox garantiza que el Software se ajustar substancialmente al Manual del usuario de Xerox, u otra documentacin de Xerox, suministrado en el momento de la entrega al Cliente original. Xerox no garantiza que el funcionamiento del Software ser ininterrumpido o libre de errores, ni que satisfar sus requisitos. 5.2 En caso de que el Software no se ajuste a la garanta limitada expresada en la seccin 5.1 anterior, la nica solucin del Cliente ser notificarlo a Xerox en el plazo de noventa (90) das a partir de la fecha de entrega y la nica obligacin de Xerox o de su proveedor ser realizar todos los esfuerzos razonables para proveer una solucin que haga que el software se ajuste a la garanta limitada, o proveer al Cliente con un Software que se ajuste substancialmente al Manual del usuario de Xerox u otra documentacin Xerox suministrada. 5.3 XEROX NO CONCEDE NINGUNA OTRA GARANTA DEL "SOFTWARE", NI EXPRESA NI PRESUPUESTA, ESTATUTARIA NI DE OTRO TIPO, INCLUIDAS SIN LIMITACIN LAS GARANTAS PRESUPUESTAS DE SER APTO PARA EL COMERCIO Y ADECUADO PARA UN FIN DETERMINADO. XEROX ADEMS DECLINA LA RESPONSABILIDAD DE CUALESQUIERA GARANTAS DADAS POR PERSONAS APARTE DE XEROX (INCLUIDOS PERO NO LIMITADOS A ELLOS LOS DISTRIBUIDORES, AGENTES Y CONCESIONARIOS DEL SOFTWARE XEROX). 5.4 Las garantas expresas enunciadas ms arriba sern nulas si no utiliza debidamente el Software en el entorno apropiado como se especifique en la documentacin de Xerox suministrada o si el Software se modifica o altera de alguna manera. 6. INDEMNIZACIN POR PATENTE Y DERECHOS DE AUTOR Xerox defender e indemnizar al Cliente si se alega que el Software infringe, en los Estados Unidos, cualquier patente, secreto comercial o derechos de autor, siempre que el Cliente avise por escrito a Xerox con prontitud de cualquier supuesta infraccin, permita que Xerox defienda dicha alegacin y coopere con Xerox. Todas las notificaciones debern enviarse a Xerox Office of General Counsel, P.O. Box 1600, Stamford, Connecticut 06904, Estados Unidos. Xerox no es responsable de ningn gasto o pago por litigios ajenos a Xerox a menos que Xerox conceda su acuerdo por escrito. Para evitar infracciones, Xerox puede, a su discrecin, y sin ningn cargo al Cliente, obtener una licencia o modificar, sustituir con uno equivalente, o retirar el Software. Si Xerox retira el Software por este motivo, se le reembolsar al Cliente la cantidad total designada como derechos de licencia, si se design; si no se design ninguna proporcin de las cantidades abonadas a Xerox en la operacin de adquisicin del Software como derechos de licencia, Xerox reembolsar la proporcin de las cantidades abonadas que Xerox designe razonablemente como relacionadas con la adquisicin del Software. Xerox no es responsable de ninguna infraccin cometida debido a que el Software se haga o modifique (por Xerox u otros, incluido el Cliente) segn las especificaciones del Cliente, o se utilice o venda en combinacin con equipo, software o suministros no provistos por Xerox. XEROX NO CONCEDE NINGUNA OTRA GARANTA, NI EXPRESA NI IMPLCITA, DE NO-INFRACCIN O DE RESPONSABILIDAD POR INFRACCIN O POR CUALQUIER DAO QUE SE ORIGINE DE ELLO. 7. LIMITACIN DE RESPONSABILIDAD EN NINGN CASO NI XEROX NI SUS PROVEEDORES SERN RESPONSABLES DE LOS DAOS ESPECIALES, INDIRECTOS, INCIDENTALES, CONSECUENTES (INCLUIDA SIN LIMITACIN LA PRDIDA DE DATOS) QUE SE DERIVEN DE ALGUNA MANERA O ESTN RELACIONADOS CON EL USO O LA IMPOSIBILIDAD DE USAR EL "SOFTWARE", INCLUSO SI SE HA AVISADO DE LA POSIBILIDAD DE DICHOS DAOS. EN NINGN CASO, LA RESPONSABILIDAD POR LOS DAOS DIRECTOS DE XEROX AL CLIENTE EXCEDER EL IMPORTE TOTAL DE LA LICENCIA ABONADO POR EL CLIENTE POR DICHA LICENCIA DE USO DEL SOFTWARE. 8. TERMINACIN Xerox podr terminar esta licencia de inmediato mediante aviso, en caso de infraccin importante por parte de usted, o si ya no usa o posee el equipo con el que debe utilizarse este Software, en cuyo caso deber devolver a Xerox todas las copias del Software y retirar el mismo de todos los equipos donde lo haya cargado. 9. LEY APLICABLE Este contrato se regir por las leyes del Estado de Nueva York, Estados Unidos o, si adquiri el Software fuera de los Estados Unidos, por las leyes del pas donde adquiri el Equipo, exceptuando la aplicacin de sus normas de conflictos de leyes. En algunas jurisdicciones no se permite la limitacin de duracin de una garanta implcita, ni la exclusin o limitacin de daos incidentales o consecuentes y, por tanto, las limitaciones y exclusiones anteriores pudieran no ser aplicables en su caso, en su totalidad o en parte. 10. INTEGRIDAD DEL CONTRATO El presente contrato de licencia de uso del Software es el acuerdo total entre Xerox y usted en relacin con el Software, y sustituye a todos los acuerdos o arreglos anteriores y actuales entre las partes respecto al Software. Acepta que los trminos y condiciones relacionados con el Software contenidos en cualquier orden de compra del Cliente u otro documento de pedido enviado para encargar el Software no tendrn efecto para Xerox y no modificarn este Contrato en ningn sentido. Si, despus de leer los trminos y condiciones, stos le fueran inaceptables, deber devolver inmediatamente el software sin utilizarlo para evitar obligaciones y responsabilidades contractuales, y tendr derecho al reembolso de las cantidades que haya abonado para obtener la licencia del Software. ====================================================================== LICENSE AGREEMENT AND WARRANTY FOR THE ENCLOSED SOFTWARE AND RELATED DOCUMENTATION YOUR LICENSE AGREEMENT - READ BEFORE INSTALLING SOFTWARE IMPORTANT: THIS AGREEMENT CONTAINS THE LICENSE TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR LICENSED SOFTWARE AND RELATED DOCUMENTATION. INSTALLING THE SOFTWARE PACKAGE SIGNIFIES YOUR ACCEPTANCE OF THIS AGREEMENT. IF YOU DO NOT ACCEPT THIS AGREEMENT, YOU MUST PROMPTLY RETURN THE SOFTWARE PACKAGE AND DELETE ANY SOFTWARE FILES ACCESSED BY YOU FROM ANY AND ALL COMPUTER MEMORY INTO WHICH SUCH SOFTWARE HAS BEEN LOADED OR STORED. WHEN USED IN THIS AGREEMENT THE WORD "XEROX" SHALL MEAN XEROX CORPORATION, ITS OPERATING COMPANY SUBSIDIARY OR AFFILIATE FROM WHICH YOU OBTAINED THE XEROX PRODUCT WITH WHICH THE SOFTWARE IS TO BE USED (the "Equipment"), UNLESS YOU OBTAINED THE EQUIPMENT FROM AN AUTHORIZED DEALER, AGENT, CONCESSIONAIRE OR DISTRIBUTOR, IN WHICH CASE "XEROX" SHALL MEAN XEROX CORPORATION, ITS OPERATING COMPANY, SUBSIDIARY OR AFFILIATE FROM WHICH THE ENTITY THAT SOLD YOU THE EQUIPMENT ACQUIRED IT. 1. GRANT OF LICENSE Xerox hereby grants you a non-exclusive, non-transferable license to use the software and related documentation ("Software") enclosed in this package with the Equipment, for as long as you are current in the payment of any indicated software license fees (including any annual renewal or maintenance fees) on the following terms and conditions. 2. USE You may install the Software for use on any networked workstation or server only in conjunction with the Equipment. When networked, other users on the network may access and use the Software in conjunction with the Equipment. 3. OWNERSHIP, COPYING, MODIFICATION AND CONFIDENTIALITY 3.1 Xerox owns or is otherwise entitled to grant licenses in respect of all rights in the Software. 3.2 No title to or ownership of the Software or any proprietary right therein is transferred to you. 3.3 You may, subject to Section 3.4 below, make one copy of the Software in whole or in part only for that purpose expressly permitted in Section 2 above and for back-up. Such permitted copy shall include in readable format any copyright and other proprietary notices contained on the original Software. 3.4 You may copy the related documentation for use only in conjunction with the Equipment. 3.5 You may not distribute, alter or modify nor cause or allow others to alter or modify the Software. 3.6 You agree not to provide or otherwise make available the Software to anyone other than your employees and agents directly concerned with the licensed use of the Software. 3.7 The Software is protected by copyright and other proprietary rights of Xerox and/or a third party. You may be held directly responsible by such third party for an infringement of such rights by you. 3.8 You agree not to reverse engineer, decompile or disassemble the Software for any purpose whatsoever, except to the extent permitted by law. 3.9 You agree not to export or re-export the Software in any form without, in the case of a customer in the United States, first obtaining all United States government licenses, and in the case of a customer outside of the United States, all relevant foreign government licenses, required by law, and then only upon the export of the Equipment. 3.10 Xerox may terminate your license for the Software (i) immediately if you no longer use or possess the Equipment or are a lessor of the Equipment and your first lessee no longer uses or possesses it or (ii) upon the termination of any agreement under which you have rented or leased the Equipment. 4. TRANSFER OF LICENSED SOFTWARE If you transfer possession of the Equipment, Xerox will offer the transferee a license to use the Software on or with it, subject to Xerox' then applicable terms and license fees, if any, and provided the transfer is not in violation of Xerox' rights. 5. LIMITED WARRANTY 5.1 Xerox warrants that the Software shall substantially conform to Xerox' User Manual or other Xerox documentation supplied at delivery to the original Customer. Xerox does not warrant that the operation of the Software will be uninterrupted or error free, nor that it will meet your needs. 5.2 In the event that the Software does not conform to the limited warranty contained in Section 5.1 above, your exclusive remedy is to notify Xerox within ninety (90) days of the date of delivery, and Xerox' or its supplier's sole obligation shall be to use all reasonable efforts to provide a work-around which avoids the nonconformity or to provide you with Software which does substantially conform to the Xerox User Manual or other Xerox supplied documentation. 5.3 XEROX GRANTS NO OTHER WARRANTIES ON THE "SOFTWARE", EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, WHETHER CREATED BY STATUTE OR OTHERWISE, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. XEROX FURTHER DISCLAIMS ANY WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS MADE BY PERSONS OTHER THAN XEROX (INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO XEROX SOFTWARE DEALERS, AGENTS, CONCESSIONAIRES OR DISTRIBUTORS). 5.4 The express warranties set forth above shall be void if you fail to properly use the Software in the appropriate environment as specified in the Xerox supplied documentation or if the Software is modified or altered in any fashion. 6. PATENT AND COPYRIGHT INDEMNIFICATION Xerox will defend and indemnify you if the Software is alleged to infringe, in the United States, any patent, trade secret, or copyright, if you promptly notify Xerox in writing of any alleged infringement, allow Xerox to direct the defense of such claim, and cooperate with Xerox. All notices should be sent to the Xerox Office of General Counsel, P.O. Box 1600, Stamford, Connecticut 06904. Xerox is not responsible for any non-Xerox litigation expenses or settlements unless Xerox pre-approves them in writing. To avoid infringement, Xerox may, at its option, and at no charge to you, obtain a license, or modify, or substitute an equivalent of, or remove the Software. If Software is removed by Xerox for this reason, any designated license fees paid by you will be fully refunded; if no portion of the amounts paid to Xerox within the transaction in which the Software was acquired was designated as a license fee for the Software, Xerox shall refund that portion of the amounts paid that Xerox reasonably designates as associated with the Software's acquisition. Xerox is not liable for any infringement due to the Software being made or modified (by Xerox or others, including you) to your specifications, or being used or sold in combination with equipment, software, or supplies not provided by Xerox. XEROX MAKES NO OTHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTY OF NON-INFRINGEMENT OR LIABILITY FOR INFRINGEMENT OR ANY DAMAGES THEREFROM. 7. LIMITATION OF LIABILITY IN NO EVENT SHALL XEROX OR ITS SUPPLIERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, (INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, LOSS OF DATA) IN ANY WAY ARISING OUT OF OR RELATED TO THE USE OR INABILITY TO USE THE "SOFTWARE", EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. IN NO EVENT SHALL XEROX' DIRECT DAMAGES TO YOU EXCEED THE TOTAL LICENSE FEE ACTUALLY PAID BY YOU FOR SUCH SOFTWARE. 8. TERMINATION Xerox may terminate this license immediately upon notice in the event of a material breach by you or if you no longer use or possess the equipment with which this Software is intended to be used, in which event you shall return to Xerox all copies of the Software, and remove same from all equipment into which such Software may have been loaded by you. 9. GOVERNING LAW This agreement will be governed by the laws of the State of New York, USA or if you acquire the Software outside the USA, by the laws of the country in which you acquired the Equipment, excluding its conflict of laws provisions. Some jurisdictions do not allow limitations on how long an implied warranty lasts or the exclusion or limitation of incidental or consequential damages, so the above disclaimers, limitations or exclusions, in whole or in part, may not apply to you. 10. ENTIRE AGREEMENT This Software License Agreement is the entire agreement between Xerox and you pertaining to the Software and supersedes all proposals or prior and contemporaneous agreements or understandings of the parties regarding the Software. You agree that any terms and conditions contained in any purchase order or other ordering document submitted to order the Software shall have no binding effect on Xerox and will not modify this Agreement in any way. If, after reading the terms and conditions, they are unacceptable to you, then, to avoid contractual obligations and liability, you should promptly return the software unused, and you will then be entitled to a refund of any sums paid by you to license the Software. "16" = "Den hr skivan uppfyller inte kraven fr den hr uppdateringen."; "17" = "Otillrckligt utrymme. Den hr uppdateringen krver 300 MB ledigt utrymme."; "18" = "Det hr paketet kan endast anvndas p Mac OS X, version 10.2 eller senare."; ՞v{A+Y|}Zm8i9Mǁbudg%: 27mm<%(tOгOw3̨TifF69ba|ÍJ9!`]&-@}pάʬ|#8|oʬ[\onhрThs @ʬʬʬʬʬʬʬʬ͗ZI.I葄nhyؠL>e{也L6x6Yh<IVZC:鉜,Zf4F;Zb'-p$$ÒǶIjkڑԖ%%3`Ix,Mh\BR^dO"oc/*7wG{ 'U?xٳ?_}?M錺Aq T2Wt * B]Z3XEI.Ҭ=i1+2+yz"Ң|Ʌq6*uw%oկ~EA_Z]iw?+2+oq^iiI|uKCz<8NR7KuOM2ڍ:dh vqsp&4}x>t5Zn..wAoс;KЁg9MsL,A,p=wtYg>>hyK8\mcVfM5Z`CΉp֗˝EusÏ w tb[ZMSd7 k@BŮLN?L;4= h5pz5x>标E %lyp2R>Տ_jBX4:깶G=l'ɩg{Ukț@U LCk⃻`y͋q?,4/@>#'u^&2 z }荧Hާ̱; t6& ϩfav  q9:huM̲oM<7Tѡ:]jd^O@` sk\M,>5=Xid`0՞{>2|Pg >l40vsS34aͣ183 if zaZ OLw1Z:6|wtw|MOl'F'п}wGj\  w}Po4[g17ޭOwwtcX{aL_ (Gt䤞l".g74tW`r ko%cQ z!C|} j?z@KSߴ b=OגQ]>65@냁;q Ni4>_KtZO4=$6R\ ^m=~hpwh{hxkopZ>+'AoJ %DA{׽gb^~ U[hg}[=t?b5!n@co;c" A،!֒-hS0R˿B zAp\)ƨ ZJKtjs z9!P{x.0ɞL"dJC8 0 8 D3-a^}D{\C '_kBxq;%D {Ǒ N³г^<-pͪWջ Cw̌khjޑr26}җ{?8b6nuKxhq(h|p8180L"VKlMf .M d'W-~!Ӡ3AC%nKj^ED%x OR )h0 A32l3'Z`^ԟ*X~7 Ov؀>=0pU7h]nPVw3("%Q6g O v Dm7MQ 2UV(eܶd^8(JZ4CM&ZRa9'*&^ 6F%I I;줅$v`/lm H=3֮5dT4va ֿ ~) A.b4CMATTtB4G+qxw}njis% Dn Ǽ; SX\7%_İw SʩBhAEP=VAui_xu<9 W䢴+r E>ujz^~e. 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OM DU BRYTER PROGRAMVARUFRPACKNINGEN ANSES DU HA ACCEPTERAT AVTALET, SVIDA INTE XEROX INSTALLERAR PROGRAMMET, I VILKET FALL DU ACCEPTERAR AVTALET NR DU BRJAR ANVNDA PROGRAMMET. OM DU INTE ACCEPTERAR AVTALET, MSTE DU SNARAST RETURNERA PROGRAMVARUFRPACKNINGEN OANVND. OM XEROX INSTALLERAR PROGRAMMET, MSTE DU RETURNERA PROGRAMVARUFRPACKNINGEN OCH RADERA EVENTUELLA PROGRAMVARUFILER UR ALLA DATORMINNEN I VILKA SDAN PROGRAMVARA HAR INSTALLERATS ELLER LAGRATS. I DETTA AVTAL AVSES MED "XEROX" XEROX CORPORATION, DOTTERBOLAG TILL XEROX CORPORATION ELLER ANNAT ANSLUTET FRETAG FRN VILKET DU ERHLL DIN UTRUSTNING I SERIEN XEROX DOCUMENT CENTRE ("Utrustning") I VILKEN PROGRAMVARAN SKA INSTALLERAS. OM DU ERHLL UTRUSTNINGEN FRN EN AUKTORISERAD TERFRSLJARE, AGENT, DISTRIBUTR ELLER ANNAN MELLANMAN, AVSES MED "XEROX" XEROX CORPORATION, DESS DOTTERBOLAG ELLER ANNAT ANSLUTET FRETAG FRN VILKET DET FRETAG, SOM SLDE UTRUSTNINGEN TILL DIG, HADE ERHLLIT UTRUSTNINGEN. 1. NYTTJANDERTT Xerox upplter hrmed till dig en icke-exklusiv, icke verltbar rtt att anvnda datorprogrammet och till-hrande dokumentation som ingr i detta paket ("Programvaran"), p en enskild Utrustning, vilket ven avser ntverksansluten Utrustning, s lnge du vid rtt tid erlgger alla indikerade licensavgifter (inklusive eventuella rliga fortsttningsavgifter) och fljer avtalade villkor fr nyttjandet. Nyttjandet skall ske p fljande villkor. 2. ANVNDNING Du kan installera Programvaran fr anvndning i varje ntverksansluten arbetsstation eller server, dock endast i samband med Utrustningen. Ntverksansluten kan andra anvndare p ntverket anvnda Programvaran i anslutning till Utrustningen. 3. GANDERTT, KOPIERING, NDRING OCH SEKRETESS 3.1 Xerox ger eller har p annat stt rtt att utfrda licenser betrffande alla rttigheter till Programvaran. 3.2 Ingen gandertt till Programvaran eller annan form av gande verfrs drmed till dig. 3.3 Du kan, enligt punkt 3.4 nedan, gra en kopia av Programvaran, i sin helhet eller delar drav fr syfte uttryckligen uttalat i punkt 2 ovan och fr back-up. Sdan tillten kopia skall inkludera copyright och andra ganderttsnoteringar i lsbart format som finns i Programvarans original. 3.4 Du kan kopiera tillhrande dokumentation endast fr anvndning tillsammans med Utrustningen. 3.5 Du fr inte distribuera, omarbeta eller ndra, ej heller bist eller tillta andra att omarbeta eller ndra Programvaran. 3.6 Du tar dig ocks att inte tillhandahlla eller p annat stt gra Programvaran tillgnglig fr andra n dina anstllda och representanter som direkt berrs av licensierad anvndning av Programvaran. 3.7 Programvaran och annan gandertt r genom copyright skyddad av Xerox och/eller annan tredjepart mot vertrdelse av sdana rttigheter och du kommer att hllas direkt ansvarig i sdant fall. 3.8 Du tar dig ocks att inte framstlla derivat, dekompilera eller backassemblera, oavsett anledning, frutom i de fall som tillts av lagstiftning. 3.9 Du tar dig ocks att inte exportera eller terexportera Programvaran i ngon form utan att frst erhlla alla exportlicenser och i s fall endast tillsammans med export av Utrustningen. 3.10 Xerox kan omedelbart upphva din licens fr Programvaran (i) om du inte lngre anvnder eller ger Utrustningen eller leasar Utrustningen och din leasetagare inte lngre anvnder eller innehar den eller (ii) om avtalet enligt vilket du har hyrt eller leasat Utrustningen upphr att glla. 4. VERFRING AV LICENCIERAD PROGRAMVARA Om du verfr gandertten av Utrustningen, kommer Xerox att erbjuda den nya garen rtt att anvnda Programvaran i Utrustningen i enlighet med Xerox gllande villkor och eventuella licensavgifter och frutsatt att verfringen inte strider mot Xerox rttigheter. 5. BEGRNSAD GARANTI 5.1 Xerox garanterar att Programvaran i allt vsentligt kommer att fungera i verensstmmelse med av Xerox utgivna specifikationer under en period p 90 dagar frn det datum d den levereras eller, i fall av Programvara installeras av Xerox, det datum d Programvaran installeras. Varken Xerox eller dess licensgivare garanterar att Programvaran r felfri, att den kan anvndas utan avbrott eller att den uppfyller dina behov. 5.2 I den hndelse att Programvaran inte r i verensstmmelse med den begrnsade garantin angiven i punkt 5.1 ovan, skall du reklamera felet till Xerox inom nittio (90) dagar frn leveransdatum eller, om Xerox har installerat Programvaran, inom nittio (90) dagar efter installationen. Den exklusiva pfljden och Xerox eller dess leverantrs enda skyldighet r att vidta rimliga tgrder fr att kringg avvikelsen eller fr att tillhandahlla programvara som vsentligen verensstmmer med Xerox anvndarmanual eller annan dokumentation levererad av Xerox. 5.3 XEROX GER INGA ANDRA, UTTRYCKLIGA ELLER UNDERFRSTDDA, GARANTIER FR "PROGRAMVARAN", OAVSETT OM DE UPPSTR P GRUND AV LAG ELLER P ANNAT STT, INKLUDERANDE MEN INTE BEGRNSAT TILL UNDERFRSTDDA GARANTIER FR SLJBARHET OCH ANVNDBARHET FR ETT VISST NDAML. VIDARE FRNSGER SIG XEROX EVENTUELLA GARANTIER ELLER UTFSTELSER SOM HAR GJORTS AV ANDRA PERSONER N BEHRIG XEROX PERSONAL (INKLUSIVE MEN INTE BEGRNSAT TILL XEROX TERFRSLJARE AV PROGRAMVARA, AGENTER, DISTRIBUTR ELLER ANNAN MELLANMAN). 5.4 De uttryckliga garantierna angivna ovan gller inte om Kunden inte anvnder Programvaran p rtt stt och i enlighet med Xerox instruktioner samt i avsedd systemmilj enligt specifikationer i dokumentationen frn Xerox eller om Programvaran ndras p ngot stt. 6. INTRNG I PATENT OCH UPPHOVSRTT Xerox kommer att frsvara och erstta Kunden om Programvaran psts krnka amerikanskt patent, rtt till fretagshemlighet eller upphovsrtt, om Kunden omedelbart skriftligen meddelar Xerox om det pstdda intrnget, lter Xerox handlgga rendet och samarbetar med Xerox. Alla rapporter om intrng skall skickas till Xerox, Office of General Counsel, P.O. Box 1600, Stamford, Connecticut 06904, USA. Xerox ansvarar inte fr ombudskostnad eller andra rttsliga kostnader som inte r hnfrliga till Xerox eller fr uppgrelse om inte Xerox skriftligen har godknt den i frvg. Fr att undvika att intrng freligger, kan Xerox, enligt eget val och utan kostnad fr Kunden, frvrva en licens eller ndra eller erstta Programvaran med likvrdig produkt eller terta Programvaran. Om Programvaran tertas av Xerox av denna anledning, terbetalas eventuella avgifter som specificerats som licensavgift vilka du har betalt. Om ingen del av beloppen, som betalades till Xerox i samband med avtalet genom vilket Programvaran frvrvades av dig var specificerad som licensavgift fr Programvaran, terbetalar Xerox den delen av de betala beloppen som Xerox rimligen kan specificera som tillhrande frvrvet av licensen fr Programvaran. Xerox ansvarar inte fr eventuellt intrng orsakad av ndring eller anpassning av Programvaran (av Xerox eller andra inklusive Kunden) enligt Kundens specifikationer, eller genom anvndning eller frsljning i kombination med utrustning, programvara eller frbrukningsmaterial som inte levererats av Xerox. XEROX GER INGEN ANNAN UTTRYCKLIG ELLER UNDERFRSTDD GARANTI AVSEENDE ATT PROGRAMVARAN INTE GR INTRNG I NGON RTTIGHET OCH HAR INTE HELLER NGOT ANNAT ANSVAR N VAD SOM SGS I DENNA PUNKT FR INTRNG I TREDJE MANS RTTIGHET ELLER DRIGENOM UPPSTTT SKADESTND. 7. ANSVARSBEGRNSNING UNDER INGA OMSTNDIGHETER ANSVARAR XEROX ELLER DESS LEVERANTRER FR FLJDSKADA, UTEBLIVEN VINST ELLER ANNAN INDIREKT FRLUST (INKLUDERANDE MEN INTE BEGRNSAT TILL FRLUST ELLER FRVANSKNING AV DATA) SOM P NGOT STT HAR ORSAKATS AV ELLER R FRKNIPPAD MED ANVNDNING ELLER OANVNDBARHET AV "PROGRAMVARAN". DETTA GLLER VEN OM XEROX INFORMERATS OM MJLIGHETEN AV SDAN SKADA. XEROX ANSVAR R BEGRNSAT TILL DIREKT FRLUSTER TILL ETT BELPOPP SOM HGST UPPGR TILL DEN TOTALA LICENSAVGIFTEN SOM HAR BETALATS AV KUNDEN FR SDAN PROGRAMVARA. 8. UPPSGNING Xerox kan omedelbart upphva din licens fr Programvaran om du inte lngre anvnder eller ger Utrustningen eller leasar Utrustningen och din leasetagare inte lngre anvnder eller innehar den eller om avtalet enligt vilket du har hyrt eller leasat Utrustningen upphr att glla. 9. GLLANDE LAG Fr detta avtal skall lagstiftningen i delstaten New York, USA vara tillmplig, eller, om Programvaran frvrvades utanfr USA, lagstiftningen i landet dr du frvrvade Utrustningen i serien Document Centre fr vilken Programvaran skall anvndas, dock inte detta lands lagstiftning om tillmplig lag. I vissa lnder tillts inte begrnsning av hur lnge en underfrstdd garanti r gllande eller uteslutande eller begrnsning av tillfllig eller fljdskada. I sdant fall berrs inte Kunden av ovanstende friskrivningar eller begrnsningar i den utstrckning tvingande lag uttrycklingen inte inte medger sdan regleringen. 10. FULLSTNDIGT AVTAL Detta programlicensavtal r det fullstndiga avtalet mellan Xerox och Kunden med avseende p licensiering av Programvaran och det erstter alla frslag och tidigare eller samtidiga avtal, utfstelser eller andra verenskommelser mellan parterna avseende Programvaran. Kunden accepterar att licensieringsvillkor som gller denna Programvara och som anges p Kundens inkpsorder eller annat bestllningsdokument, som anvnds vid bestllning av Programvaran, inte har ngon bindande verkan fr Xerox och inte skall ndra detta avtal p ngot stt. Om du inte accepterar avtalsvillkoren nr du har lst dem, returnerar du omedelbart Programvaran oanvnd fr att undvika kontraktskyldigheter och kontraktansvar. Du har d rtt till terbetalning av eventuella belopp du har betalat fr licensiering av Programvaran. ====================================================================== LICENSE AGREEMENT AND WARRANTY FOR THE ENCLOSED SOFTWARE AND RELATED DOCUMENTATION YOUR LICENSE AGREEMENT - READ BEFORE INSTALLING SOFTWARE IMPORTANT: THIS AGREEMENT CONTAINS THE LICENSE TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR LICENSED SOFTWARE AND RELATED DOCUMENTATION. INSTALLING THE SOFTWARE PACKAGE SIGNIFIES YOUR ACCEPTANCE OF THIS AGREEMENT. IF YOU DO NOT ACCEPT THIS AGREEMENT, YOU MUST PROMPTLY RETURN THE SOFTWARE PACKAGE AND DELETE ANY SOFTWARE FILES ACCESSED BY YOU FROM ANY AND ALL COMPUTER MEMORY INTO WHICH SUCH SOFTWARE HAS BEEN LOADED OR STORED. WHEN USED IN THIS AGREEMENT THE WORD "XEROX" SHALL MEAN XEROX CORPORATION, ITS OPERATING COMPANY SUBSIDIARY OR AFFILIATE FROM WHICH YOU OBTAINED THE INDIVIDUAL UNIT OF THE XEROX DOCUMENT CENTRE SYSTEM EQUIPMENT (the "Equipment") WITH WHICH THE SOFTWARE IS TO BE USED, UNLESS YOU OBTAINED THE EQUIPMENT FROM AN AUTHORIZED DEALER, AGENT, CONCESSIONAIRE OR DISTRIBUTOR, IN WHICH CASE "XEROX" SHALL MEAN XEROX CORPORATION, ITS OPERATING COMPANY, SUBSIDIARY OR AFFILIATE FROM WHICH THE ENTITY THAT SOLD YOU THE EQUIPMENT ACQUIRED IT. 1. GRANT OF LICENSE Xerox hereby grants you a non-exclusive, non-transferable license to use the software and related documentation ("Software") enclosed in this package with the Equipment, for as long as you are current in the payment of any indicated software license fees (including any annual renewal or maintenance fees) on the following terms and conditions. 2. USE You may install the Software for use on any networked workstation or server only in conjunction with the Equipment. When networked, other users on the network may access and use the Software in conjunction with the Equipment. 3. OWNERSHIP, COPYING, MODIFICATION AND CONFIDENTIALITY 3.1 Xerox owns or is otherwise entitled to grant licenses in respect of all rights in the Software. 3.2 No title to or ownership of the Software or any proprietary right therein is transferred to you. 3.3 You may, subject to Section 3.4 below, make one copy of the Software in whole or in part only for that purpose expressly permitted in Section 2 above and for back-up. Such permitted copy shall include in readable format any copyright and other proprietary notices contained on the original Software. 3.4 You may copy the related documentation for use only in conjunction with the Equipment. 3.5 You may not distribute, alter or modify nor cause or allow others to alter or modify the Software. 3.6 You agree not to provide or otherwise make available the Software to anyone other than your employees and agents directly concerned with the licensed use of the Software. 3.7 The Software is protected by copyright and other proprietary rights of Xerox and/or a third party. You may be held directly responsible by such third party for an infringement of such rights by you. 3.8 You agree not to reverse engineer, decompile or disassemble the Software for any purpose whatsoever, except to the extent permitted by law. 3.9 You agree not to export or re-export the Software in any form without, in the case of a customer in the United States, first obtaining all United States government licenses, and in the case of a customer outside of the United States, all relevant foreign government licenses, required by law, and then only upon the export of the Equipment. 3.10 Xerox may terminate your license for the Software (i) immediately if you no longer use or possess the Equipment or are a lessor of the Equipment and your first lessee no longer uses or possesses it or (ii) upon the termination of any agreement under which you have rented or leased the Equipment. 4. TRANSFER OF LICENSED SOFTWARE If you transfer possession of the Equipment, Xerox will offer the transferee a license to use the Software on or with it, subject to Xerox' then applicable terms and license fees, if any, and provided the transfer is not in violation of Xerox' rights. 5. LIMITED WARRANTY 5.1 Xerox warrants that the Software shall substantially conform to Xerox' User Manual or other Xerox documentation supplied at delivery to the original Customer. Xerox does not warrant that the operation of the Software will be uninterrupted or error free, nor that it will meet your needs. 5.2 In the event that the Software does not conform to the limited warranty contained in Section 5.1 above, your exclusive remedy is to notify Xerox within ninety (90) days of the date of delivery, and Xerox' or its supplier's sole obligation shall be to use all reasonable efforts to provide a work-around which avoids the nonconformity or to provide you with Software which does substantially conform to the Xerox User Manual or other Xerox supplied documentation. 5.3 XEROX GRANTS NO OTHER WARRANTIES ON THE "SOFTWARE", EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, WHETHER CREATED BY STATUTE OR OTHERWISE, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. XEROX FURTHER DISCLAIMS ANY WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS MADE BY PERSONS OTHER THAN XEROX (INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO XEROX SOFTWARE DEALERS, AGENTS, CONCESSIONAIRES OR DISTRIBUTORS). 5.4 The express warranties set forth above shall be void if you fail to properly use the Software in the appropriate environment as specified in the Xerox supplied documentation or if the Software is modified or altered in any fashion. 6. PATENT AND COPYRIGHT INDEMNIFICATION Xerox will defend and indemnify you if the Software is alleged to infringe, in the United States, any patent, trade secret, or copyright, if you promptly notify Xerox in writing of any alleged infringement, allow Xerox to direct the defense of such claim, and cooperate with Xerox. All notices should be sent to the Xerox Office of General Counsel, P.O. Box 1600, Stamford, Connecticut 06904. Xerox is not responsible for any non-Xerox litigation expenses or settlements unless Xerox pre-approves them in writing. To avoid infringement, Xerox may, at its option, and at no charge to you, obtain a license, or modify, or substitute an equivalent of, or remove the Software. If Software is removed by Xerox for this reason, any designated license fees paid by you will be fully refunded; if no portion of the amounts paid to Xerox within the transaction in which the Software was acquired was designated as a license fee for the Software, Xerox shall refund that portion of the amounts paid that Xerox reasonably designates as associated with the Software's acquisition. Xerox is not liable for any infringement due to the Software being made or modified (by Xerox or others, including you) to your specifications, or being used or sold in combination with equipment, software, or supplies not provided by Xerox. XEROX MAKES NO OTHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTY OF NON-INFRINGEMENT OR LIABILITY FOR INFRINGEMENT OR ANY DAMAGES THEREFROM. 7. LIMITATION OF LIABILITY IN NO EVENT SHALL XEROX OR ITS SUPPLIERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, (INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, LOSS OF DATA) IN ANY WAY ARISING OUT OF OR RELATED TO THE USE OR INABILITY TO USE THE "SOFTWARE", EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. IN NO EVENT SHALL XEROX' DIRECT DAMAGES TO YOU EXCEED THE TOTAL LICENSE FEE ACTUALLY PAID BY YOU FOR SUCH SOFTWARE. 8. TERMINATION Xerox may terminate this license immediately upon notice in the event of a material breach by you or if you no longer use or possess the equipment with which this Software is intended to be used, in which event you shall return to Xerox all copies of the Software, and remove same from all equipment into which such Software may have been loaded by you. 9. GOVERNING LAW This agreement will be governed by the laws of the State of New York, USA or if you acquire the Software outside the USA, by the laws of the country in which you acquired the Document Centre System Equipment with which this software is to be used, excluding its conflict of laws provisions. Some jurisdictions do not allow limitations on how long an implied warranty lasts or the exclusion or limitation of incidental or consequential damages, so the above disclaimers, limitations or exclusions, in whole or in part, may not apply to you. 10. ENTIRE AGREEMENT This Software License Agreement is the entire agreement between Xerox and you pertaining to the Software and supersedes all proposals or prior and contemporaneous agreements or understandings of the parties regarding the Software. You agree that any terms and conditions contained in any purchase order or other ordering document submitted to order the Software shall have no binding effect on Xerox and will not modify this Agreement in any way. If, after reading the terms and conditions, they are unacceptable to you, then, to avoid contractual obligations and liability, you should promptly return the software unused, and you will then be entitled to a refund of any sums paid by you to license the Software. -up. Such permitted copy shall include in readable format any copyright and other proprietary notices contained on the original Software. 3.4 You may copy the related documentation for use only in conjunction with the Equipment. 3.5 You may not distribute, alter or modify nor cause or allow others to alter or modify the Software. 3.6 You agree not to provide or otherwise make available the Software to anyone other than your employees and agents directly concerned with the licensed use of the Software. 3.7 "16" = "Il volume non possiede i requisiti necessari per realizzare questo aggiornamento."; "17" = "Spazio insufficiente per l'aggiornamento. Sono necessari 300MB."; "18" = "Questo pacchetto funziona solo con Mac OS X, versione 10.2 o successiva."; licenses, and in the case of a customer outside of the United States, all relevant foreign government licenses, required by law, and then only upon the export of the Equipment. 3.10 Xerox may terminate your license for the Software (i) immediately if you no longer use or possess the Equipment or are a lessor of the Equipment and your first lessee no longer uses or possesses it or (ii) upon the termination of any agreement under which you have rented or leased the Equipment. 4. TRANSFER OF LICENSED SOFTWARE If you transfer possession of the Equipment, Xerox will offer the transferee a license to use the Software on or with it, subject to Xerox' then applicable terms and license fees, if any, and provided the transfer is not in violation of Xerox' rights. 5. LIMITED WARRANTY 5.1 Xerox warrants that the Software shall substantially conform to Xerox' User Manual or other Xerox documentation supplied at delivery to the original Customer. Xerox does not warrant that the operation of the Software will be uninterrupted or error free, nor that it will meet your needs. 5.2 In the event that the Software does not conform to the limited warranty contained in Section 5.1 above, your exclusive remedy is to notify Xerox within ninety (90) days of the date of delivery, and Xerox' or its supplier's sole obligation shall be to use all reasonable efforts to provide a work-around which avoids the nonconformity or to provide you with Software which does substantially conform to the Xerox User Manual or other Xerox supplied documentation. 5.3 XEROX GRANTS NO OTHER WARRANTIES ON THE "SOFTWARE", EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, WHETHER CREATED BY STATUTE OR OTHERWISE, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. XEROX FURTHER DISCLAIMS ANY WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS MADE BY PERSONS OTHER THAN XEROX (INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO XEROX SOFTWARE DEALERS, AGENTS, CONCESSIONAIRES OR DISTRIBUTORS). 5.4 The express warranties set forth above shall be void if you fail to properly use the Software in the appropriate environment as specified in the Xerox supplied documentation or if the Software is modified or altered in any fashion. 6. PATENT AND COPYRIGHT INDEMNIFICATION Xerox will defend and indemnify you if the Software is alleged to infringe, in the United States, any patent, trade secret, or copyright, if you promptly notify Xerox in writing of any alleged infringement, allow Xerox to direct the defense of such claim, and cooperate with Xerox. All notices should be sent to the Xerox Office of General Counsel, P.O. Box 1600, Stamford, Connecticut 06904. Xerox is not responsible for any non-Xerox litigation expenses or settlements unless Xerox pre-approves them in writing. To avoid infringement, Xerox may, at its option, and at no charge to you, obtain a license, or modify, or substitute an equivalent of, or remove the Software. If Software is removed by Xerox for this reason, any designated license fees paid by you will be fully refunded; if no portion of the amounts paid to Xerox within the transaction in which the Software was acquired was designated as a license fee for the Software, Xerox shall refund that portion of the amounts paid that Xerox reasonably designates as associated with the Software's acquisition. Xerox is not liable for any infringement due to the Software being made or modified (by Xerox or others, including you) to your specifications, or being used or sold in combination with equipment, software, or supplies not provided byLa traduzione del presente contratto di licenza viene fornita da Xerox Europe e non vincolante ai sensi della legge. Il testo in inglese, posto dopo la traduzione, ha valore legale. ================================================================== CONTRATTO DI LICENZA E GARANZIA PER IL SOFTWARE INCLUSO E LA RELATIVA DOCUMENTAZIONE CONTRATTO DI LICENZA - DA LEGGERE PRIMA DI INSTALLARE IL SOFTWARE IMPORTANTE: QUESTO CONTRATTO DI LICENZA CONTIENE I TERMINI E LE CONDIZIONI DEL SOFTWARE DATO IN LICENZA E DELLA RELATIVA DOCUMENTAZIONE. L'INSTALLAZIONE DEL PACCHETTO SOFTWARE IMPLICA L'ACCETTAZIONE DEI TERMINI DI QUESTO CONTRATTO. QUALORA NON INTENDA ACCETTARE I TERMINI DI QUESTO CONTRATTO, IL CLIENTE TENUTO A RESTITUIRE IMMEDIATAMENTE AL FORNITORE IL PACCHETTO E A CANCELLARE TUTTI I FILE DEL SOFTWARE CARICATI O INSTALLATI SUI PROPRI COMPUTER. ALL'INTERNO DI QUESTO DOCUMENTO, "XEROX" RAPPRESENTA LA XEROX CORPORATION, LA CONSOCIATA O LA FILIALE TRAMITE LA QUALE IL CLIENTE HA OTTENUTO LA SINGOLA UNIT DELL'APPARECCHIATURA XEROX ("l'Apparecchiatura") SULLA QUALE IL SOFTWARE DEVE ESSERE UTILIZZATO, A MENO CHE L'APPARECCHIATURA NON SIA STATA OTTENUTA DA UN RIVENDITORE, AGENTE, CONCESSIONARIO O DISTRIBUTORE, NEL QUAL CASO "XEROX" RAPPRESENTA LA XEROX CORPORATION, LA CONSOCIATA O LA FILIALE PRESSO LA QUALE IL FORNITORE HA ACQUISTATO L'APPARECCHIATURA. 1. CONCESSIONE DELLA LICENZA Con il presente contratto, la Xerox concede all'utente una licenza personale non esclusiva per l'utilizzo del software e della relativa documentazione (il "Software") di questo pacchetto con l'Apparecchiatura, a condizione che siano state corrisposte le quote indicate dal presente contratto di licenza (comprese le spese annuali di rinnovamento e di manutenzione). 2. USO Il Software pu essere installato su qualsiasi computer o server della rete a condizione che venga utilizzato con l'Apparecchiatura. Se installato in una rete, tutti gli utenti della medesima possono accedere al software e utilizzarlo mediante l'Apparecchiatura. 3. PROPRIET, COPIA, MODIFICA E RISERVATEZZA 3.1 La Xerox detiene il possesso del Software o ha comunque la facolt di concedere le licenze relative a tutti i suoi diritti. 3.2 Al Cliente non vengono trasferiti n la propriet del Software, n alcun diritto relativo a tale propriet. 3.3 Il Cliente autorizzato a copiare parzialmente o interamente il Software, tenendo conto di quanto indicato al paragrafo 3.4, solo per le finalit espressamente indicate nella sezione 2 e a scopo di backup. Ogni copia deve includere in formato leggibile tutte le informazioni di copyright e propriet contenute nel Software originale. 3.4 Il Cliente pu copiare la documentazione del Software unicamente per utilizzarla congiuntamente all'Apparecchiatura. 3.5 Il Cliente non pu distribuire, alterare o modificare il Software, n personalmente n per mezzo di terzi. 3.6 Il Cliente si impegna a fornire o rendere disponibile il Software esclusivamente ai suoi dipendenti e agli agenti direttamente interessati dalla licenza d'uso del Software. 3.7 Il Software protetto dalle leggi sul copyright e da altri diritti di propriet della Xerox e/o di una terza parte. Tale parte pu ritenere il Cliente direttamente responsabile delle violazioni di questi diritti. 3.8 Il Cliente si impegna a non retroingegnerizzare, decompilare o disassemblare il Software per nessun motivo, ad eccezione dei casi consentiti dalla legge. 3.9 Il Cliente si impegna a non esportare o riesportare il Software in qualunque forma senza prima ottenere tutte le licenze previste dalla legge degli Stati Uniti e dei paesi stranieri in oggetto, e senza l'esportazione contestuale dell'Apparecchiatura. 3.10 La Xerox ha il diritto di revocare la licenza del software (i) immediatamente se il Cliente non possiede o non utilizza pi l'Apparecchiatura o, nel caso in cui il Cliente funga da locatore, se il principale locatario non possiede o non utilizza pi l'Apparecchiatura oppure (ii) allo scadere dell'accordo in base al quale il Cliente ha noleggiato o acquisito il locazione l'Apparecchiatura. 4. TRASFERIMENTO DELLA LICENZA DEL SOFTWARE Se il cliente trasferisce l'Apparecchiatura, la Xerox offre al cessionario la licenza di utilizzo del Software in base ai termini e alle quote da corrispondere previste in quel momento dalla Xerox e a condizione che il trasferimento dell'Apparecchiatura non costituisca una violazione dei diritti della Xerox. 5. GARANZIA LIMITATA 5.1 La Xerox garantisce che il Software funzioner in sostanziale conformit con la guida per l'utente e la documentazione di altro tipo fornita al Cliente originario. La Xerox non garantisce che il Software funzioner in maniera ininterrotta o priva di errori, n che il Software sar in grado di soddisfare le esigenze del Cliente. 5.2 Nel caso in cui il Software non risulti conforme alla garanzia limitata di cui al paragrafo 5.1, il Cliente ha la facolt di restituire il Software alla Xerox entro novanta (90) giorni dalla data di consegna. La Xerox e i suoi fornitori, da parte loro, avranno unicamente l'obbligo di impegnarsi in modo ragionevole a ovviare alla non conformit oppure di sostituire il Software con un Software idoneo. 5.3 LA XEROX NON FORNISCE ALTRE GARANZIE RELATIVE AL "SOFTWARE", ESPLICITE O IMPLICITE, STABILITE PER LEGGE O ALTRIMENTI, COMPRESE, SENZA LIMITAZIONE, LE GARANZIE IMPLICITE DI COMMERCIABILIT E IDONEIT A SCOPI PARTICOLARI. LA XEROX NON RICONOSCE LE GARANZIE O LE DICHIARAZIONI RESE DA SOGGETTI DIVERSI DALLA XEROX (COMPRESI, A TITOLO ESEMPLIFICATIVO MA NON LIMITATIVO, I RIVENDITORI, GLI AGENTI, I CONCESSIONARI E I DISTRIBUTORI). 5.4 Le garanzie esplicite sopra indicate sono da ritenersi nulle nel caso in cui il Cliente non utilizzi il Software in maniera appropriata e in un ambiente adeguato, secondo quanto specificato nella documentazione fornita dalla Xerox, o qualora il Software fosse stato modificato o alterato. 6. VIOLAZIONE DI BREVETTI E COPYRIGHT La Xerox si impegna a difendere il Cliente, nonch a sostenere le necessarie spese di giudizio, nel caso in cui il Software violi brevetti, segreti commerciali o copyright negli Stati Uniti. Per poter godere di tale beneficio, il Cliente tenuto a notificare sollecitamente e per iscritto alla Xerox le eventuali violazioni di cui a conoscenza e deve inoltre consentire alla Xerox di assumere la sua difesa e prestare la propria collaborazione. Le notifiche vanno indirizzate a: Xerox Office of General Counsel, P.O. Box 1600, Stamford, Connecticut 06904, USA. La Xerox non responsabile di spese legali o indennizzi che non riguardino i suoi prodotti, a meno che non acconsenta a farsene carico per iscritto. Per evitare di incorrere nelle suddette violazioni, anche in via preventiva, la Xerox ha la facolt, a sua discrezione e senza spese per il Cliente, di ottenere una licenza, modificare, sostituire o farsi restituire il Software. In caso di restituzione del Software, il Cliente avr diritto al pieno rimborso delle quote di licenza versate; se nessuna porzione delle spese associate alla transazione di acquisizione del Software era stata designata come quota di licenza per il Software, la Xerox rimborser la porzione di spese che ritiene ragionevolmente associata all'acquisizione del Software. La Xerox declina ogni responsabilit nel caso in cui il Software sia stato creato o modificato (dalla Xerox stessa o da altri, compreso il Cliente) in base alle specifiche del Cliente, oppure sia stato utilizzato o venduto in combinazione con apparecchiature, programmi o prodotti non forniti dalla Xerox. LA XEROX NON FORNISCE ALTRE GARANZIE ESPLICITE O IMPLICITE DI NON VIOLAZIONE E DECLINA OGNI RESPONSABILIT IN CASO DI VIOLAZIONE O PER DANNI CONSEGUENTI. 7. LIMITAZIONE DELLA RESPONSABILIT IN NESSUN CASO LA XEROX E I SUOI FORNITORI SARANNO RESPONSABILI DEI DANNI SPECIALI, INDIRETTI, ACCIDENTALI O CONSEQUENZIALI (COMPRESA, AD ESEMPIO, LA PERDITA DI DATI) DERIVANTI DALL'USO DEL SOFTWARE O DALL'INCAPACIT DI UTILIZZARLO, ANCHE NEL CASO IN CUI SIANO STATI AVVERTITI DELLA POSSIBILIT DI TALI DANNI. LA RESPONSABILIT TOTALE DELLA XEROX PER I DANNI DIRETTI SUBITI DAL CLIENTE, INOLTRE, NON PU IN ALCUN CASO SUPERARE LA QUOTA DI LICENZA EFFETTIVAMENTE PAGATA DAL CLIENTE PER IL SOFTWARE. 8. REVOCA La Xerox ha la facolt di revocare immediatamente la presente licenza in caso di violazione sostanziale del Contratto da parte del Cliente, o nel caso in cui il Cliente non utilizzi o non possieda pi l'Apparecchiatura su cui Software deve essere utilizzato. In questo caso, il Cliente tenuto a restituire alla Xerox tutte le copie del Software e rimuovere lo stesso dagli eventuali dispositivi in cui il Software stato caricato. 9. LEGGE APPLICABILE Il presente Contratto regolato dalle leggi dello Stato di New York, USA oppure, se il Software stato acquisito al di fuori degli Stati Uniti, dalle leggi del paese in cui stata acquistata l'Apparecchiatura. Sono esclusi gli eventuali conflitti con le norme di legge. Alcune giurisdizioni non contemplano limitazioni sulla durata delle garanzie implicite o sulla declinazione di responsabilit per i danni incidentali o consequenziali. Di conseguenza, la limitazione o la declinazione di responsabilit di cui sopra pu non riguardare, parzialmente o totalmente, il Cliente. 10. APPLICABILIT DEL CONTRATTO Il presente Contratto rappresenta l'unica forma di accordo tra la Xerox e il Cliente in relazione all'uso del Software e sostituisce tutte le proposte, le intese e gli accordi precedenti o contemporanei. Il Cliente riconosce che i termini e le condizioni contenuti negli ordini d'acquisto o in documenti di ordinazione di altro tipo non sono da ritenersi vincolanti nei confronti della Xerox e non modificano il Contratto in alcun modo. Se giudica inaccettabili i termini e le condizioni del presente contratto, il Cliente tenuto, al fine di evitare obbligazioni contrattuali e responsabilit, a restituire prontamente il software intatto. In caso di restituzione del Software, il Cliente avr diritto al pieno rimborso delle quote di licenza versate. ====================================================================== LICENSE AGREEMENT AND WARRANTY FOR THE ENCLOSED SOFTWARE AND RELATED DOCUMENTATION YOUR LICENSE AGREEMENT - READ BEFORE INSTALLING SOFTWARE IMPORTANT: THIS AGREEMENT CONTAINS THE LICENSE TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR LICENSED SOFTWARE AND RELATED DOCUMENTATION. INSTALLING THE SOFTWARE PACKAGE SIGNIFIES YOUR ACCEPTANCE OF THIS AGREEMENT. IF YOU DO NOT ACCEPT THIS AGREEMENT, YOU MUST PROMPTLY RETURN THE SOFTWARE PACKAGE AND DELETE ANY SOFTWARE FILES ACCESSED BY YOU FROM ANY AND ALL COMPUTER MEMORY INTO WHICH SUCH SOFTWARE HAS BEEN LOADED OR STORED. WHEN USED IN THIS AGREEMENT THE WORD "XEROX" SHALL MEAN XEROX CORPORATION, ITS OPERATING COMPANY SUBSIDIARY OR AFFILIATE FROM WHICH YOU OBTAINED THE XEROX PRODUCT WITH WHICH THE SOFTWARE IS TO BE USED (the "Equipment"), UNLESS YOU OBTAINED THE EQUIPMENT FROM AN AUTHORIZED DEALER, AGENT, CONCESSIONAIRE OR DISTRIBUTOR, IN WHICH CASE "XEROX" SHALL MEAN XEROX CORPORATION, ITS OPERATING COMPANY, SUBSIDIARY OR AFFILIATE FROM WHICH THE ENTITY THAT SOLD YOU THE EQUIPMENT ACQUIRED IT. 1. GRANT OF LICENSE Xerox hereby grants you a non-exclusive, non-transferable license to use the software and related documentation ("Software") enclosed in this package with the Equipment, for as long as you are current in the payment of any indicated software license fees (including any annual renewal or maintenance fees) on the following terms and conditions. 2. USE You may install the Software for use on any networked workstation or server only in conjunction with the Equipment. When networked, other users on the network may access and use the Software in conjunction with the Equipment. 3. OWNERSHIP, COPYING, MODIFICATION AND CONFIDENTIALITY 3.1 Xerox owns or is otherwise entitled to grant licenses in respect of all rights in the Software. 3.2 No title to or ownership of the Software or any proprietary right therein is transferred to you. 3.3 You may, subject to Section 3.4 below, make one copy of the Software in whole or in part only for that purpose expressly permitted in Section 2 above and for back-up. Such permitted copy shall include in readable format any copyright and other proprietary notices contained on the original Software. 3.4 You may copy the related documentation for use only in conjunction with the Equipment. 3.5 You may not distribute, alter or modify nor cause or allow others to alter or modify the Software. 3.6 You agree not to provide or otherwise make available the Software to anyone other than your employees and agents directly concerned with the licensed use of the Software. 3.7 The Software is protected by copyright and other proprietary rights of Xerox and/or a third party. You may be held directly responsible by such third party for an infringement of such rights by you. 3.8 You agree not to reverse engineer, decompile or disassemble the Software for any purpose whatsoever, except to the extent permitted by law. 3.9 You agree not to export or re-export the Software in any form without, in the case of a customer in the United States, first obtaining all United States government licenses, and in the case of a customer outside of the United States, all relevant foreign government licenses, required by law, and then only upon the export of the Equipment. 3.10 Xerox may terminate your license for the Software (i) immediately if you no longer use or possess the Equipment or are a lessor of the Equipment and your first lessee no longer uses or possesses it or (ii) upon the termination of any agreement under which you have rented or leased the Equipment. 4. TRANSFER OF LICENSED SOFTWARE If you transfer possession of the Equipment, Xerox will offer the transferee a license to use the Software on or with it, subject to Xerox' then applicable terms and license fees, if any, and provided the transfer is not in violation of Xerox' rights. 5. LIMITED WARRANTY 5.1 Xerox warrants that the Software shall substantially conform to Xerox' User Manual or other Xerox documentation supplied at delivery to the original Customer. Xerox does not warrant that the operation of the Software will be uninterrupted or error free, nor that it will meet your needs. 5.2 In the event that the Software does not conform to the limited warranty contained in Section 5.1 above, your exclusive remedy is to notify Xerox within ninety (90) days of the date of delivery, and Xerox' or its supplier's sole obligation shall be to use all reasonable efforts to provide a work-around which avoids the nonconformity or to provide you with Software which does substantially conform to the Xerox User Manual or other Xerox supplied documentation. 5.3 XEROX GRANTS NO OTHER WARRANTIES ON THE "SOFTWARE", EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, WHETHER CREATED BY STATUTE OR OTHERWISE, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. XEROX FURTHER DISCLAIMS ANY WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS MADE BY PERSONS OTHER THAN XEROX (INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO XEROX SOFTWARE DEALERS, AGENTS, CONCESSIONAIRES OR DISTRIBUTORS). 5.4 The express warranties set forth above shall be void if you fail to properly use the Software in the appropriate environment as specified in the Xerox supplied documentation or if the Software is modified or altered in any fashion. 6. PATENT AND COPYRIGHT INDEMNIFICATION Xerox will defend and indemnify you if the Software is alleged to infringe, in the United States, any patent, trade secret, or copyright, if you promptly notify Xerox in writing of any alleged infringement, allow Xerox to direct the defense of such claim, and cooperate with Xerox. All notices should be sent to the Xerox Office of General Counsel, P.O. Box 1600, Stamford, Connecticut 06904. Xerox is not responsible for any non-Xerox litigation expenses or settlements unless Xerox pre-approves them in writing. To avoid infringement, Xerox may, at its option, and at no charge to you, obtain a license, or modify, or substitute an equivalent of, or remove the Software. If Software is removed by Xerox for this reason, any designated license fees paid by you will be fully refunded; if no portion of the amounts paid to Xerox within the transaction in which the Software was acquired was designated as a license fee for the Software, Xerox shall refund that portion of the amounts paid that Xerox reasonably designates as associated with the Software's acquisition. Xerox is not liable for any infringement due to the Software being made or modified (by Xerox or others, including you) to your specifications, or being used or sold in combination with equipment, software, or supplies not provided by Xerox. XEROX MAKES NO OTHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTY OF NON-INFRINGEMENT OR LIABILITY FOR INFRINGEMENT OR ANY DAMAGES THEREFROM. 7. LIMITATION OF LIABILITY IN NO EVENT SHALL XEROX OR ITS SUPPLIERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, (INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, LOSS OF DATA) IN ANY WAY ARISING OUT OF OR RELATED TO THE USE OR INABILITY TO USE THE "SOFTWARE", EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. IN NO EVENT SHALL XEROX' DIRECT DAMAGES TO YOU EXCEED THE TOTAL LICENSE FEE ACTUALLY PAID BY YOU FOR SUCH SOFTWARE. 8. TERMINATION Xerox may terminate this license immediately upon notice in the event of a material breach by you or if you no longer use or possess the equipment with which this Software is intended to be used, in which event you shall return to Xerox all copies of the Software, and remove same from all equipment into which such Software may have been loaded by you. 9. GOVERNING LAW This agreement will be governed by the laws of the State of New York, USA or if you acquire the Software outside the USA, by the laws of the country in which you acquired the Equipment, excluding its conflict of laws provisions. Some jurisdictions do not allow limitations on how long an implied warranty lasts or the exclusion or limitation of incidental or consequential damages, so the above disclaimers, limitations or exclusions, in whole or in part, may not apply to you. 10. ENTIRE AGREEMENT This Software License Agreement is the entire agreement between Xerox and you pertaining to the Software and supersedes all proposals or prior and contemporaneous agreements or understandings of the parties regarding the Software. You agree that any terms and conditions contained in any purchase order or other ordering document submitted to order the Software shall have no binding effect on Xerox and will not modify this Agreement in any way. If, after reading the terms and conditions, they are unacceptable to you, then, to avoid contractual obligations and liability, you should promptly return the software unused, and you will then be entitled to a refund of any sums paid by you to license the Software. "16" = "Enheden kan ikke bruges til denne opdatering."; "17" = "Der er ikke plads nok til opdateringen. Der krves 300 MB ledig plads."; "18" = "Denne pakke kan kun afvikles p Mac OS X version 10.2 eller en nyere version."; trieure."; Oversttelsen af denne licensaftale er leveret af Xerox Europe og er ikke juridisk bindende. Den engelske tekst, der flger efter den oversatte tekst, er juridisk bindende. ====================================================================== LICENSAFTALE OG GARANTI FOR VEDLAGTE SOFTWARE OG TILHRENDE DOKUMENTATION LS DENNE LICENSAFTALE, FR PAKKEN MED CENTREWARE-SOFTWARE BNES. VIGTIGT: DENNE AFTALE INDEHOLDER LICENSBETINGELSER OG -VILKR FOR LICENSSOFTWAREN OG DEN TILHRENDE DOKUMENTATION. HVIS PAKKEN BNES, TILKENDEGIVER DE, AT DE ACCEPTERER AFTALENS BETINGELSER. HVIS DE IKKE KAN ACCEPTERE EN ELLER FLERE AF AFTALENS BETINGELSER, BEDES DE RETURNERE LICENSPAKKEN MED SOFTWARE UBNET TIL LEVERANDREN, SAMT SLETTE ALLE SOFTWAREFILER, SOM DE HAR HAFT ADGANG TIL FRA EN HVILKEN SOM HELST COMPUTERHUKOMMELSE, HVORTIL DEN PGLDENDE SOFTWARE ER BLEVET INDLST ELLER GEMT. NR ORDET "XEROX" ANVENDES I DENNE AFTALE, ER DET I BETYDNINGEN XEROX CORPORATION, ELLER DET XEROX-DATTERSELSKAB, HVORFRA XEROX DOCUMENT CENTRE-UDSTYRET ("Udstyret"), HVOR SOFTWAREN SKAL INSTALLERES, ER KBT, MEDMINDRE UDSTYRET ER KBT HOS EN AUTORISERET FORHANDLER, AGENT ELLER DISTRIBUTR. NR ORDET "XEROX" ANVENDES I SIDSTNVNTE SAMMENHNG ER DET I BETYDNINGEN XEROX CORPORATION ELLER DET XEROX-DATTERSELSKAB, HVORFRA TREDJEPARTEN, DER SOLGTE DEM UDSTYRET, HAR KBT UDSTYRET. 1. LICENSBEVILLING Xerox giver Dem en ikke-eksklusiv ret, som ikke kan overdrages, til at anvende den software og tilhrende dokumentation ("softwaren"), som er indeholdt i denne pakke sammen med udstyret, s lnge De betaler licensafgiften indeholdt i nrvrende licensaftale (inklusive en eventuel rlig fornyelse af licensafgift) og i vrigt overholder flgende betingelser og vilkr. 2. ANVENDELSE De m udelukkende installere softwaren til brug sammen med en hvilken som helst netvrksopkoblet computer eller server, som er forbundet med Udstyret. Ved en netvrksopkobling kan andre brugere p netvrket f adgang til og anvende softwaren sammen med udstyret. 3. EJENDOMSRET, KOPIERING, NDRINGER OG FORTROLIGHED 3.1 Xerox ejer eller er p anden vis berettiget til at bevilge licenser med respekt af alle rettigheder til softwaren. 3.2 Der overfres ikke rettigheder eller ejendomsret af softwaren til kunden. 3.3 I overensstemmelse med punkt 3.4 herunder er kunden kun berettiget til helt eller delvist at kopiere softwaren til det forml, der udtrykkeligt er beskrevet i punkt 2 herover og med henblik p sikkerhedskopiering. Enhver tilladt kopi skal i et lseligt format inkludere copyright og andre ejendomsretlige bestemmelser indeholdt i den originale software. 3.4 Kunden m kun kopiere den tilhrende dokumentation til anvendelse sammen med Udstyret. 3.5 Kunden m ikke distribuere, ndre eller modificere softwaren eller give anledning til eller tillade, at andre ndrer eller modificerer softwaren. 3.6 Kunden accepterer ikke at overdrage eller p anden mde gre softwaren tilgngelig for andre end de medarbejdere og agenter, der er direkte beskftiget med den licensberettigede anvendelse af softwaren. 3.7 Softwaren er copyright-beskyttet, og alle rettigheder tilhrer Xerox og/eller en tredjepart. Kunden kan holdes direkte ansvarlig af en sdan tredjepart ved kundens overtrdelse af nvnte rettigheder. 3.8 Kunden accepterer under ingen omstndigheder at ville samle softwaren omvendt, dekompilere eller skille softwaren ad. 3.9 Kunden accepterer ikke at eksportere eller geneksportere softwaren i en hvilken som helst form uden frst at indhente svel alle nationale som internationale licenser, som loven foreskriver, og i s fald kun ved eksport af Xerox-produktet. 3.10 Xerox kan ophve denne licensaftale (i) jeblikkeligt, hvis kunden ikke lngere anvender eller er i besiddelse af det udstyr, hvortil denne software er beregnet, eller hvis kunden leaser udstyret, og den frste leasingtager ikke lngere anvender eller er i besiddelse af udstyret (ii) ved ophr af den aftale, der blev indget i forbindelse med, at kunden lejede eller leasede udstyret. 4. OVERDRAGELSE AF LICENSSOFTWAREN Kunden kan overdrage softwaren i forbindelse med en overdragelse af Xerox-produktet, forudsat at modtageren skriftligt accepterer alle de beskrevne vilkr og betingelser indeholdt i nrvrende licensaftale, og at overdragelsen ikke er i strid med Xerox' rettigheder. 5. BEGRNSET GARANTI 5.1 Xerox oplyser, at softwaren p alle vsentlige punkter fungerer i overensstemmelse med Xerox' Betjeningsvejledning eller andet Xerox-dokumentation, der p leveringstidspunktet overdrages til den oprindelige kunde. Xerox indestr ikke for, at softwaren kan anvendes, uden at der opstr afbrydelser eller fejl, eller at softwaren imdekommer kundens behov. Er Udstyret solgt til en forbruger, som defineret i kbelovgivningen, fraviger ovennvnte bestemmelse ikke forbrugerens rettigheder i henhold til kbelovgivningens forbrugerbeskyttelsesprceptive regler. 5.2 Hvis softwaren ikke er i overensstemmelse med funktionaliteten, indeholdt i punkt 5.1 herover, er kundens eneste misligeholdelsesbefjelse at underrette Xerox om forholdet inden for halvfems (90) dage efter levering, og Xerox eller dennes leverandr er kun forpligtet til at foretage, hvad der m anses for rimeligt for at finde en lsning, som afhjlper denne manglende funktionalitet, eller til at skaffe kunden software, som i al vsentlighed er i overensstemmelse med Xerox' Betjeningsvejledning eller anden dokumentation, leveret af Xerox. Er Udstyret solgt til en forbruger, som defineret i kbelovgivningen, fraviger ovennvnte bestemmelse ikke forbrugerens rettigheder i henhold til kbelovgivningens forbrugerbeskyttelsesprceptive regler. 5.3 XEROX YDER INGEN ANDRE GARANTIER FOR SOFTWAREN, SVEL UDTRYKKELIGE SOM UNDERFORSTEDE, OG SVEL LOVMSSIGE SOM P ANDEN VIS ETABLEREDE, HERUNDER MEN IKKE BEGRNSET TIL, ENHVER UNDERFORSTET GARANTI FOR SALGBARHED OG EGNETHED TIL ET BESTEMT FORML. XEROX FRALGGER SIG DESUDEN ETHVERT ANSVAR FOR GARANTIER OG LIGNENDE, SOM ER GIVET AF ANDRE PERSONER END XEROX-ANSAT PERSONALE (VED ANDRE PERSONER END XEROX-ANSAT PERSONALE FORSTS BL.A. XEROX SOFTWARE-DISTRIBUTRER OG -FORHANDLERE). 5.4 De udtrykkelige garantier, der er anfrt ovenfor, er ugyldige, hvis kunden ikke anvender softwaren som beskrevet, eller hvis softwaren modificeres eller ndres p en hvilken som helst mde. 6. PATENT OG COPYRIGHT-KRNKELSE Xerox vil forsvare og holde kunden skadesls, hvis det hvdes, at softwaren krnker patenter, forretningshemmeligheder eller copyright i USA, forudsat at kunden jeblikkeligt skriftligt gr Xerox opmrksom p en eventuel pstet overtrdelse, er indstillet p at lade Xerox forsvare en sdan pstand og samarbejder med Xerox. Xerox er ikke ansvarlig for eventuelle ikke-Xerox retstvistlige udgifter eller forlig, medmindre Xerox p forhnd accepterer disse skriftligt. For at undg en overtrdelse kan Xerox, efter eget skn, og uden omkostninger for kunden skaffe en licens eller ndre eller udskifte softwaren med en lignende eller fjerne softwaren. Hvis softwaren fjernes af Xerox af ovenstende rsag, refunderes den af kunden betalte licensafgift. Xerox er ikke ansvarlig for en evt. krnkelse, som skyldes, at softwaren fremstilles eller ndres (af Xerox eller andre, inkl. kunden) efter kundens specifikationer, eller hvis softwaren anvendes eller slges sammen med andet udstyr, software eller forbrugsstoffer, som ikke er leveret af Xerox. XEROX GIVER IKKE ANDRE UDTRYKKELIGE ELLER UNDERFORSTEDE GARANTIER FOR IKKE-KRNKELSER OG ER IKKE ANSVARLIG FOR KRNKELSER ELLER EVENTUELLE SKADESERSTATNINGER SOM FLGE HERAF. 7. BEGRNSNING AF ANSVAR HVERKEN XEROX ELLER DETS LEVERANDRER KAN HOLDES ANSVARLIGE FOR SPECIELLE, INDIREKTE, TILFLDIGE SKADER ELLER FLGESKADER, (INKLUSIVE, MEN IKKE BEGRNSET TIL TAB AF DATA) SOM OPSTR SOM FLGE AF BRUGEN AF ELLER I FORBINDELSE MED BRUGEN AF ELLER MANGLENDE EVNE TIL AT BRUGE SOFTWAREN, SELV HVIS DER ER GJORT OPMRKSOM P MULIGHEDEN FOR SDANNE SKADER. UNDER INGEN OMSTNDIGHEDER KAN XEROX' ANSVAR OVER FOR KUNDEN FOR DIREKTE SKADESERSTATNINGER OVERSTIGE DEN SAMLEDE LICENSAFGIFT, SOM REELT ER BETALT AF KUNDEN FOR SOFTWAREN. 8. OPHVELSE Xerox kan ophve denne licens jeblikkeligt, hvis aftalen p vsentlige punkter misligeholdes af kunden, eller hvis kunden ikke lngere anvender eller er i besiddelse af det udstyr, hvortil denne software er beregnet, i hvilket tilflde kunden skal returnere alle kopier af softwaren til Xerox og fjerne samme fra ethvert udstyr, hvori softwaren mtte vre indlst af kunden. 9. LOVGIVNING Nrvrende aftale er underlagt lovene i det land, hvor den Xerox-virksomhed, hvorfra det udstyr, hvortil softwaren er beregnet, er kbt. Nogle retssystemer tillader ingen begrnsning af, hvor lnge en underforstet garanti varer, eller udelukkelse eller begrnsning af erstatningansvar for hndelige svel som flgeskader, hvorfor ovennvnte ansvarsfraskrivelser, begrnsninger eller indskrnkninger, helt eller delvist, ikke ndvendigvis finder anvendelse i Deres tilflde. 10. HELE AFTALEN Nrvrende softwarelicensaftale udgr hele aftalen mellem Xerox og kunden, hvad angr softwaren, og tilsidestter alle udkast eller tidligere og nuvrende aftaler eller betingelser indget mellem parterne angende softwaren. Kunden accepterer, at betingelser og vilkr indeholdt i kundens indkbsrekvisition eller andre bestillingsdokumenter, som er afsendt med henblik p at bestille softwaren, ikke har nogen bindende effekt for Xerox og p ingen mde ndrer denne aftale. Hvis disse betingelser og vilkr, efter endt gennemlsning, ikke kan accepteres, br De, for at undg kontraktmssige forpligtelser og ansvar, jeblikkeligt returnere softwaren i ubrugt stand, hvorefter De er berettiget til at f refunderet ethvert belb, De mtte have betalt for at f licens til at bruge softwaren. ====================================================================== LICENSE AGREEMENT AND WARRANTY FOR THE ENCLOSED SOFTWARE AND RELATED DOCUMENTATION YOUR LICENSE AGREEMENT - READ BEFORE INSTALLING SOFTWARE IMPORTANT: THIS AGREEMENT CONTAINS THE LICENSE TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR LICENSED SOFTWARE AND RELATED DOCUMENTATION. INSTALLING THE SOFTWARE PACKAGE SIGNIFIES YOUR ACCEPTANCE OF THIS AGREEMENT. IF YOU DO NOT ACCEPT THIS AGREEMENT, YOU MUST PROMPTLY RETURN THE SOFTWARE PACKAGE AND DELETE ANY SOFTWARE FILES ACCESSED BY YOU FROM ANY AND ALL COMPUTER MEMORY INTO WHICH SUCH SOFTWARE HAS BEEN LOADED OR STORED. WHEN USED IN THIS AGREEMENT THE WORD "XEROX" SHALL MEAN XEROX CORPORATION, ITS OPERATING COMPANY SUBSIDIARY OR AFFILIATE FROM WHICH YOU OBTAINED THE INDIVIDUAL UNIT OF THE XEROX DOCUMENT CENTRE SYSTEM EQUIPMENT (the "Equipment") WITH WHICH THE SOFTWARE IS TO BE USED, UNLESS YOU OBTAINED THE EQUIPMENT FROM AN AUTHORIZED DEALER, AGENT, CONCESSIONAIRE OR DISTRIBUTOR, IN WHICH CASE "XEROX" SHALL MEAN XEROX CORPORATION, ITS OPERATING COMPANY, SUBSIDIARY OR AFFILIATE FROM WHICH THE ENTITY THAT SOLD YOU THE EQUIPMENT ACQUIRED IT. 1. GRANT OF LICENSE Xerox hereby grants you a non-exclusive, non-transferable license to use the software and related documentation ("Software") enclosed in this package with the Equipment, for as long as you are current in the payment of any indicated software license fees (including any annual renewal or maintenance fees) on the following terms and conditions. 2. USE You may install the Software for use on any networked workstation or server only in conjunction with the Equipment. When networked, other users on the network may access and use the Software in conjunction with the Equipment. 3. OWNERSHIP, COPYING, MODIFICATION AND CONFIDENTIALITY 3.1 Xerox owns or is otherwise entitled to grant licenses in respect of all rights in the Software. 3.2 No title to or ownership of the Software or any proprietary right therein is transferred to you. 3.3 You may, subject to Section 3.4 below, make one copy of the Software in whole or in part only for that purpose expressly permitted in Section 2 above and for back-up. Such permitted copy shall include in readable format any copyright and other proprietary notices contained on the original Software. 3.4 You may copy the related documentation for use only in conjunction with the Equipment. 3.5 You may not distribute, alter or modify nor cause or allow others to alter or modify the Software. 3.6 You agree not to provide or otherwise make available the Software to anyone other than your employees and agents directly concerned with the licensed use of the Software. 3.7 The Software is protected by copyright and other proprietary rights of Xerox and/or a third party. You may be held directly responsible by such third party for an infringement of such rights by you. 3.8 You agree not to reverse engineer, decompile or disassemble the Software for any purpose whatsoever, except to the extent permitted by law. 3.9 You agree not to export or re-export the Software in any form without, in the case of a customer in the United States, first obtaining all United States government licenses, and in the case of a customer outside of the United States, all relevant foreign government licenses, required by law, and then only upon the export of the Equipment. 3.10 Xerox may terminate your license for the Software (i) immediately if you no longer use or possess the Equipment or are a lessor of the Equipment and your first lessee no longer uses or possesses it or (ii) upon the termination of any agreement under which you have rented or leased the Equipment. 4. TRANSFER OF LICENSED SOFTWARE If you transfer possession of the Equipment, Xerox will offer the transferee a license to use the Software on or with it, subject to Xerox' then applicable terms and license fees, if any, and provided the transfer is not in violation of Xerox' rights. 5. LIMITED WARRANTY 5.1 Xerox warrants that the Software shall substantially conform to Xerox' User Manual or other Xerox documentation supplied at delivery to the original Customer. Xerox does not warrant that the operation of the Software will be uninterrupted or error free, nor that it will meet your needs. 5.2 In the event that the Software does not conform to the limited warranty contained in Section 5.1 above, your exclusive remedy is to notify Xerox within ninety (90) days of the date of delivery, and Xerox' or its supplier's sole obligation shall be to use all reasonable efforts to provide a work-around which avoids the nonconformity or to provide you with Software which does substantially conform to the Xerox User Manual or other Xerox supplied documentation. 5.3 XEROX GRANTS NO OTHER WARRANTIES ON THE "SOFTWARE", EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, WHETHER CREATED BY STATUTE OR OTHERWISE, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. XEROX FURTHER DISCLAIMS ANY WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS MADE BY PERSONS OTHER THAN XEROX (INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO XEROX SOFTWARE DEALERS, AGENTS, CONCESSIONAIRES OR DISTRIBUTORS). 5.4 The express warranties set forth above shall be void if you fail to properly use the Software in the appropriate environment as specified in the Xerox supplied documentation or if the Software is modified or altered in any fashion. 6. PATENT AND COPYRIGHT INDEMNIFICATION Xerox will defend and indemnify you if the Software is alleged to infringe, in the United States, any patent, trade secret, or copyright, if you promptly notify Xerox in writing of any alleged infringement, allow Xerox to direct the defense of such claim, and cooperate with Xerox. All notices should be sent to the Xerox Office of General Counsel, P.O. Box 1600, Stamford, Connecticut 06904. Xerox is not responsible for any non-Xerox litigation expenses or settlements unless Xerox pre-approves them in writing. To avoid infringement, Xerox may, at its option, and at no charge to you, obtain a license, or modify, or substitute an equivalent of, or remove the Software. If Software is removed by Xerox for this reason, any designated license fees paid by you will be fully refunded; if no portion of the amounts paid to Xerox within the transaction in which the Software was acquired was designated as a license fee for the Software, Xerox shall refund that portion of the amounts paid that Xerox reasonably designates as associated with the Software's acquisition. Xerox is not liable for any infringement due to the Software being made or modified (by Xerox or others, including you) to your specifications, or being used or sold in combination with equipment, software, or supplies not provided by Xerox. XEROX MAKES NO OTHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTY OF NON-INFRINGEMENT OR LIABILITY FOR INFRINGEMENT OR ANY DAMAGES THEREFROM. 7. LIMITATION OF LIABILITY IN NO EVENT SHALL XEROX OR ITS SUPPLIERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, (INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, LOSS OF DATA) IN ANY WAY ARISING OUT OF OR RELATED TO THE USE OR INABILITY TO USE THE "SOFTWARE", EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. IN NO EVENT SHALL XEROX' DIRECT DAMAGES TO YOU EXCEED THE TOTAL LICENSE FEE ACTUALLY PAID BY YOU FOR SUCH SOFTWARE. 8. TERMINATION Xerox may terminate this license immediately upon notice in the event of a material breach by you or if you no longer use or possess the equipment with which this Software is intended to be used, in which event you shall return to Xerox all copies of the Software, and remove same from all equipment into which such Software may have been loaded by you. 9. GOVERNING LAW This agreement will be governed by the laws of the State of New York, USA or if you acquire the Software outside the USA, by the laws of the country in which you acquired the Document Centre System Equipment with which this software is to be used, excluding its conflict of laws provisions. Some jurisdictions do not allow limitations on how long an implied warranty lasts or the exclusion or limitation of incidental or consequential damages, so the above disclaimers, limitations or exclusions, in whole or in part, may not apply to you. 10. ENTIRE AGREEMENT This Software License Agreement is the entire agreement between Xerox and you pertaining to the Software and supersedes all proposals or prior and contemporaneous agreements or understandings of the parties regarding the Software. You agree that any terms and conditions contained in any purchase order or other ordering document submitted to order the Software shall have no binding effect on Xerox and will not modify this Agreement in any way. If, after reading the terms and conditions, they are unacceptable to you, then, to avoid contractual obligations and liability, you should promptly return the software unused, and you will then be entitled to a refund of any sums paid by you to license the Software. Xerox will defend and indemnify you if the Software is alleged to infringe, in the United States, any patent, trade secret, or copyright, if you promptly notify Xerox in writing of any alleged infringement, allow Xerox to direct the defense of such claim, and cooperate with Xerox. All notices should be sent to the Xerox Office of General Counsel, P.O. Box 1600, Stamford, Connecticut 06904. Xerox is not responsible for any non-Xerox litigation expenses or settlements unless Xerox pre-approves them in writing. To avoid infringement, Xerox may, at its option, and at no charge to you, obtain a license, or modify, or substitute an equivalent of, or remove the Software. If Software is removed by Xerox for this reason, any designated license fees paid by you will be fully refunded; if no portion of the amounts paid to Xerox within the transaction in which the Software was acquired was designated as a license fee for the Software, Xerox shall refund that portion of the amounts paid that Xerox reasonably desig"16" = "Este volume no satisfaz os requisitos para esta atualizao."; "17" = "No h suficiente espao para esta atualizao. So necessrios 300 MB de espao."; "18" = "Este Pacote somente pode ser executado no Mac OS X, verso 10.2 ou superior."; FOR ANY SPECIAL, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, (INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, LOSS OF DATA) IN ANY WAY ARISING OUT OF OR RELATED TO THE USE OR INABILITY TO USE THE "SOFTWARE", EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. IN NO EVENT SHALL XEROX' DIRECT DAMAGES TO YOU EXCEED THE TOTAL LICENSE FEE ACTUALLY PAID BY YOU FOR SUCH SOFTWARE. 8. TERMINATION Xerox may terminate this license immediately upon notice in the event of a material breach by you or if you no longer use or possess the equipment with which this Software is intended to be used, in which event you shall return to Xerox all copies of the Software, and remove same from all equipment into which such Software may have been loaded by you. 9. GOVERNING LAW This agreement will be governed by the laws of the State of New York, USA or if you acquire the Software outside the USA, by the laws of the country in which you acquired the Equipment, excluding its conflict of laws provisions. Some jurisdictions do not allow limitations on how long an implied warranty lasts or the exclusion or limitation of incidental or consequential damages, so the above disclaimers, limitations or exclusions, in whole or in part, may not apply to you. 10. ENTIRE AGREEMENT This Software License Agreement is the entire agreement between Xerox and you pertaining to the Software and supersedes all proposals or prior and contemporaneous agreements or understandings of the parties regarding the Software. You agree that any terms and conditions contained in any purchase order or other ordering document submitted to order the Software shall have no binding effect on Xerox and will not modify this Agreement in any way. If, after reading the terms and conditions, they are unacceptable to you, then, to avoid contractual obligations and liability, you should promptly return the software unused, and you will then be entitled to a refund of any sums paid by you to license the Software. EXONERAO DE RESPONSABILIDADE: A traduo deste acordo de licena foi fornecida pela Xerox Europe e no obriga a qualquer vnculo jurdico. O texto em ingls que segue a traduo vinculativo juridicamente. ======================================================================= CONTRATO DE LICENA E GARANTIA PARA O SOFTWARE INCLUDO E DOCUMENTAO RELACIONADA CONTRATO DE LICENA - LEIA ANTES DE INSTALAR O SOFTWARE IMPORTANTE: ESTE CONTRATO CONTM OS TERMOS E AS CONDIES DA LICENA PARA O SOFTWARE LICENCIADO E DOCUMENTAO RELACIONADA. A INSTALAO DO PACOTE DE SOFTWARE IMPLICA A SUA ACEITAO DESTE CONTRATO. CASO NO O ACEITE, DEVER DEVOLVER IMEDIATAMENTE O PACOTE DE SOFTWARE E APAGAR OS FICHEIROS DE SOFTWARE ACEDIDOS POR SI DE TODA E QUALQUER MEMRIA DE COMPUTADOR, NA QUAL TAL SOFTWARE TENHA SIDO INSTALADO OU ARMAZENADO. SEMPRE QUE UTILIZADA NESTE CONTRATO, A PALAVRA "XEROX" SIGNIFICAR XEROX CORPORATION, UMA SUA EMPRESA DE EXPLORAO, SUBSIDIRIA OU AFILIADA QUAL TIVER ADQUIRIDO A UNIDADE INDIVIDUAL DO EQUIPAMENTO XEROX DOCUMENT CENTRE SYSTEM (O "Equipamento") E COM A QUAL SER UTILIZADO ESTE SOFTWARE, A MENOS QUE TENHA ADQUIRIDO O EQUIPAMENTO A UM REPRESENTANTE, AGENTE, CONCESSIONRIO OU DISTRIBUIDOR AUTORIZADO, EM CUJO CASO "XEROX" SIGNIFICAR XEROX CORPORATION, UMA SUA EMPRESA DE EXPLORAO, SUBSIDIRIA OU AFILIADA QUAL A ENTIDADE QUE LHE VENDEU O EQUIPAMENTO O COMPROU. 1. CONCESSO DE LICENA Atravs do presente, a Xerox concede-lhe uma licena intransmissvel e no exclusiva de utilizao do software e da documentao relacionada ("Software"), fornecidos neste pacote com o Equipamento, durante o perodo de cumprimento dos pagamentos das taxas de licena do software indicados (incluindo eventuais taxas de renovao anual ou de manuteno), sujeita aos termos e condies que se seguem. 2. UTILIZAO Poder instalar o Software para que seja utilizado numa estao de trabalho ou num servidor ligados em rede, apenas em conjunto com o Equipamento. Quando ligados em rede, os restantes utilizadores da rede podero aceder e utilizar o Software em conjunto com o Equipamento. 3. PROPRIEDADE, CPIA, MODIFICAO E CONFIDENCIALIDADE 3.1 A Xerox proprietria ou detm o direito de conceder licenas relativamente a todos os direitos deste Software. 3.2 No lhe sero transmitidos ttulo de propriedade do Software ou quaisquer direitos de patentes. 3.3 Poder, ao abrigo da Seco 3.4 infracitada, efectuar uma cpia total ou parcial do Software apenas para a finalidade expressamente permitida na Seco 2 supracitada e para fins de salvaguarda. A cpia permitida incluir, em formato legvel, as notas relativas a direitos de autor e de propriedade includas no Software original. 3.4 Poder copiar a documentao relacionada apenas para utilizao em conjunto com o Equipamento. 3.5 No poder distribuir, alterar nem modificar o Software, nem permitir que outros o alterem ou modifiquem. 3.6 Aceita no fornecer ou de outro disponibilizar o Software a outrm, que no os seus funcionrios ou as entidades directamente relacionadas com a utilizao licenciada do Software. 3.7 O Software encontra-se protegido pelas leis de direitos de autor e outros direitos de propriedade da Xerox e/ou um terceiro. Poder ser directamente responsabilizado por esse terceiro se violar tais direitos. 3.8 Aceita no inverter a concepo do Software, nem decomp-lo ou desmont-lo para qualquer fim, excepto at ao ponto permitido por lei. 3.9 Aceita no exportar nem reexportar o Software sob qualquer forma sem, no caso de um cliente nos Estado Unidos, primeiro obter todas as licenas do governo dos Estados Unidos e, no caso de um cliente fora dos Estados Unidos, todas as licenas governamentais externas relevante, exigidas por lei. 3.10 A Xerox poder rescindir a sua licena do Software (i) imediatamente, se j no utilizar ou no possuir o Equipamento ou for um locador do Equipamento e o seu primeiro locatrio j no o utilizar ou possuir (ii) depois de rescindido qualquer acordo, mediante o qual tiver alugado ou feito o leasing do Equipamento. 4. TRANSMISSO DO SOFTWARE LICENCIADO Se transferir a posse do Equipamento, a Xerox oferecer ao transmissrio uma licena para utilizar o Software com este ou em conjunto com o mesmo, sujeita aos termos e s taxas de licena da Xerox aplicveis na altura, caso existam, desde que a transmisso no viole os direitos da Xerox. 5. GARANTIA LIMITADA 5.1 A Xerox garante que o Software estar substancialmente em conformidade com o Manual do Utilizador da Xerox ou outra documentao Xerox fornecida no momento da entrega ao Cliente original. A Xerox no garante que o funcionamento do Software venha a ser ininterrupto ou isento de erros, nem que o mesmo v satisfazer as suas necessidades. 5.2 Na eventualidade de o Software no estar em conformidade com a garantia limitada indicada na Seco 5.1 supracitada, a sua nica alternativa ser a de notificar a Xerox no prazo de noventa (90) dias a contar da data de entrega, sendo a nica obrigao da Xerox ou do seu fornecedor a de empregar todos os esforos razoveis para proporcionar uma soluo para evitar a no conformidade ou a de fornecer-lhe Software que esteja substancialmente em conformidade com o Manual do Utilizador da Xerox ou outra documentao fornecida pela Xerox. 5.3 A XEROX NO FORNECE QUAISQUER OUTRAS GARANTIAS RELATIVAS AO "SOFTWARE", EXPRESSAS OU IMPLCITAS, QUER LEGAIS QUER DE OUTRA NATUREZA, INCLUINDO, SEM LIMITAO, GARANTIAS IMPLCITAS DE QUE O PRODUTO SEJA ADEQUADO OU SIRVA PARA O FIM A QUE SE DESTINA. A XEROX REJEITA TAMBM QUAISQUER GARANTIAS OU REPRESENTAES FEITAS POR OUTRM (INCLUINDO REPRESENTANTES, AGENTES, CONCESSIONRIOS OU DISTRIBUIDORES DO SOFTWARE XEROX, MAS NO SE LIMITANDO A ESTAS ENUMERAES). 5.4 As garantias expressas supracitadas no tero qualquer validade se no utilizar devidamente o Software no ambiente adequado, conforme especificado na documentao fornecida pela Xerox, nem se o Software for modificado ou alterado de algum modo. 6. INDEMNIZAO POR DIREITOS DE AUTOR E PATENTE A Xerox ir defender e indemniz-lo, se o Software alegadamente violar, nos Estados Unidos, qualquer patente, segredo comercial ou direito de autor, caso notifique imediatamente a Xerox por escrito de qualquer alegada violao, permita que a Xerox conduza a defesa de tal queixa e coopere com a Xerox. Todas as notificaes devem ser enviadas para Xerox Office of General Counsel, P.O. Box 1600, Stamford, Connecticut 06904. A Xerox no ser responsvel por quaisquer despesas ou pagamentos decorrentes de um processo judicial, a menos que seja fornecida a aprovao prvia da Xerox por escrito. Para evitar uma eventual violao, a Xerox poder, por sua iniciativa, e sem qualquer encargo para si, obter uma licena, ou modificar ou substituir um equivalente do Software, ou remov-lo. Se o Software for removido pela Xerox por esta razo, as taxas de licenas estipuladas que tiver pago sero reembolsadas na totalidade; se nenhuma parte das quantias pagas Xerox no mbito da transaco na qual o Software foi adquirido tiver sido considerada taxa de licena para o Software, a Xerox reembolsar essa parte paga que determine associada aquisio do Software. A Xerox no responsvel por qualquer violao em consequncia de o Software ter sido criado ou modificado (pela Xerox ou outrm, incluindo a sua pessoa) de acordo com as suas especificaes, ou de ter sido utilizado ou vendido em conjunto com o equipamento, software ou consumveis no fornecidos pela Xerox. A XEROX NO FORNECE QUAISQUER GARANTIAS EXPRESSAS OU IMPLCITAS DE NO VIOLAO OU RESPONSABILIDADE POR VIOLAO OU POR QUAISQUER DANOS DECORRENTES DESTA. 7. LIMITE DE RESPONSABILIDADE EM CASO ALGUM SER A XEROX OU SEUS FORNECEDORES RESPONSVEIS POR QUAISQUER DANOS ESPECIAIS, INDIRECTOS, ACIDENTAIS OU CONSEQUENCIAIS, (INCLUINDO, SEM LIMITAO, A PERDA DE DADOS) RESULTANTES, DE ALGUMA FORMA, OU RELACIONADOS COM A UTILIZAO OU INCAPACIDADE DE UTILIZAO DO "SOFTWARE", AINDA QUE TENHAM SIDO AVISADOS ACERCA DA POSSIBILIDADE DE TAIS DANOS. EM CASO ALGUM EXCEDERO OS DANOS DIRECTOS DA XEROX PARA COM A SUA PESSOA A TAXA DE LICENA TOTAL REAL, PAGA POR SI POR TAL SOFTWARE. 8. RESCISO A Xerox poder rescindir esta licena imediatamente, mediante notificao de violao de material por si, ou se j no utilizar ou possuir o equipamento com o qual este Software deve ser utilizado, em cujo caso, devolver Xerox todas as cpias do Software e remover o mesmo de todo o equipamento no qual poder ter sido instalado. 9. LEI APLICVEL Este contrato ser regido pelas leis em vigor no Estado de Nova Iorque, EUA, ou, caso tenha adquirido o Software fora dos EUA, pelas leis do pas no qual tiver adquirido o Equipamento Document Centre System com o qual ser utilizado este software, excluindo o conflito de provises legais. Algumas jurisdies no permitem limitaes relativamente durao de uma garantia implcita ou excluso ou limitao de danos acidentais ou consequenciais; por conseguinte, a exonerao de responsabilidade, as limitaes ou excluses supracitadas, na sua totalidade ou parcialmente, podero no se aplicar a si. 10. ACORDO TOTAL Este Contrato de Licena de Software constitui o acordo total entre a Xerox e a sua pessoa relativamente ao Software e substitui todas as propostas ou acordos anteriores e actuais ou a compreenso das partes com referncia ao Software. Concorda que os termos e as condies contidos em qualquer nota de encomenda ou outro documento de encomenda do Software no tero efeitos vinculativos sobre a Xerox e no modificaro de forma alguma este Contrato. Se, depois de ter lido os termos e as condies, os mesmos lhe parecerem inaceitveis, ento, para evitar as obrigaes e a responsabilidade contratuais, dever devolver prontamente o software no utilizado e ter direito ao reembolso de quaisquer quantias pagas por si para licenciar o Software. ====================================================================== LICENSE AGREEMENT AND WARRANTY FOR THE ENCLOSED SOFTWARE AND RELATED DOCUMENTATION YOUR LICENSE AGREEMENT - READ BEFORE INSTALLING SOFTWARE IMPORTANT: THIS AGREEMENT CONTAINS THE LICENSE TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR LICENSED SOFTWARE AND RELATED DOCUMENTATION. INSTALLING THE SOFTWARE PACKAGE SIGNIFIES YOUR ACCEPTANCE OF THIS AGREEMENT. IF YOU DO NOT ACCEPT THIS AGREEMENT, YOU MUST PROMPTLY RETURN THE SOFTWARE PACKAGE AND DELETE ANY SOFTWARE FILES ACCESSED BY YOU FROM ANY AND ALL COMPUTER MEMORY INTO WHICH SUCH SOFTWARE HAS BEEN LOADED OR STORED. WHEN USED IN THIS AGREEMENT THE WORD "XEROX" SHALL MEAN XEROX CORPORATION, ITS OPERATING COMPANY SUBSIDIARY OR AFFILIATE FROM WHICH YOU OBTAINED THE INDIVIDUAL UNIT OF THE XEROX DOCUMENT CENTRE SYSTEM EQUIPMENT (the "Equipment") WITH WHICH THE SOFTWARE IS TO BE USED, UNLESS YOU OBTAINED THE EQUIPMENT FROM AN AUTHORIZED DEALER, AGENT, CONCESSIONAIRE OR DISTRIBUTOR, IN WHICH CASE "XEROX" SHALL MEAN XEROX CORPORATION, ITS OPERATING COMPANY, SUBSIDIARY OR AFFILIATE FROM WHICH THE ENTITY THAT SOLD YOU THE EQUIPMENT ACQUIRED IT. 1. GRANT OF LICENSE Xerox hereby grants you a non-exclusive, non-transferable license to use the software and related documentation ("Software") enclosed in this package with the Equipment, for as long as you are current in the payment of any indicated software license fees (including any annual renewal or maintenance fees) on the following terms and conditions. 2. USE You may install the Software for use on any networked workstation or server only in conjunction with the Equipment. When networked, other users on the network may access and use the Software in conjunction with the Equipment. 3. OWNERSHIP, COPYING, MODIFICATION AND CONFIDENTIALITY 3.1 Xerox owns or is otherwise entitled to grant licenses in respect of all rights in the Software. 3.2 No title to or ownership of the Software or any proprietary right therein is transferred to you. 3.3 You may, subject to Section 3.4 below, make one copy of the Software in whole or in part only for that purpose expressly permitted in Section 2 above and for back-up. Such permitted copy shall include in readable format any copyright and other proprietary notices contained on the original Software. 3.4 You may copy the related documentation for use only in conjunction with the Equipment. 3.5 You may not distribute, alter or modify nor cause or allow others to alter or modify the Software. 3.6 You agree not to provide or otherwise make available the Software to anyone other than your employees and agents directly concerned with the licensed use of the Software. 3.7 The Software is protected by copyright and other proprietary rights of Xerox and/or a third party. You may be held directly responsible by such third party for an infringement of such rights by you. 3.8 You agree not to reverse engineer, decompile or disassemble the Software for any purpose whatsoever, except to the extent permitted by law. 3.9 You agree not to export or re-export the Software in any form without, in the case of a customer in the United States, first obtaining all United States government licenses, and in the case of a customer outside of the United States, all relevant foreign government licenses, required by law, and then only upon the export of the Equipment. 3.10 Xerox may terminate your license for the Software (i) immediately if you no longer use or possess the Equipment or are a lessor of the Equipment and your first lessee no longer uses or possesses it or (ii) upon the termination of any agreement under which you have rented or leased the Equipment. 4. TRANSFER OF LICENSED SOFTWARE If you transfer possession of the Equipment, Xerox will offer the transferee a license to use the Software on or with it, subject to Xerox' then applicable terms and license fees, if any, and provided the transfer is not in violation of Xerox' rights. 5. LIMITED WARRANTY 5.1 Xerox warrants that the Software shall substantially conform to Xerox' User Manual or other Xerox documentation supplied at delivery to the original Customer. Xerox does not warrant that the operation of the Software will be uninterrupted or error free, nor that it will meet your needs. 5.2 In the event that the Software does not conform to the limited warranty contained in Section 5.1 above, your exclusive remedy is to notify Xerox within ninety (90) days of the date of delivery, and Xerox' or its supplier's sole obligation shall be to use all reasonable efforts to provide a work-around which avoids the nonconformity or to provide you with Software which does substantially conform to the Xerox User Manual or other Xerox supplied documentation. 5.3 XEROX GRANTS NO OTHER WARRANTIES ON THE "SOFTWARE", EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, WHETHER CREATED BY STATUTE OR OTHERWISE, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. XEROX FURTHER DISCLAIMS ANY WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS MADE BY PERSONS OTHER THAN XEROX (INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO XEROX SOFTWARE DEALERS, AGENTS, CONCESSIONAIRES OR DISTRIBUTORS). 5.4 The express warranties set forth above shall be void if you fail to properly use the Software in the appropriate environment as specified in the Xerox supplied documentation or if the Software is modified or altered in any fashion. 6. PATENT AND COPYRIGHT INDEMNIFICATION Xerox will defend and indemnify you if the Software is alleged to infringe, in the United States, any patent, trade secret, or copyright, if you promptly notify Xerox in writing of any alleged infringement, allow Xerox to direct the defense of such claim, and cooperate with Xerox. All notices should be sent to the Xerox Office of General Counsel, P.O. Box 1600, Stamford, Connecticut 06904. Xerox is not responsible for any non-Xerox litigation expenses or settlements unless Xerox pre-approves them in writing. To avoid infringement, Xerox may, at its option, and at no charge to you, obtain a license, or modify, or substitute an equivalent of, or remove the Software. If Software is removed by Xerox for this reason, any designated license fees paid by you will be fully refunded; if no portion of the amounts paid to Xerox within the transaction in which the Software was acquired was designated as a license fee for the Software, Xerox shall refund that portion of the amounts paid that Xerox reasonably designates as associated with the Software's acquisition. Xerox is not liable for any infringement due to the Software being made or modified (by Xerox or others, including you) to your specifications, or being used or sold in combination with equipment, software, or supplies not provided by Xerox. XEROX MAKES NO OTHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTY OF NON-INFRINGEMENT OR LIABILITY FOR INFRINGEMENT OR ANY DAMAGES THEREFROM. 7. LIMITATION OF LIABILITY IN NO EVENT SHALL XEROX OR ITS SUPPLIERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, (INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, LOSS OF DATA) IN ANY WAY ARISING OUT OF OR RELATED TO THE USE OR INABILITY TO USE THE "SOFTWARE", EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. IN NO EVENT SHALL XEROX' DIRECT DAMAGES TO YOU EXCEED THE TOTAL LICENSE FEE ACTUALLY PAID BY YOU FOR SUCH SOFTWARE. 8. TERMINATION Xerox may terminate this license immediately upon notice in the event of a material breach by you or if you no longer use or possess the equipment with which this Software is intended to be used, in which event you shall return to Xerox all copies of the Software, and remove same from all equipment into which such Software may have been loaded by you. 9. GOVERNING LAW This agreement will be governed by the laws of the State of New York, USA or if you acquire the Software outside the USA, by the laws of the country in which you acquired the Document Centre System Equipment with which this software is to be used, excluding its conflict of laws provisions. Some jurisdictions do not allow limitations on how long an implied warranty lasts or the exclusion or limitation of incidental or consequential damages, so the above disclaimers, limitations or exclusions, in whole or in part, may not apply to you. 10. ENTIRE AGREEMENT This Software License Agreement is the entire agreement between Xerox and you pertaining to the Software and supersedes all proposals or prior and contemporaneous agreements or understandings of the parties regarding the Software. You agree that any terms and conditions contained in any purchase order or other ordering document submitted to order the Software shall have no binding effect on Xerox and will not modify this Agreement in any way. If, after reading the terms and conditions, they are unacceptable to you, then, to avoid contractual obligations and liability, you should promptly return the software unused, and you will then be entitled to a refund of any sums paid by you to license the Software. r la proporcin de las cantidades abonadas que Xerox designe razonablemente como relacionadas con la adquisicin del Software. Xerox no es responsable de ninguna infraccin cometida debido a que el Software se haga o modifique (por Xerox u otros, incluido el Cliente) segn las especificaciones del Cliente, o se utilice o venda en combinacin con equipo, software o suministros no provistos por Xerox. XEROX NO CONCEDE NINGUNA OTRA GARANTA, NI EXPRESA NI IMPLCITA, DE NO-INFRACCIN O DE RESPONSABILIDAD POR INFRACCIN O POR CUALQUIER DAO QUE SE ORIGINE DE ELLO. 7. LIMITACIN DE RESPONSABILIDAD EN NINGN CASO NI XEROX NI SUS PROVEEDORES SERN RESPONSABLES DE LOS DAOS ESPECIALES, INDIRECTOS, INCIDENTALES, CONSECUENTES (INCLUIDA SIN LIMITACIN LA PRDIDA DE DATOS) QUE SE DERIVEN DE ALGUNA MANERA O ESTN RELACIONADOS CON EL USO O LA IMPOSIBILIDAD DE USAR EL "SOFTWARE", INCLUSO SI SE HA AVISADO DE LA POSIBILIDAD DE DICHOS DAOS. EN NINGN CASO, LA RESPONSABILIDAD POR LOS DAOS DIRECTOS DE XEROX AL CLIENTE EXCEDE"16" = "Este volume no satisfaz os requisitos para esta atualizao."; "17" = "No h suficiente espao para esta atualizao. So necessrios 300 MB de espao."; "18" = "Este Pacote somente pode ser executado no Mac OS X, verso 10.2 ou superior."; a York, Estados Unidos o, si adquiri el Software fuera de los Estados Unidos, por las leyes del pas donde adquiri el Equipo, exceptuando la aplicacin de sus normas de conflictos de leyes. En algunas jurisdicciones no se permite la limitacin de duracin de una garanta implcita, ni la exclusin o limitacin de daos incidentales o consecuentes y, por tanto, las limitaciones y exclusiones anteriores pudieran no ser aplicables en su caso, en su totalidad o en parte. 10. INTEGRIDAD DEL CONTRATO El presente contrato de licencia de uso del Software es el acuerdo total entre Xerox y usted en relacin con el Software, y sustituye a todos los acuerdos o arreglos anteriores y actuales entre las partes respecto al Software. Acepta que los trminos y condiciones relacionados con el Software contenidos en cualquier orden de compra del Cliente u otro documento de pedido enviado para encargar el Software no tendrn efecto para Xerox y no modificarn este Contrato en ningn sentido. Si, despus de leer los trminos y condiciones, stos le fueran inaceptables, deber devolver inmediatamente el software sin utilizarlo para evitar obligaciones y responsabilidades contractuales, y tendr derecho al reembolso de las cantidades que haya abonado para obtener la licencia del Software. ====================================================================== LICENSE AGREEMENT AND WARRANTY FOR THE ENCLOSED SOFTWARE AND RELATED DOCUMENTATION YOUR LICENSE AGREEMENT - READ BEFORE INSTALLING SOFTWARE IMPORTANT: THIS AGREEMENT CONTAINS THE LICENSE TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR LICENSED SOFTWARE AND RELATED DOCUMENTATION. INSTALLING THE SOFTWARE PACKAGE SIGNIFIES YOUR ACCEPTANCE OF THIS AGREEMENT. IF YOU DO NOT ACCEPT THIS AGREEMENT, YOU MUST PROMPTLY RETURN THE SOFTWARE PACKAGE AND DELETE ANY SOFTWARE FILES ACCESSED BY YOU FROM ANY AND ALL COMPUTER MEMORY INTO WHICH SUCH SOFTWARE HAS BEEN LOADED OR STORED. WHEN USED IN THIS AGREEMENT THE WORD "XEROX" SHALL MEAN XEROX CORPORATION, ITS OPERATING COMPANY SUBSIDIARY OR AFFILIATE FROM WHICH YOU OBTAINED THE XEROX PRODUCT WITH WHICH THE SOFTWARE IS TO BE USED (the "Equipment"), UNLESS YOU OBTAINED THE EQUIPMENT FROM AN AUTHORIZED DEALER, AGENT, CONCESSIONAIRE OR DISTRIBUTOR, IN WHICH CASE "XEROX" SHALL MEAN XEROX CORPORATION, ITS OPERATING COMPANY, SUBSIDIARY OR AFFILIATE FROM WHICH THE ENTITY THAT SOLD YOU THE EQUIPMENT ACQUIRED IT. 1. GRANT OF LICENSE Xerox hereby grants you a non-exclusive, non-transferable license to use the software and related documentation ("Software") enclosed in this package with the Equipment, for as long as you are current in the payment of any indicated software license fees (including any annual renewal or maintenance fees) on the following terms and conditions. 2. USE You may install the Software for use on any networked workstation or server only in conjunction with the Equipment. When networked, other users on the network may access and use the Software in conjunction with the Equipment. 3. OWNERSHIP, COPYING, MODIFICATION AND CONFIDENTIALITY 3.1 Xerox owns or is otherwise entitled to grant licenses in respect of all rights in the Software. 3.2 No title to or ownership of the Software or any proprietary right therein is transferred to you. 3.3 You may, subject to Section 3.4 below, make one copy of the Software in whole or in part only for that purpose expressly permitted in Section 2 above and for back-up. Such permitted copy shall include in readable format any copyright and other proprieA traduo deste contrato de licena de usurio foi fornecida pela Xerox Europe e no juridicamente imputvel. O texto em ingls, que acompanha a traduo, tem valor legal. ========================================================================= ACORDO DE LICENA E DE GARANTIA CORRESPONDENTE AO SOFTWARE E SUA DOCUMENTAO SEU ACORDO DE LICENA - LEIA ANTES DE INSTALAR O SOFTWARE IMPORTANTE: ESTE ACORDO CONTM OS TERMOS DE LICENA E AS CONDIES DE LICENCIAMENTO DO SEU SOFTWARE E DA SUA DOCUMENTAO. A INSTALAO DO PACOTE DE SOFTWARE SIGNIFICA A SUA INEQUVOCA ACEITAO DESTE ACORDO. SE VOC NO ACEITAR ESTE ACORDO, VOC DEVE APAGAR QUAISQUER ARQUIVOS DO SOFTWARE ACESSADO POR VOC DE QUALQUER E DE TODA MEMRIA DO(S) COMPUTADOR(ES) NA QUAL ESSE SOFTWARE FOI CARREGADO OU ARMAZENADO. TAL COMO UTILIZADA NESTE ACORDO, A PALAVRA "XEROX" DEVE SIGNIFICAR XEROX CORPORATION, A COMPANHIA DE OPERAO SUBSIDIRIA OU O DISTRIBUIDOR AUTORIZADO ATRAVS DOS QUAIS VOC OBTEVE O PRODUTO XEROX A MENOS QUE VOC O TENHA OBTIDO ATRAVS DE UM DEALER, AGENTE, CONCESSIONRIA OU DISTRIBUIDOR AUTORIZADO, EM CUJO CASO, "XEROX" SIGNIFICA XEROX CORPORATION, A COMPANHIA DE OPERAO SUBSIDIRIA OU AFILIADA DE CUJA IDENTIDADE VOC ADQUIRIU O EQUIPAMENTO. 1. CONCESSO DE LICENA A Xerox por meio desta concede ao Cliente uma licena no-exclusiva para utilizar o software e a documentao inerente ("Software") que acompanha este pacote com o Equipamento, enquanto voc estiver em dia com o pagamento de quaisquer mensalidades inerentes licena de software (inclusive renovaes anuais e taxas de manuteno), nos seguintes termos e condies. 2. USO O Cliente pode instalar o Software para o uso em qualquer estao de trabalho ou servidor de rede somente em conjunto com o Equipamento. Estando na rede, outros usurios da rede podem acessar e utilizar o Software em conjunto com o Equipamento. 3. PROPRIEDADE, CPIA, MODIFICAO E SEGURANA 3.1 A Xerox possui ou est autorizada a conceder licenas relacionadas a todos os direitos contidos no software. 3.2 Nenhum ttulo ou posse do software ou qualquer direito de propriedade nesse sentido transferido para o Cliente. 3.3 O Cliente pode, sujeito Seo 3.4 abaixo, copiar o Software por completo ou em parte somente para o propsito permitido na Seo 2 acima e para cpia de segurana. Cada cpia permitida deve incluir em formato legvel qualquer direito autoral e outras notas de propriedade contidas no Software original. 3.4 O cliente no pode fazer cpias da documentao relacionada, exceto para o uso com o prprio Equipamento. 3.5 O Cliente no deve distribuir, alterar ou modificar nem causar ou permitir que outros alterem ou modifiquem o Software. 3.6 O Cliente concorda em no fornecer ou tornar o Software disponvel para qualquer outra pessoa alm dos seus funcionrios e pessoas diretamente envolvidas com o uso da licena do Software. 3.7 O Software protegido por direitos autorais e outros direitos de propriedade da Xerox e/ou de terceiros. O Cliente pode ser considerado diretamente responsvel pelos terceiros em caso de uma infrao desses direitos. 3.8 O Cliente concorda em no alterar, descompilar ou desmontar o Software para qualquer propsito. 3.9 O cliente concorda em no exportar ou re-exportar o Software de nehuma maneira, sem primeiramente, no caso de um cliente localizado nos Estados Unidos da Amrica, obter todas as licenas emitidas pelo governo dos Estados Unidos. No caso de um cliente localizado fora dos Estados Unidos, este dever adquirir quaisquer licenas governamentais estrangeiras relevantes, exigidas perante lei, e somente aps a aquisio das mesmas, a exportao do equipamento poder ter lugar. 3.10 A Xerox pode anular a sua licena de software (i) imediatamente se voc no utilizar ou possuir mais o Equipamento ou se voc estiver alugando o Equipamento e a pessoa que tiver feito o aluguel no mais utiliza ou possui o Equipamento ou (ii) sob o cancelamento de qualquer acordo sob os quais voc tiver alugado o Equipamento. 4. TRANSFERNCIA DO SOFTWARE LICENCIADO Se voc transferir a posse do Equipamento, a Xerox oferecer ao novo proprietrio uma licena para utilizar o Software com o Equipamento, estando o novo proprietrio sujeito s taxas de licena e termos aplicveis, caso existam, contanto que a transferncia no esteja em violao com os direitos da Xerox. 5. GARANTIA LIMITADA 5.1 A Xerox garante que o Software deve estar em conformidade com o Manual do Usurio da Xerox ou com outra descrio do produto da Xerox fornecido no ato da entrega ao Cliente original. A Xerox no garante que a operao do Software ser contnua ou sem erros e nem que ela ir de encontro s necessidades do Cliente. 5.2 No caso de o Software no corresponder garantia limitada contida na Seo 5.1 acima, o nico recurso do Cliente notificar a Xerox dentro de noventa (90) dias a partir da data da entrega e a nica obrigao da Xerox e dos seus fornecedores a de utilizar esforos para fornecer uma soluo alternativa que evite a no-conformidade ou fornecer para o Cliente um Software que esteja de acordo com o Manual do Usurio da Xerox ou com outra documentao fornecida pela Xerox. 5.3 NENHUMA OUTRA GARANTIA, EXPLICITA OU IMPLICITA, QUE NO AQUELA CONSTANTE DESTE ACORDO DE LICENA , POR QUALQUER FORMA, CONCEDIDA PELA XEROX. A XEROX NO ESTAR, AINDA, OBRIGADA POR QUALQUER DITA "GARANTIA" OFERECIDA POR PESSOAS QUE NO A PRPRIA XEROX (INCLUINDO MAS SEM LIMITAR QUAISQUER DEALERS, AGENTES, CONCESSIONRIAS OU DISTRIBUIDORES XEROX). 5.4 As garantias mencionadas acima sero anuladas se o Cliente no utilizar o Software no ambiente apropriado como detalhado na documentao fornecida pela Xerox, ou se o Software for modificado ou alterado. 6. INDENIZAO DE PATENTE E DIREITO AUTORAL A Xerox defender e indenizar o Cliente se for alegado que o Software infringe qualquer patente, segredo comercial ou direito autoral. O Cliente dever notificar de imediato a Xerox, por escrito, qualquer infrao alegada, permitindo que a Xerox defenda tal alegao e cooperando com a Xerox. A Xerox no responsvel por quaisquer gastos de demanda ou acordos no relacionados Xerox, a no ser que a Xerox concorde com os mesmos, por escrito. Para evitar infrao, a Xerox pode, por opo e sem custo adicional para o Cliente, obter uma licena, modificar ou substituir por uma equivalente, independentemente da remoo do Software. A Xerox no responsvel por qualquer infrao devido ao Software ter sido fabricado ou modificado (pela Xerox ou outros, incluindo o Cliente) para especificaes do Cliente, ou por ter sido utilizado ou vendido em conjunto com equipamento, software ou suprimentos no providos pela Xerox. A XEROX NO TEM NENHUMA OUTRA GARANTIA EXPLCITA OU IMPLCITA DE NO INFRAO OU RESPONSABILIDADE POR INFRAES OU QUALQUER DANO A PARTIR DESTE MOMENTO. 7. LIMITAO DE RESPONSABILIDADE EM NENHUMA CIRCUNSTNCIA, A XEROX SER RESPONSVEL POR QUALQUER DANO ESPECIAL, INDIRETO OU INCIDENTAL (A INCLUIDA A EVENTUAL PERDA ILIMITADA DE DADOS) RELACIONADO OU NO UTILIZAO OU INCAPACIDADE DE UTILIZAO DO "SOFTWARE", MESMO SE ADVERTIDA DA POSSIBILIDADE DESSES DANOS. EM NENHUMA CIRCUNSTNCIA OS DANOS RELACIONADOS XEROX DEVERO EXCEDER O VALOR TOTAL DA TAXA DE LICENA PAGA POR VOC PELO SOFTWARE. 8. TERMINAO DA LICENA A Xerox poder cancelar esta licena imediatamente ao perceber a violao do produto pelo Cliente ou caso o Cliente no mais utilize ou possua o equipamento com o qual esse Software destinado para uso. Neste caso, o Cliente deve devolver Xerox todas as cpias do Software e remover toda(s) aquela(s) de todos os equipamentos nos quais o Software tenha sido carregado pelo Cliente. 9. LEIS ADMINISTRATIVAS Este acordo ser administrado pelas leis do Estado de Nova York, EUA ou pelas leis do pas de registro da Companhia Operacional da Xerox ou do Distribuidor autorizado do qual voc adquiriu o Equipamento para o qual esse software deve ser utilizado. Algumas jurisdies no permitem limitaes sobre o perodo de durao da garantia limitada ou a excluso ou limitao de danos incidentais ou conseqentes, portanto, as refernncias acimas, limitaes ou excluses mencionadas acima, integralmente ou parcialmente podem no se aplicar voc. 10. ACORDO GERAL Esse Acordo de Licena de Software o acordo geral entre a Xerox e o Cliente relativo ao Software e substitui todas as propostas e acordos inerentes anteriores. Voc deve concordar que quaisquer termos e condies contidos em qualquer ordem de compra ou qualquer outro tipo de documento submetido para requisitar o Software no tm qualquer efeito sobre a Xerox e no podem modificar este acordo de licena de modo algum. Se aps ter lido os termos e condies, eles no forem aceitos por voc, ento, para evitar obrigaes e responsabilidades contratuais, voc dever devolver imediatamente o Software sem us-lo antes. ====================================================================== LICENSE AGREEMENT AND WARRANTY FOR THE ENCLOSED SOFTWARE AND RELATED DOCUMENTATION YOUR LICENSE AGREEMENT - READ BEFORE INSTALLING SOFTWARE IMPORTANT: THIS AGREEMENT CONTAINS THE LICENSE TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR LICENSED SOFTWARE AND RELATED DOCUMENTATION. INSTALLING THE SOFTWARE PACKAGE SIGNIFIES YOUR ACCEPTANCE OF THIS AGREEMENT. IF YOU DO NOT ACCEPT THIS AGREEMENT, YOU MUST PROMPTLY RETURN THE SOFTWARE PACKAGE AND DELETE ANY SOFTWARE FILES ACCESSED BY YOU FROM ANY AND ALL COMPUTER MEMORY INTO WHICH SUCH SOFTWARE HAS BEEN LOADED OR STORED. WHEN USED IN THIS AGREEMENT THE WORD "XEROX" SHALL MEAN XEROX CORPORATION, ITS OPERATING COMPANY SUBSIDIARY OR AFFILIATE FROM WHICH YOU OBTAINED THE XEROX PRODUCT WITH WHICH THE SOFTWARE IS TO BE USED (the "Equipment"), UNLESS YOU OBTAINED THE EQUIPMENT FROM AN AUTHORIZED DEALER, AGENT, CONCESSIONAIRE OR DISTRIBUTOR, IN WHICH CASE "XEROX" SHALL MEAN XEROX CORPORATION, ITS OPERATING COMPANY, SUBSIDIARY OR AFFILIATE FROM WHICH THE ENTITY THAT SOLD YOU THE EQUIPMENT ACQUIRED IT. 1. GRANT OF LICENSE Xerox hereby grants you a non-exclusive, non-transferable license to use the software and related documentation ("Software") enclosed in this package with the Equipment, for as long as you are current in the payment of any indicated software license fees (including any annual renewal or maintenance fees) on the following terms and conditions. 2. USE You may install the Software for use on any networked workstation or server only in conjunction with the Equipment. When networked, other users on the network may access and use the Software in conjunction with the Equipment. 3. OWNERSHIP, COPYING, MODIFICATION AND CONFIDENTIALITY 3.1 Xerox owns or is otherwise entitled to grant licenses in respect of all rights in the Software. 3.2 No title to or ownership of the Software or any proprietary right therein is transferred to you. 3.3 You may, subject to Section 3.4 below, make one copy of the Software in whole or in part only for that purpose expressly permitted in Section 2 above and for back-up. Such permitted copy shall include in readable format any copyright and other proprietary notices contained on the original Software. 3.4 You may copy the related documentation for use only in conjunction with the Equipment. 3.5 You may not distribute, alter or modify nor cause or allow others to alter or modify the Software. 3.6 You agree not to provide or otherwise make available the Software to anyone other than your employees and agents directly concerned with the licensed use of the Software. 3.7 The Software is protected by copyright and other proprietary rights of Xerox and/or a third party. You may be held directly responsible by such third party for an infringement of such rights by you. 3.8 You agree not to reverse engineer, decompile or disassemble the Software for any purpose whatsoever, except to the extent permitted by law. 3.9 You agree not to export or re-export the Software in any form without, in the case of a customer in the United States, first obtaining all United States government licenses, and in the case of a customer outside of the United States, all relevant foreign government licenses, required by law, and then only upon the export of the Equipment. 3.10 Xerox may terminate your license for the Software (i) immediately if you no longer use or possess the Equipment or are a lessor of the Equipment and your first lessee no longer uses or possesses it or (ii) upon the termination of any agreement under which you have rented or leased the Equipment. 4. TRANSFER OF LICENSED SOFTWARE If you transfer possession of the Equipment, Xerox will offer the transferee a license to use the Software on or with it, subject to Xerox' then applicable terms and license fees, if any, and provided the transfer is not in violation of Xerox' rights. 5. LIMITED WARRANTY 5.1 Xerox warrants that the Software shall substantially conform to Xerox' User Manual or other Xerox documentation supplied at delivery to the original Customer. Xerox does not warrant that the operation of the Software will be uninterrupted or error free, nor that it will meet your needs. 5.2 In the event that the Software does not conform to the limited warranty contained in Section 5.1 above, your exclusive remedy is to notify Xerox within ninety (90) days of the date of delivery, and Xerox' or its supplier's sole obligation shall be to use all reasonable efforts to provide a work-around which avoids the nonconformity or to provide you with Software which does substantially conform to the Xerox User Manual or other Xerox supplied documentation. 5.3 XEROX GRANTS NO OTHER WARRANTIES ON THE "SOFTWARE", EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, WHETHER CREATED BY STATUTE OR OTHERWISE, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. XEROX FURTHER DISCLAIMS ANY WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS MADE BY PERSONS OTHER THAN XEROX (INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO XEROX SOFTWARE DEALERS, AGENTS, CONCESSIONAIRES OR DISTRIBUTORS). 5.4 The express warranties set forth above shall be void if you fail to properly use the Software in the appropriate environment as specified in the Xerox supplied documentation or if the Software is modified or altered in any fashion. 6. PATENT AND COPYRIGHT INDEMNIFICATION Xerox will defend and indemnify you if the Software is alleged to infringe, in the United States, any patent, trade secret, or copyright, if you promptly notify Xerox in writing of any alleged infringement, allow Xerox to direct the defense of such claim, and cooperate with Xerox. All notices should be sent to the Xerox Office of General Counsel, P.O. Box 1600, Stamford, Connecticut 06904. Xerox is not responsible for any non-Xerox litigation expenses or settlements unless Xerox pre-approves them in writing. To avoid infringement, Xerox may, at its option, and at no charge to you, obtain a license, or modify, or substitute an equivalent of, or remove the Software. If Software is removed by Xerox for this reason, any designated license fees paid by you will be fully refunded; if no portion of the amounts paid to Xerox within the transaction in which the Software was acquired was designated as a license fee for the Software, Xerox shall refund that portion of the amounts paid that Xerox reasonably designates as associated with the Software's acquisition. Xerox is not liable for any infringement due to the Software being made or modified (by Xerox or others, including you) to your specifications, or being used or sold in combination with equipment, software, or supplies not provided by Xerox. XEROX MAKES NO OTHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTY OF NON-INFRINGEMENT OR LIABILITY FOR INFRINGEMENT OR ANY DAMAGES THEREFROM. 7. LIMITATION OF LIABILITY IN NO EVENT SHALL XEROX OR ITS SUPPLIERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, (INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, LOSS OF DATA) IN ANY WAY ARISING OUT OF OR RELATED TO THE USE OR INABILITY TO USE THE "SOFTWARE", EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. IN NO EVENT SHALL XEROX' DIRECT DAMAGES TO YOU EXCEED THE TOTAL LICENSE FEE ACTUALLY PAID BY YOU FOR SUCH SOFTWARE. 8. TERMINATION Xerox may terminate this license immediately upon notice in the event of a material breach by you or if you no longer use or possess the equipment with which this Software is intended to be used, in which event you shall return to Xerox all copies of the Software, and remove same from all equipment into which such Software may have been loaded by you. 9. GOVERNING LAW This agreement will be governed by the laws of the State of New York, USA or if you acquire the Software outside the USA, by the laws of the country in which you acquired the Equipment, excluding its conflict of laws provisions. Some jurisdictions do not allow limitations on how long an implied warranty lasts or the exclusion or limitation of incidental or consequential damages, so the above disclaimers, limitations or exclusions, in whole or in part, may not apply to you. 10. ENTIRE AGREEMENT This Software License Agreement is the entire agreement between Xerox and you pertaining to the Software and supersedes all proposals or prior and contemporaneous agreements or understandings of the parties regarding the Software. You agree that any terms and conditions contained in any purchase order or other ordering document submitted to order the Software shall have no binding effect on Xerox and will not modify this Agreement in any way. If, after reading the terms and conditions, they are unacceptable to you, then, to avoid contractual obligations and liability, you should promptly return the software unused, and you will then be entitled to a refund of any sums paid by you to license the Software. "16" = "Dette volumet tilfredsstiller ikke kravene til denne oppdateringen."; "17" = "Ikke nok ledig plass for denne oppdateringen. 300 MB ledig plass er ndvendig."; "18" = "Denne pakken kan kun brukes p Mac OS X, versjon 10.2 eller nyere."; Oversettelsen av denne lisensavtalen er levert av Xerox Europe, og den er ikke juridisk bindende. Den engelske teksten som er tatt med etter den oversatte teksten har juridisk kraft. ======================================================================= LISENSAVTALE OG GARANTI FOR VEDLAGTE PROGRAMVARE OG TILHRENDE DOKUMENTASJON DIN LISENSAVTALE - LES GJENNOM DENNE FR DU INSTALLERER PROGRAMVAREN VIKTIG: DENNE AVTALEN INNEHOLDER LISENSBETINGELSENE OG -VILKRENE FOR DEN LISENSIERTE PROGRAMVAREN OG TILHRENDE DOKUMENTASJON. VED INSTALLERE PROGRAMVAREPAKKEN GODTAR DU DENNE AVTALEN. HVIS DU IKKE GODTAR DENNE AVTALEN, M DU STRAKS RETURNERE PROGRAMVAREPAKKEN OG SLETTE ALLE PROGRAMVAREFILER DU HAR HATT TILGANG TIL FRA ALLE DATAMASKINER DER SLIK PROGRAMVARE HAR VRT LASTET ELLER LAGRET. ORDET "XEROX" VIL I DENNE AVTALEN SI XEROX CORPORATION, DERES OPERATIVSELSKAPER, DATTERSELSKAPER ELLER TILKNYTTEDE SELSKAPER SOM LEVERTE DEN INDIVIDUELLE ENHETEN TIL XEROX DOCUMENT CENTRE-SYSTEMET ("utstyret") SOM PROGRAMVAREN SKAL BRUKES P, MED MINDRE DU ANSKAFFET UTSTYRET FRA EN AUTORISERT FORHANDLER, AGENT, KONSESJONSHAVER ELLER DISTRIBUTR. I SLIKE TILFELLER VIL "XEROX" SI XEROX CORPORATION, DERES OPERATIVSELSKAPER, DATTERSELSKAPER ELLER TILKNYTTEDE SELSKAPER SOM SELGEREN DU KJPTE UTSTYRET FRA, HAR ANSKAFFET ENHETEN FRA. 1. LISENSTILDELING Xerox gir det herved en ikke-eksklusiv, ikke-overfrbar rett til bruke programvaren og tilhrende dokumentasjon ("programvare") som er vedlagt denne utstyrspakken, s lenge du betaler eventuell angitt programvarelisensavgift (inkludert eventuell rlig fornyelses- eller vedlikeholdsavgift) i henhold til flgende vilkr og betingelser. 2. BRUK Du kan installere programvaren for bruk p alle nettverkstilknyttede arbeidsstasjoner eller servere kun i forbindelse med utstyret. Ved bruk i nettverk kan andre brukere p nettverket f tilgang til og bruke programvaren i forbindelse med utstyret. 3. EIENDOMSRETT, KOPIERING, ENDRING OG KONFIDENSIALITET 3.1 Xerox eier eller har p annen mte rett til tildele lisenser i forbindelse med alle rettigheter til programvaren. 3.2 Ingen eiendomsrett til programvaren eller opphavsrett i forbindelse med denne overfres til deg. 3.3 I henhold til del 3.4 nedenfor kan du ta n kopi av hele eller deler av programvaren til det formlet som uttrykkelig er tillatt etter del 2 ovenfor og for sikkerhetskopiering. Slike tillatte kopier skal omfatte i lesbart format alle meldinger om opphavsrett og annen eiendomsrett som er med i den opprinnelige programvaren. 3.4 Du kan kun kopiere den tilhrende dokumentasjonen for bruk i forbindelse med utstyret. 3.5 Du kan ikke distribuere, endre eller tilpasse, eller forrsake eller tillate at andre endrer eller tilpasser, programvaren. 3.6 Du aksepterer ikke overlate eller gjre programvaren p annen mte tilgjengelig for andre enn dine ansatte og underleverandrer som arbeider med den lisensierte programvaren. 3.7 Programvaren er beskyttet ved opphavsrett og annen eiendomsrett som tilhrer Xerox og/eller en tredjepart. Du kan holdes direkte ansvarlig av slik tredjepart ved brudd p slike rettigheter. 3.8 Du aksepterer ikke snu om p, dekompilere eller demontere programvaren til noe forml, unntatt som tillatt ved lov. 3.9 Du aksepterer ikke eksportere eller gjeneksportere programvaren i noen form uten, nr det gjelder kunder i USA, frst innhente alle lisenser fra de offentlige myndighetene, og nr det gjelder kunder utenfor USA, alle relevante lisenser fra offentlige myndigheter som kreves ved lov, og da kun ved eksport av utstyret. 3.10 Xerox kan si opp programvarelisensen (i) straks hvis du ikke lenger bruker eller eier utstyret, eller er utleier av utstyret og frste fester ikke lenger bruker eller innehar det, eller (ii) ved opphr av eventuell avtale som du har leid eller leaset utstyret i henhold til. 4. OVERFRING AV LISENSIERT PROGRAMVARE Hvis du overfrer eierretten til utstyret, tilbyr Xerox den nye eieren en lisens til bruke programvaren p eller sammen med utstyret, i henhold til Xerox' gjeldende betingelser og eventuelle lisensavgifter, og sfremt overfringen ikke medfrer brudd p noen av Xerox' rettigheter. 5. GARANTIBEGRENSNING 5.1 Xerox garanterer at programvaren i hovedsak samsvarer med brukerhndboken eller annen dokumentasjon fra Xerox som leveres sammen med enheten til den opprinnelige kunden. Xerox garanterer ikke at programvaren vil fungere uavbrutt eller feilfritt, eller at den dekker dine behov. 5.2 Dersom programvaren ikke overholder den begrensede garantien i del 5.1 ovenfor, m du melde fra til Xerox innen nitti (90) dager etter leveringsdato, og den eneste forpliktelsen til Xerox eller deres leverandrer er treffe rimelige tiltak for levere en lsning som korrigerer misforholdet, eller levere programvare som i hovedsak samstemmer med brukerhndboken fra Xerox eller annen dokumentasjon som leveres fra Xerox. 5.3 XEROX GIR INGEN ANDRE GARANTIER FOR PROGRAMVAREN, VERKEN UTTRYKTE ELLER UNDERFORSTTTE, OPPSTTT ETTER VEDTEKTER ELLER P ANNEN MTE, INKLUDERT UTEN BEGRENSNINGER UNDERFORSTTTE GARANTIER OM SALGBARHET OG EGNETHET FOR ET BESTEMT FORML. XEROX FRASKRIVER SEG OGS ANSVARET FOR GARANTIER ELLER UTSAGN GITT AV ANDRE PERSONER ENN ANSATTE HOS XEROX (INKLUDERT, MEN IKKE BEGRENSET TIL XEROX' PROGRAMVAREFORHANDLERE, AGENTER, KONSESJONSHAVERE ELLER DISTRIBUTRER). 5.4 De uttrykte garantiene fastsatt ovenfor er ugyldige hvis du ikke bruker programvaren riktig i riktig milj, som angitt i den vedlagte dokumentasjonen fra Xerox, eller hvis programvaren endres eller tilpasses p noen mte. 6. ERSTATNING I FORBINDELSE MED PATENTER OG OPPHAVSRETT Xerox forsvarer deg mot og srger for erstatning hvis det psts at programvaren i USA medfrer brudd p patenter, forretningshemmeligheter eller opphavsrett, hvis du straks varsler Xerox om dette skriftlig, lar Xerox fre saken i forbindelse med slikt krav og samarbeider med Xerox. Alle meldinger m sendes til Xerox Office of General Counsel, P.O. Box 1600, Stamford, Connecticut 06904. Xerox er ikke ansvarlig for utgifter til rettstvister eller erstatningskrav som ikke har forbindelse med Xerox, med mindre Xerox har gtt med p dette skriftlig p forhnd. For unng brudd p rettigheter, kan Xerox etter eget forgodtbefinnende og uten kostnader for deg, innhente en lisens eller endre eller erstatte med tilsvarende produkt eller fjerne programvaren. Hvis programvaren fjernes av Xerox av denne rsak, blir lisensavgift du har betalt i forbindelse med denne refundert i sin helhet. Hvis ingen del av belpene som er betalt til Xerox innenfor transaksjonen da programvaren ble anskaffet, ble utpekt som lisensavgift for programvaren, skal Xerox refundere den delen av det betalte belpet som Xerox finner rimelig i forbindelse med anskaffelse av programvaren. Xerox har ikke ansvar for brudd som forrsakes av at programvare lages eller endres (av Xerox eller andre, inkludert deg) etter dine spesifikasjoner eller benyttes eller selges sammen med utstyr, programvare eller forbruksartikler som ikke er levert av Xerox. XEROX GIR INGEN ANDRE GARANTIER, VERKEN UTTRYKTE ELLER UNDERFORSTTTE OM UNNG OVERTREDELSER ELLER ANSVAR FOR OVERTREDELSER ELLER SKADE SOM OPPSTR P GRUNN AV DETTE. 7. ANSVARSBEGRENSNING UNDER INGEN OMSTENDIGHETER SKAL XEROX ELLER DERES LEVERANDRER VRE ANSVARLIG FOR SPESIELL ELLER INDIREKTE SKADE, FLGESKADE ELLER SKADE VED UHELL (INKLUDERT, UTEN BEGRENSNINGER, TAP AV DATA) SOM P NOEN MTE OPPSTR P GRUNN AV ELLER I FORBINDELSE MED BRUK ELLER MANGLENDE EVNE TIL KUNNE BRUKE "PROGRAMVAREN", SELV OM XEROX HAR BLITT FORTALT OM MULIGHETEN FOR SLIK SKADE. UNDER INGEN OMSTENDIGHETER SKAL XEROX' DIREKTE ERSTATNING OVERFOR DEG OVERSTIGE DEN SAMLEDE LISENSAVGIFTEN SOM DU FAKTISK HAR BETALT FOR SLIK PROGRAMVARE. 8. OPPHR Xerox kan si opp denne lisensen umiddelbart etter varsel ved alvorlig mislighold fra din side, eller hvis du ikke lenger bruker eller eier utstyret som denne programvaren er beregnet for bruk p. Du skal da returnere alle kopier av programvaren til Xerox og fjerne denne fra alt utstyr denne programvaren har vrt lastet p. 9. GJELDENDE LOVER Denne avtalen reguleres av lovene i staten New York, USA, eller, hvis du anskaffer programvaren utenfor USA, av lovene i det landet der du kjpte Document Centre-system-utstyret som denne programvaren skal brukes p, dersom den kommer i konflikt med lovbestemmelser. Enkelte domsmyndigheter tillater ikke begrensninger for hvor lenge en garanti varer eller unntak eller begrensninger av flgeskader eller skader ved uhell, slik at hele eller deler av fraskrivelsene, begrensningene eller unntakene ovenfor kanskje ikke gjelder for deg. 10. HELE AVTALEN Denne programvarelisensavtalen er hele avtalen mellom Xerox og deg i forbindelse med programvaren og erstatter alle forslag eller tidligere og nvrende avtaler eller forstelser mellom partene angende programvaren. Du aksepterer at ingen betingelser og vilkr i kjpsordrer eller annet bestillingsdokument som ble levert ved bestilling av programvaren, har bindende virkning p Xerox, og de endrer ikke denne avtalen p noen mte. Dersom du etter ha lest gjennom vilkrene og betingelsene bestemmer at du ikke kan akseptere dem, unngr du bindes av kontrakten hvis du straks returnerer programvaren i ubrukt stand. Du har s krav p refusjon av det belpet du har betalt for f lisens til bruke programvaren. ====================================================================== LICENSE AGREEMENT AND WARRANTY FOR THE ENCLOSED SOFTWARE AND RELATED DOCUMENTATION YOUR LICENSE AGREEMENT - READ BEFORE INSTALLING SOFTWARE IMPORTANT: THIS AGREEMENT CONTAINS THE LICENSE TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR LICENSED SOFTWARE AND RELATED DOCUMENTATION. INSTALLING THE SOFTWARE PACKAGE SIGNIFIES YOUR ACCEPTANCE OF THIS AGREEMENT. IF YOU DO NOT ACCEPT THIS AGREEMENT, YOU MUST PROMPTLY RETURN THE SOFTWARE PACKAGE AND DELETE ANY SOFTWARE FILES ACCESSED BY YOU FROM ANY AND ALL COMPUTER MEMORY INTO WHICH SUCH SOFTWARE HAS BEEN LOADED OR STORED. WHEN USED IN THIS AGREEMENT THE WORD "XEROX" SHALL MEAN XEROX CORPORATION, ITS OPERATING COMPANY SUBSIDIARY OR AFFILIATE FROM WHICH YOU OBTAINED THE INDIVIDUAL UNIT OF THE XEROX DOCUMENT CENTRE SYSTEM EQUIPMENT (the "Equipment") WITH WHICH THE SOFTWARE IS TO BE USED, UNLESS YOU OBTAINED THE EQUIPMENT FROM AN AUTHORIZED DEALER, AGENT, CONCESSIONAIRE OR DISTRIBUTOR, IN WHICH CASE "XEROX" SHALL MEAN XEROX CORPORATION, ITS OPERATING COMPANY, SUBSIDIARY OR AFFILIATE FROM WHICH THE ENTITY THAT SOLD YOU THE EQUIPMENT ACQUIRED IT. 1. GRANT OF LICENSE Xerox hereby grants you a non-exclusive, non-transferable license to use the software and related documentation ("Software") enclosed in this package with the Equipment, for as long as you are current in the payment of any indicated software license fees (including any annual renewal or maintenance fees) on the following terms and conditions. 2. USE You may install the Software for use on any networked workstation or server only in conjunction with the Equipment. When networked, other users on the network may access and use the Software in conjunction with the Equipment. 3. OWNERSHIP, COPYING, MODIFICATION AND CONFIDENTIALITY 3.1 Xerox owns or is otherwise entitled to grant licenses in respect of all rights in the Software. 3.2 No title to or ownership of the Software or any proprietary right therein is transferred to you. 3.3 You may, subject to Section 3.4 below, make one copy of the Software in whole or in part only for that purpose expressly permitted in Section 2 above and for back-up. Such permitted copy shall include in readable format any copyright and other proprietary notices contained on the original Software. 3.4 You may copy the related documentation for use only in conjunction with the Equipment. 3.5 You may not distribute, alter or modify nor cause or allow others to alter or modify the Software. 3.6 You agree not to provide or otherwise make available the Software to anyone other than your employees and agents directly concerned with the licensed use of the Software. 3.7 The Software is protected by copyright and other proprietary rights of Xerox and/or a third party. You may be held directly responsible by such third party for an infringement of such rights by you. 3.8 You agree not to reverse engineer, decompile or disassemble the Software for any purpose whatsoever, except to the extent permitted by law. 3.9 You agree not to export or re-export the Software in any form without, in the case of a customer in the United States, first obtaining all United States government licenses, and in the case of a customer outside of the United States, all relevant foreign government licenses, required by law, and then only upon the export of the Equipment. 3.10 Xerox may terminate your license for the Software (i) immediately if you no longer use or possess the Equipment or are a lessor of the Equipment and your first lessee no longer uses or possesses it or (ii) upon the termination of any agreement under which you have rented or leased the Equipment. 4. TRANSFER OF LICENSED SOFTWARE If you transfer possession of the Equipment, Xerox will offer the transferee a license to use the Software on or with it, subject to Xerox' then applicable terms and license fees, if any, and provided the transfer is not in violation of Xerox' rights. 5. LIMITED WARRANTY 5.1 Xerox warrants that the Software shall substantially conform to Xerox' User Manual or other Xerox documentation supplied at delivery to the original Customer. Xerox does not warrant that the operation of the Software will be uninterrupted or error free, nor that it will meet your needs. 5.2 In the event that the Software does not conform to the limited warranty contained in Section 5.1 above, your exclusive remedy is to notify Xerox within ninety (90) days of the date of delivery, and Xerox' or its supplier's sole obligation shall be to use all reasonable efforts to provide a work-around which avoids the nonconformity or to provide you with Software which does substantially conform to the Xerox User Manual or other Xerox supplied documentation. 5.3 XEROX GRANTS NO OTHER WARRANTIES ON THE "SOFTWARE", EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, WHETHER CREATED BY STATUTE OR OTHERWISE, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. XEROX FURTHER DISCLAIMS ANY WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS MADE BY PERSONS OTHER THAN XEROX (INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO XEROX SOFTWARE DEALERS, AGENTS, CONCESSIONAIRES OR DISTRIBUTORS). 5.4 The express warranties set forth above shall be void if you fail to properly use the Software in the appropriate environment as specified in the Xerox supplied documentation or if the Software is modified or altered in any fashion. 6. PATENT AND COPYRIGHT INDEMNIFICATION Xerox will defend and indemnify you if the Software is alleged to infringe, in the United States, any patent, trade secret, or copyright, if you promptly notify Xerox in writing of any alleged infringement, allow Xerox to direct the defense of such claim, and cooperate with Xerox. All notices should be sent to the Xerox Office of General Counsel, P.O. Box 1600, Stamford, Connecticut 06904. Xerox is not responsible for any non-Xerox litigation expenses or settlements unless Xerox pre-approves them in writing. To avoid infringement, Xerox may, at its option, and at no charge to you, obtain a license, or modify, or substitute an equivalent of, or remove the Software. If Software is removed by Xerox for this reason, any designated license fees paid by you will be fully refunded; if no portion of the amounts paid to Xerox within the transaction in which the Software was acquired was designated as a license fee for the Software, Xerox shall refund that portion of the amounts paid that Xerox reasonably designates as associated with the Software's acquisition. Xerox is not liable for any infringement due to the Software being made or modified (by Xerox or others, including you) to your specifications, or being used or sold in combination with equipment, software, or supplies not provided by Xerox. XEROX MAKES NO OTHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTY OF NON-INFRINGEMENT OR LIABILITY FOR INFRINGEMENT OR ANY DAMAGES THEREFROM. 7. LIMITATION OF LIABILITY IN NO EVENT SHALL XEROX OR ITS SUPPLIERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, (INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, LOSS OF DATA) IN ANY WAY ARISING OUT OF OR RELATED TO THE USE OR INABILITY TO USE THE "SOFTWARE", EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. IN NO EVENT SHALL XEROX' DIRECT DAMAGES TO YOU EXCEED THE TOTAL LICENSE FEE ACTUALLY PAID BY YOU FOR SUCH SOFTWARE. 8. TERMINATION Xerox may terminate this license immediately upon notice in the event of a material breach by you or if you no longer use or possess the equipment with which this Software is intended to be used, in which event you shall return to Xerox all copies of the Software, and remove same from all equipment into which such Software may have been loaded by you. 9. GOVERNING LAW This agreement will be governed by the laws of the State of New York, USA or if you acquire the Software outside the USA, by the laws of the country in which you acquired the Document Centre System Equipment with which this software is to be used, excluding its conflict of laws provisions. Some jurisdictions do not allow limitations on how long an implied warranty lasts or the exclusion or limitation of incidental or consequential damages, so the above disclaimers, limitations or exclusions, in whole or in part, may not apply to you. 10. ENTIRE AGREEMENT This Software License Agreement is the entire agreement between Xerox and you pertaining to the Software and supersedes all proposals or prior and contemporaneous agreements or understandings of the parties regarding the Software. You agree that any terms and conditions contained in any purchase order or other ordering document submitted to order the Software shall have no binding effect on Xerox and will not modify this Agreement in any way. If, after reading the terms and conditions, they are unacceptable to you, then, to avoid contractual obligations and liability, you should promptly return the software unused, and you will then be entitled to a refund of any sums paid by you to license the Software. osals or prior and contemporaneous agreements or understandings of the parties regarding the Software. You agree that any terms and conditions contained in any purchase order or other ordering document submitted to order the Software shall have no binding effect on Xerox and will not modify this Agreement in any way. If, after reading the terms and conditions, they are unacceptable to you, then, to avoid contractual obligations and liability, you should promptly return the software unused, and you will then be entitled to a refund of any sums paid by you to license the Software. #!/usr/bin/perl my $SYSTEM_VERS = "/System/Library/CoreServices/SystemVersion.plist"; my $EXIT_VALUE = 0; DO_CHECKS: { # 10.2 or higher system must be active if(CheckVersion("$SYSTEM_VERS", "10.2", "ProductVersion", "<")) { $EXIT_VALUE = ((1 << 6) | ( 1 << 5 ) | 18 ); last; } } exit($EXIT_VALUE); ### sub CheckVersion { my $path = $_[0]; my $version = $_[1]; my $keyName = $_[2]; my $operator = $_[3]; if (! -e $path) { return 0; } if (!$operator) { $operator = "=="; } my $oldSeperator = $/; $/ = \0; open( PLIST, "$path") || do { return 0; }; $plistData = ; $plistData =~ /(.*?)<\/dict>/gis; @items = split(//, $plistData); shift @items; foreach $item (@items) { $item =~ /(.*?)<\/key>.*?(.*?)<\/string>/gis; $versiondata{ $1 } = $2; } close(PLIST); $/ = $oldSeperator; @theVersionArray = split(/\./, $versiondata{$keyName}); for ($i = 0; $i < 3; $i++) { if(!$theVersionArray[$i]) { $theVersionArray[$i] = '0'; } } @versionArray = split(/\./, $version); my $actualVersion; for ($i = 0; $i < 3; $i++) { if (($theVersionArray[$i] != $versionArray[$i]) or ($i == 2)) { $actualVersion = $theVersionArray[$i]; $version = $versionArray[$i]; last; } } my $expression = '$actualVersion ' . $operator . ' $version'; if( eval ($expression) ) { return 1; } else { return 0; } } BOMStorez:yU"q1nfotreetree&treetree. dexBomInfoPathsHLIndexVIndexAc>Cc>C0`|'.DS_Store Ac>VVda.lprojc>,#Dvv.DS_Storec>VT+ XRWCP40C.PPD.gzAc>VVde.lprojc>,#Kvv.DS_Storec>VT+$tXRWCP40C.PPD.gzAc>VVen.lproj !c>,#WIN7L .DS_Store $c>U*  XRWCP40C.PPD.gz 'Ac>VVes.lproj *c>,#Wvv .DS_Store -c>VT,0 XRWCP40C.PPD.gz0Ac>VVfi.lproj3c>,#[vv.DS_Store6c>VU,+̈XRWCP40C.PPD.gz9Ac>VVfr.lproj<c>,#_vv.DS_Store?c>VUT,(EfXRWCP40C.PPD.gzBAc>VVit.lprojEc>,#cvv.DS_StoreHc>VU,2xCmpXRWCP40C.PPD.gzKAc>VVnl.lprojNc>,#fvv.DS_StoreQc>VU+k"XRWCP40C.PPD.gzTAc>VVno.lprojWc>,#kvv.DS_StoreZc>VU,/ʻXRWCP40C.PPD.gz]Ac>VVpt.lproj`c>,#rvv.DS_Storecc>VV3,*<XRWCP40C.PPD.gz fAc>VVpt_BR.lproj!ic>,#nIN7L!.DS_Store"lc>VV ,h?!XRWCP40C.PPD.gz#oAc>VVsv.lproj$rc>,$vv$.DS_Store%uc>VVb,W^8$XRWCP40C.PPD.gz&x'`+&  #",+54>=GFPOYXbakjts &%)(/.2187;:A@DCJIMLSRVU\[_^edhgnmqpwvzy *]1*yq K"#"`f#9#T#b#j# ########$ $"$*$E$S$[$v$$$ $$$$$% %%&%= %J%R%m%{%%%%% %%&&&&2&F&N&e &r&z&&&&&&& ''')'7'?'Z'n'v' ''''''(( (! 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Le Client peut tre tenu directement responsable par ce tiers de toute violation des droits de ce dernier. 3.8 Le Client ne doit en aucun cas reconstituer la logique du programme, dcompiler ou dsassembler le Logiciel sous licence, sauf dans les limites autorises par la loi. 3.9 Le Client accepte de ne pas exporter ou rexporter le Logiciel de quelque faon que ce soit sans avoir obtenu au pralable toutes les licences des Etats-Unis ou des gouvernements trangers exiges par la loi du pays o rside le Client et sous rserve d'exportation de l'Equipement. 3.10 Xerox peut mettre fin au contrat (i) sans pravis si le Client n'utilise plus ou ne possde plus l'Equipement ou, en cas de bail, si le premier preneur ne l'utilise plus ou ne le possde plus ou (ii) la date d'expiration du contrat de location ou de leasing de l'Equipement. 4. TRANSFERT DU LOGICIEL SOUS LICENCE Si le Client transfre la proprit de l'Equipement, Xerox fournira au nouveau propritaire une CFBundleGetInfoString WorkCentre Pro 40 Color 1.2.7 CFBundleIdentifier CFBundleName WorkCentre Pro 40 Color CFBundleShortVersionString 1.2.7 IFMajorVersion 1 IFMinorVersion 2 IFPkgFlagAllowBackRev IFPkgFlagAuthorizationAction AdminAuthorization IFPkgFlagDefaultLocation /Library/Printers/PPDs/Contents/Resources IFPkgFlagInstallFat IFPkgFlagIsRequired IFPkgFlagRelocatable IFPkgFlagRestartAction NoRestart IFPkgFlagRootVolumeOnly IFPkgFlagUpdateInstalledLanguages IFPkgFormatVersion 0.10000000149011612 documentation fournie par Xerox annule les garanties stipules ci-dessus. 6. VIOLATION DES DROITS DE PROPRIETE INTELLECTUELLE Au cas o le Client serait poursuivi par des tiers sur le fondement d'une prtendue violation des droits de brevet, secret professionnel ou droits d'auteur, par le Logiciel sous licence, dans le pays d'enregistrement de la socit Xerox qui a fourni le Logiciel au Client, Xerox assumera la dfense du Client contre ces revendications et les consquences pcuniaires d'une dcision judiciaire dfinitive, la condition que le Client informe Xerox immdiatement et par crit de la prtendue violation et que le Client accepte l'intervention de Xerox et coopre au rglement d'un ventuel litige. Le courrier sera envoy Xerox Office of General Counsel, P.O. Box 1600, Stamford, Connecticut 06904. La socit Xerox ne prendra en charge que les dpenses de procdure et rglements qu'elle aura expressment accepts par crit. Afin d'viter toute infraction, mme non allgue, Xerox peut dcider, et cela sans aucun frais pour le Client, d'obtenir une licence, ou de fournir un quivalent du Logiciel, ou de modifier ou retirer le Logiciel. Dans ce dernier cas, Xerox remboursera les droits de licence pays par le Client pour ce Logiciel ; si aucune partie de la somme paye Xerox lors de la transaction au cours de laquelle le Logiciel a t acquis n'a t dsigne comme droit de licence pour le Logiciel, Xerox remboursera la partie des frais associe selon Xerox l'acquisition du Logiciel. Xerox ne rpond pas des infractions dues la modification du Logiciel (par Xerox ou toute autre personne, y compris le Client) selon les spcifications du Client ou l'utilisation conjointe du Logiciel sous licence et d'autres logiciels, matriels ou produits non fournis par Xerox. XEROX NE DONNE AUCUNE GARANTIE EXPRESSE OU TACITE DE NON VIOLATION DESDITS DROITS. SA RESPONSABILITE NE SAURAIT ETRE ENGAGEE AU TITRE D'UNE VIOLATION AUTRE QUE CELLE MENTIONNEE CI-DESSUS OU DE TOUT DOMMAGE QUI EN RESULTERAIT. 7. RESPONSABILITE LIMITEE XEROX OU SES FOURNISSEURS NE SAURAIENT ETRE TENUS POUR RESPONSABLES, SANS QUE CETTE LISTE SOIT LIMITATIVE, DES DOMMAGES INDIRECTS (Y COMPRIS LA PERTE DE DONNEES) PROVENANT DE OU LIES A L'UTILISATION OU L'IMPOSSIBILITE D'UTILISATION DU LOGICIEL, MEME SI XEROX A ETE AVISEE DE L'EVENTUALITE DE TELS DOMMAGES, A MOINS QUE LA LOI APPLICABLE AU CONTRAT N'EN DISPOSE AUTREMENT. EN TOUT ETAT DE CAUSE, LA RESPONSABILITE DE XEROX EN MATIERE DE DOMMAGES DIRECTS NE POURRA EN AUCUN CAS EXCEDER LES pmkrpkg1trat est rgi par les lois de l'tat de New York, Etats-Unis, ou du pays d'enregistrement de la socit Xerox qui a fourni l'quipement, nonobstant tout conflit de dispositions lgales. Certaines juridictions ne permettent pas la limitation de dure d'une garantie implicite ou l'exclusion ou la limitation de responsabilit relative aux dommages indirects ou conscutifs. Certaines clauses ci-dessus peuvent donc en tout ou partie ne pas s'appliquer votre gard. 10. PORTEE DU CONTRAT Le prsent Contrat constitue l'intgralit de l'accord entre Xerox et le Client concernant le Logiciel et remplace toutes les propositions ou accords antrieurs ou actuels des parties concernant le logiciel. Il annule ce que le Client accepte, l'application de tous les termes et conditions contenus dans un bon de commande du Client pass dans le cadre des prsentes. Si, aprs avoir lu les conditions du prsent contrat, le Client les juge inacceptables, il doit, pour viter les obligations contractuelles, retourner promptement le Logiciel inutilis. Il aura alors droit au remboursement des sommes qu'il a payes pour obtenir le droit d'utiliser le logiciel. ====================================================================== LICENSE AGREEMENT AND WARRANTY FOR THE ENCLOSED SOFTWARE AND RELATED DOCUMENTATION YOUR LICENSE AGREEMENT - READ BEFORE INSTALLING SOFTWARE IMPORTANT: THIS AGREEMENT CONTAINS THE LICENSE TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR LICENSED SOFTWARE AND RELATED DOCUMENTATION. INSTALLING THE SOFTWARE PACKAGE SIGNIFIES YOUR ACCEPTANCE OF THIS AGREEMENT. IF YOU DO NOT ACCEPT THIS AGREEMENT, YOU MUST PROMPTLY RETURN THE SOFTWARE PACKAGE AND DELETE ANY SOFTWARE FILES ACCESSED BY YOU FROM ANY AND ALL COMPUTER MEMORY INTO WHICH SUCH SOFTWARE HAS BEEN LOADED OR STORED. WHEN USED IN THIS AGREEMENT THE WORD "XEROX" SHALL MEAN XEROX CORPORATION, ITS OPERATING COMPANY SUBSIDIARY OR AFFILIATE FROM WHICH YOU OBTAINED THE XEROX PRODUCT WITH WHICH THE SOFTWARE IS TO BE USED (the "Equipment"), UNLESS YOU OBTAINED THE EQUIPMENT FROM AN AUTHORIZED DEALER, AGENT, CONCESSIONAIRE OR DISTRIBUTOR, IN WHICH CASE "XEROX" SHALL MEAN XEROX CORPORATION, ITS OPERATING COMPANY, SUBSIDIARY OR AFFILIATE FROM WHICH THE ENTITY THAT SOLD YOU THE EQUIPMENT ACQUIRED IT. 1. GRANT OF LICENSE Xerox hereby grants you a non-exclusive, non-transferable license to use the software and related documentation ("Software") enclosed in this package with the Equipment, for as long as you are current in the payment of any indicated software license fees (including any annual renewal or maintenance fees) on the following terms and conditions. 2. USE You may install the Software for use on any networked workstation or server only in conjunction with the Equipment. When networked, other users on the network may access and use the Software in conjunction with the Equipment. 3. OWNERSHIP, COPYING, MODIFICATION AND CONFIDENTIALITY 3.1 Xerox owns or is otherwise entitled to grant licenses in respect of all rights in the Software. 3.2 No title to or ownership of the Software or any proprietary right therein is transferred to you. 3.3 You may, subject to Section 3.4 below, make one copy of the Software in whole or in part only for that purpose expressly permitted in Section 2 above and for back-up. Such permitted copy shall include in readable format any copyright and other proprietary notices contained on the original Software. 3.4 You may copy the related documentation for use only in conjunction with the EquipmBud1%  @ @ @ @ E%DSDB` @ @ @"16" = "Dieses Volume erfllt nicht die Voraussetzungen fr dieses Update."; "17" = "Nicht gengend freier Platz verfgbar. 300 MB freier Platz werden bentigt."; "18" = "Fr dieses Update wird Mac OS X Version 10.2 oder neuer bentigt."; Die bersetzung dieser Benutzerlizenzvereinbarung wurde von Xerox Europe angefertigt und ist nicht rechtlich bindend. Die der bersetzung folgende englische Originalversion ist dagegen rechtlich bindend. ===================================================================== LIZENZVERTRAG UND GARANTIEVEREINBARUNG ZUR BEILIEGENDEN SOFTWARE UND DOKUMENTATION LIZENZVERTRAG - VOR DEM INSTALLIEREN DER SOFTWARE SORGFLTIG LESEN WICHTIG: DURCH DAS INSTALLIEREN DER SOFTWARE ERKLRT SICH DER BENUTZER MIT DEN NACHFOLGEND AUFGEFHRTEN LIZENZBEDINGUNGEN EINVERSTANDEN. FALLS DER BENUTZER MIT DIESEM LIZENZVERTRAG NICHT EINVERSTANDEN IST, MSSEN SMTLICHE DATEIEN DER SOFTWARE VON ALLEN RECHNERN, AUF DENEN DIE SOFTWARE INSTALLIERT WURDE, GELSCHT WERDEN. IM WEITEREN BEZIEHT SICH "XEROX" AUF XEROX GMBH BZW. AUF DIE GESCHFTSSTELLE, VON DER DAS XEROX PRODUKT ("PRODUKT") ERWORBEN WURDE. WURDE DAS PRODUKT VON EINEM ZWISCHENHNDLER ERWORBEN, BEZIEHT SICH "XEROX" AUF XEROX GMBH BZW. AUF DIE GESCHFTSSTELLE, VON WELCHER DER ZWISCHENHNDLER DAS PRODUKT BEZOGEN HAT. 1. LIZENZGEWHRUNG Hiermit gewhrt Xerox dem Benutzer zu den nachfolgend aufgefhrten Bedingungen eine nicht exklusive, nicht bertragbare Lizenz zur Verwendung der beiliegenden Software und der zugehrigen Dokumentation ("Software") in Verbindung mit dem Produkt, sofern jegliche anfallenden Lizenzgebhren (einschlielich jhrliche Zahlungen fr Wartung oder Updates) entrichtet wurden. 2. VERWENDUNG Der Benutzer darf die Software in Verbindung mit dem Produkt auf einem beliebigen vernetzten Rechner (Workstation oder Server) installieren. In einem Netzwerk drfen andere Benutzer auf die Software in Verbindung mit dem Produkt zugreifen. 3. URHEBERRECHT, COPYRIGHT UND VERTRAULICHKEIT 3.1 Xerox ist berechtigt, unter Bercksichtigung der hier aufgefhrten Lizenzbedingungen Lizenzen zur Nutzung der beiliegenden Software zu gewhren. 3.2 Das Eigentumsrecht der Software verbleibt zu jedem Zeitpunkt bei Xerox und wird nicht auf den Benutzer bertragen. 3.3 Es ist dem Benutzer gestattet, fr die Nutzung im Rahmen der unter 3.4 dargelegten Nutzungsbedingungen sowie fr Archivierungszwecke Kopien der Software zu erstellen. Jede Kopie muss smtliche auf dem Original vorhandenen Urheberrechts- und andere Hinweise in lesbarer Form aufweisen. 3.4 Kopien der Dokumentation drfen nur in Verbindung mit dem Produkt erstellt werden. 3.5 Die Software darf weder durch den Benutzer noch durch Dritte verndert oder weitergegeben werden. 3.6 Der Benutzer verpflichtet sich, die Software keinem Dritten verfgbar zu machen, mit Ausnahme der eigenen Angestellten sowie von Bevollmchtigten, die direkt mit der in diesem Lizenzvertrag genehmigten Nutzung der Software zu tun haben. 3.7 Die Software unterliegt dem Urheberrecht und dem Markenschutzrecht. Der Benutzer kann bei einem Versto gegen dieses Recht direkt haftbar gemacht werden. 3.8 Die Software darf weder dekompiliert noch zurckentwickelt oder auf irgendeine Weise zerlegt werden. 3.9 Der Benutzer darf die Software nur dann exportieren, wenn vorher die erforderliche Exporterlaubnis eingeholt wurde. 3.10 Xerox behlt sich das Recht vor, die Nutzungslizenz mit sofortiger Wirkung zu kndigen, wenn (i) der Benutzer bzw. ein weiterer Leasingkunde das Produkt nicht mehr benutzt bzw. besitzt oder (ii) bei Kndigung einer Vereinbarung, unter welcher der Benutzer das Produkt geleast bzw. gemietet hat. 4. WEITERGABE DER SOFTWARE Bei bertragung des Produkts an Dritte bietet Xerox dem Erwerber eine Nutzungslizenz fr die Software in Verbindung mit dem Produkt unter der Bedingung der Einhaltung der jeweiligen Nutzungsbestimmungen sowie der Entrichtung jeglicher anfallenden Lizenzgebhren. 5. EINGESCHRNKTE GEWHRLEISTUNG 5.1 Xerox garantiert, dass die Software im Wesentlichen den Angaben in der Dokumentation zum Gert entspricht. Gewhrleistung dafr, dass die Software ohne Unterbrechung und fehlerfrei betrieben werden kann, sowie Gewhrleistung der Brauchbarkeit fr den Zweck des Benutzers sind hiermit von diesem Vertrag ausgeschlossen. 5.2 Sollte die Software nicht der in Abschnitt 5.1 aufgefhrten begrenzten Gewhrleistung entsprechen, besteht der ausschlieliche Anspruch des Benutzers in der Mglichkeit, die Software innerhalb von 90 Tagen ab Lieferdatum an den Hndler, bei dem sie erworben wurde, zurckzugeben. Xerox ist ausschlielich dazu verpflichtet, im vertretbaren Rahmen die Software durch Software zu ersetzen, welche der obigen Gewhrleistung entspricht, oder eine Problemumgehung verfgbar zu machen. 5.3 XEROX IST ZU KEINER WEITEREN GEWHRLEISTUNG FR DIE "SOFTWARE" VERPFLICHTET. JEGLICHE ANDERE AUSDRCKLICHE ODER IMPLIZITE GEWHRLEISTUNG, DIE AUF GESETZEN, STATUTEN O. . BERUHT, EINSCHLIESSLICH DER HAFTUNG FR INDIREKTE ODER FOLGESCHDEN ODER SCHDEN (EINSCHLIESSLICH DATENVERLUST), DIE BEI ODER IM ZUSAMMENHANG MIT DER BENUTZUNG DER SOFTWARE ENTSTEHEN, IST HIERMIT AUSDRCKLICH VON DIESEM LIZENZVERTRAG AUSGESCHLOSSEN. XEROX LEHNT ZUDEM JEGLICHE HAFTUNG FR GEWHRLEISTUNGEN ODER ERKLRUNGEN DURCH DRITTE AB. 5.4 Die oben ausdrcklich aufgefhrte Gewhrleistung verliert ihre Gltigkeit, wenn die Software nicht wie in der Dokumentation und/oder in diesem Lizenzvertrag festgelegt verwendet wird. 6. GEWHRLEISTUNG BEI RECHTSVERLETZUNG Xerox bernimmt in dem Land, in dem die Niederlassung, bei welcher der Benutzer das Gert bezogen hat, registriert ist, die Verteidigung des Benutzers bei Ansprchen aufgrund von Weitergabe von Betriebsgeheimnissen oder wegen Verletzung des Patent- und Urheberrechts sowie die Begleichung daraus resultierender Forderungen. Diese Gewhrleistung durch Xerox und ein solcher Rechtsanspruch haben nur dann Geltung, wenn der Benutzer Xerox innerhalb von 90 Tagen von dem Anspruch in Kenntnis setzt und sich mit der Verteidigung durch Xerox bzw. durch einen von Xerox Beauftragten einverstanden erklrt und zu diesem Zweck mit Xerox zusammenarbeitet. Xerox ist nicht fr Gerichtskosten oder Abfindungen verantwortlich, die nicht im Zusammenhang mit Xerox entstehen, auer wenn Xerox eine entsprechende schriftliche Erklrung abgibt. Um einen Rechtsanspruch auch ohne Geltendmachung zu vermeiden, behlt sich Xerox vor, ohne Belastung des Benutzers eine Lizenz zu erwerben oder die Software zu modifizieren, zu ersetzen oder zu entfernen. Wird die Software durch Xerox aus einem solchen Grund entfernt, erhlt der Benutzer die Lizenzgebhr in voller Hhe rckerstattet. Xerox kann nicht fr Rechtsansprche haftbar gemacht werden, die entstehen, wenn die Software auf Wunsch des Benutzers von Xerox oder Dritten (einschlielich des Benutzers) modifiziert wird, oder wenn die Software zusammen mit Gerten, Software oder anderen Materialien verwendet oder verkauft wird, die nicht von Xerox geliefert werden. XEROX UND SEINE LIEFERBETRIEBE VERPFLICHTEN SICH ZU KEINERLEI ANDERER AUSDRCKLICHER ODER IMPLIZITER GEWHRLEISTUNG BEI RECHTSANSPRCHEN UND SIND IN KEINER ANDEREN WEISE FR ANSPRCHE, DIE AUS RECHTSVERLETZUNGEN ERWACHSEN, BZW. AUS RECHTSVERLETZUNGEN RESULTIERENDE SCHADENSERSATZANSPRCHE HAFTBAR. 7. HAFTUNGSAUSSCHLUSS AUSSER WENN DIE GELTENDE GESETZGEBUNG DIES VORSIEHT, KNNEN WEDER XEROX NOCH SEINE LIEFERBETRIEBE FR SPEZIELLE, INDIREKTE ODER FOLGESCHDEN (EINSCHLIESSLICH UND OHNE BESCHRNKUNG DATENVERLUST) ODER FR AUFWENDUNGEN BEI VERTRAGSERFLLUNG, DIE AUS DER BENUTZUNG DER SOFTWARE ENTSTEHEN, ODER DARAUS, DASS DIE SOFTWARE NICHT BENUTZT WERDEN KANN, HAFTBAR GEMACHT WERDEN, SELBST WENN AUF DIE MGLICHKEIT SOLCHER SCHDEN HINGEWIESEN WURDE. DIE MAXIMALSUMME DER VERBINDLICHKEIT KANN DIE FR DIE LIZENZ ENTRICHTETE GEBHR NICHT BERSCHREITEN. 8. VERTRAGSENDE Im Falle eines Vertragsbruches durch den Benutzer behlt sich Xerox das Recht vor, den Lizenzvertrag mit sofortiger Wirkung zu kndigen. Der Benutzer ist in diesem Fall zur Rckgabe smtlicher Exemplare der Software an Xerox oder dessen Lieferbetriebe sowie zur Deinstallation smtlicher Kopien derselben verpflichtet. 9. ANWENDBARES RECHT Dieser Lizenzvertrag unterliegt mit Ausnahme des internationalen Privatrechts der Gesetzgebung des Landes, in dem die Xerox Niederlassung registriert ist, von der das Produkt erworben wurde. 10. VOLLSTNDIGKEIT DES VERTRAGS Diese Lizenz bildet den gesamten Vertrag ber die Software zwischen Xerox und dem Benutzer und ersetzt jegliche anderen Entwrfe oder ltere und derzeitige Vertrge oder Vereinbarungen ber die Software. Der Benutzer erklrt hiermit, dass jegliche Verkaufs- und Lieferbedingungen in der Bestellung oder einem hnlichen Dokument, das nach Abschluss dieses Vertrags eingereicht wird, keinerlei bindende Wirkung fr Xerox oder seine Lieferbetriebe hat und keine nderung an diesem Vertrag darstellt. Sollte der Benutzer nach der Lektre der oben aufgefhrten Lizenzbedingungen diese nicht akzeptieren, ist die Software umgehend an den Hndler, bei dem sie erworben wurde, zurckzugeben. In diesem Fall erhlt der Benutzer die entrichtete Lizenzgebhr in voller Hhe zurckerstattet. ====================================================================== LICENSE AGREEMENT AND WARRANTY FOR THE ENCLOSED SOFTWARE AND RELATED DOCUMENTATION YOUR LICENSE AGREEMENT - READ BEFORE INSTALLING SOFTWARE IMPORTANT: THIS AGREEMENT CONTAINS THE LICENSE TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR LICENSED SOFTWARE AND RELATED DOCUMENTATION. INSTALLING THE SOFTWARE PACKAGE SIGNIFIES YOUR ACCEPTANCE OF THIS AGREEMENT. IF YOU DO NOT ACCEPT THIS AGREEMENT, YOU MUST PROMPTLY RETURN THE SOFTWARE PACKAGE AND DELETE ANY SOFTWARE FILES ACCESSED BY YOU FROM ANY AND ALL COMPUTER MEMORY INTO WHICH SUCH SOFTWARE HAS BEEN LOADED OR STORED. WHEN USED IN THIS AGREEMENT THE WORD "XEROX" SHALL MEAN XEROX CORPORATION, ITS OPERATING COMPANY SUBSIDIARY OR AFFILIATE FROM WHICH YOU OBTAINED THE XEROX PRODUCT WITH WHICH THE SOFTWARE IS TO BE USED (the "Equipment"), UNLESS YOU OBTAINED THE EQUIPMENT FROM AN AUTHORIZED DEALER, AGENT, CONCESSIONAIRE OR DISTRIBUTOR, IN WHICH CASE "XEROX" SHALL MEAN XEROX CORPORATION, ITS OPERATING COMPANY, SUBSIDIARY OR AFFILIATE FROM WHICH THE ENTITY THAT SOLD YOU THE EQUIPMENT ACQUIRED IT. 1. GRANT OF LICENSE Xerox hereby grants you a non-exclusive, non-transferable license to use the software and related documentation ("Software") enclosed in this package with the Equipment, for as long as you are current in the payment of any indicated software license fees (including any annual renewal or maintenance fees) on the following terms and conditions. 2. USE You may install the Software for use on any networked workstation or server only in conjunction with the Equipment. When networked, other users on the network may access and use the Software in conjunction with the Equipment. 3. OWNERSHIP, COPYING, MODIFICATION AND CONFIDENTIALITY 3.1 Xerox owns or is otherwise entitled to grant licenses in respect of all rights in the Software. 3.2 No title to or ownership of the Software or any proprietary right therein is transferred to you. 3.3 You may, subject to Section 3.4 below, make one copy of the Software in whole or in part only for that purpose expressly permitted in Section 2 above and for back-up. Such permitted copy shall include in readable format any copyright and other proprietary notices contained on the original Software. 3.4 You may copy the related documentation for use only in conjunction with the Equipment. 3.5 You may not distribute, alter or modify nor cause or allow others to alter or modify the Software. 3.6 You agree not to provide or otherwise make available the Software to anyone other than your employees and agents directly concerned with the licensed use of the Software. 3.7 The Software is protected by copyright and other proprietary rights of Xerox and/or a third party. You may be held directly responsible by such third party for an infringement of such rights by you. 3.8 You agree not to reverse engineer, decompile or disassemble the Software for any purpose whatsoever, except to the extent permitted by law. 3.9 You agree not to export or re-export the Software in any form without, in the case of a customer in the United States, first obtaining all United States government licenses, and in the case of a customer outside of the United States, all relevant foreign government licenses, required by law, and then only upon the export of the Equipment. 3.10 Xerox may terminate your license for the Software (i) immediately if you no longer use or possess the Equipment or are a lessor of the Equipment and your first lessee no longer uses or possesses it or (ii) upon the termination of any agreement under which you have rented or leased the Equipment. 4. TRANSFER OF LICENSED SOFTWARE If you transfer possession of the Equipment, Xerox will offer the transferee a license to use the Software on or with it, subject to Xerox' then applicable terms and license fees, if any, and provided the transfer is not in violation of Xerox' rights. 5. LIMITED WARRANTY 5.1 Xerox warrants that the Software shall substantially conform to Xerox' User Manual or other Xerox documentation supplied at delivery to the original Customer. Xerox does not warrant that the operation of the Software will be uninterrupted or error free, nor that it will meet your needs. 5.2 In the event that the Software does not conform to the limited warranty contained in Section 5.1 above, your exclusive remedy is to notify Xerox within ninety (90) days of the date of delivery, and Xerox' or its supplier's sole obligation shall be to use all reasonable efforts to provide a work-around which avoids the nonconformity or to provide you with Software which does substantially conform to the Xerox User Manual or other Xerox supplied documentation. 5.3 XEROX GRANTS NO OTHER WARRANTIES ON THE "SOFTWARE", EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, WHETHER CREATED BY STATUTE OR OTHERWISE, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. XEROX FURTHER DISCLAIMS ANY WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS MADE BY PERSONS OTHER THAN XEROX (INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO XEROX SOFTWARE DEALERS, AGENTS, CONCESSIONAIRES OR DISTRIBUTORS). 5.4 The express warranties set forth above shall be void if you fail to properly use the Software in the appropriate environment as specified in the Xerox supplied documentation or if the Software is modified or altered in any fashion. 6. PATENT AND COPYRIGHT INDEMNIFICATION Xerox will defend and indemnify you if the Software is alleged to infringe, in the United States, any patent, trade secret, or copyright, if you promptly notify Xerox in writing of any alleged infringement, allow Xerox to direct the defense of such claim, and cooperate with Xerox. All notices should be sent to the Xerox Office of General Counsel, P.O. Box 1600, Stamford, Connecticut 06904. Xerox is not responsible for any non-Xerox litigation expenses or settlements unless Xerox pre-approves them in writing. To avoid infringement, Xerox may, at its option, and at no charge to you, obtain a license, or modify, or substitute an equivalent of, or remove the Software. If Software is removed by Xerox for this reason, any designated license fees paid by you will be fully refunded; if no portion of the amounts paid to Xerox within the transaction in which the Software was acquired was designated as a license fee for the Software, Xerox shall refund that portion of the amounts paid that Xerox reasonably designates as associated with the Software's acquisition. Xerox is not liable for any infringement due to the Software being made or modified (by Xerox or others, including you) to your specifications, or being used or sold in combination with equipment, software, or supplies not provided by Xerox. XEROX MAKES NO OTHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTY OF NON-INFRINGEMENT OR LIABILITY FOR INFRINGEMENT OR ANY DAMAGES THEREFROM. 7. LIMITATION OF LIABILITY IN NO EVENT SHALL XEROX OR ITS SUPPLIERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, (INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, LOSS OF DATA) IN ANY WAY ARISING OUT OF OR RELATED TO THE USE OR INABILITY TO USE THE "SOFTWARE", EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. IN NO EVENT SHALL XEROX' DIRECT DAMAGES TO YOU EXCEED THE TOTAL LICENSE FEE ACTUALLY PAID BY YOU FOR SUCH SOFTWARE. 8. TERMINATION Xerox may terminate this license immediately upon notice in the event of a material breach by you or if you no longer use or possess the equipment with which this Software is intended to be used, in which event you shall return to Xerox all copies of the Software, and remove same from all equipment into which such Software may have been loaded by you. 9. GOVERNING LAW This agreement will be governed by the laws of the State of New York, USA or if you acquire the Software outside the USA, by the laws of the country in which you acquired the Equipment, excluding its conflict of laws provisions. Some jurisdictions do not allow limitations on how long an implied warranty lasts or the exclusion or limitation of incidental or consequential damages, so the above disclaimers, limitations or exclusions, in whole or in part, may not apply to you. 10. ENTIRE AGREEMENT This Software License Agreement is the entire agreement between Xerox and you pertaining to the Software and supersedes all proposals or prior and contemporaneous agreements or understandings of the parties regarding the Software. You agree that any terms and conditions contained in any purchase order or other ordering document submitted to order the Software shall have no binding effect on Xerox and will not modify this Agreement in any way. If, after reading the terms and conditions, they are unacceptable to you, then, to avoid contractual obligations and liability, you should promptly return the software unused, and you will then be entitled to a refund of any sums paid by you to license the Software. Title WorkCentre Pro 40 Color Version 1.2.4 Description DefaultLocation /Library/Printers/PPDs/Contents/Resources DeleteWarning ### Package Flags NeedsAuthorization YES Required NO Relocatable NO RequiresReboot NO UseUserMask NO OverwritePermissions NO InstallFat NO ASENTAMINEN EDELLYTT JA MERKITSEE SIT, ETT HYVKSYTTE TMN SOPIMUKSEN. ELLETTE HYVKSY TT SOPIMUSTA, TEIDN ON VIIPYMTT PALAUTETTAVA OHJELMISTOPAKETTI JA HVITETTV KAIKKI KYTETTVISSNNE OLEVAT OHJELMISTOTIEDOSTOT KAIKISTA TIETOKONEIDEN MUISTILAITTEISTA, JOIHIN NE ON ASENNETTU TAI TALLENNETTU. TSS SOPIMUKSESSA "XEROX" TARKOITTAA XEROX CORPORATIONIA TAI SEN MAAN PAIKALLISTA XEROX-YHTIT, JOSTA OLETTE HANKKINUT XEROX DOCUMENT CENTRE SYSTEM -LAITTEEN ("LAITE"), JONKA YHTEYDESS OHJELMISTOA ON MR KYTT, PAITSI JOS OLETTE HANKKINUT LAITTEEN VALTUUTETULTA JLLEENMYYJLT, AGENTILTA TAI JAKELIJALTA, MISS TAPAUKSESSA "XEROX" TARKOITTAA XEROX CORPORATIONIA TAI PAIKALLISTA XEROX-YHTIT, JOSTA TEILLE LAITTEEN MYYNYT YKSIKK ON HANKKINUT LAITTEEN. 1. LISENSSIN KSITTMT OIKEUDET Xerox mynt teille seuraavassa esitettvin ehdoin lisenssin eli oikeuden kytt tmn pakkauksen sisltm ohjelmistoa ja siihen liittyv dokumentaatiota ("Ohjelmisto") Laitteen yhteydess niin kauan kuin maksatte ajallaan ohjelmistolisenssimaksut (mukaan lukien vuosittaiset pivitys- tai yllpitomaksut). Lisenssi ei mynnet yksinoikeudella, eik sit voida siirt. 2. KYTT Te saatte asentaa Ohjelmiston mihin tahansa verkkoon liitettyyn tyasemaan tai palvelimeen kytettvksi yksinomaan Laitteen yhteydess. Kun Ohjelmisto on asennettu verkkoon, verkon kyttjt saavat kytt sit Laitteen yhteydess. 3. OMISTUSOIKEUS, KOPIOINTI, MUUTTAMINEN JA LUOTTAMUKSELLISUUS 3.1 Xerox omistaa tai sill on muuten oikeus mynt kaikkia Ohjelmistoon liittyvi oikeuksia koskevat lisenssit. 3.2 Sopimus ei siirr teille mitn Ohjelmistoon liittyvi omistus-, tekijn- tai muita oikeuksia. 3.3 Te saatte, alla kohdassa 3.4 sanottu huomioon ottaen, tehd yhden kopion koko Ohjelmistosta tai sen osasta vain yll kohdassa 2 nimenomaisesti mainittuun tarkoitukseen ja varmuuskopioksi. Tllaisessa sallitussa kopiossa on oltava luettavassa muodossa kaikki alkuperisen Ohjelmiston sisltmt tekijnoikeutta ja omistusoikeutta koskevat tiedot. 3.4 Te saatte kopioida ohjelmistoon liittyvn dokumentaation kytettvksi yksinomaan Laitteen yhteydess. 3.5 Te ette saa luovuttaa edelleen, muuttaa ettek muokata Ohjelmistoa ettek antaa muiden muuttaa tai muokata sit. 3.6 Te sitoudutte olemaan antamatta Ohjelmistoa muiden kuin sellaisten tyntekijittenne tai edustajienne kyttn tai saataville, jotka suoraan osallistuvat Ohjelmiston lisenssinmukaiseen kyttn. 3.7 Ohjelmisto on suojattu Xeroxille ja/tai kolmannelle osapuolelle kuuluvilla tekijn- ja muilla oikeuksilla. Tllainen kolmas osapuoli voi suoraankin esitt vaatimuksia teit kohtaan, mikli te loukkaatte kyseisi oikeuksia. 3.8 Te sitoudutte olemaan kntmtt Ohjelmiston koodia tai purkamatta sit mihinkn tarkoitukseen paitsi lain sallimissa rajoissa. 3.9 Te sitoudutte olemaan viemtt Ohjelmistoa maasta missn muodossa ilman lain mahdollisesti edellyttmi Yhdysvaltojen tai muun valtion viranomaisten myntmi lupia ja silloinkin vain Laitteen ulkomaille vientiin liittyen. 3.10 Xerox voi ptt tmn lisenssin voimassaolon (i) vlittmsti, jos te ette en kyt tai teidn hallussanne ei ole Laitetta tai olette Laitteen vuokralleantaja ja ensimminen Laitteen vuokralleottaja ei en kyt tai hnen hallussaan ei ole Laitetta, tai (ii) teidn tekemnne Laitetta koskevan vuokrasopimuksen pttyess. 4. LISENSOIDUN OHJELMISTON SIIRTMINEN Jos siirrtte Laitteen omistusoikeuden, Xerox tarjoaa siirron saajalle oikeuden kytt Ohjelmistoa Laitteessa tai Laitteen yhte"16" = "Dit volume voldoet niet aan de vereisten voor deze update."; "17" = "Onvoldoende vrije ruimte voor deze update. Er is 300 MB vrije ruimte vereist."; "18" = "Dit pakket kan alleen worden genstalleerd op Mac OS X versie 10.2 of hoger."; ei ole yll kohdassa 5.1 mainitun rajoitetun takuun mukainen, teidn tulee ilmoittaa siit Xeroxille yhdeksnkymmenen (90) pivn kuluessa toimituspivst, jolloin Xerox tai sen jlleenmyyj on velvollinen kaikin kohtuudella kytettvissn olevin keinoin osoittamaan menetelmn, jolla edell mainittu poikkeavuus vltetn, tai toimittamaan teille sellaisen Ohjelmiston, joka on olennaisilta osiltaan Xeroxin Kyttjn ksikirjan tai muun Xeroxin toimittaman dokumentaation mukainen. Teill ei ole muita oikeuksia eik Xeroxilla ole muita velvollisuuksia Ohjelmiston virheisiin liittyen. 5.3 XEROX EI MYNN "OHJELMISTOLLE" MITN MUUTA SUORAA TAI EPSUORAA, LAKIIN TAI MUUHUN PERUSTUVAA TAKUUTA, EIK XEROX TAKAA TAI SEN OLE KATSOTTAVA TAKAAVAN "OHJELMISTON" KURANTTIUTTA TAI SEN SOVELTUVUUTTA JOHONKIN TIETTYYN TARKOITUKSEEN. XEROX EI MYSKN VASTAA MUIDEN KUIN XEROXIN ANTAMISTA SITOUMUKSISTA TAI TAKUISTA (KOSKIEN MYS XEROX-OHJELMISTOJEN JLLEENMYYJI, AGENTTEJA TAI JAKELIJOITA HEIHIN RAJOITTUMATTA). 5.4 Yll mainitut nimenomaiset takuut raukeavat, mikli te ette kyt Ohjelmistoa oikein ja Xeroxin toimittaman dokumentaation osoittamassa asianmukaisessa ympristss tai mikli Ohjelmistoa muokataan tai muutetaan milln tavalla. 6. PATENTTI- JA TEKIJNOIKEUKSIA KOSKEVAT VAATEET Xerox puolustaa teit ja korvaa teille mahdolliset vahingot, mikli Ohjelmiston vitetn loukkaavan patentti- tai tekijnoikeutta tai liikesalaisuutta Yhdysvalloissa. Tm kuitenkin edellytt, ett te vlittmsti ja kirjallisesti ilmoitatte Xeroxille kaikista vitetyist oikeudenloukkauksista, annatte Xeroxin huolehtia puolustuksesta ja toimitte yhteistyss Xeroxin kanssa. Kaikki ilmoitukset on lhetettv osoitteella: Xerox Office of General Counsel, P.O. Box 1600, Stamford, Connecticut 06904, USA. Xerox ei vastaa Xeroxiin liittymttmist oikeudenkyntikuluista tai sovintoratkaisuista, ellei Xerox ole etukteen hyvksynyt niit kirjallisesti. Oikeudenloukkauksien vlttmiseksi Xerox voi halutessaan ja ilman teille koituvia kustannuksia hankkia lisenssin tai muokata Ohjelmistoa, korvata Ohjelmiston vastaavalla tai poistaa Ohjelmiston. Jos Xerox poistaa Ohjelmiston tst syyst, teille palautetaan teidn maksamanne osoitetut lisenssimaksut tysimrisin; jos mitn osaa Xeroxille maksetuista maksuista, jotka liittyvt Ohjelmiston hankintaan, ei ole osoitettu Ohjelmiston lisenssimaksuksi, Xerox palauttaa maksuista osan, jonka Xerox kohtuudella katsoo liittyneen Ohjelmiston hankintaan. Xerox ei vastaa oikeudenloukkauksista, jotka johtuvat siit, ett Ohjelmisto on tehty tai ett sit on muokattu teidn mritystenne mukaisesti (Xeroxin tai muiden toimesta, te mukaan lukien) tai ett Ohjelmistoa on kytetty tai se on myyty sellaisten laitteiden, ohjelmistojen tai tarvikkeiden yhteydess, joita Xerox ei ole toimittanut. XEROX EI ANNA MITN MUUTA SUORAA TAI EPSUORAA TAKUUTA SIIT, ETT OHJELMISTO EI LOUKKAA TSS MAINITTUJA OIKEUKSIA, EIK HYVKSY MITN MUUTA TAI LAAJEMPAA VASTUUTA LOUKKAUSTEN AIHEUTTAMISTA VAHINGOISTA. 7. VASTUUN RAJOITUS XEROX TAI SEN JLLEENMYYJT EIVT MISSN TAPAUKSESSA VASTAA MISTN VLILLISIST TAI EPSUORISTA TAI ERITYISIST VAHINGOISTA (MUKAAN LUKIEN TIETOJEN MENETYS RAJOITUKSETTA), JOTKA MILLN TAVALLA JOHTUVAT "OHJELMISTON" KYTST TAI KYKENEMTTMYYDEST KYTT "OHJELMISTOA", VAIKKA TLLAISTEN VAHINKOJEN MAHDOLLISUUDESTA OLISI ILMOITETTU. MISSN TAPAUKSESSA XEROXIN KORVAUSVELVOLLISUUS VLITTMIST VAHINGOISTA EI YLIT TEIDN OHJELMISTOSTA MAKSAMAANNE KOKONAISLISENSSIMAKSUA. 8. LISENSSIN PTTYMIDe vertaling van deze licentieovereenkomst is aangeleverd door Xerox Europe en is niet wettelijk bindend. De Engelse tekst, die na de vertaalde tekst volgt, is wettelijk bindend. ====================================================================== LICENTIEOVEREENKOMST EN GARANTIE VOOR DE INGESLOTEN SOFTWARE EN BIJBEHORENDE DOCUMENTATIE LICENTIEOVEREENKOMST - LEZEN ALVORENS DE SOFTWARE TE INSTALLEREN BELANGRIJK: DEZE OVEREENKOMST BEVAT DE LICENTIEVOORWAARDEN EN -BEPALINGEN WAARONDER DE SOFTWARE EN DE BIJBEHORENDE DOCUMENTATIE IN GEBRUIK MAG WORDEN GEGEVEN. DOOR HET INSTALLEREN VAN DE SOFTWARE ACCEPTEERT U DEZE OVEREENKOMST. ALS U NIET INSTEMT MET DEZE OVEREENKOMST DIENT U HET SOFTWAREPAKKET ONMIDDELLIJK TE RETOURNEREN EN SOFTWARE-BESTANDEN DIE DOOR U ZIJN GEACTIVEERD TE VERWIJDEREN UIT ELK COMPUTERGEHEUGEN WAARIN DE SOFTWARE IS GELADEN OF OPGESLAGEN. IN DEZE OVEREENKOMST STAAT HET WOORD "XEROX" VOOR XEROX CORPORATION, HET IN HAAR NAAM OPTREDENDE BEDRIJF, DE DOCHTERONDERNEMING OF HET AANGESLOTEN FILIAAL VIA WELKE U DE AFZONDERLIJKE EENHEID VAN DE XEROX DOCUMENT CENTRE-SYSTEEMAPPARATUUR (de "Apparatuur") HEEFT VERKREGEN EN WAARMEE DE SOFTWARE DIENT TE WORDEN GEBRUIKT, TENZIJ DE APPARATUUR IS AANGESCHAFT VIA EEN GEAUTORISEERDE DEALER, TUSSENPERSOON, LICENTIEHOUDER OF GROOTHANDELAAR, IN WELK GEVAL "XEROX" STAAT VOOR XEROX CORPORATION, HET IN HAAR NAAM OPTREDENDE BEDRIJF, DE DOCHTERONDERNEMING OF HET AANGESLOTEN FILIAAL VIA WELKE DE EENHEID DIE U DE APPARATUUR HEEFT VERKOCHT, IS AANGESCHAFT. 1. LICENTIEVERLENING Xerox verleent u hierbij het niet-exclusieve, niet-overdraagbare recht de software en bijbehorende documentatie ("Software") ingesloten in dit pakket op de Apparatuur te gebruiken, zolang u voldoet aan de betaling van enige van toepassing zijnde kosten met betrekking tot de softwarelicentie (inclusief eventuele jaarlijkse verlengingskosten) volgens de volgende voorwaarden en bepalingen. 2. GEBRUIK U mag de Software voor gebruik installeren op een werkstation of server in een netwerk, enkel in combinatie met de Apparatuur. Andere gebruikers op het netwerk mogen de Software activeren en gebruiken in combinatie met de Apparatuur. 3. EIGENDOMSRECHTEN, KOPIEN, WIJZIGINGEN EN VERTROUWELIJKHEID 3.1 Xerox heeft de Software in eigendom of heeft op andere wijze het recht licenties te verlenen met betrekking tot alle rechten in de Software. 3.2 Aan u worden in het geheel geen rechten van eigendom of beschikking overgedragen met betrekking tot de Software. 3.3 U mag, behoudens het onderstaande in artikel 3.4, de Software geheel of gedeeltelijk kopiren, maar uitsluitend voor het doel dat uitdrukkelijk is toegestaan in artikel 2 hierboven en voor het maken van een reservekopie. Elke kopie dient duidelijk leesbaar de vermeldingen van auteursrecht en andere eigendomsrechten te bevatten die in de oorspronkelijke Software zijn opgenomen. 3.4 U mag de bijbehorende documentatie alleen kopiren voor gebruik in combinatie met de Apparatuur. 3.5 U mag de Software niet verspreiden of hier wijzigingen of aanpassingen in aanbrengen noch anderen toestaan of ertoe aanzetten de Software te wijzigen of aan te passen. 3.6 U verklaart de Software niet te zullen verstrekken of anderszins beschikbaar te stellen aan andere gebruikers dan uw werknemers en vertegenwoordigers die rechtstreeks betrokken zijn bij het gebruik van de Software onder licentie. 3.7 De Software wordt beschermd door auteursrecht en andere eigendomsrechten van Xerox en/of derden. Indien u op enigerlei wijze deze rechten schendt, kunt u hiervoor ook door betrokken derden rechtstreeks aansprakelijk worden gesteld. 3.8 U verklaart de Software voor geen enkel doel te zullen terugvertalen, decompileren of disassembleren, behalve voor zover dit wettelijk is toegestaan. 3.9 U verklaart de Software niet in enige vorm te exporteren of te herexporteren zonder, in het geval van een klant in de Verenigde Staten van Amerika, eerst alle vereiste Amerikaanse overheidsvergunningen of, in het geval van een klant buiten de Verenigde Staten van Amerika, alle buitenlandse overheidsvergunningen te verkrijgen die wettelijk zijn vereist en bovendien uitsluitend bij export van de Apparatuur. 3.10 Xerox kan de licentie voor de Software met directe ingang beindigen (i) indien u de Apparatuur niet langer gebruikt of in bezit heeft, indien u verhuurder bent van de Apparatuur en uw eerste huurder deze niet langer gebruikt of in bezit heeft, of (ii) met ingang van de beindiging van enige overeenkomst waaronder de Apparatuur is gehuurd of geleasd. 4. OVERDRACHT VAN DE SOFTWARE ONDER LICENTIE Indien u bezit van de Apparatuur overdraagt, biedt Xerox de begunstigde een licentie voor het gebruik van de Software op of bij de Apparatuur, volgens de dan van toepassing zijnde voorwaarden en licentiekosten van Xerox, mits de overdracht niet in overtreding is met de rechten van Xerox. 5. BEPERKTE GARANTIE 5.1 Xerox garandeert dat de Software bij levering aan de oorspronkelijke klant in grote mate conform is aan de Xerox Handleiding voor de gebruiker of aan andere bijgeleverde Xerox-documentatie. Xerox garandeert niet dat de Software zonder onderbrekingen of zonder fouten functioneert, noch dat deze voorziet in de behoeften van de klant. 5.2 Indien de Software niet voldoet aan de bepalingen betreffende de beperkte garantie in artikel 5.1 hierboven, heeft u geen andere rechten dan Xerox hiervan binnen negentig (90) dagen vanaf de datum van levering op de hoogte te stellen. De enige verplichting van Xerox of van de Xerox-leverancier is in redelijkheid te proberen een oplossing ter vermijding van het conformiteitsprobleem te verschaffen of om de klant Software te leveren die in grote mate conform is aan de Xerox Handleiding voor de gebruiker of aan andere door Xerox verschafte documentatie. 5.3 XEROX VERLEENT GEEN ANDERE GARANTIES OP DE "SOFTWARE", UITDRUKKELIJK NOCH IMPLICIET, NOCH OP GROND VAN WETGEVING NOCH ANDERSZINS, MET INBEGRIP VAN, MAAR NIET BEPERKT TOT ENIGE IMPLICIETE GARANTIE VOOR VERHANDELBAARHEID OF GESCHIKTHEID VOOR EEN SPECIFIEK DOELEINDE. XEROX WIJST VERDER ALLE GARANTIES OF VERKLARINGEN AF DIE ZIJN GEGEVEN DOOR PERSONEN NIET ZIJNDE XEROX (OOK GARANTIES OF VERKLARINGEN VAN BIJVOORBEELD XEROX-SOFTWAREDEALERS, TUSSENPERSONEN, LICENTIEHOUDERS OF GROOTHANDELAREN WORDEN DERHALVE DOOR XEROX AFGEWEZEN). 5.4 De uitdrukkelijke garantiebepalingen die hierboven zijn uiteengezet, verliezen hun geldigheid wanneer u verzuimt de Software op de juiste wijze te gebruiken in de correcte omgeving zoals wordt aangegeven in de door Xerox geleverde documentatie of wanneer de Software op enigerlei wijze wordt gewijzigd. 6. SCHADELOOSSTELLING BIJ SCHENDING OCTROOIRECHT EN AUTEURSRECHT Xerox zal u verdedigen en schadeloosstellen in geval van een vordering met betrekking tot schending door de Software van een octrooirecht, handelsgeheim of auteursrecht in de Verenigde Staten, indien u Xerox terstond schriftelijk op de hoogte brengt van de vermeende schending, Xerox toestemming geeft zich tegen een dergelijke vordering te verdedigen en medewerking verleent aan Xerox. Alle informatie dient te worden opgestuurd naar: Xerox Office of General Counsel, P.O. Box 1600, Stamford, Connecticut 06904, VS. Xerox is niet verantwoordelijk voor enige niet door Xerox gemaakte proceskosten of getroffen schaderegelingen, tenzij Xerox daartoe schriftelijk heeft toegestemd. Om eventuele inbreuk te voorkomen, kan Xerox, naar eigen keuze en zonder kosten voor de klant, een licentie aanschaffen, de Software wijzigen, de Software vervangen door gelijksoortige Software of de Software verwijderen. Indien de Software om deze reden door Xerox wordt verwijderd, worden de door u betaalde licentiekosten volledig terugbetaald, indien geen gedeelte van de betaalde bedragen aan Xerox binnen de transactie waarbij de Software is aangeschaft, is toegewezen als zijnde licentiekosten voor de Software, dan zal Xerox dat gedeelte van de betaalde bedragen terugbetalen waarbij Xerox bepaalt welk bedrag als redelijk kan worden gezien voor de aanwerving van de Software. Xerox is niet aansprakelijk voor inbreuk die het gevolg is van ontwerp of wijziging van de Software op basis van uw eigen specificaties (door Xerox of anderen, met inbegrip van uzelf), of die het gevolg zijn van het gebruik of de verkoop van de Software in combinatie met apparatuur, software of verbruiksartikelen die niet door Xerox zijn geleverd. XEROX BIEDT GEEN ENKELE ANDERE UITDRUKKELIJKE OF IMPLICIETE GARANTIE MET BETREKKING TOT NIET-SCHENDING VAN RECHTEN OF AANSPRAKELIJKHEID VOOR SCHENDING VAN RECHTEN OF ENIGE DAARUIT VOORTVLOEIENDE SCHADE. 7. BEPERKING VAN AANSPRAKELIJKHEID IN GEEN ENKEL GEVAL DRAAGT XEROX OF ENIGE LEVERANCIER VAN HET BEDRIJF AANSPRAKELIJKHEID VOOR ENIGE SPECIALE, INDIRECTE OF GEVOLGSCHADE (MET INBEGRIP VAN, MAAR NIET BEPERKT TOT VERLIES VAN GEGEVENS) DIE OP ENIGE MANIER VOORTKOMT UIT OF VERBAND HOUDT MET HET GEBRUIK VAN OF DE ONMOGELIJKHEID VAN HET GEBRUIK VAN DE "SOFTWARE", ZELFS INDIEN HET BEDRIJF WAS GENFORMEERD OVER DE MOGELIJKHEID VAN EEN DERGELIJKE SCHADE. VOORTS ZAL XEROX' AANSPRAKELIJKHEID VOOR DIRECTE SCHADE STEEDS BEPERKT ZIJN TOT HET TOTALE BEDRAG DAT DE KLANT VOOR DE SOFTWARELICENTIE HEEFT BETAALD. 8. BEINDIGING Xerox kan deze licentie na kennisgeving met directe ingang beindigen, indien u materieel in gebreke blijft of indien u de apparatuur waarmee de Software dient te worden gebruikt, niet langer gebruikt of in bezit heeft. In dit geval dient u alle kopien van de Software te retourneren aan Xerox en de Software te verwijderen van alle apparatuur waarop de Software door u is geladen. 9. TOEPASSELIJKE WETGEVING Deze overeenkomst wordt beheerst door de wetgeving van de staat New York, Verenigde Staten van Amerika, of door de wetgeving van het land waarin u de Document Centre-systeemapparatuur waarvoor deze Software is bedoeld, heeft aangeschaft (conflicterende bepalingen buiten beschouwing houdende). In sommige rechtsgebieden worden beperkingen met betrekking tot de lengte van een impliciete garantie of de uitsluiting of beperking van incidentele of gevolgschades niet toegestaan. Bovenstaande uitsluitingen en beperkingen kunnen mogelijk, geheel of gedeeltelijk, niet van toepassing zijn op u. 10. VOLLEDIGE OVEREENKOMST Deze licentieovereenkomst is de volledige overeenkomst tussen Xerox en u met betrekking tot de Software, en treedt in de plaats van alle eerdere of gelijktijdige voorstellen of afspraken tussen de partijen betreffende de Software. U verklaart dat alle voorwaarden en bepalingen in eventuele inkooporders of andere documenten die de klant in verband met de bestelling van het product heeft verzonden, niet bindend zijn voor Xerox en van geen enkele invloed zijn op deze overeenkomst. Indien u na het lezen van de voorwaarden en bepalingen deze niet kunt aanvaarden, dient u, om contractuele verplichtingen en aansprakelijkheid te voorkomen, de Software onmiddellijk ongebruikt te retourneren. U heeft dan recht op volledige vergoeding van de prijs die u heeft betaald voor de softwarelicentie. ====================================================================== LICENSE AGREEMENT AND WARRANTY FOR THE ENCLOSED SOFTWARE AND RELATED DOCUMENTATION YOUR LICENSE AGREEMENT - READ BEFORE INSTALLING SOFTWARE IMPORTANT: THIS AGREEMENT CONTAINS THE LICENSE TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR LICENSED SOFTWARE AND RELATED DOCUMENTATION. INSTALLING THE SOFTWARE PACKAGE SIGNIFIES YOUR ACCEPTANCE OF THIS AGREEMENT. IF YOU DO NOT ACCEPT THIS AGREEMENT, YOU MUST PROMPTLY RETURN THE SOFTWARE PACKAGE AND DELETE ANY SOFTWARE FILES ACCESSED BY YOU FROM ANY AND ALL COMPUTER MEMORY INTO WHICH SUCH SOFTWARE HAS BEEN LOADED OR STORED. WHEN USED IN THIS AGREEMENT THE WORD "XEROX" SHALL MEAN XEROX CORPORATION, ITS OPERATING COMPANY SUBSIDIARY OR AFFILIATE FROM WHICH YOU OBTAINED THE INDIVIDUAL UNIT OF THE XEROX DOCUMENT CENTRE SYSTEM EQUIPMENT (the "Equipment") WITH WHICH THE SOFTWARE IS TO BE USED, UNLESS YOU OBTAINED THE EQUIPMENT FROM AN AUTHORIZED DEALER, AGENT, CONCESSIONAIRE OR DISTRIBUTOR, IN WHICH CASE "XEROX" SHALL MEAN XEROX CORPORATION, ITS OPERATING COMPANY, SUBSIDIARY OR AFFILIATE FROM WHICH THE ENTITY THAT SOLD YOU THE EQUIPMENT ACQUIRED IT. 1. GRANT OF LICENSE Xerox hereby grants you a non-exclusive, non-transferable license to use the software and related documentation ("Software") enclosed in this package with the Equipment, for as long as you are current in the payment of any indicated software license fees (including any annual renewal or maintenance fees) on the following terms and conditions. 2. USE You may install the Software for use on any networked workstation or server only in conjunction with the Equipment. When networked, other users on the network may access and use the Software in conjunction with the Equipment. 3. OWNERSHIP, COPYING, MODIFICATION AND CONFIDENTIALITY 3.1 Xerox owns or is otherwise entitled to grant licenses in respect of all rights in the Software. 3.2 No title to or ownership of the Software or any proprietary right therein is transferred to you. 3.3 You may, subject to Section 3.4 below, make one copy of the Software in whole or in part only for that purpose expressly permitted in Section 2 above and for back-up. Such permitted copy shall include in readable format any copyright and other proprietary notices contained on the original Software. 3.4 You may copy the related documentation for use only in conjunction with the Equipment. 3.5 You may not distribute, alter or modify nor cause or allow others to alter or modify the Software. 3.6 You agree not to provide or otherwise make available the Software to anyone other than your employees and agents directly concerned with the licensed use of the Software. 3.7 The Software is protected by copyright and other proprietary rights of Xerox and/or a third party. You may be held directly responsible by such third party for an infringement of such rights by you. 3.8 You agree not to reverse engineer, decompile or disassemble the Software for any purpose whatsoever, except to the extent permitted by law. 3.9 You agree not to export or re-export the Software in any form without, in the case of a customer in the United States, first obtaining all United States government licenses, and in the case of a customer outside of the United States, all relevant foreign government licenses, required by law, and then only upon the export of the Equipment. 3.10 Xerox may terminate your license for the Software (i) immediately if you no longer use or possess the Equipment or are a lessor of the Equipment and your first lessee no longer uses or possesses it or (ii) upon the termination of any agreement under which you have rented or leased the Equipment. 4. TRANSFER OF LICENSED SOFTWARE If you transfer possession of the Equipment, Xerox will offer the transferee a license to use the Software on or with it, subject to Xerox' then applicable terms and license fees, if any, and provided the transfer is not in violation of Xerox' rights. 5. LIMITED WARRANTY 5.1 Xerox warrants that the Software shall substantially conform to Xerox' User Manual or other Xerox documentation supplied at delivery to the original Customer. Xerox does not warrant that the operation of the Software will be uninterrupted or error free, nor that it will meet your needs. 5.2 In the event that the Software does not conform to the limited warranty contained in Section 5.1 above, your exclusive remedy is to notify Xerox within ninety (90) days of the date of delivery, and Xerox' or its supplier's sole obligation shall be to use all reasonable efforts to provide a work-around which avoids the nonconformity or to provide you with Software which does substantially conform to the Xerox User Manual or other Xerox supplied documentation. 5.3 XEROX GRANTS NO OTHER WARRANTIES ON THE "SOFTWARE", EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, WHETHER CREATED BY STATUTE OR OTHERWISE, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. XEROX FURTHER DISCLAIMS ANY WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS MADE BY PERSONS OTHER THAN XEROX (INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO XEROX SOFTWARE DEALERS, AGENTS, CONCESSIONAIRES OR DISTRIBUTORS). 5.4 The express warranties set forth above shall be void if you fail to properly use the Software in the appropriate environment as specified in the Xerox supplied documentation or if the Software is modified or altered in any fashion. 6. PATENT AND COPYRIGHT INDEMNIFICATION Xerox will defend and indemnify you if the Software is alleged to infringe, in the United States, any patent, trade secret, or copyright, if you promptly notify Xerox in writing of any alleged infringement, allow Xerox to direct the defense of such claim, and cooperate with Xerox. All notices should be sent to the Xerox Office of General Counsel, P.O. Box 1600, Stamford, Connecticut 06904. Xerox is not responsible for any non-Xerox litigation expenses or settlements unless Xerox pre-approves them in writing. To avoid infringement, Xerox may, at its option, and at no charge to you, obtain a license, or modify, or substitute an equivalent of, or remove the Software. If Software is removed by Xerox for this reason, any designated license fees paid by you will be fully refunded; if no portion of the amounts paid to Xerox within the transaction in which the Software was acquired was designated as a license fee for the Software, Xerox shall refund that portion of the amounts paid that Xerox reasonably designates as associated with the Software's acquisition. Xerox is not liable for any infringement due to the Software being made or modified (by Xerox or others, including you) to your specifications, or being used or sold in combination with equipment, software, or supplies not provided by Xerox. XEROX MAKES NO OTHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTY OF NON-INFRINGEMENT OR LIABILITY FOR INFRINGEMENT OR ANY DAMAGES THEREFROM. 7. LIMITATION OF LIABILITY IN NO EVENT SHALL XEROX OR ITS SUPPLIERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, (INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, LOSS OF DATA) IN ANY WAY ARISING OUT OF OR RELATED TO THE USE OR INABILITY TO USE THE "SOFTWARE", EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. IN NO EVENT SHALL XEROX' DIRECT DAMAGES TO YOU EXCEED THE TOTAL LICENSE FEE ACTUALLY PAID BY YOU FOR SUCH SOFTWARE. 8. TERMINATION Xerox may terminate this license immediately upon notice in the event of a material breach by you or if you no longer use or possess the equipment with which this Software is intended to be used, in which event you shall return to Xerox all copies of the Software, and remove same from all equipment into which such Software may have been loaded by you. 9. GOVERNING LAW This agreement will be governed by the laws of the State of New York, USA or if you acquire the Software outside the USA, by the laws of the country in which you acquired the Document Centre System Equipment with which this software is to be used, excluding its conflict of laws provisions. Some jurisdictions do not allow limitations on how long an implied warranty lasts or the exclusion or limitation of incidental or consequential damages, so the above disclaimers, limitations or exclusions, in whole or in part, may not apply to you. 10. ENTIRE AGREEMENT This Software License Agreement is the entire agreement between Xerox and you pertaining to the Software and supersedes all proposals or prior and contemporaneous agreements or understandings of the parties regarding the Software. You agree that any terms and conditions contained in any purchase order or other ordering document submitted to order the Software shall have no binding effect on Xerox and will not modify this Agreement in any way. If, after reading the terms and conditions, they are unacceptable to you, then, to avoid contractual obligations and liability, you should promptly return the software unused, and you will then be entitled to a refund of any sums paid by you to license the Software. Title WorkCentre Pro 40 Color Version 1.2.4 Description DefaultLocation /Library/Printers/PPDs/Contents/Resources DeleteWarning ### Package Flags NeedsAuthorization YES Required NO Relocatable NO RequiresReboot NO UseUserMask NO OverwritePermissions NO InstallFat NO LA DOCUMENTATION ANNEXE. EN INSTALLANT CE LOGICIEL, LE CLIENT S'ENGAGE A RESPECTER LES TERMES ET CONDITIONS DE CETTE LICENCE. SI LE CLIENT N'ACCEPTE PAS LES CLAUSES DE CE CONTRAT, IL DOIT RETOURNER CE LOGICIEL ET EFFACER TOUS LES FICHIERS AUXQUELS IL A ACCEDE DE TOUTES LES MEMOIRES DANS LESQUELLES CE LOGICIEL A ETE CHARGE OU STOCKE. LE TERME "XEROX" TEL QU'IL EST UTILISE DANS LE PRESENT DOCUMENT DESIGNE XEROX CORPORATION OU LA FILIALE DE XEROX AUPRES DE LAQUELLE LE CLIENT A OBTENU LE PRODUIT XEROX (ci-aprs dnomm "Equipement") AVEC LEQUEL LE LOGICIEL EST UTILISE, SAUF SI LE CLIENT A OBTENU L'EQUIPEMENT AUPRES D'UN REVENDEUR, AGENT, CONCESSIONNAIRE OU DISTRIBUTEUR AGREE, AUQUEL CAS "XEROX" DESIGNE XEROX CORPORATION OU LA FILIALE DE XEROX AUPRES DE LAQUELLE L'EQUIPEMENT A ETE ACQUIS. 1. OCTROI D'UNE LICENCE Xerox consent au Client, par les prsentes, une licence non exclusive et non transfrable d'utilisation du logiciel et de la documentation (ci-aprs dnomms "Logiciel") fournis avec l'Equipement, sous rserve de paiement des droits de licence requis (y compris les droits de renouvellement annuels), selon les conditions suivantes. 2. DROIT D'UTILISATION Le Client peut installer le Logiciel, seule fin d'utilisation avec l'Equipement, sur tout serveur ou poste de travail rseau. Si l'Equipement est connect au rseau, les autres utilisateurs du rseau peuvent accder au Logiciel et l'utiliser avec l'Equipement. 3. PROPRIETE, COPIE, MODIFICATION ET CONFIDENTIALITE 3.1 Xerox est propritaire ou dispose du droit de consentir des licences portant sur tous les droits relatifs au Logiciel. 3.2 Aucun droit de proprit sur le Logiciel n'est transfr au Client. 3.3 Sous rserve de l'application de la clause 3.4, le Client peut copier le Logiciel en entier ou en partie mais seulement pour les besoins expressment noncs dans la clause 2 ci-dessus ou comme copie de sauvegarde. Chaque copie doit inclure sous une forme lisible toutes les indications tout brevet, marque ou droit d'auteur mentionns sur le Logiciel d'origine. 3.4 Le Client peut copier la documentation seule fin d'utilisation avec l'Equipement. 3.5 Le Client ne peut ni distribuer ni modifier ou changer le Logiciel ni le faire modifier par un tiers. 3.6 Le Client ne doit pas fournir ou mettre disposition le Logiciel toute personne autre que ses employs et agents directement concerns par le droit d'utilisation du Logiciel. 3.7 Le Logiciel est protg par le droit d'auteur et les autres droits de proprit de Xerox ainsi que, en fonction du type de Logiciel, d'un tiers. Le Client peut tre tenu directement responsable par ce tiers de toute violation des droits de ce dernier. 3.8 Le Client ne doit en aucun cas reconstituer la logique du programme, dcompiler ou dsassembler le Logiciel sous licence, sauf dans les limites autorises par la loi. 3.9 Le Client accepte de ne pas exporter ou rexporter le Logiciel de quelque faon que ce soit sans avoir obtenu au pralable toutes les licences des Etats-Unis ou des gouvernements trangers exiges par la loi du pays o rside le Client et sous rserve d'exportation de l'Equipement. 3.10 Xerox peut mettre fin au contrat (i) sans pravis si le Client n'utilise plus ou ne possde plus l'Equipement ou, en cas de bail, si le premier preneur ne l'utilise plus ou ne le possde plus ou (ii) la date d'expiration du contrat de location ou de leasing de l'Equipement. 4. TRANSFERT DU LOGICIEL SOUS LICENCE Si le Client transfre la proprit de l'Equipement, Xerox fournira au nouveau propritaire une"16" = "This volume does not meet the requirements for this update."; "17" = "Insufficient space for this update. 300MB of space is required."; "18" = "This Package may only be run on Mac OS X, version 10.2 or higher."; r, ni qu'il rponde aux exigences du Client. 5.2 En cas de non conformit aux conditions dfinies au paragraphe 5.1, le seul recours du Client est d'en informer Xerox dans un dlai maximum de 90 jours compter de la date de livraison, la seule obligation de Xerox ou de son fournisseur tant de fournir une correction pour annuler la non conformit, ou de remplacer le Logiciel par un Logiciel conforme aux spcifications du manuel d'utilisation ou celles de toute autre documentation fournie par Xerox. 5.3 XEROX NE FOURNIT AUCUNE AUTRE GARANTIE SUR LE "LOGICIEL", EXPRESSE OU IMPLICITE, QU'ELLE RESULTE OU NON DE LA LOI, Y COMPRIS SANS TOUTEFOIS S'Y LIMITER LA GARANTIE D'ADAPTABILITE A UNE UTILISATION PARTICULIERE. XEROX DECLINE EN OUTRE TOUTE RESPONSABILITE OU GARANTIE DONNEE PAR DES PERSONNES AUTRES QUE XEROX (Y COMPRIS SANS TOUTEFOIS S'Y LIMITER SES DISTRIBUTEURS, AGENTS, CONCESSIONNAIRES ET REVENDEURS). 5.4 Toute modification du Logiciel ou utilisation dans un environnement autre que celui dcrit dans la documentation fournie par Xerox annule les garanties stipules ci-dessus. 6. VIOLATION DES DROITS DE PROPRIETE INTELLECTUELLE Au cas o le Client serait poursuivi par des tiers sur le fondement d'une prtendue violation des droits de brevet, secret professionnel ou droits d'auteur, par le Logiciel sous licence, dans le pays d'enregistrement de la socit Xerox qui a fourni le Logiciel au Client, Xerox assumera la dfense du Client contre ces revendications et les consquences pcuniaires d'une dcision judiciaire dfinitive, la condition que le Client informe Xerox immdiatement et par crit de la prtendue violation et que le Client accepte l'intervention de Xerox et coopre au rglement d'un ventuel litige. Le courrier sera envoy Xerox Office of General Counsel, P.O. Box 1600, Stamford, Connecticut 06904. La socit Xerox ne prendra en charge que les dpenses de procdure et rglements qu'elle aura expressment accepts par crit. Afin d'viter toute infraction, mme non allgue, Xerox peut dcider, et cela sans aucun frais pour le Client, d'obtenir une licence, ou de fournir un quivalent du Logiciel, ou de modifier ou retirer le Logiciel. Dans ce dernier cas, Xerox remboursera les droits de licence pays par le Client pour ce Logiciel ; si aucune partie de la somme paye Xerox lors de la transaction au cours de laquelle le Logiciel a t acquis n'a t dsigne comme droit de licence pour le Logiciel, Xerox remboursera la partie des frais associe selon Xerox l'acquisition du Logiciel. Xerox ne rpond pas des infractions dues la modification du Logiciel (par Xerox ou toute autre personne, y compris le Client) selon les spcifications du Client ou l'utilisation conjointe du Logiciel sous licence et d'autres logiciels, matriels ou produits non fournis par Xerox. XEROX NE DONNE AUCUNE GARANTIE EXPRESSE OU TACITE DE NON VIOLATION DESDITS DROITS. SA RESPONSABILITE NE SAURAIT ETRE ENGAGEE AU TITRE D'UNE VIOLATION AUTRE QUE CELLE MENTIONNEE CI-DESSUS OU DE TOUT DOMMAGE QUI EN RESULTERAIT. 7. RESPONSABILITE LIMITEE XEROX OU SES FOURNISSEURS NE SAURAIENT ETRE TENUS POUR RESPONSABLES, SANS QUE CETTE LISTE SOIT LIMITATIVE, DES DOMMAGES INDIRECTS (Y COMPRIS LA PERTE DE DONNEES) PROVENANT DE OU LIES A L'UTILISATION OU L'IMPOSSIBILITE D'UTILISATION DU LOGICIEL, MEME SI XEROX A ETE AVISEE DE L'EVENTUALITE DE TELS DOMMAGES, A MOINS QUE LA LOI APPLICABLE AU CONTRAT N'EN DISPOSE AUTREMENT. EN TOUT ETAT DE CAUSE, LA RESPONSABILITE DE XEROX EN MATIERE DE DOMMAGES DIRECTS NE POURRA EN AUCUN CAS EXCEDER LES LICENSE AGREEMENT AND WARRANTY FOR THE ENCLOSED SOFTWARE AND RELATED DOCUMENTATION YOUR LICENSE AGREEMENT - READ BEFORE INSTALLING SOFTWARE IMPORTANT: THIS AGREEMENT CONTAINS THE LICENSE TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR LICENSED SOFTWARE AND RELATED DOCUMENTATION. INSTALLING THE SOFTWARE PACKAGE SIGNIFIES YOUR ACCEPTANCE OF THIS AGREEMENT. IF YOU DO NOT ACCEPT THIS AGREEMENT, YOU MUST PROMPTLY RETURN THE SOFTWARE PACKAGE AND DELETE ANY SOFTWARE FILES ACCESSED BY YOU FROM ANY AND ALL COMPUTER MEMORY INTO WHICH SUCH SOFTWARE HAS BEEN LOADED OR STORED. WHEN USED IN THIS AGREEMENT THE WORD "XEROX" SHALL MEAN XEROX CORPORATION, ITS OPERATING COMPANY SUBSIDIARY OR AFFILIATE FROM WHICH YOU OBTAINED THE XEROX PRODUCT WITH WHICH THE SOFTWARE IS TO BE USED (the "Equipment"), UNLESS YOU OBTAINED THE EQUIPMENT FROM AN AUTHORIZED DEALER, AGENT, CONCESSIONAIRE OR DISTRIBUTOR, IN WHICH CASE "XEROX" SHALL MEAN XEROX CORPORATION, ITS OPERATING COMPANY, SUBSIDIARY OR AFFILIATE FROM WHICH THE ENTITY THAT SOLD YOU THE EQUIPMENT ACQUIRED IT. 1. GRANT OF LICENSE Xerox hereby grants you a non-exclusive, non-transferable license to use the software and related documentation ("Software") enclosed in this package with the Equipment, for as long as you are current in the payment of any indicated software license fees (including any annual renewal or maintenance fees) on the following terms and conditions. 2. USE You may install the Software for use on any networked workstation or server only in conjunction with the Equipment. When networked, other users on the network may access and use the Software in conjunction with the Equipment. 3. OWNERSHIP, COPYING, MODIFICATION AND CONFIDENTIALITY 3.1 Xerox owns or is otherwise entitled to grant licenses in respect of all rights in the Software. 3.2 No title to or ownership of the Software or any proprietary right therein is transferred to you. 3.3 You may, subject to Section 3.4 below, make one copy of the Software in whole or in part only for that purpose expressly permitted in Section 2 above and for back-up. Such permitted copy shall include in readable format any copyright and other proprietary notices contained on the original Software. 3.4 You may copy the related documentation for use only in conjunction with the Equipment. 3.5 You may not distribute, alter or modify nor cause or allow others to alter or modify the Software. 3.6 You agree not to provide or otherwise make available the Software to anyone other than your employees and agents directly concerned with the licensed use of the Software. 3.7 The Software is protected by copyright and other proprietary rights of Xerox and/or a third party. You may be held directly responsible by such third party for an infringement of such rights by you. 3.8 You agree not to reverse engineer, decompile or disassemble the Software for any purpose whatsoever, except to the extent permitted by law. 3.9 You agree not to export or re-export the Software in any form without, in the case of a customer in the United States, first obtaining all United States government licenses, and in the case of a customer outside of the United States, all relevant foreign government licenses, required by law, and then only upon the export of the Equipment. 3.10 Xerox may terminate your license for the Software (i) immediately if you no longer use or possess the Equipment or are a lessor of the Equipment and your first lessee no longer uses or possesses it or (ii) upon the termination of any agreement under which you have rented or leased the Equipment. 4. TRANSFER OF LICENSED SOFTWARE If you transfer possession of the Equipment, Xerox will offer the transferee a license to use the Software on or with it, subject to Xerox' then applicable terms and license fees, if any, and provided the transfer is not in violation of Xerox' rights. 5. LIMITED WARRANTY 5.1 Xerox warrants that the Software shall substantially conform to Xerox' User Manual or other Xerox documentation supplied at delivery to the original Customer. Xerox does not warrant that the operation of the Software will be uninterrupted or error free, nor that it will meet your needs. 5.2 In the event that the Software does not conform to the limited warranty contained in Section 5.1 above, your exclusive remedy is to notify Xerox within ninety (90) days of the date of delivery, and Xerox' or its supplier's sole obligation shall be to use all reasonable efforts to provide a work-around which avoids the nonconformity or to provide you with Software which does substantially conform to the Xerox User Manual or other Xerox supplied documentation. 5.3 XEROX GRANTS NO OTHER WARRANTIES ON THE "SOFTWARE", EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, WHETHER CREATED BY STATUTE OR OTHERWISE, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. XEROX FURTHER DISCLAIMS ANY WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS MADE BY PERSONS OTHER THAN XEROX (INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO XEROX SOFTWARE DEALERS, AGENTS, CONCESSIONAIRES OR DISTRIBUTORS). 5.4 The express warranties set forth above shall be void if you fail to properly use the Software in the appropriate environment as specified in the Xerox supplied documentation or if the Software is modified or altered in any fashion. 6. PATENT AND COPYRIGHT INDEMNIFICATION Xerox will defend and indemnify you if the Software is alleged to infringe, in the United States, any patent, trade secret, or copyright, if you promptly notify Xerox in writing of any alleged infringement, allow Xerox to direct the defense of such claim, and cooperate with Xerox. All notices should be sent to the Xerox Office of General Counsel, P.O. Box 1600, Stamford, Connecticut 06904. Xerox is not responsible for any non-Xerox litigation expenses or settlements unless Xerox pre-approves them in writing. To avoid infringement, Xerox may, at its option, and at no charge to you, obtain a license, or modify, or substitute an equivalent of, or remove the Software. If Software is removed by Xerox for this reason, any designated license fees paid by you will be fully refunded; if no portion of the amounts paid to Xerox within the transaction in which the Software was acquired was designated as a license fee for the Software, Xerox shall refund that portion of the amounts paid that Xerox reasonably designates as associated with the Software's acquisition. Xerox is not liable for any infringement due to the Software being made or modified (by Xerox or others, including you) to your specifications, or being used or sold in combination with equipment, software, or supplies not provided by Xerox. XEROX MAKES NO OTHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTY OF NON-INFRINGEMENT OR LIABILITY FOR INFRINGEMENT OR ANY DAMAGES THEREFROM. 7. LIMITATION OF LIABILITY IN NO EVENT SHALL XEROX OR ITS SUPPLIERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, (INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, LOSS OF DATA) IN ANY WAY ARISING OUT OF OR RELATED TO THE USE OR INABILITY TO USE THE "SOFTWARE", EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. IN NO EVENT SHALL XEROX' DIRECT DAMAGES TO YOU EXCEED THE TOTAL LICENSE FEE ACTUALLY PAID BY YOU FOR SUCH SOFTWARE. 8. TERMINATION Xerox may terminate this license immediately upon notice in the event of a material breach by you or if you no longer use or possess the equipment with which this Software is intended to be used, in which event you shall return to Xerox all copies of the Software, and remove same from all equipment into which such Software may have been loaded by you. 9. GOVERNING LAW This agreement will be governed by the laws of the State of New York, USA or if you acquire the Software outside the USA, by the laws of the country in which you acquired the Equipment, excluding its conflict of laws provisions. Some jurisdictions do not allow limitations on how long an implied warranty lasts or the exclusion or limitation of incidental or consequential damages, so the above disclaimers, limitations or exclusions, in whole or in part, may not apply to you. 10. ENTIRE AGREEMENT This Software License Agreement is the entire agreement between Xerox and you pertaining to the Software and supersedes all proposals or prior and contemporaneous agreements or understandings of the parties regarding the Software. You agree that any terms and conditions contained in any purchase order or other ordering document submitted to order the Software shall have no binding effect on Xerox and will not modify this Agreement in any way. If, after reading the terms and conditions, they are unacceptable to you, then, to avoid contractual obligations and liability, you should promptly return the software unused, and you will then be entitled to a refund of any sums paid by you to license the Software. use or possess the equipment with which this Software is intended to be used, in which event you shall return to Xerox all copies of the Software, and remove same from all equipment into which such Software may have been loaded by you. 9. GOVERNING LAW This agreement will be governed by the laws of the State of New York, USA or if you acquire the Software outside the USA, by the laws of the country in which you acquired the Equipment, excluding its conflict of laws provisions. Some jurisdictions do not allow limitations on how long an implied warranty lasts or the exclusion or limitation of incidental or consequential damages, so the above disclaimers, limitations or exclusions, in whole or in part, may not apply to you. 10. ENTIRE AGREEMENT This Software License Agreement is the entire agreement between Xerox and you pertaining to the Software and supersedes all proposals or prior and contemporaneous agreements or understandings of the parties regarding the Software. You agree that any terms and conditions contained in any purchase order or other ordering document submitted to order the Software shall have no binding effect on Xerox and will not modify this Agreement in any way. If, after reading the terms and conditions, they are unacceptable to you, then, to avoid contractual obligations and liability, you should promptly return the software unused, and you will then be entitled to a refund of any sums paid by you to license the Software. Title WorkCentre Pro 40 Color Version 1.2.4 Description DefaultLocation /Library/Printers/PPDs/Contents/Resources DeleteWarning ### Package Flags NeedsAuthorization YES Required NO Relocatable NO RequiresReboot NO UseUserMask NO OverwritePermissions NO InstallFat NO "16" = "Tm taltio ei tyt pivityksen vaatimuksia."; "17" = "Pivitykselle ei ole riittvsti tilaa. Vaaditaan 300 Mt tilaa."; "18" = "Tm paketti voidaan suorittaa vain Mac OS X:ss, versiossa 10.2 tai uudemmassa."; sterior."; Tmn lisenssisopimuksen knnksen on tuottanut Xerox Europe, ja se ei ole laillisesti sitova. Knnst seuraava englanninkielinen teksti sit vastoin on laillisesti sitova. ========================================================================= LISENSSISOPIMUS JA TAKUU OHJELMISTOLLE JA SIIHEN LIITTYVLLE DOKUMENTAATIOLLE LISENSSISOPIMUS - LUKEKAA ENNEN OHJELMISTON ASENTAMISTATRKE: TM SOPIMUS SISLT LISENSOITUA OHJELMISTOA JA SIIHEN LIITTYV DOKUMENTAATIOTA KOSKEVAT LISENSSIEHDOT. OHJELMISTON ASENTAMINEN EDELLYTT JA MERKITSEE SIT, ETT HYVKSYTTE TMN SOPIMUKSEN. ELLETTE HYVKSY TT SOPIMUSTA, TEIDN ON VIIPYMTT PALAUTETTAVA OHJELMISTOPAKETTI JA HVITETTV KAIKKI KYTETTVISSNNE OLEVAT OHJELMISTOTIEDOSTOT KAIKISTA TIETOKONEIDEN MUISTILAITTEISTA, JOIHIN NE ON ASENNETTU TAI TALLENNETTU. TSS SOPIMUKSESSA "XEROX" TARKOITTAA XEROX CORPORATIONIA TAI SEN MAAN PAIKALLISTA XEROX-YHTIT, JOSTA OLETTE HANKKINUT XEROX DOCUMENT CENTRE SYSTEM -LAITTEEN ("LAITE"), JONKA YHTEYDESS OHJELMISTOA ON MR KYTT, PAITSI JOS OLETTE HANKKINUT LAITTEEN VALTUUTETULTA JLLEENMYYJLT, AGENTILTA TAI JAKELIJALTA, MISS TAPAUKSESSA "XEROX" TARKOITTAA XEROX CORPORATIONIA TAI PAIKALLISTA XEROX-YHTIT, JOSTA TEILLE LAITTEEN MYYNYT YKSIKK ON HANKKINUT LAITTEEN. 1. LISENSSIN KSITTMT OIKEUDET Xerox mynt teille seuraavassa esitettvin ehdoin lisenssin eli oikeuden kytt tmn pakkauksen sisltm ohjelmistoa ja siihen liittyv dokumentaatiota ("Ohjelmisto") Laitteen yhteydess niin kauan kuin maksatte ajallaan ohjelmistolisenssimaksut (mukaan lukien vuosittaiset pivitys- tai yllpitomaksut). Lisenssi ei mynnet yksinoikeudella, eik sit voida siirt. 2. KYTT Te saatte asentaa Ohjelmiston mihin tahansa verkkoon liitettyyn tyasemaan tai palvelimeen kytettvksi yksinomaan Laitteen yhteydess. Kun Ohjelmisto on asennettu verkkoon, verkon kyttjt saavat kytt sit Laitteen yhteydess. 3. OMISTUSOIKEUS, KOPIOINTI, MUUTTAMINEN JA LUOTTAMUKSELLISUUS 3.1 Xerox omistaa tai sill on muuten oikeus mynt kaikkia Ohjelmistoon liittyvi oikeuksia koskevat lisenssit. 3.2 Sopimus ei siirr teille mitn Ohjelmistoon liittyvi omistus-, tekijn- tai muita oikeuksia. 3.3 Te saatte, alla kohdassa 3.4 sanottu huomioon ottaen, tehd yhden kopion koko Ohjelmistosta tai sen osasta vain yll kohdassa 2 nimenomaisesti mainittuun tarkoitukseen ja varmuuskopioksi. Tllaisessa sallitussa kopiossa on oltava luettavassa muodossa kaikki alkuperisen Ohjelmiston sisltmt tekijnoikeutta ja omistusoikeutta koskevat tiedot. 3.4 Te saatte kopioida ohjelmistoon liittyvn dokumentaation kytettvksi yksinomaan Laitteen yhteydess. 3.5 Te ette saa luovuttaa edelleen, muuttaa ettek muokata Ohjelmistoa ettek antaa muiden muuttaa tai muokata sit. 3.6 Te sitoudutte olemaan antamatta Ohjelmistoa muiden kuin sellaisten tyntekijittenne tai edustajienne kyttn tai saataville, jotka suoraan osallistuvat Ohjelmiston lisenssinmukaiseen kyttn. 3.7 Ohjelmisto on suojattu Xeroxille ja/tai kolmannelle osapuolelle kuuluvilla tekijn- ja muilla oikeuksilla. Tllainen kolmas osapuoli voi suoraankin esitt vaatimuksia teit kohtaan, mikli te loukkaatte kyseisi oikeuksia. 3.8 Te sitoudutte olemaan kntmtt Ohjelmiston koodia tai purkamatta sit mihinkn tarkoitukseen paitsi lain sallimissa rajoissa. 3.9 Te sitoudutte olemaan viemtt Ohjelmistoa maasta missn muodossa ilman lain mahdollisesti edellyttmi Yhdysvaltojen tai muun valtion viranomaisten myntmi lupia ja silloinkin vain Laitteen ulkomaille vientiin liittyen. 3.10 Xerox voi ptt tmn lisenssin voimassaolon (i) vlittmsti, jos te ette en kyt tai teidn hallussanne ei ole Laitetta tai olette Laitteen vuokralleantaja ja ensimminen Laitteen vuokralleottaja ei en kyt tai hnen hallussaan ei ole Laitetta, tai (ii) teidn tekemnne Laitetta koskevan vuokrasopimuksen pttyess. 4. LISENSOIDUN OHJELMISTON SIIRTMINEN Jos siirrtte Laitteen omistusoikeuden, Xerox tarjoaa siirron saajalle oikeuden kytt Ohjelmistoa Laitteessa tai Laitteen yhteydess Xeroxin kyseisen aikana voimassa olevien ehtojen ja mahdollisten lisenssimaksujen mukaisesti, edellytten ett siirto ei vaaranna Xeroxin oikeuksia. 5. RAJOITETTU TAKUU 5.1 Xerox takaa, ett alkuperiselle Asiakkaalle toimitettaessa Ohjelmisto on olennaisilta osiltaan Xeroxin Kyttjn ksikirjan tai muun Xeroxin toimittaman dokumentaation mukainen. Xerox ei takaa Ohjelmiston keskeytyksetnt tai virheetnt toimintaa eik sen soveltuvuutta teidn kytttarkoitukseenne. 5.2 Mikli Ohjelmisto ei ole yll kohdassa 5.1 mainitun rajoitetun takuun mukainen, teidn tulee ilmoittaa siit Xeroxille yhdeksnkymmenen (90) pivn kuluessa toimituspivst, jolloin Xerox tai sen jlleenmyyj on velvollinen kaikin kohtuudella kytettvissn olevin keinoin osoittamaan menetelmn, jolla edell mainittu poikkeavuus vltetn, tai toimittamaan teille sellaisen Ohjelmiston, joka on olennaisilta osiltaan Xeroxin Kyttjn ksikirjan tai muun Xeroxin toimittaman dokumentaation mukainen. Teill ei ole muita oikeuksia eik Xeroxilla ole muita velvollisuuksia Ohjelmiston virheisiin liittyen. 5.3 XEROX EI MYNN "OHJELMISTOLLE" MITN MUUTA SUORAA TAI EPSUORAA, LAKIIN TAI MUUHUN PERUSTUVAA TAKUUTA, EIK XEROX TAKAA TAI SEN OLE KATSOTTAVA TAKAAVAN "OHJELMISTON" KURANTTIUTTA TAI SEN SOVELTUVUUTTA JOHONKIN TIETTYYN TARKOITUKSEEN. XEROX EI MYSKN VASTAA MUIDEN KUIN XEROXIN ANTAMISTA SITOUMUKSISTA TAI TAKUISTA (KOSKIEN MYS XEROX-OHJELMISTOJEN JLLEENMYYJI, AGENTTEJA TAI JAKELIJOITA HEIHIN RAJOITTUMATTA). 5.4 Yll mainitut nimenomaiset takuut raukeavat, mikli te ette kyt Ohjelmistoa oikein ja Xeroxin toimittaman dokumentaation osoittamassa asianmukaisessa ympristss tai mikli Ohjelmistoa muokataan tai muutetaan milln tavalla. 6. PATENTTI- JA TEKIJNOIKEUKSIA KOSKEVAT VAATEET Xerox puolustaa teit ja korvaa teille mahdolliset vahingot, mikli Ohjelmiston vitetn loukkaavan patentti- tai tekijnoikeutta tai liikesalaisuutta Yhdysvalloissa. Tm kuitenkin edellytt, ett te vlittmsti ja kirjallisesti ilmoitatte Xeroxille kaikista vitetyist oikeudenloukkauksista, annatte Xeroxin huolehtia puolustuksesta ja toimitte yhteistyss Xeroxin kanssa. Kaikki ilmoitukset on lhetettv osoitteella: Xerox Office of General Counsel, P.O. Box 1600, Stamford, Connecticut 06904, USA. Xerox ei vastaa Xeroxiin liittymttmist oikeudenkyntikuluista tai sovintoratkaisuista, ellei Xerox ole etukteen hyvksynyt niit kirjallisesti. Oikeudenloukkauksien vlttmiseksi Xerox voi halutessaan ja ilman teille koituvia kustannuksia hankkia lisenssin tai muokata Ohjelmistoa, korvata Ohjelmiston vastaavalla tai poistaa Ohjelmiston. Jos Xerox poistaa Ohjelmiston tst syyst, teille palautetaan teidn maksamanne osoitetut lisenssimaksut tysimrisin; jos mitn osaa Xeroxille maksetuista maksuista, jotka liittyvt Ohjelmiston hankintaan, ei ole osoitettu Ohjelmiston lisenssimaksuksi, Xerox palauttaa maksuista osan, jonka Xerox kohtuudella katsoo liittyneen Ohjelmiston hankintaan. Xerox ei vastaa oikeudenloukkauksista, jotka johtuvat siit, ett Ohjelmisto on tehty tai ett sit on muokattu teidn mritystenne mukaisesti (Xeroxin tai muiden toimesta, te mukaan lukien) tai ett Ohjelmistoa on kytetty tai se on myyty sellaisten laitteiden, ohjelmistojen tai tarvikkeiden yhteydess, joita Xerox ei ole toimittanut. XEROX EI ANNA MITN MUUTA SUORAA TAI EPSUORAA TAKUUTA SIIT, ETT OHJELMISTO EI LOUKKAA TSS MAINITTUJA OIKEUKSIA, EIK HYVKSY MITN MUUTA TAI LAAJEMPAA VASTUUTA LOUKKAUSTEN AIHEUTTAMISTA VAHINGOISTA. 7. VASTUUN RAJOITUS XEROX TAI SEN JLLEENMYYJT EIVT MISSN TAPAUKSESSA VASTAA MISTN VLILLISIST TAI EPSUORISTA TAI ERITYISIST VAHINGOISTA (MUKAAN LUKIEN TIETOJEN MENETYS RAJOITUKSETTA), JOTKA MILLN TAVALLA JOHTUVAT "OHJELMISTON" KYTST TAI KYKENEMTTMYYDEST KYTT "OHJELMISTOA", VAIKKA TLLAISTEN VAHINKOJEN MAHDOLLISUUDESTA OLISI ILMOITETTU. MISSN TAPAUKSESSA XEROXIN KORVAUSVELVOLLISUUS VLITTMIST VAHINGOISTA EI YLIT TEIDN OHJELMISTOSTA MAKSAMAANNE KOKONAISLISENSSIMAKSUA. 8. LISENSSIN PTTYMINEN Xerox voi ptt tmn lisenssin voimassaolon vlittmsti, mikli te olennaisesti rikotte sen ehtoja tai ette en kyt tai teidn hallussanne ei ole Laitetta, jossa tm Ohjelmisto on tarkoitettu kytettvksi. Teidn on tllin palautettava Xeroxille kaikki Ohjelmiston kopiot ja poistettava ne kaikista laitteista, joihin olette ne asentanut. 9. SOVELLETTAVA LAKI Thn sopimukseen sovelletaan Suomen lakia (lainvalintaan liittyvi sntj lukuun ottamatta), edellytten ett olette hankkinut Ohjelmiston kanssa kytettvn Document Centre System -laitteen Suomesta Xerox Oy:lt tai sen valtuuttamalta taholta, mutta muussa tapauksessa thn sopimukseen sovelletaan Yhdysvaltain New Yorkin osavaltion lakia. 10. KOKO SOPIMUS Tm ohjelmistolisenssisopimus on Xeroxin ja teidn vlinen Ohjelmistoa koskeva koko sopimus. Se korvaa kaikki Ohjelmistoa koskevat ehdotukset tai aiemmat sopimukset tai vlipuheet osapuolten vlill. Te hyvksytte sen, ett mitkn teidn tilaukseenne liittyvn asiakirjan ehdot eivt sido Xeroxia eivtk vaikuta milln tavalla thn sopimukseen. Jos ehdot luettuanne ette hyvksy niit, teidn on sopimussidonnaisuuden vlttksenne palautettava Ohjelmisto vlittmsti kyttmttmn. Tllin teill on oikeus saada takaisin kaikki Ohjelmiston kyttoikeudesta maksamanne maksut. ====================================================================== LICENSE AGREEMENT AND WARRANTY FOR THE ENCLOSED SOFTWARE AND RELATED DOCUMENTATION YOUR LICENSE AGREEMENT - READ BEFORE INSTALLING SOFTWARE IMPORTANT: THIS AGREEMENT CONTAINS THE LICENSE TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR LICENSED SOFTWARE AND RELATED DOCUMENTATION. INSTALLING THE SOFTWARE PACKAGE SIGNIFIES YOUR ACCEPTANCE OF THIS AGREEMENT. IF YOU DO NOT ACCEPT THIS AGREEMENT, YOU MUST PROMPTLY RETURN THE SOFTWARE PACKAGE AND DELETE ANY SOFTWARE FILES ACCESSED BY YOU FROM ANY AND ALL COMPUTER MEMORY INTO WHICH SUCH SOFTWARE HAS BEEN LOADED OR STORED. WHEN USED IN THIS AGREEMENT THE WORD "XEROX" SHALL MEAN XEROX CORPORATION, ITS OPERATING COMPANY SUBSIDIARY OR AFFILIATE FROM WHICH YOU OBTAINED THE INDIVIDUAL UNIT OF THE XEROX DOCUMENT CENTRE SYSTEM EQUIPMENT (the "Equipment") WITH WHICH THE SOFTWARE IS TO BE USED, UNLESS YOU OBTAINED THE EQUIPMENT FROM AN AUTHORIZED DEALER, AGENT, CONCESSIONAIRE OR DISTRIBUTOR, IN WHICH CASE "XEROX" SHALL MEAN XEROX CORPORATION, ITS OPERATING COMPANY, SUBSIDIARY OR AFFILIATE FROM WHICH THE ENTITY THAT SOLD YOU THE EQUIPMENT ACQUIRED IT. 1. GRANT OF LICENSE Xerox hereby grants you a non-exclusive, non-transferable license to use the software and related documentation ("Software") enclosed in this package with the Equipment, for as long as you are current in the payment of any indicated software license fees (including any annual renewal or maintenance fees) on the following terms and conditions. 2. USE You may install the Software for use on any networked workstation or server only in conjunction with the Equipment. When networked, other users on the network may access and use the Software in conjunction with the Equipment. 3. OWNERSHIP, COPYING, MODIFICATION AND CONFIDENTIALITY 3.1 Xerox owns or is otherwise entitled to grant licenses in respect of all rights in the Software. 3.2 No title to or ownership of the Software or any proprietary right therein is transferred to you. 3.3 You may, subject to Section 3.4 below, make one copy of the Software in whole or in part only for that purpose expressly permitted in Section 2 above and for back-up. Such permitted copy shall include in readable format any copyright and other proprietary notices contained on the original Software. 3.4 You may copy the related documentation for use only in conjunction with the Equipment. 3.5 You may not distribute, alter or modify nor cause or allow others to alter or modify the Software. 3.6 You agree not to provide or otherwise make available the Software to anyone other than your employees and agents directly concerned with the licensed use of the Software. 3.7 The Software is protected by copyright and other proprietary rights of Xerox and/or a third party. You may be held directly responsible by such third party for an infringement of such rights by you. 3.8 You agree not to reverse engineer, decompile or disassemble the Software for any purpose whatsoever, except to the extent permitted by law. 3.9 You agree not to export or re-export the Software in any form without, in the case of a customer in the United States, first obtaining all United States government licenses, and in the case of a customer outside of the United States, all relevant foreign government licenses, required by law, and then only upon the export of the Equipment. 3.10 Xerox may terminate your license for the Software (i) immediately if you no longer use or possess the Equipment or are a lessor of the Equipment and your first lessee no longer uses or possesses it or (ii) upon the termination of any agreement under which you have rented or leased the Equipment. 4. TRANSFER OF LICENSED SOFTWARE If you transfer possession of the Equipment, Xerox will offer the transferee a license to use the Software on or with it, subject to Xerox' then applicable terms and license fees, if any, and provided the transfer is not in violation of Xerox' rights. 5. LIMITED WARRANTY 5.1 Xerox warrants that the Software shall substantially conform to Xerox' User Manual or other Xerox documentation supplied at delivery to the original Customer. Xerox does not warrant that the operation of the Software will be uninterrupted or error free, nor that it will meet your needs. 5.2 In the event that the Software does not conform to the limited warranty contained in Section 5.1 above, your exclusive remedy is to notify Xerox within ninety (90) days of the date of delivery, and Xerox' or its supplier's sole obligation shall be to use all reasonable efforts to provide a work-around which avoids the nonconformity or to provide you with Software which does substantially conform to the Xerox User Manual or other Xerox supplied documentation. 5.3 XEROX GRANTS NO OTHER WARRANTIES ON THE "SOFTWARE", EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, WHETHER CREATED BY STATUTE OR OTHERWISE, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. XEROX FURTHER DISCLAIMS ANY WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS MADE BY PERSONS OTHER THAN XEROX (INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO XEROX SOFTWARE DEALERS, AGENTS, CONCESSIONAIRES OR DISTRIBUTORS). 5.4 The express warranties set forth above shall be void if you fail to properly use the Software in the appropriate environment as specified in the Xerox supplied documentation or if the Software is modified or altered in any fashion. 6. PATENT AND COPYRIGHT INDEMNIFICATION Xerox will defend and indemnify you if the Software is alleged to infringe, in the United States, any patent, trade secret, or copyright, if you promptly notify Xerox in writing of any alleged infringement, allow Xerox to direct the defense of such claim, and cooperate with Xerox. All notices should be sent to the Xerox Office of General Counsel, P.O. Box 1600, Stamford, Connecticut 06904. Xerox is not responsible for any non-Xerox litigation expenses or settlements unless Xerox pre-approves them in writing. To avoid infringement, Xerox may, at its option, and at no charge to you, obtain a license, or modify, or substitute an equivalent of, or remove the Software. If Software is removed by Xerox for this reason, any designated license fees paid by you will be fully refunded; if no portion of the amounts paid to Xerox within the transaction in which the Software was acquired was designated as a license fee for the Software, Xerox shall refund that portion of the amounts paid that Xerox reasonably designates as associated with the Software's acquisition. Xerox is not liable for any infringement due to the Software being made or modified (by Xerox or others, including you) to your specifications, or being used or sold in combination with equipment, software, or supplies not provided by Xerox. XEROX MAKES NO OTHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTY OF NON-INFRINGEMENT OR LIABILITY FOR INFRINGEMENT OR ANY DAMAGES THEREFROM. 7. LIMITATION OF LIABILITY IN NO EVENT SHALL XEROX OR ITS SUPPLIERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, (INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, LOSS OF DATA) IN ANY WAY ARISING OUT OF OR RELATED TO THE USE OR INABILITY TO USE THE "SOFTWARE", EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. IN NO EVENT SHALL XEROX' DIRECT DAMAGES TO YOU EXCEED THE TOTAL LICENSE FEE ACTUALLY PAID BY YOU FOR SUCH SOFTWARE. 8. TERMINATION Xerox may terminate this license immediately upon notice in the event of a material breach by you or if you no longer use or possess the equipment with which this Software is intended to be used, in which event you shall return to Xerox all copies of the Software, and remove same from all equipment into which such Software may have been loaded by you. 9. GOVERNING LAW This agreement will be governed by the laws of the State of New York, USA or if you acquire the Software outside the USA, by the laws of the country in which you acquired the Document Centre System Equipment with which this software is to be used, excluding its conflict of laws provisions. Some jurisdictions do not allow limitations on how long an implied warranty lasts or the exclusion or limitation of incidental or consequential damages, so the above disclaimers, limitations or exclusions, in whole or in part, may not apply to you. 10. ENTIRE AGREEMENT This Software License Agreement is the entire agreement between Xerox and you pertaining to the Software and supersedes all proposals or prior and contemporaneous agreements or understandings of the parties regarding the Software. You agree that any terms and conditions contained in any purchase order or other ordering document submitted to order the Software shall have no binding effect on Xerox and will not modify this Agreement in any way. If, after reading the terms and conditions, they are unacceptable to you, then, to avoid contractual obligations and liability, you should promptly return the software unused, and you will then be entitled to a refund of any sums paid by you to license the Software. unused, and you will then be entitled to a refund of any sums paid by you to license the Software. Title WorkCentre Pro 40 Color Version 1.2.4 Description DefaultLocation /Library/Printers/PPDs/Contents/Resources DeleteWarning ### Package Flags NeedsAuthorization YES Required NO Relocatable NO RequiresReboot NO UseUserMask NO OverwritePermissions NO InstallFat NO "16" = "Ce volume ne remplit pas les conditions requises pour cette mise jour."; "17" = "Espace insuffisant. Cette mise jour requiert au moins 300 Mo d espace disponible."; "18" = "Ce progiciel ne peut tre excut que sur Mac OS X, version 10.2 ou ultrieure."; La traduction de ce contrat de licence d'utilisation a t fournie par Xerox Europe et n'oblige pas en droit. Le texte anglais qui suit la traduction a une valeur juridique. ================================================================== CONTRAT DE LICENCE ET GARANTIE POUR LE LOGICIEL ET LA DOCUMENTATION VEUILLEZ LIRE LE CONTRAT DE LICENCE CI-APRES AVANT D'INSTALLER LE LOGICIEL IMPORTANT : CE CONTRAT CONTIENT LES CONDITIONS AUX TERMES DESQUELLES EST CONFERE LE DROIT D'UTILISATION DU LOGICIEL ET DE LA DOCUMENTATION ANNEXE. EN INSTALLANT CE LOGICIEL, LE CLIENT S'ENGAGE A RESPECTER LES TERMES ET CONDITIONS DE CETTE LICENCE. SI LE CLIENT N'ACCEPTE PAS LES CLAUSES DE CE CONTRAT, IL DOIT RETOURNER CE LOGICIEL ET EFFACER TOUS LES FICHIERS AUXQUELS IL A ACCEDE DE TOUTES LES MEMOIRES DANS LESQUELLES CE LOGICIEL A ETE CHARGE OU STOCKE. LE TERME "XEROX" TEL QU'IL EST UTILISE DANS LE PRESENT DOCUMENT DESIGNE XEROX CORPORATION OU LA FILIALE DE XEROX AUPRES DE LAQUELLE LE CLIENT A OBTENU LE PRODUIT XEROX (ci-aprs dnomm "Equipement") AVEC LEQUEL LE LOGICIEL EST UTILISE, SAUF SI LE CLIENT A OBTENU L'EQUIPEMENT AUPRES D'UN REVENDEUR, AGENT, CONCESSIONNAIRE OU DISTRIBUTEUR AGREE, AUQUEL CAS "XEROX" DESIGNE XEROX CORPORATION OU LA FILIALE DE XEROX AUPRES DE LAQUELLE L'EQUIPEMENT A ETE ACQUIS. 1. OCTROI D'UNE LICENCE Xerox consent au Client, par les prsentes, une licence non exclusive et non transfrable d'utilisation du logiciel et de la documentation (ci-aprs dnomms "Logiciel") fournis avec l'Equipement, sous rserve de paiement des droits de licence requis (y compris les droits de renouvellement annuels), selon les conditions suivantes. 2. DROIT D'UTILISATION Le Client peut installer le Logiciel, seule fin d'utilisation avec l'Equipement, sur tout serveur ou poste de travail rseau. Si l'Equipement est connect au rseau, les autres utilisateurs du rseau peuvent accder au Logiciel et l'utiliser avec l'Equipement. 3. PROPRIETE, COPIE, MODIFICATION ET CONFIDENTIALITE 3.1 Xerox est propritaire ou dispose du droit de consentir des licences portant sur tous les droits relatifs au Logiciel. 3.2 Aucun droit de proprit sur le Logiciel n'est transfr au Client. 3.3 Sous rserve de l'application de la clause 3.4, le Client peut copier le Logiciel en entier ou en partie mais seulement pour les besoins expressment noncs dans la clause 2 ci-dessus ou comme copie de sauvegarde. Chaque copie doit inclure sous une forme lisible toutes les indications tout brevet, marque ou droit d'auteur mentionns sur le Logiciel d'origine. 3.4 Le Client peut copier la documentation seule fin d'utilisation avec l'Equipement. 3.5 Le Client ne peut ni distribuer ni modifier ou changer le Logiciel ni le faire modifier par un tiers. 3.6 Le Client ne doit pas fournir ou mettre disposition le Logiciel toute personne autre que ses employs et agents directement concerns par le droit d'utilisation du Logiciel. 3.7 Le Logiciel est protg par le droit d'auteur et les autres droits de proprit de Xerox ainsi que, en fonction du type de Logiciel, d'un tiers. Le Client peut tre tenu directement responsable par ce tiers de toute violation des droits de ce dernier. 3.8 Le Client ne doit en aucun cas reconstituer la logique du programme, dcompiler ou dsassembler le Logiciel sous licence, sauf dans les limites autorises par la loi. 3.9 Le Client accepte de ne pas exporter ou rexporter le Logiciel de quelque faon que ce soit sans avoir obtenu au pralable toutes les licences des Etats-Unis ou des gouvernements trangers exiges par la loi du pays o rside le Client et sous rserve d'exportation de l'Equipement. 3.10 Xerox peut mettre fin au contrat (i) sans pravis si le Client n'utilise plus ou ne possde plus l'Equipement ou, en cas de bail, si le premier preneur ne l'utilise plus ou ne le possde plus ou (ii) la date d'expiration du contrat de location ou de leasing de l'Equipement. 4. TRANSFERT DU LOGICIEL SOUS LICENCE Si le Client transfre la proprit de l'Equipement, Xerox fournira au nouveau propritaire une licence d'utilisation pour le Logiciel, selon les conditions applicables par Xerox et, le cas chant, moyennant des droits de licence, sous rserve que le transfert n'entrane pas une violation des droits de Xerox. 5. GARANTIE LIMITEE 5.1 Xerox garantit que le Logiciel est conforme aux spcifications du manuel d'utilisation ou celles de toute autre documentation fournie par Xerox la livraison au premier Client. Xerox ne garantit pas que le Logiciel fonctionnera de faon ininterrompue ou sans erreur, ni qu'il rponde aux exigences du Client. 5.2 En cas de non conformit aux conditions dfinies au paragraphe 5.1, le seul recours du Client est d'en informer Xerox dans un dlai maximum de 90 jours compter de la date de livraison, la seule obligation de Xerox ou de son fournisseur tant de fournir une correction pour annuler la non conformit, ou de remplacer le Logiciel par un Logiciel conforme aux spcifications du manuel d'utilisation ou celles de toute autre documentation fournie par Xerox. 5.3 XEROX NE FOURNIT AUCUNE AUTRE GARANTIE SUR LE "LOGICIEL", EXPRESSE OU IMPLICITE, QU'ELLE RESULTE OU NON DE LA LOI, Y COMPRIS SANS TOUTEFOIS S'Y LIMITER LA GARANTIE D'ADAPTABILITE A UNE UTILISATION PARTICULIERE. XEROX DECLINE EN OUTRE TOUTE RESPONSABILITE OU GARANTIE DONNEE PAR DES PERSONNES AUTRES QUE XEROX (Y COMPRIS SANS TOUTEFOIS S'Y LIMITER SES DISTRIBUTEURS, AGENTS, CONCESSIONNAIRES ET REVENDEURS). 5.4 Toute modification du Logiciel ou utilisation dans un environnement autre que celui dcrit dans la documentation fournie par Xerox annule les garanties stipules ci-dessus. 6. VIOLATION DES DROITS DE PROPRIETE INTELLECTUELLE Au cas o le Client serait poursuivi par des tiers sur le fondement d'une prtendue violation des droits de brevet, secret professionnel ou droits d'auteur, par le Logiciel sous licence, dans le pays d'enregistrement de la socit Xerox qui a fourni le Logiciel au Client, Xerox assumera la dfense du Client contre ces revendications et les consquences pcuniaires d'une dcision judiciaire dfinitive, la condition que le Client informe Xerox immdiatement et par crit de la prtendue violation et que le Client accepte l'intervention de Xerox et coopre au rglement d'un ventuel litige. Le courrier sera envoy Xerox Office of General Counsel, P.O. Box 1600, Stamford, Connecticut 06904. La socit Xerox ne prendra en charge que les dpenses de procdure et rglements qu'elle aura expressment accepts par crit. Afin d'viter toute infraction, mme non allgue, Xerox peut dcider, et cela sans aucun frais pour le Client, d'obtenir une licence, ou de fournir un quivalent du Logiciel, ou de modifier ou retirer le Logiciel. Dans ce dernier cas, Xerox remboursera les droits de licence pays par le Client pour ce Logiciel ; si aucune partie de la somme paye Xerox lors de la transaction au cours de laquelle le Logiciel a t acquis n'a t dsigne comme droit de licence pour le Logiciel, Xerox remboursera la partie des frais associe selon Xerox l'acquisition du Logiciel. Xerox ne rpond pas des infractions dues la modification du Logiciel (par Xerox ou toute autre personne, y compris le Client) selon les spcifications du Client ou l'utilisation conjointe du Logiciel sous licence et d'autres logiciels, matriels ou produits non fournis par Xerox. XEROX NE DONNE AUCUNE GARANTIE EXPRESSE OU TACITE DE NON VIOLATION DESDITS DROITS. SA RESPONSABILITE NE SAURAIT ETRE ENGAGEE AU TITRE D'UNE VIOLATION AUTRE QUE CELLE MENTIONNEE CI-DESSUS OU DE TOUT DOMMAGE QUI EN RESULTERAIT. 7. RESPONSABILITE LIMITEE XEROX OU SES FOURNISSEURS NE SAURAIENT ETRE TENUS POUR RESPONSABLES, SANS QUE CETTE LISTE SOIT LIMITATIVE, DES DOMMAGES INDIRECTS (Y COMPRIS LA PERTE DE DONNEES) PROVENANT DE OU LIES A L'UTILISATION OU L'IMPOSSIBILITE D'UTILISATION DU LOGICIEL, MEME SI XEROX A ETE AVISEE DE L'EVENTUALITE DE TELS DOMMAGES, A MOINS QUE LA LOI APPLICABLE AU CONTRAT N'EN DISPOSE AUTREMENT. EN TOUT ETAT DE CAUSE, LA RESPONSABILITE DE XEROX EN MATIERE DE DOMMAGES DIRECTS NE POURRA EN AUCUN CAS EXCEDER LES DROITS DE LICENCE PAYES PAR LE CLIENT POUR L'ACHAT DE CE LOGICIEL. 8. FIN DU CONTRAT Xerox peut mettre fin au contrat sans pravis en cas de manquement du Client l'une quelconque de ses obligations ou si le Client n'utilise ou ne possde plus l'quipement pour lequel le Logiciel devait tre utilis. Dans ce cas, le Client devra retourner Xerox toutes les copies du Logiciel et retirer ce dernier de tous les quipements sur lesquels il a pu tre charg par le Client. 9. LOI APPLICABLE Le prsent contrat est rgi par les lois de l'tat de New York, Etats-Unis, ou du pays d'enregistrement de la socit Xerox qui a fourni l'quipement, nonobstant tout conflit de dispositions lgales. Certaines juridictions ne permettent pas la limitation de dure d'une garantie implicite ou l'exclusion ou la limitation de responsabilit relative aux dommages indirects ou conscutifs. Certaines clauses ci-dessus peuvent donc en tout ou partie ne pas s'appliquer votre gard. 10. PORTEE DU CONTRAT Le prsent Contrat constitue l'intgralit de l'accord entre Xerox et le Client concernant le Logiciel et remplace toutes les propositions ou accords antrieurs ou actuels des parties concernant le logiciel. Il annule ce que le Client accepte, l'application de tous les termes et conditions contenus dans un bon de commande du Client pass dans le cadre des prsentes. Si, aprs avoir lu les conditions du prsent contrat, le Client les juge inacceptables, il doit, pour viter les obligations contractuelles, retourner promptement le Logiciel inutilis. Il aura alors droit au remboursement des sommes qu'il a payes pour obtenir le droit d'utiliser le logiciel. ====================================================================== LICENSE AGREEMENT AND WARRANTY FOR THE ENCLOSED SOFTWARE AND RELATED DOCUMENTATION YOUR LICENSE AGREEMENT - READ BEFORE INSTALLING SOFTWARE IMPORTANT: THIS AGREEMENT CONTAINS THE LICENSE TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR LICENSED SOFTWARE AND RELATED DOCUMENTATION. INSTALLING THE SOFTWARE PACKAGE SIGNIFIES YOUR ACCEPTANCE OF THIS AGREEMENT. IF YOU DO NOT ACCEPT THIS AGREEMENT, YOU MUST PROMPTLY RETURN THE SOFTWARE PACKAGE AND DELETE ANY SOFTWARE FILES ACCESSED BY YOU FROM ANY AND ALL COMPUTER MEMORY INTO WHICH SUCH SOFTWARE HAS BEEN LOADED OR STORED. WHEN USED IN THIS AGREEMENT THE WORD "XEROX" SHALL MEAN XEROX CORPORATION, ITS OPERATING COMPANY SUBSIDIARY OR AFFILIATE FROM WHICH YOU OBTAINED THE XEROX PRODUCT WITH WHICH THE SOFTWARE IS TO BE USED (the "Equipment"), UNLESS YOU OBTAINED THE EQUIPMENT FROM AN AUTHORIZED DEALER, AGENT, CONCESSIONAIRE OR DISTRIBUTOR, IN WHICH CASE "XEROX" SHALL MEAN XEROX CORPORATION, ITS OPERATING COMPANY, SUBSIDIARY OR AFFILIATE FROM WHICH THE ENTITY THAT SOLD YOU THE EQUIPMENT ACQUIRED IT. 1. GRANT OF LICENSE Xerox hereby grants you a non-exclusive, non-transferable license to use the software and related documentation ("Software") enclosed in this package with the Equipment, for as long as you are current in the payment of any indicated software license fees (including any annual renewal or maintenance fees) on the following terms and conditions. 2. USE You may install the Software for use on any networked workstation or server only in conjunction with the Equipment. When networked, other users on the network may access and use the Software in conjunction with the Equipment. 3. OWNERSHIP, COPYING, MODIFICATION AND CONFIDENTIALITY 3.1 Xerox owns or is otherwise entitled to grant licenses in respect of all rights in the Software. 3.2 No title to or ownership of the Software or any proprietary right therein is transferred to you. 3.3 You may, subject to Section 3.4 below, make one copy of the Software in whole or in part only for that purpose expressly permitted in Section 2 above and for back-up. Such permitted copy shall include in readable format any copyright and other proprietary notices contained on the original Software. 3.4 You may copy the related documentation for use only in conjunction with the Equipment. 3.5 You may not distribute, alter or modify nor cause or allow others to alter or modify the Software. 3.6 You agree not to provide or otherwise make available the Software to anyone other than your employees and agents directly concerned with the licensed use of the Software. 3.7 The Software is protected by copyright and other proprietary rights of Xerox and/or a third party. You may be held directly responsible by such third party for an infringement of such rights by you. 3.8 You agree not to reverse engineer, decompile or disassemble the Software for any purpose whatsoever, except to the extent permitted by law. 3.9 You agree not to export or re-export the Software in any form without, in the case of a customer in the United States, first obtaining all United States government licenses, and in the case of a customer outside of the United States, all relevant foreign government licenses, required by law, and then only upon the export of the Equipment. 3.10 Xerox may terminate your license for the Software (i) immediately if you no longer use or possess the Equipment or are a lessor of the Equipment and your first lessee no longer uses or possesses it or (ii) upon the termination of any agreement under which you have rented or leased the Equipment. 4. TRANSFER OF LICENSED SOFTWARE If you transfer possession of the Equipment, Xerox will offer the transferee a license to use the Software on or with it, subject to Xerox' then applicable terms and license fees, if any, and provided the transfer is not in violation of Xerox' rights. 5. LIMITED WARRANTY 5.1 Xerox warrants that the Software shall substantially conform to Xerox' User Manual or other Xerox documentation supplied at delivery to the original Customer. Xerox does not warrant that the operation of the Software will be uninterrupted or error free, nor that it will meet your needs. 5.2 In the event that the Software does not conform to the limited warranty contained in Section 5.1 above, your exclusive remedy is to notify Xerox within ninety (90) days of the date of delivery, and Xerox' or its supplier's sole obligation shall be to use all reasonable efforts to provide a work-around which avoids the nonconformity or to provide you with Software which does substantially conform to the Xerox User Manual or other Xerox supplied documentation. 5.3 XEROX GRANTS NO OTHER WARRANTIES ON THE "SOFTWARE", EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, WHETHER CREATED BY STATUTE OR OTHERWISE, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. XEROX FURTHER DISCLAIMS ANY WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS MADE BY PERSONS OTHER THAN XEROX (INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO XEROX SOFTWARE DEALERS, AGENTS, CONCESSIONAIRES OR DISTRIBUTORS). 5.4 The express warranties set forth above shall be void if you fail to properly use the Software in the appropriate environment as specified in the Xerox supplied documentation or if the Software is modified or altered in any fashion. 6. PATENT AND COPYRIGHT INDEMNIFICATION Xerox will defend and indemnify you if the Software is alleged to infringe, in the United States, any patent, trade secret, or copyright, if you promptly notify Xerox in writing of any alleged infringement, allow Xerox to direct the defense of such claim, and cooperate with Xerox. All notices should be sent to the Xerox Office of General Counsel, P.O. Box 1600, Stamford, Connecticut 06904. Xerox is not responsible for any non-Xerox litigation expenses or settlements unless Xerox pre-approves them in writing. To avoid infringement, Xerox may, at its option, and at no charge to you, obtain a license, or modify, or substitute an equivalent of, or remove the Software. If Software is removed by Xerox for this reason, any designated license fees paid by you will be fully refunded; if no portion of the amounts paid to Xerox within the transaction in which the Software was acquired was designated as a license fee for the Software, Xerox shall refund that portion of the amounts paid that Xerox reasonably designates as associated with the Software's acquisition. Xerox is not liable for any infringement due to the Software being made or modified (by Xerox or others, including you) to your specifications, or being used or sold in combination with equipment, software, or supplies not provided by Xerox. XEROX MAKES NO OTHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTY OF NON-INFRINGEMENT OR LIABILITY FOR INFRINGEMENT OR ANY DAMAGES THEREFROM. 7. LIMITATION OF LIABILITY IN NO EVENT SHALL XEROX OR ITS SUPPLIERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, (INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, LOSS OF DATA) IN ANY WAY ARISING OUT OF OR RELATED TO THE USE OR INABILITY TO USE THE "SOFTWARE", EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. IN NO EVENT SHALL XEROX' DIRECT DAMAGES TO YOU EXCEED THE TOTAL LICENSE FEE ACTUALLY PAID BY YOU FOR SUCH SOFTWARE. 8. TERMINATION Xerox may terminate this license immediately upon notice in the event of a material breach by you or if you no longer use or possess the equipment with which this Software is intended to be used, in which event you shall return to Xerox all copies of the Software, and remove same from all equipment into which such Software may have been loaded by you. 9. GOVERNING LAW This agreement will be governed by the laws of the State of New York, USA or if you acquire the Software outside the USA, by the laws of the country in which you acquired the Equipment, excluding its conflict of laws provisions. Some jurisdictions do not allow limitations on how long an implied warranty lasts or the exclusion or limitation of incidental or consequential damages, so the above disclaimers, limitations or exclusions, in whole or in part, may not apply to you. 10. ENTIRE AGREEMENT This Software License Agreement is the entire agreement between Xerox and you pertaining to the Software and supersedes all proposals or prior and contemporaneous agreements or understandings of the parties regarding the Software. You agree that any terms and conditions contained in any purchase order or other ordering document submitted to order the Software shall have no binding effect on Xerox and will not modify this Agreement in any way. If, after reading the terms and conditions, they are unacceptable to you, then, to avoid contractual obligations and liability, you should promptly return the software unused, and you will then be entitled to a refund of any sums paid by you to license the Software. osals or prior and contemporaneous agreements or understandings of the parties regarding the Software. You agree that any terms and conditions contained in any purchase order or other ordering document submitted to order the Software shall have no binding effect on Xerox and will not modify this Agreement in any way. If, after reading the terms and conditions, they are unacceptable to you, then, to avoid contractual obligations and liability, you should promptly return the software unused, and you will then be entitled to a refund of any sums paid by you to license the Software. Title WorkCentre Pro 40 Color Version 1.2.4 Description DefaultLocation /Library/Printers/PPDs/Contents/Resources DeleteWarning ### Package Flags NeedsAuthorization YES Required NO Relocatable NO RequiresReboot NO UseUserMask NO OverwritePermissions NO InstallFat NO "16" = "Este volumen no cumple los requisitos para instalar esta actualizacin."; "17" = "No hay espacio suficiente para instalar esta actualizacin: se requieren 300 MB."; "18" = "Este paquete slo puede ejecutarse en el Mac OS X 10.2 o en una versin posterior."; La traduccin de este acuerdo de licencia la proporciona Xerox Europe y no tiene fuerza legal. El texto en ingls, incluido a continuacin del texto traducido, tiene fuerza legal. ======================================================================= CONTRATO DE LICENCIA Y GARANTA DEL SOFTWARE INCLUIDO EN ESTE PAQUETE Y LA DOCUMENTACIN RELACIONADA CONTRATO DE LICENCIA. LALO ANTES DE INSTALAR EL SOFTWARE. IMPORTANTE: ESTE CONTRATO CONTIENE LOS TRMINOS Y CONDICIONES DE LA LICENCIA PARA EL SOFTWARE CEDIDO EN LICENCIA Y LA DOCUMENTACIN RELACIONADA. SI INSTALA EL SOFTWARE SIGNIFICA QUE ACEPTA EL CONTRATO. SI NO ACEPTA EL CONTRATO, DEBE DEVOLVER EL PAQUETE DE SOFTWARE SIN USARLO Y ELIMINAR TODOS LOS ARCHIVOS DE SOFTWARE A LOS QUE HAYA ACCEDIDO EN CUALQUIERA Y TODAS LAS MEMORIAS DE LOS SISTEMAS INFORMTICOS EN LOS QUE HAYA CARGADO O ALMACENADO DICHO SOFTWARE. LA PALABRA "XEROX", CUANDO SE UTILIZA EN ESTE CONTRATO, SIGNIFICAR XEROX CORPORATION, SU COMPAA OPERATIVA, FILIAL O ASOCIADA DE LA QUE HA OBTENIDO EL PRODUCTO XEROX (el "Equipo") CON EL QUE SE VAYA A UTILIZAR EL SOFTWARE, A MENOS QUE HAYA ADQUIRIDO EL EQUIPO A TRAVS DE UN DISTRIBUIDOR, CONCESIONARIO O AGENTE AUTORIZADO, EN CUYO CASO, "XEROX" SIGNIFICAR XEROX CORPORATION, SU COMPAA OPERATIVA, FILIAL O ASOCIADA DE LA QUE OBTUVO EL EQUIPO LA ENTIDAD QUE SE LO HA VENDIDO. 1. CONCESIN DE LICENCIA Por el presente contrato Xerox le concede una licencia no exclusiva e intransferible para utilizar el software y la documentacin relacionada ("Software"), incluidos en este paquete, con el Equipo, siempre que est al corriente en el pago de los derechos de licencia, si los hay (incluida la cuota anual de renovacin, si hay), sujeto a los trminos y condiciones siguientes: 2. UTILIZACIN Puede instalar el Software para utilizarlo en cualquier estacin de trabajo o servidor conectado en red solamente en combinacin con el Equipo. Cuando est conectado en red, otros usuarios de la red pueden acceder al Software y utilizarlo en combinacin con el Equipo. 3. PROPIEDAD, COPIAS, MODIFICACIONES Y CONFIDENCIALIDAD 3.1 Xerox posee todos los derechos del Software, o de lo contrario tiene derecho a conceder licencias en relacin con el Software. 3.2 No se le transfiere la propiedad del Software ni ningn derecho de propiedad de l. 3.3 Puede, de acuerdo con la seccin 3.4 siguiente, hacer una copia de todo o parte del Software slo con el fin expresamente permitido en la seccin 2 ms arriba y para tener copia de seguridad. Dicha copia permitida incluir en formato legible cualquier aviso de derechos de autor (copyright) y otros avisos de propiedad que haya en el Software original. 3.4 Puede copiar la documentacin relacionada solamente para utilizarla en combinacin con el Equipo. 3.5 No puede distribuir, ni alterar ni modificar el software, ni hacer ni permitir que otros lo alteren o modifiquen. 3.6 Acepta no proveer ni poner el Software a disposicin de nadie excepto sus empleados y agentes directamente afectados por el uso bajo licencia del Software. 3.7 El Software est protegido por los derechos de autor y otros derechos de propiedad de Xerox y/o una tercera parte. Dicha tercera parte puede considerarle responsable de una infraccin de dichos derechos por parte de usted. 3.8 Acepta no realizar ingeniera inversa, descompilar ni desensamblar el Software por ningn motivo, excepto en la medida que lo permita la ley. 3.9 Acepta no exportar o reexportar el Software de ninguna manera sin primero obtener, en el caso de un cliente de los Estados Unidos, todas las licencias necesarias de las autoridades de los Estados Unidos, y en el caso de un cliente de fuera de los Estados Unidos, todas las licencias pertinentes de las autoridades del pas correspondiente, exigidas por la ley, y an as la exportacin ser nicamente junto con la exportacin del Equipo. 3.10 Xerox podr terminar la licencia del Software (i) inmediatamente si ya no utiliza o no posee el Equipo, o si es un arrendador del Equipo y su primer arrendatario ya no utiliza o no posee el Equipo o (ii) al concluir el contrato de arrendamiento o concesin del Equipo 4. TRANSFERENCIA DEL SOFTWARE BAJO LICENCIA Si transfiere la propiedad del Equipo, Xerox ofrecer al cesionario una licencia para utilizar el Software con l o en l, sujeto a los trminos y derechos de licencia, si los hubiera, de Xerox aplicables en aquel momento y siempre que la transferencia no infrinja los derechos de Xerox. 5. GARANTA LIMITADA 5.1 Xerox garantiza que el Software se ajustar substancialmente al Manual del usuario de Xerox, u otra documentacin de Xerox, suministrado en el momento de la entrega al Cliente original. Xerox no garantiza que el funcionamiento del Software ser ininterrumpido o libre de errores, ni que satisfar sus requisitos. 5.2 En caso de que el Software no se ajuste a la garanta limitada expresada en la seccin 5.1 anterior, la nica solucin del Cliente ser notificarlo a Xerox en el plazo de noventa (90) das a partir de la fecha de entrega y la nica obligacin de Xerox o de su proveedor ser realizar todos los esfuerzos razonables para proveer una solucin que haga que el software se ajuste a la garanta limitada, o proveer al Cliente con un Software que se ajuste substancialmente al Manual del usuario de Xerox u otra documentacin Xerox suministrada. 5.3 XEROX NO CONCEDE NINGUNA OTRA GARANTA DEL "SOFTWARE", NI EXPRESA NI PRESUPUESTA, ESTATUTARIA NI DE OTRO TIPO, INCLUIDAS SIN LIMITACIN LAS GARANTAS PRESUPUESTAS DE SER APTO PARA EL COMERCIO Y ADECUADO PARA UN FIN DETERMINADO. XEROX ADEMS DECLINA LA RESPONSABILIDAD DE CUALESQUIERA GARANTAS DADAS POR PERSONAS APARTE DE XEROX (INCLUIDOS PERO NO LIMITADOS A ELLOS LOS DISTRIBUIDORES, AGENTES Y CONCESIONARIOS DEL SOFTWARE XEROX). 5.4 Las garantas expresas enunciadas ms arriba sern nulas si no utiliza debidamente el Software en el entorno apropiado como se especifique en la documentacin de Xerox suministrada o si el Software se modifica o altera de alguna manera. 6. INDEMNIZACIN POR PATENTE Y DERECHOS DE AUTOR Xerox defender e indemnizar al Cliente si se alega que el Software infringe, en los Estados Unidos, cualquier patente, secreto comercial o derechos de autor, siempre que el Cliente avise por escrito a Xerox con prontitud de cualquier supuesta infraccin, permita que Xerox defienda dicha alegacin y coopere con Xerox. Todas las notificaciones debern enviarse a Xerox Office of General Counsel, P.O. Box 1600, Stamford, Connecticut 06904, Estados Unidos. Xerox no es responsable de ningn gasto o pago por litigios ajenos a Xerox a menos que Xerox conceda su acuerdo por escrito. Para evitar infracciones, Xerox puede, a su discrecin, y sin ningn cargo al Cliente, obtener una licencia o modificar, sustituir con uno equivalente, o retirar el Software. Si Xerox retira el Software por este motivo, se le reembolsar al Cliente la cantidad total designada como derechos de licencia, si se design; si no se design ninguna proporcin de las cantidades abonadas a Xerox en la operacin de adquisicin del Software como derechos de licencia, Xerox reembolsar la proporcin de las cantidades abonadas que Xerox designe razonablemente como relacionadas con la adquisicin del Software. Xerox no es responsable de ninguna infraccin cometida debido a que el Software se haga o modifique (por Xerox u otros, incluido el Cliente) segn las especificaciones del Cliente, o se utilice o venda en combinacin con equipo, software o suministros no provistos por Xerox. XEROX NO CONCEDE NINGUNA OTRA GARANTA, NI EXPRESA NI IMPLCITA, DE NO-INFRACCIN O DE RESPONSABILIDAD POR INFRACCIN O POR CUALQUIER DAO QUE SE ORIGINE DE ELLO. 7. LIMITACIN DE RESPONSABILIDAD EN NINGN CASO NI XEROX NI SUS PROVEEDORES SERN RESPONSABLES DE LOS DAOS ESPECIALES, INDIRECTOS, INCIDENTALES, CONSECUENTES (INCLUIDA SIN LIMITACIN LA PRDIDA DE DATOS) QUE SE DERIVEN DE ALGUNA MANERA O ESTN RELACIONADOS CON EL USO O LA IMPOSIBILIDAD DE USAR EL "SOFTWARE", INCLUSO SI SE HA AVISADO DE LA POSIBILIDAD DE DICHOS DAOS. EN NINGN CASO, LA RESPONSABILIDAD POR LOS DAOS DIRECTOS DE XEROX AL CLIENTE EXCEDER EL IMPORTE TOTAL DE LA LICENCIA ABONADO POR EL CLIENTE POR DICHA LICENCIA DE USO DEL SOFTWARE. 8. TERMINACIN Xerox podr terminar esta licencia de inmediato mediante aviso, en caso de infraccin importante por parte de usted, o si ya no usa o posee el equipo con el que debe utilizarse este Software, en cuyo caso deber devolver a Xerox todas las copias del Software y retirar el mismo de todos los equipos donde lo haya cargado. 9. LEY APLICABLE Este contrato se regir por las leyes del Estado de Nueva York, Estados Unidos o, si adquiri el Software fuera de los Estados Unidos, por las leyes del pas donde adquiri el Equipo, exceptuando la aplicacin de sus normas de conflictos de leyes. En algunas jurisdicciones no se permite la limitacin de duracin de una garanta implcita, ni la exclusin o limitacin de daos incidentales o consecuentes y, por tanto, las limitaciones y exclusiones anteriores pudieran no ser aplicables en su caso, en su totalidad o en parte. 10. INTEGRIDAD DEL CONTRATO El presente contrato de licencia de uso del Software es el acuerdo total entre Xerox y usted en relacin con el Software, y sustituye a todos los acuerdos o arreglos anteriores y actuales entre las partes respecto al Software. Acepta que los trminos y condiciones relacionados con el Software contenidos en cualquier orden de compra del Cliente u otro documento de pedido enviado para encargar el Software no tendrn efecto para Xerox y no modificarn este Contrato en ningn sentido. Si, despus de leer los trminos y condiciones, stos le fueran inaceptables, deber devolver inmediatamente el software sin utilizarlo para evitar obligaciones y responsabilidades contractuales, y tendr derecho al reembolso de las cantidades que haya abonado para obtener la licencia del Software. ====================================================================== LICENSE AGREEMENT AND WARRANTY FOR THE ENCLOSED SOFTWARE AND RELATED DOCUMENTATION YOUR LICENSE AGREEMENT - READ BEFORE INSTALLING SOFTWARE IMPORTANT: THIS AGREEMENT CONTAINS THE LICENSE TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR LICENSED SOFTWARE AND RELATED DOCUMENTATION. INSTALLING THE SOFTWARE PACKAGE SIGNIFIES YOUR ACCEPTANCE OF THIS AGREEMENT. IF YOU DO NOT ACCEPT THIS AGREEMENT, YOU MUST PROMPTLY RETURN THE SOFTWARE PACKAGE AND DELETE ANY SOFTWARE FILES ACCESSED BY YOU FROM ANY AND ALL COMPUTER MEMORY INTO WHICH SUCH SOFTWARE HAS BEEN LOADED OR STORED. WHEN USED IN THIS AGREEMENT THE WORD "XEROX" SHALL MEAN XEROX CORPORATION, ITS OPERATING COMPANY SUBSIDIARY OR AFFILIATE FROM WHICH YOU OBTAINED THE XEROX PRODUCT WITH WHICH THE SOFTWARE IS TO BE USED (the "Equipment"), UNLESS YOU OBTAINED THE EQUIPMENT FROM AN AUTHORIZED DEALER, AGENT, CONCESSIONAIRE OR DISTRIBUTOR, IN WHICH CASE "XEROX" SHALL MEAN XEROX CORPORATION, ITS OPERATING COMPANY, SUBSIDIARY OR AFFILIATE FROM WHICH THE ENTITY THAT SOLD YOU THE EQUIPMENT ACQUIRED IT. 1. GRANT OF LICENSE Xerox hereby grants you a non-exclusive, non-transferable license to use the software and related documentation ("Software") enclosed in this package with the Equipment, for as long as you are current in the payment of any indicated software license fees (including any annual renewal or maintenance fees) on the following terms and conditions. 2. USE You may install the Software for use on any networked workstation or server only in conjunction with the Equipment. When networked, other users on the network may access and use the Software in conjunction with the Equipment. 3. OWNERSHIP, COPYING, MODIFICATION AND CONFIDENTIALITY 3.1 Xerox owns or is otherwise entitled to grant licenses in respect of all rights in the Software. 3.2 No title to or ownership of the Software or any proprietary right therein is transferred to you. 3.3 You may, subject to Section 3.4 below, make one copy of the Software in whole or in part only for that purpose expressly permitted in Section 2 above and for back-up. Such permitted copy shall include in readable format any copyright and other proprietary notices contained on the original Software. 3.4 You may copy the related documentation for use only in conjunction with the Equipment. 3.5 You may not distribute, alter or modify nor cause or allow others to alter or modify the Software. 3.6 You agree not to provide or otherwise make available the Software to anyone other than your employees and agents directly concerned with the licensed use of the Software. 3.7 The Software is protected by copyright and other proprietary rights of Xerox and/or a third party. You may be held directly responsible by such third party for an infringement of such rights by you. 3.8 You agree not to reverse engineer, decompile or disassemble the Software for any purpose whatsoever, except to the extent permitted by law. 3.9 You agree not to export or re-export the Software in any form without, in the case of a customer in the United States, first obtaining all United States government licenses, and in the case of a customer outside of the United States, all relevant foreign government licenses, required by law, and then only upon the export of the Equipment. 3.10 Xerox may terminate your license for the Software (i) immediately if you no longer use or possess the Equipment or are a lessor of the Equipment and your first lessee no longer uses or possesses it or (ii) upon the termination of any agreement under which you have rented or leased the Equipment. 4. TRANSFER OF LICENSED SOFTWARE If you transfer possession of the Equipment, Xerox will offer the transferee a license to use the Software on or with it, subject to Xerox' then applicable terms and license fees, if any, and provided the transfer is not in violation of Xerox' rights. 5. LIMITED WARRANTY 5.1 Xerox warrants that the Software shall substantially conform to Xerox' User Manual or other Xerox documentation supplied at delivery to the original Customer. Xerox does not warrant that the operation of the Software will be uninterrupted or error free, nor that it will meet your needs. 5.2 In the event that the Software does not conform to the limited warranty contained in Section 5.1 above, your exclusive remedy is to notify Xerox within ninety (90) days of the date of delivery, and Xerox' or its supplier's sole obligation shall be to use all reasonable efforts to provide a work-around which avoids the nonconformity or to provide you with Software which does substantially conform to the Xerox User Manual or other Xerox supplied documentation. 5.3 XEROX GRANTS NO OTHER WARRANTIES ON THE "SOFTWARE", EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, WHETHER CREATED BY STATUTE OR OTHERWISE, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. XEROX FURTHER DISCLAIMS ANY WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS MADE BY PERSONS OTHER THAN XEROX (INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO XEROX SOFTWARE DEALERS, AGENTS, CONCESSIONAIRES OR DISTRIBUTORS). 5.4 The express warranties set forth above shall be void if you fail to properly use the Software in the appropriate environment as specified in the Xerox supplied documentation or if the Software is modified or altered in any fashion. 6. PATENT AND COPYRIGHT INDEMNIFICATION Xerox will defend and indemnify you if the Software is alleged to infringe, in the United States, any patent, trade secret, or copyright, if you promptly notify Xerox in writing of any alleged infringement, allow Xerox to direct the defense of such claim, and cooperate with Xerox. All notices should be sent to the Xerox Office of General Counsel, P.O. Box 1600, Stamford, Connecticut 06904. Xerox is not responsible for any non-Xerox litigation expenses or settlements unless Xerox pre-approves them in writing. To avoid infringement, Xerox may, at its option, and at no charge to you, obtain a license, or modify, or substitute an equivalent of, or remove the Software. If Software is removed by Xerox for this reason, any designated license fees paid by you will be fully refunded; if no portion of the amounts paid to Xerox within the transaction in which the Software was acquired was designated as a license fee for the Software, Xerox shall refund that portion of the amounts paid that Xerox reasonably designates as associated with the Software's acquisition. Xerox is not liable for any infringement due to the Software being made or modified (by Xerox or others, including you) to your specifications, or being used or sold in combination with equipment, software, or supplies not provided by Xerox. XEROX MAKES NO OTHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTY OF NON-INFRINGEMENT OR LIABILITY FOR INFRINGEMENT OR ANY DAMAGES THEREFROM. 7. LIMITATION OF LIABILITY IN NO EVENT SHALL XEROX OR ITS SUPPLIERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, (INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, LOSS OF DATA) IN ANY WAY ARISING OUT OF OR RELATED TO THE USE OR INABILITY TO USE THE "SOFTWARE", EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. IN NO EVENT SHALL XEROX' DIRECT DAMAGES TO YOU EXCEED THE TOTAL LICENSE FEE ACTUALLY PAID BY YOU FOR SUCH SOFTWARE. 8. TERMINATION Xerox may terminate this license immediately upon notice in the event of a material breach by you or if you no longer use or possess the equipment with which this Software is intended to be used, in which event you shall return to Xerox all copies of the Software, and remove same from all equipment into which such Software may have been loaded by you. 9. GOVERNING LAW This agreement will be governed by the laws of the State of New York, USA or if you acquire the Software outside the USA, by the laws of the country in which you acquired the Equipment, excluding its conflict of laws provisions. Some jurisdictions do not allow limitations on how long an implied warranty lasts or the exclusion or limitation of incidental or consequential damages, so the above disclaimers, limitations or exclusions, in whole or in part, may not apply to you. 10. ENTIRE AGREEMENT This Software License Agreement is the entire agreement between Xerox and you pertaining to the Software and supersedes all proposals or prior and contemporaneous agreements or understandings of the parties regarding the Software. You agree that any terms and conditions contained in any purchase order or other ordering document submitted to order the Software shall have no binding effect on Xerox and will not modify this Agreement in any way. If, after reading the terms and conditions, they are unacceptable to you, then, to avoid contractual obligations and liability, you should promptly return the software unused, and you will then be entitled to a refund of any sums paid by you to license the Software. Title WorkCentre Pro 40 Color Version 1.2.4 Description DefaultLocation /Library/Printers/PPDs/Contents/Resources DeleteWarning ### Package Flags NeedsAuthorization YES Required NO Relocatable NO RequiresReboot NO UseUserMask NO OverwritePermissions NO InstallFat NO "16" = "Den hr skivan uppfyller inte kraven fr den hr uppdateringen."; "17" = "Otillrckligt utrymme. Den hr uppdateringen krver 300 MB ledigt utrymme."; "18" = "Det hr paketet kan endast anvndas p Mac OS X, version 10.2 eller senare."; versttningen av detta licensavtal har utfrts av Xerox, Europa, och r inte juridiskt bindande. Den engelska texten efter den versatta texten r dock juridiskt bindande. ======================================================================= DETTA R DITT LICENSAVTAL SOM REGLERAR DIN ANVNDNING AV PROGRAMVARAN - LS AVTALET INNAN DU PPNAR PROGRAMVARUFRPACKNINGEN ELLER ANVNDER PROGRAMMET OBS! DETTA AVTAL ANGER LICENSVILLKOREN FR DEN BIFOGADE LICENSIERADE PROGRAMVARAN OCH TILLHRANDE DOKUMENTATION. OM DU BRYTER PROGRAMVARUFRPACKNINGEN ANSES DU HA ACCEPTERAT AVTALET, SVIDA INTE XEROX INSTALLERAR PROGRAMMET, I VILKET FALL DU ACCEPTERAR AVTALET NR DU BRJAR ANVNDA PROGRAMMET. OM DU INTE ACCEPTERAR AVTALET, MSTE DU SNARAST RETURNERA PROGRAMVARUFRPACKNINGEN OANVND. OM XEROX INSTALLERAR PROGRAMMET, MSTE DU RETURNERA PROGRAMVARUFRPACKNINGEN OCH RADERA EVENTUELLA PROGRAMVARUFILER UR ALLA DATORMINNEN I VILKA SDAN PROGRAMVARA HAR INSTALLERATS ELLER LAGRATS. I DETTA AVTAL AVSES MED "XEROX" XEROX CORPORATION, DOTTERBOLAG TILL XEROX CORPORATION ELLER ANNAT ANSLUTET FRETAG FRN VILKET DU ERHLL DIN UTRUSTNING I SERIEN XEROX DOCUMENT CENTRE ("Utrustning") I VILKEN PROGRAMVARAN SKA INSTALLERAS. OM DU ERHLL UTRUSTNINGEN FRN EN AUKTORISERAD TERFRSLJARE, AGENT, DISTRIBUTR ELLER ANNAN MELLANMAN, AVSES MED "XEROX" XEROX CORPORATION, DESS DOTTERBOLAG ELLER ANNAT ANSLUTET FRETAG FRN VILKET DET FRETAG, SOM SLDE UTRUSTNINGEN TILL DIG, HADE ERHLLIT UTRUSTNINGEN. 1. NYTTJANDERTT Xerox upplter hrmed till dig en icke-exklusiv, icke verltbar rtt att anvnda datorprogrammet och till-hrande dokumentation som ingr i detta paket ("Programvaran"), p en enskild Utrustning, vilket ven avser ntverksansluten Utrustning, s lnge du vid rtt tid erlgger alla indikerade licensavgifter (inklusive eventuella rliga fortsttningsavgifter) och fljer avtalade villkor fr nyttjandet. Nyttjandet skall ske p fljande villkor. 2. ANVNDNING Du kan installera Programvaran fr anvndning i varje ntverksansluten arbetsstation eller server, dock endast i samband med Utrustningen. Ntverksansluten kan andra anvndare p ntverket anvnda Programvaran i anslutning till Utrustningen. 3. GANDERTT, KOPIERING, NDRING OCH SEKRETESS 3.1 Xerox ger eller har p annat stt rtt att utfrda licenser betrffande alla rttigheter till Programvaran. 3.2 Ingen gandertt till Programvaran eller annan form av gande verfrs drmed till dig. 3.3 Du kan, enligt punkt 3.4 nedan, gra en kopia av Programvaran, i sin helhet eller delar drav fr syfte uttryckligen uttalat i punkt 2 ovan och fr back-up. Sdan tillten kopia skall inkludera copyright och andra ganderttsnoteringar i lsbart format som finns i Programvarans original. 3.4 Du kan kopiera tillhrande dokumentation endast fr anvndning tillsammans med Utrustningen. 3.5 Du fr inte distribuera, omarbeta eller ndra, ej heller bist eller tillta andra att omarbeta eller ndra Programvaran. 3.6 Du tar dig ocks att inte tillhandahlla eller p annat stt gra Programvaran tillgnglig fr andra n dina anstllda och representanter som direkt berrs av licensierad anvndning av Programvaran. 3.7 Programvaran och annan gandertt r genom copyright skyddad av Xerox och/eller annan tredjepart mot vertrdelse av sdana rttigheter och du kommer att hllas direkt ansvarig i sdant fall. 3.8 Du tar dig ocks att inte framstlla derivat, dekompilera eller backassemblera, oavsett anledning, frutom i de fall som tillts av lagstiftning. 3.9 Du tar dig ocks att inte exportera eller terexportera Programvaran i ngon form utan att frst erhlla alla exportlicenser och i s fall endast tillsammans med export av Utrustningen. 3.10 Xerox kan omedelbart upphva din licens fr Programvaran (i) om du inte lngre anvnder eller ger Utrustningen eller leasar Utrustningen och din leasetagare inte lngre anvnder eller innehar den eller (ii) om avtalet enligt vilket du har hyrt eller leasat Utrustningen upphr att glla. 4. VERFRING AV LICENCIERAD PROGRAMVARA Om du verfr gandertten av Utrustningen, kommer Xerox att erbjuda den nya garen rtt att anvnda Programvaran i Utrustningen i enlighet med Xerox gllande villkor och eventuella licensavgifter och frutsatt att verfringen inte strider mot Xerox rttigheter. 5. BEGRNSAD GARANTI 5.1 Xerox garanterar att Programvaran i allt vsentligt kommer att fungera i verensstmmelse med av Xerox utgivna specifikationer under en period p 90 dagar frn det datum d den levereras eller, i fall av Programvara installeras av Xerox, det datum d Programvaran installeras. Varken Xerox eller dess licensgivare garanterar att Programvaran r felfri, att den kan anvndas utan avbrott eller att den uppfyller dina behov. 5.2 I den hndelse att Programvaran inte r i verensstmmelse med den begrnsade garantin angiven i punkt 5.1 ovan, skall du reklamera felet till Xerox inom nittio (90) dagar frn leveransdatum eller, om Xerox har installerat Programvaran, inom nittio (90) dagar efter installationen. Den exklusiva pfljden och Xerox eller dess leverantrs enda skyldighet r att vidta rimliga tgrder fr att kringg avvikelsen eller fr att tillhandahlla programvara som vsentligen verensstmmer med Xerox anvndarmanual eller annan dokumentation levererad av Xerox. 5.3 XEROX GER INGA ANDRA, UTTRYCKLIGA ELLER UNDERFRSTDDA, GARANTIER FR "PROGRAMVARAN", OAVSETT OM DE UPPSTR P GRUND AV LAG ELLER P ANNAT STT, INKLUDERANDE MEN INTE BEGRNSAT TILL UNDERFRSTDDA GARANTIER FR SLJBARHET OCH ANVNDBARHET FR ETT VISST NDAML. VIDARE FRNSGER SIG XEROX EVENTUELLA GARANTIER ELLER UTFSTELSER SOM HAR GJORTS AV ANDRA PERSONER N BEHRIG XEROX PERSONAL (INKLUSIVE MEN INTE BEGRNSAT TILL XEROX TERFRSLJARE AV PROGRAMVARA, AGENTER, DISTRIBUTR ELLER ANNAN MELLANMAN). 5.4 De uttryckliga garantierna angivna ovan gller inte om Kunden inte anvnder Programvaran p rtt stt och i enlighet med Xerox instruktioner samt i avsedd systemmilj enligt specifikationer i dokumentationen frn Xerox eller om Programvaran ndras p ngot stt. 6. INTRNG I PATENT OCH UPPHOVSRTT Xerox kommer att frsvara och erstta Kunden om Programvaran psts krnka amerikanskt patent, rtt till fretagshemlighet eller upphovsrtt, om Kunden omedelbart skriftligen meddelar Xerox om det pstdda intrnget, lter Xerox handlgga rendet och samarbetar med Xerox. Alla rapporter om intrng skall skickas till Xerox, Office of General Counsel, P.O. Box 1600, Stamford, Connecticut 06904, USA. Xerox ansvarar inte fr ombudskostnad eller andra rttsliga kostnader som inte r hnfrliga till Xerox eller fr uppgrelse om inte Xerox skriftligen har godknt den i frvg. Fr att undvika att intrng freligger, kan Xerox, enligt eget val och utan kostnad fr Kunden, frvrva en licens eller ndra eller erstta Programvaran med likvrdig produkt eller terta Programvaran. Om Programvaran tertas av Xerox av denna anledning, terbetalas eventuella avgifter som specificerats som licensavgift vilka du har betalt. Om ingen del av beloppen, som betalades till Xerox i samband med avtalet genom vilket Programvaran frvrvades av dig var specificerad som licensavgift fr Programvaran, terbetalar Xerox den delen av de betala beloppen som Xerox rimligen kan specificera som tillhrande frvrvet av licensen fr Programvaran. Xerox ansvarar inte fr eventuellt intrng orsakad av ndring eller anpassning av Programvaran (av Xerox eller andra inklusive Kunden) enligt Kundens specifikationer, eller genom anvndning eller frsljning i kombination med utrustning, programvara eller frbrukningsmaterial som inte levererats av Xerox. XEROX GER INGEN ANNAN UTTRYCKLIG ELLER UNDERFRSTDD GARANTI AVSEENDE ATT PROGRAMVARAN INTE GR INTRNG I NGON RTTIGHET OCH HAR INTE HELLER NGOT ANNAT ANSVAR N VAD SOM SGS I DENNA PUNKT FR INTRNG I TREDJE MANS RTTIGHET ELLER DRIGENOM UPPSTTT SKADESTND. 7. ANSVARSBEGRNSNING UNDER INGA OMSTNDIGHETER ANSVARAR XEROX ELLER DESS LEVERANTRER FR FLJDSKADA, UTEBLIVEN VINST ELLER ANNAN INDIREKT FRLUST (INKLUDERANDE MEN INTE BEGRNSAT TILL FRLUST ELLER FRVANSKNING AV DATA) SOM P NGOT STT HAR ORSAKATS AV ELLER R FRKNIPPAD MED ANVNDNING ELLER OANVNDBARHET AV "PROGRAMVARAN". DETTA GLLER VEN OM XEROX INFORMERATS OM MJLIGHETEN AV SDAN SKADA. XEROX ANSVAR R BEGRNSAT TILL DIREKT FRLUSTER TILL ETT BELPOPP SOM HGST UPPGR TILL DEN TOTALA LICENSAVGIFTEN SOM HAR BETALATS AV KUNDEN FR SDAN PROGRAMVARA. 8. UPPSGNING Xerox kan omedelbart upphva din licens fr Programvaran om du inte lngre anvnder eller ger Utrustningen eller leasar Utrustningen och din leasetagare inte lngre anvnder eller innehar den eller om avtalet enligt vilket du har hyrt eller leasat Utrustningen upphr att glla. 9. GLLANDE LAG Fr detta avtal skall lagstiftningen i delstaten New York, USA vara tillmplig, eller, om Programvaran frvrvades utanfr USA, lagstiftningen i landet dr du frvrvade Utrustningen i serien Document Centre fr vilken Programvaran skall anvndas, dock inte detta lands lagstiftning om tillmplig lag. I vissa lnder tillts inte begrnsning av hur lnge en underfrstdd garanti r gllande eller uteslutande eller begrnsning av tillfllig eller fljdskada. I sdant fall berrs inte Kunden av ovanstende friskrivningar eller begrnsningar i den utstrckning tvingande lag uttrycklingen inte inte medger sdan regleringen. 10. FULLSTNDIGT AVTAL Detta programlicensavtal r det fullstndiga avtalet mellan Xerox och Kunden med avseende p licensiering av Programvaran och det erstter alla frslag och tidigare eller samtidiga avtal, utfstelser eller andra verenskommelser mellan parterna avseende Programvaran. Kunden accepterar att licensieringsvillkor som gller denna Programvara och som anges p Kundens inkpsorder eller annat bestllningsdokument, som anvnds vid bestllning av Programvaran, inte har ngon bindande verkan fr Xerox och inte skall ndra detta avtal p ngot stt. Om du inte accepterar avtalsvillkoren nr du har lst dem, returnerar du omedelbart Programvaran oanvnd fr att undvika kontraktskyldigheter och kontraktansvar. Du har d rtt till terbetalning av eventuella belopp du har betalat fr licensiering av Programvaran. ====================================================================== LICENSE AGREEMENT AND WARRANTY FOR THE ENCLOSED SOFTWARE AND RELATED DOCUMENTATION YOUR LICENSE AGREEMENT - READ BEFORE INSTALLING SOFTWARE IMPORTANT: THIS AGREEMENT CONTAINS THE LICENSE TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR LICENSED SOFTWARE AND RELATED DOCUMENTATION. INSTALLING THE SOFTWARE PACKAGE SIGNIFIES YOUR ACCEPTANCE OF THIS AGREEMENT. IF YOU DO NOT ACCEPT THIS AGREEMENT, YOU MUST PROMPTLY RETURN THE SOFTWARE PACKAGE AND DELETE ANY SOFTWARE FILES ACCESSED BY YOU FROM ANY AND ALL COMPUTER MEMORY INTO WHICH SUCH SOFTWARE HAS BEEN LOADED OR STORED. WHEN USED IN THIS AGREEMENT THE WORD "XEROX" SHALL MEAN XEROX CORPORATION, ITS OPERATING COMPANY SUBSIDIARY OR AFFILIATE FROM WHICH YOU OBTAINED THE INDIVIDUAL UNIT OF THE XEROX DOCUMENT CENTRE SYSTEM EQUIPMENT (the "Equipment") WITH WHICH THE SOFTWARE IS TO BE USED, UNLESS YOU OBTAINED THE EQUIPMENT FROM AN AUTHORIZED DEALER, AGENT, CONCESSIONAIRE OR DISTRIBUTOR, IN WHICH CASE "XEROX" SHALL MEAN XEROX CORPORATION, ITS OPERATING COMPANY, SUBSIDIARY OR AFFILIATE FROM WHICH THE ENTITY THAT SOLD YOU THE EQUIPMENT ACQUIRED IT. 1. GRANT OF LICENSE Xerox hereby grants you a non-exclusive, non-transferable license to use the software and related documentation ("Software") enclosed in this package with the Equipment, for as long as you are current in the payment of any indicated software license fees (including any annual renewal or maintenance fees) on the following terms and conditions. 2. USE You may install the Software for use on any networked workstation or server only in conjunction with the Equipment. When networked, other users on the network may access and use the Software in conjunction with the Equipment. 3. OWNERSHIP, COPYING, MODIFICATION AND CONFIDENTIALITY 3.1 Xerox owns or is otherwise entitled to grant licenses in respect of all rights in the Software. 3.2 No title to or ownership of the Software or any proprietary right therein is transferred to you. 3.3 You may, subject to Section 3.4 below, make one copy of the Software in whole or in part only for that purpose expressly permitted in Section 2 above and for back-up. Such permitted copy shall include in readable format any copyright and other proprietary notices contained on the original Software. 3.4 You may copy the related documentation for use only in conjunction with the Equipment. 3.5 You may not distribute, alter or modify nor cause or allow others to alter or modify the Software. 3.6 You agree not to provide or otherwise make available the Software to anyone other than your employees and agents directly concerned with the licensed use of the Software. 3.7 The Software is protected by copyright and other proprietary rights of Xerox and/or a third party. You may be held directly responsible by such third party for an infringement of such rights by you. 3.8 You agree not to reverse engineer, decompile or disassemble the Software for any purpose whatsoever, except to the extent permitted by law. 3.9 You agree not to export or re-export the Software in any form without, in the case of a customer in the United States, first obtaining all United States government licenses, and in the case of a customer outside of the United States, all relevant foreign government licenses, required by law, and then only upon the export of the Equipment. 3.10 Xerox may terminate your license for the Software (i) immediately if you no longer use or possess the Equipment or are a lessor of the Equipment and your first lessee no longer uses or possesses it or (ii) upon the termination of any agreement under which you have rented or leased the Equipment. 4. TRANSFER OF LICENSED SOFTWARE If you transfer possession of the Equipment, Xerox will offer the transferee a license to use the Software on or with it, subject to Xerox' then applicable terms and license fees, if any, and provided the transfer is not in violation of Xerox' rights. 5. LIMITED WARRANTY 5.1 Xerox warrants that the Software shall substantially conform to Xerox' User Manual or other Xerox documentation supplied at delivery to the original Customer. Xerox does not warrant that the operation of the Software will be uninterrupted or error free, nor that it will meet your needs. 5.2 In the event that the Software does not conform to the limited warranty contained in Section 5.1 above, your exclusive remedy is to notify Xerox within ninety (90) days of the date of delivery, and Xerox' or its supplier's sole obligation shall be to use all reasonable efforts to provide a work-around which avoids the nonconformity or to provide you with Software which does substantially conform to the Xerox User Manual or other Xerox supplied documentation. 5.3 XEROX GRANTS NO OTHER WARRANTIES ON THE "SOFTWARE", EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, WHETHER CREATED BY STATUTE OR OTHERWISE, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. XEROX FURTHER DISCLAIMS ANY WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS MADE BY PERSONS OTHER THAN XEROX (INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO XEROX SOFTWARE DEALERS, AGENTS, CONCESSIONAIRES OR DISTRIBUTORS). 5.4 The express warranties set forth above shall be void if you fail to properly use the Software in the appropriate environment as specified in the Xerox supplied documentation or if the Software is modified or altered in any fashion. 6. PATENT AND COPYRIGHT INDEMNIFICATION Xerox will defend and indemnify you if the Software is alleged to infringe, in the United States, any patent, trade secret, or copyright, if you promptly notify Xerox in writing of any alleged infringement, allow Xerox to direct the defense of such claim, and cooperate with Xerox. All notices should be sent to the Xerox Office of General Counsel, P.O. Box 1600, Stamford, Connecticut 06904. Xerox is not responsible for any non-Xerox litigation expenses or settlements unless Xerox pre-approves them in writing. To avoid infringement, Xerox may, at its option, and at no charge to you, obtain a license, or modify, or substitute an equivalent of, or remove the Software. If Software is removed by Xerox for this reason, any designated license fees paid by you will be fully refunded; if no portion of the amounts paid to Xerox within the transaction in which the Software was acquired was designated as a license fee for the Software, Xerox shall refund that portion of the amounts paid that Xerox reasonably designates as associated with the Software's acquisition. Xerox is not liable for any infringement due to the Software being made or modified (by Xerox or others, including you) to your specifications, or being used or sold in combination with equipment, software, or supplies not provided by Xerox. XEROX MAKES NO OTHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTY OF NON-INFRINGEMENT OR LIABILITY FOR INFRINGEMENT OR ANY DAMAGES THEREFROM. 7. LIMITATION OF LIABILITY IN NO EVENT SHALL XEROX OR ITS SUPPLIERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, (INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, LOSS OF DATA) IN ANY WAY ARISING OUT OF OR RELATED TO THE USE OR INABILITY TO USE THE "SOFTWARE", EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. IN NO EVENT SHALL XEROX' DIRECT DAMAGES TO YOU EXCEED THE TOTAL LICENSE FEE ACTUALLY PAID BY YOU FOR SUCH SOFTWARE. 8. TERMINATION Xerox may terminate this license immediately upon notice in the event of a material breach by you or if you no longer use or possess the equipment with which this Software is intended to be used, in which event you shall return to Xerox all copies of the Software, and remove same from all equipment into which such Software may have been loaded by you. 9. GOVERNING LAW This agreement will be governed by the laws of the State of New York, USA or if you acquire the Software outside the USA, by the laws of the country in which you acquired the Document Centre System Equipment with which this software is to be used, excluding its conflict of laws provisions. Some jurisdictions do not allow limitations on how long an implied warranty lasts or the exclusion or limitation of incidental or consequential damages, so the above disclaimers, limitations or exclusions, in whole or in part, may not apply to you. 10. ENTIRE AGREEMENT This Software License Agreement is the entire agreement between Xerox and you pertaining to the Software and supersedes all proposals or prior and contemporaneous agreements or understandings of the parties regarding the Software. You agree that any terms and conditions contained in any purchase order or other ordering document submitted to order the Software shall have no binding effect on Xerox and will not modify this Agreement in any way. If, after reading the terms and conditions, they are unacceptable to you, then, to avoid contractual obligations and liability, you should promptly return the software unused, and you will then be entitled to a refund of any sums paid by you to license the Software. Title WorkCentre Pro 40 Color Version 1.2.4 Description DefaultLocation /Library/Printers/PPDs/Contents/Resources DeleteWarning ### Package Flags NeedsAuthorization YES Required NO Relocatable NO RequiresReboot NO UseUserMask NO OverwritePermissions NO InstallFat NO "16" = "Il volume non possiede i requisiti necessari per realizzare questo aggiornamento."; "17" = "Spazio insufficiente per l'aggiornamento. Sono necessari 300MB."; "18" = "Questo pacchetto funziona solo con Mac OS X, versione 10.2 o successiva."; La traduzione del presente contratto di licenza viene fornita da Xerox Europe e non vincolante ai sensi della legge. Il testo in inglese, posto dopo la traduzione, ha valore legale. ================================================================== CONTRATTO DI LICENZA E GARANZIA PER IL SOFTWARE INCLUSO E LA RELATIVA DOCUMENTAZIONE CONTRATTO DI LICENZA - DA LEGGERE PRIMA DI INSTALLARE IL SOFTWARE IMPORTANTE: QUESTO CONTRATTO DI LICENZA CONTIENE I TERMINI E LE CONDIZIONI DEL SOFTWARE DATO IN LICENZA E DELLA RELATIVA DOCUMENTAZIONE. L'INSTALLAZIONE DEL PACCHETTO SOFTWARE IMPLICA L'ACCETTAZIONE DEI TERMINI DI QUESTO CONTRATTO. QUALORA NON INTENDA ACCETTARE I TERMINI DI QUESTO CONTRATTO, IL CLIENTE TENUTO A RESTITUIRE IMMEDIATAMENTE AL FORNITORE IL PACCHETTO E A CANCELLARE TUTTI I FILE DEL SOFTWARE CARICATI O INSTALLATI SUI PROPRI COMPUTER. ALL'INTERNO DI QUESTO DOCUMENTO, "XEROX" RAPPRESENTA LA XEROX CORPORATION, LA CONSOCIATA O LA FILIALE TRAMITE LA QUALE IL CLIENTE HA OTTENUTO LA SINGOLA UNIT DELL'APPARECCHIATURA XEROX ("l'Apparecchiatura") SULLA QUALE IL SOFTWARE DEVE ESSERE UTILIZZATO, A MENO CHE L'APPARECCHIATURA NON SIA STATA OTTENUTA DA UN RIVENDITORE, AGENTE, CONCESSIONARIO O DISTRIBUTORE, NEL QUAL CASO "XEROX" RAPPRESENTA LA XEROX CORPORATION, LA CONSOCIATA O LA FILIALE PRESSO LA QUALE IL FORNITORE HA ACQUISTATO L'APPARECCHIATURA. 1. CONCESSIONE DELLA LICENZA Con il presente contratto, la Xerox concede all'utente una licenza personale non esclusiva per l'utilizzo del software e della relativa documentazione (il "Software") di questo pacchetto con l'Apparecchiatura, a condizione che siano state corrisposte le quote indicate dal presente contratto di licenza (comprese le spese annuali di rinnovamento e di manutenzione). 2. USO Il Software pu essere installato su qualsiasi computer o server della rete a condizione che venga utilizzato con l'Apparecchiatura. Se installato in una rete, tutti gli utenti della medesima possono accedere al software e utilizzarlo mediante l'Apparecchiatura. 3. PROPRIET, COPIA, MODIFICA E RISERVATEZZA 3.1 La Xerox detiene il possesso del Software o ha comunque la facolt di concedere le licenze relative a tutti i suoi diritti. 3.2 Al Cliente non vengono trasferiti n la propriet del Software, n alcun diritto relativo a tale propriet. 3.3 Il Cliente autorizzato a copiare parzialmente o interamente il Software, tenendo conto di quanto indicato al paragrafo 3.4, solo per le finalit espressamente indicate nella sezione 2 e a scopo di backup. Ogni copia deve includere in formato leggibile tutte le informazioni di copyright e propriet contenute nel Software originale. 3.4 Il Cliente pu copiare la documentazione del Software unicamente per utilizzarla congiuntamente all'Apparecchiatura. 3.5 Il Cliente non pu distribuire, alterare o modificare il Software, n personalmente n per mezzo di terzi. 3.6 Il Cliente si impegna a fornire o rendere disponibile il Software esclusivamente ai suoi dipendenti e agli agenti direttamente interessati dalla licenza d'uso del Software. 3.7 Il Software protetto dalle leggi sul copyright e da altri diritti di propriet della Xerox e/o di una terza parte. Tale parte pu ritenere il Cliente direttamente responsabile delle violazioni di questi diritti. 3.8 Il Cliente si impegna a non retroingegnerizzare, decompilare o disassemblare il Software per nessun motivo, ad eccezione dei casi consentiti dalla legge. 3.9 Il Cliente si impegna a non esportare o riesportare il Software in qualunque forma senza prima ottenere tutte le licenze previste dalla legge degli Stati Uniti e dei paesi stranieri in oggetto, e senza l'esportazione contestuale dell'Apparecchiatura. 3.10 La Xerox ha il diritto di revocare la licenza del software (i) immediatamente se il Cliente non possiede o non utilizza pi l'Apparecchiatura o, nel caso in cui il Cliente funga da locatore, se il principale locatario non possiede o non utilizza pi l'Apparecchiatura oppure (ii) allo scadere dell'accordo in base al quale il Cliente ha noleggiato o acquisito il locazione l'Apparecchiatura. 4. TRASFERIMENTO DELLA LICENZA DEL SOFTWARE Se il cliente trasferisce l'Apparecchiatura, la Xerox offre al cessionario la licenza di utilizzo del Software in base ai termini e alle quote da corrispondere previste in quel momento dalla Xerox e a condizione che il trasferimento dell'Apparecchiatura non costituisca una violazione dei diritti della Xerox. 5. GARANZIA LIMITATA 5.1 La Xerox garantisce che il Software funzioner in sostanziale conformit con la guida per l'utente e la documentazione di altro tipo fornita al Cliente originario. La Xerox non garantisce che il Software funzioner in maniera ininterrotta o priva di errori, n che il Software sar in grado di soddisfare le esigenze del Cliente. 5.2 Nel caso in cui il Software non risulti conforme alla garanzia limitata di cui al paragrafo 5.1, il Cliente ha la facolt di restituire il Software alla Xerox entro novanta (90) giorni dalla data di consegna. La Xerox e i suoi fornitori, da parte loro, avranno unicamente l'obbligo di impegnarsi in modo ragionevole a ovviare alla non conformit oppure di sostituire il Software con un Software idoneo. 5.3 LA XEROX NON FORNISCE ALTRE GARANZIE RELATIVE AL "SOFTWARE", ESPLICITE O IMPLICITE, STABILITE PER LEGGE O ALTRIMENTI, COMPRESE, SENZA LIMITAZIONE, LE GARANZIE IMPLICITE DI COMMERCIABILIT E IDONEIT A SCOPI PARTICOLARI. LA XEROX NON RICONOSCE LE GARANZIE O LE DICHIARAZIONI RESE DA SOGGETTI DIVERSI DALLA XEROX (COMPRESI, A TITOLO ESEMPLIFICATIVO MA NON LIMITATIVO, I RIVENDITORI, GLI AGENTI, I CONCESSIONARI E I DISTRIBUTORI). 5.4 Le garanzie esplicite sopra indicate sono da ritenersi nulle nel caso in cui il Cliente non utilizzi il Software in maniera appropriata e in un ambiente adeguato, secondo quanto specificato nella documentazione fornita dalla Xerox, o qualora il Software fosse stato modificato o alterato. 6. VIOLAZIONE DI BREVETTI E COPYRIGHT La Xerox si impegna a difendere il Cliente, nonch a sostenere le necessarie spese di giudizio, nel caso in cui il Software violi brevetti, segreti commerciali o copyright negli Stati Uniti. Per poter godere di tale beneficio, il Cliente tenuto a notificare sollecitamente e per iscritto alla Xerox le eventuali violazioni di cui a conoscenza e deve inoltre consentire alla Xerox di assumere la sua difesa e prestare la propria collaborazione. Le notifiche vanno indirizzate a: Xerox Office of General Counsel, P.O. Box 1600, Stamford, Connecticut 06904, USA. La Xerox non responsabile di spese legali o indennizzi che non riguardino i suoi prodotti, a meno che non acconsenta a farsene carico per iscritto. Per evitare di incorrere nelle suddette violazioni, anche in via preventiva, la Xerox ha la facolt, a sua discrezione e senza spese per il Cliente, di ottenere una licenza, modificare, sostituire o farsi restituire il Software. In caso di restituzione del Software, il Cliente avr diritto al pieno rimborso delle quote di licenza versate; se nessuna porzione delle spese associate alla transazione di acquisizione del Software era stata designata come quota di licenza per il Software, la Xerox rimborser la porzione di spese che ritiene ragionevolmente associata all'acquisizione del Software. La Xerox declina ogni responsabilit nel caso in cui il Software sia stato creato o modificato (dalla Xerox stessa o da altri, compreso il Cliente) in base alle specifiche del Cliente, oppure sia stato utilizzato o venduto in combinazione con apparecchiature, programmi o prodotti non forniti dalla Xerox. LA XEROX NON FORNISCE ALTRE GARANZIE ESPLICITE O IMPLICITE DI NON VIOLAZIONE E DECLINA OGNI RESPONSABILIT IN CASO DI VIOLAZIONE O PER DANNI CONSEGUENTI. 7. LIMITAZIONE DELLA RESPONSABILIT IN NESSUN CASO LA XEROX E I SUOI FORNITORI SARANNO RESPONSABILI DEI DANNI SPECIALI, INDIRETTI, ACCIDENTALI O CONSEQUENZIALI (COMPRESA, AD ESEMPIO, LA PERDITA DI DATI) DERIVANTI DALL'USO DEL SOFTWARE O DALL'INCAPACIT DI UTILIZZARLO, ANCHE NEL CASO IN CUI SIANO STATI AVVERTITI DELLA POSSIBILIT DI TALI DANNI. LA RESPONSABILIT TOTALE DELLA XEROX PER I DANNI DIRETTI SUBITI DAL CLIENTE, INOLTRE, NON PU IN ALCUN CASO SUPERARE LA QUOTA DI LICENZA EFFETTIVAMENTE PAGATA DAL CLIENTE PER IL SOFTWARE. 8. REVOCA La Xerox ha la facolt di revocare immediatamente la presente licenza in caso di violazione sostanziale del Contratto da parte del Cliente, o nel caso in cui il Cliente non utilizzi o non possieda pi l'Apparecchiatura su cui Software deve essere utilizzato. In questo caso, il Cliente tenuto a restituire alla Xerox tutte le copie del Software e rimuovere lo stesso dagli eventuali dispositivi in cui il Software stato caricato. 9. LEGGE APPLICABILE Il presente Contratto regolato dalle leggi dello Stato di New York, USA oppure, se il Software stato acquisito al di fuori degli Stati Uniti, dalle leggi del paese in cui stata acquistata l'Apparecchiatura. Sono esclusi gli eventuali conflitti con le norme di legge. Alcune giurisdizioni non contemplano limitazioni sulla durata delle garanzie implicite o sulla declinazione di responsabilit per i danni incidentali o consequenziali. Di conseguenza, la limitazione o la declinazione di responsabilit di cui sopra pu non riguardare, parzialmente o totalmente, il Cliente. 10. APPLICABILIT DEL CONTRATTO Il presente Contratto rappresenta l'unica forma di accordo tra la Xerox e il Cliente in relazione all'uso del Software e sostituisce tutte le proposte, le intese e gli accordi precedenti o contemporanei. Il Cliente riconosce che i termini e le condizioni contenuti negli ordini d'acquisto o in documenti di ordinazione di altro tipo non sono da ritenersi vincolanti nei confronti della Xerox e non modificano il Contratto in alcun modo. Se giudica inaccettabili i termini e le condizioni del presente contratto, il Cliente tenuto, al fine di evitare obbligazioni contrattuali e responsabilit, a restituire prontamente il software intatto. In caso di restituzione del Software, il Cliente avr diritto al pieno rimborso delle quote di licenza versate. ====================================================================== LICENSE AGREEMENT AND WARRANTY FOR THE ENCLOSED SOFTWARE AND RELATED DOCUMENTATION YOUR LICENSE AGREEMENT - READ BEFORE INSTALLING SOFTWARE IMPORTANT: THIS AGREEMENT CONTAINS THE LICENSE TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR LICENSED SOFTWARE AND RELATED DOCUMENTATION. INSTALLING THE SOFTWARE PACKAGE SIGNIFIES YOUR ACCEPTANCE OF THIS AGREEMENT. IF YOU DO NOT ACCEPT THIS AGREEMENT, YOU MUST PROMPTLY RETURN THE SOFTWARE PACKAGE AND DELETE ANY SOFTWARE FILES ACCESSED BY YOU FROM ANY AND ALL COMPUTER MEMORY INTO WHICH SUCH SOFTWARE HAS BEEN LOADED OR STORED. WHEN USED IN THIS AGREEMENT THE WORD "XEROX" SHALL MEAN XEROX CORPORATION, ITS OPERATING COMPANY SUBSIDIARY OR AFFILIATE FROM WHICH YOU OBTAINED THE XEROX PRODUCT WITH WHICH THE SOFTWARE IS TO BE USED (the "Equipment"), UNLESS YOU OBTAINED THE EQUIPMENT FROM AN AUTHORIZED DEALER, AGENT, CONCESSIONAIRE OR DISTRIBUTOR, IN WHICH CASE "XEROX" SHALL MEAN XEROX CORPORATION, ITS OPERATING COMPANY, SUBSIDIARY OR AFFILIATE FROM WHICH THE ENTITY THAT SOLD YOU THE EQUIPMENT ACQUIRED IT. 1. GRANT OF LICENSE Xerox hereby grants you a non-exclusive, non-transferable license to use the software and related documentation ("Software") enclosed in this package with the Equipment, for as long as you are current in the payment of any indicated software license fees (including any annual renewal or maintenance fees) on the following terms and conditions. 2. USE You may install the Software for use on any networked workstation or server only in conjunction with the Equipment. When networked, other users on the network may access and use the Software in conjunction with the Equipment. 3. OWNERSHIP, COPYING, MODIFICATION AND CONFIDENTIALITY 3.1 Xerox owns or is otherwise entitled to grant licenses in respect of all rights in the Software. 3.2 No title to or ownership of the Software or any proprietary right therein is transferred to you. 3.3 You may, subject to Section 3.4 below, make one copy of the Software in whole or in part only for that purpose expressly permitted in Section 2 above and for back-up. Such permitted copy shall include in readable format any copyright and other proprietary notices contained on the original Software. 3.4 You may copy the related documentation for use only in conjunction with the Equipment. 3.5 You may not distribute, alter or modify nor cause or allow others to alter or modify the Software. 3.6 You agree not to provide or otherwise make available the Software to anyone other than your employees and agents directly concerned with the licensed use of the Software. 3.7 The Software is protected by copyright and other proprietary rights of Xerox and/or a third party. You may be held directly responsible by such third party for an infringement of such rights by you. 3.8 You agree not to reverse engineer, decompile or disassemble the Software for any purpose whatsoever, except to the extent permitted by law. 3.9 You agree not to export or re-export the Software in any form without, in the case of a customer in the United States, first obtaining all United States government licenses, and in the case of a customer outside of the United States, all relevant foreign government licenses, required by law, and then only upon the export of the Equipment. 3.10 Xerox may terminate your license for the Software (i) immediately if you no longer use or possess the Equipment or are a lessor of the Equipment and your first lessee no longer uses or possesses it or (ii) upon the termination of any agreement under which you have rented or leased the Equipment. 4. TRANSFER OF LICENSED SOFTWARE If you transfer possession of the Equipment, Xerox will offer the transferee a license to use the Software on or with it, subject to Xerox' then applicable terms and license fees, if any, and provided the transfer is not in violation of Xerox' rights. 5. LIMITED WARRANTY 5.1 Xerox warrants that the Software shall substantially conform to Xerox' User Manual or other Xerox documentation supplied at delivery to the original Customer. Xerox does not warrant that the operation of the Software will be uninterrupted or error free, nor that it will meet your needs. 5.2 In the event that the Software does not conform to the limited warranty contained in Section 5.1 above, your exclusive remedy is to notify Xerox within ninety (90) days of the date of delivery, and Xerox' or its supplier's sole obligation shall be to use all reasonable efforts to provide a work-around which avoids the nonconformity or to provide you with Software which does substantially conform to the Xerox User Manual or other Xerox supplied documentation. 5.3 XEROX GRANTS NO OTHER WARRANTIES ON THE "SOFTWARE", EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, WHETHER CREATED BY STATUTE OR OTHERWISE, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. XEROX FURTHER DISCLAIMS ANY WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS MADE BY PERSONS OTHER THAN XEROX (INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO XEROX SOFTWARE DEALERS, AGENTS, CONCESSIONAIRES OR DISTRIBUTORS). 5.4 The express warranties set forth above shall be void if you fail to properly use the Software in the appropriate environment as specified in the Xerox supplied documentation or if the Software is modified or altered in any fashion. 6. PATENT AND COPYRIGHT INDEMNIFICATION Xerox will defend and indemnify you if the Software is alleged to infringe, in the United States, any patent, trade secret, or copyright, if you promptly notify Xerox in writing of any alleged infringement, allow Xerox to direct the defense of such claim, and cooperate with Xerox. All notices should be sent to the Xerox Office of General Counsel, P.O. Box 1600, Stamford, Connecticut 06904. Xerox is not responsible for any non-Xerox litigation expenses or settlements unless Xerox pre-approves them in writing. To avoid infringement, Xerox may, at its option, and at no charge to you, obtain a license, or modify, or substitute an equivalent of, or remove the Software. If Software is removed by Xerox for this reason, any designated license fees paid by you will be fully refunded; if no portion of the amounts paid to Xerox within the transaction in which the Software was acquired was designated as a license fee for the Software, Xerox shall refund that portion of the amounts paid that Xerox reasonably designates as associated with the Software's acquisition. Xerox is not liable for any infringement due to the Software being made or modified (by Xerox or others, including you) to your specifications, or being used or sold in combination with equipment, software, or supplies not provided by Xerox. XEROX MAKES NO OTHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTY OF NON-INFRINGEMENT OR LIABILITY FOR INFRINGEMENT OR ANY DAMAGES THEREFROM. 7. LIMITATION OF LIABILITY IN NO EVENT SHALL XEROX OR ITS SUPPLIERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, (INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, LOSS OF DATA) IN ANY WAY ARISING OUT OF OR RELATED TO THE USE OR INABILITY TO USE THE "SOFTWARE", EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. IN NO EVENT SHALL XEROX' DIRECT DAMAGES TO YOU EXCEED THE TOTAL LICENSE FEE ACTUALLY PAID BY YOU FOR SUCH SOFTWARE. 8. TERMINATION Xerox may terminate this license immediately upon notice in the event of a material breach by you or if you no longer use or possess the equipment with which this Software is intended to be used, in which event you shall return to Xerox all copies of the Software, and remove same from all equipment into which such Software may have been loaded by you. 9. GOVERNING LAW This agreement will be governed by the laws of the State of New York, USA or if you acquire the Software outside the USA, by the laws of the country in which you acquired the Equipment, excluding its conflict of laws provisions. Some jurisdictions do not allow limitations on how long an implied warranty lasts or the exclusion or limitation of incidental or consequential damages, so the above disclaimers, limitations or exclusions, in whole or in part, may not apply to you. 10. ENTIRE AGREEMENT This Software License Agreement is the entire agreement between Xerox and you pertaining to the Software and supersedes all proposals or prior and contemporaneous agreements or understandings of the parties regarding the Software. You agree that any terms and conditions contained in any purchase order or other ordering document submitted to order the Software shall have no binding effect on Xerox and will not modify this Agreement in any way. If, after reading the terms and conditions, they are unacceptable to you, then, to avoid contractual obligations and liability, you should promptly return the software unused, and you will then be entitled to a refund of any sums paid by you to license the Software. Title WorkCentre Pro 40 Color Version 1.2.4 Description DefaultLocation /Library/Printers/PPDs/Contents/Resources DeleteWarning ### Package Flags NeedsAuthorization YES Required NO Relocatable NO RequiresReboot NO UseUserMask NO OverwritePermissions NO InstallFat NO "16" = "Enheden kan ikke bruges til denne opdatering."; "17" = "Der er ikke plads nok til opdateringen. Der krves 300 MB ledig plads."; "18" = "Denne pakke kan kun afvikles p Mac OS X version 10.2 eller en nyere version."; Oversttelsen af denne licensaftale er leveret af Xerox Europe og er ikke juridisk bindende. Den engelske tekst, der flger efter den oversatte tekst, er juridisk bindende. ====================================================================== LICENSAFTALE OG GARANTI FOR VEDLAGTE SOFTWARE OG TILHRENDE DOKUMENTATION LS DENNE LICENSAFTALE, FR PAKKEN MED CENTREWARE-SOFTWARE BNES. VIGTIGT: DENNE AFTALE INDEHOLDER LICENSBETINGELSER OG -VILKR FOR LICENSSOFTWAREN OG DEN TILHRENDE DOKUMENTATION. HVIS PAKKEN BNES, TILKENDEGIVER DE, AT DE ACCEPTERER AFTALENS BETINGELSER. HVIS DE IKKE KAN ACCEPTERE EN ELLER FLERE AF AFTALENS BETINGELSER, BEDES DE RETURNERE LICENSPAKKEN MED SOFTWARE UBNET TIL LEVERANDREN, SAMT SLETTE ALLE SOFTWAREFILER, SOM DE HAR HAFT ADGANG TIL FRA EN HVILKEN SOM HELST COMPUTERHUKOMMELSE, HVORTIL DEN PGLDENDE SOFTWARE ER BLEVET INDLST ELLER GEMT. NR ORDET "XEROX" ANVENDES I DENNE AFTALE, ER DET I BETYDNINGEN XEROX CORPORATION, ELLER DET XEROX-DATTERSELSKAB, HVORFRA XEROX DOCUMENT CENTRE-UDSTYRET ("Udstyret"), HVOR SOFTWAREN SKAL INSTALLERES, ER KBT, MEDMINDRE UDSTYRET ER KBT HOS EN AUTORISERET FORHANDLER, AGENT ELLER DISTRIBUTR. NR ORDET "XEROX" ANVENDES I SIDSTNVNTE SAMMENHNG ER DET I BETYDNINGEN XEROX CORPORATION ELLER DET XEROX-DATTERSELSKAB, HVORFRA TREDJEPARTEN, DER SOLGTE DEM UDSTYRET, HAR KBT UDSTYRET. 1. LICENSBEVILLING Xerox giver Dem en ikke-eksklusiv ret, som ikke kan overdrages, til at anvende den software og tilhrende dokumentation ("softwaren"), som er indeholdt i denne pakke sammen med udstyret, s lnge De betaler licensafgiften indeholdt i nrvrende licensaftale (inklusive en eventuel rlig fornyelse af licensafgift) og i vrigt overholder flgende betingelser og vilkr. 2. ANVENDELSE De m udelukkende installere softwaren til brug sammen med en hvilken som helst netvrksopkoblet computer eller server, som er forbundet med Udstyret. Ved en netvrksopkobling kan andre brugere p netvrket f adgang til og anvende softwaren sammen med udstyret. 3. EJENDOMSRET, KOPIERING, NDRINGER OG FORTROLIGHED 3.1 Xerox ejer eller er p anden vis berettiget til at bevilge licenser med respekt af alle rettigheder til softwaren. 3.2 Der overfres ikke rettigheder eller ejendomsret af softwaren til kunden. 3.3 I overensstemmelse med punkt 3.4 herunder er kunden kun berettiget til helt eller delvist at kopiere softwaren til det forml, der udtrykkeligt er beskrevet i punkt 2 herover og med henblik p sikkerhedskopiering. Enhver tilladt kopi skal i et lseligt format inkludere copyright og andre ejendomsretlige bestemmelser indeholdt i den originale software. 3.4 Kunden m kun kopiere den tilhrende dokumentation til anvendelse sammen med Udstyret. 3.5 Kunden m ikke distribuere, ndre eller modificere softwaren eller give anledning til eller tillade, at andre ndrer eller modificerer softwaren. 3.6 Kunden accepterer ikke at overdrage eller p anden mde gre softwaren tilgngelig for andre end de medarbejdere og agenter, der er direkte beskftiget med den licensberettigede anvendelse af softwaren. 3.7 Softwaren er copyright-beskyttet, og alle rettigheder tilhrer Xerox og/eller en tredjepart. Kunden kan holdes direkte ansvarlig af en sdan tredjepart ved kundens overtrdelse af nvnte rettigheder. 3.8 Kunden accepterer under ingen omstndigheder at ville samle softwaren omvendt, dekompilere eller skille softwaren ad. 3.9 Kunden accepterer ikke at eksportere eller geneksportere softwaren i en hvilken som helst form uden frst at indhente svel alle nationale som internationale licenser, som loven foreskriver, og i s fald kun ved eksport af Xerox-produktet. 3.10 Xerox kan ophve denne licensaftale (i) jeblikkeligt, hvis kunden ikke lngere anvender eller er i besiddelse af det udstyr, hvortil denne software er beregnet, eller hvis kunden leaser udstyret, og den frste leasingtager ikke lngere anvender eller er i besiddelse af udstyret (ii) ved ophr af den aftale, der blev indget i forbindelse med, at kunden lejede eller leasede udstyret. 4. OVERDRAGELSE AF LICENSSOFTWAREN Kunden kan overdrage softwaren i forbindelse med en overdragelse af Xerox-produktet, forudsat at modtageren skriftligt accepterer alle de beskrevne vilkr og betingelser indeholdt i nrvrende licensaftale, og at overdragelsen ikke er i strid med Xerox' rettigheder. 5. BEGRNSET GARANTI 5.1 Xerox oplyser, at softwaren p alle vsentlige punkter fungerer i overensstemmelse med Xerox' Betjeningsvejledning eller andet Xerox-dokumentation, der p leveringstidspunktet overdrages til den oprindelige kunde. Xerox indestr ikke for, at softwaren kan anvendes, uden at der opstr afbrydelser eller fejl, eller at softwaren imdekommer kundens behov. Er Udstyret solgt til en forbruger, som defineret i kbelovgivningen, fraviger ovennvnte bestemmelse ikke forbrugerens rettigheder i henhold til kbelovgivningens forbrugerbeskyttelsesprceptive regler. 5.2 Hvis softwaren ikke er i overensstemmelse med funktionaliteten, indeholdt i punkt 5.1 herover, er kundens eneste misligeholdelsesbefjelse at underrette Xerox om forholdet inden for halvfems (90) dage efter levering, og Xerox eller dennes leverandr er kun forpligtet til at foretage, hvad der m anses for rimeligt for at finde en lsning, som afhjlper denne manglende funktionalitet, eller til at skaffe kunden software, som i al vsentlighed er i overensstemmelse med Xerox' Betjeningsvejledning eller anden dokumentation, leveret af Xerox. Er Udstyret solgt til en forbruger, som defineret i kbelovgivningen, fraviger ovennvnte bestemmelse ikke forbrugerens rettigheder i henhold til kbelovgivningens forbrugerbeskyttelsesprceptive regler. 5.3 XEROX YDER INGEN ANDRE GARANTIER FOR SOFTWAREN, SVEL UDTRYKKELIGE SOM UNDERFORSTEDE, OG SVEL LOVMSSIGE SOM P ANDEN VIS ETABLEREDE, HERUNDER MEN IKKE BEGRNSET TIL, ENHVER UNDERFORSTET GARANTI FOR SALGBARHED OG EGNETHED TIL ET BESTEMT FORML. XEROX FRALGGER SIG DESUDEN ETHVERT ANSVAR FOR GARANTIER OG LIGNENDE, SOM ER GIVET AF ANDRE PERSONER END XEROX-ANSAT PERSONALE (VED ANDRE PERSONER END XEROX-ANSAT PERSONALE FORSTS BL.A. XEROX SOFTWARE-DISTRIBUTRER OG -FORHANDLERE). 5.4 De udtrykkelige garantier, der er anfrt ovenfor, er ugyldige, hvis kunden ikke anvender softwaren som beskrevet, eller hvis softwaren modificeres eller ndres p en hvilken som helst mde. 6. PATENT OG COPYRIGHT-KRNKELSE Xerox vil forsvare og holde kunden skadesls, hvis det hvdes, at softwaren krnker patenter, forretningshemmeligheder eller copyright i USA, forudsat at kunden jeblikkeligt skriftligt gr Xerox opmrksom p en eventuel pstet overtrdelse, er indstillet p at lade Xerox forsvare en sdan pstand og samarbejder med Xerox. Xerox er ikke ansvarlig for eventuelle ikke-Xerox retstvistlige udgifter eller forlig, medmindre Xerox p forhnd accepterer disse skriftligt. For at undg en overtrdelse kan Xerox, efter eget skn, og uden omkostninger for kunden skaffe en licens eller ndre eller udskifte softwaren med en lignende eller fjerne softwaren. Hvis softwaren fjernes af Xerox af ovenstende rsag, refunderes den af kunden betalte licensafgift. Xerox er ikke ansvarlig for en evt. krnkelse, som skyldes, at softwaren fremstilles eller ndres (af Xerox eller andre, inkl. kunden) efter kundens specifikationer, eller hvis softwaren anvendes eller slges sammen med andet udstyr, software eller forbrugsstoffer, som ikke er leveret af Xerox. XEROX GIVER IKKE ANDRE UDTRYKKELIGE ELLER UNDERFORSTEDE GARANTIER FOR IKKE-KRNKELSER OG ER IKKE ANSVARLIG FOR KRNKELSER ELLER EVENTUELLE SKADESERSTATNINGER SOM FLGE HERAF. 7. BEGRNSNING AF ANSVAR HVERKEN XEROX ELLER DETS LEVERANDRER KAN HOLDES ANSVARLIGE FOR SPECIELLE, INDIREKTE, TILFLDIGE SKADER ELLER FLGESKADER, (INKLUSIVE, MEN IKKE BEGRNSET TIL TAB AF DATA) SOM OPSTR SOM FLGE AF BRUGEN AF ELLER I FORBINDELSE MED BRUGEN AF ELLER MANGLENDE EVNE TIL AT BRUGE SOFTWAREN, SELV HVIS DER ER GJORT OPMRKSOM P MULIGHEDEN FOR SDANNE SKADER. UNDER INGEN OMSTNDIGHEDER KAN XEROX' ANSVAR OVER FOR KUNDEN FOR DIREKTE SKADESERSTATNINGER OVERSTIGE DEN SAMLEDE LICENSAFGIFT, SOM REELT ER BETALT AF KUNDEN FOR SOFTWAREN. 8. OPHVELSE Xerox kan ophve denne licens jeblikkeligt, hvis aftalen p vsentlige punkter misligeholdes af kunden, eller hvis kunden ikke lngere anvender eller er i besiddelse af det udstyr, hvortil denne software er beregnet, i hvilket tilflde kunden skal returnere alle kopier af softwaren til Xerox og fjerne samme fra ethvert udstyr, hvori softwaren mtte vre indlst af kunden. 9. LOVGIVNING Nrvrende aftale er underlagt lovene i det land, hvor den Xerox-virksomhed, hvorfra det udstyr, hvortil softwaren er beregnet, er kbt. Nogle retssystemer tillader ingen begrnsning af, hvor lnge en underforstet garanti varer, eller udelukkelse eller begrnsning af erstatningansvar for hndelige svel som flgeskader, hvorfor ovennvnte ansvarsfraskrivelser, begrnsninger eller indskrnkninger, helt eller delvist, ikke ndvendigvis finder anvendelse i Deres tilflde. 10. HELE AFTALEN Nrvrende softwarelicensaftale udgr hele aftalen mellem Xerox og kunden, hvad angr softwaren, og tilsidestter alle udkast eller tidligere og nuvrende aftaler eller betingelser indget mellem parterne angende softwaren. Kunden accepterer, at betingelser og vilkr indeholdt i kundens indkbsrekvisition eller andre bestillingsdokumenter, som er afsendt med henblik p at bestille softwaren, ikke har nogen bindende effekt for Xerox og p ingen mde ndrer denne aftale. Hvis disse betingelser og vilkr, efter endt gennemlsning, ikke kan accepteres, br De, for at undg kontraktmssige forpligtelser og ansvar, jeblikkeligt returnere softwaren i ubrugt stand, hvorefter De er berettiget til at f refunderet ethvert belb, De mtte have betalt for at f licens til at bruge softwaren. ====================================================================== LICENSE AGREEMENT AND WARRANTY FOR THE ENCLOSED SOFTWARE AND RELATED DOCUMENTATION YOUR LICENSE AGREEMENT - READ BEFORE INSTALLING SOFTWARE IMPORTANT: THIS AGREEMENT CONTAINS THE LICENSE TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR LICENSED SOFTWARE AND RELATED DOCUMENTATION. INSTALLING THE SOFTWARE PACKAGE SIGNIFIES YOUR ACCEPTANCE OF THIS AGREEMENT. IF YOU DO NOT ACCEPT THIS AGREEMENT, YOU MUST PROMPTLY RETURN THE SOFTWARE PACKAGE AND DELETE ANY SOFTWARE FILES ACCESSED BY YOU FROM ANY AND ALL COMPUTER MEMORY INTO WHICH SUCH SOFTWARE HAS BEEN LOADED OR STORED. WHEN USED IN THIS AGREEMENT THE WORD "XEROX" SHALL MEAN XEROX CORPORATION, ITS OPERATING COMPANY SUBSIDIARY OR AFFILIATE FROM WHICH YOU OBTAINED THE INDIVIDUAL UNIT OF THE XEROX DOCUMENT CENTRE SYSTEM EQUIPMENT (the "Equipment") WITH WHICH THE SOFTWARE IS TO BE USED, UNLESS YOU OBTAINED THE EQUIPMENT FROM AN AUTHORIZED DEALER, AGENT, CONCESSIONAIRE OR DISTRIBUTOR, IN WHICH CASE "XEROX" SHALL MEAN XEROX CORPORATION, ITS OPERATING COMPANY, SUBSIDIARY OR AFFILIATE FROM WHICH THE ENTITY THAT SOLD YOU THE EQUIPMENT ACQUIRED IT. 1. GRANT OF LICENSE Xerox hereby grants you a non-exclusive, non-transferable license to use the software and related documentation ("Software") enclosed in this package with the Equipment, for as long as you are current in the payment of any indicated software license fees (including any annual renewal or maintenance fees) on the following terms and conditions. 2. USE You may install the Software for use on any networked workstation or server only in conjunction with the Equipment. When networked, other users on the network may access and use the Software in conjunction with the Equipment. 3. OWNERSHIP, COPYING, MODIFICATION AND CONFIDENTIALITY 3.1 Xerox owns or is otherwise entitled to grant licenses in respect of all rights in the Software. 3.2 No title to or ownership of the Software or any proprietary right therein is transferred to you. 3.3 You may, subject to Section 3.4 below, make one copy of the Software in whole or in part only for that purpose expressly permitted in Section 2 above and for back-up. Such permitted copy shall include in readable format any copyright and other proprietary notices contained on the original Software. 3.4 You may copy the related documentation for use only in conjunction with the Equipment. 3.5 You may not distribute, alter or modify nor cause or allow others to alter or modify the Software. 3.6 You agree not to provide or otherwise make available the Software to anyone other than your employees and agents directly concerned with the licensed use of the Software. 3.7 The Software is protected by copyright and other proprietary rights of Xerox and/or a third party. You may be held directly responsible by such third party for an infringement of such rights by you. 3.8 You agree not to reverse engineer, decompile or disassemble the Software for any purpose whatsoever, except to the extent permitted by law. 3.9 You agree not to export or re-export the Software in any form without, in the case of a customer in the United States, first obtaining all United States government licenses, and in the case of a customer outside of the United States, all relevant foreign government licenses, required by law, and then only upon the export of the Equipment. 3.10 Xerox may terminate your license for the Software (i) immediately if you no longer use or possess the Equipment or are a lessor of the Equipment and your first lessee no longer uses or possesses it or (ii) upon the termination of any agreement under which you have rented or leased the Equipment. 4. TRANSFER OF LICENSED SOFTWARE If you transfer possession of the Equipment, Xerox will offer the transferee a license to use the Software on or with it, subject to Xerox' then applicable terms and license fees, if any, and provided the transfer is not in violation of Xerox' rights. 5. LIMITED WARRANTY 5.1 Xerox warrants that the Software shall substantially conform to Xerox' User Manual or other Xerox documentation supplied at delivery to the original Customer. Xerox does not warrant that the operation of the Software will be uninterrupted or error free, nor that it will meet your needs. 5.2 In the event that the Software does not conform to the limited warranty contained in Section 5.1 above, your exclusive remedy is to notify Xerox within ninety (90) days of the date of delivery, and Xerox' or its supplier's sole obligation shall be to use all reasonable efforts to provide a work-around which avoids the nonconformity or to provide you with Software which does substantially conform to the Xerox User Manual or other Xerox supplied documentation. 5.3 XEROX GRANTS NO OTHER WARRANTIES ON THE "SOFTWARE", EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, WHETHER CREATED BY STATUTE OR OTHERWISE, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. XEROX FURTHER DISCLAIMS ANY WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS MADE BY PERSONS OTHER THAN XEROX (INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO XEROX SOFTWARE DEALERS, AGENTS, CONCESSIONAIRES OR DISTRIBUTORS). 5.4 The express warranties set forth above shall be void if you fail to properly use the Software in the appropriate environment as specified in the Xerox supplied documentation or if the Software is modified or altered in any fashion. 6. PATENT AND COPYRIGHT INDEMNIFICATION Xerox will defend and indemnify you if the Software is alleged to infringe, in the United States, any patent, trade secret, or copyright, if you promptly notify Xerox in writing of any alleged infringement, allow Xerox to direct the defense of such claim, and cooperate with Xerox. All notices should be sent to the Xerox Office of General Counsel, P.O. Box 1600, Stamford, Connecticut 06904. Xerox is not responsible for any non-Xerox litigation expenses or settlements unless Xerox pre-approves them in writing. To avoid infringement, Xerox may, at its option, and at no charge to you, obtain a license, or modify, or substitute an equivalent of, or remove the Software. If Software is removed by Xerox for this reason, any designated license fees paid by you will be fully refunded; if no portion of the amounts paid to Xerox within the transaction in which the Software was acquired was designated as a license fee for the Software, Xerox shall refund that portion of the amounts paid that Xerox reasonably designates as associated with the Software's acquisition. Xerox is not liable for any infringement due to the Software being made or modified (by Xerox or others, including you) to your specifications, or being used or sold in combination with equipment, software, or supplies not provided by Xerox. XEROX MAKES NO OTHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTY OF NON-INFRINGEMENT OR LIABILITY FOR INFRINGEMENT OR ANY DAMAGES THEREFROM. 7. LIMITATION OF LIABILITY IN NO EVENT SHALL XEROX OR ITS SUPPLIERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, (INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, LOSS OF DATA) IN ANY WAY ARISING OUT OF OR RELATED TO THE USE OR INABILITY TO USE THE "SOFTWARE", EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. IN NO EVENT SHALL XEROX' DIRECT DAMAGES TO YOU EXCEED THE TOTAL LICENSE FEE ACTUALLY PAID BY YOU FOR SUCH SOFTWARE. 8. TERMINATION Xerox may terminate this license immediately upon notice in the event of a material breach by you or if you no longer use or possess the equipment with which this Software is intended to be used, in which event you shall return to Xerox all copies of the Software, and remove same from all equipment into which such Software may have been loaded by you. 9. GOVERNING LAW This agreement will be governed by the laws of the State of New York, USA or if you acquire the Software outside the USA, by the laws of the country in which you acquired the Document Centre System Equipment with which this software is to be used, excluding its conflict of laws provisions. Some jurisdictions do not allow limitations on how long an implied warranty lasts or the exclusion or limitation of incidental or consequential damages, so the above disclaimers, limitations or exclusions, in whole or in part, may not apply to you. 10. ENTIRE AGREEMENT This Software License Agreement is the entire agreement between Xerox and you pertaining to the Software and supersedes all proposals or prior and contemporaneous agreements or understandings of the parties regarding the Software. You agree that any terms and conditions contained in any purchase order or other ordering document submitted to order the Software shall have no binding effect on Xerox and will not modify this Agreement in any way. If, after reading the terms and conditions, they are unacceptable to you, then, to avoid contractual obligations and liability, you should promptly return the software unused, and you will then be entitled to a refund of any sums paid by you to license the Software. Title WorkCentre Pro 40 Color Version 1.2.4 Description DefaultLocation /Library/Printers/PPDs/Contents/Resources DeleteWarning ### Package Flags NeedsAuthorization YES Required NO Relocatable NO RequiresReboot NO UseUserMask NO OverwritePermissions NO InstallFat NO "16" = "Este volume no satisfaz os requisitos para esta atualizao."; "17" = "No h suficiente espao para esta atualizao. So necessrios 300 MB de espao."; "18" = "Este Pacote somente pode ser executado no Mac OS X, verso 10.2 ou superior."; EXONERAO DE RESPONSABILIDADE: A traduo deste acordo de licena foi fornecida pela Xerox Europe e no obriga a qualquer vnculo jurdico. O texto em ingls que segue a traduo vinculativo juridicamente. ======================================================================= CONTRATO DE LICENA E GARANTIA PARA O SOFTWARE INCLUDO E DOCUMENTAO RELACIONADA CONTRATO DE LICENA - LEIA ANTES DE INSTALAR O SOFTWARE IMPORTANTE: ESTE CONTRATO CONTM OS TERMOS E AS CONDIES DA LICENA PARA O SOFTWARE LICENCIADO E DOCUMENTAO RELACIONADA. A INSTALAO DO PACOTE DE SOFTWARE IMPLICA A SUA ACEITAO DESTE CONTRATO. CASO NO O ACEITE, DEVER DEVOLVER IMEDIATAMENTE O PACOTE DE SOFTWARE E APAGAR OS FICHEIROS DE SOFTWARE ACEDIDOS POR SI DE TODA E QUALQUER MEMRIA DE COMPUTADOR, NA QUAL TAL SOFTWARE TENHA SIDO INSTALADO OU ARMAZENADO. SEMPRE QUE UTILIZADA NESTE CONTRATO, A PALAVRA "XEROX" SIGNIFICAR XEROX CORPORATION, UMA SUA EMPRESA DE EXPLORAO, SUBSIDIRIA OU AFILIADA QUAL TIVER ADQUIRIDO A UNIDADE INDIVIDUAL DO EQUIPAMENTO XEROX DOCUMENT CENTRE SYSTEM (O "Equipamento") E COM A QUAL SER UTILIZADO ESTE SOFTWARE, A MENOS QUE TENHA ADQUIRIDO O EQUIPAMENTO A UM REPRESENTANTE, AGENTE, CONCESSIONRIO OU DISTRIBUIDOR AUTORIZADO, EM CUJO CASO "XEROX" SIGNIFICAR XEROX CORPORATION, UMA SUA EMPRESA DE EXPLORAO, SUBSIDIRIA OU AFILIADA QUAL A ENTIDADE QUE LHE VENDEU O EQUIPAMENTO O COMPROU. 1. CONCESSO DE LICENA Atravs do presente, a Xerox concede-lhe uma licena intransmissvel e no exclusiva de utilizao do software e da documentao relacionada ("Software"), fornecidos neste pacote com o Equipamento, durante o perodo de cumprimento dos pagamentos das taxas de licena do software indicados (incluindo eventuais taxas de renovao anual ou de manuteno), sujeita aos termos e condies que se seguem. 2. UTILIZAO Poder instalar o Software para que seja utilizado numa estao de trabalho ou num servidor ligados em rede, apenas em conjunto com o Equipamento. Quando ligados em rede, os restantes utilizadores da rede podero aceder e utilizar o Software em conjunto com o Equipamento. 3. PROPRIEDADE, CPIA, MODIFICAO E CONFIDENCIALIDADE 3.1 A Xerox proprietria ou detm o direito de conceder licenas relativamente a todos os direitos deste Software. 3.2 No lhe sero transmitidos ttulo de propriedade do Software ou quaisquer direitos de patentes. 3.3 Poder, ao abrigo da Seco 3.4 infracitada, efectuar uma cpia total ou parcial do Software apenas para a finalidade expressamente permitida na Seco 2 supracitada e para fins de salvaguarda. A cpia permitida incluir, em formato legvel, as notas relativas a direitos de autor e de propriedade includas no Software original. 3.4 Poder copiar a documentao relacionada apenas para utilizao em conjunto com o Equipamento. 3.5 No poder distribuir, alterar nem modificar o Software, nem permitir que outros o alterem ou modifiquem. 3.6 Aceita no fornecer ou de outro disponibilizar o Software a outrm, que no os seus funcionrios ou as entidades directamente relacionadas com a utilizao licenciada do Software. 3.7 O Software encontra-se protegido pelas leis de direitos de autor e outros direitos de propriedade da Xerox e/ou um terceiro. Poder ser directamente responsabilizado por esse terceiro se violar tais direitos. 3.8 Aceita no inverter a concepo do Software, nem decomp-lo ou desmont-lo para qualquer fim, excepto at ao ponto permitido por lei. 3.9 Aceita no exportar nem reexportar o Software sob qualquer forma sem, no caso de um cliente nos Estado Unidos, primeiro obter todas as licenas do governo dos Estados Unidos e, no caso de um cliente fora dos Estados Unidos, todas as licenas governamentais externas relevante, exigidas por lei. 3.10 A Xerox poder rescindir a sua licena do Software (i) imediatamente, se j no utilizar ou no possuir o Equipamento ou for um locador do Equipamento e o seu primeiro locatrio j no o utilizar ou possuir (ii) depois de rescindido qualquer acordo, mediante o qual tiver alugado ou feito o leasing do Equipamento. 4. TRANSMISSO DO SOFTWARE LICENCIADO Se transferir a posse do Equipamento, a Xerox oferecer ao transmissrio uma licena para utilizar o Software com este ou em conjunto com o mesmo, sujeita aos termos e s taxas de licena da Xerox aplicveis na altura, caso existam, desde que a transmisso no viole os direitos da Xerox. 5. GARANTIA LIMITADA 5.1 A Xerox garante que o Software estar substancialmente em conformidade com o Manual do Utilizador da Xerox ou outra documentao Xerox fornecida no momento da entrega ao Cliente original. A Xerox no garante que o funcionamento do Software venha a ser ininterrupto ou isento de erros, nem que o mesmo v satisfazer as suas necessidades. 5.2 Na eventualidade de o Software no estar em conformidade com a garantia limitada indicada na Seco 5.1 supracitada, a sua nica alternativa ser a de notificar a Xerox no prazo de noventa (90) dias a contar da data de entrega, sendo a nica obrigao da Xerox ou do seu fornecedor a de empregar todos os esforos razoveis para proporcionar uma soluo para evitar a no conformidade ou a de fornecer-lhe Software que esteja substancialmente em conformidade com o Manual do Utilizador da Xerox ou outra documentao fornecida pela Xerox. 5.3 A XEROX NO FORNECE QUAISQUER OUTRAS GARANTIAS RELATIVAS AO "SOFTWARE", EXPRESSAS OU IMPLCITAS, QUER LEGAIS QUER DE OUTRA NATUREZA, INCLUINDO, SEM LIMITAO, GARANTIAS IMPLCITAS DE QUE O PRODUTO SEJA ADEQUADO OU SIRVA PARA O FIM A QUE SE DESTINA. A XEROX REJEITA TAMBM QUAISQUER GARANTIAS OU REPRESENTAES FEITAS POR OUTRM (INCLUINDO REPRESENTANTES, AGENTES, CONCESSIONRIOS OU DISTRIBUIDORES DO SOFTWARE XEROX, MAS NO SE LIMITANDO A ESTAS ENUMERAES). 5.4 As garantias expressas supracitadas no tero qualquer validade se no utilizar devidamente o Software no ambiente adequado, conforme especificado na documentao fornecida pela Xerox, nem se o Software for modificado ou alterado de algum modo. 6. INDEMNIZAO POR DIREITOS DE AUTOR E PATENTE A Xerox ir defender e indemniz-lo, se o Software alegadamente violar, nos Estados Unidos, qualquer patente, segredo comercial ou direito de autor, caso notifique imediatamente a Xerox por escrito de qualquer alegada violao, permita que a Xerox conduza a defesa de tal queixa e coopere com a Xerox. Todas as notificaes devem ser enviadas para Xerox Office of General Counsel, P.O. Box 1600, Stamford, Connecticut 06904. A Xerox no ser responsvel por quaisquer despesas ou pagamentos decorrentes de um processo judicial, a menos que seja fornecida a aprovao prvia da Xerox por escrito. Para evitar uma eventual violao, a Xerox poder, por sua iniciativa, e sem qualquer encargo para si, obter uma licena, ou modificar ou substituir um equivalente do Software, ou remov-lo. Se o Software for removido pela Xerox por esta razo, as taxas de licenas estipuladas que tiver pago sero reembolsadas na totalidade; se nenhuma parte das quantias pagas Xerox no mbito da transaco na qual o Software foi adquirido tiver sido considerada taxa de licena para o Software, a Xerox reembolsar essa parte paga que determine associada aquisio do Software. A Xerox no responsvel por qualquer violao em consequncia de o Software ter sido criado ou modificado (pela Xerox ou outrm, incluindo a sua pessoa) de acordo com as suas especificaes, ou de ter sido utilizado ou vendido em conjunto com o equipamento, software ou consumveis no fornecidos pela Xerox. A XEROX NO FORNECE QUAISQUER GARANTIAS EXPRESSAS OU IMPLCITAS DE NO VIOLAO OU RESPONSABILIDADE POR VIOLAO OU POR QUAISQUER DANOS DECORRENTES DESTA. 7. LIMITE DE RESPONSABILIDADE EM CASO ALGUM SER A XEROX OU SEUS FORNECEDORES RESPONSVEIS POR QUAISQUER DANOS ESPECIAIS, INDIRECTOS, ACIDENTAIS OU CONSEQUENCIAIS, (INCLUINDO, SEM LIMITAO, A PERDA DE DADOS) RESULTANTES, DE ALGUMA FORMA, OU RELACIONADOS COM A UTILIZAO OU INCAPACIDADE DE UTILIZAO DO "SOFTWARE", AINDA QUE TENHAM SIDO AVISADOS ACERCA DA POSSIBILIDADE DE TAIS DANOS. EM CASO ALGUM EXCEDERO OS DANOS DIRECTOS DA XEROX PARA COM A SUA PESSOA A TAXA DE LICENA TOTAL REAL, PAGA POR SI POR TAL SOFTWARE. 8. RESCISO A Xerox poder rescindir esta licena imediatamente, mediante notificao de violao de material por si, ou se j no utilizar ou possuir o equipamento com o qual este Software deve ser utilizado, em cujo caso, devolver Xerox todas as cpias do Software e remover o mesmo de todo o equipamento no qual poder ter sido instalado. 9. LEI APLICVEL Este contrato ser regido pelas leis em vigor no Estado de Nova Iorque, EUA, ou, caso tenha adquirido o Software fora dos EUA, pelas leis do pas no qual tiver adquirido o Equipamento Document Centre System com o qual ser utilizado este software, excluindo o conflito de provises legais. Algumas jurisdies no permitem limitaes relativamente durao de uma garantia implcita ou excluso ou limitao de danos acidentais ou consequenciais; por conseguinte, a exonerao de responsabilidade, as limitaes ou excluses supracitadas, na sua totalidade ou parcialmente, podero no se aplicar a si. 10. ACORDO TOTAL Este Contrato de Licena de Software constitui o acordo total entre a Xerox e a sua pessoa relativamente ao Software e substitui todas as propostas ou acordos anteriores e actuais ou a compreenso das partes com referncia ao Software. Concorda que os termos e as condies contidos em qualquer nota de encomenda ou outro documento de encomenda do Software no tero efeitos vinculativos sobre a Xerox e no modificaro de forma alguma este Contrato. Se, depois de ter lido os termos e as condies, os mesmos lhe parecerem inaceitveis, ento, para evitar as obrigaes e a responsabilidade contratuais, dever devolver prontamente o software no utilizado e ter direito ao reembolso de quaisquer quantias pagas por si para licenciar o Software. ====================================================================== LICENSE AGREEMENT AND WARRANTY FOR THE ENCLOSED SOFTWARE AND RELATED DOCUMENTATION YOUR LICENSE AGREEMENT - READ BEFORE INSTALLING SOFTWARE IMPORTANT: THIS AGREEMENT CONTAINS THE LICENSE TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR LICENSED SOFTWARE AND RELATED DOCUMENTATION. INSTALLING THE SOFTWARE PACKAGE SIGNIFIES YOUR ACCEPTANCE OF THIS AGREEMENT. IF YOU DO NOT ACCEPT THIS AGREEMENT, YOU MUST PROMPTLY RETURN THE SOFTWARE PACKAGE AND DELETE ANY SOFTWARE FILES ACCESSED BY YOU FROM ANY AND ALL COMPUTER MEMORY INTO WHICH SUCH SOFTWARE HAS BEEN LOADED OR STORED. WHEN USED IN THIS AGREEMENT THE WORD "XEROX" SHALL MEAN XEROX CORPORATION, ITS OPERATING COMPANY SUBSIDIARY OR AFFILIATE FROM WHICH YOU OBTAINED THE INDIVIDUAL UNIT OF THE XEROX DOCUMENT CENTRE SYSTEM EQUIPMENT (the "Equipment") WITH WHICH THE SOFTWARE IS TO BE USED, UNLESS YOU OBTAINED THE EQUIPMENT FROM AN AUTHORIZED DEALER, AGENT, CONCESSIONAIRE OR DISTRIBUTOR, IN WHICH CASE "XEROX" SHALL MEAN XEROX CORPORATION, ITS OPERATING COMPANY, SUBSIDIARY OR AFFILIATE FROM WHICH THE ENTITY THAT SOLD YOU THE EQUIPMENT ACQUIRED IT. 1. GRANT OF LICENSE Xerox hereby grants you a non-exclusive, non-transferable license to use the software and related documentation ("Software") enclosed in this package with the Equipment, for as long as you are current in the payment of any indicated software license fees (including any annual renewal or maintenance fees) on the following terms and conditions. 2. USE You may install the Software for use on any networked workstation or server only in conjunction with the Equipment. When networked, other users on the network may access and use the Software in conjunction with the Equipment. 3. OWNERSHIP, COPYING, MODIFICATION AND CONFIDENTIALITY 3.1 Xerox owns or is otherwise entitled to grant licenses in respect of all rights in the Software. 3.2 No title to or ownership of the Software or any proprietary right therein is transferred to you. 3.3 You may, subject to Section 3.4 below, make one copy of the Software in whole or in part only for that purpose expressly permitted in Section 2 above and for back-up. Such permitted copy shall include in readable format any copyright and other proprietary notices contained on the original Software. 3.4 You may copy the related documentation for use only in conjunction with the Equipment. 3.5 You may not distribute, alter or modify nor cause or allow others to alter or modify the Software. 3.6 You agree not to provide or otherwise make available the Software to anyone other than your employees and agents directly concerned with the licensed use of the Software. 3.7 The Software is protected by copyright and other proprietary rights of Xerox and/or a third party. You may be held directly responsible by such third party for an infringement of such rights by you. 3.8 You agree not to reverse engineer, decompile or disassemble the Software for any purpose whatsoever, except to the extent permitted by law. 3.9 You agree not to export or re-export the Software in any form without, in the case of a customer in the United States, first obtaining all United States government licenses, and in the case of a customer outside of the United States, all relevant foreign government licenses, required by law, and then only upon the export of the Equipment. 3.10 Xerox may terminate your license for the Software (i) immediately if you no longer use or possess the Equipment or are a lessor of the Equipment and your first lessee no longer uses or possesses it or (ii) upon the termination of any agreement under which you have rented or leased the Equipment. 4. TRANSFER OF LICENSED SOFTWARE If you transfer possession of the Equipment, Xerox will offer the transferee a license to use the Software on or with it, subject to Xerox' then applicable terms and license fees, if any, and provided the transfer is not in violation of Xerox' rights. 5. LIMITED WARRANTY 5.1 Xerox warrants that the Software shall substantially conform to Xerox' User Manual or other Xerox documentation supplied at delivery to the original Customer. Xerox does not warrant that the operation of the Software will be uninterrupted or error free, nor that it will meet your needs. 5.2 In the event that the Software does not conform to the limited warranty contained in Section 5.1 above, your exclusive remedy is to notify Xerox within ninety (90) days of the date of delivery, and Xerox' or its supplier's sole obligation shall be to use all reasonable efforts to provide a work-around which avoids the nonconformity or to provide you with Software which does substantially conform to the Xerox User Manual or other Xerox supplied documentation. 5.3 XEROX GRANTS NO OTHER WARRANTIES ON THE "SOFTWARE", EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, WHETHER CREATED BY STATUTE OR OTHERWISE, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. XEROX FURTHER DISCLAIMS ANY WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS MADE BY PERSONS OTHER THAN XEROX (INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO XEROX SOFTWARE DEALERS, AGENTS, CONCESSIONAIRES OR DISTRIBUTORS). 5.4 The express warranties set forth above shall be void if you fail to properly use the Software in the appropriate environment as specified in the Xerox supplied documentation or if the Software is modified or altered in any fashion. 6. PATENT AND COPYRIGHT INDEMNIFICATION Xerox will defend and indemnify you if the Software is alleged to infringe, in the United States, any patent, trade secret, or copyright, if you promptly notify Xerox in writing of any alleged infringement, allow Xerox to direct the defense of such claim, and cooperate with Xerox. All notices should be sent to the Xerox Office of General Counsel, P.O. Box 1600, Stamford, Connecticut 06904. Xerox is not responsible for any non-Xerox litigation expenses or settlements unless Xerox pre-approves them in writing. To avoid infringement, Xerox may, at its option, and at no charge to you, obtain a license, or modify, or substitute an equivalent of, or remove the Software. If Software is removed by Xerox for this reason, any designated license fees paid by you will be fully refunded; if no portion of the amounts paid to Xerox within the transaction in which the Software was acquired was designated as a license fee for the Software, Xerox shall refund that portion of the amounts paid that Xerox reasonably designates as associated with the Software's acquisition. Xerox is not liable for any infringement due to the Software being made or modified (by Xerox or others, including you) to your specifications, or being used or sold in combination with equipment, software, or supplies not provided by Xerox. XEROX MAKES NO OTHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTY OF NON-INFRINGEMENT OR LIABILITY FOR INFRINGEMENT OR ANY DAMAGES THEREFROM. 7. LIMITATION OF LIABILITY IN NO EVENT SHALL XEROX OR ITS SUPPLIERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, (INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, LOSS OF DATA) IN ANY WAY ARISING OUT OF OR RELATED TO THE USE OR INABILITY TO USE THE "SOFTWARE", EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. IN NO EVENT SHALL XEROX' DIRECT DAMAGES TO YOU EXCEED THE TOTAL LICENSE FEE ACTUALLY PAID BY YOU FOR SUCH SOFTWARE. 8. TERMINATION Xerox may terminate this license immediately upon notice in the event of a material breach by you or if you no longer use or possess the equipment with which this Software is intended to be used, in which event you shall return to Xerox all copies of the Software, and remove same from all equipment into which such Software may have been loaded by you. 9. GOVERNING LAW This agreement will be governed by the laws of the State of New York, USA or if you acquire the Software outside the USA, by the laws of the country in which you acquired the Document Centre System Equipment with which this software is to be used, excluding its conflict of laws provisions. Some jurisdictions do not allow limitations on how long an implied warranty lasts or the exclusion or limitation of incidental or consequential damages, so the above disclaimers, limitations or exclusions, in whole or in part, may not apply to you. 10. ENTIRE AGREEMENT This Software License Agreement is the entire agreement between Xerox and you pertaining to the Software and supersedes all proposals or prior and contemporaneous agreements or understandings of the parties regarding the Software. You agree that any terms and conditions contained in any purchase order or other ordering document submitted to order the Software shall have no binding effect on Xerox and will not modify this Agreement in any way. If, after reading the terms and conditions, they are unacceptable to you, then, to avoid contractual obligations and liability, you should promptly return the software unused, and you will then be entitled to a refund of any sums paid by you to license the Software. Title WorkCentre Pro 40 Color Version 1.2.4 Description DefaultLocation /Library/Printers/PPDs/Contents/Resources DeleteWarning ### Package Flags NeedsAuthorization YES Required NO Relocatable NO RequiresReboot NO UseUserMask NO OverwritePermissions NO InstallFat NO "16" = "Este volume no satisfaz os requisitos para esta atualizao."; "17" = "No h suficiente espao para esta atualizao. So necessrios 300 MB de espao."; "18" = "Este Pacote somente pode ser executado no Mac OS X, verso 10.2 ou superior."; if (! -e $path) { return 0; } if (!$operator) { $operator = "=="; } my $oldSeperator = $/; $/ = \0; open( PLIST, "$path") || do { return 0; }; $plistData = ; $plistData =~ /(.*?)<\/dict>/gis; @items = split(//, $plistData); shift @items; foreach $item (@items) { $item =~ /(.*?)<\/key>.*?(.*?)<\/string>/gis; $versiondata{ $1 } = $2; } close(PLIST); $/ = $oldSeperator; @theVersionArray = split(/\./, $versiondata{$keyName}); for ($i = 0; $i < 3; $i++) { if(!$theVersionArray[$i]) { $theVersionArray[$i] = '0'; } } @versionArray = split(/\./, $version); my $actualVersion; for ($i = 0; $i < 3; $i++) { if (($theVersionArray[$i] != $versionArray[$i]) or ($i == 2)) { $actualVersion = $theVersionArray[$i]; $version = $versionArray[$i]; last; } } my $expression = '$actualVersion ' . $operator . ' $version'; if( eval ($expression) ) { return 1; } else { return 0; } } A traduo deste contrato de licena de usurio foi fornecida pela Xerox Europe e no juridicamente imputvel. O texto em ingls, que acompanha a traduo, tem valor legal. ========================================================================= ACORDO DE LICENA E DE GARANTIA CORRESPONDENTE AO SOFTWARE E SUA DOCUMENTAO SEU ACORDO DE LICENA - LEIA ANTES DE INSTALAR O SOFTWARE IMPORTANTE: ESTE ACORDO CONTM OS TERMOS DE LICENA E AS CONDIES DE LICENCIAMENTO DO SEU SOFTWARE E DA SUA DOCUMENTAO. A INSTALAO DO PACOTE DE SOFTWARE SIGNIFICA A SUA INEQUVOCA ACEITAO DESTE ACORDO. SE VOC NO ACEITAR ESTE ACORDO, VOC DEVE APAGAR QUAISQUER ARQUIVOS DO SOFTWARE ACESSADO POR VOC DE QUALQUER E DE TODA MEMRIA DO(S) COMPUTADOR(ES) NA QUAL ESSE SOFTWARE FOI CARREGADO OU ARMAZENADO. TAL COMO UTILIZADA NESTE ACORDO, A PALAVRA "XEROX" DEVE SIGNIFICAR XEROX CORPORATION, A COMPANHIA DE OPERAO SUBSIDIRIA OU O DISTRIBUIDOR AUTORIZADO ATRAVS DOS QUAIS VOC OBTEVE O PRODUTO XEROX A MENOS QUE VOC O TENHA OBTIDO ATRAVS DE UM DEALER, AGENTE, CONCESSIONRIA OU DISTRIBUIDOR AUTORIZADO, EM CUJO CASO, "XEROX" SIGNIFICA XEROX CORPORATION, A COMPANHIA DE OPERAO SUBSIDIRIA OU AFILIADA DE CUJA IDENTIDADE VOC ADQUIRIU O EQUIPAMENTO. 1. CONCESSO DE LICENA A Xerox por meio desta concede ao Cliente uma licena no-exclusiva para utilizar o software e a documentao inerente ("Software") que acompanha este pacote com o Equipamento, enquanto voc estiver em dia com o pagamento de quaisquer mensalidades inerentes licena de software (inclusive renovaes anuais e taxas de manuteno), nos seguintes termos e condies. 2. USO O Cliente pode instalar o Software para o uso em qualquer estao de trabalho ou servidor de rede somente em conjunto com o Equipamento. Estando na rede, outros usurios da rede podem acessar e utilizar o Software em conjunto com o Equipamento. 3. PROPRIEDADE, CPIA, MODIFICAO E SEGURANA 3.1 A Xerox possui ou est autorizada a conceder licenas relacionadas a todos os direitos contidos no software. 3.2 Nenhum ttulo ou posse do software ou qualquer direito de propriedade nesse sentido transferido para o Cliente. 3.3 O Cliente pode, sujeito Seo 3.4 abaixo, copiar o Software por completo ou em parte somente para o propsito permitido na Seo 2 acima e para cpia de segurana. Cada cpia permitida deve incluir em formato legvel qualquer direito autoral e outras notas de propriedade contidas no Software original. 3.4 O cliente no pode fazer cpias da documentao relacionada, exceto para o uso com o prprio Equipamento. 3.5 O Cliente no deve distribuir, alterar ou modificar nem causar ou permitir que outros alterem ou modifiquem o Software. 3.6 O Cliente concorda em no fornecer ou tornar o Software disponvel para qualquer outra pessoa alm dos seus funcionrios e pessoas diretamente envolvidas com o uso da licena do Software. 3.7 O Software protegido por direitos autorais e outros direitos de propriedade da Xerox e/ou de terceiros. O Cliente pode ser considerado diretamente responsvel pelos terceiros em caso de uma infrao desses direitos. 3.8 O Cliente concorda em no alterar, descompilar ou desmontar o Software para qualquer propsito. 3.9 O cliente concorda em no exportar ou re-exportar o Software de nehuma maneira, sem primeiramente, no caso de um cliente localizado nos Estados Unidos da Amrica, obter todas as licenas emitidas pelo governo dos Estados Unidos. No caso de um cliente localizado fora dos Estados Unidos, este dever adquirir quaisquer licenas governamentais estrangeiras relevantes, exigidas perante lei, e somente aps a aquisio das mesmas, a exportao do equipamento poder ter lugar. 3.10 A Xerox pode anular a sua licena de software (i) imediatamente se voc no utilizar ou possuir mais o Equipamento ou se voc estiver alugando o Equipamento e a pessoa que tiver feito o aluguel no mais utiliza ou possui o Equipamento ou (ii) sob o cancelamento de qualquer acordo sob os quais voc tiver alugado o Equipamento. 4. TRANSFERNCIA DO SOFTWARE LICENCIADO Se voc transferir a posse do Equipamento, a Xerox oferecer ao novo proprietrio uma licena para utilizar o Software com o Equipamento, estando o novo proprietrio sujeito s taxas de licena e termos aplicveis, caso existam, contanto que a transferncia no esteja em violao com os direitos da Xerox. 5. GARANTIA LIMITADA 5.1 A Xerox garante que o Software deve estar em conformidade com o Manual do Usurio da Xerox ou com outra descrio do produto da Xerox fornecido no ato da entrega ao Cliente original. A Xerox no garante que a operao do Software ser contnua ou sem erros e nem que ela ir de encontro s necessidades do Cliente. 5.2 No caso de o Software no corresponder garantia limitada contida na Seo 5.1 acima, o nico recurso do Cliente notificar a Xerox dentro de noventa (90) dias a partir da data da entrega e a nica obrigao da Xerox e dos seus fornecedores a de utilizar esforos para fornecer uma soluo alternativa que evite a no-conformidade ou fornecer para o Cliente um Software que esteja de acordo com o Manual do Usurio da Xerox ou com outra documentao fornecida pela Xerox. 5.3 NENHUMA OUTRA GARANTIA, EXPLICITA OU IMPLICITA, QUE NO AQUELA CONSTANTE DESTE ACORDO DE LICENA , POR QUALQUER FORMA, CONCEDIDA PELA XEROX. A XEROX NO ESTAR, AINDA, OBRIGADA POR QUALQUER DITA "GARANTIA" OFERECIDA POR PESSOAS QUE NO A PRPRIA XEROX (INCLUINDO MAS SEM LIMITAR QUAISQUER DEALERS, AGENTES, CONCESSIONRIAS OU DISTRIBUIDORES XEROX). 5.4 As garantias mencionadas acima sero anuladas se o Cliente no utilizar o Software no ambiente apropriado como detalhado na documentao fornecida pela Xerox, ou se o Software for modificado ou alterado. 6. INDENIZAO DE PATENTE E DIREITO AUTORAL A Xerox defender e indenizar o Cliente se for alegado que o Software infringe qualquer patente, segredo comercial ou direito autoral. O Cliente dever notificar de imediato a Xerox, por escrito, qualquer infrao alegada, permitindo que a Xerox defenda tal alegao e cooperando com a Xerox. A Xerox no responsvel por quaisquer gastos de demanda ou acordos no relacionados Xerox, a no ser que a Xerox concorde com os mesmos, por escrito. Para evitar infrao, a Xerox pode, por opo e sem custo adicional para o Cliente, obter uma licena, modificar ou substituir por uma equivalente, independentemente da remoo do Software. A Xerox no responsvel por qualquer infrao devido ao Software ter sido fabricado ou modificado (pela Xerox ou outros, incluindo o Cliente) para especificaes do Cliente, ou por ter sido utilizado ou vendido em conjunto com equipamento, software ou suprimentos no providos pela Xerox. A XEROX NO TEM NENHUMA OUTRA GARANTIA EXPLCITA OU IMPLCITA DE NO INFRAO OU RESPONSABILIDADE POR INFRAES OU QUALQUER DANO A PARTIR DESTE MOMENTO. 7. LIMITAO DE RESPONSABILIDADE EM NENHUMA CIRCUNSTNCIA, A XEROX SER RESPONSVEL POR QUALQUER DANO ESPECIAL, INDIRETO OU INCIDENTAL (A INCLUIDA A EVENTUAL PERDA ILIMITADA DE DADOS) RELACIONADO OU NO UTILIZAO OU INCAPACIDADE DE UTILIZAO DO "SOFTWARE", MESMO SE ADVERTIDA DA POSSIBILIDADE DESSES DANOS. EM NENHUMA CIRCUNSTNCIA OS DANOS RELACIONADOS XEROX DEVERO EXCEDER O VALOR TOTAL DA TAXA DE LICENA PAGA POR VOC PELO SOFTWARE. 8. TERMINAO DA LICENA A Xerox poder cancelar esta licena imediatamente ao perceber a violao do produto pelo Cliente ou caso o Cliente no mais utilize ou possua o equipamento com o qual esse Software destinado para uso. Neste caso, o Cliente deve devolver Xerox todas as cpias do Software e remover toda(s) aquela(s) de todos os equipamentos nos quais o Software tenha sido carregado pelo Cliente. 9. LEIS ADMINISTRATIVAS Este acordo ser administrado pelas leis do Estado de Nova York, EUA ou pelas leis do pas de registro da Companhia Operacional da Xerox ou do Distribuidor autorizado do qual voc adquiriu o Equipamento para o qual esse software deve ser utilizado. Algumas jurisdies no permitem limitaes sobre o perodo de durao da garantia limitada ou a excluso ou limitao de danos incidentais ou conseqentes, portanto, as refernncias acimas, limitaes ou excluses mencionadas acima, integralmente ou parcialmente podem no se aplicar voc. 10. ACORDO GERAL Esse Acordo de Licena de Software o acordo geral entre a Xerox e o Cliente relativo ao Software e substitui todas as propostas e acordos inerentes anteriores. Voc deve concordar que quaisquer termos e condies contidos em qualquer ordem de compra ou qualquer outro tipo de documento submetido para requisitar o Software no tm qualquer efeito sobre a Xerox e no podem modificar este acordo de licena de modo algum. Se aps ter lido os termos e condies, eles no forem aceitos por voc, ento, para evitar obrigaes e responsabilidades contratuais, voc dever devolver imediatamente o Software sem us-lo antes. ====================================================================== LICENSE AGREEMENT AND WARRANTY FOR THE ENCLOSED SOFTWARE AND RELATED DOCUMENTATION YOUR LICENSE AGREEMENT - READ BEFORE INSTALLING SOFTWARE IMPORTANT: THIS AGREEMENT CONTAINS THE LICENSE TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR LICENSED SOFTWARE AND RELATED DOCUMENTATION. INSTALLING THE SOFTWARE PACKAGE SIGNIFIES YOUR ACCEPTANCE OF THIS AGREEMENT. IF YOU DO NOT ACCEPT THIS AGREEMENT, YOU MUST PROMPTLY RETURN THE SOFTWARE PACKAGE AND DELETE ANY SOFTWARE FILES ACCESSED BY YOU FROM ANY AND ALL COMPUTER MEMORY INTO WHICH SUCH SOFTWARE HAS BEEN LOADED OR STORED. WHEN USED IN THIS AGREEMENT THE WORD "XEROX" SHALL MEAN XEROX CORPORATION, ITS OPERATING COMPANY SUBSIDIARY OR AFFILIATE FROM WHICH YOU OBTAINED THE XEROX PRODUCT WITH WHICH THE SOFTWARE IS TO BE USED (the "Equipment"), UNLESS YOU OBTAINED THE EQUIPMENT FROM AN AUTHORIZED DEALER, AGENT, CONCESSIONAIRE OR DISTRIBUTOR, IN WHICH CASE "XEROX" SHALL MEAN XEROX CORPORATION, ITS OPERATING COMPANY, SUBSIDIARY OR AFFILIATE FROM WHICH THE ENTITY THAT SOLD YOU THE EQUIPMENT ACQUIRED IT. 1. GRANT OF LICENSE Xerox hereby grants you a non-exclusive, non-transferable license to use the software and related documentation ("Software") enclosed in this package with the Equipment, for as long as you are current in the payment of any indicated software license fees (including any annual renewal or maintenance fees) on the following terms and conditions. 2. USE You may install the Software for use on any networked workstation or server only in conjunction with the Equipment. When networked, other users on the network may access and use the Software in conjunction with the Equipment. 3. OWNERSHIP, COPYING, MODIFICATION AND CONFIDENTIALITY 3.1 Xerox owns or is otherwise entitled to grant licenses in respect of all rights in the Software. 3.2 No title to or ownership of the Software or any proprietary right therein is transferred to you. 3.3 You may, subject to Section 3.4 below, make one copy of the Software in whole or in part only for that purpose expressly permitted in Section 2 above and for back-up. Such permitted copy shall include in readable format any copyright and other proprietary notices contained on the original Software. 3.4 You may copy the related documentation for use only in conjunction with the Equipment. 3.5 You may not distribute, alter or modify nor cause or allow others to alter or modify the Software. 3.6 You agree not to provide or otherwise make available the Software to anyone other than your employees and agents directly concerned with the licensed use of the Software. 3.7 The Software is protected by copyright and other proprietary rights of Xerox and/or a third party. You may be held directly responsible by such third party for an infringement of such rights by you. 3.8 You agree not to reverse engineer, decompile or disassemble the Software for any purpose whatsoever, except to the extent permitted by law. 3.9 You agree not to export or re-export the Software in any form without, in the case of a customer in the United States, first obtaining all United States government licenses, and in the case of a customer outside of the United States, all relevant foreign government licenses, required by law, and then only upon the export of the Equipment. 3.10 Xerox may terminate your license for the Software (i) immediately if you no longer use or possess the Equipment or are a lessor of the Equipment and your first lessee no longer uses or possesses it or (ii) upon the termination of any agreement under which you have rented or leased the Equipment. 4. TRANSFER OF LICENSED SOFTWARE If you transfer possession of the Equipment, Xerox will offer the transferee a license to use the Software on or with it, subject to Xerox' then applicable terms and license fees, if any, and provided the transfer is not in violation of Xerox' rights. 5. LIMITED WARRANTY 5.1 Xerox warrants that the Software shall substantially conform to Xerox' User Manual or other Xerox documentation supplied at delivery to the original Customer. Xerox does not warrant that the operation of the Software will be uninterrupted or error free, nor that it will meet your needs. 5.2 In the event that the Software does not conform to the limited warranty contained in Section 5.1 above, your exclusive remedy is to notify Xerox within ninety (90) days of the date of delivery, and Xerox' or its supplier's sole obligation shall be to use all reasonable efforts to provide a work-around which avoids the nonconformity or to provide you with Software which does substantially conform to the Xerox User Manual or other Xerox supplied documentation. 5.3 XEROX GRANTS NO OTHER WARRANTIES ON THE "SOFTWARE", EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, WHETHER CREATED BY STATUTE OR OTHERWISE, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. XEROX FURTHER DISCLAIMS ANY WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS MADE BY PERSONS OTHER THAN XEROX (INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO XEROX SOFTWARE DEALERS, AGENTS, CONCESSIONAIRES OR DISTRIBUTORS). 5.4 The express warranties set forth above shall be void if you fail to properly use the Software in the appropriate environment as specified in the Xerox supplied documentation or if the Software is modified or altered in any fashion. 6. PATENT AND COPYRIGHT INDEMNIFICATION Xerox will defend and indemnify you if the Software is alleged to infringe, in the United States, any patent, trade secret, or copyright, if you promptly notify Xerox in writing of any alleged infringement, allow Xerox to direct the defense of such claim, and cooperate with Xerox. All notices should be sent to the Xerox Office of General Counsel, P.O. Box 1600, Stamford, Connecticut 06904. Xerox is not responsible for any non-Xerox litigation expenses or settlements unless Xerox pre-approves them in writing. To avoid infringement, Xerox may, at its option, and at no charge to you, obtain a license, or modify, or substitute an equivalent of, or remove the Software. If Software is removed by Xerox for this reason, any designated license fees paid by you will be fully refunded; if no portion of the amounts paid to Xerox within the transaction in which the Software was acquired was designated as a license fee for the Software, Xerox shall refund that portion of the amounts paid that Xerox reasonably designates as associated with the Software's acquisition. Xerox is not liable for any infringement due to the Software being made or modified (by Xerox or others, including you) to your specifications, or being used or sold in combination with equipment, software, or supplies not provided by Xerox. XEROX MAKES NO OTHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTY OF NON-INFRINGEMENT OR LIABILITY FOR INFRINGEMENT OR ANY DAMAGES THEREFROM. 7. LIMITATION OF LIABILITY IN NO EVENT SHALL XEROX OR ITS SUPPLIERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, (INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, LOSS OF DATA) IN ANY WAY ARISING OUT OF OR RELATED TO THE USE OR INABILITY TO USE THE "SOFTWARE", EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. IN NO EVENT SHALL XEROX' DIRECT DAMAGES TO YOU EXCEED THE TOTAL LICENSE FEE ACTUALLY PAID BY YOU FOR SUCH SOFTWARE. 8. TERMINATION Xerox may terminate this license immediately upon notice in the event of a material breach by you or if you no longer use or possess the equipment with which this Software is intended to be used, in which event you shall return to Xerox all copies of the Software, and remove same from all equipment into which such Software may have been loaded by you. 9. GOVERNING LAW This agreement will be governed by the laws of the State of New York, USA or if you acquire the Software outside the USA, by the laws of the country in which you acquired the Equipment, excluding its conflict of laws provisions. Some jurisdictions do not allow limitations on how long an implied warranty lasts or the exclusion or limitation of incidental or consequential damages, so the above disclaimers, limitations or exclusions, in whole or in part, may not apply to you. 10. ENTIRE AGREEMENT This Software License Agreement is the entire agreement between Xerox and you pertaining to the Software and supersedes all proposals or prior and contemporaneous agreements or understandings of the parties regarding the Software. You agree that any terms and conditions contained in any purchase order or other ordering document submitted to order the Software shall have no binding effect on Xerox and will not modify this Agreement in any way. If, after reading the terms and conditions, they are unacceptable to you, then, to avoid contractual obligations and liability, you should promptly return the software unused, and you will then be entitled to a refund of any sums paid by you to license the Software. Title WorkCentre Pro 40 Color Version 1.2.4 Description DefaultLocation /Library/Printers/PPDs/Contents/Resources DeleteWarning ### Package Flags NeedsAuthorization YES Required NO Relocatable NO RequiresReboot NO UseUserMask NO OverwritePermissions NO InstallFat NO "16" = "Dette volumet tilfredsstiller ikke kravene til denne oppdateringen."; "17" = "Ikke nok ledig plass for denne oppdateringen. 300 MB ledig plass er ndvendig."; "18" = "Denne pakken kan kun brukes p Mac OS X, versjon 10.2 eller nyere."; Oversettelsen av denne lisensavtalen er levert av Xerox Europe, og den er ikke juridisk bindende. Den engelske teksten som er tatt med etter den oversatte teksten har juridisk kraft. ======================================================================= LISENSAVTALE OG GARANTI FOR VEDLAGTE PROGRAMVARE OG TILHRENDE DOKUMENTASJON DIN LISENSAVTALE - LES GJENNOM DENNE FR DU INSTALLERER PROGRAMVAREN VIKTIG: DENNE AVTALEN INNEHOLDER LISENSBETINGELSENE OG -VILKRENE FOR DEN LISENSIERTE PROGRAMVAREN OG TILHRENDE DOKUMENTASJON. VED INSTALLERE PROGRAMVAREPAKKEN GODTAR DU DENNE AVTALEN. HVIS DU IKKE GODTAR DENNE AVTALEN, M DU STRAKS RETURNERE PROGRAMVAREPAKKEN OG SLETTE ALLE PROGRAMVAREFILER DU HAR HATT TILGANG TIL FRA ALLE DATAMASKINER DER SLIK PROGRAMVARE HAR VRT LASTET ELLER LAGRET. ORDET "XEROX" VIL I DENNE AVTALEN SI XEROX CORPORATION, DERES OPERATIVSELSKAPER, DATTERSELSKAPER ELLER TILKNYTTEDE SELSKAPER SOM LEVERTE DEN INDIVIDUELLE ENHETEN TIL XEROX DOCUMENT CENTRE-SYSTEMET ("utstyret") SOM PROGRAMVAREN SKAL BRUKES P, MED MINDRE DU ANSKAFFET UTSTYRET FRA EN AUTORISERT FORHANDLER, AGENT, KONSESJONSHAVER ELLER DISTRIBUTR. I SLIKE TILFELLER VIL "XEROX" SI XEROX CORPORATION, DERES OPERATIVSELSKAPER, DATTERSELSKAPER ELLER TILKNYTTEDE SELSKAPER SOM SELGEREN DU KJPTE UTSTYRET FRA, HAR ANSKAFFET ENHETEN FRA. 1. LISENSTILDELING Xerox gir det herved en ikke-eksklusiv, ikke-overfrbar rett til bruke programvaren og tilhrende dokumentasjon ("programvare") som er vedlagt denne utstyrspakken, s lenge du betaler eventuell angitt programvarelisensavgift (inkludert eventuell rlig fornyelses- eller vedlikeholdsavgift) i henhold til flgende vilkr og betingelser. 2. BRUK Du kan installere programvaren for bruk p alle nettverkstilknyttede arbeidsstasjoner eller servere kun i forbindelse med utstyret. Ved bruk i nettverk kan andre brukere p nettverket f tilgang til og bruke programvaren i forbindelse med utstyret. 3. EIENDOMSRETT, KOPIERING, ENDRING OG KONFIDENSIALITET 3.1 Xerox eier eller har p annen mte rett til tildele lisenser i forbindelse med alle rettigheter til programvaren. 3.2 Ingen eiendomsrett til programvaren eller opphavsrett i forbindelse med denne overfres til deg. 3.3 I henhold til del 3.4 nedenfor kan du ta n kopi av hele eller deler av programvaren til det formlet som uttrykkelig er tillatt etter del 2 ovenfor og for sikkerhetskopiering. Slike tillatte kopier skal omfatte i lesbart format alle meldinger om opphavsrett og annen eiendomsrett som er med i den opprinnelige programvaren. 3.4 Du kan kun kopiere den tilhrende dokumentasjonen for bruk i forbindelse med utstyret. 3.5 Du kan ikke distribuere, endre eller tilpasse, eller forrsake eller tillate at andre endrer eller tilpasser, programvaren. 3.6 Du aksepterer ikke overlate eller gjre programvaren p annen mte tilgjengelig for andre enn dine ansatte og underleverandrer som arbeider med den lisensierte programvaren. 3.7 Programvaren er beskyttet ved opphavsrett og annen eiendomsrett som tilhrer Xerox og/eller en tredjepart. Du kan holdes direkte ansvarlig av slik tredjepart ved brudd p slike rettigheter. 3.8 Du aksepterer ikke snu om p, dekompilere eller demontere programvaren til noe forml, unntatt som tillatt ved lov. 3.9 Du aksepterer ikke eksportere eller gjeneksportere programvaren i noen form uten, nr det gjelder kunder i USA, frst innhente alle lisenser fra de offentlige myndighetene, og nr det gjelder kunder utenfor USA, alle relevante lisenser fra offentlige myndigheter som kreves ved lov, og da kun ved eksport av utstyret. 3.10 Xerox kan si opp programvarelisensen (i) straks hvis du ikke lenger bruker eller eier utstyret, eller er utleier av utstyret og frste fester ikke lenger bruker eller innehar det, eller (ii) ved opphr av eventuell avtale som du har leid eller leaset utstyret i henhold til. 4. OVERFRING AV LISENSIERT PROGRAMVARE Hvis du overfrer eierretten til utstyret, tilbyr Xerox den nye eieren en lisens til bruke programvaren p eller sammen med utstyret, i henhold til Xerox' gjeldende betingelser og eventuelle lisensavgifter, og sfremt overfringen ikke medfrer brudd p noen av Xerox' rettigheter. 5. GARANTIBEGRENSNING 5.1 Xerox garanterer at programvaren i hovedsak samsvarer med brukerhndboken eller annen dokumentasjon fra Xerox som leveres sammen med enheten til den opprinnelige kunden. Xerox garanterer ikke at programvaren vil fungere uavbrutt eller feilfritt, eller at den dekker dine behov. 5.2 Dersom programvaren ikke overholder den begrensede garantien i del 5.1 ovenfor, m du melde fra til Xerox innen nitti (90) dager etter leveringsdato, og den eneste forpliktelsen til Xerox eller deres leverandrer er treffe rimelige tiltak for levere en lsning som korrigerer misforholdet, eller levere programvare som i hovedsak samstemmer med brukerhndboken fra Xerox eller annen dokumentasjon som leveres fra Xerox. 5.3 XEROX GIR INGEN ANDRE GARANTIER FOR PROGRAMVAREN, VERKEN UTTRYKTE ELLER UNDERFORSTTTE, OPPSTTT ETTER VEDTEKTER ELLER P ANNEN MTE, INKLUDERT UTEN BEGRENSNINGER UNDERFORSTTTE GARANTIER OM SALGBARHET OG EGNETHET FOR ET BESTEMT FORML. XEROX FRASKRIVER SEG OGS ANSVARET FOR GARANTIER ELLER UTSAGN GITT AV ANDRE PERSONER ENN ANSATTE HOS XEROX (INKLUDERT, MEN IKKE BEGRENSET TIL XEROX' PROGRAMVAREFORHANDLERE, AGENTER, KONSESJONSHAVERE ELLER DISTRIBUTRER). 5.4 De uttrykte garantiene fastsatt ovenfor er ugyldige hvis du ikke bruker programvaren riktig i riktig milj, som angitt i den vedlagte dokumentasjonen fra Xerox, eller hvis programvaren endres eller tilpasses p noen mte. 6. ERSTATNING I FORBINDELSE MED PATENTER OG OPPHAVSRETT Xerox forsvarer deg mot og srger for erstatning hvis det psts at programvaren i USA medfrer brudd p patenter, forretningshemmeligheter eller opphavsrett, hvis du straks varsler Xerox om dette skriftlig, lar Xerox fre saken i forbindelse med slikt krav og samarbeider med Xerox. Alle meldinger m sendes til Xerox Office of General Counsel, P.O. Box 1600, Stamford, Connecticut 06904. Xerox er ikke ansvarlig for utgifter til rettstvister eller erstatningskrav som ikke har forbindelse med Xerox, med mindre Xerox har gtt med p dette skriftlig p forhnd. For unng brudd p rettigheter, kan Xerox etter eget forgodtbefinnende og uten kostnader for deg, innhente en lisens eller endre eller erstatte med tilsvarende produkt eller fjerne programvaren. Hvis programvaren fjernes av Xerox av denne rsak, blir lisensavgift du har betalt i forbindelse med denne refundert i sin helhet. Hvis ingen del av belpene som er betalt til Xerox innenfor transaksjonen da programvaren ble anskaffet, ble utpekt som lisensavgift for programvaren, skal Xerox refundere den delen av det betalte belpet som Xerox finner rimelig i forbindelse med anskaffelse av programvaren. Xerox har ikke ansvar for brudd som forrsakes av at programvare lages eller endres (av Xerox eller andre, inkludert deg) etter dine spesifikasjoner eller benyttes eller selges sammen med utstyr, programvare eller forbruksartikler som ikke er levert av Xerox. XEROX GIR INGEN ANDRE GARANTIER, VERKEN UTTRYKTE ELLER UNDERFORSTTTE OM UNNG OVERTREDELSER ELLER ANSVAR FOR OVERTREDELSER ELLER SKADE SOM OPPSTR P GRUNN AV DETTE. 7. ANSVARSBEGRENSNING UNDER INGEN OMSTENDIGHETER SKAL XEROX ELLER DERES LEVERANDRER VRE ANSVARLIG FOR SPESIELL ELLER INDIREKTE SKADE, FLGESKADE ELLER SKADE VED UHELL (INKLUDERT, UTEN BEGRENSNINGER, TAP AV DATA) SOM P NOEN MTE OPPSTR P GRUNN AV ELLER I FORBINDELSE MED BRUK ELLER MANGLENDE EVNE TIL KUNNE BRUKE "PROGRAMVAREN", SELV OM XEROX HAR BLITT FORTALT OM MULIGHETEN FOR SLIK SKADE. UNDER INGEN OMSTENDIGHETER SKAL XEROX' DIREKTE ERSTATNING OVERFOR DEG OVERSTIGE DEN SAMLEDE LISENSAVGIFTEN SOM DU FAKTISK HAR BETALT FOR SLIK PROGRAMVARE. 8. OPPHR Xerox kan si opp denne lisensen umiddelbart etter varsel ved alvorlig mislighold fra din side, eller hvis du ikke lenger bruker eller eier utstyret som denne programvaren er beregnet for bruk p. Du skal da returnere alle kopier av programvaren til Xerox og fjerne denne fra alt utstyr denne programvaren har vrt lastet p. 9. GJELDENDE LOVER Denne avtalen reguleres av lovene i staten New York, USA, eller, hvis du anskaffer programvaren utenfor USA, av lovene i det landet der du kjpte Document Centre-system-utstyret som denne programvaren skal brukes p, dersom den kommer i konflikt med lovbestemmelser. Enkelte domsmyndigheter tillater ikke begrensninger for hvor lenge en garanti varer eller unntak eller begrensninger av flgeskader eller skader ved uhell, slik at hele eller deler av fraskrivelsene, begrensningene eller unntakene ovenfor kanskje ikke gjelder for deg. 10. HELE AVTALEN Denne programvarelisensavtalen er hele avtalen mellom Xerox og deg i forbindelse med programvaren og erstatter alle forslag eller tidligere og nvrende avtaler eller forstelser mellom partene angende programvaren. Du aksepterer at ingen betingelser og vilkr i kjpsordrer eller annet bestillingsdokument som ble levert ved bestilling av programvaren, har bindende virkning p Xerox, og de endrer ikke denne avtalen p noen mte. Dersom du etter ha lest gjennom vilkrene og betingelsene bestemmer at du ikke kan akseptere dem, unngr du bindes av kontrakten hvis du straks returnerer programvaren i ubrukt stand. Du har s krav p refusjon av det belpet du har betalt for f lisens til bruke programvaren. ====================================================================== LICENSE AGREEMENT AND WARRANTY FOR THE ENCLOSED SOFTWARE AND RELATED DOCUMENTATION YOUR LICENSE AGREEMENT - READ BEFORE INSTALLING SOFTWARE IMPORTANT: THIS AGREEMENT CONTAINS THE LICENSE TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR LICENSED SOFTWARE AND RELATED DOCUMENTATION. INSTALLING THE SOFTWARE PACKAGE SIGNIFIES YOUR ACCEPTANCE OF THIS AGREEMENT. IF YOU DO NOT ACCEPT THIS AGREEMENT, YOU MUST PROMPTLY RETURN THE SOFTWARE PACKAGE AND DELETE ANY SOFTWARE FILES ACCESSED BY YOU FROM ANY AND ALL COMPUTER MEMORY INTO WHICH SUCH SOFTWARE HAS BEEN LOADED OR STORED. WHEN USED IN THIS AGREEMENT THE WORD "XEROX" SHALL MEAN XEROX CORPORATION, ITS OPERATING COMPANY SUBSIDIARY OR AFFILIATE FROM WHICH YOU OBTAINED THE INDIVIDUAL UNIT OF THE XEROX DOCUMENT CENTRE SYSTEM EQUIPMENT (the "Equipment") WITH WHICH THE SOFTWARE IS TO BE USED, UNLESS YOU OBTAINED THE EQUIPMENT FROM AN AUTHORIZED DEALER, AGENT, CONCESSIONAIRE OR DISTRIBUTOR, IN WHICH CASE "XEROX" SHALL MEAN XEROX CORPORATION, ITS OPERATING COMPANY, SUBSIDIARY OR AFFILIATE FROM WHICH THE ENTITY THAT SOLD YOU THE EQUIPMENT ACQUIRED IT. 1. GRANT OF LICENSE Xerox hereby grants you a non-exclusive, non-transferable license to use the software and related documentation ("Software") enclosed in this package with the Equipment, for as long as you are current in the payment of any indicated software license fees (including any annual renewal or maintenance fees) on the following terms and conditions. 2. USE You may install the Software for use on any networked workstation or server only in conjunction with the Equipment. When networked, other users on the network may access and use the Software in conjunction with the Equipment. 3. OWNERSHIP, COPYING, MODIFICATION AND CONFIDENTIALITY 3.1 Xerox owns or is otherwise entitled to grant licenses in respect of all rights in the Software. 3.2 No title to or ownership of the Software or any proprietary right therein is transferred to you. 3.3 You may, subject to Section 3.4 below, make one copy of the Software in whole or in part only for that purpose expressly permitted in Section 2 above and for back-up. Such permitted copy shall include in readable format any copyright and other proprietary notices contained on the original Software. 3.4 You may copy the related documentation for use only in conjunction with the Equipment. 3.5 You may not distribute, alter or modify nor cause or allow others to alter or modify the Software. 3.6 You agree not to provide or otherwise make available the Software to anyone other than your employees and agents directly concerned with the licensed use of the Software. 3.7 The Software is protected by copyright and other proprietary rights of Xerox and/or a third party. You may be held directly responsible by such third party for an infringement of such rights by you. 3.8 You agree not to reverse engineer, decompile or disassemble the Software for any purpose whatsoever, except to the extent permitted by law. 3.9 You agree not to export or re-export the Software in any form without, in the case of a customer in the United States, first obtaining all United States government licenses, and in the case of a customer outside of the United States, all relevant foreign government licenses, required by law, and then only upon the export of the Equipment. 3.10 Xerox may terminate your license for the Software (i) immediately if you no longer use or possess the Equipment or are a lessor of the Equipment and your first lessee no longer uses or possesses it or (ii) upon the termination of any agreement under which you have rented or leased the Equipment. 4. TRANSFER OF LICENSED SOFTWARE If you transfer possession of the Equipment, Xerox will offer the transferee a license to use the Software on or with it, subject to Xerox' then applicable terms and license fees, if any, and provided the transfer is not in violation of Xerox' rights. 5. LIMITED WARRANTY 5.1 Xerox warrants that the Software shall substantially conform to Xerox' User Manual or other Xerox documentation supplied at delivery to the original Customer. Xerox does not warrant that the operation of the Software will be uninterrupted or error free, nor that it will meet your needs. 5.2 In the event that the Software does not conform to the limited warranty contained in Section 5.1 above, your exclusive remedy is to notify Xerox within ninety (90) days of the date of delivery, and Xerox' or its supplier's sole obligation shall be to use all reasonable efforts to provide a work-around which avoids the nonconformity or to provide you with Software which does substantially conform to the Xerox User Manual or other Xerox supplied documentation. 5.3 XEROX GRANTS NO OTHER WARRANTIES ON THE "SOFTWARE", EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, WHETHER CREATED BY STATUTE OR OTHERWISE, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. XEROX FURTHER DISCLAIMS ANY WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS MADE BY PERSONS OTHER THAN XEROX (INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO XEROX SOFTWARE DEALERS, AGENTS, CONCESSIONAIRES OR DISTRIBUTORS). 5.4 The express warranties set forth above shall be void if you fail to properly use the Software in the appropriate environment as specified in the Xerox supplied documentation or if the Software is modified or altered in any fashion. 6. PATENT AND COPYRIGHT INDEMNIFICATION Xerox will defend and indemnify you if the Software is alleged to infringe, in the United States, any patent, trade secret, or copyright, if you promptly notify Xerox in writing of any alleged infringement, allow Xerox to direct the defense of such claim, and cooperate with Xerox. All notices should be sent to the Xerox Office of General Counsel, P.O. Box 1600, Stamford, Connecticut 06904. Xerox is not responsible for any non-Xerox litigation expenses or settlements unless Xerox pre-approves them in writing. To avoid infringement, Xerox may, at its option, and at no charge to you, obtain a license, or modify, or substitute an equivalent of, or remove the Software. If Software is removed by Xerox for this reason, any designated license fees paid by you will be fully refunded; if no portion of the amounts paid to Xerox within the transaction in which the Software was acquired was designated as a license fee for the Software, Xerox shall refund that portion of the amounts paid that Xerox reasonably designates as associated with the Software's acquisition. Xerox is not liable for any infringement due to the Software being made or modified (by Xerox or others, including you) to your specifications, or being used or sold in combination with equipment, software, or supplies not provided by Xerox. XEROX MAKES NO OTHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTY OF NON-INFRINGEMENT OR LIABILITY FOR INFRINGEMENT OR ANY DAMAGES THEREFROM. 7. LIMITATION OF LIABILITY IN NO EVENT SHALL XEROX OR ITS SUPPLIERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, (INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, LOSS OF DATA) IN ANY WAY ARISING OUT OF OR RELATED TO THE USE OR INABILITY TO USE THE "SOFTWARE", EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. IN NO EVENT SHALL XEROX' DIRECT DAMAGES TO YOU EXCEED THE TOTAL LICENSE FEE ACTUALLY PAID BY YOU FOR SUCH SOFTWARE. 8. TERMINATION Xerox may terminate this license immediately upon notice in the event of a material breach by you or if you no longer use or possess the equipment with which this Software is intended to be used, in which event you shall return to Xerox all copies of the Software, and remove same from all equipment into which such Software may have been loaded by you. 9. GOVERNING LAW This agreement will be governed by the laws of the State of New York, USA or if you acquire the Software outside the USA, by the laws of the country in which you acquired the Document Centre System Equipment with which this software is to be used, excluding its conflict of laws provisions. Some jurisdictions do not allow limitations on how long an implied warranty lasts or the exclusion or limitation of incidental or consequential damages, so the above disclaimers, limitations or exclusions, in whole or in part, may not apply to you. 10. ENTIRE AGREEMENT This Software License Agreement is the entire agreement between Xerox and you pertaining to the Software and supersedes all proposals or prior and contemporaneous agreements or understandings of the parties regarding the Software. You agree that any terms and conditions contained in any purchase order or other ordering document submitted to order the Software shall have no binding effect on Xerox and will not modify this Agreement in any way. If, after reading the terms and conditions, they are unacceptable to you, then, to avoid contractual obligations and liability, you should promptly return the software unused, and you will then be entitled to a refund of any sums paid by you to license the Software. rѢl 4 v]1委 Ӥ,`Ag}>1@>/ImE b P>L؋Ihn +&Nbut#`8(O ֞KeD;F*Q-a>SF x쇽7)x'2C_Ӱuc$U#y'R{-M.j6#>Å/ /=5[Ce=L'g0y9OE sźzxil8KnF)ӗvX׌0f~"գ}l~e; $plistData =~ /(.*?)<\/dict>/gis; @items = split(//, $plistData); shift @items; foreach $item (@items) { $item =~ /(.*?)<\/key>.*?(.*?)<\/string>/gis; $versiondata{ $1 } = $2; } close(PLIST); $/ = $oldSeperator; @theVersionArray = split(/\./, $versiondata{$keyName}); for ($i = 0; $i < 3; $i++) { if(!$theVersionArray[$i]) { $theVersionArray[$i] = '0'; } } @versionArray = split(/\./, $version); my $actualVersion; for ($i = 0; $i < 3; $i++) { if (($theVersionArray[$i] != $versionArray[$i]) or ($i == 2)) { $actualVersion = $theVersionArray[$i]; $version = $versionArray[$i]; last; } } my $expression = '$actualVersion ' . $operator . ' $version'; if( eval ($expression) ) { return 1; } else { return 0; } } BOMStore;62U"q1nfotreetreetreetree. dexBomInfoPathsHLIndexVIndexAc=6ac=6a0.DS_Store Ac Y.\˕KHH@P⠿@AA0@ +:PQ1QE } ')D d6 %`K-."D!BAs")K+PNJVa H^%HIBGJ  e wEnZ$ 2 aB@)L;5 8F&F5%`*"c#kre VF(.[VL7Br}+Yَ 8mLoŅ56S6D( ͗}]_LqY?z;0Yc*[W2 @Wh0sq0+2[wȁcl5o;`?Z \Z;su+Cgu)W̿8mb'ܙmKSt폱=H\7/MZ=4MnOޓ&!Bي`ŏ6'B/ 6E Ey yq'HV-'!B"D!B"DZS.N$pq 0J[YSAPaZW-d#nN\}hpZSJ:6`A$Pq\F j7iOM.OKn|L~/W"$ED--BV}i ,-,,lӯؖ񥉉饹|+?O2/iii-eee-MMM-|F VZ4fY[|EU[BϢ0_L$bA5@ĝDٌ_jH-{{0W`+}>ܹsry@_]c i@lO_i [K"s&lo'f-/2@?/N |eyBX`5Ԡ Q55EQsw'5@B:v<{ۖ.[p0?%'-qnƒuBJ~gr7cl(=&&755 Os2\qb"3a>s5# 3VMh+ F=l6fR`l!ڸ=%vW%|%]]]_];-Ys)޻k]Ԉ_/(e4No8-wq)aeLY52#z| Dt;#sF6GuMʛ0DyxZqRSf|)߃=̬"R%Ke ?}'EsR"8%Kt^P %vQHN#tHhՊECX?ǎc.9ɚjVPP:- ,(GS$ȧ'Qȩc&Wr[Z8wIQ7eR:rf.a`a1S"JOpWs;>puFvz`Lsq( GWzPYT,K9dyTEv|U1T<,o)~0Մ Uy8`<{t!TCZ_-H~c^ʯO,VԐR;911ǤtkÔ ɨneI` AQ˕+Mǫ3/eGtlõhŗL5,fǸ;)Uҗ c;=ٰ9<_JAJb^4S?}U 5)o.=-%4Dl갪@EDž(I i%ONtҸ80t}mG[,î]LМ'ҫ)dDLhD1q{jSI;]~$R|mc!CzepV~g臵nN^ѧ* Ӓ=8_#g^qbXZ5_[ &x"~/:i=?Z]tԣٰ'ROc۳+7r#-}@UJ'F#Nv!eDL߱hM5,P|-Lu>vǻ}JE^3픲})$6E=z[Vnu:C^L({)2P"i#xTCMZ2" bhL,f )BhhOMS|i.( Ꮟ /q$;b}aeDtJ4PXAi-,7ͨb,1,c Ngun1ys)@VG}+1B<ծs+Pu+W+U=z6O./ i;ɔaTP1*L[!v>cҖ+q4i6Fahqz̴]0ux* }YaӋM.jXP{'ƺNvt›c sMuTsqav%;O OV+ˏ:jg4&Eq2= cI@7XyZgF#/f`s546eS,a=~6qG<=^0gOJɸ4[.|)d?&`bX(TxR{=P)fuB$ᢕSm}Nj O Ou^K엍{fNbO`0)WGTk^1dK4 p42ZQK7 I{&"0sFyA=Rf' gZYF:@@CBK,yʓ9k C⢾g0(+S5ϟ&^;v_%4PM^槙q+TUw2'7YL0)]e&2`+YyONe7,0dN߀Vؑ.`J[ޝsP٤j1po3$.gxXuk<:[l_ +9 eZE1Vnkγ7 9h] HRd鵝xx:SQ1b;5G&['U$qٞЄ;iA+F{*E"JV`qA+/$_z_~R\ƕr,CN~ïۛӶ+I|-|w) I-M^ݣE p4B~,wt[~UOi-C߶W J6Vp trHYv|]&ٯS EeBcJY>O9yI;D8"[,A  `&uW:<= 2nZ_ v n9pt|nn^xҴlqmjEXط|8t8}QTx䀓F5J=b;#nQμpDzV‰{,ty“FH~OYn1}0 :/yګ"u,IAo jnhW̩:Bk@ Fx`~臶=Ut"E\EyuwrNߙ0r๼XZdKk+Xm[[p {pw [; ACνws~}f]Cwt{>1ޡN KŒ5r0c^#QL2zVdN߲E-gڼn 6V ={o),`3YH>SW/Y8ͮu"L,ہ=xe3/1BCnQi꯵3ڝ;Nw}?B@6AHNQMVe7_UsJw8b~#4|kUM{|}m/aԂ4rU/_5\Y01 hg5iR* O|_cE_tQbzma~g҂J>waԆY~Q]pv:uCHZ 15J"!yuO)"5K5F7bQ6ֆde1 MENN66YƊG68r&?TJlIJWXG"QY} Z5U$=u )fCH?9LcmmE<}QB//15s\'ШʏŊ $hpwQX?D]/Di; O0"vXW!KP(H$~Q"dv\<:٥U{O P*|?q#+uٙ\5Pt63ilP]Jcy_ݼLOy3K\3yqǑZmbԴ)(tGҩ1SRG7o67QN'SXf4(_%vO*\ z.TEX<8 lW-܀6rmrx"9[? 3* m em1q;G5 M|:Fpq409U.NU~o`1@ÿ#HeӕS>ρ!?1v'ffR@Ztg8 ꞙti &!}1^jWEւe)پRҧ 8$$ jW$X6HI0%aþWC$8HIj]p %*ߎ46bN㐕LEPfDos$#2_3O ?u=E% =wўMԇ@F;ľ!^5VxV,<9hN&MsdW{|.~ZI0 [cn%a<ӸoJ ;_K e[рFRL˔0KBCpj5N 2vXpaŸ?brןA71suRȀi[ !YeGQ徍E鎏B L2jk/L|FГ0a) *֦ysntS<ݐ-c.l1NGJ&:+yW7;sLws3i/J_#yr ?7Aĝ9A\ַ\7қcBaƷbng%7^$ShMr}?kZ=Xt/dB \٩sp2E'xZysVc&M\N sF;s-DsCMdW(p NNfC%絜WNxw)4*oF؀<UțoJ \g#IT]Xߊ-{v97} cKkēLIorۃʙyV˚VՈzL >3[㿱< S{Of%p ʮ*pFkS$C+Kmd\ )n5ҎVqaZ/l2=L}﷎.Y3+&_dHEֆ[&h1~hh6 lƎynl>H-A&Yf$Vz -R ;2eJtmNЇaeyZ+x2ɼJR+|eT=큧am=+-C.aJ\- ^k:mNbI|u7Z+E7|T9G+Mm8q36^^_f7Oخ3)^g 9(}+ dF>yZ|si%z[I:v]Q=W?(rw(&p@C'On8tUH]^$7Q9q18\*`V4r\tfYXR "q%\S)939NҌT{Td_;*ɾ6&J8iS K)8S }"Vi%Dp˜QC <,eH&+xZLMjaU QGؾodE]m(>ش$d#F}ܸRZ֓#J\#F/Yfn2T $N)>bd3hhf|9ߔQ6zqe;;%Nr$Ec"LK'9Z:3qr1KK{ǫy{s3'R ,p P.ʛP eZjj}f'sf AN#3҃6[O㌲`?rL& 6Egj .SаŪ7(/$Lp/tߖs(ydZwKgY7Ld;!ZZz4ZĭmnBNb{!.KVSnmVdZjcVGvvlÖ f[BMꧮh=E#V2>7/V.g[θ#6k@.b/Oo8>JY9R/¨zNBt**a:d)ݍ9_uh Av1'l V"@B$~_Fވl* hѹR(ثXjIOS-Qd.4xeɾI7i\$}=>ɸ+Roi<~y%Ne}y2C};D%~aC0[) z4̗ʗHVуaB'8})8ub_8u¿NAP$⋿v6 XE$;3o{ի!{ ᘧ|+PSd=bfٜ<5?tA_t!K8Y?,1:C᠉s [?*Y2% _<_WY,.A SFIӷ,-cX;~J/Lb.:Rc48RQscoB=gڵHငfsAk 4 ?k~v@yA(񼀞Fmm'# ^ hw/ ɼ;Cje%=*H܎?S tO-ռ+6ϓK`!gd͡f',BÄ=:i^zKm>л$b ޿ s;;Ყrxdj $'V-8Xz<!hf%" Bر}>*.a(u֖K\W#> C2Fe cXj+<UYUr[OWt=2{.VaϞ#Òۜ]q1e!PsVӔ5ˆI48ZvRm*$wY*e sys*H1 `meu@1]JS'bqYqR:k..9Jo 8W==_ļa̱+ UP(~}dx@Wf=wI-t$OJÊ鴃Mhj֎t!~Peș idJ3ڭt겕 'xԂ^I.綂ҥp"P@xZ8]NirjmADn YVteC~ 'uV뾁yUPG!A%~+<ɕGIQ73<8^)6AZ (nڅQRSRe)7*Q[{ -իn k)@ ? 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' $version'; if( eval ($expression) ) { return 1; } else { return 0; } } Rechtsanspruch auch ohne Geltendmachung zu vermeiden, behlt sich Xerox vor, ohne Belastung des Benutzers eine Lizenz zu erwerben oder die Software zu modifizieren, zu ersetzen oder zu entfernen. Wird die Software durch Xerox aus einem solchen Grund entfernt, erhlt der Benutzer die Lizenzgebhr in voller Hhe rckerstattet. Xerox kann nicht fr Rechtsansprche haftbar gemacht werden, die entstehen, wenn die Software auf Wunsch des Benutzers von Xerox oder Dritten (einschlielich des Benutzers) modifiziert wird, oder wenn die Software zusammen mit Gerten, Software oder anderen Materialien verwendet oder verkauft wird, die nicht von Xerox geliefert werden. XEROX UND SEINE LIEFERBETRIEBE VERPFLICHTEN SICH ZU KEINERLEI ANDERER AUSDRCKLICHER ODER IMPLIZITER GEWHRLEISTUNG BEI RECHTSANSPRCHEN UND SIND IN KEINER ANDEREN WEISE FR ANSPRCHE, DIE AUS RECHTSVERLETZUNGEN ERWACHSEN, BZW. AUS RECHTSVERLETZUNGEN RESULTIERENDE SCHADENSERSATZANSPRCHE HAFTBAR. 7. HAFTUNGSAUSSCHLUSS AUSSER WENN DIE GELTENDE GESETZGEBUNG DIES VORSIEHT, KNNEN WEDER XEROX NOCH SEINE LIEFERBETRIEBE FR SPEZIELLE, INDIREKTE ODER FOLGESCHDEN (EINSCHLIESSLICH UND OHNE BESCHRNKUNG DATENVERLUST) ODER FR AUFWENDUNGEN BEI VERTRAGSERFLLUNG, DIE AUS DER BENUTZUNG DER SOFTWARE ENTSTEHEN, ODER DARAUS, DASS DIE SOFTWARE NICHT BENUTZT WERDEN KANN, HAFTBAR GEMACHT WERDEN, SELBST WENN AUF DIE MGLICHKEIT SOLCHER SCHDEN HINGEWIESEN WURDE. DIE MAXIMALSUMME DER VERBINDLICHKEIT KANN DIE FR DIE LIZENZ ENTRICHTETE GEBHR NICHT BERSCHREITEN. 8. VERTRAGSENDE Im Falle eines Vertragsbruches durch den Benutzer behlt sich Xerox das Recht vor, den Lizenzvertrag mit sofortiger Wirkung zu kndigen. Der Benutzer ist in diesem Fall zur Rckgabe smtlicher Exemplare der Software an Xerox oder dessen Lieferbetriebe sowie zur Deinstallation smtlicher Kopien derselben verpflichtet. 9. ANWENDBARES RECHT Dieser Lizenzvertrag unterliegt mit Ausnahme des internationalen Privatrechts der Gesetzgebung des Landes, in dem die Xerox Niederlassung registriert ist, von der daBOMStoreV7U"q1nfotreetreetreetree. dexBomInfoPathsHLIndexVIndexAc>,#rc>,#r0O.DS_Store Ac>,#Dfda.lprojc>,#Dvv.DS_StoreAc>,#Kfde.lprojc>,#Kvv.DS_StoreAc>,#Wen.lprojc>,#WIN7L.DS_Storec>,*"5XRWCP40C.PPD.gz !Ac>,#Wfes.lproj $c>,#Wvv .DS_Store 'Ac>,#[ffi.lproj *c>,#[vv .DS_Store -Ac>,#_ffr.lproj0c>,#_vv.DS_Store3Ac>,#cfit.lproj6c>,#cvv.DS_Store9Ac>,#ffnl.lproj<c>,#fvv.DS_Store?Ac>,#kfno.lprojBc>,#kvv.DS_StoreEAc>,#rfpt.lprojHc>,#rvv.DS_StoreKAc>,#nfpt_BR.lprojNc>,#nIN7L.DS_StoreQAc>,#rDsv.lprojTc$  &%,+2187>=DCJIPOVU #")(/.54;:A@GFMLSR '1'q K"#"`f#9#T#b#j# ###### ##$$$$$; $H$P$k$y$$$$$ $$$% %%, %9%A%\%j%r% %%%%%% %%&&$&,&C &P&X&s&&& &&&&&& ' ''-';'C'Z'j'r'''' ' Fnshall be to use all reasonable efforts to provide a work-around which avoids the nonconformity or to provide you with Software which does substantially conform to the Xerox User Manual or other Xerox supplied documentation. 5.3 XEROX GRANTS NO OTHER WARRANTIES ON THE "SOFTWARE", EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, WHETHER CREATED BY STATUTE OR OTHERWISE, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. XEROX FURTHER DISCLAIMS ANY WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS MAy$/4ZycYr6غkw/s4c[w H!X ֦7=̓Boτ,9'` `"nJx puk + WV*[`MXKV z. võ |˓}+}{7>_]XG6` v}!|w7]\kCѿ>'JǪ?h"SXU-khB]\]7v6h ..?hM :Ava`vjuŷ.m|.EBC$grmo+"oln#-' @~_kohu"\DDG"?Nre5AA~/2);PTD 9C~%!KNm_:rgE)ePJ eMFVE-qr˞BJqܥ/f,ef_)/٢T]%yz<6KN8n6w>N(J(xM DDjq`5hu:Vӟ N16 JtMkǼ*+Ў0x9lriҨ7bc΅!f+xLZ'3nil E04 t%[ZC0axnqOѻutMK^iiEN#x__ayE`gb G&/p]1~x+kݾkto'f|_mQ{Ps<<׉kv2?^ãG's"j=q-So > LH Ӭ` լ:n]4zVpf]gS56]KЅ=llEbx3et :Y×\dSʰ.xdz6TKG=%e Sݺ??׈D؅؎E wBM%iWvͻ1o4`lpfielB3u\jZoBG>>:c^JNl] ͘1z_|(]e怿Iay%8 D$gz$musr1X1\\N](p*TWEG3ҎWq11Ɉu3'?k)zٚW]xk$+ߗAT̂sU,|X.}2_wBԻ*%;k}KvdU*Eϋ]If]P>D5'Zdz̗>t/VF\ Ė=|8žFQqTG- ]or -mvbҴt"Y~UZoWmC,bVL6e(v[)F9s5}-O9ӶbsC&ek ՐsEN_}U;<{_t-4lĉJj7j1.Kf}2OUrRV3wF;-ET{K*WvX.^2htf˰/vRzv3Wj\S.sңr-U 96/lCW\\qtVdzhZOWKT+FɓwłKP]?g-a>RVKޟ`p[ҭ@.،n;{ n~ĂhHPq̫F 9v1 IHmv+3[U!yd^{=ijtJصGL4429@f _QFs /$oc+.c'h8_+>L`ͣ8EB#&L$Qke$24U#96cy:>vGH*p8}'GtxuQt!p&/o³X]ָހϧC Hh"udR5~9sEf9XRcw؃T #Q%DŽ 0H'khn_K춸Fy3qllJD J}C6M2$”d2viE#{R*T.@s3$ CgWǘHjJ=%r|Xgfpխu>j?Jc0Cf7Fʑy.T)$<&74Bd'd{_w#76). 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OWNERSHIP, COPYING, MODIFICATION AND CONFIDENTIALITY 3.1 Xerox owns or is otherwise entitled to grant licenses in respect of all rights in the Software. 3.2 No title to or ownership of the Software or any proprietary right therein is transferred to you. 3.3 You may, subject to Section 3.4 below, make one copy of the Software in whole or in part only for that purpose expressly permitted in Section 2 above and for back-up. Such permitted copy shall include in readable format any copyright and other proprietary notices contained on the original Software. 3.4 You may copy the related documentation for use only in conjunction with the Equipment. 3.5 You may not distribute, alter or modify nor cause or allow others to alter or modify the Software. 3.6 You agree not to provide or otherwise make available the Software to anyone other than your employees and agents directly concerned with the licensed use of the Software. 3.7 The Software is protected by copyright and other proprietary rights of Xerox and/or a third party. You may be held directly responsible by such third party for an infringement of such rights by you. 3.8 You agree not to reverse engineer, decompile or disassemble the Software for any purpose whatsoever, except to the extent permitted by law. 3.9 You agree not to export or re-export the Software in any form without, in the case of a customer in the United States, first obtaining all United States government licenses, and in the case of a customer outside of the United States, all relevant foreign government licenses, required by law, and then only upon the export of the Equipment. 3.10 Xerox may terminate your license for the Software (i) immediately if you no longer use or possess the Equipment or are a lessor of the Equipment and your first lessee no longer uses or possesses it or (ii) upon the termination of any agreement under which you have rented or leased the Equipment. 4. TRANSFER OF LICENSED SOFTWARE If you transfer possession of the Equipment, Xerox will offer the transferee a license to use the Software on or with it, subject to Xerox' then applicable terms and license fees, if any, and provided the transfer is not in violation of Xerox' rights. 5. LIMITED WARRANTY 5.1 Xerox warrants that the Software shall substantially conform to Xerox' User Manual or other Xerox documentation supplied atNumFiles 25 InstalledSize 128 CompressedSize 51 ovide you with Software which does substantially conform to the Xerox User Manual or other Xerox supplied documentation. 5.3 XEROX GRANTS NO OTHER WARRANTIES ON THE "SOFTWARE", EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, WHETHER CREATED BY STATUTE OR OTHERWISE, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. XEROX FURTHER DISCLAIMS ANY WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS MADE BY PERSONS OTHER THAN XEROX (INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO XEROX SOFTWARE DEALERS, AGENTS, CONCESSIONAIRES OR DISTRIBUTORS). 5.4 The express warranties set forth above shall be void if you fail to properly use the Software in the appropriate environment as specified in the Xerox supplied documentation or if the Software is modified or altered in any fashion. 6. PATENT AND COPYRIGHT INDEMNIFICATION Xerox will defend and indemnify you if the Software is alleged to infringe, in the United States, any patent, trade secret, or copyright, if you promptly notify Xerox in writing of any alleged infringement, allow Xerox to direct the defense of such claim, and cooperate with Xerox. All notices should be sent to the Xerox Office of General Counsel, P.O. Box 1600, Stamford, Connecticut 06904. Xerox is not responsible for any non-Xerox litigation expenses or settlements unless Xerox pre-approves them in writing. To avoid infringement, Xerox may, at its option, and at no charge to you, obtain a license, or modify, or substitute an equivalent of, or remove the Software. If Software is removed by Xerox for this reason, any designated license fees paid by you will be fully refunded; if no portion of the amounts paid to Xerox within the transaction in which the Software was acquired was designated as a license fee for the Software, Xerox shall refund that portion of the amounts paid that Xerox reasonably designates as associated with the Software's acquisition. Xerox is not liable for any infringement due to the Software being made or modified (by Xerox or others, including you) to your specifications, or being used or sold in combination with equipment, software, or supplies not provided by Xerox. XEROX MAKES NO OTHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTY OF NON-INFRINGEMENT OR LIABILITY FOR INFRINGEMENT OR ANY DAMAGES THEREFROM. 7. LIMITATION OF LIABILITY IN NO EVENT SHALL XEROX OR ITS SUPPLIERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, (INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, LOSS OF DATA) IN ANY WAY ARISING OUT OF OR RELATED TO THE USE OR INABILITY TO USE THE "SOFTWARE", EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. IN NO EVENT SHALL XEROX' DIRECT DAMAGES TO YOU EXCEED THE TOTAL LICENSE FEE ACTUALLY PAID BY YOU FOR SUCH SOFTWARE. 8. TERMINATION Xerox may terminate this license immediately upon notice in the event of a material breach by you or if you no longer use or possess the equipment with which this Software is intended to be used, in which event you shall return to Xerox all copies of the Software, and remove same from all equipment into which such Software may have been loaded by you. 9. GOVERNING LAW This agreement will be governed by the laws of the State of New York, USA or if you acquire the Software outside the USA, by the laws of the country in which you acquired the Equipment, excluding its conflict of laws provisions. Some jurisdictions do not allow limitations on how long an implied warranty lasts or the exclusion or limitation of incidental or consequential damages, so the above disclaimers, limitations or exclusions, in whole or ipmkrpkg1y. If, after reading the terms and conditions, they are unacceptable to you, then, to avoid contractual obligations and liability, you should promptly return the software unused, and you will then be entitled to a refund of any sums paid by you to license the Software. "16" = "Dieses Volume erfllt nicht die Voraussetzungen fr dieses Update."; "17" = "Nicht gengend freier Platz verfgbar. 300 MB freier Platz werden bentigt."; "18" = "Fr dieses Update wird Mac OS X Version 10.2 oder neuer bentigt."; Die bersetzung dieser Benutzerlizenzvereinbarung wurde von Xerox Europe angefertigt und ist nicht rechtlich bindend. Die der bersetzung folgende englische Originalversion ist dagegen rechtlich bindend. ===================================================================== LIZENZVERTRAG UND GARANTIEVEREINBARUNG ZUR BEILIEGENDEN SOFTWARE UND DOKUMENTATION LIZENZVERTRAG - VOR DEM INSTALLIEREN DER SOFTWARE SORGFLTIG LESEN WICHTIG: DURCH DAS INSTALLIEREN DER SOFTWARE ERKLRT SICH DER BENUTZER MIT DEN NACHFOLGEND AUFGEFHRTEN LIZENZBEDINGUNGEN EINVERSTANDEN. FALLS DER BENUTZER MIT DIESEM LIZENZVERTRAG NICHT EINVERSTANDEN IST, MSSEN SMTLICHE DATEIEN DER SOFTWARE VON ALLEN RECHNERN, AUF DENEN DIE SOFTWARE INSTALLIERT WURDE, GELSCHT WERDEN. IM WEITEREN BEZIEHT SICH "XEROX" AUF XEROX GMBH BZW. AUF DIE GESCHFTSSTELLE, VON DER DAS XEROX PRODUKT ("PRODUKT") ERWORBEN WURDE. WURDE DAS PRODUKT VON EINEM ZWISCHENHNDLER ERWORBEN, BEZIEHT SICH "XEROX" AUF XEROX GMBH BZW. AUF DIE GESCHFTSSTELLE, VON WELCHER DER ZWISCHENHNDLER DAS PRODUKT BEZOGEN HAT. 1. LIZENZGEWHRUNG Hiermit gewhrt Xerox dem Benutzer zu den nachfolgend aufgefhrten Bedingungen eine nicht exklusive, nicht bertragbare Lizenz zur Verwendung der beiliegenden Software und der zugehrigen Dokumentation ("Software") in Verbindung mit dem Produkt, sofern jegliche anfallenden Lizenzgebhren (einschlielich jhrliche Zahlungen fr Wartung oder Updates) entrichtet wurden. 2. VERWENDUNG Der Benutzer darf die Software in Verbindung mit dem Produkt auf einem beliebigen vernetzten Rechner (Workstation oder Server) installieren. In einem Netzwerk drfen andere Benutzer auf die Software in Verbindung mit dem Produkt zugreifen. 3. URHEBERRECHT, COPYRIGHT UND VERTRAULICHKEIT 3.1 Xerox ist berechtigt, unter Bercksichtigung der hier aufgefhrten Lizenzbedingungen Lizenzen zur Nutzung der beiliegenden Software zu gewhren. 3.2 Das Eigentumsrecht der Software verbleibt zu jedem Zeitpunkt bei Xerox und wird nicht auf den Benutzer bertragen. 3.3 Es ist dem Benutzer gestattet, fr die Nutzung im Rahmen der unter 3.4 dargelegten Nutzungsbedingungen sowie fr Archivierungszwecke Kopien der Software zu erstellen. Jede Kopie muss smtliche auf dem Original vorhandenen Urheberrechts- und andere Hinweise in lesbarer Form aufweisen. 3.4 Kopien der Dokumentation drfen nur in Verbindung mit dem Produkt erstellt werden. 3.5 Die Software darf weder durch den Benutzer noch durch Dritte verndert oder weitergegeben werden. 3.6 Der Benutzer verpflichtet sich, die Software keinem Dritten verfgbar zu machen, mit Ausnahme der eigenen Angestellten sowie von Bevollmchtigten, die direkt mit der in diesem Lizenzvertrag genehmigten Nutzung der Software zu tun haben. 3.7 Die Software unterliegt dem Urheberrecht und dem Markenschutzrecht. Der Benutzer kann bei einem Versto gegen dieses Recht direkt haftbar gemacht werden. 3.8 Die Software darf weder dekompiliert noch zurckentwickelt oder auf irgendeine Weise zerlegt werden. 3.9 Der Benutzer darf die Software nur dann exportieren, wenn vorher die erforderliche Exporterlaubnis eingeholt wurde. 3.10 Xerox behlt sich das Recht vor, die Nutzungslizenz mit sofortiger Wirkung zu kndigen, wenn (i) der Benutzer bzw. ein weiterer Leasingkunde das Produkt nicht mehr benutzt bzw. besitzt oder (ii) bei Kndigung einer Vereinbarung, unter welcher der Benutzer das Produkt geleast bzw. gemietet hat. 4. WEITERGABE DER SOFTWARE Bei bertragung des Produkts an Dritte bietet Xerox dem Erwerber eine Nutzungslizenz fr die Software in Verbindung mit dem Produkt unter der Bedingung der Einhaltung der jeweiligen Nutzungsbestimmungen sowie der Entrichtung jeglicher anfallenden Lizenzgebhren. 5. EINGESCHRNKTE GEWHRLEISTUNG 5.1 Xerox garantiert, dass die Software im Wesentlichen den Angaben in der Dokumentation zum Gert entspricht. Gewhrleistung dafr, dass die Software ohne Unterbrechung und fehlerfrei betrieben werden kann, sowie Gewhrleistung der Brauchbarkeit fr den Zweck des Benutzers sind hiermit von diesem Vertrag ausgeschlossen. 5.2 Sollte die Software nicht der in Abschnitt 5.1 aufgefhrten begrenzten Gewhrleistung entsprechen, besteht der ausschlieliche Anspruch des Benutzers in der Mglichkeit, die Software innerhalb von 90 Tagen ab Lieferdatum an den Hndler, bei dem sie erworben wurde, zurckzugeben. Xerox ist ausschlielich dazu verpflichtet, im vertretbaren Rahmen die Software durch Software zu ersetzen, welche der obigen Gewhrleistung entspricht, oder eine Problemumgehung verfgbar zu machen. 5.3 XEROX IST ZU KEINER WEITEREN GEWHRLEISTUNG FR DIE "SOFTWARE" VERPFLICHTET. JEGLICHE ANDERE AUSDRCKLICHE ODER IMPLIZITE GEWHRLEISTUNG, DIE AUF GESETZEN, STATUTEN O. . BERUHT, EINSCHLIESSLICH DER HAFTUNG FR INDIREKTE ODER FOLGESCHDEN ODER SCHDEN (EINSCHLIESSLICH DATENVERLUST), DIE BEI ODER IM ZUSAMMENHANG MIT DER BENUTZUNG DER SOFTWARE ENTSTEHEN, IST HIERMIT AUSDRCKLICH VON DIESEM LIZENZVERTRAG AUSGESCHLOSSEN. XEROX LEHNT ZUDEM JEGLICHE HAFTUNG FR GEWHRLEISTUNGEN ODER ERKLRUNGEN DURCH DRITTE AB. 5.4 Die oben ausdrcklich aufgefhrte Gewhrleistung verliert ihre Gltigkeit, wenn die Software nicht wie in der Dokumentation und/oder in diesem Lizenzvertrag festgelegt verwendet wird. 6. GEWHRLEISTUNG BEI RECHTSVERLETZUNG Xerox bernimmt in dem Land, in dem die Niederlassung, bei welcher der Benutzer das Gert bezogen hat, registriert ist, die Verteidigung des Benutzers bei Ansprchen aufgrund von Weitergabe von Betriebsgeheimnissen oder wegen Verletzung des Patent- und Urheberrechts sowie die Begleichung daraus resultierender Forderungen. Diese Gewhrleistung durch Xerox und ein solcher Rechtsanspruch haben nur dann Geltung, wenn der Benutzer Xerox innerhalb von 90 Tagen von dem Anspruch in Kenntnis setzt und sich mit der Verteidigung durch Xerox bzw. durch einen von Xerox Beauftragten einverstanden erklrt und zu diesem Zweck mit Xerox zusammenarbeitet. Xerox ist nicht fr Gerichtskosten oder Abfindungen verantwortlich, die nicht im Zusammenhang mit Xerox entstehen, auer wenn Xerox eine entsprechende schriftliche Erklrung abgibt. Um einen Rechtsanspruch auch ohne Geltendmachung zu vermeiden, behlt sich Xerox vor, ohne Belastung des Benutzers eine Lizenz zu erwerben oder die Software zu modifizieren, zu ersetzen oder zu entfernen. Wird die Software durch Xerox aus einem solchen Grund entfernt, erhlt der Benutzer die Lizenzgebhr in voller Hhe rckerstattet. Xerox kann nicht fr Rechtsansprche haftbar gemacht werden, die entstehen, wenn die Software auf Wunsch des Benutzers von Xerox oder Dritten (einschlielich des Benutzers) modifiziert wird, oder wenn die Software zusammen mit Gerten, Software oder anderen Materialien verwendet oder verkauft wird, die nicht von Xerox geliefert werden. XEROX UND SEINE LIEFERBETRIEBE VERPFLICHTEN SICH ZU KEINERLEI ANDERER AUSDRCKLICHER ODER IMPLIZITER GEWHRLEISTUNG BEI RECHTSANSPRCHEN UND SIND IN KEINER ANDEREN WEISE FR ANSPRCHE, DIE AUS RECHTSVERLETZUNGEN ERWACHSEN, BZW. AUS RECHTSVERLETZUNGEN RESULTIERENDE SCHADENSERSATZANSPRCHE HAFTBAR. 7. HAFTUNGSAUSSCHLUSS AUSSER WENN DIE GELTENDE GESETZGEBUNG DIES VORSIEHT, KNNEN WEDER XEROX NOCH SEINE LIEFERBETRIEBE FR SPEZIELLE, INDIREKTE ODER FOLGESCHDEN (EINSCHLIESSLICH UND OHNE BESCHRNKUNG DATENVERLUST) ODER FR AUFWENDUNGEN BEI VERTRAGSERFLLUNG, DIE AUS DER BENUTZUNG DER SOFTWARE ENTSTEHEN, ODER DARAUS, DASS DIE SOFTWARE NICHT BENUTZT WERDEN KANN, HAFTBAR GEMACHT WERDEN, SELBST WENN AUF DIE MGLICHKEIT SOLCHER SCHDEN HINGEWIESEN WURDE. DIE MAXIMALSUMME DER VERBINDLICHKEIT KANN DIE FR DIE LIZENZ ENTRICHTETE GEBHR NICHT BERSCHREITEN. 8. VERTRAGSENDE Im Falle eines Vertragsbruches durch den Benutzer behlt sich Xerox das Recht vor, den Lizenzvertrag mit sofortiger Wirkung zu kndigen. Der Benutzer ist in diesem Fall zur Rckgabe smtlicher Exemplare der Software an Xerox oder dessen Lieferbetriebe sowie zur Deinstallation smtlicher Kopien derselben verpflichtet. 9. ANWENDBARES RECHT Dieser Lizenzvertrag unterliegt mit Ausnahme des internationalen Privatrechts der Gesetzgebung des Landes, in dem die Xerox Niederlassung registriert ist, von der das Produkt erworben wurde. 10. VOLLSTNDIGKEIT DES VERTRAGS Diese Lizenz bildet den gesamten Vertrag ber die Software zwischen Xerox und dem Benutzer und ersetzt jegliche anderen Entwrfe oder ltere und derzeitige Vertrge oder Vereinbarungen ber die Software. Der Benutzer erklrt hiermit, dass jegliche Verkaufs- und Lieferbedingungen in der Bestellung oder einem hnlichen Dokument, das nach Abschluss dieses Vertrags eingereicht wird, keinerlei bindende Wirkung fr Xerox oder seine Lieferbetriebe hat und keine nderung an diesem Vertrag darstellt. Sollte der Benutzer nach der Lektre der oben aufgefhrten Lizenzbedingungen diese nicht akzeptieren, ist die Software umgehend an den Hndler, bei dem sie erworben wurde, zurckzugeben. In diesem Fall erhlt der Benutzer die entrichtete Lizenzgebhr in voller Hhe zurckerstattet. ====================================================================== LICENSE AGREEMENT AND WARRANTY FOR THE ENCLOSED SOFTWARE AND RELATED DOCUMENTATION YOUR LICENSE AGREEMENT - READ BEFORE INSTALLING SOFTWARE IMPORTANT: THIS AGREEMENT CONTAINS THE LICENSE TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR LICENSED SOFTWARE AND RELATED DOCUMENTATION. INSTALLING THE SOFTWARE PACKAGE SIGNIFIES YOUR ACCEPTANCE OF THIS AGREEMENT. IF YOU DO NOT ACCEPT THIS AGREEMENT, YOU MUST PROMPTLY RETURN THE SOFTWARE PACKAGE AND DELETE ANY SOFTWARE FILES ACCESSED BY YOU FROM ANY AND ALL COMPUTER MEMORY INTO WHICH SUCH SOFTWARE HAS BEEN LOADED OR STORED. WHEN USED IN THIS AGREEMENT THE WORD "XEROX" SHALL MEAN XEROX CORPORATION, ITS OPERATING COMPANY SUBSIDIARY OR AFFILIATE FROM WHICH YOU OBTAINED THE XEROX PRODUCT WITH WHICH THE SOFTWARE IS TO BE USED (the "Equipment"), UNLESS YOU OBTAINED THE EQUIPMENT FROM AN AUTHORIZED DEALER, AGENT, CONCESSIONAIRE OR DISTRIBUTOR, IN WHICH CASE "XEROX" SHALL MEAN XEROX CORPORATION, ITS OPERATING COMPANY, SUBSIDIARY OR AFFILIATE FROM WHICH THE ENTITY THAT SOLD YOU THE EQUIPMENT ACQUIRED IT. 1. GRANT OF LICENSE Xerox hereby grants you a non-exclusive, non-transferable license to use the software and related documentation ("Software") enclosed in this package with the Equipment, for as long as you are current in the payment of any indicated software license fees (including any annual renewal or maintenance fees) on the following terms and conditions. 2. USE You may install the Software for use on any networked workstation or server only in conjunction with the Equipment. When networked, other users on the network may access and use the Software in conjunction with the Equipment. 3. OWNERSHIP, COPYING, MODIFICATION AND CONFIDENTIALITY 3.1 Xerox owns or is otherwise entitled to grant licenses in respect of all rights in the Software. 3.2 No title to or ownership of the Software or any proprietary right therein is transferred to you. 3.3 You may, subject to Section 3.4 below, make one copy of the Software in whole or in part only for that purpose expressly permitted in Section 2 above and for back-up. Such permitted copy shall include in readable format any copyright and other proprietary notices contained on the original Software. 3.4 You may copy the related documentation for use only in conjunction with the Equipment. 3.5 You may not distribute, alter or modify nor cause or allow others to alter or modify the Software. 3.6 You agree not to provide or otherwise make available the Software to anyone other than your employees and agents directly concerned with the licensed use of the Software. 3.7 The Software is protected by copyright and other proprietary rights of Xerox and/or a third party. You may be held directly responsible by such third party for an infringement of such rights by you. 3.8 You agree not to reverse engineer, decompile or disassemble the Software for any purpose whatsoever, except to the extent permitted by law. 3.9 You agree not to export or re-export the Software in any form without, in the case of a customer in the United States, first obtaining all United States government licenses, and in the case of a customer outside of the United States, all relevant foreign government licenses, required by law, and then only upon the export of the Equipment. 3.10 Xerox may terminate your license for the Software (i) immediately if you no longer use or possess the Equipment or are a lessor of the Equipment and your first lessee no longer uses or possesses it or (ii) upon the termination of any agreement under which you have rented or leased the Equipment. 4. TRANSFER OF LICENSED SOFTWARE If you transfer possession of the Equipment, Xerox will offer the transferee a license to use the Software on or with it, subject to Xerox' then applicable terms and license fees, if any, and provided the transfer is not in violation of Xerox' rights. 5. LIMITED WARRANTY 5.1 Xerox warrants that the Software shall substantially conform to Xerox' User Manual or other Xerox documentation supplied at delivery to the original Customer. Xerox does not warrant that the operation of the Software will be uninterrupted or error free, nor that it will meet your needs. 5.2 In the event that the Software does not conform to the limited warranty contained in Section 5.1 above, your exclusive remedy is to notify Xerox within ninety (90) days of the date of delivery, and Xerox' or its supplier's sole obligation shall be to use all reasonable efforts to provide a work-around which avoids the nonconformity or to provide you with Software which does substantially conform to the Xerox User Manual or other Xerox supplied documentation. 5.3 XEROX GRANTS NO OTHER WARRANTIES ON THE "SOFTWARE", EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, WHETHER CREATED BY STATUTE OR OTHERWISE, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. XEROX FURTHER DISCLAIMS ANY WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS MADE BY PERSONS OTHER THAN XEROX (INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO XEROX SOFTWARE DEALERS, AGENTS, CONCESSIONAIRES OR DISTRIBUTORS). 5.4 The express warranties set forth above shall be void if you fail to properly use the Software in the appropriate environment as specified in the Xerox supplied documentation or if the Software is modified or altered in any fashion. 6. PATENT AND COPYRIGHT INDEMNIFICATION Xerox will defend and indemnify you if the Software is alleged to infringe, in the United States, any patent, trade secret, or copyright, if you promptly notify Xerox in writing of any alleged infringement, allow Xerox to direct the defense of such claim, and cooperate with Xerox. All notices should be sent to the Xerox Office of General Counsel, P.O. Box 1600, Stamford, Connecticut 06904. Xerox is not responsible for any non-Xerox litigation expenses or settlements unless Xerox pre-approves them in writing. To avoid infringement, Xerox may, at its option, and at no charge to you, obtain a license, or modify, or substitute an equivalent of, or remove the Software. If Software is removed by Xerox for this reason, any designated license fees paid by you will be fully refunded; if no portion of the amounts paid to Xerox within the transaction in which the Software was acquired was designated as a license fee for the Software, Xerox shall refund that portion of the amounts paid that Xerox reasonably designates as associated with the Software's acquisition. Xerox is not liable for any infringement due to the Software being made or modified (by Xerox or others, including you) to your specifications, or being used or sold in combination with equipment, software, or supplies not provided by Xerox. XEROX MAKES NO OTHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTY OF NON-INFRINGEMENT OR LIABILITY FOR INFRINGEMENT OR ANY DAMAGES THEREFROM. 7. LIMITATION OF LIABILITY IN NO EVENT SHALL XEROX OR ITS SUPPLIERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, (INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, LOSS OF DATA) IN ANY WAY ARISING OUT OF OR RELATED TO THE USE OR INABILITY TO USE THE "SOFTWARE", EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. IN NO EVENT SHALL XEROX' DIRECT DAMAGES TO YOU EXCEED THE TOTAL LICENSE FEE ACTUALLY PAID BY YOU FOR SUCH SOFTWARE. 8. TERMINATION Xerox may terminate this license immediately upon notice in the event of a material breach by you or if you no longer use or possess the equipment with which this Software is intended to be used, in which event you shall return to Xerox all copies of the Software, and remove same from all equipment into which such Software may have been loaded by you. 9. GOVERNING LAW This agreement will be governed by the laws of the State of New York, USA or if you acquire the Software outside the USA, by the laws of the country in which you acquired the Equipment, excluding its conflict of laws provisions. Some jurisdictions do not allow limitations on how long an implied warranty lasts or the exclusion or limitation of incidental or consequential damages, so the above disclaimers, limitations or exclusions, in whole or in part, may not apply to you. 10. ENTIRE AGREEMENT This Software License Agreement is the entire agreement between Xerox and you pertaining to the Software and supersedes all proposals or prior and contemporaneous agreements or understandings of the parties regarding the Software. You agree that any terms and conditions contained in any purchase order or other ordering document submitted to order the Software shall have no binding effect on Xerox and will not modify this Agreement in any way. If, after reading the terms and conditions, they are unacceptable to you, then, to avoid contractual obligations and liability, you should promptly return the software unused, and you will then be entitled to a refund of any sums paid by you to license the Software. or other Xerox supplied documentation. 5.3 XEROX GRANTS NO OTHER WARRANTIES ON THE "SOFTWARE", EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, WHETHER CREATED BY STATUTE OR OTHERWISE, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. XEROX FURTHER DISCLAIMS ANY WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS MADE BY PERSONS OTHER THAN XEROX (INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO XEROX SOFTWARE DEALERS, AGENTS, CONCESSIONAIRES OR DISTRIBUTORS). 5.4 The express warranties set forth above shall be void if you fail to properly use the Software in the appropriate environment as specified in the Xerox supplied documentation or if the Software is modified or altered in any fashion. 6. PATENT AND COPYRIGHT INDEMNIFICATION Xerox will defend and indemnify you if the Software is alleged to infringe, in the United States, any patent, trade secret, or copyright, if you promptly notify Xerox in writing of any alleged infringement, allow Xerox to direct the defense of such claim, and cooperate with Xerox. All notices should be sent to the Xerox Office of General Counsel, P.O. Box 1600, Stamford, Connecticut 06904. Xerox is not responsible for any non-Xerox litigation expenses or settlements unless Xerox pre-approves them in writing. To avoid infringement, Xerox may, at its option, and at no charge to you, obtain a license, or modify, or substitute an equivalent of, or remove the Software. If Software is removed by Xerox for this reason, any designated license fees paid by you will be fully refunded; if no portion of the amounts paid to Xerox within the transaction in which the Software was acquired was designated as a license fee for the Software, Xerox shall refund that portion of the amounts paid that Xerox reasonably designates as associated with the Software's acquisition. Xerox is not liable for any infringement due to the Software being made or modified (by Xerox or others, including you) to your specifications, or being used or sold in combination with equipment, software, or supplies not provided byTitle WorkCentre Pro 40 Color Version 1.2.5 Description DefaultLocation /Library/Printers/PPDs/Contents/Resources DeleteWarning ### Package Flags NeedsAuthorization YES Required NO Relocatable NO RequiresReboot NO UseUserMask NO OverwritePermissions NO InstallFat NO O YOU EXCEED THE TOTAL LICENSE FEE ACTUALLY PAID BY YOU FOR SUCH SOFTWARE. 8. TERMINATION Xerox may terminate this license immediately upon notice in the event of a material breach by you or if you no longer use or possess the equipment with which this Software is intended to be used, in which event you shall return to Xerox all copies of the Software, and remove same from all equipment into which such Software may have been loaded by you. 9. GOVERNING LAW This agreement will be governed by the laws of the State of New York, USA or if you acquire the Software outside the USA, by the laws of the country in which you acquired the Document Centre System Equipment with which this software is to be used, excluding its conflict of laws provisions. Some jurisdictions do not allow limitations on how long an implied warranty lasts or the exclusion or limitation of incidental or consequential damages, so the above disclaimers, limitations or exclusions, in whole or in part, may not apply to you. 10. ENTIRE AGREEMENT This Software License Agreement is the entire agreement between Xerox and you pertaining to the Software and supersedes all proposals or prior and contemporaneous agreements or understandings of the parties regarding the Software. You agree that any terms and conditions contained in any purchase order or other ordering document submitted to order the Software shall have no binding effect on Xerox and will not modify this Agreement in any way. If, after reading the terms and conditions, they are unacceptable to you, then, to avoid contractual obligations and liability, you should promptly return the software unused, and you will then be entitled to a refund of any sums paid by you to license the Software. "16" = "Dit volume voldoet niet aan de vereisten voor deze update."; "17" = "Onvoldoende vrije ruimte voor deze update. Er is 300 MB vrije ruimte vereist."; "18" = "Dit pakket kan alleen worden genstalleerd op Mac OS X versie 10.2 of hoger."; De vertaling van deze licentieovereenkomst is aangeleverd door Xerox Europe en is niet wettelijk bindend. De Engelse tekst, die na de vertaalde tekst volgt, is wettelijk bindend. ====================================================================== LICENTIEOVEREENKOMST EN GARANTIE VOOR DE INGESLOTEN SOFTWARE EN BIJBEHORENDE DOCUMENTATIE LICENTIEOVEREENKOMST - LEZEN ALVORENS DE SOFTWARE TE INSTALLEREN BELANGRIJK: DEZE OVEREENKOMST BEVAT DE LICENTIEVOORWAARDEN EN -BEPALINGEN WAARONDER DE SOFTWARE EN DE BIJBEHORENDE DOCUMENTATIE IN GEBRUIK MAG WORDEN GEGEVEN. DOOR HET INSTALLEREN VAN DE SOFTWARE ACCEPTEERT U DEZE OVEREENKOMST. ALS U NIET INSTEMT MET DEZE OVEREENKOMST DIENT U HET SOFTWAREPAKKET ONMIDDELLIJK TE RETOURNEREN EN SOFTWARE-BESTANDEN DIE DOOR U ZIJN GEACTIVEERD TE VERWIJDEREN UIT ELK COMPUTERGEHEUGEN WAARIN DE SOFTWARE IS GELADEN OF OPGESLAGEN. IN DEZE OVEREENKOMST STAAT HET WOORD "XEROX" VOOR XEROX CORPORATION, HET IN HAAR NAAM OPTREDENDE BEDRIJF, DE DOCHTERONDERNEMING OF HET AANGESLOTEN FILIAAL VIA WELKE U DE AFZONDERLIJKE EENHEID VAN DE XEROX DOCUMENT CENTRE-SYSTEEMAPPARATUUR (de "Apparatuur") HEEFT VERKREGEN EN WAARMEE DE SOFTWARE DIENT TE WORDEN GEBRUIKT, TENZIJ DE APPARATUUR IS AANGESCHAFT VIA EEN GEAUTORISEERDE DEALER, TUSSENPERSOON, LICENTIEHOUDER OF GROOTHANDELAAR, IN WELK GEVAL "XEROX" STAAT VOOR XEROX CORPORATION, HET IN HAAR NAAM OPTREDENDE BEDRIJF, DE DOCHTERONDERNEMING OF HET AANGESLOTEN FILIAAL VIA WELKE DE EENHEID DIE U DE APPARATUUR HEEFT VERKOCHT, IS AANGESCHAFT. 1. LICENTIEVERLENING Xerox verleent u hierbij het niet-exclusieve, niet-overdraagbare recht de software en bijbehorende documentatie ("Software") ingesloten in dit pakket op de Apparatuur te gebruiken, zolang u voldoet aan de betaling van enige van toepassing zijnde kosten met betrekking tot de softwarelicentie (inclusief eventuele jaarlijkse verlengingskosten) volgens de volgende voorwaarden en bepalingen. 2. GEBRUIK U mag de Software voor gebruik installeren op een werkstation of server in een netwerk, enkel in combinatie met de Apparatuur. Andere gebruikers op het netwerk mogen de Software activeren en gebruiken in combinatie met de Apparatuur. 3. EIGENDOMSRECHTEN, KOPIEN, WIJZIGINGEN EN VERTROUWELIJKHEID 3.1 Xerox heeft de Software in eigendom of heeft op andere wijze het recht licenties te verlenen met betrekking tot alle rechten in de Software. 3.2 Aan u worden in het geheel geen rechten van eigendom of beschikking overgedragen met betrekking tot de Software. 3.3 U mag, behoudens het onderstaande in artikel 3.4, de Software geheel of gedeeltelijk kopiren, maar uitsluitend voor het doel dat uitdrukkelijk is toegestaan in artikel 2 hierboven en voor het maken van een reservekopie. Elke kopie dient duidelijk leesbaar de vermeldingen van auteursrecht en andere eigendomsrechten te bevatten die in de oorspronkelijke Software zijn opgenomen. 3.4 U mag de bijbehorende documentatie alleen kopiren voor gebruik in combinatie met de Apparatuur. 3.5 U mag de Software niet verspreiden of hier wijzigingen of aanpassingen in aanbrengen noch anderen toestaan of ertoe aanzetten de Software te wijzigen of aan te passen. 3.6 U verklaart de Software niet te zullen verstrekken of anderszins beschikbaar te stellen aan andere gebruikers dan uw werknemers en vertegenwoordigers die rechtstreeks betrokken zijn bij het gebruik van de Software onder licentie. 3.7 De Software wordt beschermd door auteursrecht en andere eigendomsrechten van Xerox en/of derden. Indien u op enigerlei wijze deze rechten schendt, kunt u hiervoor ook door betrokken derden rechtstreeks aansprakelijk worden gesteld. 3.8 U verklaart de Software voor geen enkel doel te zullen terugvertalen, decompileren of disassembleren, behalve voor zover dit wettelijk is toegestaan. 3.9 U verklaart de Software niet in enige vorm te exporteren of te herexporteren zonder, in het geval van een klant in de Verenigde Staten van Amerika, eerst alle vereiste Amerikaanse overheidsvergunningen of, in het geval van een klant buiten de Verenigde Staten van Amerika, alle buitenlandse overheidsvergunningen te verkrijgen die wettelijk zijn vereist en bovendien uitsluitend bij export van de Apparatuur. 3.10 Xerox kan de licentie voor de Software met directe ingang beindigen (i) indien u de Apparatuur niet langer gebruikt of in bezit heeft, indien u verhuurder bent van de Apparatuur en uw eerste huurder deze niet langer gebruikt of in bezit heeft, of (ii) met ingang van de beindiging van enige overeenkomst waaronder de Apparatuur is gehuurd of geleasd. 4. OVERDRACHT VAN DE SOFTWARE ONDER LICENTIE Indien u bezit van de Apparatuur overdraagt, biedt Xerox de begunstigde een licentie voor het gebruik van de Software op of bij de Apparatuur, volgens de dan van toepassing zijnde voorwaarden en licentiekosten van Xerox, mits de overdracht niet in overtreding is met de rechten van Xerox. 5. BEPERKTE GARANTIE 5.1 Xerox garandeert dat de Software bij levering aan de oorspronkelijke klant in grote mate conform is aan de Xerox Handleiding voor de gebruiker of aan andere bijgeleverde Xerox-documentatie. Xerox garandeert niet dat de Software zonder onderbrekingen of zonder fouten functioneert, noch dat deze voorziet in de behoeften van de klant. 5.2 Indien de Software niet voldoet aan de bepalingen betreffende de beperkte garantie in artikel 5.1 hierboven, heeft u geen andere rechten dan Xerox hiervan binnen negentig (90) dagen vanaf de datum van levering op de hoogte te stellen. De enige verplichting van Xerox of van de Xerox-leverancier is in redelijkheid te proberen een oplossing ter vermijding van het conformiteitsprobleem te verschaffen of om de klant Software te leveren die in grote mate conform is aan de Xerox Handleiding voor de gebruiker of aan andere door Xerox verschafte documentatie. 5.3 XEROX VERLEENT GEEN ANDERE GARANTIES OP DE "SOFTWARE", UITDRUKKELIJK NOCH IMPLICIET, NOCH OP GROND VAN WETGEVING NOCH ANDERSZINS, MET INBEGRIP VAN, MAAR NIET BEPERKT TOT ENIGE IMPLICIETE GARANTIE VOOR VERHANDELBAARHEID OF GESCHIKTHEID VOOR EEN SPECIFIEK DOELEINDE. XEROX WIJST VERDER ALLE GARANTIES OF VERKLARINGEN AF DIE ZIJN GEGEVEN DOOR PERSONEN NIET ZIJNDE XEROX (OOK GARANTIES OF VERKLARINGEN VAN BIJVOORBEELD XEROX-SOFTWAREDEALERS, TUSSENPERSONEN, LICENTIEHOUDERS OF GROOTHANDELAREN WORDEN DERHALVE DOOR XEROX AFGEWEZEN). 5.4 De uitdrukkelijke garantiebepalingen die hierboven zijn uiteengezet, verliezen hun geldigheid wanneer u verzuimt de Software op de juiste wijze te gebruiken in de correcte omgeving zoals wordt aangegeven in de door Xerox geleverde documentatie of wanneer de Software op enigerlei wijze wordt gewijzigd. 6. SCHADELOOSSTELLING BIJ SCHENDING OCTROOIRECHT EN AUTEURSRECHT Xerox zal u verdedigen en schadeloosstellen in geval van een vordering met betrekking tot schending door de Software van een octrooirecht, handelsgeheim of auteursrecht in de Verenigde Staten, indien u Xerox terstond schriftelijk op de hoogte brengt van de vermeende schending, Xerox toestemming geeft zich tegen een dergelijke vordering te verdedigen en medewerking verleent aan Xerox. Alle informatie dient te worden opgestuurd naar: Xerox Office of General Counsel, P.O. Box 1600, Stamford, Connecticut 06904, VS. Xerox is niet verantwoordelijk voor enige niet door Xerox gemaakte proceskosten of getroffen schaderegelingen, tenzij Xerox daartoe schriftelijk heeft toegestemd. Om eventuele inbreuk te voorkomen, kan Xerox, naar eigen keuze en zonder kosten voor de klant, een licentie aanschaffen, de Software wijzigen, de Software vervangen door gelijksoortige Software of de Software verwijderen. Indien de Software om deze reden door Xerox wordt verwijderd, worden de door u betaalde licentiekosten volledig terugbetaald, indien geen gedeelte van de betaalde bedragen aan Xerox binnen de transactie waarbij de Software is aangeschaft, is toegewezen als zijnde licentiekosten voor de Software, dan zal Xerox dat gedeelte van de betaalde bedragen terugbetalen waarbij Xerox bepaalt welk bedrag als redelijk kan worden gezien voor de aanwerving van de Software. Xerox is niet aansprakelijk voor inbreuk die het gevolg is van ontwerp of wijziging van de Software op basis van uw eigen specificaties (door Xerox of anderen, met inbegrip van uzelf), of die het gevolg zijn van het gebruik of de verkoop van de Software in combinatie met apparatuur, software of verbruiksartikelen die niet door Xerox zijn geleverd. XEROX BIEDT GEEN ENKELE ANDERE UITDRUKKELIJKE OF IMPLICIETE GARANTIE MET BETREKKING TOT NIET-SCHENDING VAN RECHTEN OF AANSPRAKELIJKHEID VOOR SCHENDING VAN RECHTEN OF ENIGE DAARUIT VOORTVLOEIENDE SCHADE. 7. BEPERKING VAN AANSPRAKELIJKHEID IN GEEN ENKEL GEVAL DRAAGT XEROX OF ENIGE LEVERANCIER VAN HET BEDRIJF AANSPRAKELIJKHEID VOOR ENIGE SPECIALE, INDIRECTE OF GEVOLGSCHADE (MET INBEGRIP VAN, MAAR NIET BEPERKT TOT VERLIES VAN GEGEVENS) DIE OP ENIGE MANIER VOORTKOMT UIT OF VERBAND HOUDT MET HET GEBRUIK VAN OF DE ONMOGELIJKHEID VAN HET GEBRUIK VAN DE "SOFTWARE", ZELFS INDIEN HET BEDRIJF WAS GENFORMEERD OVER DE MOGELIJKHEID VAN EEN DERGELIJKE SCHADE. VOORTS ZAL XEROX' AANSPRAKELIJKHEID VOOR DIRECTE SCHADE STEEDS BEPERKT ZIJN TOT HET TOTALE BEDRAG DAT DE KLANT VOOR DE SOFTWARELICENTIE HEEFT BETAALD. 8. BEINDIGING Xerox kan deze licentie na kennisgeving met directe ingang beindigen, indien u materieel in gebreke blijft of indien u de apparatuur waarmee de Software dient te worden gebruikt, niet langer gebruikt of in bezit heeft. In dit geval dient u alle kopien van de Software te retourneren aan Xerox en de Software te verwijderen van alle apparatuur waarop de Software door u is geladen. 9. TOEPASSELIJKE WETGEVING Deze overeenkomst wordt beheerst door de wetgeving van de staat New York, Verenigde Staten van Amerika, of door de wetgeving van het land waarin u de Document Centre-systeemapparatuur waarvoor deze Software is bedoeld, heeft aangeschaft (conflicterende bepalingen buiten beschouwing houdende). In sommige rechtsgebieden worden beperkingen met betrekking tot de lengte van een impliciete garantie of de uitsluiting of beperking van incidentele of gevolgschades niet toegestaan. Bovenstaande uitsluitingen en beperkingen kunnen mogelijk, geheel of gedeeltelijk, niet van toepassing zijn op u. 10. VOLLEDIGE OVEREENKOMST Deze licentieovereenkomst is de volledige overeenkomst tussen Xerox en u met betrekking tot de Software, en treedt in de plaats van alle eerdere of gelijktijdige voorstellen of afspraken tussen de partijen betreffende de Software. U verklaart dat alle voorwaarden en bepalingen in eventuele inkooporders of andere documenten die de klant in verband met de bestelling van het product heeft verzonden, niet bindend zijn voor Xerox en van geen enkele invloed zijn op deze overeenkomst. Indien u na het lezen van de voorwaarden en bepalingen deze niet kunt aanvaarden, dient u, om contractuele verplichtingen en aansprakelijkheid te voorkomen, de Software onmiddellijk ongebruikt te retourneren. U heeft dan recht op volledige vergoeding van de prijs die u heeft betaald voor de softwarelicentie. ====================================================================== LICENSE AGREEMENT AND WARRANTY FOR THE ENCLOSED SOFTWARE AND RELATED DOCUMENTATION YOUR LICENSE AGREEMENT - READ BEFORE INSTALLING SOFTWARE IMPORTANT: THIS AGREEMENT CONTAINS THE LICENSE TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR LICENSED SOFTWARE AND RELATED DOCUMENTATION. INSTALLING THE SOFTWARE PACKAGE SIGNIFIES YOUR ACCEPTANCE OF THIS AGREEMENT. IF YOU DO NOT ACCEPT THIS AGREEMENT, YOU MUST PROMPTLY RETURN THE SOFTWARE PACKAGE AND DELETE ANY SOFTWARE FILES ACCESSED BY YOU FROM ANY AND ALL COMPUTER MEMORY INTO WHICH SUCH SOFTWARE HAS BEEN LOADED OR STORED. WHEN USED IN THIS AGREEMENT THE WORD "XEROX" SHALL MEAN XEROX CORPORATION, ITS OPERATING COMPANY SUBSIDIARY OR AFFILIATE FROM WHICH YOU OBTAINED THE INDIVIDUAL UNIT OF THE XEROX DOCUMENT CENTRE SYSTEM EQUIPMENT (the "Equipment") WITH WHICH THE SOFTWARE IS TO BE USED, UNLESS YOU OBTAINED THE EQUIPMENT FROM AN AUTHORIZED DEALER, AGENT, CONCESSIONAIRE OR DISTRIBUTOR, IN WHICH CASE "XEROX" SHALL MEAN XEROX CORPORATION, ITS OPERATING COMPANY, SUBSIDIARY OR AFFILIATE FROM WHICH THE ENTITY THAT SOLD YOU THE EQUIPMENT ACQUIRED IT. 1. GRANT OF LICENSE Xerox hereby grants you a non-exclusive, non-transferable license to use the software and related documentation ("Software") enclosed in this package with the Equipment, for as long as you are current in the payment of any indicated software license fees (including any annual renewal or maintenance fees) on the following terms and conditions. 2. USE You may install the Software for use on any networked workstation or server only in conjunction with the Equipment. When networked, other users on the network may access and use the Software in conjunction with the Equipment. 3. OWNERSHIP, COPYING, MODIFICATION AND CONFIDENTIALITY 3.1 Xerox owns or is otherwise entitled to grant licenses in respect of all rights in the Software. 3.2 No title to or ownership of the Software or any proprietary right therein is transferred to you. 3.3 You may, subject to Section 3.4 below, make one copy of the Software in whole or in part only for that purpose expressly permitted in Section 2 above and for back-up. Such permitted copy shall include in readable format any copyright and other proprietary notices contained on the original Software. 3.4 You may copy the related documentation for use only in conjunction with the Equipment. 3.5 You may not distribute, alter or modify nor cause or allow others to alter or modify the Software. 3.6 You agree not to provide or otherwise make available the Software to anyone other than your employees and agents directly concerned with the licensed use of the Software. 3.7 The Software is protected by copyright and other proprietary rights of Xerox and/or a third party. You may be held directly responsible by such third party for an infringement of such rights by you. 3.8 You agree not to reverse engineer, decompile or disassemble the Software for any purpose whatsoever, except to the extent permitted by law. 3.9 You agree not to export or re-export the Software in any form without, in the case of a customer in the United States, first obtaining all United States government licenses, and in the case of a customer outside of the United States, all relevant foreign government licenses, required by law, and then only upon the export of the Equipment. 3.10 Xerox may terminate your license for the Software (i) immediately if you no longer use or possess the Equipment or are a lessor of the Equipment and your first lessee no longer uses or possesses it or (ii) upon the termination of any agreement under which you have rented or leased the Equipment. 4. TRANSFER OF LICENSED SOFTWARE If you transfer possession of the Equipment, Xerox will offer the transferee a license to use the Software on or with it, subject to Xerox' then applicable terms and license fees, if any, and provided the transfer is not in violation of Xerox' rights. 5. LIMITED WARRANTY 5.1 Xerox warrants that the Software shall substantially conform to Xerox' User Manual or other Xerox documentation supplied at delivery to the original Customer. Xerox does not warrant that the operation of the Software will be uninterrupted or error free, nor that it will meet your needs. 5.2 In the event that the Software does not conform to the limited warranty contained in Section 5.1 above, your exclusive remedy is to notify Xerox within ninety (90) days of the date of delivery, and Xerox' or its supplier's sole obligation shall be to use all reasonable efforts to provide a work-around which avoids the nonconformity or to provide you with Software which does substantially conform to the Xerox User Manual or other Xerox supplied documentation. 5.3 XEROX GRANTS NO OTHER WARRANTIES ON THE "SOFTWARE", EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, WHETHER CREATED BY STATUTE OR OTHERWISE, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. XEROX FURTHER DISCLAIMS ANY WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS MADE BY PERSONS OTHER THAN XEROX (INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO XEROX SOFTWARE DEALERS, AGENTS, CONCESSIONAIRES OR DISTRIBUTORS). 5.4 The express warranties set forth above shall be void if you fail to properly use the Software in the appropriate environment as specified in the Xerox supplied documentation or if the Software is modified or altered in any fashion. 6. PATENT AND COPYRIGHT INDEMNIFICATION Xerox will defend and indemnify you if the Software is alleged to infringe, in the United States, any patent, trade secret, or copyright, if you promptly notify Xerox in writing of any alleged infringement, allow Xerox to direct the defense of such claim, and cooperate with Xerox. All notices should be sent to the Xerox Office of General Counsel, P.O. Box 1600, Stamford, Connecticut 06904. Xerox is not responsible for any non-Xerox litigation expenses or settlements unless Xerox pre-approves them in writing. To avoid infringement, Xerox may, at its option, and at no charge to you, obtain a license, or modify, or substitute an equivalent of, or remove the Software. If Software is removed by Xerox for this reason, any designated license fees paid by you will be fully refunded; if no portion of the amounts paid to Xerox within the transaction in which the Software was acquired was designated as a license fee for the Software, Xerox shall refund that portion of the amounts paid that Xerox reasonably designates as associated with the Software's acquisition. Xerox is not liable for any infringement due to the Software being made or modified (by Xerox or others, including you) to your specifications, or being used or sold in combination with equipment, software, or supplies not provided by Xerox. XEROX MAKES NO OTHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTY OF NON-INFRINGEMENT OR LIABILITY FOR INFRINGEMENT OR ANY DAMAGES THEREFROM. 7. LIMITATION OF LIABILITY IN NO EVENT SHALL XEROX OR ITS SUPPLIERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, (INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, LOSS OF DATA) IN ANY WAY ARISING OUT OF OR RELATED TO THE USE OR INABILITY TO USE THE "SOFTWARE", EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. IN NO EVENT SHALL XEROX' DIRECT DAMAGES TO YOU EXCEED THE TOTAL LICENSE FEE ACTUALLY PAID BY YOU FOR SUCH SOFTWARE. 8. TERMINATION Xerox may terminate this license immediately upon notice in the event of a material breach by you or if you no longer use or possess the equipment with which this Software is intended to be used, in which event you shall return to Xerox all copies of the Software, and remove same from all equipment into which such Software may have been loaded by you. 9. GOVERNING LAW This agreement will be governed by the laws of the State of New York, USA or if you acquire the Software outside the USA, by the laws of the country in which you acquired the Document Centre System Equipment with which this software is to be used, excluding its conflict of laws provisions. Some jurisdictions do not allow limitations on how long an implied warranty lasts or the exclusion or limitation of incidental or consequential damages, so the above disclaimers, limitations or exclusions, in whole or in part, may not apply to you. 10. ENTIRE AGREEMENT This Software License Agreement is the entire agreement between Xerox and you pertaining to the Software and supersedes all proposals or prior and contemporaneous agreements or understandings of the parties regarding the Software. You agree that any terms and conditions contained in any purchase order or other ordering document submitted to order the Software shall have no binding effect on Xerox and will not modify this Agreement in any way. If, after reading the terms and conditions, they are unacceptable to you, then, to avoid contractual obligations and liability, you should promptly return the software unused, and you will then be entitled to a refund of any sums paid by you to license the Software. Title WorkCentre Pro 40 Color Version 1.2.5 Description DefaultLocation /Library/Printers/PPDs/Contents/Resources DeleteWarning ### Package Flags NeedsAuthorization YES Required NO Relocatable NO RequiresReboot NO UseUserMask NO OverwritePermissions NO InstallFat NO FOR ANY SPECIAL, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, (INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, LOSS OF DATA) IN ANY WAY ARISING OUT OF OR RELATED TO THE USE OR INABILITY TO USE THE "SOFTWARE", EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. IN NO EVENT SHALL XEROX' DIRECT DAMAGES TO YOU EXCEED THE TOTAL LICENSE FEE ACTUALLY PAID BY YOU FOR SUCH SOFTWARE. 8. TERMINATION Xerox may terminate this license immediately upon notice in the event of a material breach by you or if you no longer use or possess the equipment with which this Software is intended to be used, in which event you shall return to Xerox all copies of the Software, and remove same from all equipment into which such Software may have been loaded by you. 9. GOVERNING LAW This agreement will be governed by the laws of the State of New York, USA or if you acquire the Software outside the USA, by the laws of the country in which you acquired the Equipment, excluding its conflict of laws provisions. Some jurisdictions do not allow limitations on how long an implied warranty lasts or the exclusion or limitation of incidental or consequential damages, so the above disclaimers, limitations or exclusions, in whole or in part, may not apply to you. 10. ENTIRE AGREEMENT This Software License Agreement is the entire agreement between Xerox and you pertaining to the Software and supersedes all proposals or prior and contemporaneous agreements or understandings of the parties regarding the Software. You agree that any terms and conditions contained in any purchase order or other ordering document submitted to order the Software shall have no binding effect on Xerox and will not modify this Agreement in any way. If, after reading the terms and conditions, they are unacceptable to you, then, to avoid contractual obligations and liability, you should promptly return the software unused, and you will then be entitled to a refund of any sums paid by you to license the Software. "16" = "This volume does not meet the requirements for this update."; "17" = "Insufficient space for this update. 300MB of space is required."; "18" = "This Package may only be run on Mac OS X, version 10.2 or higher."; LICENSE AGREEMENT AND WARRANTY FOR THE ENCLOSED SOFTWARE AND RELATED DOCUMENTATION YOUR LICENSE AGREEMENT - READ BEFORE INSTALLING SOFTWARE IMPORTANT: THIS AGREEMENT CONTAINS THE LICENSE TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR LICENSED SOFTWARE AND RELATED DOCUMENTATION. INSTALLING THE SOFTWARE PACKAGE SIGNIFIES YOUR ACCEPTANCE OF THIS AGREEMENT. IF YOU DO NOT ACCEPT THIS AGREEMENT, YOU MUST PROMPTLY RETURN THE SOFTWARE PACKAGE AND DELETE ANY SOFTWARE FILES ACCESSED BY YOU FROM ANY AND ALL COMPUTER MEMORY INTO WHICH SUCH SOFTWARE HAS BEEN LOADED OR STORED. WHEN USED IN THIS AGREEMENT THE WORD "XEROX" SHALL MEAN XEROX CORPORATION, ITS OPERATING COMPANY SUBSIDIARY OR AFFILIATE FROM WHICH YOU OBTAINED THE XEROX PRODUCT WITH WHICH THE SOFTWARE IS TO BE USED (the "Equipment"), UNLESS YOU OBTAINED THE EQUIPMENT FROM AN AUTHORIZED DEALER, AGENT, CONCESSIONAIRE OR DISTRIBUTOR, IN WHICH CASE "XEROX" SHALL MEAN XEROX CORPORATION, ITS OPERATING COMPANY, SUBSIDIARY OR AFFILIATE FROM WHICH THE ENTITY THAT SOLD YOU THE EQUIPMENT ACQUIRED IT. 1. GRANT OF LICENSE Xerox hereby grants you a non-exclusive, non-transferable license to use the software and related documentation ("Software") enclosed in this package with the Equipment, for as long as you are current in the payment of any indicated software license fees (including any annual renewal or maintenance fees) on the following terms and conditions. 2. USE You may install the Software for use on any networked workstation or server only in conjunction with the Equipment. When networked, other users on the network may access and use the Software in conjunction with the Equipment. 3. OWNERSHIP, COPYING, MODIFICATION AND CONFIDENTIALITY 3.1 Xerox owns or is otherwise entitled to grant licenses in respect of all rights in the Software. 3.2 No title to or ownership of the Software or any proprietary right therein is transferred to you. 3.3 You may, subject to Section 3.4 below, make one copy of the Software in whole or in part only for that purpose expressly permitted in Section 2 above and for back-up. Such permitted copy shall include in readable format any copyright and other proprietary notices contained on the original Software. 3.4 You may copy the related documentation for use only in conjunction with the Equipment. 3.5 You may not distribute, alter or modify nor cause or allow others to alter or modify the Software. 3.6 You agree not to provide or otherwise make available the Software to anyone other than your employees and agents directly concerned with the licensed use of the Software. 3.7 The Software is protected by copyright and other proprietary rights of Xerox and/or a third party. You may be held directly responsible by such third party for an infringement of such rights by you. 3.8 You agree not to reverse engineer, decompile or disassemble the Software for any purpose whatsoever, except to the extent permitted by law. 3.9 You agree not to export or re-export the Software in any form without, in the case of a customer in the United States, first obtaining all United States government licenses, and in the case of a customer outside of the United States, all relevant foreign government licenses, required by law, and then only upon the export of the Equipment. 3.10 Xerox may terminate your license for the Software (i) immediately if you no longer use or possess the Equipment or are a lessor of the Equipment and your first lessee no longer uses or possesses it or (ii) upon the termination of any agreement under which you have rented or leased the Equipment. 4. TRANSFER OF LICENSED SOFTWARE If you transfer possession of the Equipment, Xerox will offer the transferee a license to use the Software on or with it, subject to Xerox' then applicable terms and license fees, if any, and provided the transfer is not in violation of Xerox' rights. 5. LIMITED WARRANTY 5.1 Xerox warrants that the Software shall substantially conform to Xerox' User Manual or other Xerox documentation supplied at delivery to the original Customer. Xerox does not warrant that the operation of the Software will be uninterrupted or error free, nor that it will meet your needs. 5.2 In the event that the Software does not conform to the limited warranty contained in Section 5.1 above, your exclusive remedy is to notify Xerox within ninety (90) days of the date of delivery, and Xerox' or its supplier's sole obligation shall be to use all reasonable efforts to provide a work-around which avoids the nonconformity or to provide you with Software which does substantially conform to the Xerox User Manual or other Xerox supplied documentation. 5.3 XEROX GRANTS NO OTHER WARRANTIES ON THE "SOFTWARE", EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, WHETHER CREATED BY STATUTE OR OTHERWISE, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. XEROX FURTHER DISCLAIMS ANY WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS MADE BY PERSONS OTHER THAN XEROX (INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO XEROX SOFTWARE DEALERS, AGENTS, CONCESSIONAIRES OR DISTRIBUTORS). 5.4 The express warranties set forth above shall be void if you fail to properly use the Software in the appropriate environment as specified in the Xerox supplied documentation or if the Software is modified or altered in any fashion. 6. PATENT AND COPYRIGHT INDEMNIFICATION Xerox will defend and indemnify you if the Software is alleged to infringe, in the United States, any patent, trade secret, or copyright, if you promptly notify Xerox in writing of any alleged infringement, allow Xerox to direct the defense of such claim, and cooperate with Xerox. All notices should be sent to the Xerox Office of General Counsel, P.O. Box 1600, Stamford, Connecticut 06904. Xerox is not responsible for any non-Xerox litigation expenses or settlements unless Xerox pre-approves them in writing. To avoid infringement, Xerox may, at its option, and at no charge to you, obtain a license, or modify, or substitute an equivalent of, or remove the Software. If Software is removed by Xerox for this reason, any designated license fees paid by you will be fully refunded; if no portion of the amounts paid to Xerox within the transaction in which the Software was acquired was designated as a license fee for the Software, Xerox shall refund that portion of the amounts paid that Xerox reasonably designates as associated with the Software's acquisition. Xerox is not liable for any infringement due to the Software being made or modified (by Xerox or others, including you) to your specifications, or being used or sold in combination with equipment, software, or supplies not provided by Xerox. XEROX MAKES NO OTHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTY OF NON-INFRINGEMENT OR LIABILITY FOR INFRINGEMENT OR ANY DAMAGES THEREFROM. 7. LIMITATION OF LIABILITY IN NO EVENT SHALL XEROX OR ITS SUPPLIERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, (INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, LOSS OF DATA) IN ANY WAY ARISING OUT OF OR RELATED TO THE USE OR INABILITY TO USE THE "SOFTWARE", EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. IN NO EVENT SHALL XEROX' DIRECT DAMAGES TO YOU EXCEED THE TOTAL LICENSE FEE ACTUALLY PAID BY YOU FOR SUCH SOFTWARE. 8. TERMINATION Xerox may terminate this license immediately upon notice in the event of a material breach by you or if you no longer use or possess the equipment with which this Software is intended to be used, in which event you shall return to Xerox all copies of the Software, and remove same from all equipment into which such Software may have been loaded by you. 9. GOVERNING LAW This agreement will be governed by the laws of the State of New York, USA or if you acquire the Software outside the USA, by the laws of the country in which you acquired the Equipment, excluding its conflict of laws provisions. Some jurisdictions do not allow limitations on how long an implied warranty lasts or the exclusion or limitation of incidental or consequential damages, so the above disclaimers, limitations or exclusions, in whole or in part, may not apply to you. 10. ENTIRE AGREEMENT This Software License Agreement is the entire agreement between Xerox and you pertaining to the Software and supersedes all proposals or prior and contemporaneous agreements or understandings of the parties regarding the Software. You agree that any terms and conditions contained in any purchase order or other ordering document submitted to order the Software shall have no binding effect on Xerox and will not modify this Agreement in any way. If, after reading the terms and conditions, they are unacceptable to you, then, to avoid contractual obligations and liability, you should promptly return the software unused, and you will then be entitled to a refund of any sums paid by you to license the Software. izar todos los esfuerzos razonables para proveer una solucin que haga que el software se ajuste a la garanta limitada, o proveer al Cliente con un Software que se ajuste substancialmente al Manual del usuario de Xerox u otra documentacin Xerox suministrada. 5.3 XEROX NO CONCEDE NINGUNA OTRA GARANTA DEL "SOFTWARE", NI EXPRESA NI PRESUPUESTA, ESTATUTARIA NI DE OTRO TIPO, INCLUIDAS SIN LIMITACIN LAS GARANTAS PRESUPUESTAS DE SER APTO PARA EL COMERCIO Y ADECUADO PARA UN FIN DETERMINADO. XEROX ADEMS DECLINA LA RESPONSABILIDAD DE CUALESQUIERA GARANTAS DADAS POR PERSONAS APARTE DE XEROX (INCLUIDOS PERO NO LIMITADOS A ELLOS LOS DISTRIBUIDORES, AGENTES Y CONCESIONARIOS DEL SOFTWARE XEROX). 5.4 Las garantas expresas enunciadas ms arriba sern nulas si no utiliza debidamente el Software en el entorno apropiado como se especifique en la documentacin de Xerox suministrada o si el Software se modifica o altera de alguna manera. 6. INDEMNIZACIN POR PATENTE Y DERECHOS DE AUTOR Xerox defender e indemnizar al Cliente si se alega que el Software infringe, en los Estados Unidos, cualquier patente, secreto comercial o derechos de autor, siempre que el Cliente avise por escrito a Xerox con prontitud de cualquier supuesta infraccin, permita que Xerox defienda dicha alegacin y coopere con Xerox. Todas las notificaciones debern enviarse a Xerox Office of General Counsel, P.O. Box 1600, Stamford, Connecticut 06904, Estados Unidos. Xerox no es responsable de ningn gasto o pago por litigios ajenos a Xerox a menos que Xerox conceda su acuerdo por escrito. Para evitar infracciones, Xerox puede, a su discrecin, y sin ningn cargo al Cliente, obtener una licencia o modificar, sustituir con uno equivalente, o retirar el Software. Si Xerox retira el Software por este motivo, se le reembolsar al Cliente la cantidad total designada como derechos de licencia, si se design; si no se design ninguna proporcin de las cantidades abonadas a Xerox en la operacin de adquisicin del Software como derechos de licencia, Xerox reembolsar la proporcin de las cantidades abonadas que Xerox designe razonablemente como relacionadas con la adquisicin del Software. Xerox no es responsable de ninguna infraccin cometida debido a que el Software se haga o modifique (por Xerox u otros, incluido el Cliente) segn las especificaciones del Cliente, o se utilice o venda en combinacin con equipo, software o suministros no provistos por Xerox. XEROX NO CONCEDE NINGUNA OTRA GARANTA, NI EXPRESA NI IMPLCITA, DE NO-INFRACCIN O DE RESPONSABILIDAD POR INFRACCIN O POR CUALQUIER DAO QUE SE ORIGINE DE ELLO. 7. LIMITACIN DE RESPONSABILIDAD EN NINGN CASO NI XEROX NI SUS PROVEEDORES SERN RESPONSABLES DE LOS DAOS ESPECIALES, INDIRECTOS, INCIDENTALES, CONSECUENTES (INCLUIDA SIN LIMITACIN LA PRDIDA DE DATOS) QUE SE DERIVEN DE ALGUNA MANERA O ESTN RELACIONADOS CON EL USO O LA IMPOSIBILIDAD DE USAR EL "SOFTWARE", INCLUSO SI SE HA AVISADO DE LA POSIBILIDAD DE DICHOS DAOS. EN NINGN CASO, LA RESPONSABILIDAD POR LOS DAOS DIRECTOS DE XEROX AL CLIENTE EXCEDETitle WorkCentre Pro 40 Color Version 1.2.5 Description DefaultLocation /Library/Printers/PPDs/Contents/Resources DeleteWarning ### Package Flags NeedsAuthorization YES Required NO Relocatable NO RequiresReboot NO UseUserMask NO OverwritePermissions NO InstallFat NO a York, Estados Unidos o, si adquiri el Software fuera de los Estados Unidos, por las leyes del pas donde adquiri el Equipo, exceptuando la aplicacin de sus normas de conflictos de leyes. En algunas jurisdicciones no se permite la limitacin de duracin de una garanta implcita, ni la exclusin o limitacin de daos incidentales o consecuentes y, por tanto, las limitaciones y exclusiones anteriores pudieran no ser aplicables en su caso, en su totalidad o en parte. 10. INTEGRIDAD DEL CONTRATO El presente contrato de licencia de uso del Software es el acuerdo total entre Xerox y usted en relacin con el Software, y sustituye a todos los acuerdos o arreglos anteriores y actuales entre las partes respecto al Software. Acepta que los trminos y condiciones relacionados con el Software contenidos en cualquier orden de compra del Cliente u otro documento de pedido enviado para encargar el Software no tendrn efecto para Xerox y no modificarn este Contrato en ningn sentido. Si, despus de leer los trminos y condiciones, stos le fueran inaceptables, deber devolver inmediatamente el software sin utilizarlo para evitar obligaciones y responsabilidades contractuales, y tendr derecho al reembolso de las cantidades que haya abonado para obtener la licencia del Software. ====================================================================== LICENSE AGREEMENT AND WARRANTY FOR THE ENCLOSED SOFTWARE AND RELATED DOCUMENTATION YOUR LICENSE AGREEMENT - READ BEFORE INSTALLING SOFTWARE IMPORTANT: THIS AGREEMENT CONTAINS THE LICENSE TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR LICENSED SOFTWARE AND RELATED DOCUMENTATION. INSTALLING THE SOFTWARE PACKAGE SIGNIFIES YOUR ACCEPTANCE OF THIS AGREEMENT. IF YOU DO NOT ACCEPT THIS AGREEMENT, YOU MUST PROMPTLY RETURN THE SOFTWARE PACKAGE AND DELETE ANY SOFTWARE FILES ACCESSED BY YOU FROM ANY AND ALL COMPUTER MEMORY INTO WHICH SUCH SOFTWARE HAS BEEN LOADED OR STORED. WHEN USED IN THIS AGREEMENT THE WORD "XEROX" SHALL MEAN XEROX CORPORATION, ITS OPERATING COMPANY SUBSIDIARY OR AFFILIATE FROM WHICH YOU OBTAINED THE XEROX PRODUCT WITH WHICH THE SOFTWARE IS TO BE USED (the "Equipment"), UNLESS YOU OBTAINED THE EQUIPMENT FROM AN AUTHORIZED DEALER, AGENT, CONCESSIONAIRE OR DISTRIBUTOR, IN WHICH CASE "XEROX" SHALL MEAN XEROX CORPORATION, ITS OPERATING COMPANY, SUBSIDIARY OR AFFILIATE FROM WHICH THE ENTITY THAT SOLD YOU THE EQUIPMENT ACQUIRED IT. 1. GRANT OF LICENSE Xerox hereby grants you a non-exclusive, non-transferable license to use the software and related documentation ("Software") enclosed in this package with the Equipment, for as long as you are current in the payment of any indicated software license fees (including any annual renewal or maintenance fees) on the following terms and conditions. 2. USE You may install the Software for use on any networked workstation or server only in conjunction with the Equipment. When networked, other users on the network may access and use the Software in conjunction with the Equipment. 3. OWNERSHIP, COPYING, MODIFICATION AND CONFIDENTIALITY 3.1 Xerox owns or is otherwise entitled to grant licenses in respect of all rights in the Software. 3.2 No title to or ownership of the Software or any proprietary right therein is transferred to you. 3.3 You may, subject to Section 3.4 below, make one copy of the Software in whole or in part only for that purpose expressly permitted in Section 2 above and for back-up. Such permitted copy shall include in readable format any copyright and other proprie"16" = "Tm taltio ei tyt pivityksen vaatimuksia."; "17" = "Pivitykselle ei ole riittvsti tilaa. Vaaditaan 300 Mt tilaa."; "18" = "Tm paketti voidaan suorittaa vain Mac OS X:ss, versiossa 10.2 tai uudemmassa."; d party. You may be held directly responsible by such third party for an infringement of such rights by you. 3.8 You agree not to reverse engineer, decompile or disassemble the Software for any purpose whatsoever, except to the extent permitted by law. 3.9 You agree not to export or re-export the Software in any form without, in the case of a customer in the United States, first obtaining all United States government licenses, and in the case of a customer outside of the United States, all relevant foreign government licenses, required by law, and then only upon the export of the Equipment. 3.10 Xerox may terminate your license for the Software (i) immediately if you no longer use or possess the Equipment or are a lessor of the Equipment and your first lessee no longer uses or possesses it or (ii) upon the termination of any agreement under which you have rented or leased the Equipment. 4. TRANSFER OF LICENSED SOFTWARE If you transfer possession of the Equipment, Xerox will offer the transferee a license to use the Software on or with it, subject to Xerox' then applicable terms and license fees, if any, and provided the transfer is not in violation of Xerox' rights. 5. LIMITED WARRANTY 5.1 Xerox warrants that the Software shall substantially conform to Xerox' User Manual or other Xerox documentation supplied at delivery to the original Customer. Xerox does not warrant that the operation of the Software will be uninterrupted or error free, nor that it will meet your needs. 5.2 In the event that the Software does not conform to the limited warranty contained in Section 5.1 above, your exclusive remedy is to notify Xerox within ninety (90) days of the date of delivery, and Xerox' or its supplier's sole obligation shall be to use all reasonable efforts to provide a work-around which avoids the nonconformity or to provide you with Software which does substantially conform to the Xerox User Manual or other Xerox supplied documentation. 5.3 XEROX GRANTS NO OTHER WARRANTIES ON THE "SOFTWARE", EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, WHETHER CREATED BY STATUTE OR OTHERWISE, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. XEROX FURTHER DISCLAIMS ANY WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS MADE BY PERSONS OTHER THAN XEROX (INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO XEROX SOFTWARE DEALERS, AGENTS, CONCESSIONAIRES OR DISTRIBUTORS). 5.4 The express warranties set forth above shall be void if you fail to properly use the Software in the appropriate environment as specified in the Xerox supplied documentation or if the Software is modified or altered in any fashion. 6. PATENT AND COPYRIGHT INDEMNIFICATION Xerox will defend and indemnify you if the Software is alleged to infringe, in the United States, any patent, trade secret, or copyright, if you promptly notify Xerox in writing of any alleged infringement, allow Xerox to direct the defense of such claim, and cooperate with Xerox. All notices should be sent to the Xerox Office of General Counsel, P.O. Box 1600, Stamford, Connecticut 06904. Xerox is not responsible for any non-Xerox litigation expenses or settlements unless Xerox pre-approves them in writing. To avoid infringement, Xerox may, at its option, and at no charge to you, obtain a license, or modify, or substitute an equivalent of, or remove the Software. If Software is removed by Xerox for this reason, any designated license fees paid by you will be fully refunded; if no portion of the amounts paid to Xerox within the transaction in which the Software was acqTmn lisenssisopimuksen knnksen on tuottanut Xerox Europe, ja se ei ole laillisesti sitova. Knnst seuraava englanninkielinen teksti sit vastoin on laillisesti sitova. ========================================================================= LISENSSISOPIMUS JA TAKUU OHJELMISTOLLE JA SIIHEN LIITTYVLLE DOKUMENTAATIOLLE LISENSSISOPIMUS - LUKEKAA ENNEN OHJELMISTON ASENTAMISTATRKE: TM SOPIMUS SISLT LISENSOITUA OHJELMISTOA JA SIIHEN LIITTYV DOKUMENTAATIOTA KOSKEVAT LISENSSIEHDOT. OHJELMISTON ASENTAMINEN EDELLYTT JA MERKITSEE SIT, ETT HYVKSYTTE TMN SOPIMUKSEN. ELLETTE HYVKSY TT SOPIMUSTA, TEIDN ON VIIPYMTT PALAUTETTAVA OHJELMISTOPAKETTI JA HVITETTV KAIKKI KYTETTVISSNNE OLEVAT OHJELMISTOTIEDOSTOT KAIKISTA TIETOKONEIDEN MUISTILAITTEISTA, JOIHIN NE ON ASENNETTU TAI TALLENNETTU. TSS SOPIMUKSESSA "XEROX" TARKOITTAA XEROX CORPORATIONIA TAI SEN MAAN PAIKALLISTA XEROX-YHTIT, JOSTA OLETTE HANKKINUT XEROX DOCUMENT CENTRE SYSTEM -LAITTEEN ("LAITE"), JONKA YHTEYDESS OHJELMISTOA ON MR KYTT, PAITSI JOS OLETTE HANKKINUT LAITTEEN VALTUUTETULTA JLLEENMYYJLT, AGENTILTA TAI JAKELIJALTA, MISS TAPAUKSESSA "XEROX" TARKOITTAA XEROX CORPORATIONIA TAI PAIKALLISTA XEROX-YHTIT, JOSTA TEILLE LAITTEEN MYYNYT YKSIKK ON HANKKINUT LAITTEEN. 1. LISENSSIN KSITTMT OIKEUDET Xerox mynt teille seuraavassa esitettvin ehdoin lisenssin eli oikeuden kytt tmn pakkauksen sisltm ohjelmistoa ja siihen liittyv dokumentaatiota ("Ohjelmisto") Laitteen yhteydess niin kauan kuin maksatte ajallaan ohjelmistolisenssimaksut (mukaan lukien vuosittaiset pivitys- tai yllpitomaksut). Lisenssi ei mynnet yksinoikeudella, eik sit voida siirt. 2. KYTT Te saatte asentaa Ohjelmiston mihin tahansa verkkoon liitettyyn tyasemaan tai palvelimeen kytettvksi yksinomaan Laitteen yhteydess. Kun Ohjelmisto on asennettu verkkoon, verkon kyttjt saavat kytt sit Laitteen yhteydess. 3. OMISTUSOIKEUS, KOPIOINTI, MUUTTAMINEN JA LUOTTAMUKSELLISUUS 3.1 Xerox omistaa tai sill on muuten oikeus mynt kaikkia Ohjelmistoon liittyvi oikeuksia koskevat lisenssit. 3.2 Sopimus ei siirr teille mitn Ohjelmistoon liittyvi omistus-, tekijn- tai muita oikeuksia. 3.3 Te saatte, alla kohdassa 3.4 sanottu huomioon ottaen, tehd yhden kopion koko Ohjelmistosta tai sen osasta vain yll kohdassa 2 nimenomaisesti mainittuun tarkoitukseen ja varmuuskopioksi. Tllaisessa sallitussa kopiossa on oltava luettavassa muodossa kaikki alkuperisen Ohjelmiston sisltmt tekijnoikeutta ja omistusoikeutta koskevat tiedot. 3.4 Te saatte kopioida ohjelmistoon liittyvn dokumentaation kytettvksi yksinomaan Laitteen yhteydess. 3.5 Te ette saa luovuttaa edelleen, muuttaa ettek muokata Ohjelmistoa ettek antaa muiden muuttaa tai muokata sit. 3.6 Te sitoudutte olemaan antamatta Ohjelmistoa muiden kuin sellaisten tyntekijittenne tai edustajienne kyttn tai saataville, jotka suoraan osallistuvat Ohjelmiston lisenssinmukaiseen kyttn. 3.7 Ohjelmisto on suojattu Xeroxille ja/tai kolmannelle osapuolelle kuuluvilla tekijn- ja muilla oikeuksilla. Tllainen kolmas osapuoli voi suoraankin esitt vaatimuksia teit kohtaan, mikli te loukkaatte kyseisi oikeuksia. 3.8 Te sitoudutte olemaan kntmtt Ohjelmiston koodia tai purkamatta sit mihinkn tarkoitukseen paitsi lain sallimissa rajoissa. 3.9 Te sitoudutte olemaan viemtt Ohjelmistoa maasta missn muodossa ilman lain mahdollisesti edellyttmi Yhdysvaltojen tai muun valtion viranomaisten myntmi lupia ja silloinkin vain Laitteen ulkomaille vientiin liittyen. 3.10 Xerox voi ptt tmn lisenssin voimassaolon (i) vlittmsti, jos te ette en kyt tai teidn hallussanne ei ole Laitetta tai olette Laitteen vuokralleantaja ja ensimminen Laitteen vuokralleottaja ei en kyt tai hnen hallussaan ei ole Laitetta, tai (ii) teidn tekemnne Laitetta koskevan vuokrasopimuksen pttyess. 4. LISENSOIDUN OHJELMISTON SIIRTMINEN Jos siirrtte Laitteen omistusoikeuden, Xerox tarjoaa siirron saajalle oikeuden kytt Ohjelmistoa Laitteessa tai Laitteen yhteydess Xeroxin kyseisen aikana voimassa olevien ehtojen ja mahdollisten lisenssimaksujen mukaisesti, edellytten ett siirto ei vaaranna Xeroxin oikeuksia. 5. RAJOITETTU TAKUU 5.1 Xerox takaa, ett alkuperiselle Asiakkaalle toimitettaessa Ohjelmisto on olennaisilta osiltaan Xeroxin Kyttjn ksikirjan tai muun Xeroxin toimittaman dokumentaation mukainen. Xerox ei takaa Ohjelmiston keskeytyksetnt tai virheetnt toimintaa eik sen soveltuvuutta teidn kytttarkoitukseenne. 5.2 Mikli Ohjelmisto ei ole yll kohdassa 5.1 mainitun rajoitetun takuun mukainen, teidn tulee ilmoittaa siit Xeroxille yhdeksnkymmenen (90) pivn kuluessa toimituspivst, jolloin Xerox tai sen jlleenmyyj on velvollinen kaikin kohtuudella kytettvissn olevin keinoin osoittamaan menetelmn, jolla edell mainittu poikkeavuus vltetn, tai toimittamaan teille sellaisen Ohjelmiston, joka on olennaisilta osiltaan Xeroxin Kyttjn ksikirjan tai muun Xeroxin toimittaman dokumentaation mukainen. Teill ei ole muita oikeuksia eik Xeroxilla ole muita velvollisuuksia Ohjelmiston virheisiin liittyen. 5.3 XEROX EI MYNN "OHJELMISTOLLE" MITN MUUTA SUORAA TAI EPSUORAA, LAKIIN TAI MUUHUN PERUSTUVAA TAKUUTA, EIK XEROX TAKAA TAI SEN OLE KATSOTTAVA TAKAAVAN "OHJELMISTON" KURANTTIUTTA TAI SEN SOVELTUVUUTTA JOHONKIN TIETTYYN TARKOITUKSEEN. XEROX EI MYSKN VASTAA MUIDEN KUIN XEROXIN ANTAMISTA SITOUMUKSISTA TAI TAKUISTA (KOSKIEN MYS XEROX-OHJELMISTOJEN JLLEENMYYJI, AGENTTEJA TAI JAKELIJOITA HEIHIN RAJOITTUMATTA). 5.4 Yll mainitut nimenomaiset takuut raukeavat, mikli te ette kyt Ohjelmistoa oikein ja Xeroxin toimittaman dokumentaation osoittamassa asianmukaisessa ympristss tai mikli Ohjelmistoa muokataan tai muutetaan milln tavalla. 6. PATENTTI- JA TEKIJNOIKEUKSIA KOSKEVAT VAATEET Xerox puolustaa teit ja korvaa teille mahdolliset vahingot, mikli Ohjelmiston vitetn loukkaavan patentti- tai tekijnoikeutta tai liikesalaisuutta Yhdysvalloissa. Tm kuitenkin edellytt, ett te vlittmsti ja kirjallisesti ilmoitatte Xeroxille kaikista vitetyist oikeudenloukkauksista, annatte Xeroxin huolehtia puolustuksesta ja toimitte yhteistyss Xeroxin kanssa. Kaikki ilmoitukset on lhetettv osoitteella: Xerox Office of General Counsel, P.O. Box 1600, Stamford, Connecticut 06904, USA. Xerox ei vastaa Xeroxiin liittymttmist oikeudenkyntikuluista tai sovintoratkaisuista, ellei Xerox ole etukteen hyvksynyt niit kirjallisesti. Oikeudenloukkauksien vlttmiseksi Xerox voi halutessaan ja ilman teille koituvia kustannuksia hankkia lisenssin tai muokata Ohjelmistoa, korvata Ohjelmiston vastaavalla tai poistaa Ohjelmiston. Jos Xerox poistaa Ohjelmiston tst syyst, teille palautetaan teidn maksamanne osoitetut lisenssimaksut tysimrisin; jos mitn osaa Xeroxille maksetuista maksuista, jotka liittyvt Ohjelmiston hankintaan, ei ole osoitettu Ohjelmiston lisenssimaksuksi, Xerox palauttaa maksuista osan, jonka Xerox kohtuudella katsoo liittyneen Ohjelmiston hankintaan. Xerox ei vastaa oikeudenloukkauksista, jotka johtuvat siit, ett Ohjelmisto on tehty tai ett sit on muokattu teidn mritystenne mukaisesti (Xeroxin tai muiden toimesta, te mukaan lukien) tai ett Ohjelmistoa on kytetty tai se on myyty sellaisten laitteiden, ohjelmistojen tai tarvikkeiden yhteydess, joita Xerox ei ole toimittanut. XEROX EI ANNA MITN MUUTA SUORAA TAI EPSUORAA TAKUUTA SIIT, ETT OHJELMISTO EI LOUKKAA TSS MAINITTUJA OIKEUKSIA, EIK HYVKSY MITN MUUTA TAI LAAJEMPAA VASTUUTA LOUKKAUSTEN AIHEUTTAMISTA VAHINGOISTA. 7. VASTUUN RAJOITUS XEROX TAI SEN JLLEENMYYJT EIVT MISSN TAPAUKSESSA VASTAA MISTN VLILLISIST TAI EPSUORISTA TAI ERITYISIST VAHINGOISTA (MUKAAN LUKIEN TIETOJEN MENETYS RAJOITUKSETTA), JOTKA MILLN TAVALLA JOHTUVAT "OHJELMISTON" KYTST TAI KYKENEMTTMYYDEST KYTT "OHJELMISTOA", VAIKKA TLLAISTEN VAHINKOJEN MAHDOLLISUUDESTA OLISI ILMOITETTU. MISSN TAPAUKSESSA XEROXIN KORVAUSVELVOLLISUUS VLITTMIST VAHINGOISTA EI YLIT TEIDN OHJELMISTOSTA MAKSAMAANNE KOKONAISLISENSSIMAKSUA. 8. LISENSSIN PTTYMINEN Xerox voi ptt tmn lisenssin voimassaolon vlittmsti, mikli te olennaisesti rikotte sen ehtoja tai ette en kyt tai teidn hallussanne ei ole Laitetta, jossa tm Ohjelmisto on tarkoitettu kytettvksi. Teidn on tllin palautettava Xeroxille kaikki Ohjelmiston kopiot ja poistettava ne kaikista laitteista, joihin olette ne asentanut. 9. SOVELLETTAVA LAKI Thn sopimukseen sovelletaan Suomen lakia (lainvalintaan liittyvi sntj lukuun ottamatta), edellytten ett olette hankkinut Ohjelmiston kanssa kytettvn Document Centre System -laitteen Suomesta Xerox Oy:lt tai sen valtuuttamalta taholta, mutta muussa tapauksessa thn sopimukseen sovelletaan Yhdysvaltain New Yorkin osavaltion lakia. 10. KOKO SOPIMUS Tm ohjelmistolisenssisopimus on Xeroxin ja teidn vlinen Ohjelmistoa koskeva koko sopimus. Se korvaa kaikki Ohjelmistoa koskevat ehdotukset tai aiemmat sopimukset tai vlipuheet osapuolten vlill. Te hyvksytte sen, ett mitkn teidn tilaukseenne liittyvn asiakirjan ehdot eivt sido Xeroxia eivtk vaikuta milln tavalla thn sopimukseen. Jos ehdot luettuanne ette hyvksy niit, teidn on sopimussidonnaisuuden vlttksenne palautettava Ohjelmisto vlittmsti kyttmttmn. Tllin teill on oikeus saada takaisin kaikki Ohjelmiston kyttoikeudesta maksamanne maksut. ====================================================================== LICENSE AGREEMENT AND WARRANTY FOR THE ENCLOSED SOFTWARE AND RELATED DOCUMENTATION YOUR LICENSE AGREEMENT - READ BEFORE INSTALLING SOFTWARE IMPORTANT: THIS AGREEMENT CONTAINS THE LICENSE TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR LICENSED SOFTWARE AND RELATED DOCUMENTATION. INSTALLING THE SOFTWARE PACKAGE SIGNIFIES YOUR ACCEPTANCE OF THIS AGREEMENT. IF YOU DO NOT ACCEPT THIS AGREEMENT, YOU MUST PROMPTLY RETURN THE SOFTWARE PACKAGE AND DELETE ANY SOFTWARE FILES ACCESSED BY YOU FROM ANY AND ALL COMPUTER MEMORY INTO WHICH SUCH SOFTWARE HAS BEEN LOADED OR STORED. WHEN USED IN THIS AGREEMENT THE WORD "XEROX" SHALL MEAN XEROX CORPORATION, ITS OPERATING COMPANY SUBSIDIARY OR AFFILIATE FROM WHICH YOU OBTAINED THE INDIVIDUAL UNIT OF THE XEROX DOCUMENT CENTRE SYSTEM EQUIPMENT (the "Equipment") WITH WHICH THE SOFTWARE IS TO BE USED, UNLESS YOU OBTAINED THE EQUIPMENT FROM AN AUTHORIZED DEALER, AGENT, CONCESSIONAIRE OR DISTRIBUTOR, IN WHICH CASE "XEROX" SHALL MEAN XEROX CORPORATION, ITS OPERATING COMPANY, SUBSIDIARY OR AFFILIATE FROM WHICH THE ENTITY THAT SOLD YOU THE EQUIPMENT ACQUIRED IT. 1. GRANT OF LICENSE Xerox hereby grants you a non-exclusive, non-transferable license to use the software and related documentation ("Software") enclosed in this package with the Equipment, for as long as you are current in the payment of any indicated software license fees (including any annual renewal or maintenance fees) on the following terms and conditions. 2. USE You may install the Software for use on any networked workstation or server only in conjunction with the Equipment. When networked, other users on the network may access and use the Software in conjunction with the Equipment. 3. OWNERSHIP, COPYING, MODIFICATION AND CONFIDENTIALITY 3.1 Xerox owns or is otherwise entitled to grant licenses in respect of all rights in the Software. 3.2 No title to or ownership of the Software or any proprietary right therein is transferred to you. 3.3 You may, subject to Section 3.4 below, make one copy of the Software in whole or in part only for that purpose expressly permitted in Section 2 above and for back-up. Such permitted copy shall include in readable format any copyright and other proprietary notices contained on the original Software. 3.4 You may copy the related documentation for use only in conjunction with the Equipment. 3.5 You may not distribute, alter or modify nor cause or allow others to alter or modify the Software. 3.6 You agree not to provide or otherwise make available the Software to anyone other than your employees and agents directly concerned with the licensed use of the Software. 3.7 The Software is protected by copyright and other proprietary rights of Xerox and/or a third party. You may be held directly responsible by such third party for an infringement of such rights by you. 3.8 You agree not to reverse engineer, decompile or disassemble the Software for any purpose whatsoever, except to the extent permitted by law. 3.9 You agree not to export or re-export the Software in any form without, in the case of a customer in the United States, first obtaining all United States government licenses, and in the case of a customer outside of the United States, all relevant foreign government licenses, required by law, and then only upon the export of the Equipment. 3.10 Xerox may terminate your license for the Software (i) immediately if you no longer use or possess the Equipment or are a lessor of the Equipment and your first lessee no longer uses or possesses it or (ii) upon the termination of any agreement under which you have rented or leased the Equipment. 4. TRANSFER OF LICENSED SOFTWARE If you transfer possession of the Equipment, Xerox will offer the transferee a license to use the Software on or with it, subject to Xerox' then applicable terms and license fees, if any, and provided the transfer is not in violation of Xerox' rights. 5. LIMITED WARRANTY 5.1 Xerox warrants that the Software shall substantially conform to Xerox' User Manual or other Xerox documentation supplied at delivery to the original Customer. Xerox does not warrant that the operation of the Software will be uninterrupted or error free, nor that it will meet your needs. 5.2 In the event that the Software does not conform to the limited warranty contained in Section 5.1 above, your exclusive remedy is to notify Xerox within ninety (90) days of the date of delivery, and Xerox' or its supplier's sole obligation shall be to use all reasonable efforts to provide a work-around which avoids the nonconformity or to provide you with Software which does substantially conform to the Xerox User Manual or other Xerox supplied documentation. 5.3 XEROX GRANTS NO OTHER WARRANTIES ON THE "SOFTWARE", EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, WHETHER CREATED BY STATUTE OR OTHERWISE, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. XEROX FURTHER DISCLAIMS ANY WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS MADE BY PERSONS OTHER THAN XEROX (INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO XEROX SOFTWARE DEALERS, AGENTS, CONCESSIONAIRES OR DISTRIBUTORS). 5.4 The express warranties set forth above shall be void if you fail to properly use the Software in the appropriate environment as specified in the Xerox supplied documentation or if the Software is modified or altered in any fashion. 6. PATENT AND COPYRIGHT INDEMNIFICATION Xerox will defend and indemnify you if the Software is alleged to infringe, in the United States, any patent, trade secret, or copyright, if you promptly notify Xerox in writing of any alleged infringement, allow Xerox to direct the defense of such claim, and cooperate with Xerox. All notices should be sent to the Xerox Office of General Counsel, P.O. Box 1600, Stamford, Connecticut 06904. Xerox is not responsible for any non-Xerox litigation expenses or settlements unless Xerox pre-approves them in writing. To avoid infringement, Xerox may, at its option, and at no charge to you, obtain a license, or modify, or substitute an equivalent of, or remove the Software. If Software is removed by Xerox for this reason, any designated license fees paid by you will be fully refunded; if no portion of the amounts paid to Xerox within the transaction in which the Software was acquired was designated as a license fee for the Software, Xerox shall refund that portion of the amounts paid that Xerox reasonably designates as associated with the Software's acquisition. Xerox is not liable for any infringement due to the Software being made or modified (by Xerox or others, including you) to your specifications, or being used or sold in combination with equipment, software, or supplies not provided by Xerox. XEROX MAKES NO OTHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTY OF NON-INFRINGEMENT OR LIABILITY FOR INFRINGEMENT OR ANY DAMAGES THEREFROM. 7. LIMITATION OF LIABILITY IN NO EVENT SHALL XEROX OR ITS SUPPLIERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, (INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, LOSS OF DATA) IN ANY WAY ARISING OUT OF OR RELATED TO THE USE OR INABILITY TO USE THE "SOFTWARE", EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. IN NO EVENT SHALL XEROX' DIRECT DAMAGES TO YOU EXCEED THE TOTAL LICENSE FEE ACTUALLY PAID BY YOU FOR SUCH SOFTWARE. 8. TERMINATION Xerox may terminate this license immediately upon notice in the event of a material breach by you or if you no longer use or possess the equipment with which this Software is intended to be used, in which event you shall return to Xerox all copies of the Software, and remove same from all equipment into which such Software may have been loaded by you. 9. GOVERNING LAW This agreement will be governed by the laws of the State of New York, USA or if you acquire the Software outside the USA, by the laws of the country in which you acquired the Document Centre System Equipment with which this software is to be used, excluding its conflict of laws provisions. Some jurisdictions do not allow limitations on how long an implied warranty lasts or the exclusion or limitation of incidental or consequential damages, so the above disclaimers, limitations or exclusions, in whole or in part, may not apply to you. 10. ENTIRE AGREEMENT This Software License Agreement is the entire agreement between Xerox and you pertaining to the Software and supersedes all proposals or prior and contemporaneous agreements or understandings of the parties regarding the Software. You agree that any terms and conditions contained in any purchase order or other ordering document submitted to order the Software shall have no binding effect on Xerox and will not modify this Agreement in any way. If, after reading the terms and conditions, they are unacceptable to you, then, to avoid contractual obligations and liability, you should promptly return the software unused, and you will then be entitled to a refund of any sums paid by you to license the Software. ndra rttsliga kostnader som inte r hnfrliga till Xerox eller fr uppgrelse om inte Xerox skriftligen har godknt den i frvg. Fr att undvika att intrng freligger, kan Xerox, enligt eget val och utan kostnad fr Kunden, frvrva en licens eller ndra eller erstta Programvaran med likvrdig produkt eller terta Programvaran. Om Programvaran tertas av Xerox av denna anledning, terbetalas eventuella avgifter som specificerats som licensavgift vilka du har betalt. Om ingen del av beloppen, som betalades till Xerox i samband med avtalet genom vilket Programvaran frvrvades av dig var specificerad som licensavgift fr Programvaran, terbetalar Xerox den delen av de betala beloppen som Xerox rimligen kan specificera som tillhrande frvrvet av licensen fr Programvaran. Xerox ansvarar inte fr eventuellt intrng orsakad av ndring eller anpassning av Programvaran (av Xerox eller andra inklusive Kunden) enligt Kundens specifikationer, eller genom anvndning eller frsljning i kombination med utrustning, programvara eller frbrukningsmaterial som inte levererats av Xerox. XEROX GER INGEN ANNAN UTTRYCKLIG ELLER UNDERFRSTDD GARANTI AVSEENDE ATT PROGRAMVARAN INTE GR INTRNG I NGON RTTIGHET OCH HAR INTE HELLER NGOT ANNAT ANSVAR N VAD SOM SGS I DENNA PUNKT FR INTRNG I TREDJE MANS RTTIGHET ELLER DRIGENOM UPPSTTT SKADESTND. 7. ANSVARSBEGRNSNING UNDER INGA OMSTNDIGHETER ANSVARAR XEROX ELLER DESS LEVERANTRER FR FLJDSKADA, UTEBLIVEN VINST ELLER ANNAN INDIREKT FRLUST (INKLUDERANDE MEN INTE BEGRTitle WorkCentre Pro 40 Color Version 1.2.5 Description DefaultLocation /Library/Printers/PPDs/Contents/Resources DeleteWarning ### Package Flags NeedsAuthorization YES Required NO Relocatable NO RequiresReboot NO UseUserMask NO OverwritePermissions NO InstallFat NO r Utrustningen eller leasar Utrustningen och din leasetagare inte lngre anvnder eller innehar den eller om avtalet enligt vilket du har hyrt eller leasat Utrustningen upphr att glla. 9. GLLANDE LAG Fr detta avtal skall lagstiftningen i delstaten New York, USA vara tillmplig, eller, om Programvaran frvrvades utanfr USA, lagstiftningen i landet dr du frvrvade Utrustningen i serien Document Centre fr vilken Programvaran skall anvndas, dock inte detta lands lagstiftning om tillmplig lag. I vissa lnder tillts inte begrnsning av hur lnge en underfrstdd garanti r gllande eller uteslutande eller begrnsning av tillfllig eller fljdskada. I sdant fall berrs inte Kunden av ovanstende friskrivningar eller begrnsningar i den utstrckning tvingande lag uttrycklingen inte inte medger sdan regleringen. 10. FULLSTNDIGT AVTAL Detta programlicensavtal r det fullstndiga avtalet mellan Xerox och Kunden med avseende p licensiering av Programvaran och det erstter alla frslag och tidigare eller samtidiga avtal, utfstelser eller andra verenskommelser mellan parterna avseende Programvaran. Kunden accepterar att licensieringsvillkor som gller denna Programvara och som anges p Kundens inkpsorder eller annat bestllningsdokument, som anvnds vid bestllning av Programvaran, inte har ngon bindande verkan fr Xerox och inte skall ndra detta avtal p ngot stt. Om du inte accepterar avtalsvillkoren nr du har lst dem, returnerar du omedelbart Programvaran oanvnd fr att undvika kontraktskyldigheter och kontraktansvar. Du har d rtt till terbetalning av eventuella belopp du har betalat fr licensiering av Programvaran. ====================================================================== LICENSE AGREEMENT AND WARRANTY FOR THE ENCLOSED SOFTWARE AND RELATED DOCUMENTATION YOUR LICENSE AGREEMENT - READ BEFORE INSTALLING SOFTWARE IMPORTANT: THIS AGREEMENT CONTAINS THE LICENSE TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR LICENSED SOFTWARE AND RELATED DOCUMENTATION. INSTALLING THE SOFTWARE PACKAGE SIGNIFIES YOUR ACCEPTANCE OF THIS AGREEMENT. IF YOU DO NOT ACCEPT THIS AGREEMENT, YOU MUST PROMPTLY RETURN THE SOFTWARE PACKAGE AND DELETE ANY SOFTWARE FILES ACCESSED BY YOU FROM ANY AND ALL COMPUTER MEMORY INTO WHICH SUCH SOFTWARE HAS BEEN LOADED OR STORED. WHEN USED IN THIS AGREEMENT THE WORD "XEROX" SHALL MEAN XEROX CORPORATION, ITS OPERATING COMPANY SUBSIDIARY OR AFFILIATE FROM WHICH YOU OBTAINED THE INDIVIDUAL UNIT OF THE XEROX DOCUMENT CENTRE SYSTEM EQUIPMENT (the "Equipment") WITH WHICH THE SOFTWARE IS TO BE USED, UNLESS YOU OBTAINED THE EQUIPMENT FROM AN AUTHORIZED DEALER, AGENT, CONCESSIONAIRE OR DISTRIBUTOR, IN WHICH CASE "XEROX" SHALL MEAN XEROX CORPORATION, ITS OPERATING COMPANY, SUBSIDIARY OR AFFILIATE FROM WHICH THE ENTITY THAT SOLD YOU THE EQUIPMENT ACQUIRED IT. 1. GRANT OF LICENSE Xerox hereby grants you a non-exclusive, non-transferable license to use the software and related documentation ("Software") enclosed in this package with the Equipment, for as long as you are current in the payment of any indicated software license fees (including any annual renewal or maintenance fees) on the following terms and conditions. 2. USE You may install the Software for use on any networked workstation or server only in conjunction with the Equipment. When networked, other users on the network may access and use the Software in conjunction with the Equipment. 3. OWNERSHIP, COPYING, MODIFICATION AND CONFIDENTIALITY 3.1 Xerox owns or is otherwise en"16" = "Ce volume ne remplit pas les conditions requises pour cette mise jour."; "17" = "Espace insuffisant. Cette mise jour requiert au moins 300 Mo d espace disponible."; "18" = "Ce progiciel ne peut tre excut que sur Mac OS X, version 10.2 ou ultrieure."; of such rights by you. 3.8 You agree not to reverse engineer, decompile or disassemble the Software for any purpose whatsoever, except to the extent permitted by law. 3.9 You agree not to export or re-export the Software in any form without, in the case of a customer in the United States, first obtaining all United States government licenses, and in the case of a customer outside of the United States, all relevant foreign government licenses, required by law, and then only upon the export of the Equipment. 3.10 Xerox may terminate your license for the Software (i) immediately if you no longer use or possess the Equipment or are a lessor of the Equipment and your first lessee no longer uses or possesses it or (ii) upon the termination of any agreement under which you have rented or leased the Equipment. 4. TRANSFER OF LICENSED SOFTWARE If you transfer possession of the Equipment, Xerox will offer the transferee a license to use the Software on or with it, subject to Xerox' then applicable terms and license fees, if any, and provided the transfer is not in violation of Xerox' rights. 5. LIMITED WARRANTY 5.1 Xerox warrants that the Software shall substantially conform to Xerox' User Manual or other Xerox documentation supplied at delivery to the original Customer. Xerox does not warrant that the operation of the Software will be uninterrupted or error free, nor that it will meet your needs. 5.2 In the event that the Software does not conform to the limited warranty contained in Section 5.1 above, your exclusive remedy is to notify Xerox within ninety (90) days of the date of delivery, and Xerox' or its supplier's sole obligation shall be to use all reasonable efforts to provide a work-around which avoids the nonconformity or to provide you with Software which does substantially conform to the Xerox User Manual or other Xerox supplied documentation. 5.3 XEROX GRANTS NO OTHER WARRANTIES ON THE "SOFTWARE", EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, WHETHER CREATED BY STATUTE OR OTHERWISE, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. XEROX FURTHER DISCLAIMS ANY WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS MADE BY PERSONS OTHER THAN XEROX (INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO XEROX SOFTWARE DEALERS, AGENTS, CONCESSIONAIRES OR DISTRIBUTORS). 5.4 The express warranties set forth above shall be void if you fail to properly use the Software in the appropriate environment as specified in the Xerox supplied documentation or if the Software is modified or altered in any fashion. 6. PATENT AND COPYRIGHT INDEMNIFICATION Xerox will defend and indemnify you if the Software is alleged to infringe, in the United States, any patent, trade secret, or copyright, if you promptly notify Xerox in writing of any alleged infringement, allow Xerox to direct the defense of such claim, and cooperate with Xerox. All notices should be sent to the Xerox Office of General Counsel, P.O. Box 1600, Stamford, Connecticut 06904. Xerox is not responsible for any non-Xerox litigation expensesLa traduction de ce contrat de licence d'utilisation a t fournie par Xerox Europe et n'oblige pas en droit. Le texte anglais qui suit la traduction a une valeur juridique. ================================================================== CONTRAT DE LICENCE ET GARANTIE POUR LE LOGICIEL ET LA DOCUMENTATION VEUILLEZ LIRE LE CONTRAT DE LICENCE CI-APRES AVANT D'INSTALLER LE LOGICIEL IMPORTANT : CE CONTRAT CONTIENT LES CONDITIONS AUX TERMES DESQUELLES EST CONFERE LE DROIT D'UTILISATION DU LOGICIEL ET DE LA DOCUMENTATION ANNEXE. EN INSTALLANT CE LOGICIEL, LE CLIENT S'ENGAGE A RESPECTER LES TERMES ET CONDITIONS DE CETTE LICENCE. SI LE CLIENT N'ACCEPTE PAS LES CLAUSES DE CE CONTRAT, IL DOIT RETOURNER CE LOGICIEL ET EFFACER TOUS LES FICHIERS AUXQUELS IL A ACCEDE DE TOUTES LES MEMOIRES DANS LESQUELLES CE LOGICIEL A ETE CHARGE OU STOCKE. LE TERME "XEROX" TEL QU'IL EST UTILISE DANS LE PRESENT DOCUMENT DESIGNE XEROX CORPORATION OU LA FILIALE DE XEROX AUPRES DE LAQUELLE LE CLIENT A OBTENU LE PRODUIT XEROX (ci-aprs dnomm "Equipement") AVEC LEQUEL LE LOGICIEL EST UTILISE, SAUF SI LE CLIENT A OBTENU L'EQUIPEMENT AUPRES D'UN REVENDEUR, AGENT, CONCESSIONNAIRE OU DISTRIBUTEUR AGREE, AUQUEL CAS "XEROX" DESIGNE XEROX CORPORATION OU LA FILIALE DE XEROX AUPRES DE LAQUELLE L'EQUIPEMENT A ETE ACQUIS. 1. OCTROI D'UNE LICENCE Xerox consent au Client, par les prsentes, une licence non exclusive et non transfrable d'utilisation du logiciel et de la documentation (ci-aprs dnomms "Logiciel") fournis avec l'Equipement, sous rserve de paiement des droits de licence requis (y compris les droits de renouvellement annuels), selon les conditions suivantes. 2. DROIT D'UTILISATION Le Client peut installer le Logiciel, seule fin d'utilisation avec l'Equipement, sur tout serveur ou poste de travail rseau. Si l'Equipement est connect au rseau, les autres utilisateurs du rseau peuvent accder au Logiciel et l'utiliser avec l'Equipement. 3. PROPRIETE, COPIE, MODIFICATION ET CONFIDENTIALITE 3.1 Xerox est propritaire ou dispose du droit de consentir des licences portant sur tous les droits relatifs au Logiciel. 3.2 Aucun droit de proprit sur le Logiciel n'est transfr au Client. 3.3 Sous rserve de l'application de la clause 3.4, le Client peut copier le Logiciel en entier ou en partie mais seulement pour les besoins expressment noncs dans la clause 2 ci-dessus ou comme copie de sauvegarde. Chaque copie doit inclure sous une forme lisible toutes les indications tout brevet, marque ou droit d'auteur mentionns sur le Logiciel d'origine. 3.4 Le Client peut copier la documentation seule fin d'utilisation avec l'Equipement. 3.5 Le Client ne peut ni distribuer ni modifier ou changer le Logiciel ni le faire modifier par un tiers. 3.6 Le Client ne doit pas fournir ou mettre disposition le Logiciel toute personne autre que ses employs et agents directement concerns par le droit d'utilisation du Logiciel. 3.7 Le Logiciel est protg par le droit d'auteur et les autres droits de proprit de Xerox ainsi que, en fonction du type de Logiciel, d'un tiers. Le Client peut tre tenu directement responsable par ce tiers de toute violation des droits de ce dernier. 3.8 Le Client ne doit en aucun cas reconstituer la logique du programme, dcompiler ou dsassembler le Logiciel sous licence, sauf dans les limites autorises par la loi. 3.9 Le Client accepte de ne pas exporter ou rexporter le Logiciel de quelque faon que ce soit sans avoir obtenu au pralable toutes les licences des Etats-Unis ou des gouvernements trangers exiges par la loi du pays o rside le Client et sous rserve d'exportation de l'Equipement. 3.10 Xerox peut mettre fin au contrat (i) sans pravis si le Client n'utilise plus ou ne possde plus l'Equipement ou, en cas de bail, si le premier preneur ne l'utilise plus ou ne le possde plus ou (ii) la date d'expiration du contrat de location ou de leasing de l'Equipement. 4. TRANSFERT DU LOGICIEL SOUS LICENCE Si le Client transfre la proprit de l'Equipement, Xerox fournira au nouveau propritaire une licence d'utilisation pour le Logiciel, selon les conditions applicables par Xerox et, le cas chant, moyennant des droits de licence, sous rserve que le transfert n'entrane pas une violation des droits de Xerox. 5. GARANTIE LIMITEE 5.1 Xerox garantit que le Logiciel est conforme aux spcifications du manuel d'utilisation ou celles de toute autre documentation fournie par Xerox la livraison au premier Client. Xerox ne garantit pas que le Logiciel fonctionnera de faon ininterrompue ou sans erreur, ni qu'il rponde aux exigences du Client. 5.2 En cas de non conformit aux conditions dfinies au paragraphe 5.1, le seul recours du Client est d'en informer Xerox dans un dlai maximum de 90 jours compter de la date de livraison, la seule obligation de Xerox ou de son fournisseur tant de fournir une correction pour annuler la non conformit, ou de remplacer le Logiciel par un Logiciel conforme aux spcifications du manuel d'utilisation ou celles de toute autre documentation fournie par Xerox. 5.3 XEROX NE FOURNIT AUCUNE AUTRE GARANTIE SUR LE "LOGICIEL", EXPRESSE OU IMPLICITE, QU'ELLE RESULTE OU NON DE LA LOI, Y COMPRIS SANS TOUTEFOIS S'Y LIMITER LA GARANTIE D'ADAPTABILITE A UNE UTILISATION PARTICULIERE. XEROX DECLINE EN OUTRE TOUTE RESPONSABILITE OU GARANTIE DONNEE PAR DES PERSONNES AUTRES QUE XEROX (Y COMPRIS SANS TOUTEFOIS S'Y LIMITER SES DISTRIBUTEURS, AGENTS, CONCESSIONNAIRES ET REVENDEURS). 5.4 Toute modification du Logiciel ou utilisation dans un environnement autre que celui dcrit dans la documentation fournie par Xerox annule les garanties stipules ci-dessus. 6. VIOLATION DES DROITS DE PROPRIETE INTELLECTUELLE Au cas o le Client serait poursuivi par des tiers sur le fondement d'une prtendue violation des droits de brevet, secret professionnel ou droits d'auteur, par le Logiciel sous licence, dans le pays d'enregistrement de la socit Xerox qui a fourni le Logiciel au Client, Xerox assumera la dfense du Client contre ces revendications et les consquences pcuniaires d'une dcision judiciaire dfinitive, la condition que le Client informe Xerox immdiatement et par crit de la prtendue violation et que le Client accepte l'intervention de Xerox et coopre au rglement d'un ventuel litige. Le courrier sera envoy Xerox Office of General Counsel, P.O. Box 1600, Stamford, Connecticut 06904. La socit Xerox ne prendra en charge que les dpenses de procdure et rglements qu'elle aura expressment accepts par crit. Afin d'viter toute infraction, mme non allgue, Xerox peut dcider, et cela sans aucun frais pour le Client, d'obtenir une licence, ou de fournir un quivalent du Logiciel, ou de modifier ou retirer le Logiciel. Dans ce dernier cas, Xerox remboursera les droits de licence pays par le Client pour ce Logiciel ; si aucune partie de la somme paye Xerox lors de la transaction au cours de laquelle le Logiciel a t acquis n'a t dsigne comme droit de licence pour le Logiciel, Xerox remboursera la partie des frais associe selon Xerox l'acquisition du Logiciel. Xerox ne rpond pas des infractions dues la modification du Logiciel (par Xerox ou toute autre personne, y compris le Client) selon les spcifications du Client ou l'utilisation conjointe du Logiciel sous licence et d'autres logiciels, matriels ou produits non fournis par Xerox. XEROX NE DONNE AUCUNE GARANTIE EXPRESSE OU TACITE DE NON VIOLATION DESDITS DROITS. SA RESPONSABILITE NE SAURAIT ETRE ENGAGEE AU TITRE D'UNE VIOLATION AUTRE QUE CELLE MENTIONNEE CI-DESSUS OU DE TOUT DOMMAGE QUI EN RESULTERAIT. 7. RESPONSABILITE LIMITEE XEROX OU SES FOURNISSEURS NE SAURAIENT ETRE TENUS POUR RESPONSABLES, SANS QUE CETTE LISTE SOIT LIMITATIVE, DES DOMMAGES INDIRECTS (Y COMPRIS LA PERTE DE DONNEES) PROVENANT DE OU LIES A L'UTILISATION OU L'IMPOSSIBILITE D'UTILISATION DU LOGICIEL, MEME SI XEROX A ETE AVISEE DE L'EVENTUALITE DE TELS DOMMAGES, A MOINS QUE LA LOI APPLICABLE AU CONTRAT N'EN DISPOSE AUTREMENT. EN TOUT ETAT DE CAUSE, LA RESPONSABILITE DE XEROX EN MATIERE DE DOMMAGES DIRECTS NE POURRA EN AUCUN CAS EXCEDER LES DROITS DE LICENCE PAYES PAR LE CLIENT POUR L'ACHAT DE CE LOGICIEL. 8. FIN DU CONTRAT Xerox peut mettre fin au contrat sans pravis en cas de manquement du Client l'une quelconque de ses obligations ou si le Client n'utilise ou ne possde plus l'quipement pour lequel le Logiciel devait tre utilis. Dans ce cas, le Client devra retourner Xerox toutes les copies du Logiciel et retirer ce dernier de tous les quipements sur lesquels il a pu tre charg par le Client. 9. LOI APPLICABLE Le prsent contrat est rgi par les lois de l'tat de New York, Etats-Unis, ou du pays d'enregistrement de la socit Xerox qui a fourni l'quipement, nonobstant tout conflit de dispositions lgales. Certaines juridictions ne permettent pas la limitation de dure d'une garantie implicite ou l'exclusion ou la limitation de responsabilit relative aux dommages indirects ou conscutifs. Certaines clauses ci-dessus peuvent donc en tout ou partie ne pas s'appliquer votre gard. 10. PORTEE DU CONTRAT Le prsent Contrat constitue l'intgralit de l'accord entre Xerox et le Client concernant le Logiciel et remplace toutes les propositions ou accords antrieurs ou actuels des parties concernant le logiciel. Il annule ce que le Client accepte, l'application de tous les termes et conditions contenus dans un bon de commande du Client pass dans le cadre des prsentes. Si, aprs avoir lu les conditions du prsent contrat, le Client les juge inacceptables, il doit, pour viter les obligations contractuelles, retourner promptement le Logiciel inutilis. Il aura alors droit au remboursement des sommes qu'il a payes pour obtenir le droit d'utiliser le logiciel. ====================================================================== LICENSE AGREEMENT AND WARRANTY FOR THE ENCLOSED SOFTWARE AND RELATED DOCUMENTATION YOUR LICENSE AGREEMENT - READ BEFORE INSTALLING SOFTWARE IMPORTANT: THIS AGREEMENT CONTAINS THE LICENSE TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR LICENSED SOFTWARE AND RELATED DOCUMENTATION. INSTALLING THE SOFTWARE PACKAGE SIGNIFIES YOUR ACCEPTANCE OF THIS AGREEMENT. IF YOU DO NOT ACCEPT THIS AGREEMENT, YOU MUST PROMPTLY RETURN THE SOFTWARE PACKAGE AND DELETE ANY SOFTWARE FILES ACCESSED BY YOU FROM ANY AND ALL COMPUTER MEMORY INTO WHICH SUCH SOFTWARE HAS BEEN LOADED OR STORED. WHEN USED IN THIS AGREEMENT THE WORD "XEROX" SHALL MEAN XEROX CORPORATION, ITS OPERATING COMPANY SUBSIDIARY OR AFFILIATE FROM WHICH YOU OBTAINED THE XEROX PRODUCT WITH WHICH THE SOFTWARE IS TO BE USED (the "Equipment"), UNLESS YOU OBTAINED THE EQUIPMENT FROM AN AUTHORIZED DEALER, AGENT, CONCESSIONAIRE OR DISTRIBUTOR, IN WHICH CASE "XEROX" SHALL MEAN XEROX CORPORATION, ITS OPERATING COMPANY, SUBSIDIARY OR AFFILIATE FROM WHICH THE ENTITY THAT SOLD YOU THE EQUIPMENT ACQUIRED IT. 1. GRANT OF LICENSE Xerox hereby grants you a non-exclusive, non-transferable license to use the software and related documentation ("Software") enclosed in this package with the Equipment, for as long as you are current in the payment of any indicated software license fees (including any annual renewal or maintenance fees) on the following terms and conditions. 2. USE You may install the Software for use on any networked workstation or server only in conjunction with the Equipment. When networked, other users on the network may access and use the Software in conjunction with the Equipment. 3. OWNERSHIP, COPYING, MODIFICATION AND CONFIDENTIALITY 3.1 Xerox owns or is otherwise entitled to grant licenses in respect of all rights in the Software. 3.2 No title to or ownership of the Software or any proprietary right therein is transferred to you. 3.3 You may, subject to Section 3.4 below, make one copy of the Software in whole or in part only for that purpose expressly permitted in Section 2 above and for back-up. Such permitted copy shall include in readable format any copyright and other proprietary notices contained on the original Software. 3.4 You may copy the related documentation for use only in conjunction with the Equipment. 3.5 You may not distribute, alter or modify nor cause or allow others to alter or modify the Software. 3.6 You agree not to provide or otherwise make available the Software to anyone other than your employees and agents directly concerned with the licensed use of the Software. 3.7 The Software is protected by copyright and other proprietary rights of Xerox and/or a third party. You may be held directly responsible by such third party for an infringement of such rights by you. 3.8 You agree not to reverse engineer, decompile or disassemble the Software for any purpose whatsoever, except to the extent permitted by law. 3.9 You agree not to export or re-export the Software in any form without, in the case of a customer in the United States, first obtaining all United States government licenses, and in the case of a customer outside of the United States, all relevant foreign government licenses, required by law, and then only upon the export of the Equipment. 3.10 Xerox may terminate your license for the Software (i) immediately if you no longer use or possess the Equipment or are a lessor of the Equipment and your first lessee no longer uses or possesses it or (ii) upon the termination of any agreement under which you have rented or leased the Equipment. 4. TRANSFER OF LICENSED SOFTWARE If you transfer possession of the Equipment, Xerox will offer the transferee a license to use the Software on or with it, subject to Xerox' then applicable terms and license fees, if any, and provided the transfer is not in violation of Xerox' rights. 5. LIMITED WARRANTY 5.1 Xerox warrants that the Software shall substantially conform to Xerox' User Manual or other Xerox documentation supplied at delivery to the original Customer. Xerox does not warrant that the operation of the Software will be uninterrupted or error free, nor that it will meet your needs. 5.2 In the event that the Software does not conform to the limited warranty contained in Section 5.1 above, your exclusive remedy is to notify Xerox within ninety (90) days of the date of delivery, and Xerox' or its supplier's sole obligation shall be to use all reasonable efforts to provide a work-around which avoids the nonconformity or to provide you with Software which does substantially conform to the Xerox User Manual or other Xerox supplied documentation. 5.3 XEROX GRANTS NO OTHER WARRANTIES ON THE "SOFTWARE", EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, WHETHER CREATED BY STATUTE OR OTHERWISE, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. XEROX FURTHER DISCLAIMS ANY WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS MADE BY PERSONS OTHER THAN XEROX (INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO XEROX SOFTWARE DEALERS, AGENTS, CONCESSIONAIRES OR DISTRIBUTORS). 5.4 The express warranties set forth above shall be void if you fail to properly use the Software in the appropriate environment as specified in the Xerox supplied documentation or if the Software is modified or altered in any fashion. 6. PATENT AND COPYRIGHT INDEMNIFICATION Xerox will defend and indemnify you if the Software is alleged to infringe, in the United States, any patent, trade secret, or copyright, if you promptly notify Xerox in writing of any alleged infringement, allow Xerox to direct the defense of such claim, and cooperate with Xerox. All notices should be sent to the Xerox Office of General Counsel, P.O. Box 1600, Stamford, Connecticut 06904. Xerox is not responsible for any non-Xerox litigation expenses or settlements unless Xerox pre-approves them in writing. To avoid infringement, Xerox may, at its option, and at no charge to you, obtain a license, or modify, or substitute an equivalent of, or remove the Software. If Software is removed by Xerox for this reason, any designated license fees paid by you will be fully refunded; if no portion of the amounts paid to Xerox within the transaction in which the Software was acquired was designated as a license fee for the Software, Xerox shall refund that portion of the amounts paid that Xerox reasonably designates as associated with the Software's acquisition. Xerox is not liable for any infringement due to the Software being made or modified (by Xerox or others, including you) to your specifications, or being used or sold in combination with equipment, software, or supplies not provided by Xerox. XEROX MAKES NO OTHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTY OF NON-INFRINGEMENT OR LIABILITY FOR INFRINGEMENT OR ANY DAMAGES THEREFROM. 7. LIMITATION OF LIABILITY IN NO EVENT SHALL XEROX OR ITS SUPPLIERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, (INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, LOSS OF DATA) IN ANY WAY ARISING OUT OF OR RELATED TO THE USE OR INABILITY TO USE THE "SOFTWARE", EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. IN NO EVENT SHALL XEROX' DIRECT DAMAGES TO YOU EXCEED THE TOTAL LICENSE FEE ACTUALLY PAID BY YOU FOR SUCH SOFTWARE. 8. TERMINATION Xerox may terminate this license immediately upon notice in the event of a material breach by you or if you no longer use or possess the equipment with which this Software is intended to be used, in which event you shall return to Xerox all copies of the Software, and remove same from all equipment into which such Software may have been loaded by you. 9. GOVERNING LAW This agreement will be governed by the laws of the State of New York, USA or if you acquire the Software outside the USA, by the laws of the country in which you acquired the Equipment, excluding its conflict of laws provisions. Some jurisdictions do not allow limitations on how long an implied warranty lasts or the exclusion or limitation of incidental or consequential damages, so the above disclaimers, limitations or exclusions, in whole or in part, may not apply to you. 10. ENTIRE AGREEMENT This Software License Agreement is the entire agreement between Xerox and you pertaining to the Software and supersedes all proposals or prior and contemporaneous agreements or understandings of the parties regarding the Software. You agree that any terms and conditions contained in any purchase order or other ordering document submitted to order the Software shall have no binding effect on Xerox and will not modify this Agreement in any way. If, after reading the terms and conditions, they are unacceptable to you, then, to avoid contractual obligations and liability, you should promptly return the software unused, and you will then be entitled to a refund of any sums paid by you to license the Software. non acconsenta a farsene carico per iscritto. Per evitare di incorrere nelle suddette violazioni, anche in via preventiva, la Xerox ha la facolt, a sua discrezione e senza spese per il Cliente, di ottenere una licenza, modificare, sostituire o farsi restituire il Software. In caso di restituzione del Software, il Cliente avr diritto al pieno rimborso delle quote di licenza versate; se nessuna porzione delle spese associate alla transazione di acquisizione del Software era stata designata come quota di licenza per il Software, la Xerox rimborser la porzione di spese che ritiene ragionevolmente associata all'acquisizione del Software. La Xerox declina ogni responsabilit nel caso in cui il Software sia stato creato o modificato (dalla Xerox stessa o da altri, compreso il Cliente) in base alle specifiche del Cliente, oppure sia stato utilizzato o venduto in combinazione con apparecchiature, programmi o prodotti non forniti dalla Xerox. LA XEROX NON FORNISCE ALTRE GARANZIE ESPLICITE O IMPLICITE DI NON VIOLAZIONE E DECLINA OGNI RESPONSABILIT IN CASO DI VIOLAZIONE O PER DANNI CONSEGUENTI. 7. LIMITAZIONE DELLA RESPONSABILIT IN NESSUN CASO LA XEROX E I SUOI FORNITORI SARANNO RESPONSABILI DEI DANNI SPECIALI, INDIRETTI, ACCIDENTALI O CONSEQUENZIALI (COMPRESA, AD ESEMPIO, LA PERDITA DI DATI) DERIVANTI DALL'USO DEL SOFTWARE O DALL'INCAPACIT DI UTILIZZARLO, ANCHE NEL CASO IN CUI SIANO STATI AVVERTITI DELLA POSSIBILIT DI TALI DANNI. LA RESPONSABILIT TOTALE DELLA XEROX PER I DANNI DIRETTI SUBITI DAL CLTitle WorkCentre Pro 40 Color Version 1.2.5 Description DefaultLocation /Library/Printers/PPDs/Contents/Resources DeleteWarning ### Package Flags NeedsAuthorization YES Required NO Relocatable NO RequiresReboot NO UseUserMask NO OverwritePermissions NO InstallFat NO o dagli eventuali dispositivi in cui il Software stato caricato. 9. LEGGE APPLICABILE Il presente Contratto regolato dalle leggi dello Stato di New York, USA oppure, se il Software stato acquisito al di fuori degli Stati Uniti, dalle leggi del paese in cui stata acquistata l'Apparecchiatura. Sono esclusi gli eventuali conflitti con le norme di legge. Alcune giurisdizioni non contemplano limitazioni sulla durata delle garanzie implicite o sulla declinazione di responsabilit per i danni incidentali o consequenziali. Di conseguenza, la limitazione o la declinazione di responsabilit di cui sopra pu non riguardare, parzialmente o totalmente, il Cliente. 10. APPLICABILIT DEL CONTRATTO Il presente Contratto rappresenta l'unica forma di accordo tra la Xerox e il Cliente in relazione all'uso del Software e sostituisce tutte le proposte, le intese e gli accordi precedenti o contemporanei. Il Cliente riconosce che i termini e le condizioni contenuti negli ordini d'acquisto o in documenti di ordinazione di altro tipo non sono da ritenersi vincolanti nei confronti della Xerox e non modificano il Contratto in alcun modo. Se giudica inaccettabili i termini e le condizioni del presente contratto, il Cliente tenuto, al fine di evitare obbligazioni contrattuali e responsabilit, a restituire prontamente il software intatto. In caso di restituzione del Software, il Cliente avr diritto al pieno rimborso delle quote di licenza versate. ====================================================================== LICENSE AGREEMENT AND WARRANTY FOR THE ENCLOSED SOFTWARE AND RELATED DOCUMENTATION YOUR LICENSE AGREEMENT - READ BEFORE INSTALLING SOFTWARE IMPORTANT: THIS AGREEMENT CONTAINS THE LICENSE TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR LICENSED SOFTWARE AND RELATED DOCUMENTATION. INSTALLING THE SOFTWARE PACKAGE SIGNIFIES YOUR ACCEPTANCE OF THIS AGREEMENT. IF YOU DO NOT ACCEPT THIS AGREEMENT, YOU MUST PROMPTLY RETURN THE SOFTWARE PACKAGE AND DELETE ANY SOFTWARE FILES ACCESSED BY YOU FROM ANY AND ALL COMPUTER MEMORY INTO WHICH SUCH SOFTWARE HAS BEEN LOADED OR STORED. WHEN USED IN THIS AGREEMENT THE WORD "XEROX" SHALL MEAN XEROX CORPORATION, ITS OPERATING COMPANY SUBSIDIARY OR AFFILIATE FROM WHICH YOU OBTAINED THE XEROX PRODUCT WITH WHICH THE SOFTWARE IS TO BE USED (the "Equipment"), UNLESS YOU OBTAINED THE EQUIPMENT FROM AN AUTHORIZED DEALER, AGENT, CONCESSIONAIRE OR DISTRIBUTOR, IN WHICH CASE "XEROX" SHALL MEAN XEROX CORPORATION, ITS OPERATING COMPANY, SUBSIDIARY OR AFFILIATE FROM WHICH THE ENTITY THAT SOLD YOU THE EQUIPMENT ACQUIRED IT. 1. GRANT OF LICENSE Xerox hereby grants you a non-exclusive, non-transferable license to use the software and related documentation ("Software") enclosed in this package with the Equipment, for as long as you are current in the payment of any indicated software license fees (including any annual renewal or maintenance fees) on the following terms and conditions. 2. USE You may install the Software for use on any networked workstation or server only in conjunction with the Equipment. When networked, other users on the network may access and use the Software in conjunction with the Equipment. 3. OWNERSHIP, COPYING, MODIFICATION AND CONFIDENTIALITY 3.1 Xerox owns or is otherwise entitled to grant licenses in respect of all rights in the Software. 3.2 No title to or ownership of the Software or any proprietary right therein is transferred to you. 3.3 You may, subject to Section 3.4 below, make one copy of t"16" = "Este volumen no cumple los requisitos para instalar esta actualizacin."; "17" = "No hay espacio suficiente para instalar esta actualizacin: se requieren 300 MB."; "18" = "Este paquete slo puede ejecutarse en el Mac OS X 10.2 o en una versin posterior."; rm without, in the case of a customer in the United States, first obtaining all United States government licenses, and in the case of a customer outside of the United States, all relevant foreign government licenses, required by law, and then only upon the export of the Equipment. 3.10 Xerox may terminate your license for the Software (i) immediately if you no longer use or possess the Equipment or are a lessor of the Equipment and your first lessee no longer uses or possesses it or (ii) upon the termination of any agreement under which you have rented or leased the Equipment. 4. TRANSFER OF LICENSED SOFTWARE If you transfer possession of the Equipment, Xerox will offer the transferee a license to use the Software on or with it, subject to Xerox' then applicable terms and license fees, if any, and provided the transfer is not in violation of Xerox' rights. 5. LIMITED WARRANTY 5.1 Xerox warrants that the Software shall substantially conform to Xerox' User Manual or other Xerox documentation supplied at delivery to the original Customer. Xerox does not warrant that the operation of the Software will be uninterrupted or error free, nor that it will meet your needs. 5.2 In the event that the Software does not conform to the limited warranty contained in Section 5.1 above, your exclusive remedy is to notify Xerox within ninety (90) days of the date of delivery, and Xerox' or its supplier's sole obligation shall be to use all reasonable efforts to provide a work-around which avoids the nonconformity or to provide you with Software which does substantially conform to the Xerox User Manual or other Xerox supplied documentation. 5.3 XEROX GRANTS NO OTHER WARRANTIES ON THE "SOFTWARE", EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, WHETHER CREATED BY STATUTE OR OTHERWISE, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. XEROX FURTHER DISCLAIMS ANY WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS MADE BY PERSONS OTHER THAN XEROX (INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO XEROX SOFTWARE DEALERS, AGENTS, CONCESSIONAIRES OR DISTRIBUTORS). 5.4 The express warranties set forth above shall be void if you fail to properly use the Software in the appropriate environment as specified in the Xerox supplied documentation or if the Software is modified or altered in any fashion. 6. PATENT AND COPYRIGHT INDEMNIFICATION Xerox will defend and indemnify you if the Software is alleged to infringe, in the United States, any patent, trade secret, or copyright, if you promptly notify Xerox in writing of any alleged infringement, allow Xerox to direct the defense of such claim, and cooperate with Xerox. All notices should be sent to the Xerox Office of General Counsel, P.O. Box 1600, Stamford, Connecticut 06904. Xerox is not responsible for any non-Xerox litigation expenses or settlements unless Xerox pre-approves them in writing. To avoid infringement, Xerox may, at its option, and at no charge to you, obtain a license, or modify, or substitute an equivalent of, or remove the Software. If Software iLa traduccin de este acuerdo de licencia la proporciona Xerox Europe y no tiene fuerza legal. El texto en ingls, incluido a continuacin del texto traducido, tiene fuerza legal. ======================================================================= CONTRATO DE LICENCIA Y GARANTA DEL SOFTWARE INCLUIDO EN ESTE PAQUETE Y LA DOCUMENTACIN RELACIONADA CONTRATO DE LICENCIA. LALO ANTES DE INSTALAR EL SOFTWARE. IMPORTANTE: ESTE CONTRATO CONTIENE LOS TRMINOS Y CONDICIONES DE LA LICENCIA PARA EL SOFTWARE CEDIDO EN LICENCIA Y LA DOCUMENTACIN RELACIONADA. SI INSTALA EL SOFTWARE SIGNIFICA QUE ACEPTA EL CONTRATO. SI NO ACEPTA EL CONTRATO, DEBE DEVOLVER EL PAQUETE DE SOFTWARE SIN USARLO Y ELIMINAR TODOS LOS ARCHIVOS DE SOFTWARE A LOS QUE HAYA ACCEDIDO EN CUALQUIERA Y TODAS LAS MEMORIAS DE LOS SISTEMAS INFORMTICOS EN LOS QUE HAYA CARGADO O ALMACENADO DICHO SOFTWARE. LA PALABRA "XEROX", CUANDO SE UTILIZA EN ESTE CONTRATO, SIGNIFICAR XEROX CORPORATION, SU COMPAA OPERATIVA, FILIAL O ASOCIADA DE LA QUE HA OBTENIDO EL PRODUCTO XEROX (el "Equipo") CON EL QUE SE VAYA A UTILIZAR EL SOFTWARE, A MENOS QUE HAYA ADQUIRIDO EL EQUIPO A TRAVS DE UN DISTRIBUIDOR, CONCESIONARIO O AGENTE AUTORIZADO, EN CUYO CASO, "XEROX" SIGNIFICAR XEROX CORPORATION, SU COMPAA OPERATIVA, FILIAL O ASOCIADA DE LA QUE OBTUVO EL EQUIPO LA ENTIDAD QUE SE LO HA VENDIDO. 1. CONCESIN DE LICENCIA Por el presente contrato Xerox le concede una licencia no exclusiva e intransferible para utilizar el software y la documentacin relacionada ("Software"), incluidos en este paquete, con el Equipo, siempre que est al corriente en el pago de los derechos de licencia, si los hay (incluida la cuota anual de renovacin, si hay), sujeto a los trminos y condiciones siguientes: 2. UTILIZACIN Puede instalar el Software para utilizarlo en cualquier estacin de trabajo o servidor conectado en red solamente en combinacin con el Equipo. Cuando est conectado en red, otros usuarios de la red pueden acceder al Software y utilizarlo en combinacin con el Equipo. 3. PROPIEDAD, COPIAS, MODIFICACIONES Y CONFIDENCIALIDAD 3.1 Xerox posee todos los derechos del Software, o de lo contrario tiene derecho a conceder licencias en relacin con el Software. 3.2 No se le transfiere la propiedad del Software ni ningn derecho de propiedad de l. 3.3 Puede, de acuerdo con la seccin 3.4 siguiente, hacer una copia de todo o parte del Software slo con el fin expresamente permitido en la seccin 2 ms arriba y para tener copia de seguridad. Dicha copia permitida incluir en formato legible cualquier aviso de derechos de autor (copyright) y otros avisos de propiedad que haya en el Software original. 3.4 Puede copiar la documentacin relacionada solamente para utilizarla en combinacin con el Equipo. 3.5 No puede distribuir, ni alterar ni modificar el software, ni hacer ni permitir que otros lo alteren o modifiquen. 3.6 Acepta no proveer ni poner el Software a disposicin de nadie excepto sus empleados y agentes directamente afectados por el uso bajo licencia del Software. 3.7 El Software est protegido por los derechos de autor y otros derechos de propiedad de Xerox y/o una tercera parte. Dicha tercera parte puede considerarle responsable de una infraccin de dichos derechos por parte de usted. 3.8 Acepta no realizar ingeniera inversa, descompilar ni desensamblar el Software por ningn motivo, excepto en la medida que lo permita la ley. 3.9 Acepta no exportar o reexportar el Software de ninguna manera sin primero obtener, en el caso de un cliente de los Estados Unidos, todas las licencias necesarias de las autoridades de los Estados Unidos, y en el caso de un cliente de fuera de los Estados Unidos, todas las licencias pertinentes de las autoridades del pas correspondiente, exigidas por la ley, y an as la exportacin ser nicamente junto con la exportacin del Equipo. 3.10 Xerox podr terminar la licencia del Software (i) inmediatamente si ya no utiliza o no posee el Equipo, o si es un arrendador del Equipo y su primer arrendatario ya no utiliza o no posee el Equipo o (ii) al concluir el contrato de arrendamiento o concesin del Equipo 4. TRANSFERENCIA DEL SOFTWARE BAJO LICENCIA Si transfiere la propiedad del Equipo, Xerox ofrecer al cesionario una licencia para utilizar el Software con l o en l, sujeto a los trminos y derechos de licencia, si los hubiera, de Xerox aplicables en aquel momento y siempre que la transferencia no infrinja los derechos de Xerox. 5. GARANTA LIMITADA 5.1 Xerox garantiza que el Software se ajustar substancialmente al Manual del usuario de Xerox, u otra documentacin de Xerox, suministrado en el momento de la entrega al Cliente original. Xerox no garantiza que el funcionamiento del Software ser ininterrumpido o libre de errores, ni que satisfar sus requisitos. 5.2 En caso de que el Software no se ajuste a la garanta limitada expresada en la seccin 5.1 anterior, la nica solucin del Cliente ser notificarlo a Xerox en el plazo de noventa (90) das a partir de la fecha de entrega y la nica obligacin de Xerox o de su proveedor ser realizar todos los esfuerzos razonables para proveer una solucin que haga que el software se ajuste a la garanta limitada, o proveer al Cliente con un Software que se ajuste substancialmente al Manual del usuario de Xerox u otra documentacin Xerox suministrada. 5.3 XEROX NO CONCEDE NINGUNA OTRA GARANTA DEL "SOFTWARE", NI EXPRESA NI PRESUPUESTA, ESTATUTARIA NI DE OTRO TIPO, INCLUIDAS SIN LIMITACIN LAS GARANTAS PRESUPUESTAS DE SER APTO PARA EL COMERCIO Y ADECUADO PARA UN FIN DETERMINADO. XEROX ADEMS DECLINA LA RESPONSABILIDAD DE CUALESQUIERA GARANTAS DADAS POR PERSONAS APARTE DE XEROX (INCLUIDOS PERO NO LIMITADOS A ELLOS LOS DISTRIBUIDORES, AGENTES Y CONCESIONARIOS DEL SOFTWARE XEROX). 5.4 Las garantas expresas enunciadas ms arriba sern nulas si no utiliza debidamente el Software en el entorno apropiado como se especifique en la documentacin de Xerox suministrada o si el Software se modifica o altera de alguna manera. 6. INDEMNIZACIN POR PATENTE Y DERECHOS DE AUTOR Xerox defender e indemnizar al Cliente si se alega que el Software infringe, en los Estados Unidos, cualquier patente, secreto comercial o derechos de autor, siempre que el Cliente avise por escrito a Xerox con prontitud de cualquier supuesta infraccin, permita que Xerox defienda dicha alegacin y coopere con Xerox. Todas las notificaciones debern enviarse a Xerox Office of General Counsel, P.O. Box 1600, Stamford, Connecticut 06904, Estados Unidos. Xerox no es responsable de ningn gasto o pago por litigios ajenos a Xerox a menos que Xerox conceda su acuerdo por escrito. Para evitar infracciones, Xerox puede, a su discrecin, y sin ningn cargo al Cliente, obtener una licencia o modificar, sustituir con uno equivalente, o retirar el Software. Si Xerox retira el Software por este motivo, se le reembolsar al Cliente la cantidad total designada como derechos de licencia, si se design; si no se design ninguna proporcin de las cantidades abonadas a Xerox en la operacin de adquisicin del Software como derechos de licencia, Xerox reembolsar la proporcin de las cantidades abonadas que Xerox designe razonablemente como relacionadas con la adquisicin del Software. Xerox no es responsable de ninguna infraccin cometida debido a que el Software se haga o modifique (por Xerox u otros, incluido el Cliente) segn las especificaciones del Cliente, o se utilice o venda en combinacin con equipo, software o suministros no provistos por Xerox. XEROX NO CONCEDE NINGUNA OTRA GARANTA, NI EXPRESA NI IMPLCITA, DE NO-INFRACCIN O DE RESPONSABILIDAD POR INFRACCIN O POR CUALQUIER DAO QUE SE ORIGINE DE ELLO. 7. LIMITACIN DE RESPONSABILIDAD EN NINGN CASO NI XEROX NI SUS PROVEEDORES SERN RESPONSABLES DE LOS DAOS ESPECIALES, INDIRECTOS, INCIDENTALES, CONSECUENTES (INCLUIDA SIN LIMITACIN LA PRDIDA DE DATOS) QUE SE DERIVEN DE ALGUNA MANERA O ESTN RELACIONADOS CON EL USO O LA IMPOSIBILIDAD DE USAR EL "SOFTWARE", INCLUSO SI SE HA AVISADO DE LA POSIBILIDAD DE DICHOS DAOS. EN NINGN CASO, LA RESPONSABILIDAD POR LOS DAOS DIRECTOS DE XEROX AL CLIENTE EXCEDER EL IMPORTE TOTAL DE LA LICENCIA ABONADO POR EL CLIENTE POR DICHA LICENCIA DE USO DEL SOFTWARE. 8. TERMINACIN Xerox podr terminar esta licencia de inmediato mediante aviso, en caso de infraccin importante por parte de usted, o si ya no usa o posee el equipo con el que debe utilizarse este Software, en cuyo caso deber devolver a Xerox todas las copias del Software y retirar el mismo de todos los equipos donde lo haya cargado. 9. LEY APLICABLE Este contrato se regir por las leyes del Estado de Nueva York, Estados Unidos o, si adquiri el Software fuera de los Estados Unidos, por las leyes del pas donde adquiri el Equipo, exceptuando la aplicacin de sus normas de conflictos de leyes. En algunas jurisdicciones no se permite la limitacin de duracin de una garanta implcita, ni la exclusin o limitacin de daos incidentales o consecuentes y, por tanto, las limitaciones y exclusiones anteriores pudieran no ser aplicables en su caso, en su totalidad o en parte. 10. INTEGRIDAD DEL CONTRATO El presente contrato de licencia de uso del Software es el acuerdo total entre Xerox y usted en relacin con el Software, y sustituye a todos los acuerdos o arreglos anteriores y actuales entre las partes respecto al Software. Acepta que los trminos y condiciones relacionados con el Software contenidos en cualquier orden de compra del Cliente u otro documento de pedido enviado para encargar el Software no tendrn efecto para Xerox y no modificarn este Contrato en ningn sentido. Si, despus de leer los trminos y condiciones, stos le fueran inaceptables, deber devolver inmediatamente el software sin utilizarlo para evitar obligaciones y responsabilidades contractuales, y tendr derecho al reembolso de las cantidades que haya abonado para obtener la licencia del Software. ====================================================================== LICENSE AGREEMENT AND WARRANTY FOR THE ENCLOSED SOFTWARE AND RELATED DOCUMENTATION YOUR LICENSE AGREEMENT - READ BEFORE INSTALLING SOFTWARE IMPORTANT: THIS AGREEMENT CONTAINS THE LICENSE TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR LICENSED SOFTWARE AND RELATED DOCUMENTATION. INSTALLING THE SOFTWARE PACKAGE SIGNIFIES YOUR ACCEPTANCE OF THIS AGREEMENT. IF YOU DO NOT ACCEPT THIS AGREEMENT, YOU MUST PROMPTLY RETURN THE SOFTWARE PACKAGE AND DELETE ANY SOFTWARE FILES ACCESSED BY YOU FROM ANY AND ALL COMPUTER MEMORY INTO WHICH SUCH SOFTWARE HAS BEEN LOADED OR STORED. WHEN USED IN THIS AGREEMENT THE WORD "XEROX" SHALL MEAN XEROX CORPORATION, ITS OPERATING COMPANY SUBSIDIARY OR AFFILIATE FROM WHICH YOU OBTAINED THE XEROX PRODUCT WITH WHICH THE SOFTWARE IS TO BE USED (the "Equipment"), UNLESS YOU OBTAINED THE EQUIPMENT FROM AN AUTHORIZED DEALER, AGENT, CONCESSIONAIRE OR DISTRIBUTOR, IN WHICH CASE "XEROX" SHALL MEAN XEROX CORPORATION, ITS OPERATING COMPANY, SUBSIDIARY OR AFFILIATE FROM WHICH THE ENTITY THAT SOLD YOU THE EQUIPMENT ACQUIRED IT. 1. GRANT OF LICENSE Xerox hereby grants you a non-exclusive, non-transferable license to use the software and related documentation ("Software") enclosed in this package with the Equipment, for as long as you are current in the payment of any indicated software license fees (including any annual renewal or maintenance fees) on the following terms and conditions. 2. USE You may install the Software for use on any networked workstation or server only in conjunction with the Equipment. When networked, other users on the network may access and use the Software in conjunction with the Equipment. 3. OWNERSHIP, COPYING, MODIFICATION AND CONFIDENTIALITY 3.1 Xerox owns or is otherwise entitled to grant licenses in respect of all rights in the Software. 3.2 No title to or ownership of the Software or any proprietary right therein is transferred to you. 3.3 You may, subject to Section 3.4 below, make one copy of the Software in whole or in part only for that purpose expressly permitted in Section 2 above and for back-up. Such permitted copy shall include in readable format any copyright and other proprietary notices contained on the original Software. 3.4 You may copy the related documentation for use only in conjunction with the Equipment. 3.5 You may not distribute, alter or modify nor cause or allow others to alter or modify the Software. 3.6 You agree not to provide or otherwise make available the Software to anyone other than your employees and agents directly concerned with the licensed use of the Software. 3.7 The Software is protected by copyright and other proprietary rights of Xerox and/or a third party. You may be held directly responsible by such third party for an infringement of such rights by you. 3.8 You agree not to reverse engineer, decompile or disassemble the Software for any purpose whatsoever, except to the extent permitted by law. 3.9 You agree not to export or re-export the Software in any form without, in the case of a customer in the United States, first obtaining all United States government licenses, and in the case of a customer outside of the United States, all relevant foreign government licenses, required by law, and then only upon the export of the Equipment. 3.10 Xerox may terminate your license for the Software (i) immediately if you no longer use or possess the Equipment or are a lessor of the Equipment and your first lessee no longer uses or possesses it or (ii) upon the termination of any agreement under which you have rented or leased the Equipment. 4. TRANSFER OF LICENSED SOFTWARE If you transfer possession of the Equipment, Xerox will offer the transferee a license to use the Software on or with it, subject to Xerox' then applicable terms and license fees, if any, and provided the transfer is not in violation of Xerox' rights. 5. LIMITED WARRANTY 5.1 Xerox warrants that the Software shall substantially conform to Xerox' User Manual or other Xerox documentation supplied at delivery to the original Customer. Xerox does not warrant that the operation of the Software will be uninterrupted or error free, nor that it will meet your needs. 5.2 In the event that the Software does not conform to the limited warranty contained in Section 5.1 above, your exclusive remedy is to notify Xerox within ninety (90) days of the date of delivery, and Xerox' or its supplier's sole obligation shall be to use all reasonable efforts to provide a work-around which avoids the nonconformity or to provide you with Software which does substantially conform to the Xerox User Manual or other Xerox supplied documentation. 5.3 XEROX GRANTS NO OTHER WARRANTIES ON THE "SOFTWARE", EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, WHETHER CREATED BY STATUTE OR OTHERWISE, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. XEROX FURTHER DISCLAIMS ANY WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS MADE BY PERSONS OTHER THAN XEROX (INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO XEROX SOFTWARE DEALERS, AGENTS, CONCESSIONAIRES OR DISTRIBUTORS). 5.4 The express warranties set forth above shall be void if you fail to properly use the Software in the appropriate environment as specified in the Xerox supplied documentation or if the Software is modified or altered in any fashion. 6. PATENT AND COPYRIGHT INDEMNIFICATION Xerox will defend and indemnify you if the Software is alleged to infringe, in the United States, any patent, trade secret, or copyright, if you promptly notify Xerox in writing of any alleged infringement, allow Xerox to direct the defense of such claim, and cooperate with Xerox. All notices should be sent to the Xerox Office of General Counsel, P.O. Box 1600, Stamford, Connecticut 06904. Xerox is not responsible for any non-Xerox litigation expenses or settlements unless Xerox pre-approves them in writing. To avoid infringement, Xerox may, at its option, and at no charge to you, obtain a license, or modify, or substitute an equivalent of, or remove the Software. If Software is removed by Xerox for this reason, any designated license fees paid by you will be fully refunded; if no portion of the amounts paid to Xerox within the transaction in which the Software was acquired was designated as a license fee for the Software, Xerox shall refund that portion of the amounts paid that Xerox reasonably designates as associated with the Software's acquisition. Xerox is not liable for any infringement due to the Software being made or modified (by Xerox or others, including you) to your specifications, or being used or sold in combination with equipment, software, or supplies not provided by Xerox. XEROX MAKES NO OTHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTY OF NON-INFRINGEMENT OR LIABILITY FOR INFRINGEMENT OR ANY DAMAGES THEREFROM. 7. LIMITATION OF LIABILITY IN NO EVENT SHALL XEROX OR ITS SUPPLIERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, (INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, LOSS OF DATA) IN ANY WAY ARISING OUT OF OR RELATED TO THE USE OR INABILITY TO USE THE "SOFTWARE", EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. IN NO EVENT SHALL XEROX' DIRECT DAMAGES TO YOU EXCEED THE TOTAL LICENSE FEE ACTUALLY PAID BY YOU FOR SUCH SOFTWARE. 8. TERMINATION Xerox may terminate this license immediately upon notice in the event of a material breach by you or if you no longer use or possess the equipment with which this Software is intended to be used, in which event you shall return to Xerox all copies of the Software, and remove same from all equipment into which such Software may have been loaded by you. 9. GOVERNING LAW This agreement will be governed by the laws of the State of New York, USA or if you acquire the Software outside the USA, by the laws of the country in which you acquired the Equipment, excluding its conflict of laws provisions. Some jurisdictions do not allow limitations on how long an implied warranty lasts or the exclusion or limitation of incidental or consequential damages, so the above disclaimers, limitations or exclusions, in whole or in part, may not apply to you. 10. ENTIRE AGREEMENT This Software License Agreement is the entire agreement between Xerox and you pertaining to the Software and supersedes all proposals or prior and contemporaneous agreements or understandings of the parties regarding the Software. You agree that any terms and conditions contained in any purchase order or other ordering document submitted to order the Software shall have no binding effect on Xerox and will not modify this Agreement in any way. If, after reading the terms and conditions, they are unacceptable to you, then, to avoid contractual obligations and liability, you should promptly return the software unused, and you will then be entitled to a refund of any sums paid by you to license the Software. talte licensafgift. Xerox er ikke ansvarlig for en evt. krnkelse, som skyldes, at softwaren fremstilles eller ndres (af Xerox eller andre, inkl. kunden) efter kundens specifikationer, eller hvis softwaren anvendes eller slges sammen med andet udstyr, software eller forbrugsstoffer, som ikke er leveret af Xerox. XEROX GIVER IKKE ANDRE UDTRYKKELIGE ELLER UNDERFORSTEDE GARANTIER FOR IKKE-KRNKELSER OG ER IKKE ANSVARLIG FOR KRNKELSER ELLER EVENTUELLE SKADESERSTATNINGER SOM FLGE HERAF. 7. BEGRNSNING AF ANSVAR HVERKEN XEROX ELLER DETS LEVERANDRER KAN HOLDES ANSVARLIGE FOR SPECIELLE, INDIREKTE, TILFLDIGE SKADER ELLER FLGESKADER, (INKLUSIVE, MEN IKKE BEGRNSET TIL TAB AF DATA) SOM OPSTR SOM FLGE AF BRUGEN AF ELLER I FORBINDELSE MED BRUGEN AF ELLER MANGLENDE EVNE TIL AT BRUGE SOFTWAREN, SELV HVIS DER ER GJORT OPMRKSOM P MULIGHEDEN FOR SDANNE SKADER. UNDER INGEN OMSTNDIGHEDER KAN XEROX' ANSVAR OVER FOR KUNDEN FOR DIREKTE SKADESERSTATNINGER OVERSTIGE DEN SAMLEDE LICENSAFGIFT, SOM REELT ER BETALT AF Title WorkCentre Pro 40 Color Version 1.2.5 Description DefaultLocation /Library/Printers/PPDs/Contents/Resources DeleteWarning ### Package Flags NeedsAuthorization YES Required NO Relocatable NO RequiresReboot NO UseUserMask NO OverwritePermissions NO InstallFat NO fra det udstyr, hvortil softwaren er beregnet, er kbt. Nogle retssystemer tillader ingen begrnsning af, hvor lnge en underforstet garanti varer, eller udelukkelse eller begrnsning af erstatningansvar for hndelige svel som flgeskader, hvorfor ovennvnte ansvarsfraskrivelser, begrnsninger eller indskrnkninger, helt eller delvist, ikke ndvendigvis finder anvendelse i Deres tilflde. 10. HELE AFTALEN Nrvrende softwarelicensaftale udgr hele aftalen mellem Xerox og kunden, hvad angr softwaren, og tilsidestter alle udkast eller tidligere og nuvrende aftaler eller betingelser indget mellem parterne angende softwaren. Kunden accepterer, at betingelser og vilkr indeholdt i kundens indkbsrekvisition eller andre bestillingsdokumenter, som er afsendt med henblik p at bestille softwaren, ikke har nogen bindende effekt for Xerox og p ingen mde ndrer denne aftale. Hvis disse betingelser og vilkr, efter endt gennemlsning, ikke kan accepteres, br De, for at undg kontraktmssige forpligtelser og ansvar, jeblikkeligt returnere softwaren i ubrugt stand, hvorefter De er berettiget til at f refunderet ethvert belb, De mtte have betalt for at f licens til at bruge softwaren. ====================================================================== LICENSE AGREEMENT AND WARRANTY FOR THE ENCLOSED SOFTWARE AND RELATED DOCUMENTATION YOUR LICENSE AGREEMENT - READ BEFORE INSTALLING SOFTWARE IMPORTANT: THIS AGREEMENT CONTAINS THE LICENSE TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR LICENSED SOFTWARE AND RELATED DOCUMENTATION. INSTALLING THE SOFTWARE PACKAGE SIGNIFIES YOUR ACCEPTANCE OF THIS AGREEMENT. IF YOU DO NOT ACCEPT THIS AGREEMENT, YOU MUST PROMPTLY RETURN THE SOFTWARE PACKAGE AND DELETE ANY SOFTWARE FILES ACCESSED BY YOU FROM ANY AND ALL COMPUTER MEMORY INTO WHICH SUCH SOFTWARE HAS BEEN LOADED OR STORED. WHEN USED IN THIS AGREEMENT THE WORD "XEROX" SHALL MEAN XEROX CORPORATION, ITS OPERATING COMPANY SUBSIDIARY OR AFFILIATE FROM WHICH YOU OBTAINED THE INDIVIDUAL UNIT OF THE XEROX DOCUMENT CENTRE SYSTEM EQUIPMENT (the "Equipment") WITH WHICH THE SOFTWARE IS TO BE USED, UNLESS YOU OBTAINED THE EQUIPMENT FROM AN AUTHORIZED DEALER, AGENT, CONCESSIONAIRE OR DISTRIBUTOR, IN WHICH CASE "XEROX" SHALL MEAN XEROX CORPORATION, ITS OPERATING COMPANY, SUBSIDIARY OR AFFILIATE FROM WHICH THE ENTITY THAT SOLD YOU THE EQUIPMENT ACQUIRED IT. 1. GRANT OF LICENSE Xerox hereby grants you a non-exclusive, non-transferable license to use the software and related documentation ("Software") enclosed in this package with the Equipment, for as long as you are current in the payment of any indicated software license fees (including any annual renewal or maintenance fees) on the following terms and conditions. 2. USE You may install the Software for use on any networked workstation or server only in conjunction with the Equipment. When networked, other users on the network may access and use the Software in conjunction with the Equipment. 3. OWNERSHIP, COPYING, MODIFICATION AND CONFIDENTIALITY 3.1 Xerox owns or is otherwise entitled to grant licenses in respect of all rights in the Software. 3.2 No title to or ownership of the Software or any proprietary right therein is transferred to you. 3.3 You may, subject to Section 3.4 below, make one copy of the Software in whole or in part only for that purpose expressly permitted in Section 2 above and for back-up. Such permitted copy shall include in readable format any copyright and other proprietary notices contained on the orig"16" = "Den hr skivan uppfyller inte kraven fr den hr uppdateringen."; "17" = "Otillrckligt utrymme. Den hr uppdateringen krver 300 MB ledigt utrymme."; "18" = "Det hr paketet kan endast anvndas p Mac OS X, version 10.2 eller senare."; responsible by such third party for an infringement of such rights by you. 3.8 You agree not to reverse engineer, decompile or disassemble the Software for any purpose whatsoever, except to the extent permitted by law. 3.9 You agree not to export or re-export the Software in any form without, in the case of a customer in the United States, first obtaining all United States government licenses, and in the case of a customer outside of the United States, all relevant foreign government licenses, required by law, and then only upon the export of the Equipment. 3.10 Xerox may terminate your license for the Software (i) immediately if you no longer use or possess the Equipment or are a lessor of the Equipment and your first lessee no longer uses or possesses it or (ii) upon the termination of any agreement under which you have rented or leased the Equipment. 4. TRANSFER OF LICENSED SOFTWARE If you transfer possession of the Equipment, Xerox will offer the transferee a license to use the Software on or with it, subject to Xerox' then applicable terms and license fees, if any, and provided the transfer is not in violation of Xerox' rights. 5. LIMITED WARRANTY 5.1 Xerox warrants that the Software shall substantially conform to Xerox' User Manual or other Xerox documentation supplied at delivery to the original Customer. Xerox does not warrant that the operation of the Software will be uninterrupted or error free, nor that it will meet your needs. 5.2 In the event that the Software does not conform to the limited warranty contained in Section 5.1 above, your exclusive remedy is to notify Xerox within ninety (90) days of the date of delivery, and Xerox' or its supplier's sole obligation shall be to use all reasonable efforts to provide a work-around which avoids the nonconformity or to provide you with Software which does substantially conform to the Xerox User Manual or other Xerox supplied documentation. 5.3 XEROX GRANTS NO OTHER WARRANTIES ON THE "SOFTWARE", EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, WHETHER CREATED BY STATUTE OR OTHERWISE, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. XEROX FURTHER DISCLAIMS ANY WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS MADE BY PERSONS OTHER THAN XEROX (INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO XEROX SOFTWARE DEALERS, AGENTS, CONCESSIONAIRES OR DISTRIBUTORS). 5.4 The express warranties set forth above shall be void if you fail to properly use the Software in the appropriate environment as specified in the Xerox supplied documentation or if the Software is modified or altered in any fashion. 6. PATENT AND COPYRIGHT INDEMNIFICATION Xerox will defend and indemnify you if the Software is alleged to infringe, in the United States, any patent, trade secret, or copyright, if you promptly notify Xerox in writing of any alleged infringement, allow Xerox to direct the defense of such claim, and cooperate with Xerox. All notices should be sent to the Xerox Office of General Counsel, P.O. Box 1600, Stamford, Connecticut 06904. Xerox is not responsible for any non-Xerox litigation expenses or settlements unless Xerox pre-approves them in writing. To avoid infringement, Xerox may, at its option, and at no charge to you, obtain a license, or modify, or substitute an equivalent of, or remove the Software. If Software is removed by Xerox for this reason, any designated license fees paid by you will be fully refunded; if no portion of the amounts paid to Xerox within the transaction in which the Software was acquired was designated as a license versttningen av detta licensavtal har utfrts av Xerox, Europa, och r inte juridiskt bindande. Den engelska texten efter den versatta texten r dock juridiskt bindande. ======================================================================= DETTA R DITT LICENSAVTAL SOM REGLERAR DIN ANVNDNING AV PROGRAMVARAN - LS AVTALET INNAN DU PPNAR PROGRAMVARUFRPACKNINGEN ELLER ANVNDER PROGRAMMET OBS! DETTA AVTAL ANGER LICENSVILLKOREN FR DEN BIFOGADE LICENSIERADE PROGRAMVARAN OCH TILLHRANDE DOKUMENTATION. OM DU BRYTER PROGRAMVARUFRPACKNINGEN ANSES DU HA ACCEPTERAT AVTALET, SVIDA INTE XEROX INSTALLERAR PROGRAMMET, I VILKET FALL DU ACCEPTERAR AVTALET NR DU BRJAR ANVNDA PROGRAMMET. OM DU INTE ACCEPTERAR AVTALET, MSTE DU SNARAST RETURNERA PROGRAMVARUFRPACKNINGEN OANVND. OM XEROX INSTALLERAR PROGRAMMET, MSTE DU RETURNERA PROGRAMVARUFRPACKNINGEN OCH RADERA EVENTUELLA PROGRAMVARUFILER UR ALLA DATORMINNEN I VILKA SDAN PROGRAMVARA HAR INSTALLERATS ELLER LAGRATS. I DETTA AVTAL AVSES MED "XEROX" XEROX CORPORATION, DOTTERBOLAG TILL XEROX CORPORATION ELLER ANNAT ANSLUTET FRETAG FRN VILKET DU ERHLL DIN UTRUSTNING I SERIEN XEROX DOCUMENT CENTRE ("Utrustning") I VILKEN PROGRAMVARAN SKA INSTALLERAS. OM DU ERHLL UTRUSTNINGEN FRN EN AUKTORISERAD TERFRSLJARE, AGENT, DISTRIBUTR ELLER ANNAN MELLANMAN, AVSES MED "XEROX" XEROX CORPORATION, DESS DOTTERBOLAG ELLER ANNAT ANSLUTET FRETAG FRN VILKET DET FRETAG, SOM SLDE UTRUSTNINGEN TILL DIG, HADE ERHLLIT UTRUSTNINGEN. 1. NYTTJANDERTT Xerox upplter hrmed till dig en icke-exklusiv, icke verltbar rtt att anvnda datorprogrammet och till-hrande dokumentation som ingr i detta paket ("Programvaran"), p en enskild Utrustning, vilket ven avser ntverksansluten Utrustning, s lnge du vid rtt tid erlgger alla indikerade licensavgifter (inklusive eventuella rliga fortsttningsavgifter) och fljer avtalade villkor fr nyttjandet. Nyttjandet skall ske p fljande villkor. 2. ANVNDNING Du kan installera Programvaran fr anvndning i varje ntverksansluten arbetsstation eller server, dock endast i samband med Utrustningen. Ntverksansluten kan andra anvndare p ntverket anvnda Programvaran i anslutning till Utrustningen. 3. GANDERTT, KOPIERING, NDRING OCH SEKRETESS 3.1 Xerox ger eller har p annat stt rtt att utfrda licenser betrffande alla rttigheter till Programvaran. 3.2 Ingen gandertt till Programvaran eller annan form av gande verfrs drmed till dig. 3.3 Du kan, enligt punkt 3.4 nedan, gra en kopia av Programvaran, i sin helhet eller delar drav fr syfte uttryckligen uttalat i punkt 2 ovan och fr back-up. Sdan tillten kopia skall inkludera copyright och andra ganderttsnoteringar i lsbart format som finns i Programvarans original. 3.4 Du kan kopiera tillhrande dokumentation endast fr anvndning tillsammans med Utrustningen. 3.5 Du fr inte distribuera, omarbeta eller ndra, ej heller bist eller tillta andra att omarbeta eller ndra Programvaran. 3.6 Du tar dig ocks att inte tillhandahlla eller p annat stt gra Programvaran tillgnglig fr andra n dina anstllda och representanter som direkt berrs av licensierad anvndning av Programvaran. 3.7 Programvaran och annan gandertt r genom copyright skyddad av Xerox och/eller annan tredjepart mot vertrdelse av sdana rttigheter och du kommer att hllas direkt ansvarig i sdant fall. 3.8 Du tar dig ocks att inte framstlla derivat, dekompilera eller backassemblera, oavsett anledning, frutom i de fall som tillts av lagstiftning. 3.9 Du tar dig ocks att inte exportera eller terexportera Programvaran i ngon form utan att frst erhlla alla exportlicenser och i s fall endast tillsammans med export av Utrustningen. 3.10 Xerox kan omedelbart upphva din licens fr Programvaran (i) om du inte lngre anvnder eller ger Utrustningen eller leasar Utrustningen och din leasetagare inte lngre anvnder eller innehar den eller (ii) om avtalet enligt vilket du har hyrt eller leasat Utrustningen upphr att glla. 4. VERFRING AV LICENCIERAD PROGRAMVARA Om du verfr gandertten av Utrustningen, kommer Xerox att erbjuda den nya garen rtt att anvnda Programvaran i Utrustningen i enlighet med Xerox gllande villkor och eventuella licensavgifter och frutsatt att verfringen inte strider mot Xerox rttigheter. 5. BEGRNSAD GARANTI 5.1 Xerox garanterar att Programvaran i allt vsentligt kommer att fungera i verensstmmelse med av Xerox utgivna specifikationer under en period p 90 dagar frn det datum d den levereras eller, i fall av Programvara installeras av Xerox, det datum d Programvaran installeras. Varken Xerox eller dess licensgivare garanterar att Programvaran r felfri, att den kan anvndas utan avbrott eller att den uppfyller dina behov. 5.2 I den hndelse att Programvaran inte r i verensstmmelse med den begrnsade garantin angiven i punkt 5.1 ovan, skall du reklamera felet till Xerox inom nittio (90) dagar frn leveransdatum eller, om Xerox har installerat Programvaran, inom nittio (90) dagar efter installationen. Den exklusiva pfljden och Xerox eller dess leverantrs enda skyldighet r att vidta rimliga tgrder fr att kringg avvikelsen eller fr att tillhandahlla programvara som vsentligen verensstmmer med Xerox anvndarmanual eller annan dokumentation levererad av Xerox. 5.3 XEROX GER INGA ANDRA, UTTRYCKLIGA ELLER UNDERFRSTDDA, GARANTIER FR "PROGRAMVARAN", OAVSETT OM DE UPPSTR P GRUND AV LAG ELLER P ANNAT STT, INKLUDERANDE MEN INTE BEGRNSAT TILL UNDERFRSTDDA GARANTIER FR SLJBARHET OCH ANVNDBARHET FR ETT VISST NDAML. VIDARE FRNSGER SIG XEROX EVENTUELLA GARANTIER ELLER UTFSTELSER SOM HAR GJORTS AV ANDRA PERSONER N BEHRIG XEROX PERSONAL (INKLUSIVE MEN INTE BEGRNSAT TILL XEROX TERFRSLJARE AV PROGRAMVARA, AGENTER, DISTRIBUTR ELLER ANNAN MELLANMAN). 5.4 De uttryckliga garantierna angivna ovan gller inte om Kunden inte anvnder Programvaran p rtt stt och i enlighet med Xerox instruktioner samt i avsedd systemmilj enligt specifikationer i dokumentationen frn Xerox eller om Programvaran ndras p ngot stt. 6. INTRNG I PATENT OCH UPPHOVSRTT Xerox kommer att frsvara och erstta Kunden om Programvaran psts krnka amerikanskt patent, rtt till fretagshemlighet eller upphovsrtt, om Kunden omedelbart skriftligen meddelar Xerox om det pstdda intrnget, lter Xerox handlgga rendet och samarbetar med Xerox. Alla rapporter om intrng skall skickas till Xerox, Office of General Counsel, P.O. Box 1600, Stamford, Connecticut 06904, USA. Xerox ansvarar inte fr ombudskostnad eller andra rttsliga kostnader som inte r hnfrliga till Xerox eller fr uppgrelse om inte Xerox skriftligen har godknt den i frvg. Fr att undvika att intrng freligger, kan Xerox, enligt eget val och utan kostnad fr Kunden, frvrva en licens eller ndra eller erstta Programvaran med likvrdig produkt eller terta Programvaran. Om Programvaran tertas av Xerox av denna anledning, terbetalas eventuella avgifter som specificerats som licensavgift vilka du har betalt. Om ingen del av beloppen, som betalades till Xerox i samband med avtalet genom vilket Programvaran frvrvades av dig var specificerad som licensavgift fr Programvaran, terbetalar Xerox den delen av de betala beloppen som Xerox rimligen kan specificera som tillhrande frvrvet av licensen fr Programvaran. Xerox ansvarar inte fr eventuellt intrng orsakad av ndring eller anpassning av Programvaran (av Xerox eller andra inklusive Kunden) enligt Kundens specifikationer, eller genom anvndning eller frsljning i kombination med utrustning, programvara eller frbrukningsmaterial som inte levererats av Xerox. XEROX GER INGEN ANNAN UTTRYCKLIG ELLER UNDERFRSTDD GARANTI AVSEENDE ATT PROGRAMVARAN INTE GR INTRNG I NGON RTTIGHET OCH HAR INTE HELLER NGOT ANNAT ANSVAR N VAD SOM SGS I DENNA PUNKT FR INTRNG I TREDJE MANS RTTIGHET ELLER DRIGENOM UPPSTTT SKADESTND. 7. ANSVARSBEGRNSNING UNDER INGA OMSTNDIGHETER ANSVARAR XEROX ELLER DESS LEVERANTRER FR FLJDSKADA, UTEBLIVEN VINST ELLER ANNAN INDIREKT FRLUST (INKLUDERANDE MEN INTE BEGRNSAT TILL FRLUST ELLER FRVANSKNING AV DATA) SOM P NGOT STT HAR ORSAKATS AV ELLER R FRKNIPPAD MED ANVNDNING ELLER OANVNDBARHET AV "PROGRAMVARAN". DETTA GLLER VEN OM XEROX INFORMERATS OM MJLIGHETEN AV SDAN SKADA. XEROX ANSVAR R BEGRNSAT TILL DIREKT FRLUSTER TILL ETT BELPOPP SOM HGST UPPGR TILL DEN TOTALA LICENSAVGIFTEN SOM HAR BETALATS AV KUNDEN FR SDAN PROGRAMVARA. 8. UPPSGNING Xerox kan omedelbart upphva din licens fr Programvaran om du inte lngre anvnder eller ger Utrustningen eller leasar Utrustningen och din leasetagare inte lngre anvnder eller innehar den eller om avtalet enligt vilket du har hyrt eller leasat Utrustningen upphr att glla. 9. GLLANDE LAG Fr detta avtal skall lagstiftningen i delstaten New York, USA vara tillmplig, eller, om Programvaran frvrvades utanfr USA, lagstiftningen i landet dr du frvrvade Utrustningen i serien Document Centre fr vilken Programvaran skall anvndas, dock inte detta lands lagstiftning om tillmplig lag. I vissa lnder tillts inte begrnsning av hur lnge en underfrstdd garanti r gllande eller uteslutande eller begrnsning av tillfllig eller fljdskada. I sdant fall berrs inte Kunden av ovanstende friskrivningar eller begrnsningar i den utstrckning tvingande lag uttrycklingen inte inte medger sdan regleringen. 10. FULLSTNDIGT AVTAL Detta programlicensavtal r det fullstndiga avtalet mellan Xerox och Kunden med avseende p licensiering av Programvaran och det erstter alla frslag och tidigare eller samtidiga avtal, utfstelser eller andra verenskommelser mellan parterna avseende Programvaran. Kunden accepterar att licensieringsvillkor som gller denna Programvara och som anges p Kundens inkpsorder eller annat bestllningsdokument, som anvnds vid bestllning av Programvaran, inte har ngon bindande verkan fr Xerox och inte skall ndra detta avtal p ngot stt. Om du inte accepterar avtalsvillkoren nr du har lst dem, returnerar du omedelbart Programvaran oanvnd fr att undvika kontraktskyldigheter och kontraktansvar. Du har d rtt till terbetalning av eventuella belopp du har betalat fr licensiering av Programvaran. ====================================================================== LICENSE AGREEMENT AND WARRANTY FOR THE ENCLOSED SOFTWARE AND RELATED DOCUMENTATION YOUR LICENSE AGREEMENT - READ BEFORE INSTALLING SOFTWARE IMPORTANT: THIS AGREEMENT CONTAINS THE LICENSE TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR LICENSED SOFTWARE AND RELATED DOCUMENTATION. INSTALLING THE SOFTWARE PACKAGE SIGNIFIES YOUR ACCEPTANCE OF THIS AGREEMENT. IF YOU DO NOT ACCEPT THIS AGREEMENT, YOU MUST PROMPTLY RETURN THE SOFTWARE PACKAGE AND DELETE ANY SOFTWARE FILES ACCESSED BY YOU FROM ANY AND ALL COMPUTER MEMORY INTO WHICH SUCH SOFTWARE HAS BEEN LOADED OR STORED. WHEN USED IN THIS AGREEMENT THE WORD "XEROX" SHALL MEAN XEROX CORPORATION, ITS OPERATING COMPANY SUBSIDIARY OR AFFILIATE FROM WHICH YOU OBTAINED THE INDIVIDUAL UNIT OF THE XEROX DOCUMENT CENTRE SYSTEM EQUIPMENT (the "Equipment") WITH WHICH THE SOFTWARE IS TO BE USED, UNLESS YOU OBTAINED THE EQUIPMENT FROM AN AUTHORIZED DEALER, AGENT, CONCESSIONAIRE OR DISTRIBUTOR, IN WHICH CASE "XEROX" SHALL MEAN XEROX CORPORATION, ITS OPERATING COMPANY, SUBSIDIARY OR AFFILIATE FROM WHICH THE ENTITY THAT SOLD YOU THE EQUIPMENT ACQUIRED IT. 1. GRANT OF LICENSE Xerox hereby grants you a non-exclusive, non-transferable license to use the software and related documentation ("Software") enclosed in this package with the Equipment, for as long as you are current in the payment of any indicated software license fees (including any annual renewal or maintenance fees) on the following terms and conditions. 2. USE You may install the Software for use on any networked workstation or server only in conjunction with the Equipment. When networked, other users on the network may access and use the Software in conjunction with the Equipment. 3. OWNERSHIP, COPYING, MODIFICATION AND CONFIDENTIALITY 3.1 Xerox owns or is otherwise entitled to grant licenses in respect of all rights in the Software. 3.2 No title to or ownership of the Software or any proprietary right therein is transferred to you. 3.3 You may, subject to Section 3.4 below, make one copy of the Software in whole or in part only for that purpose expressly permitted in Section 2 above and for back-up. Such permitted copy shall include in readable format any copyright and other proprietary notices contained on the original Software. 3.4 You may copy the related documentation for use only in conjunction with the Equipment. 3.5 You may not distribute, alter or modify nor cause or allow others to alter or modify the Software. 3.6 You agree not to provide or otherwise make available the Software to anyone other than your employees and agents directly concerned with the licensed use of the Software. 3.7 The Software is protected by copyright and other proprietary rights of Xerox and/or a third party. You may be held directly responsible by such third party for an infringement of such rights by you. 3.8 You agree not to reverse engineer, decompile or disassemble the Software for any purpose whatsoever, except to the extent permitted by law. 3.9 You agree not to export or re-export the Software in any form without, in the case of a customer in the United States, first obtaining all United States government licenses, and in the case of a customer outside of the United States, all relevant foreign government licenses, required by law, and then only upon the export of the Equipment. 3.10 Xerox may terminate your license for the Software (i) immediately if you no longer use or possess the Equipment or are a lessor of the Equipment and your first lessee no longer uses or possesses it or (ii) upon the termination of any agreement under which you have rented or leased the Equipment. 4. TRANSFER OF LICENSED SOFTWARE If you transfer possession of the Equipment, Xerox will offer the transferee a license to use the Software on or with it, subject to Xerox' then applicable terms and license fees, if any, and provided the transfer is not in violation of Xerox' rights. 5. LIMITED WARRANTY 5.1 Xerox warrants that the Software shall substantially conform to Xerox' User Manual or other Xerox documentation supplied at delivery to the original Customer. Xerox does not warrant that the operation of the Software will be uninterrupted or error free, nor that it will meet your needs. 5.2 In the event that the Software does not conform to the limited warranty contained in Section 5.1 above, your exclusive remedy is to notify Xerox within ninety (90) days of the date of delivery, and Xerox' or its supplier's sole obligation shall be to use all reasonable efforts to provide a work-around which avoids the nonconformity or to provide you with Software which does substantially conform to the Xerox User Manual or other Xerox supplied documentation. 5.3 XEROX GRANTS NO OTHER WARRANTIES ON THE "SOFTWARE", EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, WHETHER CREATED BY STATUTE OR OTHERWISE, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. XEROX FURTHER DISCLAIMS ANY WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS MADE BY PERSONS OTHER THAN XEROX (INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO XEROX SOFTWARE DEALERS, AGENTS, CONCESSIONAIRES OR DISTRIBUTORS). 5.4 The express warranties set forth above shall be void if you fail to properly use the Software in the appropriate environment as specified in the Xerox supplied documentation or if the Software is modified or altered in any fashion. 6. PATENT AND COPYRIGHT INDEMNIFICATION Xerox will defend and indemnify you if the Software is alleged to infringe, in the United States, any patent, trade secret, or copyright, if you promptly notify Xerox in writing of any alleged infringement, allow Xerox to direct the defense of such claim, and cooperate with Xerox. All notices should be sent to the Xerox Office of General Counsel, P.O. Box 1600, Stamford, Connecticut 06904. Xerox is not responsible for any non-Xerox litigation expenses or settlements unless Xerox pre-approves them in writing. To avoid infringement, Xerox may, at its option, and at no charge to you, obtain a license, or modify, or substitute an equivalent of, or remove the Software. If Software is removed by Xerox for this reason, any designated license fees paid by you will be fully refunded; if no portion of the amounts paid to Xerox within the transaction in which the Software was acquired was designated as a license fee for the Software, Xerox shall refund that portion of the amounts paid that Xerox reasonably designates as associated with the Software's acquisition. Xerox is not liable for any infringement due to the Software being made or modified (by Xerox or others, including you) to your specifications, or being used or sold in combination with equipment, software, or supplies not provided by Xerox. XEROX MAKES NO OTHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTY OF NON-INFRINGEMENT OR LIABILITY FOR INFRINGEMENT OR ANY DAMAGES THEREFROM. 7. LIMITATION OF LIABILITY IN NO EVENT SHALL XEROX OR ITS SUPPLIERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, (INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, LOSS OF DATA) IN ANY WAY ARISING OUT OF OR RELATED TO THE USE OR INABILITY TO USE THE "SOFTWARE", EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. IN NO EVENT SHALL XEROX' DIRECT DAMAGES TO YOU EXCEED THE TOTAL LICENSE FEE ACTUALLY PAID BY YOU FOR SUCH SOFTWARE. 8. TERMINATION Xerox may terminate this license immediately upon notice in the event of a material breach by you or if you no longer use or possess the equipment with which this Software is intended to be used, in which event you shall return to Xerox all copies of the Software, and remove same from all equipment into which such Software may have been loaded by you. 9. GOVERNING LAW This agreement will be governed by the laws of the State of New York, USA or if you acquire the Software outside the USA, by the laws of the country in which you acquired the Document Centre System Equipment with which this software is to be used, excluding its conflict of laws provisions. Some jurisdictions do not allow limitations on how long an implied warranty lasts or the exclusion or limitation of incidental or consequential damages, so the above disclaimers, limitations or exclusions, in whole or in part, may not apply to you. 10. ENTIRE AGREEMENT This Software License Agreement is the entire agreement between Xerox and you pertaining to the Software and supersedes all proposals or prior and contemporaneous agreements or understandings of the parties regarding the Software. You agree that any terms and conditions contained in any purchase order or other ordering document submitted to order the Software shall have no binding effect on Xerox and will not modify this Agreement in any way. If, after reading the terms and conditions, they are unacceptable to you, then, to avoid contractual obligations and liability, you should promptly return the software unused, and you will then be entitled to a refund of any sums paid by you to license the Software. NO FORNECE QUAISQUER GARANTIAS EXPRESSAS OU IMPLCITAS DE NO VIOLAO OU RESPONSABILIDADE POR VIOLAO OU POR QUAISQUER DANOS DECORRENTES DESTA. 7. LIMITE DE RESPONSABILIDADE EM CASO ALGUM SER A XEROX OU SEUS FORNECEDORES RESPONSVEIS POR QUAISQUER DANOS ESPECIAIS, INDIRECTOS, ACIDENTAIS OU CONSEQUENCIAIS, (INCLUINDO, SEM LIMITAO, A PERDA DE DADOS) RESULTANTES, DE ALGUMA FORMA, OU RELACIONADOS COM A UTILIZAO OU INCAPACIDADE DE UTILIZAO DO "SOFTWARE", AINDA QUE TENHAM SIDO AVISADOS ATitle WorkCentre Pro 40 Color Version 1.2.5 Description DefaultLocation /Library/Printers/PPDs/Contents/Resources DeleteWarning ### Package Flags NeedsAuthorization YES Required NO Relocatable NO RequiresReboot NO UseUserMask NO OverwritePermissions NO InstallFat NO ter sido instalado. 9. LEI APLICVEL Este contrato ser regido pelas leis em vigor no Estado de Nova Iorque, EUA, ou, caso tenha adquirido o Software fora dos EUA, pelas leis do pas no qual tiver adquirido o Equipamento Document Centre System com o qual ser utilizado este software, excluindo o conflito de provises legais. Algumas jurisdies no permitem limitaes relativamente durao de uma garantia implcita ou excluso ou limitao de danos acidentais ou consequenciais; por conseguinte, a exonerao de responsabilidade, as limitaes ou excluses supracitadas, na sua totalidade ou parcialmente, podero no se aplicar a si. 10. ACORDO TOTAL Este Contrato de Licena de Software constitui o acordo total entre a Xerox e a sua pessoa relativamente ao Software e substitui todas as propostas ou acordos anteriores e actuais ou a compreenso das partes com referncia ao Software. Concorda que os termos e as condies contidos em qualquer nota de encomenda ou outro documento de encomenda do Software no tero efeitos vinculativos sobre a Xerox e no modificaro de forma alguma este Contrato. Se, depois de ter lido os termos e as condies, os mesmos lhe parecerem inaceitveis, ento, para evitar as obrigaes e a responsabilidade contratuais, dever devolver prontamente o software no utilizado e ter direito ao reembolso de quaisquer quantias pagas por si para licenciar o Software. ====================================================================== LICENSE AGREEMENT AND WARRANTY FOR THE ENCLOSED SOFTWARE AND RELATED DOCUMENTATION YOUR LICENSE AGREEMENT - READ BEFORE INSTALLING SOFTWARE IMPORTANT: THIS AGREEMENT CONTAINS THE LICENSE TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR LICENSED SOFTWARE AND RELATED DOCUMENTATION. INSTALLING THE SOFTWARE PACKAGE SIGNIFIES YOUR ACCEPTANCE OF THIS AGREEMENT. IF YOU DO NOT ACCEPT THIS AGREEMENT, YOU MUST PROMPTLY RETURN THE SOFTWARE PACKAGE AND DELETE ANY SOFTWARE FILES ACCESSED BY YOU FROM ANY AND ALL COMPUTER MEMORY INTO WHICH SUCH SOFTWARE HAS BEEN LOADED OR STORED. WHEN USED IN THIS AGREEMENT THE WORD "XEROX" SHALL MEAN XEROX CORPORATION, ITS OPERATING COMPANY SUBSIDIARY OR AFFILIATE FROM WHICH YOU OBTAINED THE INDIVIDUAL UNIT OF THE XEROX DOCUMENT CENTRE SYSTEM EQUIPMENT (the "Equipment") WITH WHICH THE SOFTWARE IS TO BE USED, UNLESS YOU OBTAINED THE EQUIPMENT FROM AN AUTHORIZED DEALER, AGENT, CONCESSIONAIRE OR DISTRIBUTOR, IN WHICH CASE "XEROX" SHALL MEAN XEROX CORPORATION, ITS OPERATING COMPANY, SUBSIDIARY OR AFFILIATE FROM WHICH THE ENTITY THAT SOLD YOU THE EQUIPMENT ACQUIRED IT. 1. GRANT OF LICENSE Xerox hereby grants you a non-exclusive, non-transferable license to use the software and related documentation ("Software") enclosed in this package with the Equipment, for as long as you are current in the payment of any indicated software license fees (including any annual renewal or maintenance fees) on the following terms and conditions. 2. USE You may install the Software for use on any networked workstation or server only in conjunction with the Equipment. When networked, other users on the network may access and use the Software in conjunction with the Equipment. 3. OWNERSHIP, COPYING, MODIFICATION AND CONFIDENTIALITY 3.1 Xerox owns or is otherwise entitled to grant licenses in respect of all rights in the Software. 3.2 No title to or ownership of the Software or any proprietary right therein is transferred to you. 3.3 You may, subject to Section 3.4 below, make one copy o"16" = "Il volume non possiede i requisiti necessari per realizzare questo aggiornamento."; "17" = "Spazio insufficiente per l'aggiornamento. Sono necessari 300MB."; "18" = "Questo pacchetto funziona solo con Mac OS X, versione 10.2 o successiva."; o anyone other than your employees and agents directly concerned with the licensed use of the Software. 3.7 The Software is protected by copyright and other proprietary rights of Xerox and/or a third party. You may be held directly responsible by such third party for an infringement of such rights by you. 3.8 You agree not to reverse engineer, decompile or disassemble the Software for any purpose whatsoever, except to the extent permitted by law. 3.9 You agree not to export or re-export the Software in any form without, in the case of a customer in the United States, first obtaining all United States government licenses, and in the case of a customer outside of the United States, all relevant foreign government licenses, required by law, and then only upon the export of the Equipment. 3.10 Xerox may terminate your license for the Software (i) immediately if you no longer use or possess the Equipment or are a lessor of the Equipment and your first lessee no longer uses or possesses it or (ii) upon the termination of any agreement under which you have rented or leased the Equipment. 4. TRANSFER OF LICENSED SOFTWARE If you transfer possession of the Equipment, Xerox will offer the transferee a license to use the Software on or with it, subject to Xerox' then applicable terms and license fees, if any, and provided the transfer is not in violation of Xerox' rights. 5. LIMITED WARRANTY 5.1 Xerox warrants that the Software shall substantially conform to Xerox' User Manual or other Xerox documentation supplied at delivery to the original Customer. Xerox does not warrant that the operation of the Software will be uninterrupted or error free, nor that it will meet your needs. 5.2 In the event that the Software does not conform to the limited warranty contained in Section 5.1 above, your exclusive remedy is to notify Xerox within ninety (90) days of the date of delivery, and Xerox' or its supplier's sole obligation shall be to use all reasonable efforts to provide a work-around which avoids the nonconformity or to provide you with Software which does substantially conform to the Xerox User Manual or other Xerox supplied documentation. 5.3 XEROX GRANTS NO OTHER WARRANTIES ON THE "SOFTWARE", EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, WHETHER CREATED BY STATUTE OR OTHERWISE, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. XEROX FURTHER DISCLAIMS ANY WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS MADE BY PERSONS OTHER THAN XEROX (INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO XEROX SOFTWARE DEALERS, AGENTS, CONCESSIONAIRES OR DISTRIBUTORS). 5.4 The express warranties set forth above shall be void if you fail to properly use the Software in the appropriate environment as specified in the Xerox supplied documentation or if the Software is modified or altered in any fashion. 6. PATENT AND COPYRIGHT INDEMNIFICATION Xerox will defend and indemnify you if the Software is alleged to infringe, in the United States, any patent, trade secret, or copyright, if you promptly notify Xerox in writing of any alleged infringement, allow Xerox to direct the defense of such claim, and cooperate with Xerox. All notices should be sent to the Xerox Office of General Counsel, P.O. Box 1600, Stamford, Connecticut 06904. Xerox is not responsible for any non-Xerox litigation expenses or settlements unless Xerox pre-approves them in writing. To avoid infringement, Xerox may, at its option, and at no charge to you, obtain a license, or modify, or substitute an equivalent of, or remove the Software. If SoftwarLa traduzione del presente contratto di licenza viene fornita da Xerox Europe e non vincolante ai sensi della legge. Il testo in inglese, posto dopo la traduzione, ha valore legale. ================================================================== CONTRATTO DI LICENZA E GARANZIA PER IL SOFTWARE INCLUSO E LA RELATIVA DOCUMENTAZIONE CONTRATTO DI LICENZA - DA LEGGERE PRIMA DI INSTALLARE IL SOFTWARE IMPORTANTE: QUESTO CONTRATTO DI LICENZA CONTIENE I TERMINI E LE CONDIZIONI DEL SOFTWARE DATO IN LICENZA E DELLA RELATIVA DOCUMENTAZIONE. L'INSTALLAZIONE DEL PACCHETTO SOFTWARE IMPLICA L'ACCETTAZIONE DEI TERMINI DI QUESTO CONTRATTO. QUALORA NON INTENDA ACCETTARE I TERMINI DI QUESTO CONTRATTO, IL CLIENTE TENUTO A RESTITUIRE IMMEDIATAMENTE AL FORNITORE IL PACCHETTO E A CANCELLARE TUTTI I FILE DEL SOFTWARE CARICATI O INSTALLATI SUI PROPRI COMPUTER. ALL'INTERNO DI QUESTO DOCUMENTO, "XEROX" RAPPRESENTA LA XEROX CORPORATION, LA CONSOCIATA O LA FILIALE TRAMITE LA QUALE IL CLIENTE HA OTTENUTO LA SINGOLA UNIT DELL'APPARECCHIATURA XEROX ("l'Apparecchiatura") SULLA QUALE IL SOFTWARE DEVE ESSERE UTILIZZATO, A MENO CHE L'APPARECCHIATURA NON SIA STATA OTTENUTA DA UN RIVENDITORE, AGENTE, CONCESSIONARIO O DISTRIBUTORE, NEL QUAL CASO "XEROX" RAPPRESENTA LA XEROX CORPORATION, LA CONSOCIATA O LA FILIALE PRESSO LA QUALE IL FORNITORE HA ACQUISTATO L'APPARECCHIATURA. 1. CONCESSIONE DELLA LICENZA Con il presente contratto, la Xerox concede all'utente una licenza personale non esclusiva per l'utilizzo del software e della relativa documentazione (il "Software") di questo pacchetto con l'Apparecchiatura, a condizione che siano state corrisposte le quote indicate dal presente contratto di licenza (comprese le spese annuali di rinnovamento e di manutenzione). 2. USO Il Software pu essere installato su qualsiasi computer o server della rete a condizione che venga utilizzato con l'Apparecchiatura. Se installato in una rete, tutti gli utenti della medesima possono accedere al software e utilizzarlo mediante l'Apparecchiatura. 3. PROPRIET, COPIA, MODIFICA E RISERVATEZZA 3.1 La Xerox detiene il possesso del Software o ha comunque la facolt di concedere le licenze relative a tutti i suoi diritti. 3.2 Al Cliente non vengono trasferiti n la propriet del Software, n alcun diritto relativo a tale propriet. 3.3 Il Cliente autorizzato a copiare parzialmente o interamente il Software, tenendo conto di quanto indicato al paragrafo 3.4, solo per le finalit espressamente indicate nella sezione 2 e a scopo di backup. Ogni copia deve includere in formato leggibile tutte le informazioni di copyright e propriet contenute nel Software originale. 3.4 Il Cliente pu copiare la documentazione del Software unicamente per utilizzarla congiuntamente all'Apparecchiatura. 3.5 Il Cliente non pu distribuire, alterare o modificare il Software, n personalmente n per mezzo di terzi. 3.6 Il Cliente si impegna a fornire o rendere disponibile il Software esclusivamente ai suoi dipendenti e agli agenti direttamente interessati dalla licenza d'uso del Software. 3.7 Il Software protetto dalle leggi sul copyright e da altri diritti di propriet della Xerox e/o di una terza parte. Tale parte pu ritenere il Cliente direttamente responsabile delle violazioni di questi diritti. 3.8 Il Cliente si impegna a non retroingegnerizzare, decompilare o disassemblare il Software per nessun motivo, ad eccezione dei casi consentiti dalla legge. 3.9 Il Cliente si impegna a non esportare o riesportare il Software in qualunque forma senza prima ottenere tutte le licenze previste dalla legge degli Stati Uniti e dei paesi stranieri in oggetto, e senza l'esportazione contestuale dell'Apparecchiatura. 3.10 La Xerox ha il diritto di revocare la licenza del software (i) immediatamente se il Cliente non possiede o non utilizza pi l'Apparecchiatura o, nel caso in cui il Cliente funga da locatore, se il principale locatario non possiede o non utilizza pi l'Apparecchiatura oppure (ii) allo scadere dell'accordo in base al quale il Cliente ha noleggiato o acquisito il locazione l'Apparecchiatura. 4. TRASFERIMENTO DELLA LICENZA DEL SOFTWARE Se il cliente trasferisce l'Apparecchiatura, la Xerox offre al cessionario la licenza di utilizzo del Software in base ai termini e alle quote da corrispondere previste in quel momento dalla Xerox e a condizione che il trasferimento dell'Apparecchiatura non costituisca una violazione dei diritti della Xerox. 5. GARANZIA LIMITATA 5.1 La Xerox garantisce che il Software funzioner in sostanziale conformit con la guida per l'utente e la documentazione di altro tipo fornita al Cliente originario. La Xerox non garantisce che il Software funzioner in maniera ininterrotta o priva di errori, n che il Software sar in grado di soddisfare le esigenze del Cliente. 5.2 Nel caso in cui il Software non risulti conforme alla garanzia limitata di cui al paragrafo 5.1, il Cliente ha la facolt di restituire il Software alla Xerox entro novanta (90) giorni dalla data di consegna. La Xerox e i suoi fornitori, da parte loro, avranno unicamente l'obbligo di impegnarsi in modo ragionevole a ovviare alla non conformit oppure di sostituire il Software con un Software idoneo. 5.3 LA XEROX NON FORNISCE ALTRE GARANZIE RELATIVE AL "SOFTWARE", ESPLICITE O IMPLICITE, STABILITE PER LEGGE O ALTRIMENTI, COMPRESE, SENZA LIMITAZIONE, LE GARANZIE IMPLICITE DI COMMERCIABILIT E IDONEIT A SCOPI PARTICOLARI. LA XEROX NON RICONOSCE LE GARANZIE O LE DICHIARAZIONI RESE DA SOGGETTI DIVERSI DALLA XEROX (COMPRESI, A TITOLO ESEMPLIFICATIVO MA NON LIMITATIVO, I RIVENDITORI, GLI AGENTI, I CONCESSIONARI E I DISTRIBUTORI). 5.4 Le garanzie esplicite sopra indicate sono da ritenersi nulle nel caso in cui il Cliente non utilizzi il Software in maniera appropriata e in un ambiente adeguato, secondo quanto specificato nella documentazione fornita dalla Xerox, o qualora il Software fosse stato modificato o alterato. 6. VIOLAZIONE DI BREVETTI E COPYRIGHT La Xerox si impegna a difendere il Cliente, nonch a sostenere le necessarie spese di giudizio, nel caso in cui il Software violi brevetti, segreti commerciali o copyright negli Stati Uniti. Per poter godere di tale beneficio, il Cliente tenuto a notificare sollecitamente e per iscritto alla Xerox le eventuali violazioni di cui a conoscenza e deve inoltre consentire alla Xerox di assumere la sua difesa e prestare la propria collaborazione. Le notifiche vanno indirizzate a: Xerox Office of General Counsel, P.O. Box 1600, Stamford, Connecticut 06904, USA. La Xerox non responsabile di spese legali o indennizzi che non riguardino i suoi prodotti, a meno che non acconsenta a farsene carico per iscritto. Per evitare di incorrere nelle suddette violazioni, anche in via preventiva, la Xerox ha la facolt, a sua discrezione e senza spese per il Cliente, di ottenere una licenza, modificare, sostituire o farsi restituire il Software. In caso di restituzione del Software, il Cliente avr diritto al pieno rimborso delle quote di licenza versate; se nessuna porzione delle spese associate alla transazione di acquisizione del Software era stata designata come quota di licenza per il Software, la Xerox rimborser la porzione di spese che ritiene ragionevolmente associata all'acquisizione del Software. La Xerox declina ogni responsabilit nel caso in cui il Software sia stato creato o modificato (dalla Xerox stessa o da altri, compreso il Cliente) in base alle specifiche del Cliente, oppure sia stato utilizzato o venduto in combinazione con apparecchiature, programmi o prodotti non forniti dalla Xerox. LA XEROX NON FORNISCE ALTRE GARANZIE ESPLICITE O IMPLICITE DI NON VIOLAZIONE E DECLINA OGNI RESPONSABILIT IN CASO DI VIOLAZIONE O PER DANNI CONSEGUENTI. 7. LIMITAZIONE DELLA RESPONSABILIT IN NESSUN CASO LA XEROX E I SUOI FORNITORI SARANNO RESPONSABILI DEI DANNI SPECIALI, INDIRETTI, ACCIDENTALI O CONSEQUENZIALI (COMPRESA, AD ESEMPIO, LA PERDITA DI DATI) DERIVANTI DALL'USO DEL SOFTWARE O DALL'INCAPACIT DI UTILIZZARLO, ANCHE NEL CASO IN CUI SIANO STATI AVVERTITI DELLA POSSIBILIT DI TALI DANNI. LA RESPONSABILIT TOTALE DELLA XEROX PER I DANNI DIRETTI SUBITI DAL CLIENTE, INOLTRE, NON PU IN ALCUN CASO SUPERARE LA QUOTA DI LICENZA EFFETTIVAMENTE PAGATA DAL CLIENTE PER IL SOFTWARE. 8. REVOCA La Xerox ha la facolt di revocare immediatamente la presente licenza in caso di violazione sostanziale del Contratto da parte del Cliente, o nel caso in cui il Cliente non utilizzi o non possieda pi l'Apparecchiatura su cui Software deve essere utilizzato. In questo caso, il Cliente tenuto a restituire alla Xerox tutte le copie del Software e rimuovere lo stesso dagli eventuali dispositivi in cui il Software stato caricato. 9. LEGGE APPLICABILE Il presente Contratto regolato dalle leggi dello Stato di New York, USA oppure, se il Software stato acquisito al di fuori degli Stati Uniti, dalle leggi del paese in cui stata acquistata l'Apparecchiatura. Sono esclusi gli eventuali conflitti con le norme di legge. Alcune giurisdizioni non contemplano limitazioni sulla durata delle garanzie implicite o sulla declinazione di responsabilit per i danni incidentali o consequenziali. Di conseguenza, la limitazione o la declinazione di responsabilit di cui sopra pu non riguardare, parzialmente o totalmente, il Cliente. 10. APPLICABILIT DEL CONTRATTO Il presente Contratto rappresenta l'unica forma di accordo tra la Xerox e il Cliente in relazione all'uso del Software e sostituisce tutte le proposte, le intese e gli accordi precedenti o contemporanei. Il Cliente riconosce che i termini e le condizioni contenuti negli ordini d'acquisto o in documenti di ordinazione di altro tipo non sono da ritenersi vincolanti nei confronti della Xerox e non modificano il Contratto in alcun modo. Se giudica inaccettabili i termini e le condizioni del presente contratto, il Cliente tenuto, al fine di evitare obbligazioni contrattuali e responsabilit, a restituire prontamente il software intatto. In caso di restituzione del Software, il Cliente avr diritto al pieno rimborso delle quote di licenza versate. ====================================================================== LICENSE AGREEMENT AND WARRANTY FOR THE ENCLOSED SOFTWARE AND RELATED DOCUMENTATION YOUR LICENSE AGREEMENT - READ BEFORE INSTALLING SOFTWARE IMPORTANT: THIS AGREEMENT CONTAINS THE LICENSE TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR LICENSED SOFTWARE AND RELATED DOCUMENTATION. INSTALLING THE SOFTWARE PACKAGE SIGNIFIES YOUR ACCEPTANCE OF THIS AGREEMENT. IF YOU DO NOT ACCEPT THIS AGREEMENT, YOU MUST PROMPTLY RETURN THE SOFTWARE PACKAGE AND DELETE ANY SOFTWARE FILES ACCESSED BY YOU FROM ANY AND ALL COMPUTER MEMORY INTO WHICH SUCH SOFTWARE HAS BEEN LOADED OR STORED. WHEN USED IN THIS AGREEMENT THE WORD "XEROX" SHALL MEAN XEROX CORPORATION, ITS OPERATING COMPANY SUBSIDIARY OR AFFILIATE FROM WHICH YOU OBTAINED THE XEROX PRODUCT WITH WHICH THE SOFTWARE IS TO BE USED (the "Equipment"), UNLESS YOU OBTAINED THE EQUIPMENT FROM AN AUTHORIZED DEALER, AGENT, CONCESSIONAIRE OR DISTRIBUTOR, IN WHICH CASE "XEROX" SHALL MEAN XEROX CORPORATION, ITS OPERATING COMPANY, SUBSIDIARY OR AFFILIATE FROM WHICH THE ENTITY THAT SOLD YOU THE EQUIPMENT ACQUIRED IT. 1. GRANT OF LICENSE Xerox hereby grants you a non-exclusive, non-transferable license to use the software and related documentation ("Software") enclosed in this package with the Equipment, for as long as you are current in the payment of any indicated software license fees (including any annual renewal or maintenance fees) on the following terms and conditions. 2. USE You may install the Software for use on any networked workstation or server only in conjunction with the Equipment. When networked, other users on the network may access and use the Software in conjunction with the Equipment. 3. OWNERSHIP, COPYING, MODIFICATION AND CONFIDENTIALITY 3.1 Xerox owns or is otherwise entitled to grant licenses in respect of all rights in the Software. 3.2 No title to or ownership of the Software or any proprietary right therein is transferred to you. 3.3 You may, subject to Section 3.4 below, make one copy of the Software in whole or in part only for that purpose expressly permitted in Section 2 above and for back-up. Such permitted copy shall include in readable format any copyright and other proprietary notices contained on the original Software. 3.4 You may copy the related documentation for use only in conjunction with the Equipment. 3.5 You may not distribute, alter or modify nor cause or allow others to alter or modify the Software. 3.6 You agree not to provide or otherwise make available the Software to anyone other than your employees and agents directly concerned with the licensed use of the Software. 3.7 The Software is protected by copyright and other proprietary rights of Xerox and/or a third party. You may be held directly responsible by such third party for an infringement of such rights by you. 3.8 You agree not to reverse engineer, decompile or disassemble the Software for any purpose whatsoever, except to the extent permitted by law. 3.9 You agree not to export or re-export the Software in any form without, in the case of a customer in the United States, first obtaining all United States government licenses, and in the case of a customer outside of the United States, all relevant foreign government licenses, required by law, and then only upon the export of the Equipment. 3.10 Xerox may terminate your license for the Software (i) immediately if you no longer use or possess the Equipment or are a lessor of the Equipment and your first lessee no longer uses or possesses it or (ii) upon the termination of any agreement under which you have rented or leased the Equipment. 4. TRANSFER OF LICENSED SOFTWARE If you transfer possession of the Equipment, Xerox will offer the transferee a license to use the Software on or with it, subject to Xerox' then applicable terms and license fees, if any, and provided the transfer is not in violation of Xerox' rights. 5. LIMITED WARRANTY 5.1 Xerox warrants that the Software shall substantially conform to Xerox' User Manual or other Xerox documentation supplied at delivery to the original Customer. Xerox does not warrant that the operation of the Software will be uninterrupted or error free, nor that it will meet your needs. 5.2 In the event that the Software does not conform to the limited warranty contained in Section 5.1 above, your exclusive remedy is to notify Xerox within ninety (90) days of the date of delivery, and Xerox' or its supplier's sole obligation shall be to use all reasonable efforts to provide a work-around which avoids the nonconformity or to provide you with Software which does substantially conform to the Xerox User Manual or other Xerox supplied documentation. 5.3 XEROX GRANTS NO OTHER WARRANTIES ON THE "SOFTWARE", EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, WHETHER CREATED BY STATUTE OR OTHERWISE, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. XEROX FURTHER DISCLAIMS ANY WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS MADE BY PERSONS OTHER THAN XEROX (INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO XEROX SOFTWARE DEALERS, AGENTS, CONCESSIONAIRES OR DISTRIBUTORS). 5.4 The express warranties set forth above shall be void if you fail to properly use the Software in the appropriate environment as specified in the Xerox supplied documentation or if the Software is modified or altered in any fashion. 6. PATENT AND COPYRIGHT INDEMNIFICATION Xerox will defend and indemnify you if the Software is alleged to infringe, in the United States, any patent, trade secret, or copyright, if you promptly notify Xerox in writing of any alleged infringement, allow Xerox to direct the defense of such claim, and cooperate with Xerox. All notices should be sent to the Xerox Office of General Counsel, P.O. Box 1600, Stamford, Connecticut 06904. Xerox is not responsible for any non-Xerox litigation expenses or settlements unless Xerox pre-approves them in writing. To avoid infringement, Xerox may, at its option, and at no charge to you, obtain a license, or modify, or substitute an equivalent of, or remove the Software. If Software is removed by Xerox for this reason, any designated license fees paid by you will be fully refunded; if no portion of the amounts paid to Xerox within the transaction in which the Software was acquired was designated as a license fee for the Software, Xerox shall refund that portion of the amounts paid that Xerox reasonably designates as associated with the Software's acquisition. Xerox is not liable for any infringement due to the Software being made or modified (by Xerox or others, including you) to your specifications, or being used or sold in combination with equipment, software, or supplies not provided by Xerox. XEROX MAKES NO OTHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTY OF NON-INFRINGEMENT OR LIABILITY FOR INFRINGEMENT OR ANY DAMAGES THEREFROM. 7. LIMITATION OF LIABILITY IN NO EVENT SHALL XEROX OR ITS SUPPLIERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, (INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, LOSS OF DATA) IN ANY WAY ARISING OUT OF OR RELATED TO THE USE OR INABILITY TO USE THE "SOFTWARE", EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. IN NO EVENT SHALL XEROX' DIRECT DAMAGES TO YOU EXCEED THE TOTAL LICENSE FEE ACTUALLY PAID BY YOU FOR SUCH SOFTWARE. 8. TERMINATION Xerox may terminate this license immediately upon notice in the event of a material breach by you or if you no longer use or possess the equipment with which this Software is intended to be used, in which event you shall return to Xerox all copies of the Software, and remove same from all equipment into which such Software may have been loaded by you. 9. GOVERNING LAW This agreement will be governed by the laws of the State of New York, USA or if you acquire the Software outside the USA, by the laws of the country in which you acquired the Equipment, excluding its conflict of laws provisions. Some jurisdictions do not allow limitations on how long an implied warranty lasts or the exclusion or limitation of incidental or consequential damages, so the above disclaimers, limitations or exclusions, in whole or in part, may not apply to you. 10. ENTIRE AGREEMENT This Software License Agreement is the entire agreement between Xerox and you pertaining to the Software and supersedes all proposals or prior and contemporaneous agreements or understandings of the parties regarding the Software. You agree that any terms and conditions contained in any purchase order or other ordering document submitted to order the Software shall have no binding effect on Xerox and will not modify this Agreement in any way. If, after reading the terms and conditions, they are unacceptable to you, then, to avoid contractual obligations and liability, you should promptly return the software unused, and you will then be entitled to a refund of any sums paid by you to license the Software. ALQUER DANO ESPECIAL, INDIRETO OU INCIDENTAL (A INCLUIDA A EVENTUAL PERDA ILIMITADA DE DADOS) RELACIONADO OU NO UTILIZAO OU INCAPACIDADE DE UTILIZAO DO "SOFTWARE", MESMO SE ADVERTIDA DA POSSIBILIDADE DESSES DANOS. EM NENHUMA CIRCUNSTNCIA OS DANOS RELACIONADOS XEROX DEVERO EXCEDER O VALOR TOTAL DA TAXA DE LICENA PAGA POR VOC PELO SOFTWARE. 8. TERMINAO DA LICENA A Xerox poder cancelar esta licena imediatamente ao perceber a violao do produto pelo Cliente ou caso o Cliente no mais utilize ou possua o equipamento com o qual esse Software destinado para uso. Neste caso, o Cliente deve devolver Xerox todas as cpias do Software e remover toda(s) aquela(s) de todos os equipamentos nos quais o Software tenha sido carregado pelo Cliente. 9. LEIS ADMINISTRATIVAS Este acordo ser administrado pelas leis do Estado de Nova York, EUA ou pelas leis do pas de registro da Companhia Operacional da Xerox ou do Distribuidor autorizado do qual voc adquiriu o Title WorkCentre Pro 40 Color Version 1.2.5 Description DefaultLocation /Library/Printers/PPDs/Contents/Resources DeleteWarning ### Package Flags NeedsAuthorization YES Required NO Relocatable NO RequiresReboot NO UseUserMask NO OverwritePermissions NO InstallFat NO tas e acordos inerentes anteriores. Voc deve concordar que quaisquer termos e condies contidos em qualquer ordem de compra ou qualquer outro tipo de documento submetido para requisitar o Software no tm qualquer efeito sobre a Xerox e no podem modificar este acordo de licena de modo algum. Se aps ter lido os termos e condies, eles no forem aceitos por voc, ento, para evitar obrigaes e responsabilidades contratuais, voc dever devolver imediatamente o Software sem us-lo antes. ====================================================================== LICENSE AGREEMENT AND WARRANTY FOR THE ENCLOSED SOFTWARE AND RELATED DOCUMENTATION YOUR LICENSE AGREEMENT - READ BEFORE INSTALLING SOFTWARE IMPORTANT: THIS AGREEMENT CONTAINS THE LICENSE TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR LICENSED SOFTWARE AND RELATED DOCUMENTATION. INSTALLING THE SOFTWARE PACKAGE SIGNIFIES YOUR ACCEPTANCE OF THIS AGREEMENT. IF YOU DO NOT ACCEPT THIS AGREEMENT, YOU MUST PROMPTLY RETURN THE SOFTWARE PACKAGE AND DELETE ANY SOFTWARE FILES ACCESSED BY YOU FROM ANY AND ALL COMPUTER MEMORY INTO WHICH SUCH SOFTWARE HAS BEEN LOADED OR STORED. WHEN USED IN THIS AGREEMENT THE WORD "XEROX" SHALL MEAN XEROX CORPORATION, ITS OPERATING COMPANY SUBSIDIARY OR AFFILIATE FROM WHICH YOU OBTAINED THE XEROX PRODUCT WITH WHICH THE SOFTWARE IS TO BE USED (the "Equipment"), UNLESS YOU OBTAINED THE EQUIPMENT FROM AN AUTHORIZED DEALER, AGENT, CONCESSIONAIRE OR DISTRIBUTOR, IN WHICH CASE "XEROX" SHALL MEAN XEROX CORPORATION, ITS OPERATING COMPANY, SUBSIDIARY OR AFFILIATE FROM WHICH THE ENTITY THAT SOLD YOU THE EQUIPMENT ACQUIRED IT. 1. GRANT OF LICENSE Xerox hereby grants you a non-exclusive, non-transferable license to use the software and related documentation ("Software") enclosed in this package with the Equipment, for as long as you are current in the payment of any indicated software license fees (including any annual renewal or maintenance fees) on the following terms and conditions. 2. USE You may install the Software for use on any networked workstation or server only in conjunction with the Equipment. When networked, other users on the network may access and use the Software in conjunction with the Equipment. 3. OWNERSHIP, COPYING, MODIFICATION AND CONFIDENTIALITY 3.1 Xerox owns or is otherwise entitled to grant licenses in respect of all rights in the Software. 3.2 No title to or ownership of the Software or any proprietary right therein is transferred to you. 3.3 You may, subject to Section 3.4 below, make one copy of the Software in whole or in part only for that purpose expressly permitted in Section 2 above and for back-up. Such permitted copy shall include in readable format any copyright and other proprietary notices contained on the original Software. 3.4 You may copy the related documentation for use only in conjunction with the Equipment. 3.5 You may not distribute, alter or modify nor cause or allow others to alter or modify the Software. 3.6 You agree not to provide or otherwise make available the Software to anyone other than your employees and agents directly concerned with the licensed use of the Software. 3.7 The Software is protected by copyright and other proprietary rights of Xerox and/or a third party. You may be held directly responsible by such third party for an infringement of such rights by you. 3.8 You agree not to reverse engineer, decompile or disassemble the Software for any purpose whatsoever, except to the extent permitted by law. 3.9 You agree not to expo"16" = "Enheden kan ikke bruges til denne opdatering."; "17" = "Der er ikke plads nok til opdateringen. Der krves 300 MB ledig plads."; "18" = "Denne pakke kan kun afvikles p Mac OS X version 10.2 eller en nyere version."; ssesses it or (ii) upon the termination of any agreement under which you have rented or leased the Equipment. 4. TRANSFER OF LICENSED SOFTWARE If you transfer possession of the Equipment, Xerox will offer the transferee a license to use the Software on or with it, subject to Xerox' then applicable terms and license fees, if any, and provided the transfer is not in violation of Xerox' rights. 5. LIMITED WARRANTY 5.1 Xerox warrants that the Software shall substantially conform to Xerox' User Manual or other Xerox documentation supplied at delivery to the original Customer. Xerox does not warrant that the operation of the Software will be uninterrupted or error free, nor that it will meet your needs. 5.2 In the event that the Software does not conform to the limited warranty contained in Section 5.1 above, your exclusive remedy is to notify Xerox within ninety (90) days of the date of delivery, and Xerox' or its supplier's sole obligation shall be to use all reasonable efforts to provide a work-around which avoids the nonconformity or to provide you with Software which does substantially conform to the Xerox User Manual or other Xerox supplied documentation. 5.3 XEROX GRANTS NO OTHER WARRANTIES ON THE "SOFTWARE", EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, WHETHER CREATED BY STATUTE OR OTHERWISE, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. XEROX FURTHER DISCLAIMS ANY WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS MADE BY PERSONS OTHER THAN XEROX (INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO XEROX SOFTWARE DEALERS, AGENTS, CONCESSIONAIRES OR DISTRIBUTORS). 5.4 The express warranties set forth above shall be void if you fail to properly use the Software in the appropriate environment as specified in the Xerox supplied documentation or if the Software is modified or altered in any fashion. 6. PATENT AND COPYRIGHT INDEMNIFICATION Xerox will defend and indemnify you if the Software is alleged to infringe, in the United States, any patent, trade secret, or copyright, if you promptly notify Xerox in writing of any alleged infringement, allow Xerox to direct the defense of such claim, and cooperate with Xerox. All notices should be sent to the Xerox Office of General Counsel, P.O. Box 1600, Stamford, Connecticut 06904. Xerox is not responsible for any non-Xerox litigation expenses or settlements unless Xerox pre-approves them in writing. To avoid infringement, Xerox may, at its option, and at no charge to you, obtain a license, or modify, or substitute an equivalent of, or remove the Software. If Software is removed by Xerox for this reason, any designated license fees paid by you will be fully refunded; if no portion of the amounts paid to Xerox within the transaction in which the Software was acquired was designated as a license fee for the Software, Xerox shall refund that portion of the amounts paid that Xerox reasonably designates as associated with the Software's acquisition. Xerox is not liable for any infringement due to the Software being made or modified (by Xerox or others, including you) to your specifications, or being used or sold in combination with equipment, software, or supplies not provided by Xerox. XEROX MAKES NO OTHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTY OF NON-INFRINGEMENT OR LIABILITY FOR INFRINGEMENT OR ANY DAMAGES THEREFROM. 7. LIMITATION OF LIABILITY IN NO EVENT SHALL XEROX OR ITS SUPPLIERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, (INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, LOSS OF DATA) IN ANY WAY ARISING OUT OF OR RELATOversttelsen af denne licensaftale er leveret af Xerox Europe og er ikke juridisk bindende. Den engelske tekst, der flger efter den oversatte tekst, er juridisk bindende. ====================================================================== LICENSAFTALE OG GARANTI FOR VEDLAGTE SOFTWARE OG TILHRENDE DOKUMENTATION LS DENNE LICENSAFTALE, FR PAKKEN MED CENTREWARE-SOFTWARE BNES. VIGTIGT: DENNE AFTALE INDEHOLDER LICENSBETINGELSER OG -VILKR FOR LICENSSOFTWAREN OG DEN TILHRENDE DOKUMENTATION. HVIS PAKKEN BNES, TILKENDEGIVER DE, AT DE ACCEPTERER AFTALENS BETINGELSER. HVIS DE IKKE KAN ACCEPTERE EN ELLER FLERE AF AFTALENS BETINGELSER, BEDES DE RETURNERE LICENSPAKKEN MED SOFTWARE UBNET TIL LEVERANDREN, SAMT SLETTE ALLE SOFTWAREFILER, SOM DE HAR HAFT ADGANG TIL FRA EN HVILKEN SOM HELST COMPUTERHUKOMMELSE, HVORTIL DEN PGLDENDE SOFTWARE ER BLEVET INDLST ELLER GEMT. NR ORDET "XEROX" ANVENDES I DENNE AFTALE, ER DET I BETYDNINGEN XEROX CORPORATION, ELLER DET XEROX-DATTERSELSKAB, HVORFRA XEROX DOCUMENT CENTRE-UDSTYRET ("Udstyret"), HVOR SOFTWAREN SKAL INSTALLERES, ER KBT, MEDMINDRE UDSTYRET ER KBT HOS EN AUTORISERET FORHANDLER, AGENT ELLER DISTRIBUTR. NR ORDET "XEROX" ANVENDES I SIDSTNVNTE SAMMENHNG ER DET I BETYDNINGEN XEROX CORPORATION ELLER DET XEROX-DATTERSELSKAB, HVORFRA TREDJEPARTEN, DER SOLGTE DEM UDSTYRET, HAR KBT UDSTYRET. 1. LICENSBEVILLING Xerox giver Dem en ikke-eksklusiv ret, som ikke kan overdrages, til at anvende den software og tilhrende dokumentation ("softwaren"), som er indeholdt i denne pakke sammen med udstyret, s lnge De betaler licensafgiften indeholdt i nrvrende licensaftale (inklusive en eventuel rlig fornyelse af licensafgift) og i vrigt overholder flgende betingelser og vilkr. 2. ANVENDELSE De m udelukkende installere softwaren til brug sammen med en hvilken som helst netvrksopkoblet computer eller server, som er forbundet med Udstyret. Ved en netvrksopkobling kan andre brugere p netvrket f adgang til og anvende softwaren sammen med udstyret. 3. EJENDOMSRET, KOPIERING, NDRINGER OG FORTROLIGHED 3.1 Xerox ejer eller er p anden vis berettiget til at bevilge licenser med respekt af alle rettigheder til softwaren. 3.2 Der overfres ikke rettigheder eller ejendomsret af softwaren til kunden. 3.3 I overensstemmelse med punkt 3.4 herunder er kunden kun berettiget til helt eller delvist at kopiere softwaren til det forml, der udtrykkeligt er beskrevet i punkt 2 herover og med henblik p sikkerhedskopiering. Enhver tilladt kopi skal i et lseligt format inkludere copyright og andre ejendomsretlige bestemmelser indeholdt i den originale software. 3.4 Kunden m kun kopiere den tilhrende dokumentation til anvendelse sammen med Udstyret. 3.5 Kunden m ikke distribuere, ndre eller modificere softwaren eller give anledning til eller tillade, at andre ndrer eller modificerer softwaren. 3.6 Kunden accepterer ikke at overdrage eller p anden mde gre softwaren tilgngelig for andre end de medarbejdere og agenter, der er direkte beskftiget med den licensberettigede anvendelse af softwaren. 3.7 Softwaren er copyright-beskyttet, og alle rettigheder tilhrer Xerox og/eller en tredjepart. Kunden kan holdes direkte ansvarlig af en sdan tredjepart ved kundens overtrdelse af nvnte rettigheder. 3.8 Kunden accepterer under ingen omstndigheder at ville samle softwaren omvendt, dekompilere eller skille softwaren ad. 3.9 Kunden accepterer ikke at eksportere eller geneksportere softwaren i en hvilken som helst form uden frst at indhente svel alle nationale som internationale licenser, som loven foreskriver, og i s fald kun ved eksport af Xerox-produktet. 3.10 Xerox kan ophve denne licensaftale (i) jeblikkeligt, hvis kunden ikke lngere anvender eller er i besiddelse af det udstyr, hvortil denne software er beregnet, eller hvis kunden leaser udstyret, og den frste leasingtager ikke lngere anvender eller er i besiddelse af udstyret (ii) ved ophr af den aftale, der blev indget i forbindelse med, at kunden lejede eller leasede udstyret. 4. OVERDRAGELSE AF LICENSSOFTWAREN Kunden kan overdrage softwaren i forbindelse med en overdragelse af Xerox-produktet, forudsat at modtageren skriftligt accepterer alle de beskrevne vilkr og betingelser indeholdt i nrvrende licensaftale, og at overdragelsen ikke er i strid med Xerox' rettigheder. 5. BEGRNSET GARANTI 5.1 Xerox oplyser, at softwaren p alle vsentlige punkter fungerer i overensstemmelse med Xerox' Betjeningsvejledning eller andet Xerox-dokumentation, der p leveringstidspunktet overdrages til den oprindelige kunde. Xerox indestr ikke for, at softwaren kan anvendes, uden at der opstr afbrydelser eller fejl, eller at softwaren imdekommer kundens behov. Er Udstyret solgt til en forbruger, som defineret i kbelovgivningen, fraviger ovennvnte bestemmelse ikke forbrugerens rettigheder i henhold til kbelovgivningens forbrugerbeskyttelsesprceptive regler. 5.2 Hvis softwaren ikke er i overensstemmelse med funktionaliteten, indeholdt i punkt 5.1 herover, er kundens eneste misligeholdelsesbefjelse at underrette Xerox om forholdet inden for halvfems (90) dage efter levering, og Xerox eller dennes leverandr er kun forpligtet til at foretage, hvad der m anses for rimeligt for at finde en lsning, som afhjlper denne manglende funktionalitet, eller til at skaffe kunden software, som i al vsentlighed er i overensstemmelse med Xerox' Betjeningsvejledning eller anden dokumentation, leveret af Xerox. Er Udstyret solgt til en forbruger, som defineret i kbelovgivningen, fraviger ovennvnte bestemmelse ikke forbrugerens rettigheder i henhold til kbelovgivningens forbrugerbeskyttelsesprceptive regler. 5.3 XEROX YDER INGEN ANDRE GARANTIER FOR SOFTWAREN, SVEL UDTRYKKELIGE SOM UNDERFORSTEDE, OG SVEL LOVMSSIGE SOM P ANDEN VIS ETABLEREDE, HERUNDER MEN IKKE BEGRNSET TIL, ENHVER UNDERFORSTET GARANTI FOR SALGBARHED OG EGNETHED TIL ET BESTEMT FORML. XEROX FRALGGER SIG DESUDEN ETHVERT ANSVAR FOR GARANTIER OG LIGNENDE, SOM ER GIVET AF ANDRE PERSONER END XEROX-ANSAT PERSONALE (VED ANDRE PERSONER END XEROX-ANSAT PERSONALE FORSTS BL.A. XEROX SOFTWARE-DISTRIBUTRER OG -FORHANDLERE). 5.4 De udtrykkelige garantier, der er anfrt ovenfor, er ugyldige, hvis kunden ikke anvender softwaren som beskrevet, eller hvis softwaren modificeres eller ndres p en hvilken som helst mde. 6. PATENT OG COPYRIGHT-KRNKELSE Xerox vil forsvare og holde kunden skadesls, hvis det hvdes, at softwaren krnker patenter, forretningshemmeligheder eller copyright i USA, forudsat at kunden jeblikkeligt skriftligt gr Xerox opmrksom p en eventuel pstet overtrdelse, er indstillet p at lade Xerox forsvare en sdan pstand og samarbejder med Xerox. Xerox er ikke ansvarlig for eventuelle ikke-Xerox retstvistlige udgifter eller forlig, medmindre Xerox p forhnd accepterer disse skriftligt. For at undg en overtrdelse kan Xerox, efter eget skn, og uden omkostninger for kunden skaffe en licens eller ndre eller udskifte softwaren med en lignende eller fjerne softwaren. Hvis softwaren fjernes af Xerox af ovenstende rsag, refunderes den af kunden betalte licensafgift. Xerox er ikke ansvarlig for en evt. krnkelse, som skyldes, at softwaren fremstilles eller ndres (af Xerox eller andre, inkl. kunden) efter kundens specifikationer, eller hvis softwaren anvendes eller slges sammen med andet udstyr, software eller forbrugsstoffer, som ikke er leveret af Xerox. XEROX GIVER IKKE ANDRE UDTRYKKELIGE ELLER UNDERFORSTEDE GARANTIER FOR IKKE-KRNKELSER OG ER IKKE ANSVARLIG FOR KRNKELSER ELLER EVENTUELLE SKADESERSTATNINGER SOM FLGE HERAF. 7. BEGRNSNING AF ANSVAR HVERKEN XEROX ELLER DETS LEVERANDRER KAN HOLDES ANSVARLIGE FOR SPECIELLE, INDIREKTE, TILFLDIGE SKADER ELLER FLGESKADER, (INKLUSIVE, MEN IKKE BEGRNSET TIL TAB AF DATA) SOM OPSTR SOM FLGE AF BRUGEN AF ELLER I FORBINDELSE MED BRUGEN AF ELLER MANGLENDE EVNE TIL AT BRUGE SOFTWAREN, SELV HVIS DER ER GJORT OPMRKSOM P MULIGHEDEN FOR SDANNE SKADER. UNDER INGEN OMSTNDIGHEDER KAN XEROX' ANSVAR OVER FOR KUNDEN FOR DIREKTE SKADESERSTATNINGER OVERSTIGE DEN SAMLEDE LICENSAFGIFT, SOM REELT ER BETALT AF KUNDEN FOR SOFTWAREN. 8. OPHVELSE Xerox kan ophve denne licens jeblikkeligt, hvis aftalen p vsentlige punkter misligeholdes af kunden, eller hvis kunden ikke lngere anvender eller er i besiddelse af det udstyr, hvortil denne software er beregnet, i hvilket tilflde kunden skal returnere alle kopier af softwaren til Xerox og fjerne samme fra ethvert udstyr, hvori softwaren mtte vre indlst af kunden. 9. LOVGIVNING Nrvrende aftale er underlagt lovene i det land, hvor den Xerox-virksomhed, hvorfra det udstyr, hvortil softwaren er beregnet, er kbt. Nogle retssystemer tillader ingen begrnsning af, hvor lnge en underforstet garanti varer, eller udelukkelse eller begrnsning af erstatningansvar for hndelige svel som flgeskader, hvorfor ovennvnte ansvarsfraskrivelser, begrnsninger eller indskrnkninger, helt eller delvist, ikke ndvendigvis finder anvendelse i Deres tilflde. 10. HELE AFTALEN Nrvrende softwarelicensaftale udgr hele aftalen mellem Xerox og kunden, hvad angr softwaren, og tilsidestter alle udkast eller tidligere og nuvrende aftaler eller betingelser indget mellem parterne angende softwaren. Kunden accepterer, at betingelser og vilkr indeholdt i kundens indkbsrekvisition eller andre bestillingsdokumenter, som er afsendt med henblik p at bestille softwaren, ikke har nogen bindende effekt for Xerox og p ingen mde ndrer denne aftale. Hvis disse betingelser og vilkr, efter endt gennemlsning, ikke kan accepteres, br De, for at undg kontraktmssige forpligtelser og ansvar, jeblikkeligt returnere softwaren i ubrugt stand, hvorefter De er berettiget til at f refunderet ethvert belb, De mtte have betalt for at f licens til at bruge softwaren. ====================================================================== LICENSE AGREEMENT AND WARRANTY FOR THE ENCLOSED SOFTWARE AND RELATED DOCUMENTATION YOUR LICENSE AGREEMENT - READ BEFORE INSTALLING SOFTWARE IMPORTANT: THIS AGREEMENT CONTAINS THE LICENSE TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR LICENSED SOFTWARE AND RELATED DOCUMENTATION. INSTALLING THE SOFTWARE PACKAGE SIGNIFIES YOUR ACCEPTANCE OF THIS AGREEMENT. IF YOU DO NOT ACCEPT THIS AGREEMENT, YOU MUST PROMPTLY RETURN THE SOFTWARE PACKAGE AND DELETE ANY SOFTWARE FILES ACCESSED BY YOU FROM ANY AND ALL COMPUTER MEMORY INTO WHICH SUCH SOFTWARE HAS BEEN LOADED OR STORED. WHEN USED IN THIS AGREEMENT THE WORD "XEROX" SHALL MEAN XEROX CORPORATION, ITS OPERATING COMPANY SUBSIDIARY OR AFFILIATE FROM WHICH YOU OBTAINED THE INDIVIDUAL UNIT OF THE XEROX DOCUMENT CENTRE SYSTEM EQUIPMENT (the "Equipment") WITH WHICH THE SOFTWARE IS TO BE USED, UNLESS YOU OBTAINED THE EQUIPMENT FROM AN AUTHORIZED DEALER, AGENT, CONCESSIONAIRE OR DISTRIBUTOR, IN WHICH CASE "XEROX" SHALL MEAN XEROX CORPORATION, ITS OPERATING COMPANY, SUBSIDIARY OR AFFILIATE FROM WHICH THE ENTITY THAT SOLD YOU THE EQUIPMENT ACQUIRED IT. 1. GRANT OF LICENSE Xerox hereby grants you a non-exclusive, non-transferable license to use the software and related documentation ("Software") enclosed in this package with the Equipment, for as long as you are current in the payment of any indicated software license fees (including any annual renewal or maintenance fees) on the following terms and conditions. 2. USE You may install the Software for use on any networked workstation or server only in conjunction with the Equipment. When networked, other users on the network may access and use the Software in conjunction with the Equipment. 3. OWNERSHIP, COPYING, MODIFICATION AND CONFIDENTIALITY 3.1 Xerox owns or is otherwise entitled to grant licenses in respect of all rights in the Software. 3.2 No title to or ownership of the Software or any proprietary right therein is transferred to you. 3.3 You may, subject to Section 3.4 below, make one copy of the Software in whole or in part only for that purpose expressly permitted in Section 2 above and for back-up. Such permitted copy shall include in readable format any copyright and other proprietary notices contained on the original Software. 3.4 You may copy the related documentation for use only in conjunction with the Equipment. 3.5 You may not distribute, alter or modify nor cause or allow others to alter or modify the Software. 3.6 You agree not to provide or otherwise make available the Software to anyone other than your employees and agents directly concerned with the licensed use of the Software. 3.7 The Software is protected by copyright and other proprietary rights of Xerox and/or a third party. You may be held directly responsible by such third party for an infringement of such rights by you. 3.8 You agree not to reverse engineer, decompile or disassemble the Software for any purpose whatsoever, except to the extent permitted by law. 3.9 You agree not to export or re-export the Software in any form without, in the case of a customer in the United States, first obtaining all United States government licenses, and in the case of a customer outside of the United States, all relevant foreign government licenses, required by law, and then only upon the export of the Equipment. 3.10 Xerox may terminate your license for the Software (i) immediately if you no longer use or possess the Equipment or are a lessor of the Equipment and your first lessee no longer uses or possesses it or (ii) upon the termination of any agreement under which you have rented or leased the Equipment. 4. TRANSFER OF LICENSED SOFTWARE If you transfer possession of the Equipment, Xerox will offer the transferee a license to use the Software on or with it, subject to Xerox' then applicable terms and license fees, if any, and provided the transfer is not in violation of Xerox' rights. 5. LIMITED WARRANTY 5.1 Xerox warrants that the Software shall substantially conform to Xerox' User Manual or other Xerox documentation supplied at delivery to the original Customer. Xerox does not warrant that the operation of the Software will be uninterrupted or error free, nor that it will meet your needs. 5.2 In the event that the Software does not conform to the limited warranty contained in Section 5.1 above, your exclusive remedy is to notify Xerox within ninety (90) days of the date of delivery, and Xerox' or its supplier's sole obligation shall be to use all reasonable efforts to provide a work-around which avoids the nonconformity or to provide you with Software which does substantially conform to the Xerox User Manual or other Xerox supplied documentation. 5.3 XEROX GRANTS NO OTHER WARRANTIES ON THE "SOFTWARE", EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, WHETHER CREATED BY STATUTE OR OTHERWISE, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. XEROX FURTHER DISCLAIMS ANY WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS MADE BY PERSONS OTHER THAN XEROX (INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO XEROX SOFTWARE DEALERS, AGENTS, CONCESSIONAIRES OR DISTRIBUTORS). 5.4 The express warranties set forth above shall be void if you fail to properly use the Software in the appropriate environment as specified in the Xerox supplied documentation or if the Software is modified or altered in any fashion. 6. PATENT AND COPYRIGHT INDEMNIFICATION Xerox will defend and indemnify you if the Software is alleged to infringe, in the United States, any patent, trade secret, or copyright, if you promptly notify Xerox in writing of any alleged infringement, allow Xerox to direct the defense of such claim, and cooperate with Xerox. All notices should be sent to the Xerox Office of General Counsel, P.O. Box 1600, Stamford, Connecticut 06904. Xerox is not responsible for any non-Xerox litigation expenses or settlements unless Xerox pre-approves them in writing. To avoid infringement, Xerox may, at its option, and at no charge to you, obtain a license, or modify, or substitute an equivalent of, or remove the Software. If Software is removed by Xerox for this reason, any designated license fees paid by you will be fully refunded; if no portion of the amounts paid to Xerox within the transaction in which the Software was acquired was designated as a license fee for the Software, Xerox shall refund that portion of the amounts paid that Xerox reasonably designates as associated with the Software's acquisition. Xerox is not liable for any infringement due to the Software being made or modified (by Xerox or others, including you) to your specifications, or being used or sold in combination with equipment, software, or supplies not provided by Xerox. XEROX MAKES NO OTHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTY OF NON-INFRINGEMENT OR LIABILITY FOR INFRINGEMENT OR ANY DAMAGES THEREFROM. 7. LIMITATION OF LIABILITY IN NO EVENT SHALL XEROX OR ITS SUPPLIERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, (INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, LOSS OF DATA) IN ANY WAY ARISING OUT OF OR RELATED TO THE USE OR INABILITY TO USE THE "SOFTWARE", EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. IN NO EVENT SHALL XEROX' DIRECT DAMAGES TO YOU EXCEED THE TOTAL LICENSE FEE ACTUALLY PAID BY YOU FOR SUCH SOFTWARE. 8. TERMINATION Xerox may terminate this license immediately upon notice in the event of a material breach by you or if you no longer use or possess the equipment with which this Software is intended to be used, in which event you shall return to Xerox all copies of the Software, and remove same from all equipment into which such Software may have been loaded by you. 9. GOVERNING LAW This agreement will be governed by the laws of the State of New York, USA or if you acquire the Software outside the USA, by the laws of the country in which you acquired the Document Centre System Equipment with which this software is to be used, excluding its conflict of laws provisions. Some jurisdictions do not allow limitations on how long an implied warranty lasts or the exclusion or limitation of incidental or consequential damages, so the above disclaimers, limitations or exclusions, in whole or in part, may not apply to you. 10. ENTIRE AGREEMENT This Software License Agreement is the entire agreement between Xerox and you pertaining to the Software and supersedes all proposals or prior and contemporaneous agreements or understandings of the parties regarding the Software. You agree that any terms and conditions contained in any purchase order or other ordering document submitted to order the Software shall have no binding effect on Xerox and will not modify this Agreement in any way. If, after reading the terms and conditions, they are unacceptable to you, then, to avoid contractual obligations and liability, you should promptly return the software unused, and you will then be entitled to a refund of any sums paid by you to license the Software. er forbruksartikler som ikke er levert av Xerox. XEROX GIR INGEN ANDRE GARANTIER, VERKEN UTTRYKTE ELLER UNDERFORSTTTE OM UNNG OVERTREDELSER ELLER ANSVAR FOR OVERTREDELSER ELLER SKADE SOM OPPSTR P GRUNN AV DETTE. 7. ANSVARSBEGRENSNING UNDER INGEN OMSTENDIGHETER SKAL XEROX ELLER DERES LEVERANDRER VRE ANSVARLIG FOR SPESIELL ELLER INDIREKTE SKADE, FLGESKADE ELLER SKADE VED UHELL (INKLUDERT, UTEN BEGRENSNINGER, TAP AV DATA) SOM P NOEN MTE OPPSTR P GRUNN AV ELLER I FORBINDELSE MED BRUK ELLER MANGLENDE EVNE TIL KUNNE BRUKE "PROGRAMVAREN", SELV OM XEROX HAR BLITT FORTALT OM MULIGHETEN FOR SLIK SKADE. UNDER INGEN OMSTENDIGHETER SKAL XEROX' DIREKTE ERSTATNING OVERFOR DEG OVERSTIGE DEN SAMLEDE LISENSAVGIFTEN SOM DU FAKTISK HAR BETALT FOR SLIK PROGRAMVARE. 8. OPPHR Xerox kan si opp denne lisensen umiddelbart etter varsel ved alvorlig mislighold fra din side, eller hvis du ikke lenger bruker eller eier utstyret som denne programvaren er beregnet for bruk p. Du skal da returTitle WorkCentre Pro 40 Color Version 1.2.5 Description DefaultLocation /Library/Printers/PPDs/Contents/Resources DeleteWarning ### Package Flags NeedsAuthorization YES Required NO Relocatable NO RequiresReboot NO UseUserMask NO OverwritePermissions NO InstallFat NO eller begrensninger av flgeskader eller skader ved uhell, slik at hele eller deler av fraskrivelsene, begrensningene eller unntakene ovenfor kanskje ikke gjelder for deg. 10. HELE AVTALEN Denne programvarelisensavtalen er hele avtalen mellom Xerox og deg i forbindelse med programvaren og erstatter alle forslag eller tidligere og nvrende avtaler eller forstelser mellom partene angende programvaren. Du aksepterer at ingen betingelser og vilkr i kjpsordrer eller annet bestillingsdokument som ble levert ved bestilling av programvaren, har bindende virkning p Xerox, og de endrer ikke denne avtalen p noen mte. Dersom du etter ha lest gjennom vilkrene og betingelsene bestemmer at du ikke kan akseptere dem, unngr du bindes av kontrakten hvis du straks returnerer programvaren i ubrukt stand. Du har s krav p refusjon av det belpet du har betalt for f lisens til bruke programvaren. ====================================================================== LICENSE AGREEMENT AND WARRANTY FOR THE ENCLOSED SOFTWARE AND RELATED DOCUMENTATION YOUR LICENSE AGREEMENT - READ BEFORE INSTALLING SOFTWARE IMPORTANT: THIS AGREEMENT CONTAINS THE LICENSE TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR LICENSED SOFTWARE AND RELATED DOCUMENTATION. INSTALLING THE SOFTWARE PACKAGE SIGNIFIES YOUR ACCEPTANCE OF THIS AGREEMENT. IF YOU DO NOT ACCEPT THIS AGREEMENT, YOU MUST PROMPTLY RETURN THE SOFTWARE PACKAGE AND DELETE ANY SOFTWARE FILES ACCESSED BY YOU FROM ANY AND ALL COMPUTER MEMORY INTO WHICH SUCH SOFTWARE HAS BEEN LOADED OR STORED. WHEN USED IN THIS AGREEMENT THE WORD "XEROX" SHALL MEAN XEROX CORPORATION, ITS OPERATING COMPANY SUBSIDIARY OR AFFILIATE FROM WHICH YOU OBTAINED THE INDIVIDUAL UNIT OF THE XEROX DOCUMENT CENTRE SYSTEM EQUIPMENT (the "Equipment") WITH WHICH THE SOFTWARE IS TO BE USED, UNLESS YOU OBTAINED THE EQUIPMENT FROM AN AUTHORIZED DEALER, AGENT, CONCESSIONAIRE OR DISTRIBUTOR, IN WHICH CASE "XEROX" SHALL MEAN XEROX CORPORATION, ITS OPERATING COMPANY, SUBSIDIARY OR AFFILIATE FROM WHICH THE ENTITY THAT SOLD YOU THE EQUIPMENT ACQUIRED IT. 1. GRANT OF LICENSE Xerox hereby grants you a non-exclusive, non-transferable license to use the software and related documentation ("Software") enclosed in this package with the Equipment, for as long as you are current in the payment of any indicated software license fees (including any annual renewal or maintenance fees) on the following terms and conditions. 2. USE You may install the Software for use on any networked workstation or server only in conjunction with the Equipment. When networked, other users on the network may access and use the Software in conjunction with the Equipment. 3. OWNERSHIP, COPYING, MODIFICATION AND CONFIDENTIALITY 3.1 Xerox owns or is otherwise entitled to grant licenses in respect of all rights in the Software. 3.2 No title to or ownership of the Software or any proprietary right therein is transferred to you. 3.3 You may, subject to Section 3.4 below, make one copy of the Software in whole or in part only for that purpose expressly permitted in Section 2 above and for back-up. Such permitted copy shall include in readable format any copyright and other proprietary notices contained on the original Software. 3.4 You may copy the related documentation for use only in conjunction with the Equipment. 3.5 You may not distribute, alter or modify nor cause or allow others to alter or modify the Software. 3.6 You agree not to provide or otherwise make available the Software to a"16" = "Este volume no satisfaz os requisitos para esta atualizao."; "17" = "No h suficiente espao para esta atualizao. So necessrios 300 MB de espao."; "18" = "Este Pacote somente pode ser executado no Mac OS X, verso 10.2 ou superior."; rm without, in the case of a customer in the United States, first obtaining all United States government licenses, and in the case of a customer outside of the United States, all relevant foreign government licenses, required by law, and then only upon the export of the Equipment. 3.10 Xerox may terminate your license for the Software (i) immediately if you no longer use or possess the Equipment or are a lessor of the Equipment and your first lessee no longer uses or possesses it or (ii) upon the termination of any agreement under which you have rented or leased the Equipment. 4. TRANSFER OF LICENSED SOFTWARE If you transfer possession of the Equipment, Xerox will offer the transferee a license to use the Software on or with it, subject to Xerox' then applicable terms and license fees, if any, and provided the transfer is not in violation of Xerox' rights. 5. LIMITED WARRANTY 5.1 Xerox warrants that the Software shall substantially conform to Xerox' User Manual or other Xerox documentation supplied at delivery to the original Customer. Xerox does not warrant that the operation of the Software will be uninterrupted or error free, nor that it will meet your needs. 5.2 In the event that the Software does not conform to the limited warranty contained in Section 5.1 above, your exclusive remedy is to notify Xerox within ninety (90) days of the date of delivery, and Xerox' or its supplier's sole obligation shall be to use all reasonable efforts to provide a work-around which avoids the nonconformity or to provide you with Software which does substantially conform to the Xerox User Manual or other Xerox supplied documentation. 5.3 XEROX GRANTS NO OTHER WARRANTIES ON THE "SOFTWARE", EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, WHETHER CREATED BY STATUTE OR OTHERWISE, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. XEROX FURTHER DISCLAIMS ANY WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS MADE BY PERSONS OTHER THAN XEROX (INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO XEROX SOFTWARE DEALERS, AGENTS, CONCESSIONAIRES OR DISTRIBUTORS). 5.4 The express warranties set forth above shall be void if you fail to properly use the Software in the appropriate environment as specified in the Xerox supplied documentation or if the Software is modified or altered in any fashion. 6. PATENT AND COPYRIGHT INDEMNIFICATION Xerox will defend and indemnify you if the Software is alleged to infringe, in the United States, any patent, trade secret, or copyright, if you promptly notify Xerox in writing of any alleged infringement, allow Xerox to direct the defense of such claim, and cooperate with Xerox. All notices should be sent to the Xerox Office of General Counsel, P.O. Box 1600, Stamford, Connecticut 06904. Xerox is not responsible for any non-Xerox litigation expenses or settlements unless Xerox pre-approves them in writing. To avoid infringement, Xerox may, at its option, and at no charge to you, obtain a license, or modify, or substitute an equivalent of, or remove the Software. If Software is removed by Xerox for this reason, any designated license fees paid by you will be fully refunded; if no portion of the amounts paid to Xerox within the transaction in which the Software was acquired was designated as a license fee for the Software, Xerox shall refund that portion of the amounts paid that Xerox reasonably designates as associated with the Software's acquisition. Xerox is not liable for any infringement due to the Software being made or modified (by Xerox or others, including you) to your sEXONERAO DE RESPONSABILIDADE: A traduo deste acordo de licena foi fornecida pela Xerox Europe e no obriga a qualquer vnculo jurdico. O texto em ingls que segue a traduo vinculativo juridicamente. ======================================================================= CONTRATO DE LICENA E GARANTIA PARA O SOFTWARE INCLUDO E DOCUMENTAO RELACIONADA CONTRATO DE LICENA - LEIA ANTES DE INSTALAR O SOFTWARE IMPORTANTE: ESTE CONTRATO CONTM OS TERMOS E AS CONDIES DA LICENA PARA O SOFTWARE LICENCIADO E DOCUMENTAO RELACIONADA. A INSTALAO DO PACOTE DE SOFTWARE IMPLICA A SUA ACEITAO DESTE CONTRATO. CASO NO O ACEITE, DEVER DEVOLVER IMEDIATAMENTE O PACOTE DE SOFTWARE E APAGAR OS FICHEIROS DE SOFTWARE ACEDIDOS POR SI DE TODA E QUALQUER MEMRIA DE COMPUTADOR, NA QUAL TAL SOFTWARE TENHA SIDO INSTALADO OU ARMAZENADO. SEMPRE QUE UTILIZADA NESTE CONTRATO, A PALAVRA "XEROX" SIGNIFICAR XEROX CORPORATION, UMA SUA EMPRESA DE EXPLORAO, SUBSIDIRIA OU AFILIADA QUAL TIVER ADQUIRIDO A UNIDADE INDIVIDUAL DO EQUIPAMENTO XEROX DOCUMENT CENTRE SYSTEM (O "Equipamento") E COM A QUAL SER UTILIZADO ESTE SOFTWARE, A MENOS QUE TENHA ADQUIRIDO O EQUIPAMENTO A UM REPRESENTANTE, AGENTE, CONCESSIONRIO OU DISTRIBUIDOR AUTORIZADO, EM CUJO CASO "XEROX" SIGNIFICAR XEROX CORPORATION, UMA SUA EMPRESA DE EXPLORAO, SUBSIDIRIA OU AFILIADA QUAL A ENTIDADE QUE LHE VENDEU O EQUIPAMENTO O COMPROU. 1. CONCESSO DE LICENA Atravs do presente, a Xerox concede-lhe uma licena intransmissvel e no exclusiva de utilizao do software e da documentao relacionada ("Software"), fornecidos neste pacote com o Equipamento, durante o perodo de cumprimento dos pagamentos das taxas de licena do software indicados (incluindo eventuais taxas de renovao anual ou de manuteno), sujeita aos termos e condies que se seguem. 2. UTILIZAO Poder instalar o Software para que seja utilizado numa estao de trabalho ou num servidor ligados em rede, apenas em conjunto com o Equipamento. Quando ligados em rede, os restantes utilizadores da rede podero aceder e utilizar o Software em conjunto com o Equipamento. 3. PROPRIEDADE, CPIA, MODIFICAO E CONFIDENCIALIDADE 3.1 A Xerox proprietria ou detm o direito de conceder licenas relativamente a todos os direitos deste Software. 3.2 No lhe sero transmitidos ttulo de propriedade do Software ou quaisquer direitos de patentes. 3.3 Poder, ao abrigo da Seco 3.4 infracitada, efectuar uma cpia total ou parcial do Software apenas para a finalidade expressamente permitida na Seco 2 supracitada e para fins de salvaguarda. A cpia permitida incluir, em formato legvel, as notas relativas a direitos de autor e de propriedade includas no Software original. 3.4 Poder copiar a documentao relacionada apenas para utilizao em conjunto com o Equipamento. 3.5 No poder distribuir, alterar nem modificar o Software, nem permitir que outros o alterem ou modifiquem. 3.6 Aceita no fornecer ou de outro disponibilizar o Software a outrm, que no os seus funcionrios ou as entidades directamente relacionadas com a utilizao licenciada do Software. 3.7 O Software encontra-se protegido pelas leis de direitos de autor e outros direitos de propriedade da Xerox e/ou um terceiro. Poder ser directamente responsabilizado por esse terceiro se violar tais direitos. 3.8 Aceita no inverter a concepo do Software, nem decomp-lo ou desmont-lo para qualquer fim, excepto at ao ponto permitido por lei. 3.9 Aceita no exportar nem reexportar o Software sob qualquer forma sem, no caso de um cliente nos Estado Unidos, primeiro obter todas as licenas do governo dos Estados Unidos e, no caso de um cliente fora dos Estados Unidos, todas as licenas governamentais externas relevante, exigidas por lei. 3.10 A Xerox poder rescindir a sua licena do Software (i) imediatamente, se j no utilizar ou no possuir o Equipamento ou for um locador do Equipamento e o seu primeiro locatrio j no o utilizar ou possuir (ii) depois de rescindido qualquer acordo, mediante o qual tiver alugado ou feito o leasing do Equipamento. 4. TRANSMISSO DO SOFTWARE LICENCIADO Se transferir a posse do Equipamento, a Xerox oferecer ao transmissrio uma licena para utilizar o Software com este ou em conjunto com o mesmo, sujeita aos termos e s taxas de licena da Xerox aplicveis na altura, caso existam, desde que a transmisso no viole os direitos da Xerox. 5. GARANTIA LIMITADA 5.1 A Xerox garante que o Software estar substancialmente em conformidade com o Manual do Utilizador da Xerox ou outra documentao Xerox fornecida no momento da entrega ao Cliente original. A Xerox no garante que o funcionamento do Software venha a ser ininterrupto ou isento de erros, nem que o mesmo v satisfazer as suas necessidades. 5.2 Na eventualidade de o Software no estar em conformidade com a garantia limitada indicada na Seco 5.1 supracitada, a sua nica alternativa ser a de notificar a Xerox no prazo de noventa (90) dias a contar da data de entrega, sendo a nica obrigao da Xerox ou do seu fornecedor a de empregar todos os esforos razoveis para proporcionar uma soluo para evitar a no conformidade ou a de fornecer-lhe Software que esteja substancialmente em conformidade com o Manual do Utilizador da Xerox ou outra documentao fornecida pela Xerox. 5.3 A XEROX NO FORNECE QUAISQUER OUTRAS GARANTIAS RELATIVAS AO "SOFTWARE", EXPRESSAS OU IMPLCITAS, QUER LEGAIS QUER DE OUTRA NATUREZA, INCLUINDO, SEM LIMITAO, GARANTIAS IMPLCITAS DE QUE O PRODUTO SEJA ADEQUADO OU SIRVA PARA O FIM A QUE SE DESTINA. A XEROX REJEITA TAMBM QUAISQUER GARANTIAS OU REPRESENTAES FEITAS POR OUTRM (INCLUINDO REPRESENTANTES, AGENTES, CONCESSIONRIOS OU DISTRIBUIDORES DO SOFTWARE XEROX, MAS NO SE LIMITANDO A ESTAS ENUMERAES). 5.4 As garantias expressas supracitadas no tero qualquer validade se no utilizar devidamente o Software no ambiente adequado, conforme especificado na documentao fornecida pela Xerox, nem se o Software for modificado ou alterado de algum modo. 6. INDEMNIZAO POR DIREITOS DE AUTOR E PATENTE A Xerox ir defender e indemniz-lo, se o Software alegadamente violar, nos Estados Unidos, qualquer patente, segredo comercial ou direito de autor, caso notifique imediatamente a Xerox por escrito de qualquer alegada violao, permita que a Xerox conduza a defesa de tal queixa e coopere com a Xerox. Todas as notificaes devem ser enviadas para Xerox Office of General Counsel, P.O. Box 1600, Stamford, Connecticut 06904. A Xerox no ser responsvel por quaisquer despesas ou pagamentos decorrentes de um processo judicial, a menos que seja fornecida a aprovao prvia da Xerox por escrito. Para evitar uma eventual violao, a Xerox poder, por sua iniciativa, e sem qualquer encargo para si, obter uma licena, ou modificar ou substituir um equivalente do Software, ou remov-lo. Se o Software for removido pela Xerox por esta razo, as taxas de licenas estipuladas que tiver pago sero reembolsadas na totalidade; se nenhuma parte das quantias pagas Xerox no mbito da transaco na qual o Software foi adquirido tiver sido considerada taxa de licena para o Software, a Xerox reembolsar essa parte paga que determine associada aquisio do Software. A Xerox no responsvel por qualquer violao em consequncia de o Software ter sido criado ou modificado (pela Xerox ou outrm, incluindo a sua pessoa) de acordo com as suas especificaes, ou de ter sido utilizado ou vendido em conjunto com o equipamento, software ou consumveis no fornecidos pela Xerox. A XEROX NO FORNECE QUAISQUER GARANTIAS EXPRESSAS OU IMPLCITAS DE NO VIOLAO OU RESPONSABILIDADE POR VIOLAO OU POR QUAISQUER DANOS DECORRENTES DESTA. 7. LIMITE DE RESPONSABILIDADE EM CASO ALGUM SER A XEROX OU SEUS FORNECEDORES RESPONSVEIS POR QUAISQUER DANOS ESPECIAIS, INDIRECTOS, ACIDENTAIS OU CONSEQUENCIAIS, (INCLUINDO, SEM LIMITAO, A PERDA DE DADOS) RESULTANTES, DE ALGUMA FORMA, OU RELACIONADOS COM A UTILIZAO OU INCAPACIDADE DE UTILIZAO DO "SOFTWARE", AINDA QUE TENHAM SIDO AVISADOS ACERCA DA POSSIBILIDADE DE TAIS DANOS. EM CASO ALGUM EXCEDERO OS DANOS DIRECTOS DA XEROX PARA COM A SUA PESSOA A TAXA DE LICENA TOTAL REAL, PAGA POR SI POR TAL SOFTWARE. 8. RESCISO A Xerox poder rescindir esta licena imediatamente, mediante notificao de violao de material por si, ou se j no utilizar ou possuir o equipamento com o qual este Software deve ser utilizado, em cujo caso, devolver Xerox todas as cpias do Software e remover o mesmo de todo o equipamento no qual poder ter sido instalado. 9. LEI APLICVEL Este contrato ser regido pelas leis em vigor no Estado de Nova Iorque, EUA, ou, caso tenha adquirido o Software fora dos EUA, pelas leis do pas no qual tiver adquirido o Equipamento Document Centre System com o qual ser utilizado este software, excluindo o conflito de provises legais. Algumas jurisdies no permitem limitaes relativamente durao de uma garantia implcita ou excluso ou limitao de danos acidentais ou consequenciais; por conseguinte, a exonerao de responsabilidade, as limitaes ou excluses supracitadas, na sua totalidade ou parcialmente, podero no se aplicar a si. 10. ACORDO TOTAL Este Contrato de Licena de Software constitui o acordo total entre a Xerox e a sua pessoa relativamente ao Software e substitui todas as propostas ou acordos anteriores e actuais ou a compreenso das partes com referncia ao Software. Concorda que os termos e as condies contidos em qualquer nota de encomenda ou outro documento de encomenda do Software no tero efeitos vinculativos sobre a Xerox e no modificaro de forma alguma este Contrato. Se, depois de ter lido os termos e as condies, os mesmos lhe parecerem inaceitveis, ento, para evitar as obrigaes e a responsabilidade contratuais, dever devolver prontamente o software no utilizado e ter direito ao reembolso de quaisquer quantias pagas por si para licenciar o Software. ====================================================================== LICENSE AGREEMENT AND WARRANTY FOR THE ENCLOSED SOFTWARE AND RELATED DOCUMENTATION YOUR LICENSE AGREEMENT - READ BEFORE INSTALLING SOFTWARE IMPORTANT: THIS AGREEMENT CONTAINS THE LICENSE TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR LICENSED SOFTWARE AND RELATED DOCUMENTATION. INSTALLING THE SOFTWARE PACKAGE SIGNIFIES YOUR ACCEPTANCE OF THIS AGREEMENT. IF YOU DO NOT ACCEPT THIS AGREEMENT, YOU MUST PROMPTLY RETURN THE SOFTWARE PACKAGE AND DELETE ANY SOFTWARE FILES ACCESSED BY YOU FROM ANY AND ALL COMPUTER MEMORY INTO WHICH SUCH SOFTWARE HAS BEEN LOADED OR STORED. WHEN USED IN THIS AGREEMENT THE WORD "XEROX" SHALL MEAN XEROX CORPORATION, ITS OPERATING COMPANY SUBSIDIARY OR AFFILIATE FROM WHICH YOU OBTAINED THE INDIVIDUAL UNIT OF THE XEROX DOCUMENT CENTRE SYSTEM EQUIPMENT (the "Equipment") WITH WHICH THE SOFTWARE IS TO BE USED, UNLESS YOU OBTAINED THE EQUIPMENT FROM AN AUTHORIZED DEALER, AGENT, CONCESSIONAIRE OR DISTRIBUTOR, IN WHICH CASE "XEROX" SHALL MEAN XEROX CORPORATION, ITS OPERATING COMPANY, SUBSIDIARY OR AFFILIATE FROM WHICH THE ENTITY THAT SOLD YOU THE EQUIPMENT ACQUIRED IT. 1. GRANT OF LICENSE Xerox hereby grants you a non-exclusive, non-transferable license to use the software and related documentation ("Software") enclosed in this package with the Equipment, for as long as you are current in the payment of any indicated software license fees (including any annual renewal or maintenance fees) on the following terms and conditions. 2. USE You may install the Software for use on any networked workstation or server only in conjunction with the Equipment. When networked, other users on the network may access and use the Software in conjunction with the Equipment. 3. OWNERSHIP, COPYING, MODIFICATION AND CONFIDENTIALITY 3.1 Xerox owns or is otherwise entitled to grant licenses in respect of all rights in the Software. 3.2 No title to or ownership of the Software or any proprietary right therein is transferred to you. 3.3 You may, subject to Section 3.4 below, make one copy of the Software in whole or in part only for that purpose expressly permitted in Section 2 above and for back-up. Such permitted copy shall include in readable format any copyright and other proprietary notices contained on the original Software. 3.4 You may copy the related documentation for use only in conjunction with the Equipment. 3.5 You may not distribute, alter or modify nor cause or allow others to alter or modify the Software. 3.6 You agree not to provide or otherwise make available the Software to anyone other than your employees and agents directly concerned with the licensed use of the Software. 3.7 The Software is protected by copyright and other proprietary rights of Xerox and/or a third party. You may be held directly responsible by such third party for an infringement of such rights by you. 3.8 You agree not to reverse engineer, decompile or disassemble the Software for any purpose whatsoever, except to the extent permitted by law. 3.9 You agree not to export or re-export the Software in any form without, in the case of a customer in the United States, first obtaining all United States government licenses, and in the case of a customer outside of the United States, all relevant foreign government licenses, required by law, and then only upon the export of the Equipment. 3.10 Xerox may terminate your license for the Software (i) immediately if you no longer use or possess the Equipment or are a lessor of the Equipment and your first lessee no longer uses or possesses it or (ii) upon the termination of any agreement under which you have rented or leased the Equipment. 4. TRANSFER OF LICENSED SOFTWARE If you transfer possession of the Equipment, Xerox will offer the transferee a license to use the Software on or with it, subject to Xerox' then applicable terms and license fees, if any, and provided the transfer is not in violation of Xerox' rights. 5. LIMITED WARRANTY 5.1 Xerox warrants that the Software shall substantially conform to Xerox' User Manual or other Xerox documentation supplied at delivery to the original Customer. Xerox does not warrant that the operation of the Software will be uninterrupted or error free, nor that it will meet your needs. 5.2 In the event that the Software does not conform to the limited warranty contained in Section 5.1 above, your exclusive remedy is to notify Xerox within ninety (90) days of the date of delivery, and Xerox' or its supplier's sole obligation shall be to use all reasonable efforts to provide a work-around which avoids the nonconformity or to provide you with Software which does substantially conform to the Xerox User Manual or other Xerox supplied documentation. 5.3 XEROX GRANTS NO OTHER WARRANTIES ON THE "SOFTWARE", EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, WHETHER CREATED BY STATUTE OR OTHERWISE, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. XEROX FURTHER DISCLAIMS ANY WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS MADE BY PERSONS OTHER THAN XEROX (INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO XEROX SOFTWARE DEALERS, AGENTS, CONCESSIONAIRES OR DISTRIBUTORS). 5.4 The express warranties set forth above shall be void if you fail to properly use the Software in the appropriate environment as specified in the Xerox supplied documentation or if the Software is modified or altered in any fashion. 6. PATENT AND COPYRIGHT INDEMNIFICATION Xerox will defend and indemnify you if the Software is alleged to infringe, in the United States, any patent, trade secret, or copyright, if you promptly notify Xerox in writing of any alleged infringement, allow Xerox to direct the defense of such claim, and cooperate with Xerox. All notices should be sent to the Xerox Office of General Counsel, P.O. Box 1600, Stamford, Connecticut 06904. Xerox is not responsible for any non-Xerox litigation expenses or settlements unless Xerox pre-approves them in writing. To avoid infringement, Xerox may, at its option, and at no charge to you, obtain a license, or modify, or substitute an equivalent of, or remove the Software. If Software is removed by Xerox for this reason, any designated license fees paid by you will be fully refunded; if no portion of the amounts paid to Xerox within the transaction in which the Software was acquired was designated as a license fee for the Software, Xerox shall refund that portion of the amounts paid that Xerox reasonably designates as associated with the Software's acquisition. Xerox is not liable for any infringement due to the Software being made or modified (by Xerox or others, including you) to your specifications, or being used or sold in combination with equipment, software, or supplies not provided by Xerox. XEROX MAKES NO OTHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTY OF NON-INFRINGEMENT OR LIABILITY FOR INFRINGEMENT OR ANY DAMAGES THEREFROM. 7. LIMITATION OF LIABILITY IN NO EVENT SHALL XEROX OR ITS SUPPLIERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, (INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, LOSS OF DATA) IN ANY WAY ARISING OUT OF OR RELATED TO THE USE OR INABILITY TO USE THE "SOFTWARE", EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. IN NO EVENT SHALL XEROX' DIRECT DAMAGES TO YOU EXCEED THE TOTAL LICENSE FEE ACTUALLY PAID BY YOU FOR SUCH SOFTWARE. 8. TERMINATION Xerox may terminate this license immediately upon notice in the event of a material breach by you or if you no longer use or possess the equipment with which this Software is intended to be used, in which event you shall return to Xerox all copies of the Software, and remove same from all equipment into which such Software may have been loaded by you. 9. GOVERNING LAW This agreement will be governed by the laws of the State of New York, USA or if you acquire the Software outside the USA, by the laws of the country in which you acquired the Document Centre System Equipment with which this software is to be used, excluding its conflict of laws provisions. Some jurisdictions do not allow limitations on how long an implied warranty lasts or the exclusion or limitation of incidental or consequential damages, so the above disclaimers, limitations or exclusions, in whole or in part, may not apply to you. 10. ENTIRE AGREEMENT This Software License Agreement is the entire agreement between Xerox and you pertaining to the Software and supersedes all proposals or prior and contemporaneous agreements or understandings of the parties regarding the Software. You agree that any terms and conditions contained in any purchase order or other ordering document submitted to order the Software shall have no binding effect on Xerox and will not modify this Agreement in any way. If, after reading the terms and conditions, they are unacceptable to you, then, to avoid contractual obligations and liability, you should promptly return the software unused, and you will then be entitled to a refund of any sums paid by you to license the Software. 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Den engelske teksten som er tatt med etter den oversatte teksten har juridisk kraft. ======================================================================= LISENSAVTALE OG GARANTI FOR VEDLAGTE PROGRAMVARE OG TILHRENDE DOKUMENTASJON DIN LISENSAVTALE - LES GJENNOM DENNE FR DU INSTALLERER PROGRAMVAREN VIKTIG: DENNE AVTALEN INNEHOLDER LISENSBETINGELSENE OG -VILKRENE FOR DEN LISENSIERTE PROGRAMVAREN OG TILHRENDE DOKUMENTASJON. VED INSTALLERE PROGRAMVAREPAKKEN GODTAR DU DENNE AVTALEN. HVIS DU IKKE GODTAR DENNE AVTALEN, M DU STRAKS RETURNERE PROGRAMVAREPAKKEN OG SLETTE ALLE PROGRAMVAREFILER DU HAR HATT TILGANG TIL FRA ALLE DATAMASKINER DER SLIK PROGRAMVARE HAR VRT LASTET ELLER LAGRET. ORDET "XEROX" VIL I DENNE AVTALEN SI XEROX CORPORATION, DERES OPERATIVSELSKAPER, DATTERSELSKAPER ELLER TILKNYTTEDE SELSKAPER SOM LEVERTE DEN INDIVIDUELLE ENHETEN TIL XEROX DOCUMENT CENTRE-SYSTEMET ("utstyret") SOM PROGRAMVAREN SKAL BRUKES P, MED MINDRE DU ANSKAFFET UTSTYRET FRA EN AUTORISERT FORHANDLER, AGENT, KONSESJONSHAVER ELLER DISTRIBUTR. I SLIKE TILFELLER VIL "XEROX" SI XEROX CORPORATION, DERES OPERATIVSELSKAPER, DATTERSELSKAPER ELLER TILKNYTTEDE SELSKAPER SOM SELGEREN DU KJPTE UTSTYRET FRA, HAR ANSKAFFET ENHETEN FRA. 1. LISENSTILDELING Xerox gir det herved en ikke-eksklusiv, ikke-overfrbar rett til bruke programvaren og tilhrende dokumentasjon ("programvare") som er vedlagt denne utstyrspakken, s lenge du betaler eventuell angitt programvarelisensavgift (inkludert eventuell rlig fornyelses- eller vedlikeholdsavgift) i henhold til flgende vilkr og betingelser. 2. BRUK Du kan installere programvaren for bruk p alle nettverkstilknyttede arbeidsstasjoner eller servere kun i forbindelse med utstyret. Ved bruk i nettverk kan andre brukere p nettverket f tilgang til og bruke programvaren i forbindelse med utstyret. 3. EIENDOMSRETT, KOPIERING, ENDRING OG KONFIDENSIALITET 3.1 Xerox eier eller har p annen mte rett til tildele lisenser i forbindelse med alle rettigheter til programvaren. 3.2 Ingen eiendomsrett til programvaren eller opphavsrett i forbindelse med denne overfres til deg. 3.3 I henhold til del 3.4 nedenfor kan du ta n kopi av hele eller deler av programvaren til det formlet som uttrykkelig er tillatt etter del 2 ovenfor og for sikkerhetskopiering. Slike tillatte kopier skal omfatte i lesbart format alle meldinger om opphavsrett og annen eiendomsrett som er med i den opprinnelige programvaren. 3.4 Du kan kun kopiere den tilhrende dokumentasjonen for bruk i forbindelse med utstyret. 3.5 Du kan ikke distribuere, endre eller tilpasse, eller forrsake eller tillate at andre endrer eller tilpasser, programvaren. 3.6 Du aksepterer ikke overlate eller gjre programvaren p annen mte tilgjengelig for andre enn dine ansatte og underleverandrer som arbeider med den lisensierte programvaren. 3.7 Programvaren er beskyttet ved opphavsrett og annen eiendomsrett som tilhrer Xerox og/eller en tredjepart. Du kan holdes direkte ansvarlig av slik tredjepart ved brudd p slike rettigheter. 3.8 Du aksepterer ikke snu om p, dekompilere eller demontere programvaren til noe forml, unntatt som tillatt ved lov. 3.9 Du aksepterer ikke eksportere eller gjeneksportere programvaren i noen form uten, nr det gjelder kunder i USA, frst innhente alle lisenser fra de offentlige myndighetene, og nr det gjelder kunder utenfor USA, alle relevante lisenser fra offentlige myndigheter som kreves ved lov, og da kun ved eksport av utstyret. 3.10 Xerox kan si opp programvarelisensen (i) straks hvis du ikke lenger bruker eller eier utstyret, eller er utleier av utstyret og frste fester ikke lenger bruker eller innehar det, eller (ii) ved opphr av eventuell avtale som du har leid eller leaset utstyret i henhold til. 4. OVERFRING AV LISENSIERT PROGRAMVARE Hvis du overfrer eierretten til utstyret, tilbyr Xerox den nye eieren en lisens til bruke programvaren p eller sammen med utstyret, i henhold til Xerox' gjeldende betingelser og eventuelle lisensavgifter, og sfremt overfringen ikke medfrer brudd p noen av Xerox' rettigheter. 5. GARANTIBEGRENSNING 5.1 Xerox garanterer at programvaren i hovedsak samsvarer med brukerhndboken eller annen dokumentasjon fra Xerox som leveres sammen med enheten til den opprinnelige kunden. Xerox garanterer ikke at programvaren vil fungere uavbrutt eller feilfritt, eller at den dekker dine behov. 5.2 Dersom programvaren ikke overholder den begrensede garantien i del 5.1 ovenfor, m du melde fra til Xerox innen nitti (90) dager etter leveringsdato, og den eneste forpliktelsen til Xerox eller deres leverandrer er treffe rimelige tiltak for levere en lsning som korrigerer misforholdet, eller levere programvare som i hovedsak samstemmer med brukerhndboken fra Xerox eller annen dokumentasjon som leveres fra Xerox. 5.3 XEROX GIR INGEN ANDRE GARANTIER FOR PROGRAMVAREN, VERKEN UTTRYKTE ELLER UNDERFORSTTTE, OPPSTTT ETTER VEDTEKTER ELLER P ANNEN MTE, INKLUDERT UTEN BEGRENSNINGER UNDERFORSTTTE GARANTIER OM SALGBARHET OG EGNETHET FOR ET BESTEMT FORML. XEROX FRASKRIVER SEG OGS ANSVARET FOR GARANTIER ELLER UTSAGN GITT AV ANDRE PERSONER ENN ANSATTE HOS XEROX (INKLUDERT, MEN IKKE BEGRENSET TIL XEROX' PROGRAMVAREFORHANDLERE, AGENTER, KONSESJONSHAVERE ELLER DISTRIBUTRER). 5.4 De uttrykte garantiene fastsatt ovenfor er ugyldige hvis du ikke bruker programvaren riktig i riktig milj, som angitt i den vedlagte dokumentasjonen fra Xerox, eller hvis programvaren endres eller tilpasses p noen mte. 6. ERSTATNING I FORBINDELSE MED PATENTER OG OPPHAVSRETT Xerox forsvarer deg mot og srger for erstatning hvis det psts at programvaren i USA medfrer brudd p patenter, forretningshemmeligheter eller opphavsrett, hvis du straks varsler Xerox om dette skriftlig, lar Xerox fre saken i forbindelse med slikt krav og samarbeider med Xerox. Alle meldinger m sendes til Xerox Office of General Counsel, P.O. Box 1600, Stamford, Connecticut 06904. Xerox er ikke ansvarlig for utgifter til rettstvister eller erstatningskrav som ikke har forbindelse med Xerox, med mindre Xerox har gtt med p dette skriftlig p forhnd. For unng brudd p rettigheter, kan Xerox etter eget forgodtbefinnende og uten kostnader for deg, innhente en lisens eller endre eller erstatte med tilsvarende produkt eller fjerne programvaren. Hvis programvaren fjernes av Xerox av denne rsak, blir lisensavgift du har betalt i forbindelse med denne refundert i sin helhet. Hvis ingen del av belpene som er betalt til Xerox innenfor transaksjonen da programvaren ble anskaffet, ble utpekt som lisensavgift for programvaren, skal Xerox refundere den delen av det betalte belpet som Xerox finner rimelig i forbindelse med anskaffelse av programvaren. Xerox har ikke ansvar for brudd som forrsakes av at programvare lages eller endres (av Xerox eller andre, inkludert deg) etter dine spesifikasjoner eller benyttes eller selges sammen med utstyr, programvare eller forbruksartikler som ikke er levert av Xerox. XEROX GIR INGEN ANDRE GARANTIER, VERKEN UTTRYKTE ELLER UNDERFORSTTTE OM UNNG OVERTREDELSER ELLER ANSVAR FOR OVERTREDELSER ELLER SKADE SOM OPPSTR P GRUNN AV DETTE. 7. ANSVARSBEGRENSNING UNDER INGEN OMSTENDIGHETER SKAL XEROX ELLER DERES LEVERANDRER VRE ANSVARLIG FOR SPESIELL ELLER INDIREKTE SKADE, FLGESKADE ELLER SKADE VED UHELL (INKLUDERT, UTEN BEGRENSNINGER, TAP AV DATA) SOM P NOEN MTE OPPSTR P GRUNN AV ELLER I FORBINDELSE MED BRUK ELLER MANGLENDE EVNE TIL KUNNE BRUKE "PROGRAMVAREN", SELV OM XEROX HAR BLITT FORTALT OM MULIGHETEN FOR SLIK SKADE. UNDER INGEN OMSTENDIGHETER SKAL XEROX' DIREKTE ERSTATNING OVERFOR DEG OVERSTIGE DEN SAMLEDE LISENSAVGIFTEN SOM DU FAKTISK HAR BETALT FOR SLIK PROGRAMVARE. 8. OPPHR Xerox kan si opp denne lisensen umiddelbart etter varsel ved alvorlig mislighold fra din side, eller hvis du ikke lenger bruker eller eier utstyret som denne programvaren er beregnet for bruk p. Du skal da returnere alle kopier av programvaren til Xerox og fjerne denne fra alt utstyr denne programvaren har vrt lastet p. 9. GJELDENDE LOVER Denne avtalen reguleres av lovene i staten New York, USA, eller, hvis du anskaffer programvaren utenfor USA, av lovene i det landet der du kjpte Document Centre-system-utstyret som denne programvaren skal brukes p, dersom den kommer i konflikt med lovbestemmelser. Enkelte domsmyndigheter tillater ikke begrensninger for hvor lenge en garanti varer eller unntak eller begrensninger av flgeskader eller skader ved uhell, slik at hele eller deler av fraskrivelsene, begrensningene eller unntakene ovenfor kanskje ikke gjelder for deg. 10. HELE AVTALEN Denne programvarelisensavtalen er hele avtalen mellom Xerox og deg i forbindelse med programvaren og erstatter alle forslag eller tidligere og nvrende avtaler eller forstelser mellom partene angende programvaren. Du aksepterer at ingen betingelser og vilkr i kjpsordrer eller annet bestillingsdokument som ble levert ved bestilling av programvaren, har bindende virkning p Xerox, og de endrer ikke denne avtalen p noen mte. Dersom du etter ha lest gjennom vilkrene og betingelsene bestemmer at du ikke kan akseptere dem, unngr du bindes av kontrakten hvis du straks returnerer programvaren i ubrukt stand. Du har s krav p refusjon av det belpet du har betalt for f lisens til bruke programvaren. ====================================================================== LICENSE AGREEMENT AND WARRANTY FOR THE ENCLOSED SOFTWARE AND RELATED DOCUMENTATION YOUR LICENSE AGREEMENT - READ BEFORE INSTALLING SOFTWARE IMPORTANT: THIS AGREEMENT CONTAINS THE LICENSE TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR LICENSED SOFTWARE AND RELATED DOCUMENTATION. INSTALLING THE SOFTWARE PACKAGE SIGNIFIES YOUR ACCEPTANCE OF THIS AGREEMENT. IF YOU DO NOT ACCEPT THIS AGREEMENT, YOU MUST PROMPTLY RETURN THE SOFTWARE PACKAGE AND DELETE ANY SOFTWARE FILES ACCESSED BY YOU FROM ANY AND ALL COMPUTER MEMORY INTO WHICH SUCH SOFTWARE HAS BEEN LOADED OR STORED. WHEN USED IN THIS AGREEMENT THE WORD "XEROX" SHALL MEAN XEROX CORPORATION, ITS OPERATING COMPANY SUBSIDIARY OR AFFILIATE FROM WHICH YOU OBTAINED THE INDIVIDUAL UNIT OF THE XEROX DOCUMENT CENTRE SYSTEM EQUIPMENT (the "Equipment") WITH WHICH THE SOFTWARE IS TO BE USED, UNLESS YOU OBTAINED THE EQUIPMENT FROM AN AUTHORIZED DEALER, AGENT, CONCESSIONAIRE OR DISTRIBUTOR, IN WHICH CASE "XEROX" SHALL MEAN XEROX CORPORATION, ITS OPERATING COMPANY, SUBSIDIARY OR AFFILIATE FROM WHICH THE ENTITY THAT SOLD YOU THE EQUIPMENT ACQUIRED IT. 1. GRANT OF LICENSE Xerox hereby grants you a non-exclusive, non-transferable license to use the software and related documentation ("Software") enclosed in this package with the Equipment, for as long as you are current in the payment of any indicated software license fees (including any annual renewal or maintenance fees) on the following terms and conditions. 2. USE You may install the Software for use on any networked workstation or server only in conjunction with the Equipment. When networked, other users on the network may access and use the Software in conjunction with the Equipment. 3. OWNERSHIP, COPYING, MODIFICATION AND CONFIDENTIALITY 3.1 Xerox owns or is otherwise entitled to grant licenses in respect of all rights in the Software. 3.2 No title to or ownership of the Software or any proprietary right therein is transferred to you. 3.3 You may, subject to Section 3.4 below, make one copy of the Software in whole or in part only for that purpose expressly permitted in Section 2 above and for back-up. Such permitted copy shall include in readable format any copyright and other proprietary notices contained on the original Software. 3.4 You may copy the related documentation for use only in conjunction with the Equipment. 3.5 You may not distribute, alter or modify nor cause or allow others to alter or modify the Software. 3.6 You agree not to provide or otherwise make available the Software to anyone other than your employees and agents directly concerned with the licensed use of the Software. 3.7 The Software is protected by copyright and other proprietary rights of Xerox and/or a third party. You may be held directly responsible by such third party for an infringement of such rights by you. 3.8 You agree not to reverse engineer, decompile or disassemble the Software for any purpose whatsoever, except to the extent permitted by law. 3.9 You agree not to export or re-export the Software in any form without, in the case of a customer in the United States, first obtaining all United States government licenses, and in the case of a customer outside of the United States, all relevant foreign government licenses, required by law, and then only upon the export of the Equipment. 3.10 Xerox may terminate your license for the Software (i) immediately if you no longer use or possess the Equipment or are a lessor of the Equipment and your first lessee no longer uses or possesses it or (ii) upon the termination of any agreement under which you have rented or leased the Equipment. 4. TRANSFER OF LICENSED SOFTWARE If you transfer possession of the Equipment, Xerox will offer the transferee a license to use the Software on or with it, subject to Xerox' then applicable terms and license fees, if any, and provided the transfer is not in violation of Xerox' rights. 5. LIMITED WARRANTY 5.1 Xerox warrants that the Software shall substantially conform to Xerox' User Manual or other Xerox documentation supplied at delivery to the original Customer. Xerox does not warrant that the operation of the Software will be uninterrupted or error free, nor that it will meet your needs. 5.2 In the event that the Software does not conform to the limited warranty contained in Section 5.1 above, your exclusive remedy is to notify Xerox within ninety (90) days of the date of delivery, and Xerox' or its supplier's sole obligation shall be to use all reasonable efforts to provide a work-around which avoids the nonconformity or to provide you with Software which does substantially conform to the Xerox User Manual or other Xerox supplied documentation. 5.3 XEROX GRANTS NO OTHER WARRANTIES ON THE "SOFTWARE", EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, WHETHER CREATED BY STATUTE OR OTHERWISE, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. XEROX FURTHER DISCLAIMS ANY WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS MADE BY PERSONS OTHER THAN XEROX (INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO XEROX SOFTWARE DEALERS, AGENTS, CONCESSIONAIRES OR DISTRIBUTORS). 5.4 The express warranties set forth above shall be void if you fail to properly use the Software in the appropriate environment as specified in the Xerox supplied documentation or if the Software is modified or altered in any fashion. 6. PATENT AND COPYRIGHT INDEMNIFICATION Xerox will defend and indemnify you if the Software is alleged to infringe, in the United States, any patent, trade secret, or copyright, if you promptly notify Xerox in writing of any alleged infringement, allow Xerox to direct the defense of such claim, and cooperate with Xerox. All notices should be sent to the Xerox Office of General Counsel, P.O. Box 1600, Stamford, Connecticut 06904. Xerox is not responsible for any non-Xerox litigation expenses or settlements unless Xerox pre-approves them in writing. To avoid infringement, Xerox may, at its option, and at no charge to you, obtain a license, or modify, or substitute an equivalent of, or remove the Software. If Software is removed by Xerox for this reason, any designated license fees paid by you will be fully refunded; if no portion of the amounts paid to Xerox within the transaction in which the Software was acquired was designated as a license fee for the Software, Xerox shall refund that portion of the amounts paid that Xerox reasonably designates as associated with the Software's acquisition. Xerox is not liable for any infringement due to the Software being made or modified (by Xerox or others, including you) to your specifications, or being used or sold in combination with equipment, software, or supplies not provided by Xerox. XEROX MAKES NO OTHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTY OF NON-INFRINGEMENT OR LIABILITY FOR INFRINGEMENT OR ANY DAMAGES THEREFROM. 7. LIMITATION OF LIABILITY IN NO EVENT SHALL XEROX OR ITS SUPPLIERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, (INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, LOSS OF DATA) IN ANY WAY ARISING OUT OF OR RELATED TO THE USE OR INABILITY TO USE THE "SOFTWARE", EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. IN NO EVENT SHALL XEROX' DIRECT DAMAGES TO YOU EXCEED THE TOTAL LICENSE FEE ACTUALLY PAID BY YOU FOR SUCH SOFTWARE. 8. TERMINATION Xerox may terminate this license immediately upon notice in the event of a material breach by you or if you no longer use or possess the equipment with which this Software is intended to be used, in which event you shall return to Xerox all copies of the Software, and remove same from all equipment into which such Software may have been loaded by you. 9. GOVERNING LAW This agreement will be governed by the laws of the State of New York, USA or if you acquire the Software outside the USA, by the laws of the country in which you acquired the Document Centre System Equipment with which this software is to be used, excluding its conflict of laws provisions. Some jurisdictions do not allow limitations on how long an implied warranty lasts or the exclusion or limitation of incidental or consequential damages, so the above disclaimers, limitations or exclusions, in whole or in part, may not apply to you. 10. ENTIRE AGREEMENT This Software License Agreement is the entire agreement between Xerox and you pertaining to the Software and supersedes all proposals or prior and contemporaneous agreements or understandings of the parties regarding the Software. You agree that any terms and conditions contained in any purchase order or other ordering document submitted to order the Software shall have no binding effect on Xerox and will not modify this Agreement in any way. If, after reading the terms and conditions, they are unacceptable to you, then, to avoid contractual obligations and liability, you should promptly return the software unused, and you will then be entitled to a refund of any sums paid by you to license the Software. Title WorkCentre Pro 40 Color Version 1.2.5 Description DefaultLocation /Library/Printers/PPDs/Contents/Resources DeleteWarning ### Package Flags NeedsAuthorization YES Required NO Relocatable NO RequiresReboot NO UseUserMask NO OverwritePermissions NO InstallFat NO #!/usr/bin/perl my $SYSTEM_VERS = "/System/Library/CoreServices/SystemVersion.plist"; my $EXIT_VALUE = 0; DO_CHECKS: { # 10.2 or higher system must be active if(CheckVersion("$SYSTEM_VERS", "10.2", "ProductVersion", "<")) { $EXIT_VALUE = ((1 << 6) | ( 1 << 5 ) | 18 ); last; } } exit($EXIT_VALUE); ### sub CheckVersion { my $path = $_[0]; my $version = $_[1]; my $keyName = $_[2]; my $operator = $_[3]; if (! -e $path) { return 0; } if (!$operator) { $operator = "=="; } my $oldSeperator = $/; $/ = \0; open( PLIST, "$path") || do { return 0; }; $plistData = ; $plistData =~ /(.*?)<\/dict>/gis; @items = split(//, $plistData); shift @items; foreach $item (@items) { $item =~ /(.*?)<\/key>.*?(.*?)<\/string>/gis; $versiondata{ $1 } = $2; } close(PLIST); $/ = $oldSeperator; @theVersionArray = split(/\./, $versiondata{$keyName}); for ($i = 0; $i < 3; $i++) { if(!$theVersionArray[$i]) { $theVersionArray[$i] = '0'; } } @versionArray = split(/\./, $version); my $actualVersion; for ($i = 0; $i < 3; $i++) { if (($theVersionArray[$i] != $versionArray[$i]) or ($i == 2)) { $actualVersion = $theVersionArray[$i]; $version = $versionArray[$i]; last; } } my $expression = '$actualVersion ' . $operator . ' $version'; if( eval ($expression) ) { return 1; } else { return 0; } } 2David St. John202STR XOversttelsen af denne licensaftale er leveret af Xerox Europe og er ikke juridisk bindende. Den engelske tekst, der flger efter den oversatte tekst, er juridisk bindende. ====================================================================== LICENSAFTALE OG GARANTI FOR VEDLAGTE SOFTWARE OG TILHRENDE DOKUMENTATION LS DENNE LICENSAFTALE, FR PAKKEN MED CENTREWARE-SOFTWARE BNES. VIGTIGT: DENNE AFTALE INDEHOLDER LICENSBETINGELSER OG -VILKR FOR LICENSSOFTWAREN OG DEN TILHRENDE DOKUMENTATION. HVIS PAKKEN BNES, TILKENDEGIVER DE, AT DE ACCEPTERER AFTALENS BETINGELSER. HVIS DE IKKE KAN ACCEPTERE EN ELLER FLERE AF AFTALENS BETINGELSER, BEDES DE RETURNERE LICENSPAKKEN MED SOFTWARE UBNET TIL LEVERANDREN, SAMT SLETTE ALLE SOFTWAREFILER, SOM DE HAR HAFT ADGANG TIL FRA EN HVILKEN SOM HELST COMPUTERHUKOMMELSE, HVORTIL DEN PGLDENDE SOFTWARE ER BLEVET INDLST ELLER GEMT. NR ORDET "XEROX" ANVENDES I DENNE AFTALE, ER DET I BETYDNINGEN XEROX CORPORATION, ELLER DET XEROX-DATTERSELSKAB, HVORFRA XEROX DOCUMENT CENTRE-UDSTYRET ("Udstyret"), HVOR SOFTWAREN SKAL INSTALLERES, ER KBT, MEDMINDRE UDSTYRET ER KBT HOS EN AUTORISERET FORHANDLER, AGENT ELLER DISTRIBUTR. NR ORDET "XEROX" ANVENDES I SIDSTNVNTE SAMMENHNG ER DET I BETYDNINGEN XEROX CORPORATION ELLER DET XEROX-DATTERSELSKAB, HVORFRA TREDJEPARTEN, DER SOLGTE DEM UDSTYRET, HAR KBT UDSTYRET. 1. LICENSBEVILLING Xerox giver Dem en ikke-eksklusiv ret, som ikke kan overdrages, til at anvende den software og tilhrende dokumentation ("softwaren"), som er indeholdt i denne pakke sammen med udstyret, s lnge De betaler licensafgiften indeholdt i nrvrende licensaftale (inklusive en eventuel rlig fornyelse af licensafgift) og i vrigt overholder flgende betingelser og vilkr. 2. ANVENDELSE De m udelukkende installere softwaren til brug sammen med en hvilken som helst netvrksopkoblet computer eller server, som er forbundet med Udstyret. Ved en netvrksopkobling kan andre brugere p netvrket f adgang til og anvende softwaren sammen med udstyret. 3. EJENDOMSRET, KOPIERING, NDRINGER OG FORTROLIGHED 3.1 Xerox ejer eller er p anden vis berettiget til at bevilge licenser med respekt af alle rettigheder til softwaren. 3.2 Der overfres ikke rettigheder eller ejendomsret af softwaren til kunden. 3.3 I overensstemmelse med punkt 3.4 herunder er kunden kun berettiget til helt eller delvist at kopiere softwaren til det forml, der udtrykkeligt er beskrevet i punkt 2 herover og med henblik p sikkerhedskopiering. Enhver tilladt kopi skal i et lseligt format inkludere copyright og andre ejendomsretlige bestemmelser indeholdt i den originale software. 3.4 Kunden m kun kopiere den tilhrende dokumentation til anvendelse sammen med Udstyret. 3.5 Kunden m ikke distribuere, ndre eller modificere softwaren eller give anledning til eller tillade, at andre ndrer eller modificerer softwaren. 3.6 Kunden accepterer ikke at overdrage eller p anden mde gre softwaren tilgngelig for andre end de medarbejdere og agenter, der er direkte beskftiget med den licensberettigede anvendelse af softwaren. 3.7 Softwaren er copyright-beskyttet, og alle rettigheder tilhrer Xerox og/eller en tredjepart. Kunden kan holdes direkte ansvarlig af en sdan tredjepart ved kundens overtrdelse af nvnte rettigheder. 3.8 Kunden accepterer under ingen omstndigheder at ville samle softwaren omvendt, dekompilere eller skille softwaren ad. 3.9 Kunden accepterer ikke at eksportere eller geneksportere softwaren i en hvilken som helst form uden frst at indhente svel alle nationale som internationale licenser, som loven foreskriver, og i s fald kun ved eksport af Xerox-produktet. 3.10 Xerox kan ophve denne licensaftale (i) jeblikkeligt, hvis kunden ikke lngere anvender eller er i besiddelse af det udstyr, hvortil denne software er beregnet, eller hvis kunden leaser udstyret, og den frste leasingtager ikke lngere anvender eller er i besiddelse af udstyret (ii) ved ophr af den aftale, der blev indget i forbindelse med, at kunden lejede eller leasede udstyret. 4. OVERDRAGELSE AF LICENSSOFTWAREN Kunden kan overdrage softwaren i forbindelse med en overdragelse af Xerox-produktet, forudsat at modtageren skriftligt accepterer alle de beskrevne vilkr og betingelser indeholdt i nrvrende licensaftale, og at overdragelsen ikke er i strid med Xerox' rettigheder. 5. BEGRNSET GARANTI 5.1 Xerox oplyser, at softwaren p alle vsentlige punkter fungerer i overensstemmelse med Xerox' Betjeningsvejledning eller andet Xerox-dokumentation, der p leveringstidspunktet overdrages til den oprindelige kunde. Xerox indestr ikke for, at softwaren kan anvendes, uden at der opstr afbrydelser eller fejl, eller at softwaren imdekommer kundens behov. Er Udstyret solgt til en forbruger, som defineret i kbelovgivningen, fraviger ovennvnte bestemmelse ikke forbrugerens rettigheder i henhold til kbelovgivningens forbrugerbeskyttelsesprceptive regler. 5.2 Hvis softwaren ikke er i overensstemmelse med funktionaliteten, indeholdt i punkt 5.1 herover, er kundens eneste misligeholdelsesbefjelse at underrette Xerox om forholdet inden for halvfems (90) dage efter levering, og Xerox eller dennes leverandr er kun forpligtet til at foretage, hvad der m anses for rimeligt for at finde en lsning, som afhjlper denne manglende funktionalitet, eller til at skaffe kunden software, som i al vsentlighed er i overensstemmelse med Xerox' Betjeningsvejledning eller anden dokumentation, leveret af Xerox. Er Udstyret solgt til en forbruger, som defineret i kbelovgivningen, fraviger ovennvnte bestemmelse ikke forbrugerens rettigheder i henhold til kbelovgivningens forbrugerbeskyttelsesprceptive regler. 5.3 XEROX YDER INGEN ANDRE GARANTIER FOR SOFTWAREN, SVEL UDTRYKKELIGE SOM UNDERFORSTEDE, OG SVEL LOVMSSIGE SOM P ANDEN VIS ETABLEREDE, HERUNDER MEN IKKE BEGRNSET TIL, ENHVER UNDERFORSTET GARANTI FOR SALGBARHED OG EGNETHED TIL ET BESTEMT FORML. XEROX FRALGGER SIG DESUDEN ETHVERT ANSVAR FOR GARANTIER OG LIGNENDE, SOM ER GIVET AF ANDRE PERSONER END XEROX-ANSAT PERSONALE (VED ANDRE PERSONER END XEROX-ANSAT PERSONALE FORSTS BL.A. XEROX SOFTWARE-DISTRIBUTRER OG -FORHANDLERE). 5.4 De udtrykkelige garantier, der er anfrt ovenfor, er ugyldige, hvis kunden ikke anvender softwaren som beskrevet, eller hvis softwaren modificeres eller ndres p en hvilken som helst mde. 6. PATENT OG COPYRIGHT-KRNKELSE Xerox vil forsvare og holde kunden skadesls, hvis det hvdes, at softwaren krnker patenter, forretningshemmeligheder eller copyright i USA, forudsat at kunden jeblikkeligt skriftligt gr Xerox opmrksom p en eventuel pstet overtrdelse, er indstillet p at lade Xerox forsvare en sdan pstand og samarbejder med Xerox. Xerox er ikke ansvarlig for eventuelle ikke-Xerox retstvistlige udgifter eller forlig, medmindre Xerox p forhnd accepterer disse skriftligt. For at undg en overtrdelse kan Xerox, efter eget skn, og uden omkostninger for kunden skaffe en licens eller ndre eller udskifte softwaren med en lignende eller fjerne softwaren. Hvis softwaren fjernes af Xerox af ovenstende rsag, refunderes den af kunden betalte licensafgift. Xerox er ikke ansvarlig for en evt. krnkelse, som skyldes, at softwaren fremstilles eller ndres (af Xerox eller andre, inkl. kunden) efter kundens specifikationer, eller hvis softwaren anvendes eller slges sammen med andet udstyr, software eller forbrugsstoffer, som ikke er leveret af Xerox. XEROX GIVER IKKE ANDRE UDTRYKKELIGE ELLER UNDERFORSTEDE GARANTIER FOR IKKE-KRNKELSER OG ER IKKE ANSVARLIG FOR KRNKELSER ELLER EVENTUELLE SKADESERSTATNINGER SOM FLGE HERAF. 7. BEGRNSNING AF ANSVAR HVERKEN XEROX ELLER DETS LEVERANDRER KAN HOLDES ANSVARLIGE FOR SPECIELLE, INDIREKTE, TILFLDIGE SKADER ELLER FLGESKADER, (INKLUSIVE, MEN IKKE BEGRNSET TIL TAB AF DATA) SOM OPSTR SOM FLGE AF BRUGEN AF ELLER I FORBINDELSE MED BRUGEN AF ELLER MANGLENDE EVNE TIL AT BRUGE SOFTWAREN, SELV HVIS DER ER GJORT OPMRKSOM P MULIGHEDEN FOR SDANNE SKADER. UNDER INGEN OMSTNDIGHEDER KAN XEROX' ANSVAR OVER FOR KUNDEN FOR DIREKTE SKADESERSTATNINGER OVERSTIGE DEN SAMLEDE LICENSAFGIFT, SOM REELT ER BETALT AF KUNDEN FOR SOFTWAREN. 8. OPHVELSE Xerox kan ophve denne licens jeblikkeligt, hvis aftalen p vsentlige punkter misligeholdes af kunden, eller hvis kunden ikke lngere anvender eller er i besiddelse af det udstyr, hvortil denne software er beregnet, i hvilket tilflde kunden skal returnere alle kopier af softwaren til Xerox og fjerne samme fra ethvert udstyr, hvori softwaren mtte vre indlst af kunden. 9. LOVGIVNING Nrvrende aftale er underlagt lovene i det land, hvor den Xerox-virksomhed, hvorfra det udstyr, hvortil softwaren er beregnet, er kbt. Nogle retssystemer tillader ingen begrnsning af, hvor lnge en underforstet garanti varer, eller udelukkelse eller begrnsning af erstatningansvar for hndelige svel som flgeskader, hvorfor ovennvnte ansvarsfraskrivelser, begrnsninger eller indskrnkninger, helt eller delvist, ikke ndvendigvis finder anvendelse i Deres tilflde. 10. HELE AFTALEN Nrvrende softwarelicensaftale udgr hele aftalen mellem Xerox og kunden, hvad angr softwaren, og tilsidestter alle udkast eller tidligere og nuvrende aftaler eller betingelser indget mellem parterne angende softwaren. Kunden accepterer, at betingelser og vilkr indeholdt i kundens indkbsrekvisition eller andre bestillingsdokumenter, som er afsendt med henblik p at bestille softwaren, ikke har nogen bindende effekt for Xerox og p ingen mde ndrer denne aftale. Hvis disse betingelser og vilkr, efter endt gennemlsning, ikke kan accepteres, br De, for at undg kontraktmssige forpligtelser og ansvar, jeblikkeligt returnere softwaren i ubrugt stand, hvorefter De er berettiget til at f refunderet ethvert belb, De mtte have betalt for at f licens til at bruge softwaren. ====================================================================== LICENSE AGREEMENT AND WARRANTY FOR THE ENCLOSED SOFTWARE AND RELATED DOCUMENTATION YOUR LICENSE AGREEMENT - READ BEFORE INSTALLING SOFTWARE IMPORTANT: THIS AGREEMENT CONTAINS THE LICENSE TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR LICENSED SOFTWARE AND RELATED DOCUMENTATION. INSTALLING THE SOFTWARE PACKAGE SIGNIFIES YOUR ACCEPTANCE OF THIS AGREEMENT. IF YOU DO NOT ACCEPT THIS AGREEMENT, YOU MUST PROMPTLY RETURN THE SOFTWARE PACKAGE AND DELETE ANY SOFTWARE FILES ACCESSED BY YOU FROM ANY AND ALL COMPUTER MEMORY INTO WHICH SUCH SOFTWARE HAS BEEN LOADED OR STORED. WHEN USED IN THIS AGREEMENT THE WORD "XEROX" SHALL MEAN XEROX CORPORATION, ITS OPERATING COMPANY SUBSIDIARY OR AFFILIATE FROM WHICH YOU OBTAINED THE INDIVIDUAL UNIT OF THE XEROX DOCUMENT CENTRE SYSTEM EQUIPMENT (the "Equipment") WITH WHICH THE SOFTWARE IS TO BE USED, UNLESS YOU OBTAINED THE EQUIPMENT FROM AN AUTHORIZED DEALER, AGENT, CONCESSIONAIRE OR DISTRIBUTOR, IN WHICH CASE "XEROX" SHALL MEAN XEROX CORPORATION, ITS OPERATING COMPANY, SUBSIDIARY OR AFFILIATE FROM WHICH THE ENTITY THAT SOLD YOU THE EQUIPMENT ACQUIRED IT. 1. GRANT OF LICENSE Xerox hereby grants you a non-exclusive, non-transferable license to use the software and related documentation ("Software") enclosed in this package with the Equipment, for as long as you are current in the payment of any indicated software license fees (including any annual renewal or maintenance fees) on the following terms and conditions. 2. USE You may install the Software for use on any networked workstation or server only in conjunction with the Equipment. When networked, other users on the network may access and use the Software in conjunction with the Equipment. 3. OWNERSHIP, COPYING, MODIFICATION AND CONFIDENTIALITY 3.1 Xerox owns or is otherwise entitled to grant licenses in respect of all rights in the Software. 3.2 No title to or ownership of the Software or any proprietary right therein is transferred to you. 3.3 You may, subject to Section 3.4 below, make one copy of the Software in whole or in part only for that purpose expressly permitted in Section 2 above and for back-up. Such permitted copy shall include in readable format any copyright and other proprietary notices contained on the original Software. 3.4 You may copy the related documentation for use only in conjunction with the Equipment. 3.5 You may not distribute, alter or modify nor cause or allow others to alter or modify the Software. 3.6 You agree not to provide or otherwise make available the Software to anyone other than your employees and agents directly concerned with the licensed use of the Software. 3.7 The Software is protected by copyright and other proprietary rights of Xerox and/or a third party. You may be held directly responsible by such third party for an infringement of such rights by you. 3.8 You agree not to reverse engineer, decompile or disassemble the Software for any purpose whatsoever, except to the extent permitted by law. 3.9 You agree not to export or re-export the Software in any form without, in the case of a customer in the United States, first obtaining all United States government licenses, and in the case of a customer outside of the United States, all relevant foreign government licenses, required by law, and then only upon the export of the Equipment. 3.10 Xerox may terminate your license for the Software (i) immediately if you no longer use or possess the Equipment or are a lessor of the Equipment and your first lessee no longer uses or possesses it or (ii) upon the termination of any agreement under which you have rented or leased the Equipment. 4. TRANSFER OF LICENSED SOFTWARE If you transfer possession of the Equipment, Xerox will offer the transferee a license to use the Software on or with it, subject to Xerox' then applicable terms and license fees, if any, and provided the transfer is not in violation of Xerox' rights. 5. LIMITED WARRANTY 5.1 Xerox warrants that the Software shall substantially conform to Xerox' User Manual or other Xerox documentation supplied at delivery to the original Customer. Xerox does not warrant that the operation of the Software will be uninterrupted or error free, nor that it will meet your needs. 5.2 In the event that the Software does not conform to the limited warranty contained in Section 5.1 above, your exclusive remedy is to notify Xerox within ninety (90) days of the date of delivery, and Xerox' or its supplier's sole obligation shall be to use all reasonable efforts to provide a work-around which avoids the nonconformity or to provide you with Software which does substantially conform to the Xerox User Manual or other Xerox supplied documentation. 5.3 XEROX GRANTS NO OTHER WARRANTIES ON THE "SOFTWARE", EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, WHETHER CREATED BY STATUTE OR OTHERWISE, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. XEROX FURTHER DISCLAIMS ANY WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS MADE BY PERSONS OTHER THAN XEROX (INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO XEROX SOFTWARE DEALERS, AGENTS, CONCESSIONAIRES OR DISTRIBUTORS). 5.4 The express warranties set forth above shall be void if you fail to properly use the Software in the appropriate environment as specified in the Xerox supplied documentation or if the Software is modified or altered in any fashion. 6. PATENT AND COPYRIGHT INDEMNIFICATION Xerox will defend and indemnify you if the Software is alleged to infringe, in the United States, any patent, trade secret, or copyright, if you promptly notify Xerox in writing of any alleged infringement, allow Xerox to direct the defense of such claim, and cooperate with Xerox. All notices should be sent to the Xerox Office of General Counsel, P.O. Box 1600, Stamford, Connecticut 06904. Xerox is not responsible for any non-Xerox litigation expenses or settlements unless Xerox pre-approves them in writing. To avoid infringement, Xerox may, at its option, and at no charge to you, obtain a license, or modify, or substitute an equivalent of, or remove the Software. If Software is removed by Xerox for this reason, any designated license fees paid by you will be fully refunded; if no portion of the amounts paid to Xerox within the transaction in which the Software was acquired was designated as a license fee for the Software, Xerox shall refund that portion of the amounts paid that Xerox reasonably designates as associated with the Software's acquisition. Xerox is not liable for any infringement due to the Software being made or modified (by Xerox or others, including you) to your specifications, or being used or sold in combination with equipment, software, or supplies not provided by Xerox. XEROX MAKES NO OTHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTY OF NON-INFRINGEMENT OR LIABILITY FOR INFRINGEMENT OR ANY DAMAGES THEREFROM. 7. LIMITATION OF LIABILITY IN NO EVENT SHALL XEROX OR ITS SUPPLIERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, (INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, LOSS OF DATA) IN ANY WAY ARISING OUT OF OR RELATED TO THE USE OR INABILITY TO USE THE "SOFTWARE", EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. IN NO EVENT SHALL XEROX' DIRECT DAMAGES TO YOU EXCEED THE TOTAL LICENSE FEE ACTUALLY PAID BY YOU FOR SUCH SOFTWARE. 8. TERMINATION Xerox may terminate this license immediately upon notice in the event of a material breach by you or if you no longer use or possess the equipment with which this Software is intended to be used, in which event you shall return to Xerox all copies of the Software, and remove same from all equipment into which such Software may have been loaded by you. 9. GOVERNING LAW This agreement will be governed by the laws of the State of New York, USA or if you acquire the Software outside the USA, by the laws of the country in which you acquired the Document Centre System Equipment with which this software is to be used, excluding its conflict of laws provisions. Some jurisdictions do not allow limitations on how long an implied warranty lasts or the exclusion or limitation of incidental or consequential damages, so the above disclaimers, limitations or exclusions, in whole or in part, may not apply to you. 10. ENTIRE AGREEMENT This Software License Agreement is the entire agreement between Xerox and you pertaining to the Software and supersedes all proposals or prior and contemporaneous agreements or understandings of the parties regarding the Software. You agree that any terms and conditions contained in any purchase order or other ordering document submitted to order the Software shall have no binding effect on Xerox and will not modify this Agreement in any way. If, after reading the terms and conditions, they are unacceptable to you, then, to avoid contractual obligations and liability, you should promptly return the software unused, and you will then be entitled to a refund of any sums paid by you to license the Software. Title WorkCentre Pro 40 Color Version 1.2.1 Description DefaultLocation /Library/Printers/PPDs/Contents/Resources DeleteWarning ### Package Flags NeedsAuthorization YES Required NO Relocatable NO RequiresReboot NO UseUserMask NO OverwritePermissions NO InstallFat NO "16" = "Dit volume voldoet niet aan de vereisten voor deze update."; "17" = "Onvoldoende vrije ruimte voor deze update. Er is 300 MB vrije ruimte vereist."; "18" = "Dit pakket kan alleen worden genstalleerd op Mac OS X versie 10.2 of hoger."; 2David St. John202STR C`BOMStorez:yU"q1nfotreetree&treetree. dexBomInfoPathsHLIndexVIndexAc>5]c>,$0`|'.DS_Store Ac>5^da.lprojc>,#Dvv.DS_Storec>-^5,Κ?XRWCP40C.PPD.gzAc>5^de.lprojc>,#Kvv.DS_Storec>50,+z$"XRWCP40C.PPD.gzAc>,#Wen.lproj !c>,#WIN7L .DS_Store $c>,*"5 XRWCP40C.PPD.gz 'Ac>5^es.lproj *c>,#Wvv .DS_Store -c>-^,e%P XRWCP40C.PPD.gz0Ac>5^fi.lproj3c>,#[vv.DS_Store6c>-_,7XRWCP40C.PPD.gz9Ac>5^fr.lproj<c>,#_vv.DS_Store?c>-_,]XRWCP40C.PPD.gzBAc>5^it.lprojEc>,#cvv.DS_StoreHc>-_,h GXRWCP40C.PPD.gzKAc>5^nl.lprojNc>,#fvv.DS_StoreQc>-_,+/"XRWCP40C.PPD.gzTAc>5^no.lprojWc>,#kvv.DS_StoreZc>5),I4XRWCP40C.PPD.gz]Ac>5^pt.lproj`c>,#rvv.DS_Storecc>5,^ۙXRWCP40C.PPD.gz fAc>5^pt_BR.lproj!ic>,#nIN7L!.DS_Store"lc>-`=,:߱!XRWCP40C.PPD.gz#oAc>5^sv.lproj$rc>,$vv$.DS_Store%uc>-`e,M,^$XRWCP40C.PPD.gz&x'bn&  #",+54>=GFPOYXbakjts &%)(/.2187;:A@DCJIMLSRVU\[_^edhgnmqpwvzy *]1*yq K"#"`f#9#T#b#j# ########$ $"$*$E$S$[$v$$$ $$$$$% %%&%= %J%R%m%{%%%%% %%&&&&2&F&N&e &r&z&&&&&&& ''')'7'?'Z'n'v' ''''''(( (! (.(6(Q(_(g(((( ((((())*)2)I)Y)a)|)))))) ))***&*A*U Fnn part, may not apply to you. 10. ENTIRE AGREEMENT This Software License Agreement is the entire agreement between Xerox and you pertaining to the Software and supersedes all proposals or prior and contemporaneous agreements or understandings of the parties regarding the Software. You agree that any terms and conditions contained in any purchase order or other ordering document submitted to order the Software shall have no binding effect on Xerox and will not modify this Agreement in any way. If, after reading the terms and conditions, they are unacceptable to you, then, to avoid contractual obligations and liability, you should promptly return the software unused, and you will then be entitled to a refund of any sums paid by you to license the Software. Title WorkCentre Pro 40 Color Version 1.2.1 Description DefaultLocation /Library/Printers/PPDs/Contents/Resources DeleteWarning ### Package Flags NeedsAuthorization YES Required NO Relocatable NO RequiresReboot NO UseUserMask NO OverwritePermissions NO InstallFat NO "16" = "Tm taltio ei tyt pivityksen vaatimuksia."; "17" = "Pivitykselle ei ole riittvsti tilaa. Vaaditaan 300 Mt tilaa."; "18" = "Tm paketti voidaan suorittaa vain Mac OS X:ss, versiossa 10.2 tai uudemmassa."; 2David St. John202STR \Tmn lisenssisopimuksen knnksen on tuottanut Xerox Europe, ja se ei ole laillisesti sitova. Knnst seuraava englanninkielinen teksti sit vastoin on laillisesti sitova. ========================================================================= LISENSSISOPIMUS JA TAKUU OHJELMISTOLLE JA SIIHEN LIITTYVLLE DOKUMENTAATIOLLE LISENSSISOPIMUS - LUKEKAA ENNEN OHJELMISTON ASENTAMISTATRKE: TM SOPIMUS SISLT LISENSOITUA OHJELMISTOA JA SIIHEN LIITTYV DOKUMENTAATIOTA KOSKEVAT LISENSSIEHDOT. OHJELMISTON ASENTAMINEN EDELLYTT JA MERKITSEE SIT, ETT HYVKSYTTE TMN SOPIMUKSEN. ELLETTE HYVKSY TT SOPIMUSTA, TEIDN ON VIIPYMTT PALAUTETTAVA OHJELMISTOPAKETTI JA HVITETTV KAIKKI KYTETTVISSNNE OLEVAT OHJELMISTOTIEDOSTOT KAIKISTA TIETOKONEIDEN MUISTILAITTEISTA, JOIHIN NE ON ASENNETTU TAI TALLENNETTU. TSS SOPIMUKSESSA "XEROX" TARKOITTAA XEROX CORPORATIONIA TAI SEN MAAN PAIKALLISTA XEROX-YHTIT, JOSTA OLETTE HANKKINUT XEROX DOCUMENT CENTRE SYSTEM -LAITTEEN ("LAITE"), JONKA YHTEYDESS OHJELMISTOA ON MR KYTT, PAITSI JOS OLETTE HANKKINUT LAITTEEN VALTUUTETULTA JLLEENMYYJLT, AGENTILTA TAI JAKELIJALTA, MISS TAPAUKSESSA "XEROX" TARKOITTAA XEROX CORPORATIONIA TAI PAIKALLISTA XEROX-YHTIT, JOSTA TEILLE LAITTEEN MYYNYT YKSIKK ON HANKKINUT LAITTEEN. 1. LISENSSIN KSITTMT OIKEUDET Xerox mynt teille seuraavassa esitettvin ehdoin lisenssin eli oikeuden kytt tmn pakkauksen sisltm ohjelmistoa ja siihen liittyv dokumentaatiota ("Ohjelmisto") Laitteen yhteydess niin kauan kuin maksatte ajallaan ohjelmistolisenssimaksut (mukaan lukien vuosittaiset pivitys- tai yllpitomaksut). Lisenssi ei mynnet yksinoikeudella, eik sit voida siirt. 2. KYTT Te saatte asentaa Ohjelmiston mihin tahansa verkkoon liitettyyn tyasemaan tai palvelimeen kytettvksi yksinomaan Laitteen yhteydess. Kun Ohjelmisto on asennettu verkkoon, verkon kyttjt saavat kytt sit Laitteen yhteydess. 3. OMISTUSOIKEUS, KOPIOINTI, MUUTTAMINEN JA LUOTTAMUKSELLISUUS 3.1 Xerox omistaa tai sill on muuten oikeus mynt kaikkia Ohjelmistoon liittyvi oikeuksia koskevat lisenssit. 3.2 Sopimus ei siirr teille mitn Ohjelmistoon liittyvi omistus-, tekijn- tai muita oikeuksia. 3.3 Te saatte, alla kohdassa 3.4 sanottu huomioon ottaen, tehd yhden kopion koko Ohjelmistosta tai sen osasta vain yll kohdassa 2 nimenomaisesti mainittuun tarkoitukseen ja varmuuskopioksi. Tllaisessa sallitussa kopiossa on oltava luettavassa muodossa kaikki alkuperisen Ohjelmiston sisltmt tekijnoikeutta ja omistusoikeutta koskevat tiedot. 3.4 Te saatte kopioida ohjelmistoon liittyvn dokumentaation kytettvksi yksinomaan Laitteen yhteydess. 3.5 Te ette saa luovuttaa edelleen, muuttaa ettek muokata Ohjelmistoa ettek antaa muiden muuttaa tai muokata sit. 3.6 Te sitoudutte olemaan antamatta Ohjelmistoa muiden kuin sellaisten tyntekijittenne tai edustajienne kyttn tai saataville, jotka suoraan osallistuvat Ohjelmiston lisenssinmukaiseen kyttn. 3.7 Ohjelmisto on suojattu Xeroxille ja/tai kolmannelle osapuolelle kuuluvilla tekijn- ja muilla oikeuksilla. Tllainen kolmas osapuoli voi suoraankin esitt vaatimuksia teit kohtaan, mikli te loukkaatte kyseisi oikeuksia. 3.8 Te sitoudutte olemaan kntmtt Ohjelmiston koodia tai purkamatta sit mihinkn tarkoitukseen paitsi lain sallimissa rajoissa. 3.9 Te sitoudutte olemaan viemtt Ohjelmistoa maasta missn muodossa ilman lain mahdollisesti edellyttmi Yhdysvaltojen tai muun valtion viranomaisten myntmi lupia ja silloinkin vain Laitteen ulkomaille vientiin liittyen. 3.10 Xerox voi ptt tmn lisenssin voimassaolon (i) vlittmsti, jos te ette en kyt tai teidn hallussanne ei ole Laitetta tai olette Laitteen vuokralleantaja ja ensimminen Laitteen vuokralleottaja ei en kyt tai hnen hallussaan ei ole Laitetta, tai (ii) teidn tekemnne Laitetta koskevan vuokrasopimuksen pttyess. 4. LISENSOIDUN OHJELMISTON SIIRTMINEN Jos siirrtte Laitteen omistusoikeuden, Xerox tarjoaa siirron saajalle oikeuden kytt Ohjelmistoa Laitteessa tai Laitteen yhteydess Xeroxin kyseisen aikana voimassa olevien ehtojen ja mahdollisten lisenssimaksujen mukaisesti, edellytten ett siirto ei vaaranna Xeroxin oikeuksia. 5. RAJOITETTU TAKUU 5.1 Xerox takaa, ett alkuperiselle Asiakkaalle toimitettaessa Ohjelmisto on olennaisilta osiltaan Xeroxin Kyttjn ksikirjan tai muun Xeroxin toimittaman dokumentaation mukainen. Xerox ei takaa Ohjelmiston keskeytyksetnt tai virheetnt toimintaa eik sen soveltuvuutta teidn kytttarkoitukseenne. 5.2 Mikli Ohjelmisto ei ole yll kohdassa 5.1 mainitun rajoitetun takuun mukainen, teidn tulee ilmoittaa siit Xeroxille yhdeksnkymmenen (90) pivn kuluessa toimituspivst, jolloin Xerox tai sen jlleenmyyj on velvollinen kaikin kohtuudella kytettvissn olevin keinoin osoittamaan menetelmn, jolla edell mainittu poikkeavuus vltetn, tai toimittamaan teille sellaisen Ohjelmiston, joka on olennaisilta osiltaan Xeroxin Kyttjn ksikirjan tai muun Xeroxin toimittaman dokumentaation mukainen. Teill ei ole muita oikeuksia eik Xeroxilla ole muita velvollisuuksia Ohjelmiston virheisiin liittyen. 5.3 XEROX EI MYNN "OHJELMISTOLLE" MITN MUUTA SUORAA TAI EPSUORAA, LAKIIN TAI MUUHUN PERUSTUVAA TAKUUTA, EIK XEROX TAKAA TAI SEN OLE KATSOTTAVA TAKAAVAN "OHJELMISTON" KURANTTIUTTA TAI SEN SOVELTUVUUTTA JOHONKIN TIETTYYN TARKOITUKSEEN. XEROX EI MYSKN VASTAA MUIDEN KUIN XEROXIN ANTAMISTA SITOUMUKSISTA TAI TAKUISTA (KOSKIEN MYS XEROX-OHJELMISTOJEN JLLEENMYYJI, AGENTTEJA TAI JAKELIJOITA HEIHIN RAJOITTUMATTA). 5.4 Yll mainitut nimenomaiset takuut raukeavat, mikli te ette kyt Ohjelmistoa oikein ja Xeroxin toimittaman dokumentaation osoittamassa asianmukaisessa ympristss tai mikli Ohjelmistoa muokataan tai muutetaan milln tavalla. 6. PATENTTI- JA TEKIJNOIKEUKSIA KOSKEVAT VAATEET Xerox puolustaa teit ja korvaa teille mahdolliset vahingot, mikli Ohjelmiston vitetn loukkaavan patentti- tai tekijnoikeutta tai liikesalaisuutta Yhdysvalloissa. Tm kuitenkin edellytt, ett te vlittmsti ja kirjallisesti ilmoitatte Xeroxille kaikista vitetyist oikeudenloukkauksista, annatte Xeroxin huolehtia puolustuksesta ja toimitte yhteistyss Xeroxin kanssa. Kaikki ilmoitukset on lhetettv osoitteella: Xerox Office of General Counsel, P.O. Box 1600, Stamford, Connecticut 06904, USA. Xerox ei vastaa Xeroxiin liittymttmist oikeudenkyntikuluista tai sovintoratkaisuista, ellei Xerox ole etukteen hyvksynyt niit kirjallisesti. Oikeudenloukkauksien vlttmiseksi Xerox voi halutessaan ja ilman teille koituvia kustannuksia hankkia lisenssin tai muokata Ohjelmistoa, korvata Ohjelmiston vastaavalla tai poistaa Ohjelmiston. Jos Xerox poistaa Ohjelmiston tst syyst, teille palautetaan teidn maksamanne osoitetut lisenssimaksut tysimrisin; jos mitn osaa Xeroxille maksetuista maksuista, jotka liittyvt Ohjelmiston hankintaan, ei ole osoitettu Ohjelmiston lisenssimaksuksi, Xerox palauttaa maksuista osan, jonka Xerox kohtuudella katsoo liittyneen Ohjelmiston hankintaan. Xerox ei vastaa oikeudenloukkauksista, jotka johtuvat siit, ett Ohjelmisto on tehty tai ett sit on muokattu teidn mritystenne mukaisesti (Xeroxin tai muiden toimesta, te mukaan lukien) tai ett Ohjelmistoa on kytetty tai se on myyty sellaisten laitteiden, ohjelmistojen tai tarvikkeiden yhteydess, joita Xerox ei ole toimittanut. XEROX EI ANNA MITN MUUTA SUORAA TAI EPSUORAA TAKUUTA SIIT, ETT OHJELMISTO EI LOUKKAA TSS MAINITTUJA OIKEUKSIA, EIK HYVKSY MITN MUUTA TAI LAAJEMPAA VASTUUTA LOUKKAUSTEN AIHEUTTAMISTA VAHINGOISTA. 7. VASTUUN RAJOITUS XEROX TAI SEN JLLEENMYYJT EIVT MISSN TAPAUKSESSA VASTAA MISTN VLILLISIST TAI EPSUORISTA TAI ERITYISIST VAHINGOISTA (MUKAAN LUKIEN TIETOJEN MENETYS RAJOITUKSETTA), JOTKA MILLN TAVALLA JOHTUVAT "OHJELMISTON" KYTST TAI KYKENEMTTMYYDEST KYTT "OHJELMISTOA", VAIKKA TLLAISTEN VAHINKOJEN MAHDOLLISUUDESTA OLISI ILMOITETTU. MISSN TAPAUKSESSA XEROXIN KORVAUSVELVOLLISUUS VLITTMIST VAHINGOISTA EI YLIT TEIDN OHJELMISTOSTA MAKSAMAANNE KOKONAISLISENSSIMAKSUA. 8. LISENSSIN PTTYMINEN Xerox voi ptt tmn lisenssin voimassaolon vlittmsti, mikli te olennaisesti rikotte sen ehtoja tai ette en kyt tai teidn hallussanne ei ole Laitetta, jossa tm Ohjelmisto on tarkoitettu kytettvksi. Teidn on tllin palautettava Xeroxille kaikki Ohjelmiston kopiot ja poistettava ne kaikista laitteista, joihin olette ne asentanut. 9. SOVELLETTAVA LAKI Thn sopimukseen sovelletaan Suomen lakia (lainvalintaan liittyvi sntj lukuun ottamatta), edellytten ett olette hankkinut Ohjelmiston kanssa kytettvn Document Centre System -laitteen Suomesta Xerox Oy:lt tai sen valtuuttamalta taholta, mutta muussa tapauksessa thn sopimukseen sovelletaan Yhdysvaltain New Yorkin osavaltion lakia. 10. KOKO SOPIMUS Tm ohjelmistolisenssisopimus on Xeroxin ja teidn vlinen Ohjelmistoa koskeva koko sopimus. Se korvaa kaikki Ohjelmistoa koskevat ehdotukset tai aiemmat sopimukset tai vlipuheet osapuolten vlill. Te hyvksytte sen, ett mitkn teidn tilaukseenne liittyvn asiakirjan ehdot eivt sido Xeroxia eivtk vaikuta milln tavalla thn sopimukseen. Jos ehdot luettuanne ette hyvksy niit, teidn on sopimussidonnaisuuden vlttksenne palautettava Ohjelmisto vlittmsti kyttmttmn. Tllin teill on oikeus saada takaisin kaikki Ohjelmiston kyttoikeudesta maksamanne maksut. ====================================================================== LICENSE AGREEMENT AND WARRANTY FOR THE ENCLOSED SOFTWARE AND RELATED DOCUMENTATION YOUR LICENSE AGREEMENT - READ BEFORE INSTALLING SOFTWARE IMPORTANT: THIS AGREEMENT CONTAINS THE LICENSE TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR LICENSED SOFTWARE AND RELATED DOCUMENTATION. INSTALLING THE SOFTWARE PACKAGE SIGNIFIES YOUR ACCEPTANCE OF THIS AGREEMENT. IF YOU DO NOT ACCEPT THIS AGREEMENT, YOU MUST PROMPTLY RETURN THE SOFTWARE PACKAGE AND DELETE ANY SOFTWARE FILES ACCESSED BY YOU FROM ANY AND ALL COMPUTER MEMORY INTO WHICH SUCH SOFTWARE HAS BEEN LOADED OR STORED. WHEN USED IN THIS AGREEMENT THE WORD "XEROX" SHALL MEAN XEROX CORPORATION, ITS OPERATING COMPANY SUBSIDIARY OR AFFILIATE FROM WHICH YOU OBTAINED THE INDIVIDUAL UNIT OF THE XEROX DOCUMENT CENTRE SYSTEM EQUIPMENT (the "Equipment") WITH WHICH THE SOFTWARE IS TO BE USED, UNLESS YOU OBTAINED THE EQUIPMENT FROM AN AUTHORIZED DEALER, AGENT, CONCESSIONAIRE OR DISTRIBUTOR, IN WHICH CASE "XEROX" SHALL MEAN XEROX CORPORATION, ITS OPERATING COMPANY, SUBSIDIARY OR AFFILIATE FROM WHICH THE ENTITY THAT SOLD YOU THE EQUIPMENT ACQUIRED IT. 1. GRANT OF LICENSE Xerox hereby grants you a non-exclusive, non-transferable license to use the software and related documentation ("Software") enclosed in this package with the Equipment, for as long as you are current in the payment of any indicated software license fees (including any annual renewal or maintenance fees) on the following terms and conditions. 2. USE You may install the Software for use on any networked workstation or server only in conjunction with the Equipment. When networked, other users on the network may access and use the Software in conjunction with the Equipment. 3. OWNERSHIP, COPYING, MODIFICATION AND CONFIDENTIALITY 3.1 Xerox owns or is otherwise entitled to grant licenses in respect of all rights in the Software. 3.2 No title to or ownership of the Software or any proprietary right therein is transferred to you. 3.3 You may, subject to Section 3.4 below, make one copy of the Software in whole or in part only for that purpose expressly permitted in Section 2 above and for back-up. Such permitted copy shall include in readable format any copyright and other proprietary notices contained on the original Software. 3.4 You may copy the related documentation for use only in conjunction with the Equipment. 3.5 You may not distribute, alter or modify nor cause or allow others to alter or modify the Software. 3.6 You agree not to provide or otherwise make available the Software to anyone other than your employees and agents directly concerned with the licensed use of the Software. 3.7 The Software is protected by copyright and other proprietary rights of Xerox and/or a third party. You may be held directly responsible by such third party for an infringement of such rights by you. 3.8 You agree not to reverse engineer, decompile or disassemble the Software for any purpose whatsoever, except to the extent permitted by law. 3.9 You agree not to export or re-export the Software in any form without, in the case of a customer in the United States, first obtaining all United States government licenses, and in the case of a customer outside of the United States, all relevant foreign government licenses, required by law, and then only upon the export of the Equipment. 3.10 Xerox may terminate your license for the Software (i) immediately if you no longer use or possess the Equipment or are a lessor of the Equipment and your first lessee no longer uses or possesses it or (ii) upon the termination of any agreement under which you have rented or leased the Equipment. 4. TRANSFER OF LICENSED SOFTWARE If you transfer possession of the Equipment, Xerox will offer the transferee a license to use the Software on or with it, subject to Xerox' then applicable terms and license fees, if any, and provided the transfer is not in violation of Xerox' rights. 5. LIMITED WARRANTY 5.1 Xerox warrants that the Software shall substantially conform to Xerox' User Manual or other Xerox documentation supplied at delivery to the original Customer. Xerox does not warrant that the operation of the Software will be uninterrupted or error free, nor that it will meet your needs. 5.2 In the event that the Software does not conform to the limited warranty contained in Section 5.1 above, your exclusive remedy is to notify Xerox within ninety (90) days of the date of delivery, and Xerox' or its supplier's sole obligation shall be to use all reasonable efforts to provide a work-around which avoids the nonconformity or to provide you with Software which does substantially conform to the Xerox User Manual or other Xerox supplied documentation. 5.3 XEROX GRANTS NO OTHER WARRANTIES ON THE "SOFTWARE", EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, WHETHER CREATED BY STATUTE OR OTHERWISE, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. XEROX FURTHER DISCLAIMS ANY WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS MADE BY PERSONS OTHER THAN XEROX (INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO XEROX SOFTWARE DEALERS, AGENTS, CONCESSIONAIRES OR DISTRIBUTORS). 5.4 The express warranties set forth above shall be void if you fail to properly use the Software in the appropriate environment as specified in the Xerox supplied documentation or if the Software is modified or altered in any fashion. 6. PATENT AND COPYRIGHT INDEMNIFICATION Xerox will defend and indemnify you if the Software is alleged to infringe, in the United States, any patent, trade secret, or copyright, if you promptly notify Xerox in writing of any alleged infringement, allow Xerox to direct the defense of such claim, and cooperate with Xerox. All notices should be sent to the Xerox Office of General Counsel, P.O. Box 1600, Stamford, Connecticut 06904. Xerox is not responsible for any non-Xerox litigation expenses or settlements unless Xerox pre-approves them in writing. To avoid infringement, Xerox may, at its option, and at no charge to you, obtain a license, or modify, or substitute an equivalent of, or remove the Software. If Software is removed by Xerox for this reason, any designated license fees paid by you will be fully refunded; if no portion of the amounts paid to Xerox within the transaction in which the Software was acquired was designated as a license fee for the Software, Xerox shall refund that portion of the amounts paid that Xerox reasonably designates as associated with the Software's acquisition. Xerox is not liable for any infringement due to the Software being made or modified (by Xerox or others, including you) to your specifications, or being used or sold in combination with equipment, software, or supplies not provided by Xerox. XEROX MAKES NO OTHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTY OF NON-INFRINGEMENT OR LIABILITY FOR INFRINGEMENT OR ANY DAMAGES THEREFROM. 7. LIMITATION OF LIABILITY IN NO EVENT SHALL XEROX OR ITS SUPPLIERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, (INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, LOSS OF DATA) IN ANY WAY ARISING OUT OF OR RELATED TO THE USE OR INABILITY TO USE THE "SOFTWARE", EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. IN NO EVENT SHALL XEROX' DIRECT DAMAGES TO YOU EXCEED THE TOTAL LICENSE FEE ACTUALLY PAID BY YOU FOR SUCH SOFTWARE. 8. TERMINATION Xerox may terminate this license immediately upon notice in the event of a material breach by you or if you no longer use or possess the equipment with which this Software is intended to be used, in which event you shall return to Xerox all copies of the Software, and remove same from all equipment into which such Software may have been loaded by you. 9. GOVERNING LAW This agreement will be governed by the laws of the State of New York, USA or if you acquire the Software outside the USA, by the laws of the country in which you acquired the Document Centre System Equipment with which this software is to be used, excluding its conflict of laws provisions. Some jurisdictions do not allow limitations on how long an implied warranty lasts or the exclusion or limitation of incidental or consequential damages, so the above disclaimers, limitations or exclusions, in whole or in part, may not apply to you. 10. ENTIRE AGREEMENT This Software License Agreement is the entire agreement between Xerox and you pertaining to the Software and supersedes all proposals or prior and contemporaneous agreements or understandings of the parties regarding the Software. You agree that any terms and conditions contained in any purchase order or other ordering document submitted to order the Software shall have no binding effect on Xerox and will not modify this Agreement in any way. If, after reading the terms and conditions, they are unacceptable to you, then, to avoid contractual obligations and liability, you should promptly return the software unused, and you will then be entitled to a refund of any sums paid by you to license the Software. Title WorkCentre Pro 40 Color Version 1.2.1 Description DefaultLocation /Library/Printers/PPDs/Contents/Resources DeleteWarning ### Package Flags NeedsAuthorization YES Required NO Relocatable NO RequiresReboot NO UseUserMask NO OverwritePermissions NO InstallFat NO "16" = "Ce volume ne remplit pas les conditions requises pour cette mise jour."; "17" = "Espace insuffisant. Cette mise jour requiert au moins 300 Mo d espace disponible."; "18" = "Ce progiciel ne peut tre excut que sur Mac OS X, version 10.2 ou ultrieure."; 2David St. John2([2STR ['La traduction de ce contrat de licence d'utilisation a t fournie par Xerox Europe et n'oblige pas en droit. Le texte anglais qui suit la traduction a une valeur juridique. ================================================================== CONTRAT DE LICENCE ET GARANTIE POUR LE LOGICIEL ET LA DOCUMENTATION VEUILLEZ LIRE LE CONTRAT DE LICENCE CI-APRES AVANT D'INSTALLER LE LOGICIEL IMPORTANT : CE CONTRAT CONTIENT LES CONDITIONS AUX TERMES DESQUELLES EST CONFERE LE DROIT D'UTILISATION DU LOGICIEL ET DE LA DOCUMENTATION ANNEXE. EN INSTALLANT CE LOGICIEL, LE CLIENT S'ENGAGE A RESPECTER LES TERMES ET CONDITIONS DE CETTE LICENCE. SI LE CLIENT N'ACCEPTE PAS LES CLAUSES DE CE CONTRAT, IL DOIT RETOURNER CE LOGICIEL ET EFFACER TOUS LES FICHIERS AUXQUELS IL A ACCEDE DE TOUTES LES MEMOIRES DANS LESQUELLES CE LOGICIEL A ETE CHARGE OU STOCKE. LE TERME "XEROX" TEL QU'IL EST UTILISE DANS LE PRESENT DOCUMENT DESIGNE XEROX CORPORATION OU LA FILIALE DE XEROX AUPRES DE LAQUELLE LE CLIENT A OBTENU LE PRODUIT XEROX (ci-aprs dnomm "Equipement") AVEC LEQUEL LE LOGICIEL EST UTILISE, SAUF SI LE CLIENT A OBTENU L'EQUIPEMENT AUPRES D'UN REVENDEUR, AGENT, CONCESSIONNAIRE OU DISTRIBUTEUR AGREE, AUQUEL CAS "XEROX" DESIGNE XEROX CORPORATION OU LA FILIALE DE XEROX AUPRES DE LAQUELLE L'EQUIPEMENT A ETE ACQUIS. 1. OCTROI D'UNE LICENCE Xerox consent au Client, par les prsentes, une licence non exclusive et non transfrable d'utilisation du logiciel et de la documentation (ci-aprs dnomms "Logiciel") fournis avec l'Equipement, sous rserve de paiement des droits de licence requis (y compris les droits de renouvellement annuels), selon les conditions suivantes. 2. DROIT D'UTILISATION Le Client peut installer le Logiciel, seule fin d'utilisation avec l'Equipement, sur tout serveur ou poste de travail rseau. Si l'Equipement est connect au rseau, les autres utilisateurs du rseau peuvent accder au Logiciel et l'utiliser avec l'Equipement. 3. PROPRIETE, COPIE, MODIFICATION ET CONFIDENTIALITE 3.1 Xerox est propritaire ou dispose du droit de consentir des licences portant sur tous les droits relatifs au Logiciel. 3.2 Aucun droit de proprit sur le Logiciel n'est transfr au Client. 3.3 Sous rserve de l'application de la clause 3.4, le Client peut copier le Logiciel en entier ou en partie mais seulement pour les besoins expressment noncs dans la clause 2 ci-dessus ou comme copie de sauvegarde. Chaque copie doit inclure sous une forme lisible toutes les indications tout brevet, marque ou droit d'auteur mentionns sur le Logiciel d'origine. 3.4 Le Client peut copier la documentation seule fin d'utilisation avec l'Equipement. 3.5 Le Client ne peut ni distribuer ni modifier ou changer le Logiciel ni le faire modifier par un tiers. 3.6 Le Client ne doit pas fournir ou mettre disposition le Logiciel toute personne autre que ses employs et agents directement concerns par le droit d'utilisation du Logiciel. 3.7 Le Logiciel est protg par le droit d'auteur et les autres droits de proprit de Xerox ainsi que, en fonction du type de Logiciel, d'un tiers. Le Client peut tre tenu directement responsable par ce tiers de toute violation des droits de ce dernier. 3.8 Le Client ne doit en aucun cas reconstituer la logique du programme, dcompiler ou dsassembler le Logiciel sous licence, sauf dans les limites autorises par la loi. 3.9 Le Client accepte de ne pas exporter ou rexporter le Logiciel de quelque faon que ce soit sans avoir obtenu au pralable toutes les licences des Etats-Unis ou des gouvernements trangers exiges par la loi du pays o rside le Client et sous rserve d'exportation de l'Equipement. 3.10 Xerox peut mettre fin au contrat (i) sans pravis si le Client n'utilise plus ou ne possde plus l'Equipement ou, en cas de bail, si le premier preneur ne l'utilise plus ou ne le possde plus ou (ii) la date d'expiration du contrat de location ou de leasing de l'Equipement. 4. TRANSFERT DU LOGICIEL SOUS LICENCE Si le Client transfre la proprit de l'Equipement, Xerox fournira au nouveau propritaire une licence d'utilisation pour le Logiciel, selon les conditions applicables par Xerox et, le cas chant, moyennant des droits de licence, sous rserve que le transfert n'entrane pas une violation des droits de Xerox. 5. GARANTIE LIMITEE 5.1 Xerox garantit que le Logiciel est conforme aux spcifications du manuel d'utilisation ou celles de toute autre documentation fournie par Xerox la livraison au premier Client. Xerox ne garantit pas que le Logiciel fonctionnera de faon ininterrompue ou sans erreur, ni qu'il rponde aux exigences du Client. 5.2 En cas de non conformit aux conditions dfinies au paragraphe 5.1, le seul recours du Client est d'en informer Xerox dans un dlai maximum de 90 jours compter de la date de livraison, la seule obligation de Xerox ou de son fournisseur tant de fournir une correction pour annuler la non conformit, ou de remplacer le Logiciel par un Logiciel conforme aux spcifications du manuel d'utilisation ou celles de toute autre documentation fournie par Xerox. 5.3 XEROX NE FOURNIT AUCUNE AUTRE GARANTIE SUR LE "LOGICIEL", EXPRESSE OU IMPLICITE, QU'ELLE RESULTE OU NON DE LA LOI, Y COMPRIS SANS TOUTEFOIS S'Y LIMITER LA GARANTIE D'ADAPTABILITE A UNE UTILISATION PARTICULIERE. XEROX DECLINE EN OUTRE TOUTE RESPONSABILITE OU GARANTIE DONNEE PAR DES PERSONNES AUTRES QUE XEROX (Y COMPRIS SANS TOUTEFOIS S'Y LIMITER SES DISTRIBUTEURS, AGENTS, CONCESSIONNAIRES ET REVENDEURS). 5.4 Toute modification du Logiciel ou utilisation dans un environnement autre que celui dcrit dans la documentation fournie par Xerox annule les garanties stipules ci-dessus. 6. VIOLATION DES DROITS DE PROPRIETE INTELLECTUELLE Au cas o le Client serait poursuivi par des tiers sur le fondement d'une prtendue violation des droits de brevet, secret professionnel ou droits d'auteur, par le Logiciel sous licence, dans le pays d'enregistrement de la socit Xerox qui a fourni le Logiciel au Client, Xerox assumera la dfense du Client contre ces revendications et les consquences pcuniaires d'une dcision judiciaire dfinitive, la condition que le Client informe Xerox immdiatement et par crit de la prtendue violation et que le Client accepte l'intervention de Xerox et coopre au rglement d'un ventuel litige. Le courrier sera envoy Xerox Office of General Counsel, P.O. Box 1600, Stamford, Connecticut 06904. La socit Xerox ne prendra en charge que les dpenses de procdure et rglements qu'elle aura expressment accepts par crit. Afin d'viter toute infraction, mme non allgue, Xerox peut dcider, et cela sans aucun frais pour le Client, d'obtenir une licence, ou de fournir un quivalent du Logiciel, ou de modifier ou retirer le Logiciel. Dans ce dernier cas, Xerox remboursera les droits de licence pays par le Client pour ce Logiciel ; si aucune partie de la somme paye Xerox lors de la transaction au cours de laquelle le Logiciel a t acquis n'a t dsigne comme droit de licence pour le Logiciel, Xerox remboursera la partie des frais associe selon Xerox l'acquisition du Logiciel. Xerox ne rpond pas des infractions dues la modification du Logiciel (par Xerox ou toute autre personne, y compris le Client) selon les spcifications du Client ou l'utilisation conjointe du Logiciel sous licence et d'autres logiciels, matriels ou produits non fournis par Xerox. XEROX NE DONNE AUCUNE GARANTIE EXPRESSE OU TACITE DE NON VIOLATION DESDITS DROITS. SA RESPONSABILITE NE SAURAIT ETRE ENGAGEE AU TITRE D'UNE VIOLATION AUTRE QUE CELLE MENTIONNEE CI-DESSUS OU DE TOUT DOMMAGE QUI EN RESULTERAIT. 7. RESPONSABILITE LIMITEE XEROX OU SES FOURNISSEURS NE SAURAIENT ETRE TENUS POUR RESPONSABLES, SANS QUE CETTE LISTE SOIT LIMITATIVE, DES DOMMAGES INDIRECTS (Y COMPRIS LA PERTE DE DONNEES) PROVENANT DE OU LIES A L'UTILISATION OU L'IMPOSSIBILITE D'UTILISATION DU LOGICIEL, MEME SI XEROX A ETE AVISEE DE L'EVENTUALITE DE TELS DOMMAGES, A MOINS QUE LA LOI APPLICABLE AU CONTRAT N'EN DISPOSE AUTREMENT. EN TOUT ETAT DE CAUSE, LA RESPONSABILITE DE XEROX EN MATIERE DE DOMMAGES DIRECTS NE POURRA EN AUCUN CAS EXCEDER LES DROITS DE LICENCE PAYES PAR LE CLIENT POUR L'ACHAT DE CE LOGICIEL. 8. FIN DU CONTRAT Xerox peut mettre fin au contrat sans pravis en cas de manquement du Client l'une quelconque de ses obligations ou si le Client n'utilise ou ne possde plus l'quipement pour lequel le Logiciel devait tre utilis. Dans ce cas, le Client devra retourner Xerox toutes les copies du Logiciel et retirer ce dernier de tous les quipements sur lesquels il a pu tre charg par le Client. 9. LOI APPLICABLE Le prsent contrat est rgi par les lois de l'tat de New York, Etats-Unis, ou du pays d'enregistrement de la socit Xerox qui a fourni l'quipement, nonobstant tout conflit de dispositions lgales. Certaines juridictions ne permettent pas la limitation de dure d'une garantie implicite ou l'exclusion ou la limitation de responsabilit relative aux dommages indirects ou conscutifs. Certaines clauses ci-dessus peuvent donc en tout ou partie ne pas s'appliquer votre gard. 10. PORTEE DU CONTRAT Le prsent Contrat constitue l'intgralit de l'accord entre Xerox et le Client concernant le Logiciel et remplace toutes les propositions ou accords antrieurs ou actuels des parties concernant le logiciel. Il annule ce que le Client accepte, l'application de tous les termes et conditions contenus dans un bon de commande du Client pass dans le cadre des prsentes. Si, aprs avoir lu les conditions du prsent contrat, le Client les juge inacceptables, il doit, pour viter les obligations contractuelles, retourner promptement le Logiciel inutilis. Il aura alors droit au remboursement des sommes qu'il a payes pour obtenir le droit d'utiliser le logiciel. ====================================================================== LICENSE AGREEMENT AND WARRANTY FOR THE ENCLOSED SOFTWARE AND RELATED DOCUMENTATION YOUR LICENSE AGREEMENT - READ BEFORE INSTALLING SOFTWARE IMPORTANT: THIS AGREEMENT CONTAINS THE LICENSE TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR LICENSED SOFTWARE AND RELATED DOCUMENTATION. INSTALLING THE SOFTWARE PACKAGE SIGNIFIES YOUR ACCEPTANCE OF THIS AGREEMENT. IF YOU DO NOT ACCEPT THIS AGREEMENT, YOU MUST PROMPTLY RETURN THE SOFTWARE PACKAGE AND DELETE ANY SOFTWARE FILES ACCESSED BY YOU FROM ANY AND ALL COMPUTER MEMORY INTO WHICH SUCH SOFTWARE HAS BEEN LOADED OR STORED. WHEN USED IN THIS AGREEMENT THE WORD "XEROX" SHALL MEAN XEROX CORPORATION, ITS OPERATING COMPANY SUBSIDIARY OR AFFILIATE FROM WHICH YOU OBTAINED THE XEROX PRODUCT WITH WHICH THE SOFTWARE IS TO BE USED (the "Equipment"), UNLESS YOU OBTAINED THE EQUIPMENT FROM AN AUTHORIZED DEALER, AGENT, CONCESSIONAIRE OR DISTRIBUTOR, IN WHICH CASE "XEROX" SHALL MEAN XEROX CORPORATION, ITS OPERATING COMPANY, SUBSIDIARY OR AFFILIATE FROM WHICH THE ENTITY THAT SOLD YOU THE EQUIPMENT ACQUIRED IT. 1. GRANT OF LICENSE Xerox hereby grants you a non-exclusive, non-transferable license to use the software and related documentation ("Software") enclosed in this package with the Equipment, for as long as you are current in the payment of any indicated software license fees (including any annual renewal or maintenance fees) on the following terms and conditions. 2. USE You may install the Software for use on any networked workstation or server only in conjunction with the Equipment. When networked, other users on the network may access and use the Software in conjunction with the Equipment. 3. OWNERSHIP, COPYING, MODIFICATION AND CONFIDENTIALITY 3.1 Xerox owns or is otherwise entitled to grant licenses in respect of all rights in the Software. 3.2 No title to or ownership of the Software or any proprietary right therein is transferred to you. 3.3 You may, subject to Section 3.4 below, make one copy of the Software in whole or in part only for that purpose expressly permitted in Section 2 above and for back-up. Such permitted copy shall include in readable format any copyright and other proprietary notices contained on the original Software. 3.4 You may copy the related documentation for use only in conjunction with the Equipment. 3.5 You may not distribute, alter or modify nor cause or allow others to alter or modify the Software. 3.6 You agree not to provide or otherwise make available the Software to anyone other than your employees and agents directly concerned with the licensed use of the Software. 3.7 The Software is protected by copyright and other proprietary rights of Xerox and/or a third party. You may be held directly responsible by such third party for an infringement of such rights by you. 3.8 You agree not to reverse engineer, decompile or disassemble the Software for any purpose whatsoever, except to the extent permitted by law. 3.9 You agree not to export or re-export the Software in any form without, in the case of a customer in the United States, first obtaining all United States government licenses, and in the case of a customer outside of the United States, all relevant foreign government licenses, required by law, and then only upon the export of the Equipment. 3.10 Xerox may terminate your license for the Software (i) immediately if you no longer use or possess the Equipment or are a lessor of the Equipment and your first lessee no longer uses or possesses it or (ii) upon the termination of any agreement under which you have rented or leased the Equipment. 4. TRANSFER OF LICENSED SOFTWARE If you transfer possession of the Equipment, Xerox will offer the transferee a license to use the Software on or with it, subject to Xerox' then applicable terms and license fees, if any, and provided the transfer is not in violation of Xerox' rights. 5. LIMITED WARRANTY 5.1 Xerox warrants that the Software shall substantially conform to Xerox' User Manual or other Xerox documentation supplied at delivery to the original Customer. Xerox does not warrant that the operation of the Software will be uninterrupted or error free, nor that it will meet your needs. 5.2 In the event that the Software does not conform to the limited warranty contained in Section 5.1 above, your exclusive remedy is to notify Xerox within ninety (90) days of the date of delivery, and Xerox' or its supplier's sole obligation shall be to use all reasonable efforts to provide a work-around which avoids the nonconformity or to provide you with Software which does substantially conform to the Xerox User Manual or other Xerox supplied documentation. 5.3 XEROX GRANTS NO OTHER WARRANTIES ON THE "SOFTWARE", EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, WHETHER CREATED BY STATUTE OR OTHERWISE, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. XEROX FURTHER DISCLAIMS ANY WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS MADE BY PERSONS OTHER THAN XEROX (INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO XEROX SOFTWARE DEALERS, AGENTS, CONCESSIONAIRES OR DISTRIBUTORS). 5.4 The express warranties set forth above shall be void if you fail to properly use the Software in the appropriate environment as specified in the Xerox supplied documentation or if the Software is modified or altered in any fashion. 6. PATENT AND COPYRIGHT INDEMNIFICATION Xerox will defend and indemnify you if the Software is alleged to infringe, in the United States, any patent, trade secret, or copyright, if you promptly notify Xerox in writing of any alleged infringement, allow Xerox to direct the defense of such claim, and cooperate with Xerox. All notices should be sent to the Xerox Office of General Counsel, P.O. Box 1600, Stamford, Connecticut 06904. Xerox is not responsible for any non-Xerox litigation expenses or settlements unless Xerox pre-approves them in writing. To avoid infringement, Xerox may, at its option, and at no charge to you, obtain a license, or modify, or substitute an equivalent of, or remove the Software. If Software is removed by Xerox for this reason, any designated license fees paid by you will be fully refunded; if no portion of the amounts paid to Xerox within the transaction in which the Software was acquired was designated as a license fee for the Software, Xerox shall refund that portion of the amounts paid that Xerox reasonably designates as associated with the Software's acquisition. Xerox is not liable for any infringement due to the Software being made or modified (by Xerox or others, including you) to your specifications, or being used or sold in combination with equipment, software, or supplies not provided by Xerox. XEROX MAKES NO OTHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTY OF NON-INFRINGEMENT OR LIABILITY FOR INFRINGEMENT OR ANY DAMAGES THEREFROM. 7. LIMITATION OF LIABILITY IN NO EVENT SHALL XEROX OR ITS SUPPLIERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, (INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, LOSS OF DATA) IN ANY WAY ARISING OUT OF OR RELATED TO THE USE OR INABILITY TO USE THE "SOFTWARE", EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. IN NO EVENT SHALL XEROX' DIRECT DAMAGES TO YOU EXCEED THE TOTAL LICENSE FEE ACTUALLY PAID BY YOU FOR SUCH SOFTWARE. 8. TERMINATION Xerox may terminate this license immediately upon notice in the event of a material breach by you or if you no longer use or possess the equipment with which this Software is intended to be used, in which event you shall return to Xerox all copies of the Software, and remove same from all equipment into which such Software may have been loaded by you. 9. GOVERNING LAW This agreement will be governed by the laws of the State of New York, USA or if you acquire the Software outside the USA, by the laws of the country in which you acquired the Equipment, excluding its conflict of laws provisions. Some jurisdictions do not allow limitations on how long an implied warranty lasts or the exclusion or limitation of incidental or consequential damages, so the above disclaimers, limitations or exclusions, in whole or in part, may not apply to you. 10. ENTIRE AGREEMENT This Software License Agreement is the entire agreement between Xerox and you pertaining to the Software and supersedes all proposals or prior and contemporaneous agreements or understandings of the parties regarding the Software. You agree that any terms and conditions contained in any purchase order or other ordering document submitted to order the Software shall have no binding effect on Xerox and will not modify this Agreement in any way. If, after reading the terms and conditions, they are unacceptable to you, then, to avoid contractual obligations and liability, you should promptly return the software unused, and you will then be entitled to a refund of any sums paid by you to license the Software. Title WorkCentre Pro 40 Color Version 1.2.1 Description DefaultLocation /Library/Printers/PPDs/Contents/Resources DeleteWarning ### Package Flags NeedsAuthorization YES Required NO Relocatable NO RequiresReboot NO UseUserMask NO OverwritePermissions NO InstallFat NO "16" = "Dieses Volume erfllt nicht die Voraussetzungen fr dieses Update."; "17" = "Nicht gengend freier Platz verfgbar. 300 MB freier Platz werden bentigt."; "18" = "Fr dieses Update wird Mac OS X Version 10.2 oder neuer bentigt."; 2David St. John2(2STR @Die bersetzung dieser Benutzerlizenzvereinbarung wurde von Xerox Europe angefertigt und ist nicht rechtlich bindend. Die der bersetzung folgende englische Originalversion ist dagegen rechtlich bindend. ===================================================================== LIZENZVERTRAG UND GARANTIEVEREINBARUNG ZUR BEILIEGENDEN SOFTWARE UND DOKUMENTATION LIZENZVERTRAG - VOR DEM INSTALLIEREN DER SOFTWARE SORGFLTIG LESEN WICHTIG: DURCH DAS INSTALLIEREN DER SOFTWARE ERKLRT SICH DER BENUTZER MIT DEN NACHFOLGEND AUFGEFHRTEN LIZENZBEDINGUNGEN EINVERSTANDEN. FALLS DER BENUTZER MIT DIESEM LIZENZVERTRAG NICHT EINVERSTANDEN IST, MSSEN SMTLICHE DATEIEN DER SOFTWARE VON ALLEN RECHNERN, AUF DENEN DIE SOFTWARE INSTALLIERT WURDE, GELSCHT WERDEN. IM WEITEREN BEZIEHT SICH "XEROX" AUF XEROX GMBH BZW. AUF DIE GESCHFTSSTELLE, VON DER DAS XEROX PRODUKT ("PRODUKT") ERWORBEN WURDE. WURDE DAS PRODUKT VON EINEM ZWISCHENHNDLER ERWORBEN, BEZIEHT SICH "XEROX" AUF XEROX GMBH BZW. AUF DIE GESCHFTSSTELLE, VON WELCHER DER ZWISCHENHNDLER DAS PRODUKT BEZOGEN HAT. 1. LIZENZGEWHRUNG Hiermit gewhrt Xerox dem Benutzer zu den nachfolgend aufgefhrten Bedingungen eine nicht exklusive, nicht bertragbare Lizenz zur Verwendung der beiliegenden Software und der zugehrigen Dokumentation ("Software") in Verbindung mit dem Produkt, sofern jegliche anfallenden Lizenzgebhren (einschlielich jhrliche Zahlungen fr Wartung oder Updates) entrichtet wurden. 2. VERWENDUNG Der Benutzer darf die Software in Verbindung mit dem Produkt auf einem beliebigen vernetzten Rechner (Workstation oder Server) installieren. In einem Netzwerk drfen andere Benutzer auf die Software in Verbindung mit dem Produkt zugreifen. 3. URHEBERRECHT, COPYRIGHT UND VERTRAULICHKEIT 3.1 Xerox ist berechtigt, unter Bercksichtigung der hier aufgefhrten Lizenzbedingungen Lizenzen zur Nutzung der beiliegenden Software zu gewhren. 3.2 Das Eigentumsrecht der Software verbleibt zu jedem Zeitpunkt bei Xerox und wird nicht auf den Benutzer bertragen. 3.3 Es ist dem Benutzer gestattet, fr die Nutzung im Rahmen der unter 3.4 dargelegten Nutzungsbedingungen sowie fr Archivierungszwecke Kopien der Software zu erstellen. Jede Kopie muss smtliche auf dem Original vorhandenen Urheberrechts- und andere Hinweise in lesbarer Form aufweisen. 3.4 Kopien der Dokumentation drfen nur in Verbindung mit dem Produkt erstellt werden. 3.5 Die Software darf weder durch den Benutzer noch durch Dritte verndert oder weitergegeben werden. 3.6 Der Benutzer verpflichtet sich, die Software keinem Dritten verfgbar zu machen, mit Ausnahme der eigenen Angestellten sowie von Bevollmchtigten, die direkt mit der in diesem Lizenzvertrag genehmigten Nutzung der Software zu tun haben. 3.7 Die Software unterliegt dem Urheberrecht und dem Markenschutzrecht. Der Benutzer kann bei einem Versto gegen dieses Recht direkt haftbar gemacht werden. 3.8 Die Software darf weder dekompiliert noch zurckentwickelt oder auf irgendeine Weise zerlegt werden. 3.9 Der Benutzer darf die Software nur dann exportieren, wenn vorher die erforderliche Exporterlaubnis eingeholt wurde. 3.10 Xerox behlt sich das Recht vor, die Nutzungslizenz mit sofortiger Wirkung zu kndigen, wenn (i) der Benutzer bzw. ein weiterer Leasingkunde das Produkt nicht mehr benutzt bzw. besitzt oder (ii) bei Kndigung einer Vereinbarung, unter welcher der Benutzer das Produkt geleast bzw. gemietet hat. 4. WEITERGABE DER SOFTWARE Bei bertragung des Produkts an Dritte bietet Xerox dem Erwerber eine Nutzungslizenz fr die Software in Verbindung mit dem Produkt unter der Bedingung der Einhaltung der jeweiligen Nutzungsbestimmungen sowie der Entrichtung jeglicher anfallenden Lizenzgebhren. 5. EINGESCHRNKTE GEWHRLEISTUNG 5.1 Xerox garantiert, dass die Software im Wesentlichen den Angaben in der Dokumentation zum Gert entspricht. Gewhrleistung dafr, dass die Software ohne Unterbrechung und fehlerfrei betrieben werden kann, sowie Gewhrleistung der Brauchbarkeit fr den Zweck des Benutzers sind hiermit von diesem Vertrag ausgeschlossen. 5.2 Sollte die Software nicht der in Abschnitt 5.1 aufgefhrten begrenzten Gewhrleistung entsprechen, besteht der ausschlieliche Anspruch des Benutzers in der Mglichkeit, die Software innerhalb von 90 Tagen ab Lieferdatum an den Hndler, bei dem sie erworben wurde, zurckzugeben. Xerox ist ausschlielich dazu verpflichtet, im vertretbaren Rahmen die Software durch Software zu ersetzen, welche der obigen Gewhrleistung entspricht, oder eine Problemumgehung verfgbar zu machen. 5.3 XEROX IST ZU KEINER WEITEREN GEWHRLEISTUNG FR DIE "SOFTWARE" VERPFLICHTET. JEGLICHE ANDERE AUSDRCKLICHE ODER IMPLIZITE GEWHRLEISTUNG, DIE AUF GESETZEN, STATUTEN O. . BERUHT, EINSCHLIESSLICH DER HAFTUNG FR INDIREKTE ODER FOLGESCHDEN ODER SCHDEN (EINSCHLIESSLICH DATENVERLUST), DIE BEI ODER IM ZUSAMMENHANG MIT DER BENUTZUNG DER SOFTWARE ENTSTEHEN, IST HIERMIT AUSDRCKLICH VON DIESEM LIZENZVERTRAG AUSGESCHLOSSEN. XEROX LEHNT ZUDEM JEGLICHE HAFTUNG FR GEWHRLEISTUNGEN ODER ERKLRUNGEN DURCH DRITTE AB. 5.4 Die oben ausdrcklich aufgefhrte Gewhrleistung verliert ihre Gltigkeit, wenn die Software nicht wie in der Dokumentation und/oder in diesem Lizenzvertrag festgelegt verwendet wird. 6. GEWHRLEISTUNG BEI RECHTSVERLETZUNG Xerox bernimmt in dem Land, in dem die Niederlassung, bei welcher der Benutzer das Gert bezogen hat, registriert ist, die Verteidigung des Benutzers bei Ansprchen aufgrund von Weitergabe von Betriebsgeheimnissen oder wegen Verletzung des Patent- und Urheberrechts sowie die Begleichung daraus resultierender Forderungen. Diese Gewhrleistung durch Xerox und ein solcher Rechtsanspruch haben nur dann Geltung, wenn der Benutzer Xerox innerhalb von 90 Tagen von dem Anspruch in Kenntnis setzt und sich mit der Verteidigung durch Xerox bzw. durch einen von Xerox Beauftragten einverstanden erklrt und zu diesem Zweck mit Xerox zusammenarbeitet. Xerox ist nicht fr Gerichtskosten oder Abfindungen verantwortlich, die nicht im Zusammenhang mit Xerox entstehen, auer wenn Xerox eine entsprechende schriftliche Erklrung abgibt. Um einen Rechtsanspruch auch ohne Geltendmachung zu vermeiden, behlt sich Xerox vor, ohne Belastung des Benutzers eine Lizenz zu erwerben oder die Software zu modifizieren, zu ersetzen oder zu entfernen. Wird die Software durch Xerox aus einem solchen Grund entfernt, erhlt der Benutzer die Lizenzgebhr in voller Hhe rckerstattet. Xerox kann nicht fr Rechtsansprche haftbar gemacht werden, die entstehen, wenn die Software auf Wunsch des Benutzers von Xerox oder Dritten (einschlielich des Benutzers) modifiziert wird, oder wenn die Software zusammen mit Gerten, Software oder anderen Materialien verwendet oder verkauft wird, die nicht von Xerox geliefert werden. XEROX UND SEINE LIEFERBETRIEBE VERPFLICHTEN SICH ZU KEINERLEI ANDERER AUSDRCKLICHER ODER IMPLIZITER GEWHRLEISTUNG BEI RECHTSANSPRCHEN UND SIND IN KEINER ANDEREN WEISE FR ANSPRCHE, DIE AUS RECHTSVERLETZUNGEN ERWACHSEN, BZW. AUS RECHTSVERLETZUNGEN RESULTIERENDE SCHADENSERSATZANSPRCHE HAFTBAR. 7. HAFTUNGSAUSSCHLUSS AUSSER WENN DIE GELTENDE GESETZGEBUNG DIES VORSIEHT, KNNEN WEDER XEROX NOCH SEINE LIEFERBETRIEBE FR SPEZIELLE, INDIREKTE ODER FOLGESCHDEN (EINSCHLIESSLICH UND OHNE BESCHRNKUNG DATENVERLUST) ODER FR AUFWENDUNGEN BEI VERTRAGSERFLLUNG, DIE AUS DER BENUTZUNG DER SOFTWARE ENTSTEHEN, ODER DARAUS, DASS DIE SOFTWARE NICHT BENUTZT WERDEN KANN, HAFTBAR GEMACHT WERDEN, SELBST WENN AUF DIE MGLICHKEIT SOLCHER SCHDEN HINGEWIESEN WURDE. DIE MAXIMALSUMME DER VERBINDLICHKEIT KANN DIE FR DIE LIZENZ ENTRICHTETE GEBHR NICHT BERSCHREITEN. 8. VERTRAGSENDE Im Falle eines Vertragsbruches durch den Benutzer behlt sich Xerox das Recht vor, den Lizenzvertrag mit sofortiger Wirkung zu kndigen. Der Benutzer ist in diesem Fall zur Rckgabe smtlicher Exemplare der Software an Xerox oder dessen Lieferbetriebe sowie zur Deinstallation smtlicher Kopien derselben verpflichtet. 9. ANWENDBARES RECHT Dieser Lizenzvertrag unterliegt mit Ausnahme des internationalen Privatrechts der Gesetzgebung des Landes, in dem die Xerox Niederlassung registriert ist, von der das Produkt erworben wurde. 10. VOLLSTNDIGKEIT DES VERTRAGS Diese Lizenz bildet den gesamten Vertrag ber die Software zwischen Xerox und dem Benutzer und ersetzt jegliche anderen Entwrfe oder ltere und derzeitige Vertrge oder Vereinbarungen ber die Software. Der Benutzer erklrt hiermit, dass jegliche Verkaufs- und Lieferbedingungen in der Bestellung oder einem hnlichen Dokument, das nach Abschluss dieses Vertrags eingereicht wird, keinerlei bindende Wirkung fr Xerox oder seine Lieferbetriebe hat und keine nderung an diesem Vertrag darstellt. Sollte der Benutzer nach der Lektre der oben aufgefhrten Lizenzbedingungen diese nicht akzeptieren, ist die Software umgehend an den Hndler, bei dem sie erworben wurde, zurckzugeben. In diesem Fall erhlt der Benutzer die entrichtete Lizenzgebhr in voller Hhe zurckerstattet. ====================================================================== LICENSE AGREEMENT AND WARRANTY FOR THE ENCLOSED SOFTWARE AND RELATED DOCUMENTATION YOUR LICENSE AGREEMENT - READ BEFORE INSTALLING SOFTWARE IMPORTANT: THIS AGREEMENT CONTAINS THE LICENSE TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR LICENSED SOFTWARE AND RELATED DOCUMENTATION. INSTALLING THE SOFTWARE PACKAGE SIGNIFIES YOUR ACCEPTANCE OF THIS AGREEMENT. IF YOU DO NOT ACCEPT THIS AGREEMENT, YOU MUST PROMPTLY RETURN THE SOFTWARE PACKAGE AND DELETE ANY SOFTWARE FILES ACCESSED BY YOU FROM ANY AND ALL COMPUTER MEMORY INTO WHICH SUCH SOFTWARE HAS BEEN LOADED OR STORED. WHEN USED IN THIS AGREEMENT THE WORD "XEROX" SHALL MEAN XEROX CORPORATION, ITS OPERATING COMPANY SUBSIDIARY OR AFFILIATE FROM WHICH YOU OBTAINED THE XEROX PRODUCT WITH WHICH THE SOFTWARE IS TO BE USED (the "Equipment"), UNLESS YOU OBTAINED THE EQUIPMENT FROM AN AUTHORIZED DEALER, AGENT, CONCESSIONAIRE OR DISTRIBUTOR, IN WHICH CASE "XEROX" SHALL MEAN XEROX CORPORATION, ITS OPERATING COMPANY, SUBSIDIARY OR AFFILIATE FROM WHICH THE ENTITY THAT SOLD YOU THE EQUIPMENT ACQUIRED IT. 1. GRANT OF LICENSE Xerox hereby grants you a non-exclusive, non-transferable license to use the software and related documentation ("Software") enclosed in this package with the Equipment, for as long as you are current in the payment of any indicated software license fees (including any annual renewal or maintenance fees) on the following terms and conditions. 2. USE You may install the Software for use on any networked workstation or server only in conjunction with the Equipment. When networked, other users on the network may access and use the Software in conjunction with the Equipment. 3. OWNERSHIP, COPYING, MODIFICATION AND CONFIDENTIALITY 3.1 Xerox owns or is otherwise entitled to grant licenses in respect of all rights in the Software. 3.2 No title to or ownership of the Software or any proprietary right therein is transferred to you. 3.3 You may, subject to Section 3.4 below, make one copy of the Software in whole or in part only for that purpose expressly permitted in Section 2 above and for back-up. Such permitted copy shall include in readable format any copyright and other proprietary notices contained on the original Software. 3.4 You may copy the related documentation for use only in conjunction with the Equipment. 3.5 You may not distribute, alter or modify nor cause or allow others to alter or modify the Software. 3.6 You agree not to provide or otherwise make available the Software to anyone other than your employees and agents directly concerned with the licensed use of the Software. 3.7 The Software is protected by copyright and other proprietary rights of Xerox and/or a third party. You may be held directly responsible by such third party for an infringement of such rights by you. 3.8 You agree not to reverse engineer, decompile or disassemble the Software for any purpose whatsoever, except to the extent permitted by law. 3.9 You agree not to export or re-export the Software in any form without, in the case of a customer in the United States, first obtaining all United States government licenses, and in the case of a customer outside of the United States, all relevant foreign government licenses, required by law, and then only upon the export of the Equipment. 3.10 Xerox may terminate your license for the Software (i) immediately if you no longer use or possess the Equipment or are a lessor of the Equipment and your first lessee no longer uses or possesses it or (ii) upon the termination of any agreement under which you have rented or leased the Equipment. 4. TRANSFER OF LICENSED SOFTWARE If you transfer possession of the Equipment, Xerox will offer the transferee a license to use the Software on or with it, subject to Xerox' then applicable terms and license fees, if any, and provided the transfer is not in violation of Xerox' rights. 5. LIMITED WARRANTY 5.1 Xerox warrants that the Software shall substantially conform to Xerox' User Manual or other Xerox documentation supplied at delivery to the original Customer. Xerox does not warrant that the operation of the Software will be uninterrupted or error free, nor that it will meet your needs. 5.2 In the event that the Software does not conform to the limited warranty contained in Section 5.1 above, your exclusive remedy is to notify Xerox within ninety (90) days of the date of delivery, and Xerox' or its supplier's sole obligation shall be to use all reasonable efforts to provide a work-around which avoids the nonconformity or to provide you with Software which does substantially conform to the Xerox User Manual or other Xerox supplied documentation. 5.3 XEROX GRANTS NO OTHER WARRANTIES ON THE "SOFTWARE", EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, WHETHER CREATED BY STATUTE OR OTHERWISE, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. XEROX FURTHER DISCLAIMS ANY WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS MADE BY PERSONS OTHER THAN XEROX (INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO XEROX SOFTWARE DEALERS, AGENTS, CONCESSIONAIRES OR DISTRIBUTORS). 5.4 The express warranties set forth above shall be void if you fail to properly use the Software in the appropriate environment as specified in the Xerox supplied documentation or if the Software is modified or altered in any fashion. 6. PATENT AND COPYRIGHT INDEMNIFICATION Xerox will defend and indemnify you if the Software is alleged to infringe, in the United States, any patent, trade secret, or copyright, if you promptly notify Xerox in writing of any alleged infringement, allow Xerox to direct the defense of such claim, and cooperate with Xerox. All notices should be sent to the Xerox Office of General Counsel, P.O. Box 1600, Stamford, Connecticut 06904. Xerox is not responsible for any non-Xerox litigation expenses or settlements unless Xerox pre-approves them in writing. To avoid infringement, Xerox may, at its option, and at no charge to you, obtain a license, or modify, or substitute an equivalent of, or remove the Software. If Software is removed by Xerox for this reason, any designated license fees paid by you will be fully refunded; if no portion of the amounts paid to Xerox within the transaction in which the Software was acquired was designated as a license fee for the Software, Xerox shall refund that portion of the amounts paid that Xerox reasonably designates as associated with the Software's acquisition. Xerox is not liable for any infringement due to the Software being made or modified (by Xerox or others, including you) to your specifications, or being used or sold in combination with equipment, software, or supplies not provided by Xerox. XEROX MAKES NO OTHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTY OF NON-INFRINGEMENT OR LIABILITY FOR INFRINGEMENT OR ANY DAMAGES THEREFROM. 7. LIMITATION OF LIABILITY IN NO EVENT SHALL XEROX OR ITS SUPPLIERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, (INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, LOSS OF DATA) IN ANY WAY ARISING OUT OF OR RELATED TO THE USE OR INABILITY TO USE THE "SOFTWARE", EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. IN NO EVENT SHALL XEROX' DIRECT DAMAGES TO YOU EXCEED THE TOTAL LICENSE FEE ACTUALLY PAID BY YOU FOR SUCH SOFTWARE. 8. TERMINATION Xerox may terminate this license immediately upon notice in the event of a material breach by you or if you no longer use or possess the equipment with which this Software is intended to be used, in which event you shall return to Xerox all copies of the Software, and remove same from all equipment into which such Software may have been loaded by you. 9. GOVERNING LAW This agreement will be governed by the laws of the State of New York, USA or if you acquire the Software outside the USA, by the laws of the country in which you acquired the Equipment, excluding its conflict of laws provisions. Some jurisdictions do not allow limitations on how long an implied warranty lasts or the exclusion or limitation of incidental or consequential damages, so the above disclaimers, limitations or exclusions, in whole or in part, may not apply to you. 10. ENTIRE AGREEMENT This Software License Agreement is the entire agreement between Xerox and you pertaining to the Software and supersedes all proposals or prior and contemporaneous agreements or understandings of the parties regarding the Software. You agree that any terms and conditions contained in any purchase order or other ordering document submitted to order the Software shall have no binding effect on Xerox and will not modify this Agreement in any way. If, after reading the terms and conditions, they are unacceptable to you, then, to avoid contractual obligations and liability, you should promptly return the software unused, and you will then be entitled to a refund of any sums paid by you to license the Software. Title WorkCentre Pro 40 Color Version 1.2.1 Description DefaultLocation /Library/Printers/PPDs/Contents/Resources DeleteWarning ### Package Flags NeedsAuthorization YES Required NO Relocatable NO RequiresReboot NO UseUserMask NO OverwritePermissions NO InstallFat NO #!/usr/bin/perl my $SYSTEM_VERS = "/System/Library/CoreServices/SystemVersion.plist"; my $EXIT_VALUE = 0; DO_CHECKS: { # 10.2 or higher system must be active if(CheckVersion("$SYSTEM_VERS", "10.2", "ProductVersion", "<")) { $EXIT_VALUE = ((1 << 6) | ( 1 << 5 ) | 18 ); last; } } exit($EXIT_VALUE); ### sub CheckVersion { my $path = $_[0]; my $version = $_[1]; my $keyName = $_[2]; my $operator = $_[3]; if (! -e $path) { return 0; } if (!$operator) { $operator = "=="; } my $oldSeperator = $/; $/ = \0; open( PLIST, "$path") || do { return 0; }; $plistData = ; $plistData =~ /(.*?)<\/dict>/gis; @items = split(//, $plistData); shift @items; foreach $item (@items) { $item =~ /(.*?)<\/key>.*?(.*?)<\/string>/gis; $versiondata{ $1 } = $2; } close(PLIST); $/ = $oldSeperator; @theVersionArray = split(/\./, $versiondata{$keyName}); for ($i = 0; $i < 3; $i++) { if(!$theVersionArray[$i]) { $theVersionArray[$i] = '0'; } } @versionArray = split(/\./, $version); my $actualVersion; for ($i = 0; $i < 3; $i++) { if (($theVersionArray[$i] != $versionArray[$i]) or ($i == 2)) { $actualVersion = $theVersionArray[$i]; $version = $versionArray[$i]; last; } } my $expression = '$actualVersion ' . $operator . ' $version'; if( eval ($expression) ) { return 1; } else { return 0; } } "16" = "Il volume non possiede i requisiti necessari per realizzare questo aggiornamento."; "17" = "Spazio insufficiente per l'aggiornamento. Sono necessari 300MB."; "18" = "Questo pacchetto funziona solo con Mac OS X, versione 10.2 o successiva."; 2David St. John2(u2STR  LLa traduzione del presente contratto di licenza viene fornita da Xerox Europe e non vincolante ai sensi della legge. Il testo in inglese, posto dopo la traduzione, ha valore legale. ================================================================== CONTRATTO DI LICENZA E GARANZIA PER IL SOFTWARE INCLUSO E LA RELATIVA DOCUMENTAZIONE CONTRATTO DI LICENZA - DA LEGGERE PRIMA DI INSTALLARE IL SOFTWARE IMPORTANTE: QUESTO CONTRATTO DI LICENZA CONTIENE I TERMINI E LE CONDIZIONI DEL SOFTWARE DATO IN LICENZA E DELLA RELATIVA DOCUMENTAZIONE. L'INSTALLAZIONE DEL PACCHETTO SOFTWARE IMPLICA L'ACCETTAZIONE DEI TERMINI DI QUESTO CONTRATTO. QUALORA NON INTENDA ACCETTARE I TERMINI DI QUESTO CONTRATTO, IL CLIENTE TENUTO A RESTITUIRE IMMEDIATAMENTE AL FORNITORE IL PACCHETTO E A CANCELLARE TUTTI I FILE DEL SOFTWARE CARICATI O INSTALLATI SUI PROPRI COMPUTER. ALL'INTERNO DI QUESTO DOCUMENTO, "XEROX" RAPPRESENTA LA XEROX CORPORATION, LA CONSOCIATA O LA FILIALE TRAMITE LA QUALE IL CLIENTE HA OTTENUTO LA SINGOLA UNIT DELL'APPARECCHIATURA XEROX ("l'Apparecchiatura") SULLA QUALE IL SOFTWARE DEVE ESSERE UTILIZZATO, A MENO CHE L'APPARECCHIATURA NON SIA STATA OTTENUTA DA UN RIVENDITORE, AGENTE, CONCESSIONARIO O DISTRIBUTORE, NEL QUAL CASO "XEROX" RAPPRESENTA LA XEROX CORPORATION, LA CONSOCIATA O LA FILIALE PRESSO LA QUALE IL FORNITORE HA ACQUISTATO L'APPARECCHIATURA. 1. CONCESSIONE DELLA LICENZA Con il presente contratto, la Xerox concede all'utente una licenza personale non esclusiva per l'utilizzo del software e della relativa documentazione (il "Software") di questo pacchetto con l'Apparecchiatura, a condizione che siano state corrisposte le quote indicate dal presente contratto di licenza (comprese le spese annuali di rinnovamento e di manutenzione). 2. USO Il Software pu essere installato su qualsiasi computer o server della rete a condizione che venga utilizzato con l'Apparecchiatura. Se installato in una rete, tutti gli utenti della medesima possono accedere al software e utilizzarlo mediante l'Apparecchiatura. 3. PROPRIET, COPIA, MODIFICA E RISERVATEZZA 3.1 La Xerox detiene il possesso del Software o ha comunque la facolt di concedere le licenze relative a tutti i suoi diritti. 3.2 Al Cliente non vengono trasferiti n la propriet del Software, n alcun diritto relativo a tale propriet. 3.3 Il Cliente autorizzato a copiare parzialmente o interamente il Software, tenendo conto di quanto indicato al paragrafo 3.4, solo per le finalit espressamente indicate nella sezione 2 e a scopo di backup. Ogni copia deve includere in formato leggibile tutte le informazioni di copyright e propriet contenute nel Software originale. 3.4 Il Cliente pu copiare la documentazione del Software unicamente per utilizzarla congiuntamente all'Apparecchiatura. 3.5 Il Cliente non pu distribuire, alterare o modificare il Software, n personalmente n per mezzo di terzi. 3.6 Il Cliente si impegna a fornire o rendere disponibile il Software esclusivamente ai suoi dipendenti e agli agenti direttamente interessati dalla licenza d'uso del Software. 3.7 Il Software protetto dalle leggi sul copyright e da altri diritti di propriet della Xerox e/o di una terza parte. Tale parte pu ritenere il Cliente direttamente responsabile delle violazioni di questi diritti. 3.8 Il Cliente si impegna a non retroingegnerizzare, decompilare o disassemblare il Software per nessun motivo, ad eccezione dei casi consentiti dalla legge. 3.9 Il Cliente si impegna a non esportare o riesportare il Software in qualunque forma senza prima ottenere tutte le licenze previste dalla legge degli Stati Uniti e dei paesi stranieri in oggetto, e senza l'esportazione contestuale dell'Apparecchiatura. 3.10 La Xerox ha il diritto di revocare la licenza del software (i) immediatamente se il Cliente non possiede o non utilizza pi l'Apparecchiatura o, nel caso in cui il Cliente funga da locatore, se il principale locatario non possiede o non utilizza pi l'Apparecchiatura oppure (ii) allo scadere dell'accordo in base al quale il Cliente ha noleggiato o acquisito il locazione l'Apparecchiatura. 4. TRASFERIMENTO DELLA LICENZA DEL SOFTWARE Se il cliente trasferisce l'Apparecchiatura, la Xerox offre al cessionario la licenza di utilizzo del Software in base ai termini e alle quote da corrispondere previste in quel momento dalla Xerox e a condizione che il trasferimento dell'Apparecchiatura non costituisca una violazione dei diritti della Xerox. 5. GARANZIA LIMITATA 5.1 La Xerox garantisce che il Software funzioner in sostanziale conformit con la guida per l'utente e la documentazione di altro tipo fornita al Cliente originario. La Xerox non garantisce che il Software funzioner in maniera ininterrotta o priva di errori, n che il Software sar in grado di soddisfare le esigenze del Cliente. 5.2 Nel caso in cui il Software non risulti conforme alla garanzia limitata di cui al paragrafo 5.1, il Cliente ha la facolt di restituire il Software alla Xerox entro novanta (90) giorni dalla data di consegna. La Xerox e i suoi fornitori, da parte loro, avranno unicamente l'obbligo di impegnarsi in modo ragionevole a ovviare alla non conformit oppure di sostituire il Software con un Software idoneo. 5.3 LA XEROX NON FORNISCE ALTRE GARANZIE RELATIVE AL "SOFTWARE", ESPLICITE O IMPLICITE, STABILITE PER LEGGE O ALTRIMENTI, COMPRESE, SENZA LIMITAZIONE, LE GARANZIE IMPLICITE DI COMMERCIABILIT E IDONEIT A SCOPI PARTICOLARI. LA XEROX NON RICONOSCE LE GARANZIE O LE DICHIARAZIONI RESE DA SOGGETTI DIVERSI DALLA XEROX (COMPRESI, A TITOLO ESEMPLIFICATIVO MA NON LIMITATIVO, I RIVENDITORI, GLI AGENTI, I CONCESSIONARI E I DISTRIBUTORI). 5.4 Le garanzie esplicite sopra indicate sono da ritenersi nulle nel caso in cui il Cliente non utilizzi il Software in maniera appropriata e in un ambiente adeguato, secondo quanto specificato nella documentazione fornita dalla Xerox, o qualora il Software fosse stato modificato o alterato. 6. VIOLAZIONE DI BREVETTI E COPYRIGHT La Xerox si impegna a difendere il Cliente, nonch a sostenere le necessarie spese di giudizio, nel caso in cui il Software violi brevetti, segreti commerciali o copyright negli Stati Uniti. Per poter godere di tale beneficio, il Cliente tenuto a notificare sollecitamente e per iscritto alla Xerox le eventuali violazioni di cui a conoscenza e deve inoltre consentire alla Xerox di assumere la sua difesa e prestare la propria collaborazione. Le notifiche vanno indirizzate a: Xerox Office of General Counsel, P.O. Box 1600, Stamford, Connecticut 06904, USA. La Xerox non responsabile di spese legali o indennizzi che non riguardino i suoi prodotti, a meno che non acconsenta a farsene carico per iscritto. Per evitare di incorrere nelle suddette violazioni, anche in via preventiva, la Xerox ha la facolt, a sua discrezione e senza spese per il Cliente, di ottenere una licenza, modificare, sostituire o farsi restituire il Software. In caso di restituzione del Software, il Cliente avr diritto al pieno rimborso delle quote di licenza versate; se nessuna porzione delle spese associate alla transazione di acquisizione del Software era stata designata come quota di licenza per il Software, la Xerox rimborser la porzione di spese che ritiene ragionevolmente associata all'acquisizione del Software. La Xerox declina ogni responsabilit nel caso in cui il Software sia stato creato o modificato (dalla Xerox stessa o da altri, compreso il Cliente) in base alle specifiche del Cliente, oppure sia stato utilizzato o venduto in combinazione con apparecchiature, programmi o prodotti non forniti dalla Xerox. LA XEROX NON FORNISCE ALTRE GARANZIE ESPLICITE O IMPLICITE DI NON VIOLAZIONE E DECLINA OGNI RESPONSABILIT IN CASO DI VIOLAZIONE O PER DANNI CONSEGUENTI. 7. LIMITAZIONE DELLA RESPONSABILIT IN NESSUN CASO LA XEROX E I SUOI FORNITORI SARANNO RESPONSABILI DEI DANNI SPECIALI, INDIRETTI, ACCIDENTALI O CONSEQUENZIALI (COMPRESA, AD ESEMPIO, LA PERDITA DI DATI) DERIVANTI DALL'USO DEL SOFTWARE O DALL'INCAPACIT DI UTILIZZARLO, ANCHE NEL CASO IN CUI SIANO STATI AVVERTITI DELLA POSSIBILIT DI TALI DANNI. LA RESPONSABILIT TOTALE DELLA XEROX PER I DANNI DIRETTI SUBITI DAL CLIENTE, INOLTRE, NON PU IN ALCUN CASO SUPERARE LA QUOTA DI LICENZA EFFETTIVAMENTE PAGATA DAL CLIENTE PER IL SOFTWARE. 8. REVOCA La Xerox ha la facolt di revocare immediatamente la presente licenza in caso di violazione sostanziale del Contratto da parte del Cliente, o nel caso in cui il Cliente non utilizzi o non possieda pi l'Apparecchiatura su cui Software deve essere utilizzato. In questo caso, il Cliente tenuto a restituire alla Xerox tutte le copie del Software e rimuovere lo stesso dagli eventuali dispositivi in cui il Software stato caricato. 9. LEGGE APPLICABILE Il presente Contratto regolato dalle leggi dello Stato di New York, USA oppure, se il Software stato acquisito al di fuori degli Stati Uniti, dalle leggi del paese in cui stata acquistata l'Apparecchiatura. Sono esclusi gli eventuali conflitti con le norme di legge. Alcune giurisdizioni non contemplano limitazioni sulla durata delle garanzie implicite o sulla declinazione di responsabilit per i danni incidentali o consequenziali. Di conseguenza, la limitazione o la declinazione di responsabilit di cui sopra pu non riguardare, parzialmente o totalmente, il Cliente. 10. APPLICABILIT DEL CONTRATTO Il presente Contratto rappresenta l'unica forma di accordo tra la Xerox e il Cliente in relazione all'uso del Software e sostituisce tutte le proposte, le intese e gli accordi precedenti o contemporanei. Il Cliente riconosce che i termini e le condizioni contenuti negli ordini d'acquisto o in documenti di ordinazione di altro tipo non sono da ritenersi vincolanti nei confronti della Xerox e non modificano il Contratto in alcun modo. Se giudica inaccettabili i termini e le condizioni del presente contratto, il Cliente tenuto, al fine di evitare obbligazioni contrattuali e responsabilit, a restituire prontamente il software intatto. In caso di restituzione del Software, il Cliente avr diritto al pieno rimborso delle quote di licenza versate. ====================================================================== LICENSE AGREEMENT AND WARRANTY FOR THE ENCLOSED SOFTWARE AND RELATED DOCUMENTATION YOUR LICENSE AGREEMENT - READ BEFORE INSTALLING SOFTWARE IMPORTANT: THIS AGREEMENT CONTAINS THE LICENSE TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR LICENSED SOFTWARE AND RELATED DOCUMENTATION. INSTALLING THE SOFTWARE PACKAGE SIGNIFIES YOUR ACCEPTANCE OF THIS AGREEMENT. IF YOU DO NOT ACCEPT THIS AGREEMENT, YOU MUST PROMPTLY RETURN THE SOFTWARE PACKAGE AND DELETE ANY SOFTWARE FILES ACCESSED BY YOU FROM ANY AND ALL COMPUTER MEMORY INTO WHICH SUCH SOFTWARE HAS BEEN LOADED OR STORED. WHEN USED IN THIS AGREEMENT THE WORD "XEROX" SHALL MEAN XEROX CORPORATION, ITS OPERATING COMPANY SUBSIDIARY OR AFFILIATE FROM WHICH YOU OBTAINED THE XEROX PRODUCT WITH WHICH THE SOFTWARE IS TO BE USED (the "Equipment"), UNLESS YOU OBTAINED THE EQUIPMENT FROM AN AUTHORIZED DEALER, AGENT, CONCESSIONAIRE OR DISTRIBUTOR, IN WHICH CASE "XEROX" SHALL MEAN XEROX CORPORATION, ITS OPERATING COMPANY, SUBSIDIARY OR AFFILIATE FROM WHICH THE ENTITY THAT SOLD YOU THE EQUIPMENT ACQUIRED IT. 1. GRANT OF LICENSE Xerox hereby grants you a non-exclusive, non-transferable license to use the software and related documentation ("Software") enclosed in this package with the Equipment, for as long as you are current in the payment of any indicated software license fees (including any annual renewal or maintenance fees) on the following terms and conditions. 2. USE You may install the Software for use on any networked workstation or server only in conjunction with the Equipment. When networked, other users on the network may access and use the Software in conjunction with the Equipment. 3. OWNERSHIP, COPYING, MODIFICATION AND CONFIDENTIALITY 3.1 Xerox owns or is otherwise entitled to grant licenses in respect of all rights in the Software. 3.2 No title to or ownership of the Software or any proprietary right therein is transferred to you. 3.3 You may, subject to Section 3.4 below, make one copy of the Software in whole or in part only for that purpose expressly permitted in Section 2 above and for back-up. Such permitted copy shall include in readable format any copyright and other proprietary notices contained on the original Software. 3.4 You may copy the related documentation for use only in conjunction with the Equipment. 3.5 You may not distribute, alter or modify nor cause or allow others to alter or modify the Software. 3.6 You agree not to provide or otherwise make available the Software to anyone other than your employees and agents directly concerned with the licensed use of the Software. 3.7 The Software is protected by copyright and other proprietary rights of Xerox and/or a third party. You may be held directly responsible by such third party for an infringement of such rights by you. 3.8 You agree not to reverse engineer, decompile or disassemble the Software for any purpose whatsoever, except to the extent permitted by law. 3.9 You agree not to export or re-export the Software in any form without, in the case of a customer in the United States, first obtaining all United States government licenses, and in the case of a customer outside of the United States, all relevant foreign government licenses, required by law, and then only upon the export of the Equipment. 3.10 Xerox may terminate your license for the Software (i) immediately if you no longer use or possess the Equipment or are a lessor of the Equipment and your first lessee no longer uses or possesses it or (ii) upon the termination of any agreement under which you have rented or leased the Equipment. 4. TRANSFER OF LICENSED SOFTWARE If you transfer possession of the Equipment, Xerox will offer the transferee a license to use the Software on or with it, subject to Xerox' then applicable terms and license fees, if any, and provided the transfer is not in violation of Xerox' rights. 5. LIMITED WARRANTY 5.1 Xerox warrants that the Software shall substantially conform to Xerox' User Manual or other Xerox documentation supplied at delivery to the original Customer. Xerox does not warrant that the operation of the Software will be uninterrupted or error free, nor that it will meet your needs. 5.2 In the event that the Software does not conform to the limited warranty contained in Section 5.1 above, your exclusive remedy is to notify Xerox within ninety (90) days of the date of delivery, and Xerox' or its supplier's sole obligation shall be to use all reasonable efforts to provide a work-around which avoids the nonconformity or to provide you with Software which does substantially conform to the Xerox User Manual or other Xerox supplied documentation. 5.3 XEROX GRANTS NO OTHER WARRANTIES ON THE "SOFTWARE", EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, WHETHER CREATED BY STATUTE OR OTHERWISE, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. XEROX FURTHER DISCLAIMS ANY WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS MADE BY PERSONS OTHER THAN XEROX (INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO XEROX SOFTWARE DEALERS, AGENTS, CONCESSIONAIRES OR DISTRIBUTORS). 5.4 The express warranties set forth above shall be void if you fail to properly use the Software in the appropriate environment as specified in the Xerox supplied documentation or if the Software is modified or altered in any fashion. 6. PATENT AND COPYRIGHT INDEMNIFICATION Xerox will defend and indemnify you if the Software is alleged to infringe, in the United States, any patent, trade secret, or copyright, if you promptly notify Xerox in writing of any alleged infringement, allow Xerox to direct the defense of such claim, and cooperate with Xerox. All notices should be sent to the Xerox Office of General Counsel, P.O. Box 1600, Stamford, Connecticut 06904. Xerox is not responsible for any non-Xerox litigation expenses or settlements unless Xerox pre-approves them in writing. To avoid infringement, Xerox may, at its option, and at no charge to you, obtain a license, or modify, or substitute an equivalent of, or remove the Software. If Software is removed by Xerox for this reason, any designated license fees paid by you will be fully refunded; if no portion of the amounts paid to Xerox within the transaction in which the Software was acquired was designated as a license fee for the Software, Xerox shall refund that portion of the amounts paid that Xerox reasonably designates as associated with the Software's acquisition. Xerox is not liable for any infringement due to the Software being made or modified (by Xerox or others, including you) to your specifications, or being used or sold in combination with equipment, software, or supplies not provided by Xerox. XEROX MAKES NO OTHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTY OF NON-INFRINGEMENT OR LIABILITY FOR INFRINGEMENT OR ANY DAMAGES THEREFROM. 7. LIMITATION OF LIABILITY IN NO EVENT SHALL XEROX OR ITS SUPPLIERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, (INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, LOSS OF DATA) IN ANY WAY ARISING OUT OF OR RELATED TO THE USE OR INABILITY TO USE THE "SOFTWARE", EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. IN NO EVENT SHALL XEROX' DIRECT DAMAGES TO YOU EXCEED THE TOTAL LICENSE FEE ACTUALLY PAID BY YOU FOR SUCH SOFTWARE. 8. TERMINATION Xerox may terminate this license immediately upon notice in the event of a material breach by you or if you no longer use or possess the equipment with which this Software is intended to be used, in which event you shall return to Xerox all copies of the Software, and remove same from all equipment into which such Software may have been loaded by you. 9. GOVERNING LAW This agreement will be governed by the laws of the State of New York, USA or if you acquire the Software outside the USA, by the laws of the country in which you acquired the Equipment, excluding its conflict of laws provisions. Some jurisdictions do not allow limitations on how long an implied warranty lasts or the exclusion or limitation of incidental or consequential damages, so the above disclaimers, limitations or exclusions, in whole or in part, may not apply to you. 10. ENTIRE AGREEMENT This Software License Agreement is the entire agreement between Xerox and you pertaining to the Software and supersedes all proposals or prior and contemporaneous agreements or understandings of the parties regarding the Software. You agree that any terms and conditions contained in any purchase order or other ordering document submitted to order the Software shall have no binding effect on Xerox and will not modify this Agreement in any way. If, after reading the terms and conditions, they are unacceptable to you, then, to avoid contractual obligations and liability, you should promptly return the software unused, and you will then be entitled to a refund of any sums paid by you to license the Software. Title WorkCentre Pro 40 Color Version 1.2.1 Description DefaultLocation /Library/Printers/PPDs/Contents/Resources DeleteWarning ### Package Flags NeedsAuthorization YES Required NO Relocatable NO RequiresReboot NO UseUserMask NO OverwritePermissions NO InstallFat NO "16" = "Dette volumet tilfredsstiller ikke kravene til denne oppdateringen."; "17" = "Ikke nok ledig plass for denne oppdateringen. 300 MB ledig plass er ndvendig."; "18" = "Denne pakken kan kun brukes p Mac OS X, versjon 10.2 eller nyere."; 2David St. John20-2STR 2Oversettelsen av denne lisensavtalen er levert av Xerox Europe, og den er ikke juridisk bindende. Den engelske teksten som er tatt med etter den oversatte teksten har juridisk kraft. ======================================================================= LISENSAVTALE OG GARANTI FOR VEDLAGTE PROGRAMVARE OG TILHRENDE DOKUMENTASJON DIN LISENSAVTALE - LES GJENNOM DENNE FR DU INSTALLERER PROGRAMVAREN VIKTIG: DENNE AVTALEN INNEHOLDER LISENSBETINGELSENE OG -VILKRENE FOR DEN LISENSIERTE PROGRAMVAREN OG TILHRENDE DOKUMENTASJON. VED INSTALLERE PROGRAMVAREPAKKEN GODTAR DU DENNE AVTALEN. HVIS DU IKKE GODTAR DENNE AVTALEN, M DU STRAKS RETURNERE PROGRAMVAREPAKKEN OG SLETTE ALLE PROGRAMVAREFILER DU HAR HATT TILGANG TIL FRA ALLE DATAMASKINER DER SLIK PROGRAMVARE HAR VRT LASTET ELLER LAGRET. ORDET "XEROX" VIL I DENNE AVTALEN SI XEROX CORPORATION, DERES OPERATIVSELSKAPER, DATTERSELSKAPER ELLER TILKNYTTEDE SELSKAPER SOM LEVERTE DEN INDIVIDUELLE ENHETEN TIL XEROX DOCUMENT CENTRE-SYSTEMET ("utstyret") SOM PROGRAMVAREN SKAL BRUKES P, MED MINDRE DU ANSKAFFET UTSTYRET FRA EN AUTORISERT FORHANDLER, AGENT, KONSESJONSHAVER ELLER DISTRIBUTR. I SLIKE TILFELLER VIL "XEROX" SI XEROX CORPORATION, DERES OPERATIVSELSKAPER, DATTERSELSKAPER ELLER TILKNYTTEDE SELSKAPER SOM SELGEREN DU KJPTE UTSTYRET FRA, HAR ANSKAFFET ENHETEN FRA. 1. LISENSTILDELING Xerox gir det herved en ikke-eksklusiv, ikke-overfrbar rett til bruke programvaren og tilhrende dokumentasjon ("programvare") som er vedlagt denne utstyrspakken, s lenge du betaler eventuell angitt programvarelisensavgift (inkludert eventuell rlig fornyelses- eller vedlikeholdsavgift) i henhold til flgende vilkr og betingelser. 2. BRUK Du kan installere programvaren for bruk p alle nettverkstilknyttede arbeidsstasjoner eller servere kun i forbindelse med utstyret. Ved bruk i nettverk kan andre brukere p nettverket f tilgang til og bruke programvaren i forbindelse med utstyret. 3. EIENDOMSRETT, KOPIERING, ENDRING OG KONFIDENSIALITET 3.1 Xerox eier eller har p annen mte rett til tildele lisenser i forbindelse med alle rettigheter til programvaren. 3.2 Ingen eiendomsrett til programvaren eller opphavsrett i forbindelse med denne overfres til deg. 3.3 I henhold til del 3.4 nedenfor kan du ta n kopi av hele eller deler av programvaren til det formlet som uttrykkelig er tillatt etter del 2 ovenfor og for sikkerhetskopiering. Slike tillatte kopier skal omfatte i lesbart format alle meldinger om opphavsrett og annen eiendomsrett som er med i den opprinnelige programvaren. 3.4 Du kan kun kopiere den tilhrende dokumentasjonen for bruk i forbindelse med utstyret. 3.5 Du kan ikke distribuere, endre eller tilpasse, eller forrsake eller tillate at andre endrer eller tilpasser, programvaren. 3.6 Du aksepterer ikke overlate eller gjre programvaren p annen mte tilgjengelig for andre enn dine ansatte og underleverandrer som arbeider med den lisensierte programvaren. 3.7 Programvaren er beskyttet ved opphavsrett og annen eiendomsrett som tilhrer Xerox og/eller en tredjepart. Du kan holdes direkte ansvarlig av slik tredjepart ved brudd p slike rettigheter. 3.8 Du aksepterer ikke snu om p, dekompilere eller demontere programvaren til noe forml, unntatt som tillatt ved lov. 3.9 Du aksepterer ikke eksportere eller gjeneksportere programvaren i noen form uten, nr det gjelder kunder i USA, frst innhente alle lisenser fra de offentlige myndighetene, og nr det gjelder kunder utenfor USA, alle relevante lisenser fra offentlige myndigheter som kreves ved lov, og da kun ved eksport av utstyret. 3.10 Xerox kan si opp programvarelisensen (i) straks hvis du ikke lenger bruker eller eier utstyret, eller er utleier av utstyret og frste fester ikke lenger bruker eller innehar det, eller (ii) ved opphr av eventuell avtale som du har leid eller leaset utstyret i henhold til. 4. OVERFRING AV LISENSIERT PROGRAMVARE Hvis du overfrer eierretten til utstyret, tilbyr Xerox den nye eieren en lisens til bruke programvaren p eller sammen med utstyret, i henhold til Xerox' gjeldende betingelser og eventuelle lisensavgifter, og sfremt overfringen ikke medfrer brudd p noen av Xerox' rettigheter. 5. GARANTIBEGRENSNING 5.1 Xerox garanterer at programvaren i hovedsak samsvarer med brukerhndboken eller annen dokumentasjon fra Xerox som leveres sammen med enheten til den opprinnelige kunden. Xerox garanterer ikke at programvaren vil fungere uavbrutt eller feilfritt, eller at den dekker dine behov. 5.2 Dersom programvaren ikke overholder den begrensede garantien i del 5.1 ovenfor, m du melde fra til Xerox innen nitti (90) dager etter leveringsdato, og den eneste forpliktelsen til Xerox eller deres leverandrer er treffe rimelige tiltak for levere en lsning som korrigerer misforholdet, eller levere programvare som i hovedsak samstemmer med brukerhndboken fra Xerox eller annen dokumentasjon som leveres fra Xerox. 5.3 XEROX GIR INGEN ANDRE GARANTIER FOR PROGRAMVAREN, VERKEN UTTRYKTE ELLER UNDERFORSTTTE, OPPSTTT ETTER VEDTEKTER ELLER P ANNEN MTE, INKLUDERT UTEN BEGRENSNINGER UNDERFORSTTTE GARANTIER OM SALGBARHET OG EGNETHET FOR ET BESTEMT FORML. XEROX FRASKRIVER SEG OGS ANSVARET FOR GARANTIER ELLER UTSAGN GITT AV ANDRE PERSONER ENN ANSATTE HOS XEROX (INKLUDERT, MEN IKKE BEGRENSET TIL XEROX' PROGRAMVAREFORHANDLERE, AGENTER, KONSESJONSHAVERE ELLER DISTRIBUTRER). 5.4 De uttrykte garantiene fastsatt ovenfor er ugyldige hvis du ikke bruker programvaren riktig i riktig milj, som angitt i den vedlagte dokumentasjonen fra Xerox, eller hvis programvaren endres eller tilpasses p noen mte. 6. ERSTATNING I FORBINDELSE MED PATENTER OG OPPHAVSRETT Xerox forsvarer deg mot og srger for erstatning hvis det psts at programvaren i USA medfrer brudd p patenter, forretningshemmeligheter eller opphavsrett, hvis du straks varsler Xerox om dette skriftlig, lar Xerox fre saken i forbindelse med slikt krav og samarbeider med Xerox. Alle meldinger m sendes til Xerox Office of General Counsel, P.O. Box 1600, Stamford, Connecticut 06904. Xerox er ikke ansvarlig for utgifter til rettstvister eller erstatningskrav som ikke har forbindelse med Xerox, med mindre Xerox har gtt med p dette skriftlig p forhnd. For unng brudd p rettigheter, kan Xerox etter eget forgodtbefinnende og uten kostnader for deg, innhente en lisens eller endre eller erstatte med tilsvarende produkt eller fjerne programvaren. Hvis programvaren fjernes av Xerox av denne rsak, blir lisensavgift du har betalt i forbindelse med denne refundert i sin helhet. Hvis ingen del av belpene som er betalt til Xerox innenfor transaksjonen da programvaren ble anskaffet, ble utpekt som lisensavgift for programvaren, skal Xerox refundere den delen av det betalte belpet som Xerox finner rimelig i forbindelse med anskaffelse av programvaren. Xerox har ikke ansvar for brudd som forrsakes av at programvare lages eller endres (av Xerox eller andre, inkludert deg) etter dine spesifikasjoner eller benyttes eller selges sammen med utstyr, programvare eller forbruksartikler som ikke er levert av Xerox. XEROX GIR INGEN ANDRE GARANTIER, VERKEN UTTRYKTE ELLER UNDERFORSTTTE OM UNNG OVERTREDELSER ELLER ANSVAR FOR OVERTREDELSER ELLER SKADE SOM OPPSTR P GRUNN AV DETTE. 7. ANSVARSBEGRENSNING UNDER INGEN OMSTENDIGHETER SKAL XEROX ELLER DERES LEVERANDRER VRE ANSVARLIG FOR SPESIELL ELLER INDIREKTE SKADE, FLGESKADE ELLER SKADE VED UHELL (INKLUDERT, UTEN BEGRENSNINGER, TAP AV DATA) SOM P NOEN MTE OPPSTR P GRUNN AV ELLER I FORBINDELSE MED BRUK ELLER MANGLENDE EVNE TIL KUNNE BRUKE "PROGRAMVAREN", SELV OM XEROX HAR BLITT FORTALT OM MULIGHETEN FOR SLIK SKADE. UNDER INGEN OMSTENDIGHETER SKAL XEROX' DIREKTE ERSTATNING OVERFOR DEG OVERSTIGE DEN SAMLEDE LISENSAVGIFTEN SOM DU FAKTISK HAR BETALT FOR SLIK PROGRAMVARE. 8. OPPHR Xerox kan si opp denne lisensen umiddelbart etter varsel ved alvorlig mislighold fra din side, eller hvis du ikke lenger bruker eller eier utstyret som denne programvaren er beregnet for bruk p. Du skal da returnere alle kopier av programvaren til Xerox og fjerne denne fra alt utstyr denne programvaren har vrt lastet p. 9. GJELDENDE LOVER Denne avtalen reguleres av lovene i staten New York, USA, eller, hvis du anskaffer programvaren utenfor USA, av lovene i det landet der du kjpte Document Centre-system-utstyret som denne programvaren skal brukes p, dersom den kommer i konflikt med lovbestemmelser. Enkelte domsmyndigheter tillater ikke begrensninger for hvor lenge en garanti varer eller unntak eller begrensninger av flgeskader eller skader ved uhell, slik at hele eller deler av fraskrivelsene, begrensningene eller unntakene ovenfor kanskje ikke gjelder for deg. 10. HELE AVTALEN Denne programvarelisensavtalen er hele avtalen mellom Xerox og deg i forbindelse med programvaren og erstatter alle forslag eller tidligere og nvrende avtaler eller forstelser mellom partene angende programvaren. Du aksepterer at ingen betingelser og vilkr i kjpsordrer eller annet bestillingsdokument som ble levert ved bestilling av programvaren, har bindende virkning p Xerox, og de endrer ikke denne avtalen p noen mte. Dersom du etter ha lest gjennom vilkrene og betingelsene bestemmer at du ikke kan akseptere dem, unngr du bindes av kontrakten hvis du straks returnerer programvaren i ubrukt stand. Du har s krav p refusjon av det belpet du har betalt for f lisens til bruke programvaren. ====================================================================== LICENSE AGREEMENT AND WARRANTY FOR THE ENCLOSED SOFTWARE AND RELATED DOCUMENTATION YOUR LICENSE AGREEMENT - READ BEFORE INSTALLING SOFTWARE IMPORTANT: THIS AGREEMENT CONTAINS THE LICENSE TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR LICENSED SOFTWARE AND RELATED DOCUMENTATION. INSTALLING THE SOFTWARE PACKAGE SIGNIFIES YOUR ACCEPTANCE OF THIS AGREEMENT. IF YOU DO NOT ACCEPT THIS AGREEMENT, YOU MUST PROMPTLY RETURN THE SOFTWARE PACKAGE AND DELETE ANY SOFTWARE FILES ACCESSED BY YOU FROM ANY AND ALL COMPUTER MEMORY INTO WHICH SUCH SOFTWARE HAS BEEN LOADED OR STORED. WHEN USED IN THIS AGREEMENT THE WORD "XEROX" SHALL MEAN XEROX CORPORATION, ITS OPERATING COMPANY SUBSIDIARY OR AFFILIATE FROM WHICH YOU OBTAINED THE INDIVIDUAL UNIT OF THE XEROX DOCUMENT CENTRE SYSTEM EQUIPMENT (the "Equipment") WITH WHICH THE SOFTWARE IS TO BE USED, UNLESS YOU OBTAINED THE EQUIPMENT FROM AN AUTHORIZED DEALER, AGENT, CONCESSIONAIRE OR DISTRIBUTOR, IN WHICH CASE "XEROX" SHALL MEAN XEROX CORPORATION, ITS OPERATING COMPANY, SUBSIDIARY OR AFFILIATE FROM WHICH THE ENTITY THAT SOLD YOU THE EQUIPMENT ACQUIRED IT. 1. GRANT OF LICENSE Xerox hereby grants you a non-exclusive, non-transferable license to use the software and related documentation ("Software") enclosed in this package with the Equipment, for as long as you are current in the payment of any indicated software license fees (including any annual renewal or maintenance fees) on the following terms and conditions. 2. USE You may install the Software for use on any networked workstation or server only in conjunction with the Equipment. When networked, other users on the network may access and use the Software in conjunction with the Equipment. 3. OWNERSHIP, COPYING, MODIFICATION AND CONFIDENTIALITY 3.1 Xerox owns or is otherwise entitled to grant licenses in respect of all rights in the Software. 3.2 No title to or ownership of the Software or any proprietary right therein is transferred to you. 3.3 You may, subject to Section 3.4 below, make one copy of the Software in whole or in part only for that purpose expressly permitted in Section 2 above and for back-up. Such permitted copy shall include in readable format any copyright and other proprietary notices contained on the original Software. 3.4 You may copy the related documentation for use only in conjunction with the Equipment. 3.5 You may not distribute, alter or modify nor cause or allow others to alter or modify the Software. 3.6 You agree not to provide or otherwise make available the Software to anyone other than your employees and agents directly concerned with the licensed use of the Software. 3.7 The Software is protected by copyright and other proprietary rights of Xerox and/or a third party. You may be held directly responsible by such third party for an infringement of such rights by you. 3.8 You agree not to reverse engineer, decompile or disassemble the Software for any purpose whatsoever, except to the extent permitted by law. 3.9 You agree not to export or re-export the Software in any form without, in the case of a customer in the United States, first obtaining all United States government licenses, and in the case of a customer outside of the United States, all relevant foreign government licenses, required by law, and then only upon the export of the Equipment. 3.10 Xerox may terminate your license for the Software (i) immediately if you no longer use or possess the Equipment or are a lessor of the Equipment and your first lessee no longer uses or possesses it or (ii) upon the termination of any agreement under which you have rented or leased the Equipment. 4. TRANSFER OF LICENSED SOFTWARE If you transfer possession of the Equipment, Xerox will offer the transferee a license to use the Software on or with it, subject to Xerox' then applicable terms and license fees, if any, and provided the transfer is not in violation of Xerox' rights. 5. LIMITED WARRANTY 5.1 Xerox warrants that the Software shall substantially conform to Xerox' User Manual or other Xerox documentation supplied at delivery to the original Customer. Xerox does not warrant that the operation of the Software will be uninterrupted or error free, nor that it will meet your needs. 5.2 In the event that the Software does not conform to the limited warranty contained in Section 5.1 above, your exclusive remedy is to notify Xerox within ninety (90) days of the date of delivery, and Xerox' or its supplier's sole obligation shall be to use all reasonable efforts to provide a work-around which avoids the nonconformity or to provide you with Software which does substantially conform to the Xerox User Manual or other Xerox supplied documentation. 5.3 XEROX GRANTS NO OTHER WARRANTIES ON THE "SOFTWARE", EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, WHETHER CREATED BY STATUTE OR OTHERWISE, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. XEROX FURTHER DISCLAIMS ANY WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS MADE BY PERSONS OTHER THAN XEROX (INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO XEROX SOFTWARE DEALERS, AGENTS, CONCESSIONAIRES OR DISTRIBUTORS). 5.4 The express warranties set forth above shall be void if you fail to properly use the Software in the appropriate environment as specified in the Xerox supplied documentation or if the Software is modified or altered in any fashion. 6. PATENT AND COPYRIGHT INDEMNIFICATION Xerox will defend and indemnify you if the Software is alleged to infringe, in the United States, any patent, trade secret, or copyright, if you promptly notify Xerox in writing of any alleged infringement, allow Xerox to direct the defense of such claim, and cooperate with Xerox. All notices should be sent to the Xerox Office of General Counsel, P.O. Box 1600, Stamford, Connecticut 06904. Xerox is not responsible for any non-Xerox litigation expenses or settlements unless Xerox pre-approves them in writing. To avoid infringement, Xerox may, at its option, and at no charge to you, obtain a license, or modify, or substitute an equivalent of, or remove the Software. If Software is removed by Xerox for this reason, any designated license fees paid by you will be fully refunded; if no portion of the amounts paid to Xerox within the transaction in which the Software was acquired was designated as a license fee for the Software, Xerox shall refund that portion of the amounts paid that Xerox reasonably designates as associated with the Software's acquisition. Xerox is not liable for any infringement due to the Software being made or modified (by Xerox or others, including you) to your specifications, or being used or sold in combination with equipment, software, or supplies not provided by Xerox. XEROX MAKES NO OTHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTY OF NON-INFRINGEMENT OR LIABILITY FOR INFRINGEMENT OR ANY DAMAGES THEREFROM. 7. LIMITATION OF LIABILITY IN NO EVENT SHALL XEROX OR ITS SUPPLIERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, (INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, LOSS OF DATA) IN ANY WAY ARISING OUT OF OR RELATED TO THE USE OR INABILITY TO USE THE "SOFTWARE", EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. IN NO EVENT SHALL XEROX' DIRECT DAMAGES TO YOU EXCEED THE TOTAL LICENSE FEE ACTUALLY PAID BY YOU FOR SUCH SOFTWARE. 8. TERMINATION Xerox may terminate this license immediately upon notice in the event of a material breach by you or if you no longer use or possess the equipment with which this Software is intended to be used, in which event you shall return to Xerox all copies of the Software, and remove same from all equipment into which such Software may have been loaded by you. 9. GOVERNING LAW This agreement will be governed by the laws of the State of New York, USA or if you acquire the Software outside the USA, by the laws of the country in which you acquired the Document Centre System Equipment with which this software is to be used, excluding its conflict of laws provisions. Some jurisdictions do not allow limitations on how long an implied warranty lasts or the exclusion or limitation of incidental or consequential damages, so the above disclaimers, limitations or exclusions, in whole or in part, may not apply to you. 10. ENTIRE AGREEMENT This Software License Agreement is the entire agreement between Xerox and you pertaining to the Software and supersedes all proposals or prior and contemporaneous agreements or understandings of the parties regarding the Software. You agree that any terms and conditions contained in any purchase order or other ordering document submitted to order the Software shall have no binding effect on Xerox and will not modify this Agreement in any way. If, after reading the terms and conditions, they are unacceptable to you, then, to avoid contractual obligations and liability, you should promptly return the software unused, and you will then be entitled to a refund of any sums paid by you to license the Software. Title WorkCentre Pro 40 Color Version 1.2.1 Description DefaultLocation /Library/Printers/PPDs/Contents/Resources DeleteWarning ### Package Flags NeedsAuthorization YES Required NO Relocatable NO RequiresReboot NO UseUserMask NO OverwritePermissions NO InstallFat NO "16" = "Este volume no satisfaz os requisitos para esta atualizao."; "17" = "No h suficiente espao para esta atualizao. So necessrios 300 MB de espao."; "18" = "Este Pacote somente pode ser executado no Mac OS X, verso 10.2 ou superior."; 2David St. John20@2STR WxEXONERAO DE RESPONSABILIDADE: A traduo deste acordo de licena foi fornecida pela Xerox Europe e no obriga a qualquer vnculo jurdico. O texto em ingls que segue a traduo vinculativo juridicamente. ======================================================================= CONTRATO DE LICENA E GARANTIA PARA O SOFTWARE INCLUDO E DOCUMENTAO RELACIONADA CONTRATO DE LICENA - LEIA ANTES DE INSTALAR O SOFTWARE IMPORTANTE: ESTE CONTRATO CONTM OS TERMOS E AS CONDIES DA LICENA PARA O SOFTWARE LICENCIADO E DOCUMENTAO RELACIONADA. A INSTALAO DO PACOTE DE SOFTWARE IMPLICA A SUA ACEITAO DESTE CONTRATO. CASO NO O ACEITE, DEVER DEVOLVER IMEDIATAMENTE O PACOTE DE SOFTWARE E APAGAR OS FICHEIROS DE SOFTWARE ACEDIDOS POR SI DE TODA E QUALQUER MEMRIA DE COMPUTADOR, NA QUAL TAL SOFTWARE TENHA SIDO INSTALADO OU ARMAZENADO. SEMPRE QUE UTILIZADA NESTE CONTRATO, A PALAVRA "XEROX" SIGNIFICAR XEROX CORPORATION, UMA SUA EMPRESA DE EXPLORAO, SUBSIDIRIA OU AFILIADA QUAL TIVER ADQUIRIDO A UNIDADE INDIVIDUAL DO EQUIPAMENTO XEROX DOCUMENT CENTRE SYSTEM (O "Equipamento") E COM A QUAL SER UTILIZADO ESTE SOFTWARE, A MENOS QUE TENHA ADQUIRIDO O EQUIPAMENTO A UM REPRESENTANTE, AGENTE, CONCESSIONRIO OU DISTRIBUIDOR AUTORIZADO, EM CUJO CASO "XEROX" SIGNIFICAR XEROX CORPORATION, UMA SUA EMPRESA DE EXPLORAO, SUBSIDIRIA OU AFILIADA QUAL A ENTIDADE QUE LHE VENDEU O EQUIPAMENTO O COMPROU. 1. CONCESSO DE LICENA Atravs do presente, a Xerox concede-lhe uma licena intransmissvel e no exclusiva de utilizao do software e da documentao relacionada ("Software"), fornecidos neste pacote com o Equipamento, durante o perodo de cumprimento dos pagamentos das taxas de licena do software indicados (incluindo eventuais taxas de renovao anual ou de manuteno), sujeita aos termos e condies que se seguem. 2. UTILIZAO Poder instalar o Software para que seja utilizado numa estao de trabalho ou num servidor ligados em rede, apenas em conjunto com o Equipamento. Quando ligados em rede, os restantes utilizadores da rede podero aceder e utilizar o Software em conjunto com o Equipamento. 3. PROPRIEDADE, CPIA, MODIFICAO E CONFIDENCIALIDADE 3.1 A Xerox proprietria ou detm o direito de conceder licenas relativamente a todos os direitos deste Software. 3.2 No lhe sero transmitidos ttulo de propriedade do Software ou quaisquer direitos de patentes. 3.3 Poder, ao abrigo da Seco 3.4 infracitada, efectuar uma cpia total ou parcial do Software apenas para a finalidade expressamente permitida na Seco 2 supracitada e para fins de salvaguarda. A cpia permitida incluir, em formato legvel, as notas relativas a direitos de autor e de propriedade includas no Software original. 3.4 Poder copiar a documentao relacionada apenas para utilizao em conjunto com o Equipamento. 3.5 No poder distribuir, alterar nem modificar o Software, nem permitir que outros o alterem ou modifiquem. 3.6 Aceita no fornecer ou de outro disponibilizar o Software a outrm, que no os seus funcionrios ou as entidades directamente relacionadas com a utilizao licenciada do Software. 3.7 O Software encontra-se protegido pelas leis de direitos de autor e outros direitos de propriedade da Xerox e/ou um terceiro. Poder ser directamente responsabilizado por esse terceiro se violar tais direitos. 3.8 Aceita no inverter a concepo do Software, nem decomp-lo ou desmont-lo para qualquer fim, excepto at ao ponto permitido por lei. 3.9 Aceita no exportar nem reexportar o Software sob qualquer forma sem, no caso de um cliente nos Estado Unidos, primeiro obter todas as licenas do governo dos Estados Unidos e, no caso de um cliente fora dos Estados Unidos, todas as licenas governamentais externas relevante, exigidas por lei. 3.10 A Xerox poder rescindir a sua licena do Software (i) imediatamente, se j no utilizar ou no possuir o Equipamento ou for um locador do Equipamento e o seu primeiro locatrio j no o utilizar ou possuir (ii) depois de rescindido qualquer acordo, mediante o qual tiver alugado ou feito o leasing do Equipamento. 4. TRANSMISSO DO SOFTWARE LICENCIADO Se transferir a posse do Equipamento, a Xerox oferecer ao transmissrio uma licena para utilizar o Software com este ou em conjunto com o mesmo, sujeita aos termos e s taxas de licena da Xerox aplicveis na altura, caso existam, desde que a transmisso no viole os direitos da Xerox. 5. GARANTIA LIMITADA 5.1 A Xerox garante que o Software estar substancialmente em conformidade com o Manual do Utilizador da Xerox ou outra documentao Xerox fornecida no momento da entrega ao Cliente original. A Xerox no garante que o funcionamento do Software venha a ser ininterrupto ou isento de erros, nem que o mesmo v satisfazer as suas necessidades. 5.2 Na eventualidade de o Software no estar em conformidade com a garantia limitada indicada na Seco 5.1 supracitada, a sua nica alternativa ser a de notificar a Xerox no prazo de noventa (90) dias a contar da data de entrega, sendo a nica obrigao da Xerox ou do seu fornecedor a de empregar todos os esforos razoveis para proporcionar uma soluo para evitar a no conformidade ou a de fornecer-lhe Software que esteja substancialmente em conformidade com o Manual do Utilizador da Xerox ou outra documentao fornecida pela Xerox. 5.3 A XEROX NO FORNECE QUAISQUER OUTRAS GARANTIAS RELATIVAS AO "SOFTWARE", EXPRESSAS OU IMPLCITAS, QUER LEGAIS QUER DE OUTRA NATUREZA, INCLUINDO, SEM LIMITAO, GARANTIAS IMPLCITAS DE QUE O PRODUTO SEJA ADEQUADO OU SIRVA PARA O FIM A QUE SE DESTINA. A XEROX REJEITA TAMBM QUAISQUER GARANTIAS OU REPRESENTAES FEITAS POR OUTRM (INCLUINDO REPRESENTANTES, AGENTES, CONCESSIONRIOS OU DISTRIBUIDORES DO SOFTWARE XEROX, MAS NO SE LIMITANDO A ESTAS ENUMERAES). 5.4 As garantias expressas supracitadas no tero qualquer validade se no utilizar devidamente o Software no ambiente adequado, conforme especificado na documentao fornecida pela Xerox, nem se o Software for modificado ou alterado de algum modo. 6. INDEMNIZAO POR DIREITOS DE AUTOR E PATENTE A Xerox ir defender e indemniz-lo, se o Software alegadamente violar, nos Estados Unidos, qualquer patente, segredo comercial ou direito de autor, caso notifique imediatamente a Xerox por escrito de qualquer alegada violao, permita que a Xerox conduza a defesa de tal queixa e coopere com a Xerox. Todas as notificaes devem ser enviadas para Xerox Office of General Counsel, P.O. Box 1600, Stamford, Connecticut 06904. A Xerox no ser responsvel por quaisquer despesas ou pagamentos decorrentes de um processo judicial, a menos que seja fornecida a aprovao prvia da Xerox por escrito. Para evitar uma eventual violao, a Xerox poder, por sua iniciativa, e sem qualquer encargo para si, obter uma licena, ou modificar ou substituir um equivalente do Software, ou remov-lo. Se o Software for removido pela Xerox por esta razo, as taxas de licenas estipuladas que tiver pago sero reembolsadas na totalidade; se nenhuma parte das quantias pagas Xerox no mbito da transaco na qual o Software foi adquirido tiver sido considerada taxa de licena para o Software, a Xerox reembolsar essa parte paga que determine associada aquisio do Software. A Xerox no responsvel por qualquer violao em consequncia de o Software ter sido criado ou modificado (pela Xerox ou outrm, incluindo a sua pessoa) de acordo com as suas especificaes, ou de ter sido utilizado ou vendido em conjunto com o equipamento, software ou consumveis no fornecidos pela Xerox. A XEROX NO FORNECE QUAISQUER GARANTIAS EXPRESSAS OU IMPLCITAS DE NO VIOLAO OU RESPONSABILIDADE POR VIOLAO OU POR QUAISQUER DANOS DECORRENTES DESTA. 7. LIMITE DE RESPONSABILIDADE EM CASO ALGUM SER A XEROX OU SEUS FORNECEDORES RESPONSVEIS POR QUAISQUER DANOS ESPECIAIS, INDIRECTOS, ACIDENTAIS OU CONSEQUENCIAIS, (INCLUINDO, SEM LIMITAO, A PERDA DE DADOS) RESULTANTES, DE ALGUMA FORMA, OU RELACIONADOS COM A UTILIZAO OU INCAPACIDADE DE UTILIZAO DO "SOFTWARE", AINDA QUE TENHAM SIDO AVISADOS ACERCA DA POSSIBILIDADE DE TAIS DANOS. EM CASO ALGUM EXCEDERO OS DANOS DIRECTOS DA XEROX PARA COM A SUA PESSOA A TAXA DE LICENA TOTAL REAL, PAGA POR SI POR TAL SOFTWARE. 8. RESCISO A Xerox poder rescindir esta licena imediatamente, mediante notificao de violao de material por si, ou se j no utilizar ou possuir o equipamento com o qual este Software deve ser utilizado, em cujo caso, devolver Xerox todas as cpias do Software e remover o mesmo de todo o equipamento no qual poder ter sido instalado. 9. LEI APLICVEL Este contrato ser regido pelas leis em vigor no Estado de Nova Iorque, EUA, ou, caso tenha adquirido o Software fora dos EUA, pelas leis do pas no qual tiver adquirido o Equipamento Document Centre System com o qual ser utilizado este software, excluindo o conflito de provises legais. Algumas jurisdies no permitem limitaes relativamente durao de uma garantia implcita ou excluso ou limitao de danos acidentais ou consequenciais; por conseguinte, a exonerao de responsabilidade, as limitaes ou excluses supracitadas, na sua totalidade ou parcialmente, podero no se aplicar a si. 10. ACORDO TOTAL Este Contrato de Licena de Software constitui o acordo total entre a Xerox e a sua pessoa relativamente ao Software e substitui todas as propostas ou acordos anteriores e actuais ou a compreenso das partes com referncia ao Software. Concorda que os termos e as condies contidos em qualquer nota de encomenda ou outro documento de encomenda do Software no tero efeitos vinculativos sobre a Xerox e no modificaro de forma alguma este Contrato. Se, depois de ter lido os termos e as condies, os mesmos lhe parecerem inaceitveis, ento, para evitar as obrigaes e a responsabilidade contratuais, dever devolver prontamente o software no utilizado e ter direito ao reembolso de quaisquer quantias pagas por si para licenciar o Software. ====================================================================== LICENSE AGREEMENT AND WARRANTY FOR THE ENCLOSED SOFTWARE AND RELATED DOCUMENTATION YOUR LICENSE AGREEMENT - READ BEFORE INSTALLING SOFTWARE IMPORTANT: THIS AGREEMENT CONTAINS THE LICENSE TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR LICENSED SOFTWARE AND RELATED DOCUMENTATION. INSTALLING THE SOFTWARE PACKAGE SIGNIFIES YOUR ACCEPTANCE OF THIS AGREEMENT. IF YOU DO NOT ACCEPT THIS AGREEMENT, YOU MUST PROMPTLY RETURN THE SOFTWARE PACKAGE AND DELETE ANY SOFTWARE FILES ACCESSED BY YOU FROM ANY AND ALL COMPUTER MEMORY INTO WHICH SUCH SOFTWARE HAS BEEN LOADED OR STORED. WHEN USED IN THIS AGREEMENT THE WORD "XEROX" SHALL MEAN XEROX CORPORATION, ITS OPERATING COMPANY SUBSIDIARY OR AFFILIATE FROM WHICH YOU OBTAINED THE INDIVIDUAL UNIT OF THE XEROX DOCUMENT CENTRE SYSTEM EQUIPMENT (the "Equipment") WITH WHICH THE SOFTWARE IS TO BE USED, UNLESS YOU OBTAINED THE EQUIPMENT FROM AN AUTHORIZED DEALER, AGENT, CONCESSIONAIRE OR DISTRIBUTOR, IN WHICH CASE "XEROX" SHALL MEAN XEROX CORPORATION, ITS OPERATING COMPANY, SUBSIDIARY OR AFFILIATE FROM WHICH THE ENTITY THAT SOLD YOU THE EQUIPMENT ACQUIRED IT. 1. GRANT OF LICENSE Xerox hereby grants you a non-exclusive, non-transferable license to use the software and related documentation ("Software") enclosed in this package with the Equipment, for as long as you are current in the payment of any indicated software license fees (including any annual renewal or maintenance fees) on the following terms and conditions. 2. USE You may install the Software for use on any networked workstation or server only in conjunction with the Equipment. When networked, other users on the network may access and use the Software in conjunction with the Equipment. 3. OWNERSHIP, COPYING, MODIFICATION AND CONFIDENTIALITY 3.1 Xerox owns or is otherwise entitled to grant licenses in respect of all rights in the Software. 3.2 No title to or ownership of the Software or any proprietary right therein is transferred to you. 3.3 You may, subject to Section 3.4 below, make one copy of the Software in whole or in part only for that purpose expressly permitted in Section 2 above and for back-up. Such permitted copy shall include in readable format any copyright and other proprietary notices contained on the original Software. 3.4 You may copy the related documentation for use only in conjunction with the Equipment. 3.5 You may not distribute, alter or modify nor cause or allow others to alter or modify the Software. 3.6 You agree not to provide or otherwise make available the Software to anyone other than your employees and agents directly concerned with the licensed use of the Software. 3.7 The Software is protected by copyright and other proprietary rights of Xerox and/or a third party. You may be held directly responsible by such third party for an infringement of such rights by you. 3.8 You agree not to reverse engineer, decompile or disassemble the Software for any purpose whatsoever, except to the extent permitted by law. 3.9 You agree not to export or re-export the Software in any form without, in the case of a customer in the United States, first obtaining all United States government licenses, and in the case of a customer outside of the United States, all relevant foreign government licenses, required by law, and then only upon the export of the Equipment. 3.10 Xerox may terminate your license for the Software (i) immediately if you no longer use or possess the Equipment or are a lessor of the Equipment and your first lessee no longer uses or possesses it or (ii) upon the termination of any agreement under which you have rented or leased the Equipment. 4. TRANSFER OF LICENSED SOFTWARE If you transfer possession of the Equipment, Xerox will offer the transferee a license to use the Software on or with it, subject to Xerox' then applicable terms and license fees, if any, and provided the transfer is not in violation of Xerox' rights. 5. LIMITED WARRANTY 5.1 Xerox warrants that the Software shall substantially conform to Xerox' User Manual or other Xerox documentation supplied at delivery to the original Customer. Xerox does not warrant that the operation of the Software will be uninterrupted or error free, nor that it will meet your needs. 5.2 In the event that the Software does not conform to the limited warranty contained in Section 5.1 above, your exclusive remedy is to notify Xerox within ninety (90) days of the date of delivery, and Xerox' or its supplier's sole obligation shall be to use all reasonable efforts to provide a work-around which avoids the nonconformity or to provide you with Software which does substantially conform to the Xerox User Manual or other Xerox supplied documentation. 5.3 XEROX GRANTS NO OTHER WARRANTIES ON THE "SOFTWARE", EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, WHETHER CREATED BY STATUTE OR OTHERWISE, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. XEROX FURTHER DISCLAIMS ANY WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS MADE BY PERSONS OTHER THAN XEROX (INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO XEROX SOFTWARE DEALERS, AGENTS, CONCESSIONAIRES OR DISTRIBUTORS). 5.4 The express warranties set forth above shall be void if you fail to properly use the Software in the appropriate environment as specified in the Xerox supplied documentation or if the Software is modified or altered in any fashion. 6. PATENT AND COPYRIGHT INDEMNIFICATION Xerox will defend and indemnify you if the Software is alleged to infringe, in the United States, any patent, trade secret, or copyright, if you promptly notify Xerox in writing of any alleged infringement, allow Xerox to direct the defense of such claim, and cooperate with Xerox. All notices should be sent to the Xerox Office of General Counsel, P.O. Box 1600, Stamford, Connecticut 06904. Xerox is not responsible for any non-Xerox litigation expenses or settlements unless Xerox pre-approves them in writing. To avoid infringement, Xerox may, at its option, and at no charge to you, obtain a license, or modify, or substitute an equivalent of, or remove the Software. If Software is removed by Xerox for this reason, any designated license fees paid by you will be fully refunded; if no portion of the amounts paid to Xerox within the transaction in which the Software was acquired was designated as a license fee for the Software, Xerox shall refund that portion of the amounts paid that Xerox reasonably designates as associated with the Software's acquisition. Xerox is not liable for any infringement due to the Software being made or modified (by Xerox or others, including you) to your specifications, or being used or sold in combination with equipment, software, or supplies not provided by Xerox. XEROX MAKES NO OTHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTY OF NON-INFRINGEMENT OR LIABILITY FOR INFRINGEMENT OR ANY DAMAGES THEREFROM. 7. LIMITATION OF LIABILITY IN NO EVENT SHALL XEROX OR ITS SUPPLIERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, (INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, LOSS OF DATA) IN ANY WAY ARISING OUT OF OR RELATED TO THE USE OR INABILITY TO USE THE "SOFTWARE", EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. IN NO EVENT SHALL XEROX' DIRECT DAMAGES TO YOU EXCEED THE TOTAL LICENSE FEE ACTUALLY PAID BY YOU FOR SUCH SOFTWARE. 8. TERMINATION Xerox may terminate this license immediately upon notice in the event of a material breach by you or if you no longer use or possess the equipment with which this Software is intended to be used, in which event you shall return to Xerox all copies of the Software, and remove same from all equipment into which such Software may have been loaded by you. 9. GOVERNING LAW This agreement will be governed by the laws of the State of New York, USA or if you acquire the Software outside the USA, by the laws of the country in which you acquired the Document Centre System Equipment with which this software is to be used, excluding its conflict of laws provisions. Some jurisdictions do not allow limitations on how long an implied warranty lasts or the exclusion or limitation of incidental or consequential damages, so the above disclaimers, limitations or exclusions, in whole or in part, may not apply to you. 10. ENTIRE AGREEMENT This Software License Agreement is the entire agreement between Xerox and you pertaining to the Software and supersedes all proposals or prior and contemporaneous agreements or understandings of the parties regarding the Software. You agree that any terms and conditions contained in any purchase order or other ordering document submitted to order the Software shall have no binding effect on Xerox and will not modify this Agreement in any way. If, after reading the terms and conditions, they are unacceptable to you, then, to avoid contractual obligations and liability, you should promptly return the software unused, and you will then be entitled to a refund of any sums paid by you to license the Software. Title WorkCentre Pro 40 Color Version 1.2.1 Description DefaultLocation /Library/Printers/PPDs/Contents/Resources DeleteWarning ### Package Flags NeedsAuthorization YES Required NO Relocatable NO RequiresReboot NO UseUserMask NO OverwritePermissions NO InstallFat NO "16" = "Este volume no satisfaz os requisitos para esta atualizao."; "17" = "No h suficiente espao para esta atualizao. So necessrios 300 MB de espao."; "18" = "Este Pacote somente pode ser executado no Mac OS X, verso 10.2 ou superior."; 2David St. John2(+2STR 8A traduo deste contrato de licena de usurio foi fornecida pela Xerox Europe e no juridicamente imputvel. O texto em ingls, que acompanha a traduo, tem valor legal. ========================================================================= ACORDO DE LICENA E DE GARANTIA CORRESPONDENTE AO SOFTWARE E SUA DOCUMENTAO SEU ACORDO DE LICENA - LEIA ANTES DE INSTALAR O SOFTWARE IMPORTANTE: ESTE ACORDO CONTM OS TERMOS DE LICENA E AS CONDIES DE LICENCIAMENTO DO SEU SOFTWARE E DA SUA DOCUMENTAO. A INSTALAO DO PACOTE DE SOFTWARE SIGNIFICA A SUA INEQUVOCA ACEITAO DESTE ACORDO. SE VOC NO ACEITAR ESTE ACORDO, VOC DEVE APAGAR QUAISQUER ARQUIVOS DO SOFTWARE ACESSADO POR VOC DE QUALQUER E DE TODA MEMRIA DO(S) COMPUTADOR(ES) NA QUAL ESSE SOFTWARE FOI CARREGADO OU ARMAZENADO. TAL COMO UTILIZADA NESTE ACORDO, A PALAVRA "XEROX" DEVE SIGNIFICAR XEROX CORPORATION, A COMPANHIA DE OPERAO SUBSIDIRIA OU O DISTRIBUIDOR AUTORIZADO ATRAVS DOS QUAIS VOC OBTEVE O PRODUTO XEROX A MENOS QUE VOC O TENHA OBTIDO ATRAVS DE UM DEALER, AGENTE, CONCESSIONRIA OU DISTRIBUIDOR AUTORIZADO, EM CUJO CASO, "XEROX" SIGNIFICA XEROX CORPORATION, A COMPANHIA DE OPERAO SUBSIDIRIA OU AFILIADA DE CUJA IDENTIDADE VOC ADQUIRIU O EQUIPAMENTO. 1. CONCESSO DE LICENA A Xerox por meio desta concede ao Cliente uma licena no-exclusiva para utilizar o software e a documentao inerente ("Software") que acompanha este pacote com o Equipamento, enquanto voc estiver em dia com o pagamento de quaisquer mensalidades inerentes licena de software (inclusive renovaes anuais e taxas de manuteno), nos seguintes termos e condies. 2. USO O Cliente pode instalar o Software para o uso em qualquer estao de trabalho ou servidor de rede somente em conjunto com o Equipamento. Estando na rede, outros usurios da rede podem acessar e utilizar o Software em conjunto com o Equipamento. 3. PROPRIEDADE, CPIA, MODIFICAO E SEGURANA 3.1 A Xerox possui ou est autorizada a conceder licenas relacionadas a todos os direitos contidos no software. 3.2 Nenhum ttulo ou posse do software ou qualquer direito de propriedade nesse sentido transferido para o Cliente. 3.3 O Cliente pode, sujeito Seo 3.4 abaixo, copiar o Software por completo ou em parte somente para o propsito permitido na Seo 2 acima e para cpia de segurana. Cada cpia permitida deve incluir em formato legvel qualquer direito autoral e outras notas de propriedade contidas no Software original. 3.4 O cliente no pode fazer cpias da documentao relacionada, exceto para o uso com o prprio Equipamento. 3.5 O Cliente no deve distribuir, alterar ou modificar nem causar ou permitir que outros alterem ou modifiquem o Software. 3.6 O Cliente concorda em no fornecer ou tornar o Software disponvel para qualquer outra pessoa alm dos seus funcionrios e pessoas diretamente envolvidas com o uso da licena do Software. 3.7 O Software protegido por direitos autorais e outros direitos de propriedade da Xerox e/ou de terceiros. O Cliente pode ser considerado diretamente responsvel pelos terceiros em caso de uma infrao desses direitos. 3.8 O Cliente concorda em no alterar, descompilar ou desmontar o Software para qualquer propsito. 3.9 O cliente concorda em no exportar ou re-exportar o Software de nehuma maneira, sem primeiramente, no caso de um cliente localizado nos Estados Unidos da Amrica, obter todas as licenas emitidas pelo governo dos Estados Unidos. No caso de um cliente localizado fora dos Estados Unidos, este dever adquirir quaisquer licenas governamentais estrangeiras relevantes, exigidas perante lei, e somente aps a aquisio das mesmas, a exportao do equipamento poder ter lugar. 3.10 A Xerox pode anular a sua licena de software (i) imediatamente se voc no utilizar ou possuir mais o Equipamento ou se voc estiver alugando o Equipamento e a pessoa que tiver feito o aluguel no mais utiliza ou possui o Equipamento ou (ii) sob o cancelamento de qualquer acordo sob os quais voc tiver alugado o Equipamento. 4. TRANSFERNCIA DO SOFTWARE LICENCIADO Se voc transferir a posse do Equipamento, a Xerox oferecer ao novo proprietrio uma licena para utilizar o Software com o Equipamento, estando o novo proprietrio sujeito s taxas de licena e termos aplicveis, caso existam, contanto que a transferncia no esteja em violao com os direitos da Xerox. 5. GARANTIA LIMITADA 5.1 A Xerox garante que o Software deve estar em conformidade com o Manual do Usurio da Xerox ou com outra descrio do produto da Xerox fornecido no ato da entrega ao Cliente original. A Xerox no garante que a operao do Software ser contnua ou sem erros e nem que ela ir de encontro s necessidades do Cliente. 5.2 No caso de o Software no corresponder garantia limitada contida na Seo 5.1 acima, o nico recurso do Cliente notificar a Xerox dentro de noventa (90) dias a partir da data da entrega e a nica obrigao da Xerox e dos seus fornecedores a de utilizar esforos para fornecer uma soluo alternativa que evite a no-conformidade ou fornecer para o Cliente um Software que esteja de acordo com o Manual do Usurio da Xerox ou com outra documentao fornecida pela Xerox. 5.3 NENHUMA OUTRA GARANTIA, EXPLICITA OU IMPLICITA, QUE NO AQUELA CONSTANTE DESTE ACORDO DE LICENA , POR QUALQUER FORMA, CONCEDIDA PELA XEROX. A XEROX NO ESTAR, AINDA, OBRIGADA POR QUALQUER DITA "GARANTIA" OFERECIDA POR PESSOAS QUE NO A PRPRIA XEROX (INCLUINDO MAS SEM LIMITAR QUAISQUER DEALERS, AGENTES, CONCESSIONRIAS OU DISTRIBUIDORES XEROX). 5.4 As garantias mencionadas acima sero anuladas se o Cliente no utilizar o Software no ambiente apropriado como detalhado na documentao fornecida pela Xerox, ou se o Software for modificado ou alterado. 6. INDENIZAO DE PATENTE E DIREITO AUTORAL A Xerox defender e indenizar o Cliente se for alegado que o Software infringe qualquer patente, segredo comercial ou direito autoral. O Cliente dever notificar de imediato a Xerox, por escrito, qualquer infrao alegada, permitindo que a Xerox defenda tal alegao e cooperando com a Xerox. A Xerox no responsvel por quaisquer gastos de demanda ou acordos no relacionados Xerox, a no ser que a Xerox concorde com os mesmos, por escrito. Para evitar infrao, a Xerox pode, por opo e sem custo adicional para o Cliente, obter uma licena, modificar ou substituir por uma equivalente, independentemente da remoo do Software. A Xerox no responsvel por qualquer infrao devido ao Software ter sido fabricado ou modificado (pela Xerox ou outros, incluindo o Cliente) para especificaes do Cliente, ou por ter sido utilizado ou vendido em conjunto com equipamento, software ou suprimentos no providos pela Xerox. A XEROX NO TEM NENHUMA OUTRA GARANTIA EXPLCITA OU IMPLCITA DE NO INFRAO OU RESPONSABILIDADE POR INFRAES OU QUALQUER DANO A PARTIR DESTE MOMENTO. 7. LIMITAO DE RESPONSABILIDADE EM NENHUMA CIRCUNSTNCIA, A XEROX SER RESPONSVEL POR QUALQUER DANO ESPECIAL, INDIRETO OU INCIDENTAL (A INCLUIDA A EVENTUAL PERDA ILIMITADA DE DADOS) RELACIONADO OU NO UTILIZAO OU INCAPACIDADE DE UTILIZAO DO "SOFTWARE", MESMO SE ADVERTIDA DA POSSIBILIDADE DESSES DANOS. EM NENHUMA CIRCUNSTNCIA OS DANOS RELACIONADOS XEROX DEVERO EXCEDER O VALOR TOTAL DA TAXA DE LICENA PAGA POR VOC PELO SOFTWARE. 8. TERMINAO DA LICENA A Xerox poder cancelar esta licena imediatamente ao perceber a violao do produto pelo Cliente ou caso o Cliente no mais utilize ou possua o equipamento com o qual esse Software destinado para uso. Neste caso, o Cliente deve devolver Xerox todas as cpias do Software e remover toda(s) aquela(s) de todos os equipamentos nos quais o Software tenha sido carregado pelo Cliente. 9. LEIS ADMINISTRATIVAS Este acordo ser administrado pelas leis do Estado de Nova York, EUA ou pelas leis do pas de registro da Companhia Operacional da Xerox ou do Distribuidor autorizado do qual voc adquiriu o Equipamento para o qual esse software deve ser utilizado. Algumas jurisdies no permitem limitaes sobre o perodo de durao da garantia limitada ou a excluso ou limitao de danos incidentais ou conseqentes, portanto, as refernncias acimas, limitaes ou excluses mencionadas acima, integralmente ou parcialmente podem no se aplicar voc. 10. ACORDO GERAL Esse Acordo de Licena de Software o acordo geral entre a Xerox e o Cliente relativo ao Software e substitui todas as propostas e acordos inerentes anteriores. Voc deve concordar que quaisquer termos e condies contidos em qualquer ordem de compra ou qualquer outro tipo de documento submetido para requisitar o Software no tm qualquer efeito sobre a Xerox e no podem modificar este acordo de licena de modo algum. Se aps ter lido os termos e condies, eles no forem aceitos por voc, ento, para evitar obrigaes e responsabilidades contratuais, voc dever devolver imediatamente o Software sem us-lo antes. ====================================================================== LICENSE AGREEMENT AND WARRANTY FOR THE ENCLOSED SOFTWARE AND RELATED DOCUMENTATION YOUR LICENSE AGREEMENT - READ BEFORE INSTALLING SOFTWARE IMPORTANT: THIS AGREEMENT CONTAINS THE LICENSE TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR LICENSED SOFTWARE AND RELATED DOCUMENTATION. INSTALLING THE SOFTWARE PACKAGE SIGNIFIES YOUR ACCEPTANCE OF THIS AGREEMENT. IF YOU DO NOT ACCEPT THIS AGREEMENT, YOU MUST PROMPTLY RETURN THE SOFTWARE PACKAGE AND DELETE ANY SOFTWARE FILES ACCESSED BY YOU FROM ANY AND ALL COMPUTER MEMORY INTO WHICH SUCH SOFTWARE HAS BEEN LOADED OR STORED. WHEN USED IN THIS AGREEMENT THE WORD "XEROX" SHALL MEAN XEROX CORPORATION, ITS OPERATING COMPANY SUBSIDIARY OR AFFILIATE FROM WHICH YOU OBTAINED THE XEROX PRODUCT WITH WHICH THE SOFTWARE IS TO BE USED (the "Equipment"), UNLESS YOU OBTAINED THE EQUIPMENT FROM AN AUTHORIZED DEALER, AGENT, CONCESSIONAIRE OR DISTRIBUTOR, IN WHICH CASE "XEROX" SHALL MEAN XEROX CORPORATION, ITS OPERATING COMPANY, SUBSIDIARY OR AFFILIATE FROM WHICH THE ENTITY THAT SOLD YOU THE EQUIPMENT ACQUIRED IT. 1. GRANT OF LICENSE Xerox hereby grants you a non-exclusive, non-transferable license to use the software and related documentation ("Software") enclosed in this package with the Equipment, for as long as you are current in the payment of any indicated software license fees (including any annual renewal or maintenance fees) on the following terms and conditions. 2. USE You may install the Software for use on any networked workstation or server only in conjunction with the Equipment. When networked, other users on the network may access and use the Software in conjunction with the Equipment. 3. OWNERSHIP, COPYING, MODIFICATION AND CONFIDENTIALITY 3.1 Xerox owns or is otherwise entitled to grant licenses in respect of all rights in the Software. 3.2 No title to or ownership of the Software or any proprietary right therein is transferred to you. 3.3 You may, subject to Section 3.4 below, make one copy of the Software in whole or in part only for that purpose expressly permitted in Section 2 above and for back-up. Such permitted copy shall include in readable format any copyright and other proprietary notices contained on the original Software. 3.4 You may copy the related documentation for use only in conjunction with the Equipment. 3.5 You may not distribute, alter or modify nor cause or allow others to alter or modify the Software. 3.6 You agree not to provide or otherwise make available the Software to anyone other than your employees and agents directly concerned with the licensed use of the Software. 3.7 The Software is protected by copyright and other proprietary rights of Xerox and/or a third party. You may be held directly responsible by such third party for an infringement of such rights by you. 3.8 You agree not to reverse engineer, decompile or disassemble the Software for any purpose whatsoever, except to the extent permitted by law. 3.9 You agree not to export or re-export the Software in any form without, in the case of a customer in the United States, first obtaining all United States government licenses, and in the case of a customer outside of the United States, all relevant foreign government licenses, required by law, and then only upon the export of the Equipment. 3.10 Xerox may terminate your license for the Software (i) immediately if you no longer use or possess the Equipment or are a lessor of the Equipment and your first lessee no longer uses or possesses it or (ii) upon the termination of any agreement under which you have rented or leased the Equipment. 4. TRANSFER OF LICENSED SOFTWARE If you transfer possession of the Equipment, Xerox will offer the transferee a license to use the Software on or with it, subject to Xerox' then applicable terms and license fees, if any, and provided the transfer is not in violation of Xerox' rights. 5. LIMITED WARRANTY 5.1 Xerox warrants that the Software shall substantially conform to Xerox' User Manual or other Xerox documentation supplied at delivery to the original Customer. Xerox does not warrant that the operation of the Software will be uninterrupted or error free, nor that it will meet your needs. 5.2 In the event that the Software does not conform to the limited warranty contained in Section 5.1 above, your exclusive remedy is to notify Xerox within ninety (90) days of the date of delivery, and Xerox' or its supplier's sole obligation shall be to use all reasonable efforts to provide a work-around which avoids the nonconformity or to provide you with Software which does substantially conform to the Xerox User Manual or other Xerox supplied documentation. 5.3 XEROX GRANTS NO OTHER WARRANTIES ON THE "SOFTWARE", EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, WHETHER CREATED BY STATUTE OR OTHERWISE, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. XEROX FURTHER DISCLAIMS ANY WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS MADE BY PERSONS OTHER THAN XEROX (INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO XEROX SOFTWARE DEALERS, AGENTS, CONCESSIONAIRES OR DISTRIBUTORS). 5.4 The express warranties set forth above shall be void if you fail to properly use the Software in the appropriate environment as specified in the Xerox supplied documentation or if the Software is modified or altered in any fashion. 6. PATENT AND COPYRIGHT INDEMNIFICATION Xerox will defend and indemnify you if the Software is alleged to infringe, in the United States, any patent, trade secret, or copyright, if you promptly notify Xerox in writing of any alleged infringement, allow Xerox to direct the defense of such claim, and cooperate with Xerox. All notices should be sent to the Xerox Office of General Counsel, P.O. Box 1600, Stamford, Connecticut 06904. Xerox is not responsible for any non-Xerox litigation expenses or settlements unless Xerox pre-approves them in writing. To avoid infringement, Xerox may, at its option, and at no charge to you, obtain a license, or modify, or substitute an equivalent of, or remove the Software. If Software is removed by Xerox for this reason, any designated license fees paid by you will be fully refunded; if no portion of the amounts paid to Xerox within the transaction in which the Software was acquired was designated as a license fee for the Software, Xerox shall refund that portion of the amounts paid that Xerox reasonably designates as associated with the Software's acquisition. Xerox is not liable for any infringement due to the Software being made or modified (by Xerox or others, including you) to your specifications, or being used or sold in combination with equipment, software, or supplies not provided by Xerox. XEROX MAKES NO OTHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTY OF NON-INFRINGEMENT OR LIABILITY FOR INFRINGEMENT OR ANY DAMAGES THEREFROM. 7. LIMITATION OF LIABILITY IN NO EVENT SHALL XEROX OR ITS SUPPLIERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, (INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, LOSS OF DATA) IN ANY WAY ARISING OUT OF OR RELATED TO THE USE OR INABILITY TO USE THE "SOFTWARE", EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. IN NO EVENT SHALL XEROX' DIRECT DAMAGES TO YOU EXCEED THE TOTAL LICENSE FEE ACTUALLY PAID BY YOU FOR SUCH SOFTWARE. 8. TERMINATION Xerox may terminate this license immediately upon notice in the event of a material breach by you or if you no longer use or possess the equipment with which this Software is intended to be used, in which event you shall return to Xerox all copies of the Software, and remove same from all equipment into which such Software may have been loaded by you. 9. GOVERNING LAW This agreement will be governed by the laws of the State of New York, USA or if you acquire the Software outside the USA, by the laws of the country in which you acquired the Equipment, excluding its conflict of laws provisions. Some jurisdictions do not allow limitations on how long an implied warranty lasts or the exclusion or limitation of incidental or consequential damages, so the above disclaimers, limitations or exclusions, in whole or in part, may not apply to you. 10. ENTIRE AGREEMENT This Software License Agreement is the entire agreement between Xerox and you pertaining to the Software and supersedes all proposals or prior and contemporaneous agreements or understandings of the parties regarding the Software. You agree that any terms and conditions contained in any purchase order or other ordering document submitted to order the Software shall have no binding effect on Xerox and will not modify this Agreement in any way. If, after reading the terms and conditions, they are unacceptable to you, then, to avoid contractual obligations and liability, you should promptly return the software unused, and you will then be entitled to a refund of any sums paid by you to license the Software. Title WorkCentre Pro 40 Color Version 1.2.1 Description DefaultLocation /Library/Printers/PPDs/Contents/Resources DeleteWarning ### Package Flags NeedsAuthorization YES Required NO Relocatable NO RequiresReboot NO UseUserMask NO OverwritePermissions NO InstallFat NO "16" = "Este volumen no cumple los requisitos para instalar esta actualizacin."; "17" = "No hay espacio suficiente para instalar esta actualizacin: se requieren 300 MB."; "18" = "Este paquete slo puede ejecutarse en el Mac OS X 10.2 o en una versin posterior."; 2David St. John2(2STR YKLa traduccin de este acuerdo de licencia la proporciona Xerox Europe y no tiene fuerza legal. El texto en ingls, incluido a continuacin del texto traducido, tiene fuerza legal. ======================================================================= CONTRATO DE LICENCIA Y GARANTA DEL SOFTWARE INCLUIDO EN ESTE PAQUETE Y LA DOCUMENTACIN RELACIONADA CONTRATO DE LICENCIA. LALO ANTES DE INSTALAR EL SOFTWARE. IMPORTANTE: ESTE CONTRATO CONTIENE LOS TRMINOS Y CONDICIONES DE LA LICENCIA PARA EL SOFTWARE CEDIDO EN LICENCIA Y LA DOCUMENTACIN RELACIONADA. SI INSTALA EL SOFTWARE SIGNIFICA QUE ACEPTA EL CONTRATO. SI NO ACEPTA EL CONTRATO, DEBE DEVOLVER EL PAQUETE DE SOFTWARE SIN USARLO Y ELIMINAR TODOS LOS ARCHIVOS DE SOFTWARE A LOS QUE HAYA ACCEDIDO EN CUALQUIERA Y TODAS LAS MEMORIAS DE LOS SISTEMAS INFORMTICOS EN LOS QUE HAYA CARGADO O ALMACENADO DICHO SOFTWARE. LA PALABRA "XEROX", CUANDO SE UTILIZA EN ESTE CONTRATO, SIGNIFICAR XEROX CORPORATION, SU COMPAA OPERATIVA, FILIAL O ASOCIADA DE LA QUE HA OBTENIDO EL PRODUCTO XEROX (el "Equipo") CON EL QUE SE VAYA A UTILIZAR EL SOFTWARE, A MENOS QUE HAYA ADQUIRIDO EL EQUIPO A TRAVS DE UN DISTRIBUIDOR, CONCESIONARIO O AGENTE AUTORIZADO, EN CUYO CASO, "XEROX" SIGNIFICAR XEROX CORPORATION, SU COMPAA OPERATIVA, FILIAL O ASOCIADA DE LA QUE OBTUVO EL EQUIPO LA ENTIDAD QUE SE LO HA VENDIDO. 1. CONCESIN DE LICENCIA Por el presente contrato Xerox le concede una licencia no exclusiva e intransferible para utilizar el software y la documentacin relacionada ("Software"), incluidos en este paquete, con el Equipo, siempre que est al corriente en el pago de los derechos de licencia, si los hay (incluida la cuota anual de renovacin, si hay), sujeto a los trminos y condiciones siguientes: 2. UTILIZACIN Puede instalar el Software para utilizarlo en cualquier estacin de trabajo o servidor conectado en red solamente en combinacin con el Equipo. Cuando est conectado en red, otros usuarios de la red pueden acceder al Software y utilizarlo en combinacin con el Equipo. 3. PROPIEDAD, COPIAS, MODIFICACIONES Y CONFIDENCIALIDAD 3.1 Xerox posee todos los derechos del Software, o de lo contrario tiene derecho a conceder licencias en relacin con el Software. 3.2 No se le transfiere la propiedad del Software ni ningn derecho de propiedad de l. 3.3 Puede, de acuerdo con la seccin 3.4 siguiente, hacer una copia de todo o parte del Software slo con el fin expresamente permitido en la seccin 2 ms arriba y para tener copia de seguridad. Dicha copia permitida incluir en formato legible cualquier aviso de derechos de autor (copyright) y otros avisos de propiedad que haya en el Software original. 3.4 Puede copiar la documentacin relacionada solamente para utilizarla en combinacin con el Equipo. 3.5 No puede distribuir, ni alterar ni modificar el software, ni hacer ni permitir que otros lo alteren o modifiquen. 3.6 Acepta no proveer ni poner el Software a disposicin de nadie excepto sus empleados y agentes directamente afectados por el uso bajo licencia del Software. 3.7 El Software est protegido por los derechos de autor y otros derechos de propiedad de Xerox y/o una tercera parte. Dicha tercera parte puede considerarle responsable de una infraccin de dichos derechos por parte de usted. 3.8 Acepta no realizar ingeniera inversa, descompilar ni desensamblar el Software por ningn motivo, excepto en la medida que lo permita la ley. 3.9 Acepta no exportar o reexportar el Software de ninguna manera sin primero obtener, en el caso de un cliente de los Estados Unidos, todas las licencias necesarias de las autoridades de los Estados Unidos, y en el caso de un cliente de fuera de los Estados Unidos, todas las licencias pertinentes de las autoridades del pas correspondiente, exigidas por la ley, y an as la exportacin ser nicamente junto con la exportacin del Equipo. 3.10 Xerox podr terminar la licencia del Software (i) inmediatamente si ya no utiliza o no posee el Equipo, o si es un arrendador del Equipo y su primer arrendatario ya no utiliza o no posee el Equipo o (ii) al concluir el contrato de arrendamiento o concesin del Equipo 4. TRANSFERENCIA DEL SOFTWARE BAJO LICENCIA Si transfiere la propiedad del Equipo, Xerox ofrecer al cesionario una licencia para utilizar el Software con l o en l, sujeto a los trminos y derechos de licencia, si los hubiera, de Xerox aplicables en aquel momento y siempre que la transferencia no infrinja los derechos de Xerox. 5. GARANTA LIMITADA 5.1 Xerox garantiza que el Software se ajustar substancialmente al Manual del usuario de Xerox, u otra documentacin de Xerox, suministrado en el momento de la entrega al Cliente original. Xerox no garantiza que el funcionamiento del Software ser ininterrumpido o libre de errores, ni que satisfar sus requisitos. 5.2 En caso de que el Software no se ajuste a la garanta limitada expresada en la seccin 5.1 anterior, la nica solucin del Cliente ser notificarlo a Xerox en el plazo de noventa (90) das a partir de la fecha de entrega y la nica obligacin de Xerox o de su proveedor ser realizar todos los esfuerzos razonables para proveer una solucin que haga que el software se ajuste a la garanta limitada, o proveer al Cliente con un Software que se ajuste substancialmente al Manual del usuario de Xerox u otra documentacin Xerox suministrada. 5.3 XEROX NO CONCEDE NINGUNA OTRA GARANTA DEL "SOFTWARE", NI EXPRESA NI PRESUPUESTA, ESTATUTARIA NI DE OTRO TIPO, INCLUIDAS SIN LIMITACIN LAS GARANTAS PRESUPUESTAS DE SER APTO PARA EL COMERCIO Y ADECUADO PARA UN FIN DETERMINADO. XEROX ADEMS DECLINA LA RESPONSABILIDAD DE CUALESQUIERA GARANTAS DADAS POR PERSONAS APARTE DE XEROX (INCLUIDOS PERO NO LIMITADOS A ELLOS LOS DISTRIBUIDORES, AGENTES Y CONCESIONARIOS DEL SOFTWARE XEROX). 5.4 Las garantas expresas enunciadas ms arriba sern nulas si no utiliza debidamente el Software en el entorno apropiado como se especifique en la documentacin de Xerox suministrada o si el Software se modifica o altera de alguna manera. 6. INDEMNIZACIN POR PATENTE Y DERECHOS DE AUTOR Xerox defender e indemnizar al Cliente si se alega que el Software infringe, en los Estados Unidos, cualquier patente, secreto comercial o derechos de autor, siempre que el Cliente avise por escrito a Xerox con prontitud de cualquier supuesta infraccin, permita que Xerox defienda dicha alegacin y coopere con Xerox. Todas las notificaciones debern enviarse a Xerox Office of General Counsel, P.O. Box 1600, Stamford, Connecticut 06904, Estados Unidos. Xerox no es responsable de ningn gasto o pago por litigios ajenos a Xerox a menos que Xerox conceda su acuerdo por escrito. Para evitar infracciones, Xerox puede, a su discrecin, y sin ningn cargo al Cliente, obtener una licencia o modificar, sustituir con uno equivalente, o retirar el Software. Si Xerox retira el Software por este motivo, se le reembolsar al Cliente la cantidad total designada como derechos de licencia, si se design; si no se design ninguna proporcin de las cantidades abonadas a Xerox en la operacin de adquisicin del Software como derechos de licencia, Xerox reembolsar la proporcin de las cantidades abonadas que Xerox designe razonablemente como relacionadas con la adquisicin del Software. Xerox no es responsable de ninguna infraccin cometida debido a que el Software se haga o modifique (por Xerox u otros, incluido el Cliente) segn las especificaciones del Cliente, o se utilice o venda en combinacin con equipo, software o suministros no provistos por Xerox. XEROX NO CONCEDE NINGUNA OTRA GARANTA, NI EXPRESA NI IMPLCITA, DE NO-INFRACCIN O DE RESPONSABILIDAD POR INFRACCIN O POR CUALQUIER DAO QUE SE ORIGINE DE ELLO. 7. LIMITACIN DE RESPONSABILIDAD EN NINGN CASO NI XEROX NI SUS PROVEEDORES SERN RESPONSABLES DE LOS DAOS ESPECIALES, INDIRECTOS, INCIDENTALES, CONSECUENTES (INCLUIDA SIN LIMITACIN LA PRDIDA DE DATOS) QUE SE DERIVEN DE ALGUNA MANERA O ESTN RELACIONADOS CON EL USO O LA IMPOSIBILIDAD DE USAR EL "SOFTWARE", INCLUSO SI SE HA AVISADO DE LA POSIBILIDAD DE DICHOS DAOS. EN NINGN CASO, LA RESPONSABILIDAD POR LOS DAOS DIRECTOS DE XEROX AL CLIENTE EXCEDER EL IMPORTE TOTAL DE LA LICENCIA ABONADO POR EL CLIENTE POR DICHA LICENCIA DE USO DEL SOFTWARE. 8. TERMINACIN Xerox podr terminar esta licencia de inmediato mediante aviso, en caso de infraccin importante por parte de usted, o si ya no usa o posee el equipo con el que debe utilizarse este Software, en cuyo caso deber devolver a Xerox todas las copias del Software y retirar el mismo de todos los equipos donde lo haya cargado. 9. LEY APLICABLE Este contrato se regir por las leyes del Estado de Nueva York, Estados Unidos o, si adquiri el Software fuera de los Estados Unidos, por las leyes del pas donde adquiri el Equipo, exceptuando la aplicacin de sus normas de conflictos de leyes. En algunas jurisdicciones no se permite la limitacin de duracin de una garanta implcita, ni la exclusin o limitacin de daos incidentales o consecuentes y, por tanto, las limitaciones y exclusiones anteriores pudieran no ser aplicables en su caso, en su totalidad o en parte. 10. INTEGRIDAD DEL CONTRATO El presente contrato de licencia de uso del Software es el acuerdo total entre Xerox y usted en relacin con el Software, y sustituye a todos los acuerdos o arreglos anteriores y actuales entre las partes respecto al Software. Acepta que los trminos y condiciones relacionados con el Software contenidos en cualquier orden de compra del Cliente u otro documento de pedido enviado para encargar el Software no tendrn efecto para Xerox y no modificarn este Contrato en ningn sentido. Si, despus de leer los trminos y condiciones, stos le fueran inaceptables, deber devolver inmediatamente el software sin utilizarlo para evitar obligaciones y responsabilidades contractuales, y tendr derecho al reembolso de las cantidades que haya abonado para obtener la licencia del Software. ====================================================================== LICENSE AGREEMENT AND WARRANTY FOR THE ENCLOSED SOFTWARE AND RELATED DOCUMENTATION YOUR LICENSE AGREEMENT - READ BEFORE INSTALLING SOFTWARE IMPORTANT: THIS AGREEMENT CONTAINS THE LICENSE TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR LICENSED SOFTWARE AND RELATED DOCUMENTATION. INSTALLING THE SOFTWARE PACKAGE SIGNIFIES YOUR ACCEPTANCE OF THIS AGREEMENT. IF YOU DO NOT ACCEPT THIS AGREEMENT, YOU MUST PROMPTLY RETURN THE SOFTWARE PACKAGE AND DELETE ANY SOFTWARE FILES ACCESSED BY YOU FROM ANY AND ALL COMPUTER MEMORY INTO WHICH SUCH SOFTWARE HAS BEEN LOADED OR STORED. WHEN USED IN THIS AGREEMENT THE WORD "XEROX" SHALL MEAN XEROX CORPORATION, ITS OPERATING COMPANY SUBSIDIARY OR AFFILIATE FROM WHICH YOU OBTAINED THE XEROX PRODUCT WITH WHICH THE SOFTWARE IS TO BE USED (the "Equipment"), UNLESS YOU OBTAINED THE EQUIPMENT FROM AN AUTHORIZED DEALER, AGENT, CONCESSIONAIRE OR DISTRIBUTOR, IN WHICH CASE "XEROX" SHALL MEAN XEROX CORPORATION, ITS OPERATING COMPANY, SUBSIDIARY OR AFFILIATE FROM WHICH THE ENTITY THAT SOLD YOU THE EQUIPMENT ACQUIRED IT. 1. GRANT OF LICENSE Xerox hereby grants you a non-exclusive, non-transferable license to use the software and related documentation ("Software") enclosed in this package with the Equipment, for as long as you are current in the payment of any indicated software license fees (including any annual renewal or maintenance fees) on the following terms and conditions. 2. USE You may install the Software for use on any networked workstation or server only in conjunction with the Equipment. When networked, other users on the network may access and use the Software in conjunction with the Equipment. 3. OWNERSHIP, COPYING, MODIFICATION AND CONFIDENTIALITY 3.1 Xerox owns or is otherwise entitled to grant licenses in respect of all rights in the Software. 3.2 No title to or ownership of the Software or any proprietary right therein is transferred to you. 3.3 You may, subject to Section 3.4 below, make one copy of the Software in whole or in part only for that purpose expressly permitted in Section 2 above and for back-up. Such permitted copy shall include in readable format any copyright and other proprietary notices contained on the original Software. 3.4 You may copy the related documentation for use only in conjunction with the Equipment. 3.5 You may not distribute, alter or modify nor cause or allow others to alter or modify the Software. 3.6 You agree not to provide or otherwise make available the Software to anyone other than your employees and agents directly concerned with the licensed use of the Software. 3.7 The Software is protected by copyright and other proprietary rights of Xerox and/or a third party. You may be held directly responsible by such third party for an infringement of such rights by you. 3.8 You agree not to reverse engineer, decompile or disassemble the Software for any purpose whatsoever, except to the extent permitted by law. 3.9 You agree not to export or re-export the Software in any form without, in the case of a customer in the United States, first obtaining all United States government licenses, and in the case of a customer outside of the United States, all relevant foreign government licenses, required by law, and then only upon the export of the Equipment. 3.10 Xerox may terminate your license for the Software (i) immediately if you no longer use or possess the Equipment or are a lessor of the Equipment and your first lessee no longer uses or possesses it or (ii) upon the termination of any agreement under which you have rented or leased the Equipment. 4. TRANSFER OF LICENSED SOFTWARE If you transfer possession of the Equipment, Xerox will offer the transferee a license to use the Software on or with it, subject to Xerox' then applicable terms and license fees, if any, and provided the transfer is not in violation of Xerox' rights. 5. LIMITED WARRANTY 5.1 Xerox warrants that the Software shall substantially conform to Xerox' User Manual or other Xerox documentation supplied at delivery to the original Customer. Xerox does not warrant that the operation of the Software will be uninterrupted or error free, nor that it will meet your needs. 5.2 In the event that the Software does not conform to the limited warranty contained in Section 5.1 above, your exclusive remedy is to notify Xerox within ninety (90) days of the date of delivery, and Xerox' or its supplier's sole obligation shall be to use all reasonable efforts to provide a work-around which avoids the nonconformity or to provide you with Software which does substantially conform to the Xerox User Manual or other Xerox supplied documentation. 5.3 XEROX GRANTS NO OTHER WARRANTIES ON THE "SOFTWARE", EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, WHETHER CREATED BY STATUTE OR OTHERWISE, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. XEROX FURTHER DISCLAIMS ANY WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS MADE BY PERSONS OTHER THAN XEROX (INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO XEROX SOFTWARE DEALERS, AGENTS, CONCESSIONAIRES OR DISTRIBUTORS). 5.4 The express warranties set forth above shall be void if you fail to properly use the Software in the appropriate environment as specified in the Xerox supplied documentation or if the Software is modified or altered in any fashion. 6. PATENT AND COPYRIGHT INDEMNIFICATION Xerox will defend and indemnify you if the Software is alleged to infringe, in the United States, any patent, trade secret, or copyright, if you promptly notify Xerox in writing of any alleged infringement, allow Xerox to direct the defense of such claim, and cooperate with Xerox. All notices should be sent to the Xerox Office of General Counsel, P.O. Box 1600, Stamford, Connecticut 06904. Xerox is not responsible for any non-Xerox litigation expenses or settlements unless Xerox pre-approves them in writing. To avoid infringement, Xerox may, at its option, and at no charge to you, obtain a license, or modify, or substitute an equivalent of, or remove the Software. If Software is removed by Xerox for this reason, any designated license fees paid by you will be fully refunded; if no portion of the amounts paid to Xerox within the transaction in which the Software was acquired was designated as a license fee for the Software, Xerox shall refund that portion of the amounts paid that Xerox reasonably designates as associated with the Software's acquisition. Xerox is not liable for any infringement due to the Software being made or modified (by Xerox or others, including you) to your specifications, or being used or sold in combination with equipment, software, or supplies not provided by Xerox. XEROX MAKES NO OTHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTY OF NON-INFRINGEMENT OR LIABILITY FOR INFRINGEMENT OR ANY DAMAGES THEREFROM. 7. LIMITATION OF LIABILITY IN NO EVENT SHALL XEROX OR ITS SUPPLIERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, (INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, LOSS OF DATA) IN ANY WAY ARISING OUT OF OR RELATED TO THE USE OR INABILITY TO USE THE "SOFTWARE", EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. IN NO EVENT SHALL XEROX' DIRECT DAMAGES TO YOU EXCEED THE TOTAL LICENSE FEE ACTUALLY PAID BY YOU FOR SUCH SOFTWARE. 8. TERMINATION Xerox may terminate this license immediately upon notice in the event of a material breach by you or if you no longer use or possess the equipment with which this Software is intended to be used, in which event you shall return to Xerox all copies of the Software, and remove same from all equipment into which such Software may have been loaded by you. 9. GOVERNING LAW This agreement will be governed by the laws of the State of New York, USA or if you acquire the Software outside the USA, by the laws of the country in which you acquired the Equipment, excluding its conflict of laws provisions. Some jurisdictions do not allow limitations on how long an implied warranty lasts or the exclusion or limitation of incidental or consequential damages, so the above disclaimers, limitations or exclusions, in whole or in part, may not apply to you. 10. ENTIRE AGREEMENT This Software License Agreement is the entire agreement between Xerox and you pertaining to the Software and supersedes all proposals or prior and contemporaneous agreements or understandings of the parties regarding the Software. You agree that any terms and conditions contained in any purchase order or other ordering document submitted to order the Software shall have no binding effect on Xerox and will not modify this Agreement in any way. If, after reading the terms and conditions, they are unacceptable to you, then, to avoid contractual obligations and liability, you should promptly return the software unused, and you will then be entitled to a refund of any sums paid by you to license the Software. Title WorkCentre Pro 40 Color Version 1.2.1 Description DefaultLocation /Library/Printers/PPDs/Contents/Resources DeleteWarning ### Package Flags NeedsAuthorization YES Required NO Relocatable NO RequiresReboot NO UseUserMask NO OverwritePermissions NO InstallFat NO "16" = "Den hr skivan uppfyller inte kraven fr den hr uppdateringen."; "17" = "Otillrckligt utrymme. Den hr uppdateringen krver 300 MB ledigt utrymme."; "18" = "Det hr paketet kan endast anvndas p Mac OS X, version 10.2 eller senare."; 2David St. John20f2STR |wXɶ(Q0 3A$aI*YHPrII@0U# "H KH]`E|s{b>`PA$TH c4BH^cH!!a B&DayC*(~ 4 548.K HJ2c\ `ތ[@Ǿ@@@@@@@A@@<رR+}v$+wCX)>;kXIXɎX#-;BJv_U ؝8 أGLM1Fe]x mhX)YۙXۙ;wΈ3BmU?oqC #a:gх?s'~_YĴ޾. j{s a?oﭦyo[͹7>~fPEtYI0Ŏ+a.'s-d܂d _oMyQ{F>8kV`88 x;3?s??|9M'f͎ތ<DήCp"Lag*@{29 0L,Q GŤ. rfDǵewX s@@@]}wA0|w7ڵ#=;VJcώؽ„E$ P8vBP ߵv!#[lH$%CP܇Ijz[d8 qvcQDjY"@$ şڜ| 5kg8sPn,/N#a雰qڎ }FU~)AJolQj2PÃ3]ZugB +b1s#~sզ6v0$MɋYqvϧmn>b#V#o|5?~x}#se/[K҃i3)4BEN\{b#ՖwۓiAh,s&ҹ"~ u5&˗bR'`,o۔\x2%=[' @Obpu*EߕM׽ǒ'anAL41P6c}],9q;Ytز(ɴ֊hf԰%<{4} H!~@V|5͙ vT.xizYDS?Ő'Ǚ|f@-٧{4=f?U25ͬ#<Q\sQ7-R,\ZYvQXwYduT& |xgUxG 6Kϣq=~f)7>5[S=ކS^^M]Rz=(P[2{d[J#G2ū(e~Ⱥ}{ԲZEޤ0dʓZ7,햫n|"߬_a*PfpEϵ;|[kkU=,yhu4S+[i"Υ5&/OT{ooxN>1`">˼uýY0\3I'AsϾ}S?fcbD8ft.+ C\m6gc^BSnJ#>\LJ+(h!(Q!,-,́x+.L-r1B5c]ß&wlE=Y.&ID0Jb=X׺%B=q2?F#_mR=^K@PH:9nz<:wP5s1a'  f=&2JjWu,ң PvHR#?L38+5+/~Cj+rE,5YacÕ)#)#n~BoxOٴO]fv%tD˳1.}[brCދNjtttsAR㘞jg\Ϡcض;7&~C"ꈧ>ětEQO1(83Ӽd {I. ,hO*Jj=YQ`Ru+]`ƹ/N"͝})&Q,iYrWAQ=2l]K_ɇ$_gj^g[:B$mZBldz&m֘nrHϘZd= B%.3v.q0Sw_z|뢮 &S{넯.\L/6g%U* 3eTȤY*4PS-T<8.qb"wI9mF7QP'Rp2.qY1>g~,!)<ۑ!nG3Dy t=9mgI kl Gͽ}r& ]Gc8D 'jҩn.ք}|s{t7絓ӆvR i} jIUҵ& ):rR7ሙ5ZSun'V_\V@JkTMvU>zەZ\0  My9؅ۏf13o-,ǷjƟaGU?\V`.P_o;S\dȸު9%kG^QX8ۚa{m|XMڰ#2Bgm}myܰY y!KTaE %8W:=)\c% GNiyPS#"D@aT[ F*j 7IywGW<[=#QDL]|ƤֻCMlbeVesi ͮr"lwDMSANU9ZabWr.0嘉,|ԔdO\-ˠY8W3#[3=FMĀ+O[­+1KoUb3IxNSW7ӠJrxDaE5 Q ŗ& \kSDHd:s7kWZ5 ِnf>!@Yl˽aѕ.۶m۶J*m۶m6*f}ngsN]?}{飏\  6Qi>>{HKPVcKV.0Ѹc `ϠtYcD4V W=ًk W_kMzN%FXM<%782T2 b*2?, VZ]!P11/~'?{Q8)k( |bElJ>r$0Ab?%Cs 2U %-Bul";-)NĂUQH8چ>d*sTIŘ։a-Tj1JWg5AKWg²ߐ,neU,Ep!_ ϰsI24Gue*pFz7n 5bW\: AOmq)b<ɄU0a' MZ=N4@jd#j\A_-В+TK0a%[VW?2n\Nƒ~Q+Qv5GojcLAK$@qA.T*6 ro1݄Rbݕ7L8XI̯gwtˎF];QqcalYH}pӴG"}(H~;/wA>;ojHK4ɴ*Nme𥄆N\4(^%-DL]G. aUxJ91E2Q{@vIC"e>a=/w@|s.M/Fo%P$wȇ#Fح `j-_K V6]jUlonc럖0+7|L5XF!I}E0zl9J˽mLw^ǣ1Y<^4}K[nWVŽ8  H+ q`0q Xbd@{dS.CRäXYXV@S8uߓ>` E-x^6 [<ѝ$QT3HC4@24Q$SbbhU阈!R"J(urܔʠZPRrW40qAZ+XC\ F?̓WxuGNQ8R-l]sos_0=e*^\eT OYt:Y;a0LXqaѰs[s84-^`m۶ LM ɞq`$k){+L'F#gI܇TҎzT5M!gZd+㌌~u bl5V12Cu:{?JMU-OCKQY4ex [0۶4] Vm 4LtAT'`ROC~,R<+_Z7O YX.ў2P\ ||V{)VLC)Y+zlwkh3l%d_'O*EMYu.4i)_-D5|3Y}.)*̫gRI&xE&&_|QbKӦV(媗*[@5^߯AX籏;4X(]/Iy;}8W+¯DGL-PZ8=%~n:x5rY@~)w)Ar`. 2rO3roޘA{p*/Rͦt'+|Ǿ(u2_o9b5^^Q^I?h*Q{2\ߖՏ~U^V%&x Tz `%E[woOJPg-@ jp#)9+YOVqٴ; p{} ̛" G@' _2`Ou za~81%I!uxX=d6_ *UZGL2U7/hs2'שpb5-=[D!w~#wb}풾o aW;=z'NDl<1mF)\W `~g֩27YNNXÅ>mzk[__sZXd)3mvA?\5 i`c $IywaRԺ횃F^Im[L"P8 B:K)i>Fpo/ >ۿl]Fx!DEGM#yضhz5_`ɬg֚>B .IszE}JRo!ƽ!FVUb}osSqPHTt> ,'w"عr%8SPI*åzi#p|DnI^c:L [)d!&䔿C|iES-%urq}1[.f avbKkS"N&Zi. 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OVERDRACHT VAN DE SOFTWARE ONDER LICENTIE Indien u bezit van de Apparatuur overdraagt, biedt Xerox de begunstigde een licentie voor het gebruik van de Software op of bij de Apparatuur, volgens de dan van toepassing zijnde voorwaarden en licentiekosten van Xerox, mits de overdracht niet in overtreding is met de rechten van Xerox. 5. BEPERKTE GARANTIE 5.1 Xerox garandeert dat de Software bij levering aan de oorspronkelijke klant in grote mate conform is aan de Xerox Handleiding voor de gebruiker of aan andere bijgeleverde Xerox-documentatie. Xerox garandeert niet dat de Software zonder onderbrekingen of zonder fouten functioneert, noch dat deze voorziet in de behoeften van de klant. 5.2 Indien de Software niet voldoet aan de bepalingen betreffende de beperkte garantie in artikel 5.1 hierboven, heeft u geen andere rechten dan Xerox hiervan binnen negentig (90) dagen vanaf de datum van levering op de hoogte te stellen. De enige verplichting van Xerox of van de Xerox-leverancier is in redelijkheid te proberen een oplossing ter vermijding van het conformiteitsprobleem te verschaffen of om de klant Software te leveren die in grote mate conform is aan de Xerox Handleiding voor de gebruiker of aan andere door Xerox verschafte documentatie. 5.3 XEROX VERLEENT GEEN ANDERE GARANTIES OP DE "SOFTWARE", UITDRUKKELIJK NOCH IMPLICIET, NOCH OP GROND VAN WETGEVING NOCH ANDERSZINS, MET INBEGRIP VAN, MAAR NIET BEPERKT TOT ENIGE IMPLICIETE GARANTIE VOOR VERHANDELBAARHEID OF GESCHIKTHEID VOOR EEN SPECIFIEK DOELEINDE. XEROX WIJST VERDER ALLE GARANTIES OF VERKLARINGEN AF DIE ZIJN GEGEVEN DOOR PERSONEN NIET ZIJNDE XEROX (OOK GARANTIES OF VERKLARINGEN VAN BIJVOORBEELD XEROX-SOFTWAREDEALERS, TUSSENPERSONEN, LICENTIEHOUDERS OF GROOTHANDELAREN WORDEN DERHALVE DOOR XEROX AFGEWEZEN). 5.4 De uitdrukkelijke garantiebepalingen die hierboven zijn uiteengezet, verliezen hun geldigheid wanneer u verzuimt de Software op de juiste wijze te gebruiken in de correcte omgeving zoals wordt aangegeven in de door Xerox geleverde documentatie of wanneer de Software op enigerlei wijze wordt gewijzigd. 6. SCHADELOOSSTELLING BIJ SCHENDING OCTROOIRECHT EN AUTEURSRECHT Xerox zal u verdedigen en schadeloosstellen in geval van een vordering met betrekking tot schending door de Software van een octrooirecht, handelsgeheim of auteursrecht in de Verenigde Staten, indien u Xerox terstond schriftelijk op de hoogte brengt van de vermeende schending, Xerox toestemming geeft zich tegen een dergelijke vordering te verdedigen en medewerking verleent aan Xerox. Alle informatie dient te worden opgestuurd naar: Xerox Office of General Counsel, P.O. Box 1600, Stamford, Connecticut 06904, VS. Xerox is niet verantwoordelijk voor enige niet door Xerox gemaakte proceskosten of getroffen schaderegelingen, tenzij Xerox daartoe schriftelijk heeft toegestemd. Om eventuele inbreuk te voorkomen, kan Xerox, naar eigen keuze en zonder kosten voor de klant, een licentie aanschaffen, de Software wijzigen, de Software vervangen door gelijksoortige Software of de Software verwijderen. Indien de Software om deze reden door Xerox wordt verwijderd, worden de door u betaalde licentiekosten volledig terugbetaald, indien geen gedeelte van de betaalde bedragen aan Xerox binnen de transactie waarbij de Software is aangeschaft, is toegewezen als zijnde licentiekosten voor de Software, dan zal Xerox dat gedeelte van de betaalde bedragen terugbetalen waarbij Xerox bepaalt welk bedrag als redelijk kan worden gezien voor de aanwerving van de Software. XerNumFiles 37 InstalledSize 256 CompressedSize 172 ENIGE DAARUIT VOORTVLOEIENDE SCHADE. 7. BEPERKING VAN AANSPRAKELIJKHEID IN GEEN ENKEL GEVAL DRAAGT XEROX OF ENIGE LEVERANCIER VAN HET BEDRIJF AANSPRAKELIJKHEID VOOR ENIGE SPECIALE, INDIRECTE OF GEVOLGSCHADE (MET INBEGRIP VAN, MAAR NIET BEPERKT TOT VERLIES VAN GEGEVENS) DIE OP ENIGE MANIER VOORTKOMT UIT OF VERBAND HOUDT MET HET GEBRUIK VAN OF DE ONMOGELIJKHEID VAN HET GEBRUIK VAN DE "SOFTWARE", ZELFS INDIEN HET BEDRIJF WAS GENFORMEERD OVER DE MOGELIJKHEID VAN EEN DERGELIJKE SCHADE. VOORTS ZAL XEROX' AANSPRAKELIJKHEID VOOR DIRECTE SCHADE STEEDS BEPERKT ZIJN TOT HET TOTALE BEDRAG DAT DE KLANT VOOR DE SOFTWARELICENTIE HEEFT BETAALD. 8. BEINDIGING Xerox kan deze licentie na kennisgeving met directe ingang beindigen, indien u materieel in gebreke blijft of indien u de apparatuur waarmee de Software dient te worden gebruikt, niet langer gebruikt of in bezit heeft. In dit geval dient u alle kopien van de Software te retourneren aan Xerox en de Software te verwijderen van alle apparatuur waarop de Software door u is geladen. 9. TOEPASSELIJKE WETGEVING Deze overeenkomst wordt beheerst door de wetgeving van de staat New York, Verenigde Staten van Amerika, of door de wetgeving van het land waarin u de Document Centre-systeemapparatuur waarvoor deze Software is bedoeld, heeft aangeschaft (conflicterende bepalingen buiten beschouwing houdende). In sommige rechtsgebieden worden beperkingen met betrekking tot de lengte van een impliciete garantie of de uitsluiting of beperking van incidentele of gevolgschades niet toegestaan. Bovenstaande uitsluitingen en beperkingen kunnen mogelijk, geheel of gedeeltelijk, niet van toepassing zijn op u. 10. VOLLEDIGE OVEREENKOMST Deze licentieovereenkomst is de volledige overeenkomst tussen Xerox en u met betrekking tot de Software, en treedt in de plaats van alle eerdere of gelijktijdige voorstellen of afspraken tussen de partijen betreffende de Software. U verklaart dat alle voorwaarden en bepalingen in eventuele inkooporders of andere documenten die de klant in verband met de bestelling van het product heeft verzonden, niet bindend zijn voor Xerox en van geen enkele invloed zijn op deze overeenkomst. Indien u na het lezen van de voorwaarden en bepalingen deze niet kunt aanvaarden, dient u, om contractuele verplichtingen en aansprakelijkheid te voorkomen, de Software onmiddellijk ongebruikt te retourneren. U heeft dan recht op volledige vergoeding van de prijs die u heeft betaald voor de softwarelicentie. ====================================================================== LICENSE AGREEMENT AND WARRANTY FOR THE ENCLOSED SOFTWARE AND RELATED DOCUMENTATION YOUR LICENSE AGREEMENT - READ BEFORE INSTALLING SOFTWARE IMPORTANT: THIS AGREEMENT CONTAINS THE LICENSE TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR LICENSED SOFTWARE AND RELATED DOCUMENTATION. INSTALLING THE SOFTWARE PACKAGE SIGNIFIES YOUR ACCEPTANCE OF THIS AGREEMENT. IF YOU DO NOT ACCEPT THIS AGREEMENT, YOU MUST PROMPTLY RETURN THE SOFTWARE PACKAGE AND DELETE ANY SOFTWARE FILES ACCESSED BY YOU FROM ANY AND ALL COMPUTER MEMORY INTO WHICH SUCH SOFTWARE HAS BEEN LOADED OR STORED. WHEN USED IN THIS AGREEMENT THE WORD "XEROX" SHALL MEAN XEROX CORPORATION, ITS OPERATING COMPANY SUBSIDIARY OR AFFILIATE FROM WHICH YOU OBTAINED THE INDIVIDUAL UNIT OF THE XEROX DOCUMENT CENTRE SYSTEM EQUIPMENT (the "Equipment") WITH WHICH THE SOFTWARE IS TO BE USED, UNLESS YOU OBTAINED THE EQUIPMENT FROM AN AUTHORIZED DEALER, AGENT, CONCESSIONAIRE OR DISTRIBUTOR, IN WHICH CASE "XEROX" pmkrpkg1itions. 2. USE You may install the Software for use on any networked workstation or server only in conjunction with the Equipment. When networked, other users on the network may access and use the Software in conjunction with the Equipment. 3. OWNERSHIP, COPYING, MODIFICATION AND CONFIDENTIALITY 3.1 Xerox owns or is otherwise entitled to grant licenses in respect of all rights in the Software. 3.2 No title to or ownership of the Software or any proprietary right therein is transferred to you. 3.3 You may, subject to Section 3.4 below, make one copy of the Software in whole or in part only for that purpose expressly permitted in Section 2 above and for back-up. Such permitted copy shall include in readable format any copyright and other proprietary notices contained on the original Software. 3.4 You may copy the related documentation for use only in conjunction with the Equipment. 3.5 You may not distribute, alter or modify nor cause or allow others to alter or modify the Software. 3.6 You agree not to provide or otherwise make available the Software to anyone other than your employees and agents directly concerned with the licensed use of the Software. 3.7 The Software is protected by copyright and other proprietary rights of Xerox and/or a third party. You may be held directly responsible by such third party for an infringement of such rights by you. 3.8 You agree not to reverse engineer, decompile or disassemble the Software for any purpose whatsoever, except to the extent permitted by law. 3.9 You agree not to export or re-export the Software in any form without, in the case of a customer in the United States, first obtaining all United States government licenses, and in the case of a customer outside of the United States, all relevant foreign government licenses, required by law, and then only upon the export of the Equipment. 3.10 Xerox may terminate your license for the Software (i) immediately if you no longer use or possess the Equipment or are a lessor of the Equipment and your first lessee no longer uses or possesses it or (ii) upon the termination of any agreement under which you have rented or leased the Equipment. 4. TRANSFER OF LICENSED SOFTWARE If you transfer possession of the Equipment, Xerox will offer the transferee a license to use the Software on or with it, subject to Xerox' then applicable terms and license fees, if any, and provided the transfer is not in violation of Xerox' rights. 5. LIMITED WARRANTY 5.1 Xerox warrants that the Software shall substantially conform to Xerox' User Manual or other Xerox documentation supplied at delivery to the original Customer. Xerox does not warrant that the operation of the Software will be uninterrupted or error free, nor that it will meet your needs. 5.2 In the event that the Software does not conform to the limited warranty contained in Section 5.1 above, your exclusive remedy is to notify Xerox within ninety (90) days of the date of delivery, and Xerox' or its supplier's sole obligation shall be to use all reasonable efforts to provide a work-around which avoids the nonconformity or to provide you with Software which does substantially conform to the Xerox User Manual or other Xerox supplied documentation. 5.3 XEROX GRANTS NO OTHER WARRANTIES ON THE "SOFTWARE", EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, WHETHER CREATED BY STATUTE OR OTHERWISE, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. XEROX FURTHER DISCLAIMS ANY WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS MA"16" = "Dieses Volume erfllt nicht die Voraussetzungen fr dieses Update."; "17" = "Nicht gengend freier Platz verfgbar. 300 MB freier Platz werden bentigt."; "18" = "Fr dieses Update wird Mac OS X Version 10.2 oder neuer bentigt."; , any patent, trade secret, or copyright, if you promptly notify Xerox in writing of any alleged infringement, allow Xerox to direct the defense of such claim, and cooperate with Xerox. All notices should be sent to the Xerox Office of General Counsel, P.O. Box 1600, Stamford, Connecticut 06904. Xerox is not responsible for any non-Xerox litigation expenses or settlements unless Xerox pre-approves them in writing. To avoid infringement, Xerox may, at its option, and at no charge to you, obtain a license, or modify, or substitute an equivalent of, or remove the Software. If Software is removed by Xerox for this reason, any designated license fees paid by you will be fully refunded; if no portion of the amounts paid to Xerox within the transaction in which the Software was acquired was designated as a license fee for the Software, Xerox shall refund that portion of the amounts paid that Xerox reasonably designates as associated with the Software's acquisition. Xerox is not liable for any infringement due to the Software being made or modified (by Xerox or others, including you) to your specifications, or being used or sold in combination with equipment, software, or supplies not provided by Xerox. XEROX MAKES NO OTHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTY OF NON-INFRINGEMENT OR LIABILITY FOR INFRINGEMENT OR ANY DAMAGES THEREFROM. 7. LIMITATION OF LIABILITY IN NO EVENT SHALL XEROX OR ITS SUPPLIERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, (INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, LOSS OF DATA) IN ANY WAY ARISING OUT OF OR RELATED TO THE USE OR INABILITY TO USE THE "SOFTWARE", EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. IN NO EVENT SHALL XEROX' DIRECT DAMAGES TO YOU EXCEED THE TOTAL LICENSE FEE ACTUALLY PAID BY YOU FOR SUCH SOFTWARE. 8. TERMINATION Xerox may terminate this license immediately upon notice in the event of a material breach by you or if you no longer use or possess the equipment with which this Software is intended to be used, in which event you shall return to Xerox all copies of the Software, and remove same from all equipment into which such Software may have been loaded by you. 9. GOVERNING LAW This agreement will be governed by the laws of the State of New York, USA or if you acquire the Software outside the USA, by the laws of the country in which you acquired the Document Centre System Equipment with which this software is to be used, excluding its conflict of laws provisions. Some jurisdictions do not allow limitations on how long an implied warranty lasts or the exclusion or limitation of incidental or consequential damages, so the above disclaimers, limitations or exclusions, in whole or in part, may not apply to you. 10. ENTIRE AGREEMENT This Software License Agreement is the entire agreement between Xerox and you pertaining to the Software and supersedes all proposals or prior and contemporaneous agreements or understandings of the parties regarding the Software. You agree that any terms and conditions contained in any purchase order or other ordering document submitted to order the Software shall have no binding effect on Xerox and will not modify this Agreement in any way. If, after reading the terms and conditions, they are unacceptable to you, then, to avoid contractual obligations and liability, you should promptly return the software unused, and you will then be entitled to a refund of any sums paid by you to license the Software. Die bersetzung dieser Benutzerlizenzvereinbarung wurde von Xerox Europe angefertigt und ist nicht rechtlich bindend. Die der bersetzung folgende englische Originalversion ist dagegen rechtlich bindend. ===================================================================== LIZENZVERTRAG UND GARANTIEVEREINBARUNG ZUR BEILIEGENDEN SOFTWARE UND DOKUMENTATION LIZENZVERTRAG - VOR DEM INSTALLIEREN DER SOFTWARE SORGFLTIG LESEN WICHTIG: DURCH DAS INSTALLIEREN DER SOFTWARE ERKLRT SICH DER BENUTZER MIT DEN NACHFOLGEND AUFGEFHRTEN LIZENZBEDINGUNGEN EINVERSTANDEN. FALLS DER BENUTZER MIT DIESEM LIZENZVERTRAG NICHT EINVERSTANDEN IST, MSSEN SMTLICHE DATEIEN DER SOFTWARE VON ALLEN RECHNERN, AUF DENEN DIE SOFTWARE INSTALLIERT WURDE, GELSCHT WERDEN. IM WEITEREN BEZIEHT SICH "XEROX" AUF XEROX GMBH BZW. AUF DIE GESCHFTSSTELLE, VON DER DAS XEROX PRODUKT ("PRODUKT") ERWORBEN WURDE. WURDE DAS PRODUKT VON EINEM ZWISCHENHNDLER ERWORBEN, BEZIEHT SICH "XEROX" AUF XEROX GMBH BZW. AUF DIE GESCHFTSSTELLE, VON WELCHER DER ZWISCHENHNDLER DAS PRODUKT BEZOGEN HAT. 1. LIZENZGEWHRUNG Hiermit gewhrt Xerox dem Benutzer zu den nachfolgend aufgefhrten Bedingungen eine nicht exklusive, nicht bertragbare Lizenz zur Verwendung der beiliegenden Software und der zugehrigen Dokumentation ("Software") in Verbindung mit dem Produkt, sofern jegliche anfallenden Lizenzgebhren (einschlielich jhrliche Zahlungen fr Wartung oder Updates) entrichtet wurden. 2. VERWENDUNG Der Benutzer darf die Software in Verbindung mit dem Produkt auf einem beliebigen vernetzten Rechner (Workstation oder Server) installieren. In einem Netzwerk drfen andere Benutzer auf die Software in Verbindung mit dem Produkt zugreifen. 3. URHEBERRECHT, COPYRIGHT UND VERTRAULICHKEIT 3.1 Xerox ist berechtigt, unter Bercksichtigung der hier aufgefhrten Lizenzbedingungen Lizenzen zur Nutzung der beiliegenden Software zu gewhren. 3.2 Das Eigentumsrecht der Software verbleibt zu jedem Zeitpunkt bei Xerox und wird nicht auf den Benutzer bertragen. 3.3 Es ist dem Benutzer gestattet, fr die Nutzung im Rahmen der unter 3.4 dargelegten Nutzungsbedingungen sowie fr Archivierungszwecke Kopien der Software zu erstellen. Jede Kopie muss smtliche auf dem Original vorhandenen Urheberrechts- und andere Hinweise in lesbarer Form aufweisen. 3.4 Kopien der Dokumentation drfen nur in Verbindung mit dem Produkt erstellt werden. 3.5 Die Software darf weder durch den Benutzer noch durch Dritte verndert oder weitergegeben werden. 3.6 Der Benutzer verpflichtet sich, die Software keinem Dritten verfgbar zu machen, mit Ausnahme der eigenen Angestellten sowie von Bevollmchtigten, die direkt mit der in diesem Lizenzvertrag genehmigten Nutzung der Software zu tun haben. 3.7 Die Software unterliegt dem Urheberrecht und dem Markenschutzrecht. Der Benutzer kann bei einem Versto gegen dieses Recht direkt haftbar gemacht werden. 3.8 Die Software darf weder dekompiliert noch zurckentwickelt oder auf irgendeine Weise zerlegt werden. 3.9 Der Benutzer darf die Software nur dann exportieren, wenn vorher die erforderliche Exporterlaubnis eingeholt wurde. 3.10 Xerox behlt sich das Recht vor, die Nutzungslizenz mit sofortiger Wirkung zu kndigen, wenn (i) der Benutzer bzw. ein weiterer Leasingkunde das Produkt nicht mehr benutzt bzw. besitzt oder (ii) bei Kndigung einer Vereinbarung, unter welcher der Benutzer das Produkt geleast bzw. gemietet hat. 4. WEITERGABE DER SOFTWARE Bei bertragung des Produkts an Dritte bietet Xerox dem Erwerber eine Nutzungslizenz fr die Software in Verbindung mit dem Produkt unter der Bedingung der Einhaltung der jeweiligen Nutzungsbestimmungen sowie der Entrichtung jeglicher anfallenden Lizenzgebhren. 5. EINGESCHRNKTE GEWHRLEISTUNG 5.1 Xerox garantiert, dass die Software im Wesentlichen den Angaben in der Dokumentation zum Gert entspricht. Gewhrleistung dafr, dass die Software ohne Unterbrechung und fehlerfrei betrieben werden kann, sowie Gewhrleistung der Brauchbarkeit fr den Zweck des Benutzers sind hiermit von diesem Vertrag ausgeschlossen. 5.2 Sollte die Software nicht der in Abschnitt 5.1 aufgefhrten begrenzten Gewhrleistung entsprechen, besteht der ausschlieliche Anspruch des Benutzers in der Mglichkeit, die Software innerhalb von 90 Tagen ab Lieferdatum an den Hndler, bei dem sie erworben wurde, zurckzugeben. Xerox ist ausschlielich dazu verpflichtet, im vertretbaren Rahmen die Software durch Software zu ersetzen, welche der obigen Gewhrleistung entspricht, oder eine Problemumgehung verfgbar zu machen. 5.3 XEROX IST ZU KEINER WEITEREN GEWHRLEISTUNG FR DIE "SOFTWARE" VERPFLICHTET. JEGLICHE ANDERE AUSDRCKLICHE ODER IMPLIZITE GEWHRLEISTUNG, DIE AUF GESETZEN, STATUTEN O. . BERUHT, EINSCHLIESSLICH DER HAFTUNG FR INDIREKTE ODER FOLGESCHDEN ODER SCHDEN (EINSCHLIESSLICH DATENVERLUST), DIE BEI ODER IM ZUSAMMENHANG MIT DER BENUTZUNG DER SOFTWARE ENTSTEHEN, IST HIERMIT AUSDRCKLICH VON DIESEM LIZENZVERTRAG AUSGESCHLOSSEN. XEROX LEHNT ZUDEM JEGLICHE HAFTUNG FR GEWHRLEISTUNGEN ODER ERKLRUNGEN DURCH DRITTE AB. 5.4 Die oben ausdrcklich aufgefhrte Gewhrleistung verliert ihre Gltigkeit, wenn die Software nicht wie in der Dokumentation und/oder in diesem Lizenzvertrag festgelegt verwendet wird. 6. GEWHRLEISTUNG BEI RECHTSVERLETZUNG Xerox bernimmt in dem Land, in dem die Niederlassung, bei welcher der Benutzer das Gert bezogen hat, registriert ist, die Verteidigung des Benutzers bei Ansprchen aufgrund von Weitergabe von Betriebsgeheimnissen oder wegen Verletzung des Patent- und Urheberrechts sowie die Begleichung daraus resultierender Forderungen. Diese Gewhrleistung durch Xerox und ein solcher Rechtsanspruch haben nur dann Geltung, wenn der Benutzer Xerox innerhalb von 90 Tagen von dem Anspruch in Kenntnis setzt und sich mit der Verteidigung durch Xerox bzw. durch einen von Xerox Beauftragten einverstanden erklrt und zu diesem Zweck mit Xerox zusammenarbeitet. Xerox ist nicht fr Gerichtskosten oder Abfindungen verantwortlich, die nicht im Zusammenhang mit Xerox entstehen, auer wenn Xerox eine entsprechende schriftliche Erklrung abgibt. Um einen Rechtsanspruch auch ohne Geltendmachung zu vermeiden, behlt sich Xerox vor, ohne Belastung des Benutzers eine Lizenz zu erwerben oder die Software zu modifizieren, zu ersetzen oder zu entfernen. Wird die Software durch Xerox aus einem solchen Grund entfernt, erhlt der Benutzer die Lizenzgebhr in voller Hhe rckerstattet. Xerox kann nicht fr Rechtsansprche haftbar gemacht werden, die entstehen, wenn die Software auf Wunsch des Benutzers von Xerox oder Dritten (einschlielich des Benutzers) modifiziert wird, oder wenn die Software zusammen mit Gerten, Software oder anderen Materialien verwendet oder verkauft wird, die nicht von Xerox geliefert werden. XEROX UND SEINE LIEFERBETRIEBE VERPFLICHTEN SICH ZU KEINERLEI ANDERER AUSDRCKLICHER ODER IMPLIZITER GEWHRLEISTUNG BEI RECHTSANSPRCHEN UND SIND IN KEINER ANDEREN WEISE FR ANSPRCHE, DIE AUS RECHTSVERLETZUNGEN ERWACHSEN, BZW. AUS RECHTSVERLETZUNGEN RESULTIERENDE SCHADENSERSATZANSPRCHE HAFTBAR. 7. HAFTUNGSAUSSCHLUSS AUSSER WENN DIE GELTENDE GESETZGEBUNG DIES VORSIEHT, KNNEN WEDER XEROX NOCH SEINE LIEFERBETRIEBE FR SPEZIELLE, INDIREKTE ODER FOLGESCHDEN (EINSCHLIESSLICH UND OHNE BESCHRNKUNG DATENVERLUST) ODER FR AUFWENDUNGEN BEI VERTRAGSERFLLUNG, DIE AUS DER BENUTZUNG DER SOFTWARE ENTSTEHEN, ODER DARAUS, DASS DIE SOFTWARE NICHT BENUTZT WERDEN KANN, HAFTBAR GEMACHT WERDEN, SELBST WENN AUF DIE MGLICHKEIT SOLCHER SCHDEN HINGEWIESEN WURDE. DIE MAXIMALSUMME DER VERBINDLICHKEIT KANN DIE FR DIE LIZENZ ENTRICHTETE GEBHR NICHT BERSCHREITEN. 8. VERTRAGSENDE Im Falle eines Vertragsbruches durch den Benutzer behlt sich Xerox das Recht vor, den Lizenzvertrag mit sofortiger Wirkung zu kndigen. Der Benutzer ist in diesem Fall zur Rckgabe smtlicher Exemplare der Software an Xerox oder dessen Lieferbetriebe sowie zur Deinstallation smtlicher Kopien derselben verpflichtet. 9. ANWENDBARES RECHT Dieser Lizenzvertrag unterliegt mit Ausnahme des internationalen Privatrechts der Gesetzgebung des Landes, in dem die Xerox Niederlassung registriert ist, von der das Produkt erworben wurde. 10. VOLLSTNDIGKEIT DES VERTRAGS Diese Lizenz bildet den gesamten Vertrag ber die Software zwischen Xerox und dem Benutzer und ersetzt jegliche anderen Entwrfe oder ltere und derzeitige Vertrge oder Vereinbarungen ber die Software. Der Benutzer erklrt hiermit, dass jegliche Verkaufs- und Lieferbedingungen in der Bestellung oder einem hnlichen Dokument, das nach Abschluss dieses Vertrags eingereicht wird, keinerlei bindende Wirkung fr Xerox oder seine Lieferbetriebe hat und keine nderung an diesem Vertrag darstellt. Sollte der Benutzer nach der Lektre der oben aufgefhrten Lizenzbedingungen diese nicht akzeptieren, ist die Software umgehend an den Hndler, bei dem sie erworben wurde, zurckzugeben. In diesem Fall erhlt der Benutzer die entrichtete Lizenzgebhr in voller Hhe zurckerstattet. ====================================================================== LICENSE AGREEMENT AND WARRANTY FOR THE ENCLOSED SOFTWARE AND RELATED DOCUMENTATION YOUR LICENSE AGREEMENT - READ BEFORE INSTALLING SOFTWARE IMPORTANT: THIS AGREEMENT CONTAINS THE LICENSE TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR LICENSED SOFTWARE AND RELATED DOCUMENTATION. INSTALLING THE SOFTWARE PACKAGE SIGNIFIES YOUR ACCEPTANCE OF THIS AGREEMENT. IF YOU DO NOT ACCEPT THIS AGREEMENT, YOU MUST PROMPTLY RETURN THE SOFTWARE PACKAGE AND DELETE ANY SOFTWARE FILES ACCESSED BY YOU FROM ANY AND ALL COMPUTER MEMORY INTO WHICH SUCH SOFTWARE HAS BEEN LOADED OR STORED. WHEN USED IN THIS AGREEMENT THE WORD "XEROX" SHALL MEAN XEROX CORPORATION, ITS OPERATING COMPANY SUBSIDIARY OR AFFILIATE FROM WHICH YOU OBTAINED THE XEROX PRODUCT WITH WHICH THE SOFTWARE IS TO BE USED (the "Equipment"), UNLESS YOU OBTAINED THE EQUIPMENT FROM AN AUTHORIZED DEALER, AGENT, CONCESSIONAIRE OR DISTRIBUTOR, IN WHICH CASE "XEROX" SHALL MEAN XEROX CORPORATION, ITS OPERATING COMPANY, SUBSIDIARY OR AFFILIATE FROM WHICH THE ENTITY THAT SOLD YOU THE EQUIPMENT ACQUIRED IT. 1. GRANT OF LICENSE Xerox hereby grants you a non-exclusive, non-transferable license to use the software and related documentation ("Software") enclosed in this package with the Equipment, for as long as you are current in the payment of any indicated software license fees (including any annual renewal or maintenance fees) on the following terms and conditions. 2. USE You may install the Software for use on any networked workstation or server only in conjunction with the Equipment. When networked, other users on the network may access and use the Software in conjunction with the Equipment. 3. OWNERSHIP, COPYING, MODIFICATION AND CONFIDENTIALITY 3.1 Xerox owns or is otherwise entitled to grant licenses in respect of all rights in the Software. 3.2 No title to or ownership of the Software or any proprietary right therein is transferred to you. 3.3 You may, subject to Section 3.4 below, make one copy of the Software in whole or in part only for that purpose expressly permitted in Section 2 above and for back-up. Such permitted copy shall include in readable format any copyright and other proprietary notices contained on the original Software. 3.4 You may copy the related documentation for use only in conjunction with the Equipment. 3.5 You may not distribute, alter or modify nor cause or allow others to alter or modify the Software. 3.6 You agree not to provide or otherwise make available the Software to anyone other than your employees and agents directly concerned with the licensed use of the Software. 3.7 The Software is protected by copyright and other proprietary rights of Xerox and/or a third party. You may be held directly responsible by such third party for an infringement of such rights by you. 3.8 You agree not to reverse engineer, decompile or disassemble the Software for any purpose whatsoever, except to the extent permitted by law. 3.9 You agree not to export or re-export the Software in any form without, in the case of a customer in the United States, first obtaining all United States government licenses, and in the case of a customer outside of the United States, all relevant foreign government licenses, required by law, and then only upon the export of the Equipment. 3.10 Xerox may terminate your license for the Software (i) immediately if you no longer use or possess the Equipment or are a lessor of the Equipment and your first lessee no longer uses or possesses it or (ii) upon the termination of any agreement under which you have rented or leased the Equipment. 4. TRANSFER OF LICENSED SOFTWARE If you transfer possession of the Equipment, Xerox will offer the transferee a license to use the Software on or with it, subject to Xerox' then applicable terms and license fees, if any, and provided the transfer is not in violation of Xerox' rights. 5. LIMITED WARRANTY 5.1 Xerox warrants that the Software shall substantially conform to Xerox' User Manual or other Xerox documentation supplied at delivery to the original Customer. Xerox does not warrant that the operation of the Software will be uninterrupted or error free, nor that it will meet your needs. 5.2 In the event that the Software does not conform to the limited warranty contained in Section 5.1 above, your exclusive remedy is to notify Xerox within ninety (90) days of the date of delivery, and Xerox' or its supplier's sole obligation shall be to use all reasonable efforts to provide a work-around which avoids the nonconformity or to provide you with Software which does substantially conform to the Xerox User Manual or other Xerox supplied documentation. 5.3 XEROX GRANTS NO OTHER WARRANTIES ON THE "SOFTWARE", EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, WHETHER CREATED BY STATUTE OR OTHERWISE, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. XEROX FURTHER DISCLAIMS ANY WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS MADE BY PERSONS OTHER THAN XEROX (INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO XEROX SOFTWARE DEALERS, AGENTS, CONCESSIONAIRES OR DISTRIBUTORS). 5.4 The express warranties set forth above shall be void if you fail to properly use the Software in the appropriate environment as specified in the Xerox supplied documentation or if the Software is modified or altered in any fashion. 6. PATENT AND COPYRIGHT INDEMNIFICATION Xerox will defend and indemnify you if the Software is alleged to infringe, in the United States, any patent, trade secret, or copyright, if you promptly notify Xerox in writing of any alleged infringement, allow Xerox to direct the defense of such claim, and cooperate with Xerox. All notices should be sent to the Xerox Office of General Counsel, P.O. Box 1600, Stamford, Connecticut 06904. Xerox is not responsible for any non-Xerox litigation expenses or settlements unless Xerox pre-approves them in writing. To avoid infringement, Xerox may, at its option, and at no charge to you, obtain a license, or modify, or substitute an equivalent of, or remove the Software. If Software is removed by Xerox for this reason, any designated license fees paid by you will be fully refunded; if no portion of the amounts paid to Xerox within the transaction in which the Software was acquired was designated as a license fee for the Software, Xerox shall refund that portion of the amounts paid that Xerox reasonably designates as associated with the Software's acquisition. Xerox is not liable for any infringement due to the Software being made or modified (by Xerox or others, including you) to your specifications, or being used or sold in combination with equipment, software, or supplies not provided by Xerox. XEROX MAKES NO OTHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTY OF NON-INFRINGEMENT OR LIABILITY FOR INFRINGEMENT OR ANY DAMAGES THEREFROM. 7. LIMITATION OF LIABILITY IN NO EVENT SHALL XEROX OR ITS SUPPLIERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, (INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, LOSS OF DATA) IN ANY WAY ARISING OUT OF OR RELATED TO THE USE OR INABILITY TO USE THE "SOFTWARE", EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. IN NO EVENT SHALL XEROX' DIRECT DAMAGES TO YOU EXCEED THE TOTAL LICENSE FEE ACTUALLY PAID BY YOU FOR SUCH SOFTWARE. 8. TERMINATION Xerox may terminate this license immediately upon notice in the event of a material breach by you or if you no longer use or possess the equipment with which this Software is intended to be used, in which event you shall return to Xerox all copies of the Software, and remove same from all equipment into which such Software may have been loaded by you. 9. GOVERNING LAW This agreement will be governed by the laws of the State of New York, USA or if you acquire the Software outside the USA, by the laws of the country in which you acquired the Equipment, excluding its conflict of laws provisions. Some jurisdictions do not allow limitations on how long an implied warranty lasts or the exclusion or limitation of incidental or consequential damages, so the above disclaimers, limitations or exclusions, in whole or in part, may not apply to you. 10. ENTIRE AGREEMENT This Software License Agreement is the entire agreement between Xerox and you pertaining to the Software and supersedes all proposals or prior and contemporaneous agreements or understandings of the parties regarding the Software. You agree that any terms and conditions contained in any purchase order or other ordering document submitted to order the Software shall have no binding effect on Xerox and will not modify this Agreement in any way. If, after reading the terms and conditions, they are unacceptable to you, then, to avoid contractual obligations and liability, you should promptly return the software unused, and you will then be entitled to a refund of any sums paid by you to license the Software. Title WorkCentre Pro 40 Color Version 1.2.5 Description DefaultLocation /Library/Printers/PPDs/Contents/Resources DeleteWarning ### Package Flags NeedsAuthorization YES Required NO Relocatable NO RequiresReboot NO UseUserMask NO OverwritePermissions NO InstallFat NO "16" = "Dit volume voldoet niet aan de vereisten voor deze update."; "17" = "Onvoldoende vrije ruimte voor deze update. Er is 300 MB vrije ruimte vereist."; "18" = "Dit pakket kan alleen worden genstalleerd op Mac OS X versie 10.2 of hoger."; De vertaling van deze licentieovereenkomst is aangeleverd door Xerox Europe en is niet wettelijk bindend. De Engelse tekst, die na de vertaalde tekst volgt, is wettelijk bindend. ====================================================================== LICENTIEOVEREENKOMST EN GARANTIE VOOR DE INGESLOTEN SOFTWARE EN BIJBEHORENDE DOCUMENTATIE LICENTIEOVEREENKOMST - LEZEN ALVORENS DE SOFTWARE TE INSTALLEREN BELANGRIJK: DEZE OVEREENKOMST BEVAT DE LICENTIEVOORWAARDEN EN -BEPALINGEN WAARONDER DE SOFTWARE EN DE BIJBEHORENDE DOCUMENTATIE IN GEBRUIK MAG WORDEN GEGEVEN. DOOR HET INSTALLEREN VAN DE SOFTWARE ACCEPTEERT U DEZE OVEREENKOMST. ALS U NIET INSTEMT MET DEZE OVEREENKOMST DIENT U HET SOFTWAREPAKKET ONMIDDELLIJK TE RETOURNEREN EN SOFTWARE-BESTANDEN DIE DOOR U ZIJN GEACTIVEERD TE VERWIJDEREN UIT ELK COMPUTERGEHEUGEN WAARIN DE SOFTWARE IS GELADEN OF OPGESLAGEN. IN DEZE OVEREENKOMST STAAT HET WOORD "XEROX" VOOR XEROX CORPORATION, HET IN HAAR NAAM OPTREDENDE BEDRIJF, DE DOCHTERONDERNEMING OF HET AANGESLOTEN FILIAAL VIA WELKE U DE AFZONDERLIJKE EENHEID VAN DE XEROX DOCUMENT CENTRE-SYSTEEMAPPARATUUR (de "Apparatuur") HEEFT VERKREGEN EN WAARMEE DE SOFTWARE DIENT TE WORDEN GEBRUIKT, TENZIJ DE APPARATUUR IS AANGESCHAFT VIA EEN GEAUTORISEERDE DEALER, TUSSENPERSOON, LICENTIEHOUDER OF GROOTHANDELAAR, IN WELK GEVAL "XEROX" STAAT VOOR XEROX CORPORATION, HET IN HAAR NAAM OPTREDENDE BEDRIJF, DE DOCHTERONDERNEMING OF HET AANGESLOTEN FILIAAL VIA WELKE DE EENHEID DIE U DE APPARATUUR HEEFT VERKOCHT, IS AANGESCHAFT. 1. LICENTIEVERLENING Xerox verleent u hierbij het niet-exclusieve, niet-overdraagbare recht de software en bijbehorende documentatie ("Software") ingesloten in dit pakket op de Apparatuur te gebruiken, zolang u voldoet aan de betaling van enige van toepassing zijnde kosten met betrekking tot de softwarelicentie (inclusief eventuele jaarlijkse verlengingskosten) volgens de volgende voorwaarden en bepalingen. 2. GEBRUIK U mag de Software voor gebruik installeren op een werkstation of server in een netwerk, enkel in combinatie met de Apparatuur. Andere gebruikers op het netwerk mogen de Software activeren en gebruiken in combinatie met de Apparatuur. 3. EIGENDOMSRECHTEN, KOPIEN, WIJZIGINGEN EN VERTROUWELIJKHEID 3.1 Xerox heeft de Software in eigendom of heeft op andere wijze het recht licenties te verlenen met betrekking tot alle rechten in de Software. 3.2 Aan u worden in het geheel geen rechten van eigendom of beschikking overgedragen met betrekking tot de Software. 3.3 U mag, behoudens het onderstaande in artikel 3.4, de Software geheel of gedeeltelijk kopiren, maar uitsluitend voor het doel dat uitdrukkelijk is toegestaan in artikel 2 hierboven en voor het maken van een reservekopie. Elke kopie dient duidelijk leesbaar de vermeldingen van auteursrecht en andere eigendomsrechten te bevatten die in de oorspronkelijke Software zijn opgenomen. 3.4 U mag de bijbehorende documentatie alleen kopiren voor gebruik in combinatie met de Apparatuur. 3.5 U mag de Software niet verspreiden of hier wijzigingen of aanpassingen in aanbrengen noch anderen toestaan of ertoe aanzetten de Software te wijzigen of aan te passen. 3.6 U verklaart de Software niet te zullen verstrekken of anderszins beschikbaar te stellen aan andere gebruikers dan uw werknemers en vertegenwoordigers die rechtstreeks betrokken zijn bij het gebruik van de Software onder licentie. 3.7 De Software wordt beschermd door auteursrecht en andere eigendomsrechten van Xerox en/of derden. Indien u op enigerlei wijze deze rechten schendt, kunt u hiervoor ook door betrokken derden rechtstreeks aansprakelijk worden gesteld. 3.8 U verklaart de Software voor geen enkel doel te zullen terugvertalen, decompileren of disassembleren, behalve voor zover dit wettelijk is toegestaan. 3.9 U verklaart de Software niet in enige vorm te exporteren of te herexporteren zonder, in het geval van een klant in de Verenigde Staten van Amerika, eerst alle vereiste Amerikaanse overheidsvergunningen of, in het geval van een klant buiten de Verenigde Staten van Amerika, alle buitenlandse overheidsvergunningen te verkrijgen die wettelijk zijn vereist en bovendien uitsluitend bij export van de Apparatuur. 3.10 Xerox kan de licentie voor de Software met directe ingang beindigen (i) indien u de Apparatuur niet langer gebruikt of in bezit heeft, indien u verhuurder bent van de Apparatuur en uw eerste huurder deze niet langer gebruikt of in bezit heeft, of (ii) met ingang van de beindiging van enige overeenkomst waaronder de Apparatuur is gehuurd of geleasd. 4. OVERDRACHT VAN DE SOFTWARE ONDER LICENTIE Indien u bezit van de Apparatuur overdraagt, biedt Xerox de begunstigde een licentie voor het gebruik van de Software op of bij de Apparatuur, volgens de dan van toepassing zijnde voorwaarden en licentiekosten van Xerox, mits de overdracht niet in overtreding is met de rechten van Xerox. 5. BEPERKTE GARANTIE 5.1 Xerox garandeert dat de Software bij levering aan de oorspronkelijke klant in grote mate conform is aan de Xerox Handleiding voor de gebruiker of aan andere bijgeleverde Xerox-documentatie. Xerox garandeert niet dat de Software zonder onderbrekingen of zonder fouten functioneert, noch dat deze voorziet in de behoeften van de klant. 5.2 Indien de Software niet voldoet aan de bepalingen betreffende de beperkte garantie in artikel 5.1 hierboven, heeft u geen andere rechten dan Xerox hiervan binnen negentig (90) dagen vanaf de datum van levering op de hoogte te stellen. De enige verplichting van Xerox of van de Xerox-leverancier is in redelijkheid te proberen een oplossing ter vermijding van het conformiteitsprobleem te verschaffen of om de klant Software te leveren die in grote mate conform is aan de Xerox Handleiding voor de gebruiker of aan andere door Xerox verschafte documentatie. 5.3 XEROX VERLEENT GEEN ANDERE GARANTIES OP DE "SOFTWARE", UITDRUKKELIJK NOCH IMPLICIET, NOCH OP GROND VAN WETGEVING NOCH ANDERSZINS, MET INBEGRIP VAN, MAAR NIET BEPERKT TOT ENIGE IMPLICIETE GARANTIE VOOR VERHANDELBAARHEID OF GESCHIKTHEID VOOR EEN SPECIFIEK DOELEINDE. XEROX WIJST VERDER ALLE GARANTIES OF VERKLARINGEN AF DIE ZIJN GEGEVEN DOOR PERSONEN NIET ZIJNDE XEROX (OOK GARANTIES OF VERKLARINGEN VAN BIJVOORBEELD XEROX-SOFTWAREDEALERS, TUSSENPERSONEN, LICENTIEHOUDERS OF GROOTHANDELAREN WORDEN DERHALVE DOOR XEROX AFGEWEZEN). 5.4 De uitdrukkelijke garantiebepalingen die hierboven zijn uiteengezet, verliezen hun geldigheid wanneer u verzuimt de Software op de juiste wijze te gebruiken in de correcte omgeving zoals wordt aangegeven in de door Xerox geleverde documentatie of wanneer de Software op enigerlei wijze wordt gewijzigd. 6. SCHADELOOSSTELLING BIJ SCHENDING OCTROOIRECHT EN AUTEURSRECHT Xerox zal u verdedigen en schadeloosstellen in geval van een vordering met betrekking tot schending door de Software van een octrooirecht, handelsgeheim of auteursrecht in de Verenigde Staten, indien u Xerox terstond schriftelijk op de hoogte brengt van de vermeende schending, Xerox toestemming geeft zich tegen een dergelijke vordering te verdedigen en medewerking verleent aan Xerox. Alle informatie dient te worden opgestuurd naar: Xerox Office of General Counsel, P.O. Box 1600, Stamford, Connecticut 06904, VS. Xerox is niet verantwoordelijk voor enige niet door Xerox gemaakte proceskosten of getroffen schaderegelingen, tenzij Xerox daartoe schriftelijk heeft toegestemd. Om eventuele inbreuk te voorkomen, kan Xerox, naar eigen keuze en zonder kosten voor de klant, een licentie aanschaffen, de Software wijzigen, de Software vervangen door gelijksoortige Software of de Software verwijderen. Indien de Software om deze reden door Xerox wordt verwijderd, worden de door u betaalde licentiekosten volledig terugbetaald, indien geen gedeelte van de betaalde bedragen aan Xerox binnen de transactie waarbij de Software is aangeschaft, is toegewezen als zijnde licentiekosten voor de Software, dan zal Xerox dat gedeelte van de betaalde bedragen terugbetalen waarbij Xerox bepaalt welk bedrag als redelijk kan worden gezien voor de aanwerving van de Software. Xerox is niet aansprakelijk voor inbreuk die het gevolg is van ontwerp of wijziging van de Software op basis van uw eigen specificaties (door Xerox of anderen, met inbegrip van uzelf), of die het gevolg zijn van het gebruik of de verkoop van de Software in combinatie met apparatuur, software of verbruiksartikelen die niet door Xerox zijn geleverd. XEROX BIEDT GEEN ENKELE ANDERE UITDRUKKELIJKE OF IMPLICIETE GARANTIE MET BETREKKING TOT NIET-SCHENDING VAN RECHTEN OF AANSPRAKELIJKHEID VOOR SCHENDING VAN RECHTEN OF ENIGE DAARUIT VOORTVLOEIENDE SCHADE. 7. BEPERKING VAN AANSPRAKELIJKHEID IN GEEN ENKEL GEVAL DRAAGT XEROX OF ENIGE LEVERANCIER VAN HET BEDRIJF AANSPRAKELIJKHEID VOOR ENIGE SPECIALE, INDIRECTE OF GEVOLGSCHADE (MET INBEGRIP VAN, MAAR NIET BEPERKT TOT VERLIES VAN GEGEVENS) DIE OP ENIGE MANIER VOORTKOMT UIT OF VERBAND HOUDT MET HET GEBRUIK VAN OF DE ONMOGELIJKHEID VAN HET GEBRUIK VAN DE "SOFTWARE", ZELFS INDIEN HET BEDRIJF WAS GENFORMEERD OVER DE MOGELIJKHEID VAN EEN DERGELIJKE SCHADE. VOORTS ZAL XEROX' AANSPRAKELIJKHEID VOOR DIRECTE SCHADE STEEDS BEPERKT ZIJN TOT HET TOTALE BEDRAG DAT DE KLANT VOOR DE SOFTWARELICENTIE HEEFT BETAALD. 8. BEINDIGING Xerox kan deze licentie na kennisgeving met directe ingang beindigen, indien u materieel in gebreke blijft of indien u de apparatuur waarmee de Software dient te worden gebruikt, niet langer gebruikt of in bezit heeft. In dit geval dient u alle kopien van de Software te retourneren aan Xerox en de Software te verwijderen van alle apparatuur waarop de Software door u is geladen. 9. TOEPASSELIJKE WETGEVING Deze overeenkomst wordt beheerst door de wetgeving van de staat New York, Verenigde Staten van Amerika, of door de wetgeving van het land waarin u de Document Centre-systeemapparatuur waarvoor deze Software is bedoeld, heeft aangeschaft (conflicterende bepalingen buiten beschouwing houdende). In sommige rechtsgebieden worden beperkingen met betrekking tot de lengte van een impliciete garantie of de uitsluiting of beperking van incidentele of gevolgschades niet toegestaan. Bovenstaande uitsluitingen en beperkingen kunnen mogelijk, geheel of gedeeltelijk, niet van toepassing zijn op u. 10. VOLLEDIGE OVEREENKOMST Deze licentieovereenkomst is de volledige overeenkomst tussen Xerox en u met betrekking tot de Software, en treedt in de plaats van alle eerdere of gelijktijdige voorstellen of afspraken tussen de partijen betreffende de Software. U verklaart dat alle voorwaarden en bepalingen in eventuele inkooporders of andere documenten die de klant in verband met de bestelling van het product heeft verzonden, niet bindend zijn voor Xerox en van geen enkele invloed zijn op deze overeenkomst. Indien u na het lezen van de voorwaarden en bepalingen deze niet kunt aanvaarden, dient u, om contractuele verplichtingen en aansprakelijkheid te voorkomen, de Software onmiddellijk ongebruikt te retourneren. U heeft dan recht op volledige vergoeding van de prijs die u heeft betaald voor de softwarelicentie. ====================================================================== LICENSE AGREEMENT AND WARRANTY FOR THE ENCLOSED SOFTWARE AND RELATED DOCUMENTATION YOUR LICENSE AGREEMENT - READ BEFORE INSTALLING SOFTWARE IMPORTANT: THIS AGREEMENT CONTAINS THE LICENSE TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR LICENSED SOFTWARE AND RELATED DOCUMENTATION. INSTALLING THE SOFTWARE PACKAGE SIGNIFIES YOUR ACCEPTANCE OF THIS AGREEMENT. IF YOU DO NOT ACCEPT THIS AGREEMENT, YOU MUST PROMPTLY RETURN THE SOFTWARE PACKAGE AND DELETE ANY SOFTWARE FILES ACCESSED BY YOU FROM ANY AND ALL COMPUTER MEMORY INTO WHICH SUCH SOFTWARE HAS BEEN LOADED OR STORED. WHEN USED IN THIS AGREEMENT THE WORD "XEROX" SHALL MEAN XEROX CORPORATION, ITS OPERATING COMPANY SUBSIDIARY OR AFFILIATE FROM WHICH YOU OBTAINED THE INDIVIDUAL UNIT OF THE XEROX DOCUMENT CENTRE SYSTEM EQUIPMENT (the "Equipment") WITH WHICH THE SOFTWARE IS TO BE USED, UNLESS YOU OBTAINED THE EQUIPMENT FROM AN AUTHORIZED DEALER, AGENT, CONCESSIONAIRE OR DISTRIBUTOR, IN WHICH CASE "XEROX" SHALL MEAN XEROX CORPORATION, ITS OPERATING COMPANY, SUBSIDIARY OR AFFILIATE FROM WHICH THE ENTITY THAT SOLD YOU THE EQUIPMENT ACQUIRED IT. 1. GRANT OF LICENSE Xerox hereby grants you a non-exclusive, non-transferable license to use the software and related documentation ("Software") enclosed in this package with the Equipment, for as long as you are current in the payment of any indicated software license fees (including any annual renewal or maintenance fees) on the following terms and conditions. 2. USE You may install the Software for use on any networked workstation or server only in conjunction with the Equipment. When networked, other users on the network may access and use the Software in conjunction with the Equipment. 3. OWNERSHIP, COPYING, MODIFICATION AND CONFIDENTIALITY 3.1 Xerox owns or is otherwise entitled to grant licenses in respect of all rights in the Software. 3.2 No title to or ownership of the Software or any proprietary right therein is transferred to you. 3.3 You may, subject to Section 3.4 below, make one copy of the Software in whole or in part only for that purpose expressly permitted in Section 2 above and for back-up. Such permitted copy shall include in readable format any copyright and other proprietary notices contained on the original Software. 3.4 You may copy the related documentation for use only in conjunction with the Equipment. 3.5 You may not distribute, alter or modify nor cause or allow others to alter or modify the Software. 3.6 You agree not to provide or otherwise make available the Software to anyone other than your employees and agents directly concerned with the licensed use of the Software. 3.7 The Software is protected by copyright and other proprietary rights of Xerox and/or a third party. You may be held directly responsible by such third party for an infringement of such rights by you. 3.8 You agree not to reverse engineer, decompile or disassemble the Software for any purpose whatsoever, except to the extent permitted by law. 3.9 You agree not to export or re-export the Software in any form without, in the case of a customer in the United States, first obtaining all United States government licenses, and in the case of a customer outside of the United States, all relevant foreign government licenses, required by law, and then only upon the export of the Equipment. 3.10 Xerox may terminate your license for the Software (i) immediately if you no longer use or possess the Equipment or are a lessor of the Equipment and your first lessee no longer uses or possesses it or (ii) upon the termination of any agreement under which you have rented or leased the Equipment. 4. TRANSFER OF LICENSED SOFTWARE If you transfer possession of the Equipment, Xerox will offer the transferee a license to use the Software on or with it, subject to Xerox' then applicable terms and license fees, if any, and provided the transfer is not in violation of Xerox' rights. 5. LIMITED WARRANTY 5.1 Xerox warrants that the Software shall substantially conform to Xerox' User Manual or other Xerox documentation supplied at delivery to the original Customer. Xerox does not warrant that the operation of the Software will be uninterrupted or error free, nor that it will meet your needs. 5.2 In the event that the Software does not conform to the limited warranty contained in Section 5.1 above, your exclusive remedy is to notify Xerox within ninety (90) days of the date of delivery, and Xerox' or its supplier's sole obligation shall be to use all reasonable efforts to provide a work-around which avoids the nonconformity or to provide you with Software which does substantially conform to the Xerox User Manual or other Xerox supplied documentation. 5.3 XEROX GRANTS NO OTHER WARRANTIES ON THE "SOFTWARE", EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, WHETHER CREATED BY STATUTE OR OTHERWISE, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. XEROX FURTHER DISCLAIMS ANY WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS MADE BY PERSONS OTHER THAN XEROX (INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO XEROX SOFTWARE DEALERS, AGENTS, CONCESSIONAIRES OR DISTRIBUTORS). 5.4 The express warranties set forth above shall be void if you fail to properly use the Software in the appropriate environment as specified in the Xerox supplied documentation or if the Software is modified or altered in any fashion. 6. PATENT AND COPYRIGHT INDEMNIFICATION Xerox will defend and indemnify you if the Software is alleged to infringe, in the United States, any patent, trade secret, or copyright, if you promptly notify Xerox in writing of any alleged infringement, allow Xerox to direct the defense of such claim, and cooperate with Xerox. All notices should be sent to the Xerox Office of General Counsel, P.O. Box 1600, Stamford, Connecticut 06904. Xerox is not responsible for any non-Xerox litigation expenses or settlements unless Xerox pre-approves them in writing. To avoid infringement, Xerox may, at its option, and at no charge to you, obtain a license, or modify, or substitute an equivalent of, or remove the Software. If Software is removed by Xerox for this reason, any designated license fees paid by you will be fully refunded; if no portion of the amounts paid to Xerox within the transaction in which the Software was acquired was designated as a license fee for the Software, Xerox shall refund that portion of the amounts paid that Xerox reasonably designates as associated with the Software's acquisition. Xerox is not liable for any infringement due to the Software being made or modified (by Xerox or others, including you) to your specifications, or being used or sold in combination with equipment, software, or supplies not provided by Xerox. XEROX MAKES NO OTHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTY OF NON-INFRINGEMENT OR LIABILITY FOR INFRINGEMENT OR ANY DAMAGES THEREFROM. 7. LIMITATION OF LIABILITY IN NO EVENT SHALL XEROX OR ITS SUPPLIERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, (INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, LOSS OF DATA) IN ANY WAY ARISING OUT OF OR RELATED TO THE USE OR INABILITY TO USE THE "SOFTWARE", EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. IN NO EVENT SHALL XEROX' DIRECT DAMAGES TO YOU EXCEED THE TOTAL LICENSE FEE ACTUALLY PAID BY YOU FOR SUCH SOFTWARE. 8. TERMINATION Xerox may terminate this license immediately upon notice in the event of a material breach by you or if you no longer use or possess the equipment with which this Software is intended to be used, in which event you shall return to Xerox all copies of the Software, and remove same from all equipment into which such Software may have been loaded by you. 9. GOVERNING LAW This agreement will be governed by the laws of the State of New York, USA or if you acquire the Software outside the USA, by the laws of the country in which you acquired the Document Centre System Equipment with which this software is to be used, excluding its conflict of laws provisions. Some jurisdictions do not allow limitations on how long an implied warranty lasts or the exclusion or limitation of incidental or consequential damages, so the above disclaimers, limitations or exclusions, in whole or in part, may not apply to you. 10. ENTIRE AGREEMENT This Software License Agreement is the entire agreement between Xerox and you pertaining to the Software and supersedes all proposals or prior and contemporaneous agreements or understandings of the parties regarding the Software. You agree that any terms and conditions contained in any purchase order or other ordering document submitted to order the Software shall have no binding effect on Xerox and will not modify this Agreement in any way. If, after reading the terms and conditions, they are unacceptable to you, then, to avoid contractual obligations and liability, you should promptly return the software unused, and you will then be entitled to a refund of any sums paid by you to license the Software. Title WorkCentre Pro 40 Color Version 1.2.5 Description DefaultLocation /Library/Printers/PPDs/Contents/Resources DeleteWarning ### Package Flags NeedsAuthorization YES Required NO Relocatable NO RequiresReboot NO UseUserMask NO OverwritePermissions NO InstallFat NO "16" = "This volume does not meet the requirements for this update."; "17" = "Insufficient space for this update. 300MB of space is required."; "18" = "This Package may only be run on Mac OS X, version 10.2 or higher."; trieure."; LICENSE AGREEMENT AND WARRANTY FOR THE ENCLOSED SOFTWARE AND RELATED DOCUMENTATION YOUR LICENSE AGREEMENT - READ BEFORE INSTALLING SOFTWARE IMPORTANT: THIS AGREEMENT CONTAINS THE LICENSE TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR LICENSED SOFTWARE AND RELATED DOCUMENTATION. INSTALLING THE SOFTWARE PACKAGE SIGNIFIES YOUR ACCEPTANCE OF THIS AGREEMENT. IF YOU DO NOT ACCEPT THIS AGREEMENT, YOU MUST PROMPTLY RETURN THE SOFTWARE PACKAGE AND DELETE ANY SOFTWARE FILES ACCESSED BY YOU FROM ANY AND ALL COMPUTER MEMORY INTO WHICH SUCH SOFTWARE HAS BEEN LOADED OR STORED. WHEN USED IN THIS AGREEMENT THE WORD "XEROX" SHALL MEAN XEROX CORPORATION, ITS OPERATING COMPANY SUBSIDIARY OR AFFILIATE FROM WHICH YOU OBTAINED THE XEROX PRODUCT WITH WHICH THE SOFTWARE IS TO BE USED (the "Equipment"), UNLESS YOU OBTAINED THE EQUIPMENT FROM AN AUTHORIZED DEALER, AGENT, CONCESSIONAIRE OR DISTRIBUTOR, IN WHICH CASE "XEROX" SHALL MEAN XEROX CORPORATION, ITS OPERATING COMPANY, SUBSIDIARY OR AFFILIATE FROM WHICH THE ENTITY THAT SOLD YOU THE EQUIPMENT ACQUIRED IT. 1. GRANT OF LICENSE Xerox hereby grants you a non-exclusive, non-transferable license to use the software and related documentation ("Software") enclosed in this package with the Equipment, for as long as you are current in the payment of any indicated software license fees (including any annual renewal or maintenance fees) on the following terms and conditions. 2. USE You may install the Software for use on any networked workstation or server only in conjunction with the Equipment. When networked, other users on the network may access and use the Software in conjunction with the Equipment. 3. OWNERSHIP, COPYING, MODIFICATION AND CONFIDENTIALITY 3.1 Xerox owns or is otherwise entitled to grant licenses in respect of all rights in the Software. 3.2 No title to or ownership of the Software or any proprietary right therein is transferred to you. 3.3 You may, subject to Section 3.4 below, make one copy of the Software in whole or in part only for that purpose expressly permitted in Section 2 above and for back-up. Such permitted copy shall include in readable format any copyright and other proprietary notices contained on the original Software. 3.4 You may copy the related documentation for use only in conjunction with the Equipment. 3.5 You may not distribute, alter or modify nor cause or allow others to alter or modify the Software. 3.6 You agree not to provide or otherwise make available the Software to anyone other than your employees and agents directly concerned with the licensed use of the Software. 3.7 The Software is protected by copyright and other proprietary rights of Xerox and/or a third party. You may be held directly responsible by such third party for an infringement of such rights by you. 3.8 You agree not to reverse engineer, decompile or disassemble the Software for any purpose whatsoever, except to the extent permitted by law. 3.9 You agree not to export or re-export the Software in any form without, in the case of a customer in the United States, first obtaining all United States government licenses, and in the case of a customer outside of the United States, all relevant foreign government licenses, required by law, and then only upon the export of the Equipment. 3.10 Xerox may terminate your license for the Software (i) immediately if you no longer use or possess the Equipment or are a lessor of the Equipment and your first lessee no longer uses or possesses it or (ii) upon the termination of any agreement under which you have rented or leased the Equipment. 4. TRANSFER OF LICENSED SOFTWARE If you transfer possession of the Equipment, Xerox will offer the transferee a license to use the Software on or with it, subject to Xerox' then applicable terms and license fees, if any, and provided the transfer is not in violation of Xerox' rights. 5. LIMITED WARRANTY 5.1 Xerox warrants that the Software shall substantially conform to Xerox' User Manual or other Xerox documentation supplied at delivery to the original Customer. Xerox does not warrant that the operation of the Software will be uninterrupted or error free, nor that it will meet your needs. 5.2 In the event that the Software does not conform to the limited warranty contained in Section 5.1 above, your exclusive remedy is to notify Xerox within ninety (90) days of the date of delivery, and Xerox' or its supplier's sole obligation shall be to use all reasonable efforts to provide a work-around which avoids the nonconformity or to provide you with Software which does substantially conform to the Xerox User Manual or other Xerox supplied documentation. 5.3 XEROX GRANTS NO OTHER WARRANTIES ON THE "SOFTWARE", EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, WHETHER CREATED BY STATUTE OR OTHERWISE, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. XEROX FURTHER DISCLAIMS ANY WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS MADE BY PERSONS OTHER THAN XEROX (INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO XEROX SOFTWARE DEALERS, AGENTS, CONCESSIONAIRES OR DISTRIBUTORS). 5.4 The express warranties set forth above shall be void if you fail to properly use the Software in the appropriate environment as specified in the Xerox supplied documentation or if the Software is modified or altered in any fashion. 6. PATENT AND COPYRIGHT INDEMNIFICATION Xerox will defend and indemnify you if the Software is alleged to infringe, in the United States, any patent, trade secret, or copyright, if you promptly notify Xerox in writing of any alleged infringement, allow Xerox to direct the defense of such claim, and cooperate with Xerox. All notices should be sent to the Xerox Office of General Counsel, P.O. Box 1600, Stamford, Connecticut 06904. Xerox is not responsible for any non-Xerox litigation expenses or settlements unless Xerox pre-approves them in writing. To avoid infringement, Xerox may, at its option, and at no charge to you, obtain a license, or modify, or substitute an equivalent of, or remove the Software. If Software is removed by Xerox for this reason, any designated license fees paid by you will be fully refunded; if no portion of the amounts paid to Xerox within the transaction in which the Software was acquired was designated as a license fee for the Software, Xerox shall refund that portion of the amounts paid that Xerox reasonably designates as associated with the Software's acquisition. Xerox is not liable for any infringement due to the Software being made or modified (by Xerox or others, including you) to your specifications, or being used or sold in combination with equipment, software, or supplies not provided by Xerox. XEROX MAKES NO OTHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTY OF NON-INFRINGEMENT OR LIABILITY FOR INFRINGEMENT OR ANY DAMAGES THEREFROM. 7. LIMITATION OF LIABILITY IN NO EVENT SHALL XEROX OR ITS SUPPLIERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, (INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, LOSS OF DATA) IN ANY WAY ARISING OUT OF OR RELATED TO THE USE OR INABILITY TO USE THE "SOFTWARE", EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. IN NO EVENT SHALL XEROX' DIRECT DAMAGES TO YOU EXCEED THE TOTAL LICENSE FEE ACTUALLY PAID BY YOU FOR SUCH SOFTWARE. 8. TERMINATION Xerox may terminate this license immediately upon notice in the event of a material breach by you or if you no longer use or possess the equipment with which this Software is intended to be used, in which event you shall return to Xerox all copies of the Software, and remove same from all equipment into which such Software may have been loaded by you. 9. GOVERNING LAW This agreement will be governed by the laws of the State of New York, USA or if you acquire the Software outside the USA, by the laws of the country in which you acquired the Equipment, excluding its conflict of laws provisions. Some jurisdictions do not allow limitations on how long an implied warranty lasts or the exclusion or limitation of incidental or consequential damages, so the above disclaimers, limitations or exclusions, in whole or in part, may not apply to you. 10. ENTIRE AGREEMENT This Software License Agreement is the entire agreement between Xerox and you pertaining to the Software and supersedes all proposals or prior and contemporaneous agreements or understandings of the parties regarding the Software. You agree that any terms and conditions contained in any purchase order or other ordering document submitted to order the Software shall have no binding effect on Xerox and will not modify this Agreement in any way. If, after reading the terms and conditions, they are unacceptable to you, then, to avoid contractual obligations and liability, you should promptly return the software unused, and you will then be entitled to a refund of any sums paid by you to license the Software. onstitue l'intgralit de l'accord entre Xerox et le Client concernant le Logiciel et remplace toutes les propositions ou accords antrieurs ou actuels des parties concernant le logiciel. Il annule ce que le Client accepte, l'application de tous les termes et conditions contenus dans un bon de commande du Client pass dans le cadre des prsentes. Si, aprs avoir lu les conditions du prsent contrat, le Client les juge inacceptables, il doit, pour viter les obligations contractuelles, retourner promptement le Logiciel inutilis. Il aura alors droit au remboursement des sommes qu'il a payes pour obtenir le droit d'utiliser le logiciel. ====================================================================== LICENSE AGREEMENT AND WARRANTY FOR THE ENCLOSED SOFTWARE AND RELATED DOCUMENTATION YOUR LICENSE AGREEMENT - READ BEFORE INSTALLING SOFTWARE IMPORTANT: THIS AGREEMENT CONTAINS THE LICENSE TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR LICENSED SOFTWARE AND RELATED DOCUMENTATION. INSTALLING THE SOFTWARE PACKAGE SIGNIFIES YOUR ACCEPTANCE OF THIS AGREEMENT. IF YOU DO NOT ACCEPT THIS AGREEMENT, YOU MUST PROMPTLY RETURN THE SOFTWARE PACKAGE AND DELETE ANY SOFTWARE FILES ACCESSED BY YOU FROM ANY AND ALL COMPUTER MEMORY INTO WHICH SUCH SOFTWARE HAS BEEN LOADED OR STORED. WHEN USED IN THIS AGREEMENT THE WORD "XEROX" SHALL MEAN XEROX CORPORATION, ITS OPERATING COMPANY SUBSIDIARY OR AFFILIATE FROM WHICH YOU OBTAINED THE XEROX PRODUCT WITH WHICH THE SOFTWARE IS TO BE USED (the "Equipment"), UNLESS YOU OBTAINED THE EQUIPMENT FROM AN AUTHORIZED DEALER, AGENT, CONCESSIONAIRE OR DISTRIBUTOR, IN WHICH CASE "XEROX" SHALL MEAN XEROX CORPORATION, ITS OPERATING COMPANY, SUBSIDIARY OR AFFILIATE FROM WHICH THE ENTITY THAT SOLD YOU THE EQUIPMENT ACQUIRED IT. 1. GRANT OF LICENSE Xerox hereby grants you a non-exclusive, non-transferable license to use the software and related documentation ("Software") enclosed in this package with the Equipment, for as long as you are current in the payment of any indicated software license fees (including any annual renewal or maintenance fees) on the following terms and conditions. 2. USE You may install the Software for use on any networked workstation or server only in conjunction with the Equipment. When networked, other users on the network may access and use the Software in conjunction with the Equipment. 3. OWNERSHIP, COPYING, MODIFICATION AND CONFIDENTIALITY 3.1 Xerox owns or is otherwise entitled to grant licenses in respect of all rights in the Software. 3.2 No title to or ownership of the Software or any proprietary right therein is transferred to you. 3.3 You may, subject to Section 3.4 below, make one copy of the Software in whole or in part only for that purpose expressly permitted in Section 2 above and for back-up. Such permitted copy shall include in readable format any copyright and other proprietary notices contained on the original Software. 3.4 You may copy the related documentation for use only in conjunction with the EquipmTitle WorkCentre Pro 40 Color Version 1.2.5 Description DefaultLocation /Library/Printers/PPDs/Contents/Resources DeleteWarning ### Package Flags NeedsAuthorization YES Required NO Relocatable NO RequiresReboot NO UseUserMask NO OverwritePermissions NO InstallFat NO rse engineer, decompile or disassemble the Software for any purpose whatsoever, except to the extent permitted by law. 3.9 You agree not to export or re-export the Software in any form without, in the case of a customer in the United States, first obtaining all United States government licenses, and in the case of a customer outside of the United States, all relevant foreign government licenses, required by law, and then only upon the export of the Equipment. 3.10 Xerox may terminate your license for the Software (i) immediately if you no longer use or possess the Equipment or are a lessor of the Equipment and your first lessee no longer uses or possesses it or (ii) upon the termination of any agreement under which you have rented or leased the Equipment. 4. TRANSFER OF LICENSED SOFTWARE If you transfer possession of the Equipment, Xerox will offer the transferee a license to use the Software on or with it, subject to Xerox' then applicable terms and license fees, if any, and provided the transfer is not in violation of Xerox' rights. 5. LIMITED WARRANTY 5.1 Xerox warrants that the Software shall substantially conform to Xerox' User Manual or other Xerox documentation supplied at delivery to the original Customer. Xerox does not warrant that the operation of the Software will be uninterrupted or error free, nor that it will meet your needs. 5.2 In the event that the Software does not conform to the limited warranty contained in Section 5.1 above, your exclusive remedy is to notify Xerox within ninety (90) days of the date of delivery, and Xerox' or its supplier's sole obligation shall be to use all reasonable efforts to provide a work-around which avoids the nonconformity or to provide you with Software which does substantially conform to the Xerox User Manual or other Xerox supplied documentation. 5.3 XEROX GRANTS NO OTHER WARRANTIES ON THE "SOFTWARE", EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, WHETHER CREATED BY STATUTE OR OTHERWISE, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. XEROX FURTHER DISCLAIMS ANY WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS MADE BY PERSONS OTHER THAN XEROX (INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO XEROX SOFTWARE DEALERS, AGENTS, CONCESSIONAIRES OR DISTRIBUTORS). 5.4 The express warranties set forth above shall be void if you fail to properly use the Software in the appropriate environment as specified in the Xerox supplied documentation or if the Software is modified or altered in any fashion. 6. PATENT AND COPYRIGHT INDEMNIFICATION Xerox will defend and indemnify you if the Software is alleged to infringe, in the United States, any patent, trade secret, or copyright, if you promptly notify Xerox in writing of any alleged infringement, allow Xerox to direct the defense of such claim, and cooperate with Xerox. All notices should be sent to the Xerox Office of General Counsel, P.O. Box 1600, Stamford, Connecticut 06904. Xerox is not responsible for any non-Xerox litigation expenses or settlements unless Xerox pre-approves them in writing. To avoid infringement, Xerox may, at its option, and at no charge to you, obtain a license, or modify, or substitute an equivalent of, or remove the Software. If Software is removed by Xerox for this reason, any designated license fees paid by you will be fully refunded; if no portion of the amounts paid to Xerox within the transaction in which the Software was acquired was designated as a license fee for the Software, Xerox shall refund that portion of the amounts paid that Xerox reasonably desig"16" = "Tm taltio ei tyt pivityksen vaatimuksia."; "17" = "Pivitykselle ei ole riittvsti tilaa. Vaaditaan 300 Mt tilaa."; "18" = "Tm paketti voidaan suorittaa vain Mac OS X:ss, versiossa 10.2 tai uudemmassa."; FOR ANY SPECIAL, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, (INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, LOSS OF DATA) IN ANY WAY ARISING OUT OF OR RELATED TO THE USE OR INABILITY TO USE THE "SOFTWARE", EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. IN NO EVENT SHALL XEROX' DIRECT DAMAGES TO YOU EXCEED THE TOTAL LICENSE FEE ACTUALLY PAID BY YOU FOR SUCH SOFTWARE. 8. TERMINATION Xerox may terminate this license immediately upon notice in the event of a material breach by you or if you no longer use or possess the equipment with which this Software is intended to be used, in which event you shall return to Xerox all copies of the Software, and remove same from all equipment into which such Software may have been loaded by you. 9. GOVERNING LAW This agreement will be governed by the laws of the State of New York, USA or if you acquire the Software outside the USA, by the laws of the country in which you acquired the Equipment, excluding its conflict of laws provisions. Some jurisdictions do not allow limitations on how long an implied warranty lasts or the exclusion or limitation of incidental or consequential damages, so the above disclaimers, limitations or exclusions, in whole or in part, may not apply to you. 10. ENTIRE AGREEMENT This Software License Agreement is the entire agreement between Xerox and you pertaining to the Software and supersedes all proposals or prior and contemporaneous agreements or understandings of the parties regarding the Software. You agree that any terms and conditions contained in any purchase order or other ordering document submitted to order the Software shall have no binding effect on Xerox and will not modify this Agreement in any way. If, after reading the terms and conditions, they are unacceptable to you, then, to avoid contractual obligations and liability, you should promptly return the software unused, and you will then be entitled to a refund of any sums paid by you to license the Software. Tmn lisenssisopimuksen knnksen on tuottanut Xerox Europe, ja se ei ole laillisesti sitova. Knnst seuraava englanninkielinen teksti sit vastoin on laillisesti sitova. ========================================================================= LISENSSISOPIMUS JA TAKUU OHJELMISTOLLE JA SIIHEN LIITTYVLLE DOKUMENTAATIOLLE LISENSSISOPIMUS - LUKEKAA ENNEN OHJELMISTON ASENTAMISTATRKE: TM SOPIMUS SISLT LISENSOITUA OHJELMISTOA JA SIIHEN LIITTYV DOKUMENTAATIOTA KOSKEVAT LISENSSIEHDOT. OHJELMISTON ASENTAMINEN EDELLYTT JA MERKITSEE SIT, ETT HYVKSYTTE TMN SOPIMUKSEN. ELLETTE HYVKSY TT SOPIMUSTA, TEIDN ON VIIPYMTT PALAUTETTAVA OHJELMISTOPAKETTI JA HVITETTV KAIKKI KYTETTVISSNNE OLEVAT OHJELMISTOTIEDOSTOT KAIKISTA TIETOKONEIDEN MUISTILAITTEISTA, JOIHIN NE ON ASENNETTU TAI TALLENNETTU. TSS SOPIMUKSESSA "XEROX" TARKOITTAA XEROX CORPORATIONIA TAI SEN MAAN PAIKALLISTA XEROX-YHTIT, JOSTA OLETTE HANKKINUT XEROX DOCUMENT CENTRE SYSTEM -LAITTEEN ("LAITE"), JONKA YHTEYDESS OHJELMISTOA ON MR KYTT, PAITSI JOS OLETTE HANKKINUT LAITTEEN VALTUUTETULTA JLLEENMYYJLT, AGENTILTA TAI JAKELIJALTA, MISS TAPAUKSESSA "XEROX" TARKOITTAA XEROX CORPORATIONIA TAI PAIKALLISTA XEROX-YHTIT, JOSTA TEILLE LAITTEEN MYYNYT YKSIKK ON HANKKINUT LAITTEEN. 1. LISENSSIN KSITTMT OIKEUDET Xerox mynt teille seuraavassa esitettvin ehdoin lisenssin eli oikeuden kytt tmn pakkauksen sisltm ohjelmistoa ja siihen liittyv dokumentaatiota ("Ohjelmisto") Laitteen yhteydess niin kauan kuin maksatte ajallaan ohjelmistolisenssimaksut (mukaan lukien vuosittaiset pivitys- tai yllpitomaksut). Lisenssi ei mynnet yksinoikeudella, eik sit voida siirt. 2. KYTT Te saatte asentaa Ohjelmiston mihin tahansa verkkoon liitettyyn tyasemaan tai palvelimeen kytettvksi yksinomaan Laitteen yhteydess. Kun Ohjelmisto on asennettu verkkoon, verkon kyttjt saavat kytt sit Laitteen yhteydess. 3. OMISTUSOIKEUS, KOPIOINTI, MUUTTAMINEN JA LUOTTAMUKSELLISUUS 3.1 Xerox omistaa tai sill on muuten oikeus mynt kaikkia Ohjelmistoon liittyvi oikeuksia koskevat lisenssit. 3.2 Sopimus ei siirr teille mitn Ohjelmistoon liittyvi omistus-, tekijn- tai muita oikeuksia. 3.3 Te saatte, alla kohdassa 3.4 sanottu huomioon ottaen, tehd yhden kopion koko Ohjelmistosta tai sen osasta vain yll kohdassa 2 nimenomaisesti mainittuun tarkoitukseen ja varmuuskopioksi. Tllaisessa sallitussa kopiossa on oltava luettavassa muodossa kaikki alkuperisen Ohjelmiston sisltmt tekijnoikeutta ja omistusoikeutta koskevat tiedot. 3.4 Te saatte kopioida ohjelmistoon liittyvn dokumentaation kytettvksi yksinomaan Laitteen yhteydess. 3.5 Te ette saa luovuttaa edelleen, muuttaa ettek muokata Ohjelmistoa ettek antaa muiden muuttaa tai muokata sit. 3.6 Te sitoudutte olemaan antamatta Ohjelmistoa muiden kuin sellaisten tyntekijittenne tai edustajienne kyttn tai saataville, jotka suoraan osallistuvat Ohjelmiston lisenssinmukaiseen kyttn. 3.7 Ohjelmisto on suojattu Xeroxille ja/tai kolmannelle osapuolelle kuuluvilla tekijn- ja muilla oikeuksilla. Tllainen kolmas osapuoli voi suoraankin esitt vaatimuksia teit kohtaan, mikli te loukkaatte kyseisi oikeuksia. 3.8 Te sitoudutte olemaan kntmtt Ohjelmiston koodia tai purkamatta sit mihinkn tarkoitukseen paitsi lain sallimissa rajoissa. 3.9 Te sitoudutte olemaan viemtt Ohjelmistoa maasta missn muodossa ilman lain mahdollisesti edellyttmi Yhdysvaltojen tai muun valtion viranomaisten myntmi lupia ja silloinkin vain Laitteen ulkomaille vientiin liittyen. 3.10 Xerox voi ptt tmn lisenssin voimassaolon (i) vlittmsti, jos te ette en kyt tai teidn hallussanne ei ole Laitetta tai olette Laitteen vuokralleantaja ja ensimminen Laitteen vuokralleottaja ei en kyt tai hnen hallussaan ei ole Laitetta, tai (ii) teidn tekemnne Laitetta koskevan vuokrasopimuksen pttyess. 4. LISENSOIDUN OHJELMISTON SIIRTMINEN Jos siirrtte Laitteen omistusoikeuden, Xerox tarjoaa siirron saajalle oikeuden kytt Ohjelmistoa Laitteessa tai Laitteen yhteydess Xeroxin kyseisen aikana voimassa olevien ehtojen ja mahdollisten lisenssimaksujen mukaisesti, edellytten ett siirto ei vaaranna Xeroxin oikeuksia. 5. RAJOITETTU TAKUU 5.1 Xerox takaa, ett alkuperiselle Asiakkaalle toimitettaessa Ohjelmisto on olennaisilta osiltaan Xeroxin Kyttjn ksikirjan tai muun Xeroxin toimittaman dokumentaation mukainen. Xerox ei takaa Ohjelmiston keskeytyksetnt tai virheetnt toimintaa eik sen soveltuvuutta teidn kytttarkoitukseenne. 5.2 Mikli Ohjelmisto ei ole yll kohdassa 5.1 mainitun rajoitetun takuun mukainen, teidn tulee ilmoittaa siit Xeroxille yhdeksnkymmenen (90) pivn kuluessa toimituspivst, jolloin Xerox tai sen jlleenmyyj on velvollinen kaikin kohtuudella kytettvissn olevin keinoin osoittamaan menetelmn, jolla edell mainittu poikkeavuus vltetn, tai toimittamaan teille sellaisen Ohjelmiston, joka on olennaisilta osiltaan Xeroxin Kyttjn ksikirjan tai muun Xeroxin toimittaman dokumentaation mukainen. Teill ei ole muita oikeuksia eik Xeroxilla ole muita velvollisuuksia Ohjelmiston virheisiin liittyen. 5.3 XEROX EI MYNN "OHJELMISTOLLE" MITN MUUTA SUORAA TAI EPSUORAA, LAKIIN TAI MUUHUN PERUSTUVAA TAKUUTA, EIK XEROX TAKAA TAI SEN OLE KATSOTTAVA TAKAAVAN "OHJELMISTON" KURANTTIUTTA TAI SEN SOVELTUVUUTTA JOHONKIN TIETTYYN TARKOITUKSEEN. XEROX EI MYSKN VASTAA MUIDEN KUIN XEROXIN ANTAMISTA SITOUMUKSISTA TAI TAKUISTA (KOSKIEN MYS XEROX-OHJELMISTOJEN JLLEENMYYJI, AGENTTEJA TAI JAKELIJOITA HEIHIN RAJOITTUMATTA). 5.4 Yll mainitut nimenomaiset takuut raukeavat, mikli te ette kyt Ohjelmistoa oikein ja Xeroxin toimittaman dokumentaation osoittamassa asianmukaisessa ympristss tai mikli Ohjelmistoa muokataan tai muutetaan milln tavalla. 6. PATENTTI- JA TEKIJNOIKEUKSIA KOSKEVAT VAATEET Xerox puolustaa teit ja korvaa teille mahdolliset vahingot, mikli Ohjelmiston vitetn loukkaavan patentti- tai tekijnoikeutta tai liikesalaisuutta Yhdysvalloissa. Tm kuitenkin edellytt, ett te vlittmsti ja kirjallisesti ilmoitatte Xeroxille kaikista vitetyist oikeudenloukkauksista, annatte Xeroxin huolehtia puolustuksesta ja toimitte yhteistyss Xeroxin kanssa. Kaikki ilmoitukset on lhetettv osoitteella: Xerox Office of General Counsel, P.O. Box 1600, Stamford, Connecticut 06904, USA. Xerox ei vastaa Xeroxiin liittymttmist oikeudenkyntikuluista tai sovintoratkaisuista, ellei Xerox ole etukteen hyvksynyt niit kirjallisesti. Oikeudenloukkauksien vlttmiseksi Xerox voi halutessaan ja ilman teille koituvia kustannuksia hankkia lisenssin tai muokata Ohjelmistoa, korvata Ohjelmiston vastaavalla tai poistaa Ohjelmiston. Jos Xerox poistaa Ohjelmiston tst syyst, teille palautetaan teidn maksamanne osoitetut lisenssimaksut tysimrisin; jos mitn osaa Xeroxille maksetuista maksuista, jotka liittyvt Ohjelmiston hankintaan, ei ole osoitettu Ohjelmiston lisenssimaksuksi, Xerox palauttaa maksuista osan, jonka Xerox kohtuudella katsoo liittyneen Ohjelmiston hankintaan. Xerox ei vastaa oikeudenloukkauksista, jotka johtuvat siit, ett Ohjelmisto on tehty tai ett sit on muokattu teidn mritystenne mukaisesti (Xeroxin tai muiden toimesta, te mukaan lukien) tai ett Ohjelmistoa on kytetty tai se on myyty sellaisten laitteiden, ohjelmistojen tai tarvikkeiden yhteydess, joita Xerox ei ole toimittanut. XEROX EI ANNA MITN MUUTA SUORAA TAI EPSUORAA TAKUUTA SIIT, ETT OHJELMISTO EI LOUKKAA TSS MAINITTUJA OIKEUKSIA, EIK HYVKSY MITN MUUTA TAI LAAJEMPAA VASTUUTA LOUKKAUSTEN AIHEUTTAMISTA VAHINGOISTA. 7. VASTUUN RAJOITUS XEROX TAI SEN JLLEENMYYJT EIVT MISSN TAPAUKSESSA VASTAA MISTN VLILLISIST TAI EPSUORISTA TAI ERITYISIST VAHINGOISTA (MUKAAN LUKIEN TIETOJEN MENETYS RAJOITUKSETTA), JOTKA MILLN TAVALLA JOHTUVAT "OHJELMISTON" KYTST TAI KYKENEMTTMYYDEST KYTT "OHJELMISTOA", VAIKKA TLLAISTEN VAHINKOJEN MAHDOLLISUUDESTA OLISI ILMOITETTU. MISSN TAPAUKSESSA XEROXIN KORVAUSVELVOLLISUUS VLITTMIST VAHINGOISTA EI YLIT TEIDN OHJELMISTOSTA MAKSAMAANNE KOKONAISLISENSSIMAKSUA. 8. LISENSSIN PTTYMINEN Xerox voi ptt tmn lisenssin voimassaolon vlittmsti, mikli te olennaisesti rikotte sen ehtoja tai ette en kyt tai teidn hallussanne ei ole Laitetta, jossa tm Ohjelmisto on tarkoitettu kytettvksi. Teidn on tllin palautettava Xeroxille kaikki Ohjelmiston kopiot ja poistettava ne kaikista laitteista, joihin olette ne asentanut. 9. SOVELLETTAVA LAKI Thn sopimukseen sovelletaan Suomen lakia (lainvalintaan liittyvi sntj lukuun ottamatta), edellytten ett olette hankkinut Ohjelmiston kanssa kytettvn Document Centre System -laitteen Suomesta Xerox Oy:lt tai sen valtuuttamalta taholta, mutta muussa tapauksessa thn sopimukseen sovelletaan Yhdysvaltain New Yorkin osavaltion lakia. 10. KOKO SOPIMUS Tm ohjelmistolisenssisopimus on Xeroxin ja teidn vlinen Ohjelmistoa koskeva koko sopimus. Se korvaa kaikki Ohjelmistoa koskevat ehdotukset tai aiemmat sopimukset tai vlipuheet osapuolten vlill. Te hyvksytte sen, ett mitkn teidn tilaukseenne liittyvn asiakirjan ehdot eivt sido Xeroxia eivtk vaikuta milln tavalla thn sopimukseen. Jos ehdot luettuanne ette hyvksy niit, teidn on sopimussidonnaisuuden vlttksenne palautettava Ohjelmisto vlittmsti kyttmttmn. Tllin teill on oikeus saada takaisin kaikki Ohjelmiston kyttoikeudesta maksamanne maksut. ====================================================================== LICENSE AGREEMENT AND WARRANTY FOR THE ENCLOSED SOFTWARE AND RELATED DOCUMENTATION YOUR LICENSE AGREEMENT - READ BEFORE INSTALLING SOFTWARE IMPORTANT: THIS AGREEMENT CONTAINS THE LICENSE TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR LICENSED SOFTWARE AND RELATED DOCUMENTATION. INSTALLING THE SOFTWARE PACKAGE SIGNIFIES YOUR ACCEPTANCE OF THIS AGREEMENT. IF YOU DO NOT ACCEPT THIS AGREEMENT, YOU MUST PROMPTLY RETURN THE SOFTWARE PACKAGE AND DELETE ANY SOFTWARE FILES ACCESSED BY YOU FROM ANY AND ALL COMPUTER MEMORY INTO WHICH SUCH SOFTWARE HAS BEEN LOADED OR STORED. WHEN USED IN THIS AGREEMENT THE WORD "XEROX" SHALL MEAN XEROX CORPORATION, ITS OPERATING COMPANY SUBSIDIARY OR AFFILIATE FROM WHICH YOU OBTAINED THE INDIVIDUAL UNIT OF THE XEROX DOCUMENT CENTRE SYSTEM EQUIPMENT (the "Equipment") WITH WHICH THE SOFTWARE IS TO BE USED, UNLESS YOU OBTAINED THE EQUIPMENT FROM AN AUTHORIZED DEALER, AGENT, CONCESSIONAIRE OR DISTRIBUTOR, IN WHICH CASE "XEROX" SHALL MEAN XEROX CORPORATION, ITS OPERATING COMPANY, SUBSIDIARY OR AFFILIATE FROM WHICH THE ENTITY THAT SOLD YOU THE EQUIPMENT ACQUIRED IT. 1. GRANT OF LICENSE Xerox hereby grants you a non-exclusive, non-transferable license to use the software and related documentation ("Software") enclosed in this package with the Equipment, for as long as you are current in the payment of any indicated software license fees (including any annual renewal or maintenance fees) on the following terms and conditions. 2. USE You may install the Software for use on any networked workstation or server only in conjunction with the Equipment. When networked, other users on the network may access and use the Software in conjunction with the Equipment. 3. OWNERSHIP, COPYING, MODIFICATION AND CONFIDENTIALITY 3.1 Xerox owns or is otherwise entitled to grant licenses in respect of all rights in the Software. 3.2 No title to or ownership of the Software or any proprietary right therein is transferred to you. 3.3 You may, subject to Section 3.4 below, make one copy of the Software in whole or in part only for that purpose expressly permitted in Section 2 above and for back-up. Such permitted copy shall include in readable format any copyright and other proprietary notices contained on the original Software. 3.4 You may copy the related documentation for use only in conjunction with the Equipment. 3.5 You may not distribute, alter or modify nor cause or allow others to alter or modify the Software. 3.6 You agree not to provide or otherwise make available the Software to anyone other than your employees and agents directly concerned with the licensed use of the Software. 3.7 The Software is protected by copyright and other proprietary rights of Xerox and/or a third party. You may be held directly responsible by such third party for an infringement of such rights by you. 3.8 You agree not to reverse engineer, decompile or disassemble the Software for any purpose whatsoever, except to the extent permitted by law. 3.9 You agree not to export or re-export the Software in any form without, in the case of a customer in the United States, first obtaining all United States government licenses, and in the case of a customer outside of the United States, all relevant foreign government licenses, required by law, and then only upon the export of the Equipment. 3.10 Xerox may terminate your license for the Software (i) immediately if you no longer use or possess the Equipment or are a lessor of the Equipment and your first lessee no longer uses or possesses it or (ii) upon the termination of any agreement under which you have rented or leased the Equipment. 4. TRANSFER OF LICENSED SOFTWARE If you transfer possession of the Equipment, Xerox will offer the transferee a license to use the Software on or with it, subject to Xerox' then applicable terms and license fees, if any, and provided the transfer is not in violation of Xerox' rights. 5. LIMITED WARRANTY 5.1 Xerox warrants that the Software shall substantially conform to Xerox' User Manual or other Xerox documentation supplied at delivery to the original Customer. Xerox does not warrant that the operation of the Software will be uninterrupted or error free, nor that it will meet your needs. 5.2 In the event that the Software does not conform to the limited warranty contained in Section 5.1 above, your exclusive remedy is to notify Xerox within ninety (90) days of the date of delivery, and Xerox' or its supplier's sole obligation shall be to use all reasonable efforts to provide a work-around which avoids the nonconformity or to provide you with Software which does substantially conform to the Xerox User Manual or other Xerox supplied documentation. 5.3 XEROX GRANTS NO OTHER WARRANTIES ON THE "SOFTWARE", EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, WHETHER CREATED BY STATUTE OR OTHERWISE, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. XEROX FURTHER DISCLAIMS ANY WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS MADE BY PERSONS OTHER THAN XEROX (INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO XEROX SOFTWARE DEALERS, AGENTS, CONCESSIONAIRES OR DISTRIBUTORS). 5.4 The express warranties set forth above shall be void if you fail to properly use the Software in the appropriate environment as specified in the Xerox supplied documentation or if the Software is modified or altered in any fashion. 6. PATENT AND COPYRIGHT INDEMNIFICATION Xerox will defend and indemnify you if the Software is alleged to infringe, in the United States, any patent, trade secret, or copyright, if you promptly notify Xerox in writing of any alleged infringement, allow Xerox to direct the defense of such claim, and cooperate with Xerox. All notices should be sent to the Xerox Office of General Counsel, P.O. Box 1600, Stamford, Connecticut 06904. Xerox is not responsible for any non-Xerox litigation expenses or settlements unless Xerox pre-approves them in writing. To avoid infringement, Xerox may, at its option, and at no charge to you, obtain a license, or modify, or substitute an equivalent of, or remove the Software. If Software is removed by Xerox for this reason, any designated license fees paid by you will be fully refunded; if no portion of the amounts paid to Xerox within the transaction in which the Software was acquired was designated as a license fee for the Software, Xerox shall refund that portion of the amounts paid that Xerox reasonably designates as associated with the Software's acquisition. Xerox is not liable for any infringement due to the Software being made or modified (by Xerox or others, including you) to your specifications, or being used or sold in combination with equipment, software, or supplies not provided by Xerox. XEROX MAKES NO OTHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTY OF NON-INFRINGEMENT OR LIABILITY FOR INFRINGEMENT OR ANY DAMAGES THEREFROM. 7. LIMITATION OF LIABILITY IN NO EVENT SHALL XEROX OR ITS SUPPLIERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, (INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, LOSS OF DATA) IN ANY WAY ARISING OUT OF OR RELATED TO THE USE OR INABILITY TO USE THE "SOFTWARE", EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. IN NO EVENT SHALL XEROX' DIRECT DAMAGES TO YOU EXCEED THE TOTAL LICENSE FEE ACTUALLY PAID BY YOU FOR SUCH SOFTWARE. 8. TERMINATION Xerox may terminate this license immediately upon notice in the event of a material breach by you or if you no longer use or possess the equipment with which this Software is intended to be used, in which event you shall return to Xerox all copies of the Software, and remove same from all equipment into which such Software may have been loaded by you. 9. GOVERNING LAW This agreement will be governed by the laws of the State of New York, USA or if you acquire the Software outside the USA, by the laws of the country in which you acquired the Document Centre System Equipment with which this software is to be used, excluding its conflict of laws provisions. Some jurisdictions do not allow limitations on how long an implied warranty lasts or the exclusion or limitation of incidental or consequential damages, so the above disclaimers, limitations or exclusions, in whole or in part, may not apply to you. 10. ENTIRE AGREEMENT This Software License Agreement is the entire agreement between Xerox and you pertaining to the Software and supersedes all proposals or prior and contemporaneous agreements or understandings of the parties regarding the Software. You agree that any terms and conditions contained in any purchase order or other ordering document submitted to order the Software shall have no binding effect on Xerox and will not modify this Agreement in any way. If, after reading the terms and conditions, they are unacceptable to you, then, to avoid contractual obligations and liability, you should promptly return the software unused, and you will then be entitled to a refund of any sums paid by you to license the Software. IARY OR AFFILIATE FROM WHICH YOU OBTAINED THE XEROX PRODUCT WITH WHICH THE SOFTWARE IS TO BE USED (the "Equipment"), UNLESS YOU OBTAINED THE EQUIPMENT FROM AN AUTHORIZED DEALER, AGENT, CONCESSIONAIRE OR DISTRIBUTOR, IN WHICH CASE "XEROX" SHALL MEAN XEROX CORPORATION, ITS OPERATING COMPANY, SUBSIDIARY OR AFFILIATE FROM WHICH THE ENTITY THAT SOLD YOU THE EQUIPMENT ACQUIRED IT. 1. GRANT OF LICENSE Xerox hereby grants you a non-exclusive, non-transferable license to use the software and related documentation ("Software") enclosed in this package with the Equipment, for as long as you are current in the payment of any indicated software license fees (including any annual renewal or maintenance fees) on the following terms and conditions. 2. USE You may install the Software for use on any networked workstation or server only in conjunction with the Equipment. When networked, other users on the network may access and use the Software in conjunction with the Equipment. 3. OWNERSHIP, COPYING, MODIFICATION AND CONFIDENTIALITY 3.1 Xerox owns or is otherwise entitled to grant licenses in respect of all rights in the Software. 3.2 No title to or ownership of the Software or any proprietary right therein is transferred to you. 3.3 You may, subject to Section 3.4 below, make one copy of the Software in whole or in part only for that purpose expressly permitted in Section 2 above and for back-up. Such permitted copy shall include in readable format any copyright and other proprieTitle WorkCentre Pro 40 Color Version 1.2.5 Description DefaultLocation /Library/Printers/PPDs/Contents/Resources DeleteWarning ### Package Flags NeedsAuthorization YES Required NO Relocatable NO RequiresReboot NO UseUserMask NO OverwritePermissions NO InstallFat NO d party. You may be held directly responsible by such third party for an infringement of such rights by you. 3.8 You agree not to reverse engineer, decompile or disassemble the Software for any purpose whatsoever, except to the extent permitted by law. 3.9 You agree not to export or re-export the Software in any form without, in the case of a customer in the United States, first obtaining all United States government licenses, and in the case of a customer outside of the United States, all relevant foreign government licenses, required by law, and then only upon the export of the Equipment. 3.10 Xerox may terminate your license for the Software (i) immediately if you no longer use or possess the Equipment or are a lessor of the Equipment and your first lessee no longer uses or possesses it or (ii) upon the termination of any agreement under which you have rented or leased the Equipment. 4. TRANSFER OF LICENSED SOFTWARE If you transfer possession of the Equipment, Xerox will offer the transferee a license to use the Software on or with it, subject to Xerox' then applicable terms and license fees, if any, and provided the transfer is not in violation of Xerox' rights. 5. LIMITED WARRANTY 5.1 Xerox warrants that the Software shall substantially conform to Xerox' User Manual or other Xerox documentation supplied at delivery to the original Customer. Xerox does not warrant that the operation of the Software will be uninterrupted or error free, nor that it will meet your needs. 5.2 In the event that the Software does not conform to the limited warranty contained in Section 5.1 above, your exclusive remedy is to notify Xerox within ninety (90) days of the date of delivery, and Xerox' or its supplier's sole obligation shall be to use all reasonable efforts to provide a work-around which avoids the nonconformity or to provide you with Software which does substantially conform to the Xerox User Manual or other Xerox supplied documentation. 5.3 XEROX GRANTS NO OTHER WARRANTIES ON THE "SOFTWARE", EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, WHETHER CREATED BY STATUTE OR OTHERWISE, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. XEROX FURTHER DISCLAIMS ANY WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS MADE BY PERSONS OTHER THAN XEROX (INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO XEROX SOFTWARE DEALERS, AGENTS, CONCESSIONAIRES OR DISTRIBUTORS). 5.4 The express warranties set forth above shall be void if you fail to properly use the Software in the appropriate environment as specified in the Xerox supplied documentation or if the Software is modified or altered in any fashion. 6. PATENT AND COPYRIGHT INDEMNIFICATION Xerox will defend and indemnify you if the Software is alleged to infringe, in the United States, any patent, trade secret, or copyright, if you promptly notify Xerox in writing of any alleged infringement, allow Xerox to direct the defense of such claim, and cooperate with Xerox. All notices should be sent to the Xerox Office of General Counsel, P.O. Box 1600, Stamford, Connecticut 06904. Xerox is not responsible for any non-Xerox litigation expenses or settlements unless Xerox pre-approves them in writing. To avoid infringement, Xerox may, at its option, and at no charge to you, obtain a license, or modify, or substitute an equivalent of, or remove the Software. If Software is removed by Xerox for this reason, any designated license fees paid by you will be fully refunded; if no portion of the amounts paid to Xerox within the transaction in which the Software was acq"16" = "Ce volume ne remplit pas les conditions requises pour cette mise jour."; "17" = "Espace insuffisant. Cette mise jour requiert au moins 300 Mo d espace disponible."; "18" = "Ce progiciel ne peut tre excut que sur Mac OS X, version 10.2 ou ultrieure."; Xerox may terminate this license immediately upon notice in the event of a material breach by you or if you no longer use or possess the equipment with which this Software is intended to be used, in which event you shall return to Xerox all copies of the Software, and remove same from all equipment into which such Software may have been loaded by you. 9. GOVERNING LAW This agreement will be governed by the laws of the State of New York, USA or if you acquire the Software outside the USA, by the laws of the country in which you acquired the Equipment, excluding its conflict of laws provisions. Some jurisdictions do not allow limitations on how long an implied warranty lasts or the exclusion or limitation of incidental or consequential damages, so the above disclaimers, limitations or exclusions, in whole or in part, may not apply to you. 10. ENTIRE AGREEMENT This Software License Agreement is the entire agreement between Xerox and you pertaining to the Software and supersedes all proposals or prior and contemporaneous agreements or understandings of the parties regarding the Software. You agree that any terms and conditions contained in any purchase order or other ordering document submitted to order the Software shall have no binding effect on Xerox and will not modify this Agreement in any way. If, after reading the terms and conditions, they are unacceptable to you, then, to avoid contractual obligations and liability, you should promptly return the software unused, and you will then be entitled to a refund of any sums paid by you to license the Software. La traduction de ce contrat de licence d'utilisation a t fournie par Xerox Europe et n'oblige pas en droit. Le texte anglais qui suit la traduction a une valeur juridique. ================================================================== CONTRAT DE LICENCE ET GARANTIE POUR LE LOGICIEL ET LA DOCUMENTATION VEUILLEZ LIRE LE CONTRAT DE LICENCE CI-APRES AVANT D'INSTALLER LE LOGICIEL IMPORTANT : CE CONTRAT CONTIENT LES CONDITIONS AUX TERMES DESQUELLES EST CONFERE LE DROIT D'UTILISATION DU LOGICIEL ET DE LA DOCUMENTATION ANNEXE. EN INSTALLANT CE LOGICIEL, LE CLIENT S'ENGAGE A RESPECTER LES TERMES ET CONDITIONS DE CETTE LICENCE. SI LE CLIENT N'ACCEPTE PAS LES CLAUSES DE CE CONTRAT, IL DOIT RETOURNER CE LOGICIEL ET EFFACER TOUS LES FICHIERS AUXQUELS IL A ACCEDE DE TOUTES LES MEMOIRES DANS LESQUELLES CE LOGICIEL A ETE CHARGE OU STOCKE. LE TERME "XEROX" TEL QU'IL EST UTILISE DANS LE PRESENT DOCUMENT DESIGNE XEROX CORPORATION OU LA FILIALE DE XEROX AUPRES DE LAQUELLE LE CLIENT A OBTENU LE PRODUIT XEROX (ci-aprs dnomm "Equipement") AVEC LEQUEL LE LOGICIEL EST UTILISE, SAUF SI LE CLIENT A OBTENU L'EQUIPEMENT AUPRES D'UN REVENDEUR, AGENT, CONCESSIONNAIRE OU DISTRIBUTEUR AGREE, AUQUEL CAS "XEROX" DESIGNE XEROX CORPORATION OU LA FILIALE DE XEROX AUPRES DE LAQUELLE L'EQUIPEMENT A ETE ACQUIS. 1. OCTROI D'UNE LICENCE Xerox consent au Client, par les prsentes, une licence non exclusive et non transfrable d'utilisation du logiciel et de la documentation (ci-aprs dnomms "Logiciel") fournis avec l'Equipement, sous rserve de paiement des droits de licence requis (y compris les droits de renouvellement annuels), selon les conditions suivantes. 2. DROIT D'UTILISATION Le Client peut installer le Logiciel, seule fin d'utilisation avec l'Equipement, sur tout serveur ou poste de travail rseau. Si l'Equipement est connect au rseau, les autres utilisateurs du rseau peuvent accder au Logiciel et l'utiliser avec l'Equipement. 3. PROPRIETE, COPIE, MODIFICATION ET CONFIDENTIALITE 3.1 Xerox est propritaire ou dispose du droit de consentir des licences portant sur tous les droits relatifs au Logiciel. 3.2 Aucun droit de proprit sur le Logiciel n'est transfr au Client. 3.3 Sous rserve de l'application de la clause 3.4, le Client peut copier le Logiciel en entier ou en partie mais seulement pour les besoins expressment noncs dans la clause 2 ci-dessus ou comme copie de sauvegarde. Chaque copie doit inclure sous une forme lisible toutes les indications tout brevet, marque ou droit d'auteur mentionns sur le Logiciel d'origine. 3.4 Le Client peut copier la documentation seule fin d'utilisation avec l'Equipement. 3.5 Le Client ne peut ni distribuer ni modifier ou changer le Logiciel ni le faire modifier par un tiers. 3.6 Le Client ne doit pas fournir ou mettre disposition le Logiciel toute personne autre que ses employs et agents directement concerns par le droit d'utilisation du Logiciel. 3.7 Le Logiciel est protg par le droit d'auteur et les autres droits de proprit de Xerox ainsi que, en fonction du type de Logiciel, d'un tiers. Le Client peut tre tenu directement responsable par ce tiers de toute violation des droits de ce dernier. 3.8 Le Client ne doit en aucun cas reconstituer la logique du programme, dcompiler ou dsassembler le Logiciel sous licence, sauf dans les limites autorises par la loi. 3.9 Le Client accepte de ne pas exporter ou rexporter le Logiciel de quelque faon que ce soit sans avoir obtenu au pralable toutes les licences des Etats-Unis ou des gouvernements trangers exiges par la loi du pays o rside le Client et sous rserve d'exportation de l'Equipement. 3.10 Xerox peut mettre fin au contrat (i) sans pravis si le Client n'utilise plus ou ne possde plus l'Equipement ou, en cas de bail, si le premier preneur ne l'utilise plus ou ne le possde plus ou (ii) la date d'expiration du contrat de location ou de leasing de l'Equipement. 4. TRANSFERT DU LOGICIEL SOUS LICENCE Si le Client transfre la proprit de l'Equipement, Xerox fournira au nouveau propritaire une licence d'utilisation pour le Logiciel, selon les conditions applicables par Xerox et, le cas chant, moyennant des droits de licence, sous rserve que le transfert n'entrane pas une violation des droits de Xerox. 5. GARANTIE LIMITEE 5.1 Xerox garantit que le Logiciel est conforme aux spcifications du manuel d'utilisation ou celles de toute autre documentation fournie par Xerox la livraison au premier Client. Xerox ne garantit pas que le Logiciel fonctionnera de faon ininterrompue ou sans erreur, ni qu'il rponde aux exigences du Client. 5.2 En cas de non conformit aux conditions dfinies au paragraphe 5.1, le seul recours du Client est d'en informer Xerox dans un dlai maximum de 90 jours compter de la date de livraison, la seule obligation de Xerox ou de son fournisseur tant de fournir une correction pour annuler la non conformit, ou de remplacer le Logiciel par un Logiciel conforme aux spcifications du manuel d'utilisation ou celles de toute autre documentation fournie par Xerox. 5.3 XEROX NE FOURNIT AUCUNE AUTRE GARANTIE SUR LE "LOGICIEL", EXPRESSE OU IMPLICITE, QU'ELLE RESULTE OU NON DE LA LOI, Y COMPRIS SANS TOUTEFOIS S'Y LIMITER LA GARANTIE D'ADAPTABILITE A UNE UTILISATION PARTICULIERE. XEROX DECLINE EN OUTRE TOUTE RESPONSABILITE OU GARANTIE DONNEE PAR DES PERSONNES AUTRES QUE XEROX (Y COMPRIS SANS TOUTEFOIS S'Y LIMITER SES DISTRIBUTEURS, AGENTS, CONCESSIONNAIRES ET REVENDEURS). 5.4 Toute modification du Logiciel ou utilisation dans un environnement autre que celui dcrit dans la documentation fournie par Xerox annule les garanties stipules ci-dessus. 6. VIOLATION DES DROITS DE PROPRIETE INTELLECTUELLE Au cas o le Client serait poursuivi par des tiers sur le fondement d'une prtendue violation des droits de brevet, secret professionnel ou droits d'auteur, par le Logiciel sous licence, dans le pays d'enregistrement de la socit Xerox qui a fourni le Logiciel au Client, Xerox assumera la dfense du Client contre ces revendications et les consquences pcuniaires d'une dcision judiciaire dfinitive, la condition que le Client informe Xerox immdiatement et par crit de la prtendue violation et que le Client accepte l'intervention de Xerox et coopre au rglement d'un ventuel litige. Le courrier sera envoy Xerox Office of General Counsel, P.O. Box 1600, Stamford, Connecticut 06904. La socit Xerox ne prendra en charge que les dpenses de procdure et rglements qu'elle aura expressment accepts par crit. Afin d'viter toute infraction, mme non allgue, Xerox peut dcider, et cela sans aucun frais pour le Client, d'obtenir une licence, ou de fournir un quivalent du Logiciel, ou de modifier ou retirer le Logiciel. Dans ce dernier cas, Xerox remboursera les droits de licence pays par le Client pour ce Logiciel ; si aucune partie de la somme paye Xerox lors de la transaction au cours de laquelle le Logiciel a t acquis n'a t dsigne comme droit de licence pour le Logiciel, Xerox remboursera la partie des frais associe selon Xerox l'acquisition du Logiciel. Xerox ne rpond pas des infractions dues la modification du Logiciel (par Xerox ou toute autre personne, y compris le Client) selon les spcifications du Client ou l'utilisation conjointe du Logiciel sous licence et d'autres logiciels, matriels ou produits non fournis par Xerox. XEROX NE DONNE AUCUNE GARANTIE EXPRESSE OU TACITE DE NON VIOLATION DESDITS DROITS. SA RESPONSABILITE NE SAURAIT ETRE ENGAGEE AU TITRE D'UNE VIOLATION AUTRE QUE CELLE MENTIONNEE CI-DESSUS OU DE TOUT DOMMAGE QUI EN RESULTERAIT. 7. RESPONSABILITE LIMITEE XEROX OU SES FOURNISSEURS NE SAURAIENT ETRE TENUS POUR RESPONSABLES, SANS QUE CETTE LISTE SOIT LIMITATIVE, DES DOMMAGES INDIRECTS (Y COMPRIS LA PERTE DE DONNEES) PROVENANT DE OU LIES A L'UTILISATION OU L'IMPOSSIBILITE D'UTILISATION DU LOGICIEL, MEME SI XEROX A ETE AVISEE DE L'EVENTUALITE DE TELS DOMMAGES, A MOINS QUE LA LOI APPLICABLE AU CONTRAT N'EN DISPOSE AUTREMENT. EN TOUT ETAT DE CAUSE, LA RESPONSABILITE DE XEROX EN MATIERE DE DOMMAGES DIRECTS NE POURRA EN AUCUN CAS EXCEDER LES DROITS DE LICENCE PAYES PAR LE CLIENT POUR L'ACHAT DE CE LOGICIEL. 8. FIN DU CONTRAT Xerox peut mettre fin au contrat sans pravis en cas de manquement du Client l'une quelconque de ses obligations ou si le Client n'utilise ou ne possde plus l'quipement pour lequel le Logiciel devait tre utilis. Dans ce cas, le Client devra retourner Xerox toutes les copies du Logiciel et retirer ce dernier de tous les quipements sur lesquels il a pu tre charg par le Client. 9. LOI APPLICABLE Le prsent contrat est rgi par les lois de l'tat de New York, Etats-Unis, ou du pays d'enregistrement de la socit Xerox qui a fourni l'quipement, nonobstant tout conflit de dispositions lgales. Certaines juridictions ne permettent pas la limitation de dure d'une garantie implicite ou l'exclusion ou la limitation de responsabilit relative aux dommages indirects ou conscutifs. Certaines clauses ci-dessus peuvent donc en tout ou partie ne pas s'appliquer votre gard. 10. PORTEE DU CONTRAT Le prsent Contrat constitue l'intgralit de l'accord entre Xerox et le Client concernant le Logiciel et remplace toutes les propositions ou accords antrieurs ou actuels des parties concernant le logiciel. Il annule ce que le Client accepte, l'application de tous les termes et conditions contenus dans un bon de commande du Client pass dans le cadre des prsentes. Si, aprs avoir lu les conditions du prsent contrat, le Client les juge inacceptables, il doit, pour viter les obligations contractuelles, retourner promptement le Logiciel inutilis. Il aura alors droit au remboursement des sommes qu'il a payes pour obtenir le droit d'utiliser le logiciel. ====================================================================== LICENSE AGREEMENT AND WARRANTY FOR THE ENCLOSED SOFTWARE AND RELATED DOCUMENTATION YOUR LICENSE AGREEMENT - READ BEFORE INSTALLING SOFTWARE IMPORTANT: THIS AGREEMENT CONTAINS THE LICENSE TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR LICENSED SOFTWARE AND RELATED DOCUMENTATION. INSTALLING THE SOFTWARE PACKAGE SIGNIFIES YOUR ACCEPTANCE OF THIS AGREEMENT. IF YOU DO NOT ACCEPT THIS AGREEMENT, YOU MUST PROMPTLY RETURN THE SOFTWARE PACKAGE AND DELETE ANY SOFTWARE FILES ACCESSED BY YOU FROM ANY AND ALL COMPUTER MEMORY INTO WHICH SUCH SOFTWARE HAS BEEN LOADED OR STORED. WHEN USED IN THIS AGREEMENT THE WORD "XEROX" SHALL MEAN XEROX CORPORATION, ITS OPERATING COMPANY SUBSIDIARY OR AFFILIATE FROM WHICH YOU OBTAINED THE XEROX PRODUCT WITH WHICH THE SOFTWARE IS TO BE USED (the "Equipment"), UNLESS YOU OBTAINED THE EQUIPMENT FROM AN AUTHORIZED DEALER, AGENT, CONCESSIONAIRE OR DISTRIBUTOR, IN WHICH CASE "XEROX" SHALL MEAN XEROX CORPORATION, ITS OPERATING COMPANY, SUBSIDIARY OR AFFILIATE FROM WHICH THE ENTITY THAT SOLD YOU THE EQUIPMENT ACQUIRED IT. 1. GRANT OF LICENSE Xerox hereby grants you a non-exclusive, non-transferable license to use the software and related documentation ("Software") enclosed in this package with the Equipment, for as long as you are current in the payment of any indicated software license fees (including any annual renewal or maintenance fees) on the following terms and conditions. 2. USE You may install the Software for use on any networked workstation or server only in conjunction with the Equipment. When networked, other users on the network may access and use the Software in conjunction with the Equipment. 3. OWNERSHIP, COPYING, MODIFICATION AND CONFIDENTIALITY 3.1 Xerox owns or is otherwise entitled to grant licenses in respect of all rights in the Software. 3.2 No title to or ownership of the Software or any proprietary right therein is transferred to you. 3.3 You may, subject to Section 3.4 below, make one copy of the Software in whole or in part only for that purpose expressly permitted in Section 2 above and for back-up. Such permitted copy shall include in readable format any copyright and other proprietary notices contained on the original Software. 3.4 You may copy the related documentation for use only in conjunction with the Equipment. 3.5 You may not distribute, alter or modify nor cause or allow others to alter or modify the Software. 3.6 You agree not to provide or otherwise make available the Software to anyone other than your employees and agents directly concerned with the licensed use of the Software. 3.7 The Software is protected by copyright and other proprietary rights of Xerox and/or a third party. You may be held directly responsible by such third party for an infringement of such rights by you. 3.8 You agree not to reverse engineer, decompile or disassemble the Software for any purpose whatsoever, except to the extent permitted by law. 3.9 You agree not to export or re-export the Software in any form without, in the case of a customer in the United States, first obtaining all United States government licenses, and in the case of a customer outside of the United States, all relevant foreign government licenses, required by law, and then only upon the export of the Equipment. 3.10 Xerox may terminate your license for the Software (i) immediately if you no longer use or possess the Equipment or are a lessor of the Equipment and your first lessee no longer uses or possesses it or (ii) upon the termination of any agreement under which you have rented or leased the Equipment. 4. TRANSFER OF LICENSED SOFTWARE If you transfer possession of the Equipment, Xerox will offer the transferee a license to use the Software on or with it, subject to Xerox' then applicable terms and license fees, if any, and provided the transfer is not in violation of Xerox' rights. 5. LIMITED WARRANTY 5.1 Xerox warrants that the Software shall substantially conform to Xerox' User Manual or other Xerox documentation supplied at delivery to the original Customer. Xerox does not warrant that the operation of the Software will be uninterrupted or error free, nor that it will meet your needs. 5.2 In the event that the Software does not conform to the limited warranty contained in Section 5.1 above, your exclusive remedy is to notify Xerox within ninety (90) days of the date of delivery, and Xerox' or its supplier's sole obligation shall be to use all reasonable efforts to provide a work-around which avoids the nonconformity or to provide you with Software which does substantially conform to the Xerox User Manual or other Xerox supplied documentation. 5.3 XEROX GRANTS NO OTHER WARRANTIES ON THE "SOFTWARE", EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, WHETHER CREATED BY STATUTE OR OTHERWISE, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. XEROX FURTHER DISCLAIMS ANY WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS MADE BY PERSONS OTHER THAN XEROX (INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO XEROX SOFTWARE DEALERS, AGENTS, CONCESSIONAIRES OR DISTRIBUTORS). 5.4 The express warranties set forth above shall be void if you fail to properly use the Software in the appropriate environment as specified in the Xerox supplied documentation or if the Software is modified or altered in any fashion. 6. PATENT AND COPYRIGHT INDEMNIFICATION Xerox will defend and indemnify you if the Software is alleged to infringe, in the United States, any patent, trade secret, or copyright, if you promptly notify Xerox in writing of any alleged infringement, allow Xerox to direct the defense of such claim, and cooperate with Xerox. All notices should be sent to the Xerox Office of General Counsel, P.O. Box 1600, Stamford, Connecticut 06904. Xerox is not responsible for any non-Xerox litigation expenses or settlements unless Xerox pre-approves them in writing. To avoid infringement, Xerox may, at its option, and at no charge to you, obtain a license, or modify, or substitute an equivalent of, or remove the Software. If Software is removed by Xerox for this reason, any designated license fees paid by you will be fully refunded; if no portion of the amounts paid to Xerox within the transaction in which the Software was acquired was designated as a license fee for the Software, Xerox shall refund that portion of the amounts paid that Xerox reasonably designates as associated with the Software's acquisition. Xerox is not liable for any infringement due to the Software being made or modified (by Xerox or others, including you) to your specifications, or being used or sold in combination with equipment, software, or supplies not provided by Xerox. XEROX MAKES NO OTHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTY OF NON-INFRINGEMENT OR LIABILITY FOR INFRINGEMENT OR ANY DAMAGES THEREFROM. 7. LIMITATION OF LIABILITY IN NO EVENT SHALL XEROX OR ITS SUPPLIERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, (INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, LOSS OF DATA) IN ANY WAY ARISING OUT OF OR RELATED TO THE USE OR INABILITY TO USE THE "SOFTWARE", EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. IN NO EVENT SHALL XEROX' DIRECT DAMAGES TO YOU EXCEED THE TOTAL LICENSE FEE ACTUALLY PAID BY YOU FOR SUCH SOFTWARE. 8. TERMINATION Xerox may terminate this license immediately upon notice in the event of a material breach by you or if you no longer use or possess the equipment with which this Software is intended to be used, in which event you shall return to Xerox all copies of the Software, and remove same from all equipment into which such Software may have been loaded by you. 9. GOVERNING LAW This agreement will be governed by the laws of the State of New York, USA or if you acquire the Software outside the USA, by the laws of the country in which you acquired the Equipment, excluding its conflict of laws provisions. Some jurisdictions do not allow limitations on how long an implied warranty lasts or the exclusion or limitation of incidental or consequential damages, so the above disclaimers, limitations or exclusions, in whole or in part, may not apply to you. 10. ENTIRE AGREEMENT This Software License Agreement is the entire agreement between Xerox and you pertaining to the Software and supersedes all proposals or prior and contemporaneous agreements or understandings of the parties regarding the Software. You agree that any terms and conditions contained in any purchase order or other ordering document submitted to order the Software shall have no binding effect on Xerox and will not modify this Agreement in any way. If, after reading the terms and conditions, they are unacceptable to you, then, to avoid contractual obligations and liability, you should promptly return the software unused, and you will then be entitled to a refund of any sums paid by you to license the Software. TWARE PACKAGE SIGNIFIES YOUR ACCEPTANCE OF THIS AGREEMENT. IF YOU DO NOT ACCEPT THIS AGREEMENT, YOU MUST PROMPTLY RETURN THE SOFTWARE PACKAGE AND DELETE ANY SOFTWARE FILES ACCESSED BY YOU FROM ANY AND ALL COMPUTER MEMORY INTO WHICH SUCH SOFTWARE HAS BEEN LOADED OR STORED. WHEN USED IN THIS AGREEMENT THE WORD "XEROX" SHALL MEAN XEROX CORPORATION, ITS OPERATING COMPANY SUBSIDIARY OR AFFILIATE FROM WHICH YOU OBTAINED THE INDIVIDUAL UNIT OF THE XEROX DOCUMENT CENTRE SYSTEM EQUIPMENT (the "Equipment") WITH WHICH THE SOFTWARE IS TO BE USED, UNLESS YOU OBTAINED THE EQUIPMENT FROM AN AUTHORIZED DEALER, AGENT, CONCESSIONAIRE OR DISTRIBUTOR, IN WHICH CASE "XEROX" SHALL MEAN XEROX CORPORATION, ITS OPERATING COMPANY, SUBSIDIARY OR AFFILIATE FROM WHICH THE ENTITY THAT SOLD YOU THE EQUIPMENT ACQUIRED IT. 1. GRANT OF LICENSE Xerox hereby grants you a non-exclusive, non-transferable license to use the software and related documentation ("Software") enclosed in this package with the Equipment, for as long as you are current in the payment of any indicated software license fees (including any annual renewal or maintenance fees) on the following terms and conditions. 2. USE You may install the Software for use on any networked workstation or server only in conjunction with the Equipment. When networked, other users on the network may access and use the Software in conjunction with the Equipment. 3. OWNERSHIP, COPYING, MODIFICATION AND CONFIDENTIALITY 3.1 Xerox owns or is otherwise enTitle WorkCentre Pro 40 Color Version 1.2.5 Description DefaultLocation /Library/Printers/PPDs/Contents/Resources DeleteWarning ### Package Flags NeedsAuthorization YES Required NO Relocatable NO RequiresReboot NO UseUserMask NO OverwritePermissions NO InstallFat NO ation for use only in conjunction with the Equipment. 3.5 You may not distribute, alter or modify nor cause or allow others to alter or modify the Software. 3.6 You agree not to provide or otherwise make available the Software to anyone other than your employees and agents directly concerned with the licensed use of the Software. 3.7 The Software is protected by copyright and other proprietary rights of Xerox and/or a third party. You may be held directly responsible by such third party for an infringement of such rights by you. 3.8 You agree not to reverse engineer, decompile or disassemble the Software for any purpose whatsoever, except to the extent permitted by law. 3.9 You agree not to export or re-export the Software in any form without, in the case of a customer in the United States, first obtaining all United States government licenses, and in the case of a customer outside of the United States, all relevant foreign government licenses, required by law, and then only upon the export of the Equipment. 3.10 Xerox may terminate your license for the Software (i) immediately if you no longer use or possess the Equipment or are a lessor of the Equipment and your first lessee no longer uses or possesses it or (ii) upon the termination of any agreement under which you have rented or leased the Equipment. 4. TRANSFER OF LICENSED SOFTWARE If you transfer possession of the Equipment, Xerox will offer the transferee a license to use the Software on or with it, subject to Xerox' then applicable terms and license fees, if any, and provided the transfer is not in violation of Xerox' rights. 5. LIMITED WARRANTY 5.1 Xerox warrants that the Software shall substantially conform to Xerox' User Manual or other Xerox documentation supplied at delivery to the original Customer. Xerox does not warrant that the operation of the Software will be uninterrupted or error free, nor that it will meet your needs. 5.2 In the event that the Software does not conform to the limited warranty contained in Section 5.1 above, your exclusive remedy is to notify Xerox within ninety (90) days of the date of delivery, and Xerox' or its supplier's sole obligation shall be to use all reasonable efforts to provide a work-around which avoids the nonconformity or to provide you with Software which does substantially conform to the Xerox User Manual or other Xerox supplied documentation. 5.3 XEROX GRANTS NO OTHER WARRANTIES ON THE "SOFTWARE", EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, WHETHER CREATED BY STATUTE OR OTHERWISE, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. XEROX FURTHER DISCLAIMS ANY WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS MADE BY PERSONS OTHER THAN XEROX (INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO XEROX SOFTWARE DEALERS, AGENTS, CONCESSIONAIRES OR DISTRIBUTORS). 5.4 The express warranties set forth above shall be void if you fail to properly use the Software in the appropriate environment as specified in the Xerox supplied documentation or if the Software is modified or altered in any fashion. 6. PATENT AND COPYRIGHT INDEMNIFICATION Xerox will defend and indemnify you if the Software is alleged to infringe, in the United States, any patent, trade secret, or copyright, if you promptly notify Xerox in writing of any alleged infringement, allow Xerox to direct the defense of such claim, and cooperate with Xerox. All notices should be sent to the Xerox Office of General Counsel, P.O. Box 1600, Stamford, Connecticut 06904. Xerox is not responsible for any non-Xerox litigation expenses"16" = "Este volumen no cumple los requisitos para instalar esta actualizacin."; "17" = "No hay espacio suficiente para instalar esta actualizacin: se requieren 300 MB."; "18" = "Este paquete slo puede ejecutarse en el Mac OS X 10.2 o en una versin posterior."; N NO EVENT SHALL XEROX OR ITS SUPPLIERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, (INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, LOSS OF DATA) IN ANY WAY ARISING OUT OF OR RELATED TO THE USE OR INABILITY TO USE THE "SOFTWARE", EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. IN NO EVENT SHALL XEROX' DIRECT DAMAGES TO YOU EXCEED THE TOTAL LICENSE FEE ACTUALLY PAID BY YOU FOR SUCH SOFTWARE. 8. TERMINATION Xerox may terminate this license immediately upon notice in the event of a material breach by you or if you no longer use or possess the equipment with which this Software is intended to be used, in which event you shall return to Xerox all copies of the Software, and remove same from all equipment into which such Software may have been loaded by you. 9. GOVERNING LAW This agreement will be governed by the laws of the State of New York, USA or if you acquire the Software outside the USA, by the laws of the country in which you acquired the Document Centre System Equipment with which this software is to be used, excluding its conflict of laws provisions. Some jurisdictions do not allow limitations on how long an implied warranty lasts or the exclusion or limitation of incidental or consequential damages, so the above disclaimers, limitations or exclusions, in whole or in part, may not apply to you. 10. ENTIRE AGREEMENT This Software License Agreement is the entire agreement between Xerox and you pertaining to the Software and supersedes all proposals or prior and contemporaneous agreements or understandings of the parties regarding the Software. You agree that any terms and conditions contained in any purchase order or other ordering document submitted to order the Software shall have no binding effect on Xerox and will not modify this Agreement in any way. If, after reading the terms and conditions, they are unacceptable to you, then, to avoid contractual obligations and liability, you should promptly return the software unused, and you will then be entitled to a refund of any sums paid by you to license the Software. La traduccin de este acuerdo de licencia la proporciona Xerox Europe y no tiene fuerza legal. El texto en ingls, incluido a continuacin del texto traducido, tiene fuerza legal. ======================================================================= CONTRATO DE LICENCIA Y GARANTA DEL SOFTWARE INCLUIDO EN ESTE PAQUETE Y LA DOCUMENTACIN RELACIONADA CONTRATO DE LICENCIA. LALO ANTES DE INSTALAR EL SOFTWARE. IMPORTANTE: ESTE CONTRATO CONTIENE LOS TRMINOS Y CONDICIONES DE LA LICENCIA PARA EL SOFTWARE CEDIDO EN LICENCIA Y LA DOCUMENTACIN RELACIONADA. SI INSTALA EL SOFTWARE SIGNIFICA QUE ACEPTA EL CONTRATO. SI NO ACEPTA EL CONTRATO, DEBE DEVOLVER EL PAQUETE DE SOFTWARE SIN USARLO Y ELIMINAR TODOS LOS ARCHIVOS DE SOFTWARE A LOS QUE HAYA ACCEDIDO EN CUALQUIERA Y TODAS LAS MEMORIAS DE LOS SISTEMAS INFORMTICOS EN LOS QUE HAYA CARGADO O ALMACENADO DICHO SOFTWARE. LA PALABRA "XEROX", CUANDO SE UTILIZA EN ESTE CONTRATO, SIGNIFICAR XEROX CORPORATION, SU COMPAA OPERATIVA, FILIAL O ASOCIADA DE LA QUE HA OBTENIDO EL PRODUCTO XEROX (el "Equipo") CON EL QUE SE VAYA A UTILIZAR EL SOFTWARE, A MENOS QUE HAYA ADQUIRIDO EL EQUIPO A TRAVS DE UN DISTRIBUIDOR, CONCESIONARIO O AGENTE AUTORIZADO, EN CUYO CASO, "XEROX" SIGNIFICAR XEROX CORPORATION, SU COMPAA OPERATIVA, FILIAL O ASOCIADA DE LA QUE OBTUVO EL EQUIPO LA ENTIDAD QUE SE LO HA VENDIDO. 1. CONCESIN DE LICENCIA Por el presente contrato Xerox le concede una licencia no exclusiva e intransferible para utilizar el software y la documentacin relacionada ("Software"), incluidos en este paquete, con el Equipo, siempre que est al corriente en el pago de los derechos de licencia, si los hay (incluida la cuota anual de renovacin, si hay), sujeto a los trminos y condiciones siguientes: 2. UTILIZACIN Puede instalar el Software para utilizarlo en cualquier estacin de trabajo o servidor conectado en red solamente en combinacin con el Equipo. Cuando est conectado en red, otros usuarios de la red pueden acceder al Software y utilizarlo en combinacin con el Equipo. 3. PROPIEDAD, COPIAS, MODIFICACIONES Y CONFIDENCIALIDAD 3.1 Xerox posee todos los derechos del Software, o de lo contrario tiene derecho a conceder licencias en relacin con el Software. 3.2 No se le transfiere la propiedad del Software ni ningn derecho de propiedad de l. 3.3 Puede, de acuerdo con la seccin 3.4 siguiente, hacer una copia de todo o parte del Software slo con el fin expresamente permitido en la seccin 2 ms arriba y para tener copia de seguridad. Dicha copia permitida incluir en formato legible cualquier aviso de derechos de autor (copyright) y otros avisos de propiedad que haya en el Software original. 3.4 Puede copiar la documentacin relacionada solamente para utilizarla en combinacin con el Equipo. 3.5 No puede distribuir, ni alterar ni modificar el software, ni hacer ni permitir que otros lo alteren o modifiquen. 3.6 Acepta no proveer ni poner el Software a disposicin de nadie excepto sus empleados y agentes directamente afectados por el uso bajo licencia del Software. 3.7 El Software est protegido por los derechos de autor y otros derechos de propiedad de Xerox y/o una tercera parte. Dicha tercera parte puede considerarle responsable de una infraccin de dichos derechos por parte de usted. 3.8 Acepta no realizar ingeniera inversa, descompilar ni desensamblar el Software por ningn motivo, excepto en la medida que lo permita la ley. 3.9 Acepta no exportar o reexportar el Software de ninguna manera sin primero obtener, en el caso de un cliente de los Estados Unidos, todas las licencias necesarias de las autoridades de los Estados Unidos, y en el caso de un cliente de fuera de los Estados Unidos, todas las licencias pertinentes de las autoridades del pas correspondiente, exigidas por la ley, y an as la exportacin ser nicamente junto con la exportacin del Equipo. 3.10 Xerox podr terminar la licencia del Software (i) inmediatamente si ya no utiliza o no posee el Equipo, o si es un arrendador del Equipo y su primer arrendatario ya no utiliza o no posee el Equipo o (ii) al concluir el contrato de arrendamiento o concesin del Equipo 4. TRANSFERENCIA DEL SOFTWARE BAJO LICENCIA Si transfiere la propiedad del Equipo, Xerox ofrecer al cesionario una licencia para utilizar el Software con l o en l, sujeto a los trminos y derechos de licencia, si los hubiera, de Xerox aplicables en aquel momento y siempre que la transferencia no infrinja los derechos de Xerox. 5. GARANTA LIMITADA 5.1 Xerox garantiza que el Software se ajustar substancialmente al Manual del usuario de Xerox, u otra documentacin de Xerox, suministrado en el momento de la entrega al Cliente original. Xerox no garantiza que el funcionamiento del Software ser ininterrumpido o libre de errores, ni que satisfar sus requisitos. 5.2 En caso de que el Software no se ajuste a la garanta limitada expresada en la seccin 5.1 anterior, la nica solucin del Cliente ser notificarlo a Xerox en el plazo de noventa (90) das a partir de la fecha de entrega y la nica obligacin de Xerox o de su proveedor ser realizar todos los esfuerzos razonables para proveer una solucin que haga que el software se ajuste a la garanta limitada, o proveer al Cliente con un Software que se ajuste substancialmente al Manual del usuario de Xerox u otra documentacin Xerox suministrada. 5.3 XEROX NO CONCEDE NINGUNA OTRA GARANTA DEL "SOFTWARE", NI EXPRESA NI PRESUPUESTA, ESTATUTARIA NI DE OTRO TIPO, INCLUIDAS SIN LIMITACIN LAS GARANTAS PRESUPUESTAS DE SER APTO PARA EL COMERCIO Y ADECUADO PARA UN FIN DETERMINADO. XEROX ADEMS DECLINA LA RESPONSABILIDAD DE CUALESQUIERA GARANTAS DADAS POR PERSONAS APARTE DE XEROX (INCLUIDOS PERO NO LIMITADOS A ELLOS LOS DISTRIBUIDORES, AGENTES Y CONCESIONARIOS DEL SOFTWARE XEROX). 5.4 Las garantas expresas enunciadas ms arriba sern nulas si no utiliza debidamente el Software en el entorno apropiado como se especifique en la documentacin de Xerox suministrada o si el Software se modifica o altera de alguna manera. 6. INDEMNIZACIN POR PATENTE Y DERECHOS DE AUTOR Xerox defender e indemnizar al Cliente si se alega que el Software infringe, en los Estados Unidos, cualquier patente, secreto comercial o derechos de autor, siempre que el Cliente avise por escrito a Xerox con prontitud de cualquier supuesta infraccin, permita que Xerox defienda dicha alegacin y coopere con Xerox. Todas las notificaciones debern enviarse a Xerox Office of General Counsel, P.O. Box 1600, Stamford, Connecticut 06904, Estados Unidos. Xerox no es responsable de ningn gasto o pago por litigios ajenos a Xerox a menos que Xerox conceda su acuerdo por escrito. Para evitar infracciones, Xerox puede, a su discrecin, y sin ningn cargo al Cliente, obtener una licencia o modificar, sustituir con uno equivalente, o retirar el Software. Si Xerox retira el Software por este motivo, se le reembolsar al Cliente la cantidad total designada como derechos de licencia, si se design; si no se design ninguna proporcin de las cantidades abonadas a Xerox en la operacin de adquisicin del Software como derechos de licencia, Xerox reembolsar la proporcin de las cantidades abonadas que Xerox designe razonablemente como relacionadas con la adquisicin del Software. Xerox no es responsable de ninguna infraccin cometida debido a que el Software se haga o modifique (por Xerox u otros, incluido el Cliente) segn las especificaciones del Cliente, o se utilice o venda en combinacin con equipo, software o suministros no provistos por Xerox. XEROX NO CONCEDE NINGUNA OTRA GARANTA, NI EXPRESA NI IMPLCITA, DE NO-INFRACCIN O DE RESPONSABILIDAD POR INFRACCIN O POR CUALQUIER DAO QUE SE ORIGINE DE ELLO. 7. LIMITACIN DE RESPONSABILIDAD EN NINGN CASO NI XEROX NI SUS PROVEEDORES SERN RESPONSABLES DE LOS DAOS ESPECIALES, INDIRECTOS, INCIDENTALES, CONSECUENTES (INCLUIDA SIN LIMITACIN LA PRDIDA DE DATOS) QUE SE DERIVEN DE ALGUNA MANERA O ESTN RELACIONADOS CON EL USO O LA IMPOSIBILIDAD DE USAR EL "SOFTWARE", INCLUSO SI SE HA AVISADO DE LA POSIBILIDAD DE DICHOS DAOS. EN NINGN CASO, LA RESPONSABILIDAD POR LOS DAOS DIRECTOS DE XEROX AL CLIENTE EXCEDER EL IMPORTE TOTAL DE LA LICENCIA ABONADO POR EL CLIENTE POR DICHA LICENCIA DE USO DEL SOFTWARE. 8. TERMINACIN Xerox podr terminar esta licencia de inmediato mediante aviso, en caso de infraccin importante por parte de usted, o si ya no usa o posee el equipo con el que debe utilizarse este Software, en cuyo caso deber devolver a Xerox todas las copias del Software y retirar el mismo de todos los equipos donde lo haya cargado. 9. LEY APLICABLE Este contrato se regir por las leyes del Estado de Nueva York, Estados Unidos o, si adquiri el Software fuera de los Estados Unidos, por las leyes del pas donde adquiri el Equipo, exceptuando la aplicacin de sus normas de conflictos de leyes. En algunas jurisdicciones no se permite la limitacin de duracin de una garanta implcita, ni la exclusin o limitacin de daos incidentales o consecuentes y, por tanto, las limitaciones y exclusiones anteriores pudieran no ser aplicables en su caso, en su totalidad o en parte. 10. INTEGRIDAD DEL CONTRATO El presente contrato de licencia de uso del Software es el acuerdo total entre Xerox y usted en relacin con el Software, y sustituye a todos los acuerdos o arreglos anteriores y actuales entre las partes respecto al Software. Acepta que los trminos y condiciones relacionados con el Software contenidos en cualquier orden de compra del Cliente u otro documento de pedido enviado para encargar el Software no tendrn efecto para Xerox y no modificarn este Contrato en ningn sentido. Si, despus de leer los trminos y condiciones, stos le fueran inaceptables, deber devolver inmediatamente el software sin utilizarlo para evitar obligaciones y responsabilidades contractuales, y tendr derecho al reembolso de las cantidades que haya abonado para obtener la licencia del Software. ====================================================================== LICENSE AGREEMENT AND WARRANTY FOR THE ENCLOSED SOFTWARE AND RELATED DOCUMENTATION YOUR LICENSE AGREEMENT - READ BEFORE INSTALLING SOFTWARE IMPORTANT: THIS AGREEMENT CONTAINS THE LICENSE TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR LICENSED SOFTWARE AND RELATED DOCUMENTATION. INSTALLING THE SOFTWARE PACKAGE SIGNIFIES YOUR ACCEPTANCE OF THIS AGREEMENT. IF YOU DO NOT ACCEPT THIS AGREEMENT, YOU MUST PROMPTLY RETURN THE SOFTWARE PACKAGE AND DELETE ANY SOFTWARE FILES ACCESSED BY YOU FROM ANY AND ALL COMPUTER MEMORY INTO WHICH SUCH SOFTWARE HAS BEEN LOADED OR STORED. WHEN USED IN THIS AGREEMENT THE WORD "XEROX" SHALL MEAN XEROX CORPORATION, ITS OPERATING COMPANY SUBSIDIARY OR AFFILIATE FROM WHICH YOU OBTAINED THE XEROX PRODUCT WITH WHICH THE SOFTWARE IS TO BE USED (the "Equipment"), UNLESS YOU OBTAINED THE EQUIPMENT FROM AN AUTHORIZED DEALER, AGENT, CONCESSIONAIRE OR DISTRIBUTOR, IN WHICH CASE "XEROX" SHALL MEAN XEROX CORPORATION, ITS OPERATING COMPANY, SUBSIDIARY OR AFFILIATE FROM WHICH THE ENTITY THAT SOLD YOU THE EQUIPMENT ACQUIRED IT. 1. GRANT OF LICENSE Xerox hereby grants you a non-exclusive, non-transferable license to use the software and related documentation ("Software") enclosed in this package with the Equipment, for as long as you are current in the payment of any indicated software license fees (including any annual renewal or maintenance fees) on the following terms and conditions. 2. USE You may install the Software for use on any networked workstation or server only in conjunction with the Equipment. When networked, other users on the network may access and use the Software in conjunction with the Equipment. 3. OWNERSHIP, COPYING, MODIFICATION AND CONFIDENTIALITY 3.1 Xerox owns or is otherwise entitled to grant licenses in respect of all rights in the Software. 3.2 No title to or ownership of the Software or any proprietary right therein is transferred to you. 3.3 You may, subject to Section 3.4 below, make one copy of the Software in whole or in part only for that purpose expressly permitted in Section 2 above and for back-up. Such permitted copy shall include in readable format any copyright and other proprietary notices contained on the original Software. 3.4 You may copy the related documentation for use only in conjunction with the Equipment. 3.5 You may not distribute, alter or modify nor cause or allow others to alter or modify the Software. 3.6 You agree not to provide or otherwise make available the Software to anyone other than your employees and agents directly concerned with the licensed use of the Software. 3.7 The Software is protected by copyright and other proprietary rights of Xerox and/or a third party. You may be held directly responsible by such third party for an infringement of such rights by you. 3.8 You agree not to reverse engineer, decompile or disassemble the Software for any purpose whatsoever, except to the extent permitted by law. 3.9 You agree not to export or re-export the Software in any form without, in the case of a customer in the United States, first obtaining all United States government licenses, and in the case of a customer outside of the United States, all relevant foreign government licenses, required by law, and then only upon the export of the Equipment. 3.10 Xerox may terminate your license for the Software (i) immediately if you no longer use or possess the Equipment or are a lessor of the Equipment and your first lessee no longer uses or possesses it or (ii) upon the termination of any agreement under which you have rented or leased the Equipment. 4. TRANSFER OF LICENSED SOFTWARE If you transfer possession of the Equipment, Xerox will offer the transferee a license to use the Software on or with it, subject to Xerox' then applicable terms and license fees, if any, and provided the transfer is not in violation of Xerox' rights. 5. LIMITED WARRANTY 5.1 Xerox warrants that the Software shall substantially conform to Xerox' User Manual or other Xerox documentation supplied at delivery to the original Customer. Xerox does not warrant that the operation of the Software will be uninterrupted or error free, nor that it will meet your needs. 5.2 In the event that the Software does not conform to the limited warranty contained in Section 5.1 above, your exclusive remedy is to notify Xerox within ninety (90) days of the date of delivery, and Xerox' or its supplier's sole obligation shall be to use all reasonable efforts to provide a work-around which avoids the nonconformity or to provide you with Software which does substantially conform to the Xerox User Manual or other Xerox supplied documentation. 5.3 XEROX GRANTS NO OTHER WARRANTIES ON THE "SOFTWARE", EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, WHETHER CREATED BY STATUTE OR OTHERWISE, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. XEROX FURTHER DISCLAIMS ANY WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS MADE BY PERSONS OTHER THAN XEROX (INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO XEROX SOFTWARE DEALERS, AGENTS, CONCESSIONAIRES OR DISTRIBUTORS). 5.4 The express warranties set forth above shall be void if you fail to properly use the Software in the appropriate environment as specified in the Xerox supplied documentation or if the Software is modified or altered in any fashion. 6. PATENT AND COPYRIGHT INDEMNIFICATION Xerox will defend and indemnify you if the Software is alleged to infringe, in the United States, any patent, trade secret, or copyright, if you promptly notify Xerox in writing of any alleged infringement, allow Xerox to direct the defense of such claim, and cooperate with Xerox. All notices should be sent to the Xerox Office of General Counsel, P.O. Box 1600, Stamford, Connecticut 06904. Xerox is not responsible for any non-Xerox litigation expenses or settlements unless Xerox pre-approves them in writing. To avoid infringement, Xerox may, at its option, and at no charge to you, obtain a license, or modify, or substitute an equivalent of, or remove the Software. If Software is removed by Xerox for this reason, any designated license fees paid by you will be fully refunded; if no portion of the amounts paid to Xerox within the transaction in which the Software was acquired was designated as a license fee for the Software, Xerox shall refund that portion of the amounts paid that Xerox reasonably designates as associated with the Software's acquisition. Xerox is not liable for any infringement due to the Software being made or modified (by Xerox or others, including you) to your specifications, or being used or sold in combination with equipment, software, or supplies not provided by Xerox. XEROX MAKES NO OTHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTY OF NON-INFRINGEMENT OR LIABILITY FOR INFRINGEMENT OR ANY DAMAGES THEREFROM. 7. LIMITATION OF LIABILITY IN NO EVENT SHALL XEROX OR ITS SUPPLIERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, (INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, LOSS OF DATA) IN ANY WAY ARISING OUT OF OR RELATED TO THE USE OR INABILITY TO USE THE "SOFTWARE", EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. IN NO EVENT SHALL XEROX' DIRECT DAMAGES TO YOU EXCEED THE TOTAL LICENSE FEE ACTUALLY PAID BY YOU FOR SUCH SOFTWARE. 8. TERMINATION Xerox may terminate this license immediately upon notice in the event of a material breach by you or if you no longer use or possess the equipment with which this Software is intended to be used, in which event you shall return to Xerox all copies of the Software, and remove same from all equipment into which such Software may have been loaded by you. 9. GOVERNING LAW This agreement will be governed by the laws of the State of New York, USA or if you acquire the Software outside the USA, by the laws of the country in which you acquired the Equipment, excluding its conflict of laws provisions. Some jurisdictions do not allow limitations on how long an implied warranty lasts or the exclusion or limitation of incidental or consequential damages, so the above disclaimers, limitations or exclusions, in whole or in part, may not apply to you. 10. ENTIRE AGREEMENT This Software License Agreement is the entire agreement between Xerox and you pertaining to the Software and supersedes all proposals or prior and contemporaneous agreements or understandings of the parties regarding the Software. You agree that any terms and conditions contained in any purchase order or other ordering document submitted to order the Software shall have no binding effect on Xerox and will not modify this Agreement in any way. If, after reading the terms and conditions, they are unacceptable to you, then, to avoid contractual obligations and liability, you should promptly return the software unused, and you will then be entitled to a refund of any sums paid by you to license the Software. OM WHICH THE ENTITY THAT SOLD YOU THE EQUIPMENT ACQUIRED IT. 1. GRANT OF LICENSE Xerox hereby grants you a non-exclusive, non-transferable license to use the software and related documentation ("Software") enclosed in this package with the Equipment, for as long as you are current in the payment of any indicated software license fees (including any annual renewal or maintenance fees) on the following terms and conditions. 2. USE You may install the Software for use on any networked workstation or server only in conjunction with the Equipment. When networked, other users on the network may access and use the Software in conjunction with the Equipment. 3. OWNERSHIP, COPYING, MODIFICATION AND CONFIDENTIALITY 3.1 Xerox owns or is otherwise entitled to grant licenses in respect of all rights in the Software. 3.2 No title to or ownership of the Software or any proprietary right therein is transferred to you. 3.3 You may, subject to Section 3.4 below, make one copy of tTitle WorkCentre Pro 40 Color Version 1.2.5 Description DefaultLocation /Library/Printers/PPDs/Contents/Resources DeleteWarning ### Package Flags NeedsAuthorization YES Required NO Relocatable NO RequiresReboot NO UseUserMask NO OverwritePermissions NO InstallFat NO nyone other than your employees and agents directly concerned with the licensed use of the Software. 3.7 The Software is protected by copyright and other proprietary rights of Xerox and/or a third party. You may be held directly responsible by such third party for an infringement of such rights by you. 3.8 You agree not to reverse engineer, decompile or disassemble the Software for any purpose whatsoever, except to the extent permitted by law. 3.9 You agree not to export or re-export the Software in any form without, in the case of a customer in the United States, first obtaining all United States government licenses, and in the case of a customer outside of the United States, all relevant foreign government licenses, required by law, and then only upon the export of the Equipment. 3.10 Xerox may terminate your license for the Software (i) immediately if you no longer use or possess the Equipment or are a lessor of the Equipment and your first lessee no longer uses or possesses it or (ii) upon the termination of any agreement under which you have rented or leased the Equipment. 4. TRANSFER OF LICENSED SOFTWARE If you transfer possession of the Equipment, Xerox will offer the transferee a license to use the Software on or with it, subject to Xerox' then applicable terms and license fees, if any, and provided the transfer is not in violation of Xerox' rights. 5. LIMITED WARRANTY 5.1 Xerox warrants that the Software shall substantially conform to Xerox' User Manual or other Xerox documentation supplied at delivery to the original Customer. Xerox does not warrant that the operation of the Software will be uninterrupted or error free, nor that it will meet your needs. 5.2 In the event that the Software does not conform to the limited warranty contained in Section 5.1 above, your exclusive remedy is to notify Xerox within ninety (90) days of the date of delivery, and Xerox' or its supplier's sole obligation shall be to use all reasonable efforts to provide a work-around which avoids the nonconformity or to provide you with Software which does substantially conform to the Xerox User Manual or other Xerox supplied documentation. 5.3 XEROX GRANTS NO OTHER WARRANTIES ON THE "SOFTWARE", EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, WHETHER CREATED BY STATUTE OR OTHERWISE, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. XEROX FURTHER DISCLAIMS ANY WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS MADE BY PERSONS OTHER THAN XEROX (INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO XEROX SOFTWARE DEALERS, AGENTS, CONCESSIONAIRES OR DISTRIBUTORS). 5.4 The express warranties set forth above shall be void if you fail to properly use the Software in the appropriate environment as specified in the Xerox supplied documentation or if the Software is modified or altered in any fashion. 6. PATENT AND COPYRIGHT INDEMNIFICATION Xerox will defend and indemnify you if the Software is alleged to infringe, in the United States, any patent, trade secret, or copyright, if you promptly notify Xerox in writing of any alleged infringement, allow Xerox to direct the defense of such claim, and cooperate with Xerox. All notices should be sent to the Xerox Office of General Counsel, P.O. Box 1600, Stamford, Connecticut 06904. Xerox is not responsible for any non-Xerox litigation expenses or settlements unless Xerox pre-approves them in writing. To avoid infringement, Xerox may, at its option, and at no charge to you, obtain a license, or modify, or substitute an equivalent of, or remove the Software. If Software i"16" = "Den hr skivan uppfyller inte kraven fr den hr uppdateringen."; "17" = "Otillrckligt utrymme. Den hr uppdateringen krver 300 MB ledigt utrymme."; "18" = "Det hr paketet kan endast anvndas p Mac OS X, version 10.2 eller senare."; pecifications, or being used or sold in combination with equipment, software, or supplies not provided by Xerox. XEROX MAKES NO OTHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTY OF NON-INFRINGEMENT OR LIABILITY FOR INFRINGEMENT OR ANY DAMAGES THEREFROM. 7. LIMITATION OF LIABILITY IN NO EVENT SHALL XEROX OR ITS SUPPLIERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, (INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, LOSS OF DATA) IN ANY WAY ARISING OUT OF OR RELATED TO THE USE OR INABILITY TO USE THE "SOFTWARE", EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. IN NO EVENT SHALL XEROX' DIRECT DAMAGES TO YOU EXCEED THE TOTAL LICENSE FEE ACTUALLY PAID BY YOU FOR SUCH SOFTWARE. 8. TERMINATION Xerox may terminate this license immediately upon notice in the event of a material breach by you or if you no longer use or possess the equipment with which this Software is intended to be used, in which event you shall return to Xerox all copies of the Software, and remove same from all equipment into which such Software may have been loaded by you. 9. GOVERNING LAW This agreement will be governed by the laws of the State of New York, USA or if you acquire the Software outside the USA, by the laws of the country in which you acquired the Equipment, excluding its conflict of laws provisions. Some jurisdictions do not allow limitations on how long an implied warranty lasts or the exclusion or limitation of incidental or consequential damages, so the above disclaimers, limitations or exclusions, in whole or in part, may not apply to you. 10. ENTIRE AGREEMENT This Software License Agreement is the entire agreement between Xerox and you pertaining to the Software and supersedes all proposals or prior and contemporaneous agreements or understandings of the parties regarding the Software. You agree that any terms and conditions contained in any purchase order or other ordering document submitted to order the Software shall have no binding effect on Xerox and will not modify this Agreement in any way. If, after reading the terms and conditions, they are unacceptable to you, then, to avoid contractual obligations and liability, you should promptly return the software unused, and you will then be entitled to a refund of any sums paid by you to license the Software. versttningen av detta licensavtal har utfrts av Xerox, Europa, och r inte juridiskt bindande. Den engelska texten efter den versatta texten r dock juridiskt bindande. ======================================================================= DETTA R DITT LICENSAVTAL SOM REGLERAR DIN ANVNDNING AV PROGRAMVARAN - LS AVTALET INNAN DU PPNAR PROGRAMVARUFRPACKNINGEN ELLER ANVNDER PROGRAMMET OBS! DETTA AVTAL ANGER LICENSVILLKOREN FR DEN BIFOGADE LICENSIERADE PROGRAMVARAN OCH TILLHRANDE DOKUMENTATION. OM DU BRYTER PROGRAMVARUFRPACKNINGEN ANSES DU HA ACCEPTERAT AVTALET, SVIDA INTE XEROX INSTALLERAR PROGRAMMET, I VILKET FALL DU ACCEPTERAR AVTALET NR DU BRJAR ANVNDA PROGRAMMET. OM DU INTE ACCEPTERAR AVTALET, MSTE DU SNARAST RETURNERA PROGRAMVARUFRPACKNINGEN OANVND. OM XEROX INSTALLERAR PROGRAMMET, MSTE DU RETURNERA PROGRAMVARUFRPACKNINGEN OCH RADERA EVENTUELLA PROGRAMVARUFILER UR ALLA DATORMINNEN I VILKA SDAN PROGRAMVARA HAR INSTALLERATS ELLER LAGRATS. I DETTA AVTAL AVSES MED "XEROX" XEROX CORPORATION, DOTTERBOLAG TILL XEROX CORPORATION ELLER ANNAT ANSLUTET FRETAG FRN VILKET DU ERHLL DIN UTRUSTNING I SERIEN XEROX DOCUMENT CENTRE ("Utrustning") I VILKEN PROGRAMVARAN SKA INSTALLERAS. OM DU ERHLL UTRUSTNINGEN FRN EN AUKTORISERAD TERFRSLJARE, AGENT, DISTRIBUTR ELLER ANNAN MELLANMAN, AVSES MED "XEROX" XEROX CORPORATION, DESS DOTTERBOLAG ELLER ANNAT ANSLUTET FRETAG FRN VILKET DET FRETAG, SOM SLDE UTRUSTNINGEN TILL DIG, HADE ERHLLIT UTRUSTNINGEN. 1. NYTTJANDERTT Xerox upplter hrmed till dig en icke-exklusiv, icke verltbar rtt att anvnda datorprogrammet och till-hrande dokumentation som ingr i detta paket ("Programvaran"), p en enskild Utrustning, vilket ven avser ntverksansluten Utrustning, s lnge du vid rtt tid erlgger alla indikerade licensavgifter (inklusive eventuella rliga fortsttningsavgifter) och fljer avtalade villkor fr nyttjandet. Nyttjandet skall ske p fljande villkor. 2. ANVNDNING Du kan installera Programvaran fr anvndning i varje ntverksansluten arbetsstation eller server, dock endast i samband med Utrustningen. Ntverksansluten kan andra anvndare p ntverket anvnda Programvaran i anslutning till Utrustningen. 3. GANDERTT, KOPIERING, NDRING OCH SEKRETESS 3.1 Xerox ger eller har p annat stt rtt att utfrda licenser betrffande alla rttigheter till Programvaran. 3.2 Ingen gandertt till Programvaran eller annan form av gande verfrs drmed till dig. 3.3 Du kan, enligt punkt 3.4 nedan, gra en kopia av Programvaran, i sin helhet eller delar drav fr syfte uttryckligen uttalat i punkt 2 ovan och fr back-up. Sdan tillten kopia skall inkludera copyright och andra ganderttsnoteringar i lsbart format som finns i Programvarans original. 3.4 Du kan kopiera tillhrande dokumentation endast fr anvndning tillsammans med Utrustningen. 3.5 Du fr inte distribuera, omarbeta eller ndra, ej heller bist eller tillta andra att omarbeta eller ndra Programvaran. 3.6 Du tar dig ocks att inte tillhandahlla eller p annat stt gra Programvaran tillgnglig fr andra n dina anstllda och representanter som direkt berrs av licensierad anvndning av Programvaran. 3.7 Programvaran och annan gandertt r genom copyright skyddad av Xerox och/eller annan tredjepart mot vertrdelse av sdana rttigheter och du kommer att hllas direkt ansvarig i sdant fall. 3.8 Du tar dig ocks att inte framstlla derivat, dekompilera eller backassemblera, oavsett anledning, frutom i de fall som tillts av lagstiftning. 3.9 Du tar dig ocks att inte exportera eller terexportera Programvaran i ngon form utan att frst erhlla alla exportlicenser och i s fall endast tillsammans med export av Utrustningen. 3.10 Xerox kan omedelbart upphva din licens fr Programvaran (i) om du inte lngre anvnder eller ger Utrustningen eller leasar Utrustningen och din leasetagare inte lngre anvnder eller innehar den eller (ii) om avtalet enligt vilket du har hyrt eller leasat Utrustningen upphr att glla. 4. VERFRING AV LICENCIERAD PROGRAMVARA Om du verfr gandertten av Utrustningen, kommer Xerox att erbjuda den nya garen rtt att anvnda Programvaran i Utrustningen i enlighet med Xerox gllande villkor och eventuella licensavgifter och frutsatt att verfringen inte strider mot Xerox rttigheter. 5. BEGRNSAD GARANTI 5.1 Xerox garanterar att Programvaran i allt vsentligt kommer att fungera i verensstmmelse med av Xerox utgivna specifikationer under en period p 90 dagar frn det datum d den levereras eller, i fall av Programvara installeras av Xerox, det datum d Programvaran installeras. Varken Xerox eller dess licensgivare garanterar att Programvaran r felfri, att den kan anvndas utan avbrott eller att den uppfyller dina behov. 5.2 I den hndelse att Programvaran inte r i verensstmmelse med den begrnsade garantin angiven i punkt 5.1 ovan, skall du reklamera felet till Xerox inom nittio (90) dagar frn leveransdatum eller, om Xerox har installerat Programvaran, inom nittio (90) dagar efter installationen. Den exklusiva pfljden och Xerox eller dess leverantrs enda skyldighet r att vidta rimliga tgrder fr att kringg avvikelsen eller fr att tillhandahlla programvara som vsentligen verensstmmer med Xerox anvndarmanual eller annan dokumentation levererad av Xerox. 5.3 XEROX GER INGA ANDRA, UTTRYCKLIGA ELLER UNDERFRSTDDA, GARANTIER FR "PROGRAMVARAN", OAVSETT OM DE UPPSTR P GRUND AV LAG ELLER P ANNAT STT, INKLUDERANDE MEN INTE BEGRNSAT TILL UNDERFRSTDDA GARANTIER FR SLJBARHET OCH ANVNDBARHET FR ETT VISST NDAML. VIDARE FRNSGER SIG XEROX EVENTUELLA GARANTIER ELLER UTFSTELSER SOM HAR GJORTS AV ANDRA PERSONER N BEHRIG XEROX PERSONAL (INKLUSIVE MEN INTE BEGRNSAT TILL XEROX TERFRSLJARE AV PROGRAMVARA, AGENTER, DISTRIBUTR ELLER ANNAN MELLANMAN). 5.4 De uttryckliga garantierna angivna ovan gller inte om Kunden inte anvnder Programvaran p rtt stt och i enlighet med Xerox instruktioner samt i avsedd systemmilj enligt specifikationer i dokumentationen frn Xerox eller om Programvaran ndras p ngot stt. 6. INTRNG I PATENT OCH UPPHOVSRTT Xerox kommer att frsvara och erstta Kunden om Programvaran psts krnka amerikanskt patent, rtt till fretagshemlighet eller upphovsrtt, om Kunden omedelbart skriftligen meddelar Xerox om det pstdda intrnget, lter Xerox handlgga rendet och samarbetar med Xerox. Alla rapporter om intrng skall skickas till Xerox, Office of General Counsel, P.O. Box 1600, Stamford, Connecticut 06904, USA. Xerox ansvarar inte fr ombudskostnad eller andra rttsliga kostnader som inte r hnfrliga till Xerox eller fr uppgrelse om inte Xerox skriftligen har godknt den i frvg. Fr att undvika att intrng freligger, kan Xerox, enligt eget val och utan kostnad fr Kunden, frvrva en licens eller ndra eller erstta Programvaran med likvrdig produkt eller terta Programvaran. Om Programvaran tertas av Xerox av denna anledning, terbetalas eventuella avgifter som specificerats som licensavgift vilka du har betalt. Om ingen del av beloppen, som betalades till Xerox i samband med avtalet genom vilket Programvaran frvrvades av dig var specificerad som licensavgift fr Programvaran, terbetalar Xerox den delen av de betala beloppen som Xerox rimligen kan specificera som tillhrande frvrvet av licensen fr Programvaran. Xerox ansvarar inte fr eventuellt intrng orsakad av ndring eller anpassning av Programvaran (av Xerox eller andra inklusive Kunden) enligt Kundens specifikationer, eller genom anvndning eller frsljning i kombination med utrustning, programvara eller frbrukningsmaterial som inte levererats av Xerox. XEROX GER INGEN ANNAN UTTRYCKLIG ELLER UNDERFRSTDD GARANTI AVSEENDE ATT PROGRAMVARAN INTE GR INTRNG I NGON RTTIGHET OCH HAR INTE HELLER NGOT ANNAT ANSVAR N VAD SOM SGS I DENNA PUNKT FR INTRNG I TREDJE MANS RTTIGHET ELLER DRIGENOM UPPSTTT SKADESTND. 7. ANSVARSBEGRNSNING UNDER INGA OMSTNDIGHETER ANSVARAR XEROX ELLER DESS LEVERANTRER FR FLJDSKADA, UTEBLIVEN VINST ELLER ANNAN INDIREKT FRLUST (INKLUDERANDE MEN INTE BEGRNSAT TILL FRLUST ELLER FRVANSKNING AV DATA) SOM P NGOT STT HAR ORSAKATS AV ELLER R FRKNIPPAD MED ANVNDNING ELLER OANVNDBARHET AV "PROGRAMVARAN". DETTA GLLER VEN OM XEROX INFORMERATS OM MJLIGHETEN AV SDAN SKADA. XEROX ANSVAR R BEGRNSAT TILL DIREKT FRLUSTER TILL ETT BELPOPP SOM HGST UPPGR TILL DEN TOTALA LICENSAVGIFTEN SOM HAR BETALATS AV KUNDEN FR SDAN PROGRAMVARA. 8. UPPSGNING Xerox kan omedelbart upphva din licens fr Programvaran om du inte lngre anvnder eller ger Utrustningen eller leasar Utrustningen och din leasetagare inte lngre anvnder eller innehar den eller om avtalet enligt vilket du har hyrt eller leasat Utrustningen upphr att glla. 9. GLLANDE LAG Fr detta avtal skall lagstiftningen i delstaten New York, USA vara tillmplig, eller, om Programvaran frvrvades utanfr USA, lagstiftningen i landet dr du frvrvade Utrustningen i serien Document Centre fr vilken Programvaran skall anvndas, dock inte detta lands lagstiftning om tillmplig lag. I vissa lnder tillts inte begrnsning av hur lnge en underfrstdd garanti r gllande eller uteslutande eller begrnsning av tillfllig eller fljdskada. I sdant fall berrs inte Kunden av ovanstende friskrivningar eller begrnsningar i den utstrckning tvingande lag uttrycklingen inte inte medger sdan regleringen. 10. FULLSTNDIGT AVTAL Detta programlicensavtal r det fullstndiga avtalet mellan Xerox och Kunden med avseende p licensiering av Programvaran och det erstter alla frslag och tidigare eller samtidiga avtal, utfstelser eller andra verenskommelser mellan parterna avseende Programvaran. Kunden accepterar att licensieringsvillkor som gller denna Programvara och som anges p Kundens inkpsorder eller annat bestllningsdokument, som anvnds vid bestllning av Programvaran, inte har ngon bindande verkan fr Xerox och inte skall ndra detta avtal p ngot stt. Om du inte accepterar avtalsvillkoren nr du har lst dem, returnerar du omedelbart Programvaran oanvnd fr att undvika kontraktskyldigheter och kontraktansvar. Du har d rtt till terbetalning av eventuella belopp du har betalat fr licensiering av Programvaran. ====================================================================== LICENSE AGREEMENT AND WARRANTY FOR THE ENCLOSED SOFTWARE AND RELATED DOCUMENTATION YOUR LICENSE AGREEMENT - READ BEFORE INSTALLING SOFTWARE IMPORTANT: THIS AGREEMENT CONTAINS THE LICENSE TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR LICENSED SOFTWARE AND RELATED DOCUMENTATION. INSTALLING THE SOFTWARE PACKAGE SIGNIFIES YOUR ACCEPTANCE OF THIS AGREEMENT. IF YOU DO NOT ACCEPT THIS AGREEMENT, YOU MUST PROMPTLY RETURN THE SOFTWARE PACKAGE AND DELETE ANY SOFTWARE FILES ACCESSED BY YOU FROM ANY AND ALL COMPUTER MEMORY INTO WHICH SUCH SOFTWARE HAS BEEN LOADED OR STORED. WHEN USED IN THIS AGREEMENT THE WORD "XEROX" SHALL MEAN XEROX CORPORATION, ITS OPERATING COMPANY SUBSIDIARY OR AFFILIATE FROM WHICH YOU OBTAINED THE INDIVIDUAL UNIT OF THE XEROX DOCUMENT CENTRE SYSTEM EQUIPMENT (the "Equipment") WITH WHICH THE SOFTWARE IS TO BE USED, UNLESS YOU OBTAINED THE EQUIPMENT FROM AN AUTHORIZED DEALER, AGENT, CONCESSIONAIRE OR DISTRIBUTOR, IN WHICH CASE "XEROX" SHALL MEAN XEROX CORPORATION, ITS OPERATING COMPANY, SUBSIDIARY OR AFFILIATE FROM WHICH THE ENTITY THAT SOLD YOU THE EQUIPMENT ACQUIRED IT. 1. GRANT OF LICENSE Xerox hereby grants you a non-exclusive, non-transferable license to use the software and related documentation ("Software") enclosed in this package with the Equipment, for as long as you are current in the payment of any indicated software license fees (including any annual renewal or maintenance fees) on the following terms and conditions. 2. USE You may install the Software for use on any networked workstation or server only in conjunction with the Equipment. When networked, other users on the network may access and use the Software in conjunction with the Equipment. 3. OWNERSHIP, COPYING, MODIFICATION AND CONFIDENTIALITY 3.1 Xerox owns or is otherwise entitled to grant licenses in respect of all rights in the Software. 3.2 No title to or ownership of the Software or any proprietary right therein is transferred to you. 3.3 You may, subject to Section 3.4 below, make one copy of the Software in whole or in part only for that purpose expressly permitted in Section 2 above and for back-up. Such permitted copy shall include in readable format any copyright and other proprietary notices contained on the original Software. 3.4 You may copy the related documentation for use only in conjunction with the Equipment. 3.5 You may not distribute, alter or modify nor cause or allow others to alter or modify the Software. 3.6 You agree not to provide or otherwise make available the Software to anyone other than your employees and agents directly concerned with the licensed use of the Software. 3.7 The Software is protected by copyright and other proprietary rights of Xerox and/or a third party. You may be held directly responsible by such third party for an infringement of such rights by you. 3.8 You agree not to reverse engineer, decompile or disassemble the Software for any purpose whatsoever, except to the extent permitted by law. 3.9 You agree not to export or re-export the Software in any form without, in the case of a customer in the United States, first obtaining all United States government licenses, and in the case of a customer outside of the United States, all relevant foreign government licenses, required by law, and then only upon the export of the Equipment. 3.10 Xerox may terminate your license for the Software (i) immediately if you no longer use or possess the Equipment or are a lessor of the Equipment and your first lessee no longer uses or possesses it or (ii) upon the termination of any agreement under which you have rented or leased the Equipment. 4. TRANSFER OF LICENSED SOFTWARE If you transfer possession of the Equipment, Xerox will offer the transferee a license to use the Software on or with it, subject to Xerox' then applicable terms and license fees, if any, and provided the transfer is not in violation of Xerox' rights. 5. LIMITED WARRANTY 5.1 Xerox warrants that the Software shall substantially conform to Xerox' User Manual or other Xerox documentation supplied at delivery to the original Customer. Xerox does not warrant that the operation of the Software will be uninterrupted or error free, nor that it will meet your needs. 5.2 In the event that the Software does not conform to the limited warranty contained in Section 5.1 above, your exclusive remedy is to notify Xerox within ninety (90) days of the date of delivery, and Xerox' or its supplier's sole obligation shall be to use all reasonable efforts to provide a work-around which avoids the nonconformity or to provide you with Software which does substantially conform to the Xerox User Manual or other Xerox supplied documentation. 5.3 XEROX GRANTS NO OTHER WARRANTIES ON THE "SOFTWARE", EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, WHETHER CREATED BY STATUTE OR OTHERWISE, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. XEROX FURTHER DISCLAIMS ANY WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS MADE BY PERSONS OTHER THAN XEROX (INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO XEROX SOFTWARE DEALERS, AGENTS, CONCESSIONAIRES OR DISTRIBUTORS). 5.4 The express warranties set forth above shall be void if you fail to properly use the Software in the appropriate environment as specified in the Xerox supplied documentation or if the Software is modified or altered in any fashion. 6. PATENT AND COPYRIGHT INDEMNIFICATION Xerox will defend and indemnify you if the Software is alleged to infringe, in the United States, any patent, trade secret, or copyright, if you promptly notify Xerox in writing of any alleged infringement, allow Xerox to direct the defense of such claim, and cooperate with Xerox. All notices should be sent to the Xerox Office of General Counsel, P.O. Box 1600, Stamford, Connecticut 06904. Xerox is not responsible for any non-Xerox litigation expenses or settlements unless Xerox pre-approves them in writing. To avoid infringement, Xerox may, at its option, and at no charge to you, obtain a license, or modify, or substitute an equivalent of, or remove the Software. If Software is removed by Xerox for this reason, any designated license fees paid by you will be fully refunded; if no portion of the amounts paid to Xerox within the transaction in which the Software was acquired was designated as a license fee for the Software, Xerox shall refund that portion of the amounts paid that Xerox reasonably designates as associated with the Software's acquisition. Xerox is not liable for any infringement due to the Software being made or modified (by Xerox or others, including you) to your specifications, or being used or sold in combination with equipment, software, or supplies not provided by Xerox. XEROX MAKES NO OTHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTY OF NON-INFRINGEMENT OR LIABILITY FOR INFRINGEMENT OR ANY DAMAGES THEREFROM. 7. LIMITATION OF LIABILITY IN NO EVENT SHALL XEROX OR ITS SUPPLIERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, (INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, LOSS OF DATA) IN ANY WAY ARISING OUT OF OR RELATED TO THE USE OR INABILITY TO USE THE "SOFTWARE", EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. IN NO EVENT SHALL XEROX' DIRECT DAMAGES TO YOU EXCEED THE TOTAL LICENSE FEE ACTUALLY PAID BY YOU FOR SUCH SOFTWARE. 8. TERMINATION Xerox may terminate this license immediately upon notice in the event of a material breach by you or if you no longer use or possess the equipment with which this Software is intended to be used, in which event you shall return to Xerox all copies of the Software, and remove same from all equipment into which such Software may have been loaded by you. 9. GOVERNING LAW This agreement will be governed by the laws of the State of New York, USA or if you acquire the Software outside the USA, by the laws of the country in which you acquired the Document Centre System Equipment with which this software is to be used, excluding its conflict of laws provisions. Some jurisdictions do not allow limitations on how long an implied warranty lasts or the exclusion or limitation of incidental or consequential damages, so the above disclaimers, limitations or exclusions, in whole or in part, may not apply to you. 10. ENTIRE AGREEMENT This Software License Agreement is the entire agreement between Xerox and you pertaining to the Software and supersedes all proposals or prior and contemporaneous agreements or understandings of the parties regarding the Software. You agree that any terms and conditions contained in any purchase order or other ordering document submitted to order the Software shall have no binding effect on Xerox and will not modify this Agreement in any way. If, after reading the terms and conditions, they are unacceptable to you, then, to avoid contractual obligations and liability, you should promptly return the software unused, and you will then be entitled to a refund of any sums paid by you to license the Software. TIALITY 3.1 Xerox owns or is otherwise entitled to grant licenses in respect of all rights in the Software. 3.2 No title to or ownership of the Software or any proprietary right therein is transferred to you. 3.3 You may, subject to Section 3.4 below, make one copy of the Software in whole or in part only for that purpose expressly permitted in Section 2 above and for back-up. Such permitted copy shall include in readable format any copyright and other proprietary notices contained on the origTitle WorkCentre Pro 40 Color Version 1.2.5 Description DefaultLocation /Library/Printers/PPDs/Contents/Resources DeleteWarning ### Package Flags NeedsAuthorization YES Required NO Relocatable NO RequiresReboot NO UseUserMask NO OverwritePermissions NO InstallFat NO responsible by such third party for an infringement of such rights by you. 3.8 You agree not to reverse engineer, decompile or disassemble the Software for any purpose whatsoever, except to the extent permitted by law. 3.9 You agree not to export or re-export the Software in any form without, in the case of a customer in the United States, first obtaining all United States government licenses, and in the case of a customer outside of the United States, all relevant foreign government licenses, required by law, and then only upon the export of the Equipment. 3.10 Xerox may terminate your license for the Software (i) immediately if you no longer use or possess the Equipment or are a lessor of the Equipment and your first lessee no longer uses or possesses it or (ii) upon the termination of any agreement under which you have rented or leased the Equipment. 4. TRANSFER OF LICENSED SOFTWARE If you transfer possession of the Equipment, Xerox will offer the transferee a license to use the Software on or with it, subject to Xerox' then applicable terms and license fees, if any, and provided the transfer is not in violation of Xerox' rights. 5. LIMITED WARRANTY 5.1 Xerox warrants that the Software shall substantially conform to Xerox' User Manual or other Xerox documentation supplied at delivery to the original Customer. Xerox does not warrant that the operation of the Software will be uninterrupted or error free, nor that it will meet your needs. 5.2 In the event that the Software does not conform to the limited warranty contained in Section 5.1 above, your exclusive remedy is to notify Xerox within ninety (90) days of the date of delivery, and Xerox' or its supplier's sole obligation shall be to use all reasonable efforts to provide a work-around which avoids the nonconformity or to provide you with Software which does substantially conform to the Xerox User Manual or other Xerox supplied documentation. 5.3 XEROX GRANTS NO OTHER WARRANTIES ON THE "SOFTWARE", EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, WHETHER CREATED BY STATUTE OR OTHERWISE, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. XEROX FURTHER DISCLAIMS ANY WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS MADE BY PERSONS OTHER THAN XEROX (INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO XEROX SOFTWARE DEALERS, AGENTS, CONCESSIONAIRES OR DISTRIBUTORS). 5.4 The express warranties set forth above shall be void if you fail to properly use the Software in the appropriate environment as specified in the Xerox supplied documentation or if the Software is modified or altered in any fashion. 6. PATENT AND COPYRIGHT INDEMNIFICATION Xerox will defend and indemnify you if the Software is alleged to infringe, in the United States, any patent, trade secret, or copyright, if you promptly notify Xerox in writing of any alleged infringement, allow Xerox to direct the defense of such claim, and cooperate with Xerox. All notices should be sent to the Xerox Office of General Counsel, P.O. Box 1600, Stamford, Connecticut 06904. Xerox is not responsible for any non-Xerox litigation expenses or settlements unless Xerox pre-approves them in writing. To avoid infringement, Xerox may, at its option, and at no charge to you, obtain a license, or modify, or substitute an equivalent of, or remove the Software. If Software is removed by Xerox for this reason, any designated license fees paid by you will be fully refunded; if no portion of the amounts paid to Xerox within the transaction in which the Software was acquired was designated as a license "16" = "Il volume non possiede i requisiti necessari per realizzare questo aggiornamento."; "17" = "Spazio insufficiente per l'aggiornamento. Sono necessari 300MB."; "18" = "Questo pacchetto funziona solo con Mac OS X, versione 10.2 o successiva."; EREFROM. 7. LIMITATION OF LIABILITY IN NO EVENT SHALL XEROX OR ITS SUPPLIERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, (INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, LOSS OF DATA) IN ANY WAY ARISING OUT OF OR RELATED TO THE USE OR INABILITY TO USE THE "SOFTWARE", EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. IN NO EVENT SHALL XEROX' DIRECT DAMAGES TO YOU EXCEED THE TOTAL LICENSE FEE ACTUALLY PAID BY YOU FOR SUCH SOFTWARE. 8. TERMINATION Xerox may terminate this license immediately upon notice in the event of a material breach by you or if you no longer use or possess the equipment with which this Software is intended to be used, in which event you shall return to Xerox all copies of the Software, and remove same from all equipment into which such Software may have been loaded by you. 9. GOVERNING LAW This agreement will be governed by the laws of the State of New York, USA or if you acquire the Software outside the USA, by the laws of the country in which you acquired the Document Centre System Equipment with which this software is to be used, excluding its conflict of laws provisions. Some jurisdictions do not allow limitations on how long an implied warranty lasts or the exclusion or limitation of incidental or consequential damages, so the above disclaimers, limitations or exclusions, in whole or in part, may not apply to you. 10. ENTIRE AGREEMENT This Software License Agreement is the entire agreement between Xerox and you pertaining to the Software and supersedes all proposals or prior and contemporaneous agreements or understandings of the parties regarding the Software. You agree that any terms and conditions contained in any purchase order or other ordering document submitted to order the Software shall have no binding effect on Xerox and will not modify this Agreement in any way. If, after reading the terms and conditions, they are unacceptable to you, then, to avoid contractual obligations and liability, you should promptly return the software unused, and you will then be entitled to a refund of any sums paid by you to license the Software. La traduzione del presente contratto di licenza viene fornita da Xerox Europe e non vincolante ai sensi della legge. Il testo in inglese, posto dopo la traduzione, ha valore legale. ================================================================== CONTRATTO DI LICENZA E GARANZIA PER IL SOFTWARE INCLUSO E LA RELATIVA DOCUMENTAZIONE CONTRATTO DI LICENZA - DA LEGGERE PRIMA DI INSTALLARE IL SOFTWARE IMPORTANTE: QUESTO CONTRATTO DI LICENZA CONTIENE I TERMINI E LE CONDIZIONI DEL SOFTWARE DATO IN LICENZA E DELLA RELATIVA DOCUMENTAZIONE. L'INSTALLAZIONE DEL PACCHETTO SOFTWARE IMPLICA L'ACCETTAZIONE DEI TERMINI DI QUESTO CONTRATTO. QUALORA NON INTENDA ACCETTARE I TERMINI DI QUESTO CONTRATTO, IL CLIENTE TENUTO A RESTITUIRE IMMEDIATAMENTE AL FORNITORE IL PACCHETTO E A CANCELLARE TUTTI I FILE DEL SOFTWARE CARICATI O INSTALLATI SUI PROPRI COMPUTER. ALL'INTERNO DI QUESTO DOCUMENTO, "XEROX" RAPPRESENTA LA XEROX CORPORATION, LA CONSOCIATA O LA FILIALE TRAMITE LA QUALE IL CLIENTE HA OTTENUTO LA SINGOLA UNIT DELL'APPARECCHIATURA XEROX ("l'Apparecchiatura") SULLA QUALE IL SOFTWARE DEVE ESSERE UTILIZZATO, A MENO CHE L'APPARECCHIATURA NON SIA STATA OTTENUTA DA UN RIVENDITORE, AGENTE, CONCESSIONARIO O DISTRIBUTORE, NEL QUAL CASO "XEROX" RAPPRESENTA LA XEROX CORPORATION, LA CONSOCIATA O LA FILIALE PRESSO LA QUALE IL FORNITORE HA ACQUISTATO L'APPARECCHIATURA. 1. CONCESSIONE DELLA LICENZA Con il presente contratto, la Xerox concede all'utente una licenza personale non esclusiva per l'utilizzo del software e della relativa documentazione (il "Software") di questo pacchetto con l'Apparecchiatura, a condizione che siano state corrisposte le quote indicate dal presente contratto di licenza (comprese le spese annuali di rinnovamento e di manutenzione). 2. USO Il Software pu essere installato su qualsiasi computer o server della rete a condizione che venga utilizzato con l'Apparecchiatura. Se installato in una rete, tutti gli utenti della medesima possono accedere al software e utilizzarlo mediante l'Apparecchiatura. 3. PROPRIET, COPIA, MODIFICA E RISERVATEZZA 3.1 La Xerox detiene il possesso del Software o ha comunque la facolt di concedere le licenze relative a tutti i suoi diritti. 3.2 Al Cliente non vengono trasferiti n la propriet del Software, n alcun diritto relativo a tale propriet. 3.3 Il Cliente autorizzato a copiare parzialmente o interamente il Software, tenendo conto di quanto indicato al paragrafo 3.4, solo per le finalit espressamente indicate nella sezione 2 e a scopo di backup. Ogni copia deve includere in formato leggibile tutte le informazioni di copyright e propriet contenute nel Software originale. 3.4 Il Cliente pu copiare la documentazione del Software unicamente per utilizzarla congiuntamente all'Apparecchiatura. 3.5 Il Cliente non pu distribuire, alterare o modificare il Software, n personalmente n per mezzo di terzi. 3.6 Il Cliente si impegna a fornire o rendere disponibile il Software esclusivamente ai suoi dipendenti e agli agenti direttamente interessati dalla licenza d'uso del Software. 3.7 Il Software protetto dalle leggi sul copyright e da altri diritti di propriet della Xerox e/o di una terza parte. Tale parte pu ritenere il Cliente direttamente responsabile delle violazioni di questi diritti. 3.8 Il Cliente si impegna a non retroingegnerizzare, decompilare o disassemblare il Software per nessun motivo, ad eccezione dei casi consentiti dalla legge. 3.9 Il Cliente si impegna a non esportare o riesportare il Software in qualunque forma senza prima ottenere tutte le licenze previste dalla legge degli Stati Uniti e dei paesi stranieri in oggetto, e senza l'esportazione contestuale dell'Apparecchiatura. 3.10 La Xerox ha il diritto di revocare la licenza del software (i) immediatamente se il Cliente non possiede o non utilizza pi l'Apparecchiatura o, nel caso in cui il Cliente funga da locatore, se il principale locatario non possiede o non utilizza pi l'Apparecchiatura oppure (ii) allo scadere dell'accordo in base al quale il Cliente ha noleggiato o acquisito il locazione l'Apparecchiatura. 4. TRASFERIMENTO DELLA LICENZA DEL SOFTWARE Se il cliente trasferisce l'Apparecchiatura, la Xerox offre al cessionario la licenza di utilizzo del Software in base ai termini e alle quote da corrispondere previste in quel momento dalla Xerox e a condizione che il trasferimento dell'Apparecchiatura non costituisca una violazione dei diritti della Xerox. 5. GARANZIA LIMITATA 5.1 La Xerox garantisce che il Software funzioner in sostanziale conformit con la guida per l'utente e la documentazione di altro tipo fornita al Cliente originario. La Xerox non garantisce che il Software funzioner in maniera ininterrotta o priva di errori, n che il Software sar in grado di soddisfare le esigenze del Cliente. 5.2 Nel caso in cui il Software non risulti conforme alla garanzia limitata di cui al paragrafo 5.1, il Cliente ha la facolt di restituire il Software alla Xerox entro novanta (90) giorni dalla data di consegna. La Xerox e i suoi fornitori, da parte loro, avranno unicamente l'obbligo di impegnarsi in modo ragionevole a ovviare alla non conformit oppure di sostituire il Software con un Software idoneo. 5.3 LA XEROX NON FORNISCE ALTRE GARANZIE RELATIVE AL "SOFTWARE", ESPLICITE O IMPLICITE, STABILITE PER LEGGE O ALTRIMENTI, COMPRESE, SENZA LIMITAZIONE, LE GARANZIE IMPLICITE DI COMMERCIABILIT E IDONEIT A SCOPI PARTICOLARI. LA XEROX NON RICONOSCE LE GARANZIE O LE DICHIARAZIONI RESE DA SOGGETTI DIVERSI DALLA XEROX (COMPRESI, A TITOLO ESEMPLIFICATIVO MA NON LIMITATIVO, I RIVENDITORI, GLI AGENTI, I CONCESSIONARI E I DISTRIBUTORI). 5.4 Le garanzie esplicite sopra indicate sono da ritenersi nulle nel caso in cui il Cliente non utilizzi il Software in maniera appropriata e in un ambiente adeguato, secondo quanto specificato nella documentazione fornita dalla Xerox, o qualora il Software fosse stato modificato o alterato. 6. VIOLAZIONE DI BREVETTI E COPYRIGHT La Xerox si impegna a difendere il Cliente, nonch a sostenere le necessarie spese di giudizio, nel caso in cui il Software violi brevetti, segreti commerciali o copyright negli Stati Uniti. Per poter godere di tale beneficio, il Cliente tenuto a notificare sollecitamente e per iscritto alla Xerox le eventuali violazioni di cui a conoscenza e deve inoltre consentire alla Xerox di assumere la sua difesa e prestare la propria collaborazione. Le notifiche vanno indirizzate a: Xerox Office of General Counsel, P.O. Box 1600, Stamford, Connecticut 06904, USA. La Xerox non responsabile di spese legali o indennizzi che non riguardino i suoi prodotti, a meno che non acconsenta a farsene carico per iscritto. Per evitare di incorrere nelle suddette violazioni, anche in via preventiva, la Xerox ha la facolt, a sua discrezione e senza spese per il Cliente, di ottenere una licenza, modificare, sostituire o farsi restituire il Software. In caso di restituzione del Software, il Cliente avr diritto al pieno rimborso delle quote di licenza versate; se nessuna porzione delle spese associate alla transazione di acquisizione del Software era stata designata come quota di licenza per il Software, la Xerox rimborser la porzione di spese che ritiene ragionevolmente associata all'acquisizione del Software. La Xerox declina ogni responsabilit nel caso in cui il Software sia stato creato o modificato (dalla Xerox stessa o da altri, compreso il Cliente) in base alle specifiche del Cliente, oppure sia stato utilizzato o venduto in combinazione con apparecchiature, programmi o prodotti non forniti dalla Xerox. LA XEROX NON FORNISCE ALTRE GARANZIE ESPLICITE O IMPLICITE DI NON VIOLAZIONE E DECLINA OGNI RESPONSABILIT IN CASO DI VIOLAZIONE O PER DANNI CONSEGUENTI. 7. LIMITAZIONE DELLA RESPONSABILIT IN NESSUN CASO LA XEROX E I SUOI FORNITORI SARANNO RESPONSABILI DEI DANNI SPECIALI, INDIRETTI, ACCIDENTALI O CONSEQUENZIALI (COMPRESA, AD ESEMPIO, LA PERDITA DI DATI) DERIVANTI DALL'USO DEL SOFTWARE O DALL'INCAPACIT DI UTILIZZARLO, ANCHE NEL CASO IN CUI SIANO STATI AVVERTITI DELLA POSSIBILIT DI TALI DANNI. LA RESPONSABILIT TOTALE DELLA XEROX PER I DANNI DIRETTI SUBITI DAL CLIENTE, INOLTRE, NON PU IN ALCUN CASO SUPERARE LA QUOTA DI LICENZA EFFETTIVAMENTE PAGATA DAL CLIENTE PER IL SOFTWARE. 8. REVOCA La Xerox ha la facolt di revocare immediatamente la presente licenza in caso di violazione sostanziale del Contratto da parte del Cliente, o nel caso in cui il Cliente non utilizzi o non possieda pi l'Apparecchiatura su cui Software deve essere utilizzato. In questo caso, il Cliente tenuto a restituire alla Xerox tutte le copie del Software e rimuovere lo stesso dagli eventuali dispositivi in cui il Software stato caricato. 9. LEGGE APPLICABILE Il presente Contratto regolato dalle leggi dello Stato di New York, USA oppure, se il Software stato acquisito al di fuori degli Stati Uniti, dalle leggi del paese in cui stata acquistata l'Apparecchiatura. Sono esclusi gli eventuali conflitti con le norme di legge. Alcune giurisdizioni non contemplano limitazioni sulla durata delle garanzie implicite o sulla declinazione di responsabilit per i danni incidentali o consequenziali. Di conseguenza, la limitazione o la declinazione di responsabilit di cui sopra pu non riguardare, parzialmente o totalmente, il Cliente. 10. APPLICABILIT DEL CONTRATTO Il presente Contratto rappresenta l'unica forma di accordo tra la Xerox e il Cliente in relazione all'uso del Software e sostituisce tutte le proposte, le intese e gli accordi precedenti o contemporanei. Il Cliente riconosce che i termini e le condizioni contenuti negli ordini d'acquisto o in documenti di ordinazione di altro tipo non sono da ritenersi vincolanti nei confronti della Xerox e non modificano il Contratto in alcun modo. Se giudica inaccettabili i termini e le condizioni del presente contratto, il Cliente tenuto, al fine di evitare obbligazioni contrattuali e responsabilit, a restituire prontamente il software intatto. In caso di restituzione del Software, il Cliente avr diritto al pieno rimborso delle quote di licenza versate. ====================================================================== LICENSE AGREEMENT AND WARRANTY FOR THE ENCLOSED SOFTWARE AND RELATED DOCUMENTATION YOUR LICENSE AGREEMENT - READ BEFORE INSTALLING SOFTWARE IMPORTANT: THIS AGREEMENT CONTAINS THE LICENSE TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR LICENSED SOFTWARE AND RELATED DOCUMENTATION. INSTALLING THE SOFTWARE PACKAGE SIGNIFIES YOUR ACCEPTANCE OF THIS AGREEMENT. IF YOU DO NOT ACCEPT THIS AGREEMENT, YOU MUST PROMPTLY RETURN THE SOFTWARE PACKAGE AND DELETE ANY SOFTWARE FILES ACCESSED BY YOU FROM ANY AND ALL COMPUTER MEMORY INTO WHICH SUCH SOFTWARE HAS BEEN LOADED OR STORED. WHEN USED IN THIS AGREEMENT THE WORD "XEROX" SHALL MEAN XEROX CORPORATION, ITS OPERATING COMPANY SUBSIDIARY OR AFFILIATE FROM WHICH YOU OBTAINED THE XEROX PRODUCT WITH WHICH THE SOFTWARE IS TO BE USED (the "Equipment"), UNLESS YOU OBTAINED THE EQUIPMENT FROM AN AUTHORIZED DEALER, AGENT, CONCESSIONAIRE OR DISTRIBUTOR, IN WHICH CASE "XEROX" SHALL MEAN XEROX CORPORATION, ITS OPERATING COMPANY, SUBSIDIARY OR AFFILIATE FROM WHICH THE ENTITY THAT SOLD YOU THE EQUIPMENT ACQUIRED IT. 1. GRANT OF LICENSE Xerox hereby grants you a non-exclusive, non-transferable license to use the software and related documentation ("Software") enclosed in this package with the Equipment, for as long as you are current in the payment of any indicated software license fees (including any annual renewal or maintenance fees) on the following terms and conditions. 2. USE You may install the Software for use on any networked workstation or server only in conjunction with the Equipment. When networked, other users on the network may access and use the Software in conjunction with the Equipment. 3. OWNERSHIP, COPYING, MODIFICATION AND CONFIDENTIALITY 3.1 Xerox owns or is otherwise entitled to grant licenses in respect of all rights in the Software. 3.2 No title to or ownership of the Software or any proprietary right therein is transferred to you. 3.3 You may, subject to Section 3.4 below, make one copy of the Software in whole or in part only for that purpose expressly permitted in Section 2 above and for back-up. Such permitted copy shall include in readable format any copyright and other proprietary notices contained on the original Software. 3.4 You may copy the related documentation for use only in conjunction with the Equipment. 3.5 You may not distribute, alter or modify nor cause or allow others to alter or modify the Software. 3.6 You agree not to provide or otherwise make available the Software to anyone other than your employees and agents directly concerned with the licensed use of the Software. 3.7 The Software is protected by copyright and other proprietary rights of Xerox and/or a third party. You may be held directly responsible by such third party for an infringement of such rights by you. 3.8 You agree not to reverse engineer, decompile or disassemble the Software for any purpose whatsoever, except to the extent permitted by law. 3.9 You agree not to export or re-export the Software in any form without, in the case of a customer in the United States, first obtaining all United States government licenses, and in the case of a customer outside of the United States, all relevant foreign government licenses, required by law, and then only upon the export of the Equipment. 3.10 Xerox may terminate your license for the Software (i) immediately if you no longer use or possess the Equipment or are a lessor of the Equipment and your first lessee no longer uses or possesses it or (ii) upon the termination of any agreement under which you have rented or leased the Equipment. 4. TRANSFER OF LICENSED SOFTWARE If you transfer possession of the Equipment, Xerox will offer the transferee a license to use the Software on or with it, subject to Xerox' then applicable terms and license fees, if any, and provided the transfer is not in violation of Xerox' rights. 5. LIMITED WARRANTY 5.1 Xerox warrants that the Software shall substantially conform to Xerox' User Manual or other Xerox documentation supplied at delivery to the original Customer. Xerox does not warrant that the operation of the Software will be uninterrupted or error free, nor that it will meet your needs. 5.2 In the event that the Software does not conform to the limited warranty contained in Section 5.1 above, your exclusive remedy is to notify Xerox within ninety (90) days of the date of delivery, and Xerox' or its supplier's sole obligation shall be to use all reasonable efforts to provide a work-around which avoids the nonconformity or to provide you with Software which does substantially conform to the Xerox User Manual or other Xerox supplied documentation. 5.3 XEROX GRANTS NO OTHER WARRANTIES ON THE "SOFTWARE", EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, WHETHER CREATED BY STATUTE OR OTHERWISE, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. XEROX FURTHER DISCLAIMS ANY WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS MADE BY PERSONS OTHER THAN XEROX (INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO XEROX SOFTWARE DEALERS, AGENTS, CONCESSIONAIRES OR DISTRIBUTORS). 5.4 The express warranties set forth above shall be void if you fail to properly use the Software in the appropriate environment as specified in the Xerox supplied documentation or if the Software is modified or altered in any fashion. 6. PATENT AND COPYRIGHT INDEMNIFICATION Xerox will defend and indemnify you if the Software is alleged to infringe, in the United States, any patent, trade secret, or copyright, if you promptly notify Xerox in writing of any alleged infringement, allow Xerox to direct the defense of such claim, and cooperate with Xerox. All notices should be sent to the Xerox Office of General Counsel, P.O. Box 1600, Stamford, Connecticut 06904. Xerox is not responsible for any non-Xerox litigation expenses or settlements unless Xerox pre-approves them in writing. To avoid infringement, Xerox may, at its option, and at no charge to you, obtain a license, or modify, or substitute an equivalent of, or remove the Software. If Software is removed by Xerox for this reason, any designated license fees paid by you will be fully refunded; if no portion of the amounts paid to Xerox within the transaction in which the Software was acquired was designated as a license fee for the Software, Xerox shall refund that portion of the amounts paid that Xerox reasonably designates as associated with the Software's acquisition. Xerox is not liable for any infringement due to the Software being made or modified (by Xerox or others, including you) to your specifications, or being used or sold in combination with equipment, software, or supplies not provided by Xerox. XEROX MAKES NO OTHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTY OF NON-INFRINGEMENT OR LIABILITY FOR INFRINGEMENT OR ANY DAMAGES THEREFROM. 7. LIMITATION OF LIABILITY IN NO EVENT SHALL XEROX OR ITS SUPPLIERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, (INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, LOSS OF DATA) IN ANY WAY ARISING OUT OF OR RELATED TO THE USE OR INABILITY TO USE THE "SOFTWARE", EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. IN NO EVENT SHALL XEROX' DIRECT DAMAGES TO YOU EXCEED THE TOTAL LICENSE FEE ACTUALLY PAID BY YOU FOR SUCH SOFTWARE. 8. TERMINATION Xerox may terminate this license immediately upon notice in the event of a material breach by you or if you no longer use or possess the equipment with which this Software is intended to be used, in which event you shall return to Xerox all copies of the Software, and remove same from all equipment into which such Software may have been loaded by you. 9. GOVERNING LAW This agreement will be governed by the laws of the State of New York, USA or if you acquire the Software outside the USA, by the laws of the country in which you acquired the Equipment, excluding its conflict of laws provisions. Some jurisdictions do not allow limitations on how long an implied warranty lasts or the exclusion or limitation of incidental or consequential damages, so the above disclaimers, limitations or exclusions, in whole or in part, may not apply to you. 10. ENTIRE AGREEMENT This Software License Agreement is the entire agreement between Xerox and you pertaining to the Software and supersedes all proposals or prior and contemporaneous agreements or understandings of the parties regarding the Software. You agree that any terms and conditions contained in any purchase order or other ordering document submitted to order the Software shall have no binding effect on Xerox and will not modify this Agreement in any way. If, after reading the terms and conditions, they are unacceptable to you, then, to avoid contractual obligations and liability, you should promptly return the software unused, and you will then be entitled to a refund of any sums paid by you to license the Software. FROM WHICH THE ENTITY THAT SOLD YOU THE EQUIPMENT ACQUIRED IT. 1. GRANT OF LICENSE Xerox hereby grants you a non-exclusive, non-transferable license to use the software and related documentation ("Software") enclosed in this package with the Equipment, for as long as you are current in the payment of any indicated software license fees (including any annual renewal or maintenance fees) on the following terms and conditions. 2. USE You may install the Software for use on any networked workstation or server only in conjunction with the Equipment. When networked, other users on the network may access and use the Software in conjunction with the Equipment. 3. OWNERSHIP, COPYING, MODIFICATION AND CONFIDENTIALITY 3.1 Xerox owns or is otherwise entitled to grant licenses in respect of all rights in the Software. 3.2 No title to or ownership of the Software or any proprietary right therein is transferred to you. 3.3 You may, subject to Section 3.4 below, make one copy oTitle WorkCentre Pro 40 Color Version 1.2.5 Description DefaultLocation /Library/Printers/PPDs/Contents/Resources DeleteWarning ### Package Flags NeedsAuthorization YES Required NO Relocatable NO RequiresReboot NO UseUserMask NO OverwritePermissions NO InstallFat NO o anyone other than your employees and agents directly concerned with the licensed use of the Software. 3.7 The Software is protected by copyright and other proprietary rights of Xerox and/or a third party. You may be held directly responsible by such third party for an infringement of such rights by you. 3.8 You agree not to reverse engineer, decompile or disassemble the Software for any purpose whatsoever, except to the extent permitted by law. 3.9 You agree not to export or re-export the Software in any form without, in the case of a customer in the United States, first obtaining all United States government licenses, and in the case of a customer outside of the United States, all relevant foreign government licenses, required by law, and then only upon the export of the Equipment. 3.10 Xerox may terminate your license for the Software (i) immediately if you no longer use or possess the Equipment or are a lessor of the Equipment and your first lessee no longer uses or possesses it or (ii) upon the termination of any agreement under which you have rented or leased the Equipment. 4. TRANSFER OF LICENSED SOFTWARE If you transfer possession of the Equipment, Xerox will offer the transferee a license to use the Software on or with it, subject to Xerox' then applicable terms and license fees, if any, and provided the transfer is not in violation of Xerox' rights. 5. LIMITED WARRANTY 5.1 Xerox warrants that the Software shall substantially conform to Xerox' User Manual or other Xerox documentation supplied at delivery to the original Customer. Xerox does not warrant that the operation of the Software will be uninterrupted or error free, nor that it will meet your needs. 5.2 In the event that the Software does not conform to the limited warranty contained in Section 5.1 above, your exclusive remedy is to notify Xerox within ninety (90) days of the date of delivery, and Xerox' or its supplier's sole obligation shall be to use all reasonable efforts to provide a work-around which avoids the nonconformity or to provide you with Software which does substantially conform to the Xerox User Manual or other Xerox supplied documentation. 5.3 XEROX GRANTS NO OTHER WARRANTIES ON THE "SOFTWARE", EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, WHETHER CREATED BY STATUTE OR OTHERWISE, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. XEROX FURTHER DISCLAIMS ANY WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS MADE BY PERSONS OTHER THAN XEROX (INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO XEROX SOFTWARE DEALERS, AGENTS, CONCESSIONAIRES OR DISTRIBUTORS). 5.4 The express warranties set forth above shall be void if you fail to properly use the Software in the appropriate environment as specified in the Xerox supplied documentation or if the Software is modified or altered in any fashion. 6. PATENT AND COPYRIGHT INDEMNIFICATION Xerox will defend and indemnify you if the Software is alleged to infringe, in the United States, any patent, trade secret, or copyright, if you promptly notify Xerox in writing of any alleged infringement, allow Xerox to direct the defense of such claim, and cooperate with Xerox. All notices should be sent to the Xerox Office of General Counsel, P.O. Box 1600, Stamford, Connecticut 06904. Xerox is not responsible for any non-Xerox litigation expenses or settlements unless Xerox pre-approves them in writing. To avoid infringement, Xerox may, at its option, and at no charge to you, obtain a license, or modify, or substitute an equivalent of, or remove the Software. If Softwar"16" = "Enheden kan ikke bruges til denne opdatering."; "17" = "Der er ikke plads nok til opdateringen. Der krves 300 MB ledig plads."; "18" = "Denne pakke kan kun afvikles p Mac OS X version 10.2 eller en nyere version."; r specifications, or being used or sold in combination with equipment, software, or supplies not provided by Xerox. XEROX MAKES NO OTHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTY OF NON-INFRINGEMENT OR LIABILITY FOR INFRINGEMENT OR ANY DAMAGES THEREFROM. 7. LIMITATION OF LIABILITY IN NO EVENT SHALL XEROX OR ITS SUPPLIERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, (INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, LOSS OF DATA) IN ANY WAY ARISING OUT OF OR RELATED TO THE USE OR INABILITY TO USE THE "SOFTWARE", EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. IN NO EVENT SHALL XEROX' DIRECT DAMAGES TO YOU EXCEED THE TOTAL LICENSE FEE ACTUALLY PAID BY YOU FOR SUCH SOFTWARE. 8. TERMINATION Xerox may terminate this license immediately upon notice in the event of a material breach by you or if you no longer use or possess the equipment with which this Software is intended to be used, in which event you shall return to Xerox all copies of the Software, and remove same from all equipment into which such Software may have been loaded by you. 9. GOVERNING LAW This agreement will be governed by the laws of the State of New York, USA or if you acquire the Software outside the USA, by the laws of the country in which you acquired the Document Centre System Equipment with which this software is to be used, excluding its conflict of laws provisions. Some jurisdictions do not allow limitations on how long an implied warranty lasts or the exclusion or limitation of incidental or consequential damages, so the above disclaimers, limitations or exclusions, in whole or in part, may not apply to you. 10. ENTIRE AGREEMENT This Software License Agreement is the entire agreement between Xerox and you pertaining to the Software and supersedes all proposals or prior and contemporaneous agreements or understandings of the parties regarding the Software. You agree that any terms and conditions contained in any purchase order or other ordering document submitted to order the Software shall have no binding effect on Xerox and will not modify this Agreement in any way. If, after reading the terms and conditions, they are unacceptable to you, then, to avoid contractual obligations and liability, you should promptly return the software unused, and you will then be entitled to a refund of any sums paid by you to license the Software. Oversttelsen af denne licensaftale er leveret af Xerox Europe og er ikke juridisk bindende. Den engelske tekst, der flger efter den oversatte tekst, er juridisk bindende. ====================================================================== LICENSAFTALE OG GARANTI FOR VEDLAGTE SOFTWARE OG TILHRENDE DOKUMENTATION LS DENNE LICENSAFTALE, FR PAKKEN MED CENTREWARE-SOFTWARE BNES. VIGTIGT: DENNE AFTALE INDEHOLDER LICENSBETINGELSER OG -VILKR FOR LICENSSOFTWAREN OG DEN TILHRENDE DOKUMENTATION. HVIS PAKKEN BNES, TILKENDEGIVER DE, AT DE ACCEPTERER AFTALENS BETINGELSER. HVIS DE IKKE KAN ACCEPTERE EN ELLER FLERE AF AFTALENS BETINGELSER, BEDES DE RETURNERE LICENSPAKKEN MED SOFTWARE UBNET TIL LEVERANDREN, SAMT SLETTE ALLE SOFTWAREFILER, SOM DE HAR HAFT ADGANG TIL FRA EN HVILKEN SOM HELST COMPUTERHUKOMMELSE, HVORTIL DEN PGLDENDE SOFTWARE ER BLEVET INDLST ELLER GEMT. NR ORDET "XEROX" ANVENDES I DENNE AFTALE, ER DET I BETYDNINGEN XEROX CORPORATION, ELLER DET XEROX-DATTERSELSKAB, HVORFRA XEROX DOCUMENT CENTRE-UDSTYRET ("Udstyret"), HVOR SOFTWAREN SKAL INSTALLERES, ER KBT, MEDMINDRE UDSTYRET ER KBT HOS EN AUTORISERET FORHANDLER, AGENT ELLER DISTRIBUTR. NR ORDET "XEROX" ANVENDES I SIDSTNVNTE SAMMENHNG ER DET I BETYDNINGEN XEROX CORPORATION ELLER DET XEROX-DATTERSELSKAB, HVORFRA TREDJEPARTEN, DER SOLGTE DEM UDSTYRET, HAR KBT UDSTYRET. 1. LICENSBEVILLING Xerox giver Dem en ikke-eksklusiv ret, som ikke kan overdrages, til at anvende den software og tilhrende dokumentation ("softwaren"), som er indeholdt i denne pakke sammen med udstyret, s lnge De betaler licensafgiften indeholdt i nrvrende licensaftale (inklusive en eventuel rlig fornyelse af licensafgift) og i vrigt overholder flgende betingelser og vilkr. 2. ANVENDELSE De m udelukkende installere softwaren til brug sammen med en hvilken som helst netvrksopkoblet computer eller server, som er forbundet med Udstyret. Ved en netvrksopkobling kan andre brugere p netvrket f adgang til og anvende softwaren sammen med udstyret. 3. EJENDOMSRET, KOPIERING, NDRINGER OG FORTROLIGHED 3.1 Xerox ejer eller er p anden vis berettiget til at bevilge licenser med respekt af alle rettigheder til softwaren. 3.2 Der overfres ikke rettigheder eller ejendomsret af softwaren til kunden. 3.3 I overensstemmelse med punkt 3.4 herunder er kunden kun berettiget til helt eller delvist at kopiere softwaren til det forml, der udtrykkeligt er beskrevet i punkt 2 herover og med henblik p sikkerhedskopiering. Enhver tilladt kopi skal i et lseligt format inkludere copyright og andre ejendomsretlige bestemmelser indeholdt i den originale software. 3.4 Kunden m kun kopiere den tilhrende dokumentation til anvendelse sammen med Udstyret. 3.5 Kunden m ikke distribuere, ndre eller modificere softwaren eller give anledning til eller tillade, at andre ndrer eller modificerer softwaren. 3.6 Kunden accepterer ikke at overdrage eller p anden mde gre softwaren tilgngelig for andre end de medarbejdere og agenter, der er direkte beskftiget med den licensberettigede anvendelse af softwaren. 3.7 Softwaren er copyright-beskyttet, og alle rettigheder tilhrer Xerox og/eller en tredjepart. Kunden kan holdes direkte ansvarlig af en sdan tredjepart ved kundens overtrdelse af nvnte rettigheder. 3.8 Kunden accepterer under ingen omstndigheder at ville samle softwaren omvendt, dekompilere eller skille softwaren ad. 3.9 Kunden accepterer ikke at eksportere eller geneksportere softwaren i en hvilken som helst form uden frst at indhente svel alle nationale som internationale licenser, som loven foreskriver, og i s fald kun ved eksport af Xerox-produktet. 3.10 Xerox kan ophve denne licensaftale (i) jeblikkeligt, hvis kunden ikke lngere anvender eller er i besiddelse af det udstyr, hvortil denne software er beregnet, eller hvis kunden leaser udstyret, og den frste leasingtager ikke lngere anvender eller er i besiddelse af udstyret (ii) ved ophr af den aftale, der blev indget i forbindelse med, at kunden lejede eller leasede udstyret. 4. OVERDRAGELSE AF LICENSSOFTWAREN Kunden kan overdrage softwaren i forbindelse med en overdragelse af Xerox-produktet, forudsat at modtageren skriftligt accepterer alle de beskrevne vilkr og betingelser indeholdt i nrvrende licensaftale, og at overdragelsen ikke er i strid med Xerox' rettigheder. 5. BEGRNSET GARANTI 5.1 Xerox oplyser, at softwaren p alle vsentlige punkter fungerer i overensstemmelse med Xerox' Betjeningsvejledning eller andet Xerox-dokumentation, der p leveringstidspunktet overdrages til den oprindelige kunde. Xerox indestr ikke for, at softwaren kan anvendes, uden at der opstr afbrydelser eller fejl, eller at softwaren imdekommer kundens behov. Er Udstyret solgt til en forbruger, som defineret i kbelovgivningen, fraviger ovennvnte bestemmelse ikke forbrugerens rettigheder i henhold til kbelovgivningens forbrugerbeskyttelsesprceptive regler. 5.2 Hvis softwaren ikke er i overensstemmelse med funktionaliteten, indeholdt i punkt 5.1 herover, er kundens eneste misligeholdelsesbefjelse at underrette Xerox om forholdet inden for halvfems (90) dage efter levering, og Xerox eller dennes leverandr er kun forpligtet til at foretage, hvad der m anses for rimeligt for at finde en lsning, som afhjlper denne manglende funktionalitet, eller til at skaffe kunden software, som i al vsentlighed er i overensstemmelse med Xerox' Betjeningsvejledning eller anden dokumentation, leveret af Xerox. Er Udstyret solgt til en forbruger, som defineret i kbelovgivningen, fraviger ovennvnte bestemmelse ikke forbrugerens rettigheder i henhold til kbelovgivningens forbrugerbeskyttelsesprceptive regler. 5.3 XEROX YDER INGEN ANDRE GARANTIER FOR SOFTWAREN, SVEL UDTRYKKELIGE SOM UNDERFORSTEDE, OG SVEL LOVMSSIGE SOM P ANDEN VIS ETABLEREDE, HERUNDER MEN IKKE BEGRNSET TIL, ENHVER UNDERFORSTET GARANTI FOR SALGBARHED OG EGNETHED TIL ET BESTEMT FORML. XEROX FRALGGER SIG DESUDEN ETHVERT ANSVAR FOR GARANTIER OG LIGNENDE, SOM ER GIVET AF ANDRE PERSONER END XEROX-ANSAT PERSONALE (VED ANDRE PERSONER END XEROX-ANSAT PERSONALE FORSTS BL.A. XEROX SOFTWARE-DISTRIBUTRER OG -FORHANDLERE). 5.4 De udtrykkelige garantier, der er anfrt ovenfor, er ugyldige, hvis kunden ikke anvender softwaren som beskrevet, eller hvis softwaren modificeres eller ndres p en hvilken som helst mde. 6. PATENT OG COPYRIGHT-KRNKELSE Xerox vil forsvare og holde kunden skadesls, hvis det hvdes, at softwaren krnker patenter, forretningshemmeligheder eller copyright i USA, forudsat at kunden jeblikkeligt skriftligt gr Xerox opmrksom p en eventuel pstet overtrdelse, er indstillet p at lade Xerox forsvare en sdan pstand og samarbejder med Xerox. Xerox er ikke ansvarlig for eventuelle ikke-Xerox retstvistlige udgifter eller forlig, medmindre Xerox p forhnd accepterer disse skriftligt. For at undg en overtrdelse kan Xerox, efter eget skn, og uden omkostninger for kunden skaffe en licens eller ndre eller udskifte softwaren med en lignende eller fjerne softwaren. Hvis softwaren fjernes af Xerox af ovenstende rsag, refunderes den af kunden betalte licensafgift. Xerox er ikke ansvarlig for en evt. krnkelse, som skyldes, at softwaren fremstilles eller ndres (af Xerox eller andre, inkl. kunden) efter kundens specifikationer, eller hvis softwaren anvendes eller slges sammen med andet udstyr, software eller forbrugsstoffer, som ikke er leveret af Xerox. XEROX GIVER IKKE ANDRE UDTRYKKELIGE ELLER UNDERFORSTEDE GARANTIER FOR IKKE-KRNKELSER OG ER IKKE ANSVARLIG FOR KRNKELSER ELLER EVENTUELLE SKADESERSTATNINGER SOM FLGE HERAF. 7. BEGRNSNING AF ANSVAR HVERKEN XEROX ELLER DETS LEVERANDRER KAN HOLDES ANSVARLIGE FOR SPECIELLE, INDIREKTE, TILFLDIGE SKADER ELLER FLGESKADER, (INKLUSIVE, MEN IKKE BEGRNSET TIL TAB AF DATA) SOM OPSTR SOM FLGE AF BRUGEN AF ELLER I FORBINDELSE MED BRUGEN AF ELLER MANGLENDE EVNE TIL AT BRUGE SOFTWAREN, SELV HVIS DER ER GJORT OPMRKSOM P MULIGHEDEN FOR SDANNE SKADER. UNDER INGEN OMSTNDIGHEDER KAN XEROX' ANSVAR OVER FOR KUNDEN FOR DIREKTE SKADESERSTATNINGER OVERSTIGE DEN SAMLEDE LICENSAFGIFT, SOM REELT ER BETALT AF KUNDEN FOR SOFTWAREN. 8. OPHVELSE Xerox kan ophve denne licens jeblikkeligt, hvis aftalen p vsentlige punkter misligeholdes af kunden, eller hvis kunden ikke lngere anvender eller er i besiddelse af det udstyr, hvortil denne software er beregnet, i hvilket tilflde kunden skal returnere alle kopier af softwaren til Xerox og fjerne samme fra ethvert udstyr, hvori softwaren mtte vre indlst af kunden. 9. LOVGIVNING Nrvrende aftale er underlagt lovene i det land, hvor den Xerox-virksomhed, hvorfra det udstyr, hvortil softwaren er beregnet, er kbt. Nogle retssystemer tillader ingen begrnsning af, hvor lnge en underforstet garanti varer, eller udelukkelse eller begrnsning af erstatningansvar for hndelige svel som flgeskader, hvorfor ovennvnte ansvarsfraskrivelser, begrnsninger eller indskrnkninger, helt eller delvist, ikke ndvendigvis finder anvendelse i Deres tilflde. 10. HELE AFTALEN Nrvrende softwarelicensaftale udgr hele aftalen mellem Xerox og kunden, hvad angr softwaren, og tilsidestter alle udkast eller tidligere og nuvrende aftaler eller betingelser indget mellem parterne angende softwaren. Kunden accepterer, at betingelser og vilkr indeholdt i kundens indkbsrekvisition eller andre bestillingsdokumenter, som er afsendt med henblik p at bestille softwaren, ikke har nogen bindende effekt for Xerox og p ingen mde ndrer denne aftale. Hvis disse betingelser og vilkr, efter endt gennemlsning, ikke kan accepteres, br De, for at undg kontraktmssige forpligtelser og ansvar, jeblikkeligt returnere softwaren i ubrugt stand, hvorefter De er berettiget til at f refunderet ethvert belb, De mtte have betalt for at f licens til at bruge softwaren. ====================================================================== LICENSE AGREEMENT AND WARRANTY FOR THE ENCLOSED SOFTWARE AND RELATED DOCUMENTATION YOUR LICENSE AGREEMENT - READ BEFORE INSTALLING SOFTWARE IMPORTANT: THIS AGREEMENT CONTAINS THE LICENSE TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR LICENSED SOFTWARE AND RELATED DOCUMENTATION. INSTALLING THE SOFTWARE PACKAGE SIGNIFIES YOUR ACCEPTANCE OF THIS AGREEMENT. IF YOU DO NOT ACCEPT THIS AGREEMENT, YOU MUST PROMPTLY RETURN THE SOFTWARE PACKAGE AND DELETE ANY SOFTWARE FILES ACCESSED BY YOU FROM ANY AND ALL COMPUTER MEMORY INTO WHICH SUCH SOFTWARE HAS BEEN LOADED OR STORED. WHEN USED IN THIS AGREEMENT THE WORD "XEROX" SHALL MEAN XEROX CORPORATION, ITS OPERATING COMPANY SUBSIDIARY OR AFFILIATE FROM WHICH YOU OBTAINED THE INDIVIDUAL UNIT OF THE XEROX DOCUMENT CENTRE SYSTEM EQUIPMENT (the "Equipment") WITH WHICH THE SOFTWARE IS TO BE USED, UNLESS YOU OBTAINED THE EQUIPMENT FROM AN AUTHORIZED DEALER, AGENT, CONCESSIONAIRE OR DISTRIBUTOR, IN WHICH CASE "XEROX" SHALL MEAN XEROX CORPORATION, ITS OPERATING COMPANY, SUBSIDIARY OR AFFILIATE FROM WHICH THE ENTITY THAT SOLD YOU THE EQUIPMENT ACQUIRED IT. 1. GRANT OF LICENSE Xerox hereby grants you a non-exclusive, non-transferable license to use the software and related documentation ("Software") enclosed in this package with the Equipment, for as long as you are current in the payment of any indicated software license fees (including any annual renewal or maintenance fees) on the following terms and conditions. 2. USE You may install the Software for use on any networked workstation or server only in conjunction with the Equipment. When networked, other users on the network may access and use the Software in conjunction with the Equipment. 3. OWNERSHIP, COPYING, MODIFICATION AND CONFIDENTIALITY 3.1 Xerox owns or is otherwise entitled to grant licenses in respect of all rights in the Software. 3.2 No title to or ownership of the Software or any proprietary right therein is transferred to you. 3.3 You may, subject to Section 3.4 below, make one copy of the Software in whole or in part only for that purpose expressly permitted in Section 2 above and for back-up. Such permitted copy shall include in readable format any copyright and other proprietary notices contained on the original Software. 3.4 You may copy the related documentation for use only in conjunction with the Equipment. 3.5 You may not distribute, alter or modify nor cause or allow others to alter or modify the Software. 3.6 You agree not to provide or otherwise make available the Software to anyone other than your employees and agents directly concerned with the licensed use of the Software. 3.7 The Software is protected by copyright and other proprietary rights of Xerox and/or a third party. You may be held directly responsible by such third party for an infringement of such rights by you. 3.8 You agree not to reverse engineer, decompile or disassemble the Software for any purpose whatsoever, except to the extent permitted by law. 3.9 You agree not to export or re-export the Software in any form without, in the case of a customer in the United States, first obtaining all United States government licenses, and in the case of a customer outside of the United States, all relevant foreign government licenses, required by law, and then only upon the export of the Equipment. 3.10 Xerox may terminate your license for the Software (i) immediately if you no longer use or possess the Equipment or are a lessor of the Equipment and your first lessee no longer uses or possesses it or (ii) upon the termination of any agreement under which you have rented or leased the Equipment. 4. TRANSFER OF LICENSED SOFTWARE If you transfer possession of the Equipment, Xerox will offer the transferee a license to use the Software on or with it, subject to Xerox' then applicable terms and license fees, if any, and provided the transfer is not in violation of Xerox' rights. 5. LIMITED WARRANTY 5.1 Xerox warrants that the Software shall substantially conform to Xerox' User Manual or other Xerox documentation supplied at delivery to the original Customer. Xerox does not warrant that the operation of the Software will be uninterrupted or error free, nor that it will meet your needs. 5.2 In the event that the Software does not conform to the limited warranty contained in Section 5.1 above, your exclusive remedy is to notify Xerox within ninety (90) days of the date of delivery, and Xerox' or its supplier's sole obligation shall be to use all reasonable efforts to provide a work-around which avoids the nonconformity or to provide you with Software which does substantially conform to the Xerox User Manual or other Xerox supplied documentation. 5.3 XEROX GRANTS NO OTHER WARRANTIES ON THE "SOFTWARE", EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, WHETHER CREATED BY STATUTE OR OTHERWISE, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. XEROX FURTHER DISCLAIMS ANY WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS MADE BY PERSONS OTHER THAN XEROX (INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO XEROX SOFTWARE DEALERS, AGENTS, CONCESSIONAIRES OR DISTRIBUTORS). 5.4 The express warranties set forth above shall be void if you fail to properly use the Software in the appropriate environment as specified in the Xerox supplied documentation or if the Software is modified or altered in any fashion. 6. PATENT AND COPYRIGHT INDEMNIFICATION Xerox will defend and indemnify you if the Software is alleged to infringe, in the United States, any patent, trade secret, or copyright, if you promptly notify Xerox in writing of any alleged infringement, allow Xerox to direct the defense of such claim, and cooperate with Xerox. All notices should be sent to the Xerox Office of General Counsel, P.O. Box 1600, Stamford, Connecticut 06904. Xerox is not responsible for any non-Xerox litigation expenses or settlements unless Xerox pre-approves them in writing. To avoid infringement, Xerox may, at its option, and at no charge to you, obtain a license, or modify, or substitute an equivalent of, or remove the Software. If Software is removed by Xerox for this reason, any designated license fees paid by you will be fully refunded; if no portion of the amounts paid to Xerox within the transaction in which the Software was acquired was designated as a license fee for the Software, Xerox shall refund that portion of the amounts paid that Xerox reasonably designates as associated with the Software's acquisition. Xerox is not liable for any infringement due to the Software being made or modified (by Xerox or others, including you) to your specifications, or being used or sold in combination with equipment, software, or supplies not provided by Xerox. XEROX MAKES NO OTHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTY OF NON-INFRINGEMENT OR LIABILITY FOR INFRINGEMENT OR ANY DAMAGES THEREFROM. 7. LIMITATION OF LIABILITY IN NO EVENT SHALL XEROX OR ITS SUPPLIERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, (INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, LOSS OF DATA) IN ANY WAY ARISING OUT OF OR RELATED TO THE USE OR INABILITY TO USE THE "SOFTWARE", EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. IN NO EVENT SHALL XEROX' DIRECT DAMAGES TO YOU EXCEED THE TOTAL LICENSE FEE ACTUALLY PAID BY YOU FOR SUCH SOFTWARE. 8. TERMINATION Xerox may terminate this license immediately upon notice in the event of a material breach by you or if you no longer use or possess the equipment with which this Software is intended to be used, in which event you shall return to Xerox all copies of the Software, and remove same from all equipment into which such Software may have been loaded by you. 9. GOVERNING LAW This agreement will be governed by the laws of the State of New York, USA or if you acquire the Software outside the USA, by the laws of the country in which you acquired the Document Centre System Equipment with which this software is to be used, excluding its conflict of laws provisions. Some jurisdictions do not allow limitations on how long an implied warranty lasts or the exclusion or limitation of incidental or consequential damages, so the above disclaimers, limitations or exclusions, in whole or in part, may not apply to you. 10. ENTIRE AGREEMENT This Software License Agreement is the entire agreement between Xerox and you pertaining to the Software and supersedes all proposals or prior and contemporaneous agreements or understandings of the parties regarding the Software. You agree that any terms and conditions contained in any purchase order or other ordering document submitted to order the Software shall have no binding effect on Xerox and will not modify this Agreement in any way. If, after reading the terms and conditions, they are unacceptable to you, then, to avoid contractual obligations and liability, you should promptly return the software unused, and you will then be entitled to a refund of any sums paid by you to license the Software. Section 3.4 below, make one copy of the Software in whole or in part only for that purpose expressly permitted in Section 2 above and for back-up. Such permitted copy shall include in readable format any copyright and other proprietary notices contained on the original Software. 3.4 You may copy the related documentation for use only in conjunction with the Equipment. 3.5 You may not distribute, alter or modify nor cause or allow others to alter or modify the Software. 3.6 You agree not to provide or otherwise make available the Software to anyone other than your employees and agents directly concerned with the licensed use of the Software. 3.7 The Software is protected by copyright and other proprietary rights of Xerox and/or a third party. You may be held directly responsible by such third party for an infringement of such rights by you. 3.8 You agree not to reverse engineer, decompile or disassemble the Software for any purpose whatsoever, except to the extent permitted by law. 3.9 You agree not to expoTitle WorkCentre Pro 40 Color Version 1.2.5 Description DefaultLocation /Library/Printers/PPDs/Contents/Resources DeleteWarning ### Package Flags NeedsAuthorization YES Required NO Relocatable NO RequiresReboot NO UseUserMask NO OverwritePermissions NO InstallFat NO ssesses it or (ii) upon the termination of any agreement under which you have rented or leased the Equipment. 4. TRANSFER OF LICENSED SOFTWARE If you transfer possession of the Equipment, Xerox will offer the transferee a license to use the Software on or with it, subject to Xerox' then applicable terms and license fees, if any, and provided the transfer is not in violation of Xerox' rights. 5. LIMITED WARRANTY 5.1 Xerox warrants that the Software shall substantially conform to Xerox' User Manual or other Xerox documentation supplied at delivery to the original Customer. Xerox does not warrant that the operation of the Software will be uninterrupted or error free, nor that it will meet your needs. 5.2 In the event that the Software does not conform to the limited warranty contained in Section 5.1 above, your exclusive remedy is to notify Xerox within ninety (90) days of the date of delivery, and Xerox' or its supplier's sole obligation shall be to use all reasonable efforts to provide a work-around which avoids the nonconformity or to provide you with Software which does substantially conform to the Xerox User Manual or other Xerox supplied documentation. 5.3 XEROX GRANTS NO OTHER WARRANTIES ON THE "SOFTWARE", EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, WHETHER CREATED BY STATUTE OR OTHERWISE, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. XEROX FURTHER DISCLAIMS ANY WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS MADE BY PERSONS OTHER THAN XEROX (INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO XEROX SOFTWARE DEALERS, AGENTS, CONCESSIONAIRES OR DISTRIBUTORS). 5.4 The express warranties set forth above shall be void if you fail to properly use the Software in the appropriate environment as specified in the Xerox supplied documentation or if the Software is modified or altered in any fashion. 6. PATENT AND COPYRIGHT INDEMNIFICATION Xerox will defend and indemnify you if the Software is alleged to infringe, in the United States, any patent, trade secret, or copyright, if you promptly notify Xerox in writing of any alleged infringement, allow Xerox to direct the defense of such claim, and cooperate with Xerox. All notices should be sent to the Xerox Office of General Counsel, P.O. Box 1600, Stamford, Connecticut 06904. Xerox is not responsible for any non-Xerox litigation expenses or settlements unless Xerox pre-approves them in writing. To avoid infringement, Xerox may, at its option, and at no charge to you, obtain a license, or modify, or substitute an equivalent of, or remove the Software. If Software is removed by Xerox for this reason, any designated license fees paid by you will be fully refunded; if no portion of the amounts paid to Xerox within the transaction in which the Software was acquired was designated as a license fee for the Software, Xerox shall refund that portion of the amounts paid that Xerox reasonably designates as associated with the Software's acquisition. Xerox is not liable for any infringement due to the Software being made or modified (by Xerox or others, including you) to your specifications, or being used or sold in combination with equipment, software, or supplies not provided by Xerox. XEROX MAKES NO OTHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTY OF NON-INFRINGEMENT OR LIABILITY FOR INFRINGEMENT OR ANY DAMAGES THEREFROM. 7. LIMITATION OF LIABILITY IN NO EVENT SHALL XEROX OR ITS SUPPLIERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, (INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, LOSS OF DATA) IN ANY WAY ARISING OUT OF OR RELAT"16" = "Este volume no satisfaz os requisitos para esta atualizao."; "17" = "No h suficiente espao para esta atualizao. So necessrios 300 MB de espao."; "18" = "Este Pacote somente pode ser executado no Mac OS X, verso 10.2 ou superior."; e, and remove same from all equipment into which such Software may have been loaded by you. 9. GOVERNING LAW This agreement will be governed by the laws of the State of New York, USA or if you acquire the Software outside the USA, by the laws of the country in which you acquired the Equipment, excluding its conflict of laws provisions. Some jurisdictions do not allow limitations on how long an implied warranty lasts or the exclusion or limitation of incidental or consequential damages, so the above disclaimers, limitations or exclusions, in whole or in part, may not apply to you. 10. ENTIRE AGREEMENT This Software License Agreement is the entire agreement between Xerox and you pertaining to the Software and supersedes all proposals or prior and contemporaneous agreements or understandings of the parties regarding the Software. You agree that any terms and conditions contained in any purchase order or other ordering document submitted to order the Software shall have no binding effect on Xerox and will not modify this Agreement in any way. If, after reading the terms and conditions, they are unacceptable to you, then, to avoid contractual obligations and liability, you should promptly return the software unused, and you will then be entitled to a refund of any sums paid by you to license the Software. EXONERAO DE RESPONSABILIDADE: A traduo deste acordo de licena foi fornecida pela Xerox Europe e no obriga a qualquer vnculo jurdico. O texto em ingls que segue a traduo vinculativo juridicamente. ======================================================================= CONTRATO DE LICENA E GARANTIA PARA O SOFTWARE INCLUDO E DOCUMENTAO RELACIONADA CONTRATO DE LICENA - LEIA ANTES DE INSTALAR O SOFTWARE IMPORTANTE: ESTE CONTRATO CONTM OS TERMOS E AS CONDIES DA LICENA PARA O SOFTWARE LICENCIADO E DOCUMENTAO RELACIONADA. A INSTALAO DO PACOTE DE SOFTWARE IMPLICA A SUA ACEITAO DESTE CONTRATO. CASO NO O ACEITE, DEVER DEVOLVER IMEDIATAMENTE O PACOTE DE SOFTWARE E APAGAR OS FICHEIROS DE SOFTWARE ACEDIDOS POR SI DE TODA E QUALQUER MEMRIA DE COMPUTADOR, NA QUAL TAL SOFTWARE TENHA SIDO INSTALADO OU ARMAZENADO. SEMPRE QUE UTILIZADA NESTE CONTRATO, A PALAVRA "XEROX" SIGNIFICAR XEROX CORPORATION, UMA SUA EMPRESA DE EXPLORAO, SUBSIDIRIA OU AFILIADA QUAL TIVER ADQUIRIDO A UNIDADE INDIVIDUAL DO EQUIPAMENTO XEROX DOCUMENT CENTRE SYSTEM (O "Equipamento") E COM A QUAL SER UTILIZADO ESTE SOFTWARE, A MENOS QUE TENHA ADQUIRIDO O EQUIPAMENTO A UM REPRESENTANTE, AGENTE, CONCESSIONRIO OU DISTRIBUIDOR AUTORIZADO, EM CUJO CASO "XEROX" SIGNIFICAR XEROX CORPORATION, UMA SUA EMPRESA DE EXPLORAO, SUBSIDIRIA OU AFILIADA QUAL A ENTIDADE QUE LHE VENDEU O EQUIPAMENTO O COMPROU. 1. CONCESSO DE LICENA Atravs do presente, a Xerox concede-lhe uma licena intransmissvel e no exclusiva de utilizao do software e da documentao relacionada ("Software"), fornecidos neste pacote com o Equipamento, durante o perodo de cumprimento dos pagamentos das taxas de licena do software indicados (incluindo eventuais taxas de renovao anual ou de manuteno), sujeita aos termos e condies que se seguem. 2. UTILIZAO Poder instalar o Software para que seja utilizado numa estao de trabalho ou num servidor ligados em rede, apenas em conjunto com o Equipamento. Quando ligados em rede, os restantes utilizadores da rede podero aceder e utilizar o Software em conjunto com o Equipamento. 3. PROPRIEDADE, CPIA, MODIFICAO E CONFIDENCIALIDADE 3.1 A Xerox proprietria ou detm o direito de conceder licenas relativamente a todos os direitos deste Software. 3.2 No lhe sero transmitidos ttulo de propriedade do Software ou quaisquer direitos de patentes. 3.3 Poder, ao abrigo da Seco 3.4 infracitada, efectuar uma cpia total ou parcial do Software apenas para a finalidade expressamente permitida na Seco 2 supracitada e para fins de salvaguarda. A cpia permitida incluir, em formato legvel, as notas relativas a direitos de autor e de propriedade includas no Software original. 3.4 Poder copiar a documentao relacionada apenas para utilizao em conjunto com o Equipamento. 3.5 No poder distribuir, alterar nem modificar o Software, nem permitir que outros o alterem ou modifiquem. 3.6 Aceita no fornecer ou de outro disponibilizar o Software a outrm, que no os seus funcionrios ou as entidades directamente relacionadas com a utilizao licenciada do Software. 3.7 O Software encontra-se protegido pelas leis de direitos de autor e outros direitos de propriedade da Xerox e/ou um terceiro. Poder ser directamente responsabilizado por esse terceiro se violar tais direitos. 3.8 Aceita no inverter a concepo do Software, nem decomp-lo ou desmont-lo para qualquer fim, excepto at ao ponto permitido por lei. 3.9 Aceita no exportar nem reexportar o Software sob qualquer forma sem, no caso de um cliente nos Estado Unidos, primeiro obter todas as licenas do governo dos Estados Unidos e, no caso de um cliente fora dos Estados Unidos, todas as licenas governamentais externas relevante, exigidas por lei. 3.10 A Xerox poder rescindir a sua licena do Software (i) imediatamente, se j no utilizar ou no possuir o Equipamento ou for um locador do Equipamento e o seu primeiro locatrio j no o utilizar ou possuir (ii) depois de rescindido qualquer acordo, mediante o qual tiver alugado ou feito o leasing do Equipamento. 4. TRANSMISSO DO SOFTWARE LICENCIADO Se transferir a posse do Equipamento, a Xerox oferecer ao transmissrio uma licena para utilizar o Software com este ou em conjunto com o mesmo, sujeita aos termos e s taxas de licena da Xerox aplicveis na altura, caso existam, desde que a transmisso no viole os direitos da Xerox. 5. GARANTIA LIMITADA 5.1 A Xerox garante que o Software estar substancialmente em conformidade com o Manual do Utilizador da Xerox ou outra documentao Xerox fornecida no momento da entrega ao Cliente original. A Xerox no garante que o funcionamento do Software venha a ser ininterrupto ou isento de erros, nem que o mesmo v satisfazer as suas necessidades. 5.2 Na eventualidade de o Software no estar em conformidade com a garantia limitada indicada na Seco 5.1 supracitada, a sua nica alternativa ser a de notificar a Xerox no prazo de noventa (90) dias a contar da data de entrega, sendo a nica obrigao da Xerox ou do seu fornecedor a de empregar todos os esforos razoveis para proporcionar uma soluo para evitar a no conformidade ou a de fornecer-lhe Software que esteja substancialmente em conformidade com o Manual do Utilizador da Xerox ou outra documentao fornecida pela Xerox. 5.3 A XEROX NO FORNECE QUAISQUER OUTRAS GARANTIAS RELATIVAS AO "SOFTWARE", EXPRESSAS OU IMPLCITAS, QUER LEGAIS QUER DE OUTRA NATUREZA, INCLUINDO, SEM LIMITAO, GARANTIAS IMPLCITAS DE QUE O PRODUTO SEJA ADEQUADO OU SIRVA PARA O FIM A QUE SE DESTINA. A XEROX REJEITA TAMBM QUAISQUER GARANTIAS OU REPRESENTAES FEITAS POR OUTRM (INCLUINDO REPRESENTANTES, AGENTES, CONCESSIONRIOS OU DISTRIBUIDORES DO SOFTWARE XEROX, MAS NO SE LIMITANDO A ESTAS ENUMERAES). 5.4 As garantias expressas supracitadas no tero qualquer validade se no utilizar devidamente o Software no ambiente adequado, conforme especificado na documentao fornecida pela Xerox, nem se o Software for modificado ou alterado de algum modo. 6. INDEMNIZAO POR DIREITOS DE AUTOR E PATENTE A Xerox ir defender e indemniz-lo, se o Software alegadamente violar, nos Estados Unidos, qualquer patente, segredo comercial ou direito de autor, caso notifique imediatamente a Xerox por escrito de qualquer alegada violao, permita que a Xerox conduza a defesa de tal queixa e coopere com a Xerox. Todas as notificaes devem ser enviadas para Xerox Office of General Counsel, P.O. Box 1600, Stamford, Connecticut 06904. A Xerox no ser responsvel por quaisquer despesas ou pagamentos decorrentes de um processo judicial, a menos que seja fornecida a aprovao prvia da Xerox por escrito. Para evitar uma eventual violao, a Xerox poder, por sua iniciativa, e sem qualquer encargo para si, obter uma licena, ou modificar ou substituir um equivalente do Software, ou remov-lo. Se o Software for removido pela Xerox por esta razo, as taxas de licenas estipuladas que tiver pago sero reembolsadas na totalidade; se nenhuma parte das quantias pagas Xerox no mbito da transaco na qual o Software foi adquirido tiver sido considerada taxa de licena para o Software, a Xerox reembolsar essa parte paga que determine associada aquisio do Software. A Xerox no responsvel por qualquer violao em consequncia de o Software ter sido criado ou modificado (pela Xerox ou outrm, incluindo a sua pessoa) de acordo com as suas especificaes, ou de ter sido utilizado ou vendido em conjunto com o equipamento, software ou consumveis no fornecidos pela Xerox. A XEROX NO FORNECE QUAISQUER GARANTIAS EXPRESSAS OU IMPLCITAS DE NO VIOLAO OU RESPONSABILIDADE POR VIOLAO OU POR QUAISQUER DANOS DECORRENTES DESTA. 7. LIMITE DE RESPONSABILIDADE EM CASO ALGUM SER A XEROX OU SEUS FORNECEDORES RESPONSVEIS POR QUAISQUER DANOS ESPECIAIS, INDIRECTOS, ACIDENTAIS OU CONSEQUENCIAIS, (INCLUINDO, SEM LIMITAO, A PERDA DE DADOS) RESULTANTES, DE ALGUMA FORMA, OU RELACIONADOS COM A UTILIZAO OU INCAPACIDADE DE UTILIZAO DO "SOFTWARE", AINDA QUE TENHAM SIDO AVISADOS ACERCA DA POSSIBILIDADE DE TAIS DANOS. EM CASO ALGUM EXCEDERO OS DANOS DIRECTOS DA XEROX PARA COM A SUA PESSOA A TAXA DE LICENA TOTAL REAL, PAGA POR SI POR TAL SOFTWARE. 8. RESCISO A Xerox poder rescindir esta licena imediatamente, mediante notificao de violao de material por si, ou se j no utilizar ou possuir o equipamento com o qual este Software deve ser utilizado, em cujo caso, devolver Xerox todas as cpias do Software e remover o mesmo de todo o equipamento no qual poder ter sido instalado. 9. LEI APLICVEL Este contrato ser regido pelas leis em vigor no Estado de Nova Iorque, EUA, ou, caso tenha adquirido o Software fora dos EUA, pelas leis do pas no qual tiver adquirido o Equipamento Document Centre System com o qual ser utilizado este software, excluindo o conflito de provises legais. Algumas jurisdies no permitem limitaes relativamente durao de uma garantia implcita ou excluso ou limitao de danos acidentais ou consequenciais; por conseguinte, a exonerao de responsabilidade, as limitaes ou excluses supracitadas, na sua totalidade ou parcialmente, podero no se aplicar a si. 10. ACORDO TOTAL Este Contrato de Licena de Software constitui o acordo total entre a Xerox e a sua pessoa relativamente ao Software e substitui todas as propostas ou acordos anteriores e actuais ou a compreenso das partes com referncia ao Software. Concorda que os termos e as condies contidos em qualquer nota de encomenda ou outro documento de encomenda do Software no tero efeitos vinculativos sobre a Xerox e no modificaro de forma alguma este Contrato. Se, depois de ter lido os termos e as condies, os mesmos lhe parecerem inaceitveis, ento, para evitar as obrigaes e a responsabilidade contratuais, dever devolver prontamente o software no utilizado e ter direito ao reembolso de quaisquer quantias pagas por si para licenciar o Software. ====================================================================== LICENSE AGREEMENT AND WARRANTY FOR THE ENCLOSED SOFTWARE AND RELATED DOCUMENTATION YOUR LICENSE AGREEMENT - READ BEFORE INSTALLING SOFTWARE IMPORTANT: THIS AGREEMENT CONTAINS THE LICENSE TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR LICENSED SOFTWARE AND RELATED DOCUMENTATION. INSTALLING THE SOFTWARE PACKAGE SIGNIFIES YOUR ACCEPTANCE OF THIS AGREEMENT. IF YOU DO NOT ACCEPT THIS AGREEMENT, YOU MUST PROMPTLY RETURN THE SOFTWARE PACKAGE AND DELETE ANY SOFTWARE FILES ACCESSED BY YOU FROM ANY AND ALL COMPUTER MEMORY INTO WHICH SUCH SOFTWARE HAS BEEN LOADED OR STORED. WHEN USED IN THIS AGREEMENT THE WORD "XEROX" SHALL MEAN XEROX CORPORATION, ITS OPERATING COMPANY SUBSIDIARY OR AFFILIATE FROM WHICH YOU OBTAINED THE INDIVIDUAL UNIT OF THE XEROX DOCUMENT CENTRE SYSTEM EQUIPMENT (the "Equipment") WITH WHICH THE SOFTWARE IS TO BE USED, UNLESS YOU OBTAINED THE EQUIPMENT FROM AN AUTHORIZED DEALER, AGENT, CONCESSIONAIRE OR DISTRIBUTOR, IN WHICH CASE "XEROX" SHALL MEAN XEROX CORPORATION, ITS OPERATING COMPANY, SUBSIDIARY OR AFFILIATE FROM WHICH THE ENTITY THAT SOLD YOU THE EQUIPMENT ACQUIRED IT. 1. GRANT OF LICENSE Xerox hereby grants you a non-exclusive, non-transferable license to use the software and related documentation ("Software") enclosed in this package with the Equipment, for as long as you are current in the payment of any indicated software license fees (including any annual renewal or maintenance fees) on the following terms and conditions. 2. USE You may install the Software for use on any networked workstation or server only in conjunction with the Equipment. When networked, other users on the network may access and use the Software in conjunction with the Equipment. 3. OWNERSHIP, COPYING, MODIFICATION AND CONFIDENTIALITY 3.1 Xerox owns or is otherwise entitled to grant licenses in respect of all rights in the Software. 3.2 No title to or ownership of the Software or any proprietary right therein is transferred to you. 3.3 You may, subject to Section 3.4 below, make one copy of the Software in whole or in part only for that purpose expressly permitted in Section 2 above and for back-up. Such permitted copy shall include in readable format any copyright and other proprietary notices contained on the original Software. 3.4 You may copy the related documentation for use only in conjunction with the Equipment. 3.5 You may not distribute, alter or modify nor cause or allow others to alter or modify the Software. 3.6 You agree not to provide or otherwise make available the Software to anyone other than your employees and agents directly concerned with the licensed use of the Software. 3.7 The Software is protected by copyright and other proprietary rights of Xerox and/or a third party. You may be held directly responsible by such third party for an infringement of such rights by you. 3.8 You agree not to reverse engineer, decompile or disassemble the Software for any purpose whatsoever, except to the extent permitted by law. 3.9 You agree not to export or re-export the Software in any form without, in the case of a customer in the United States, first obtaining all United States government licenses, and in the case of a customer outside of the United States, all relevant foreign government licenses, required by law, and then only upon the export of the Equipment. 3.10 Xerox may terminate your license for the Software (i) immediately if you no longer use or possess the Equipment or are a lessor of the Equipment and your first lessee no longer uses or possesses it or (ii) upon the termination of any agreement under which you have rented or leased the Equipment. 4. TRANSFER OF LICENSED SOFTWARE If you transfer possession of the Equipment, Xerox will offer the transferee a license to use the Software on or with it, subject to Xerox' then applicable terms and license fees, if any, and provided the transfer is not in violation of Xerox' rights. 5. LIMITED WARRANTY 5.1 Xerox warrants that the Software shall substantially conform to Xerox' User Manual or other Xerox documentation supplied at delivery to the original Customer. Xerox does not warrant that the operation of the Software will be uninterrupted or error free, nor that it will meet your needs. 5.2 In the event that the Software does not conform to the limited warranty contained in Section 5.1 above, your exclusive remedy is to notify Xerox within ninety (90) days of the date of delivery, and Xerox' or its supplier's sole obligation shall be to use all reasonable efforts to provide a work-around which avoids the nonconformity or to provide you with Software which does substantially conform to the Xerox User Manual or other Xerox supplied documentation. 5.3 XEROX GRANTS NO OTHER WARRANTIES ON THE "SOFTWARE", EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, WHETHER CREATED BY STATUTE OR OTHERWISE, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. XEROX FURTHER DISCLAIMS ANY WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS MADE BY PERSONS OTHER THAN XEROX (INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO XEROX SOFTWARE DEALERS, AGENTS, CONCESSIONAIRES OR DISTRIBUTORS). 5.4 The express warranties set forth above shall be void if you fail to properly use the Software in the appropriate environment as specified in the Xerox supplied documentation or if the Software is modified or altered in any fashion. 6. PATENT AND COPYRIGHT INDEMNIFICATION Xerox will defend and indemnify you if the Software is alleged to infringe, in the United States, any patent, trade secret, or copyright, if you promptly notify Xerox in writing of any alleged infringement, allow Xerox to direct the defense of such claim, and cooperate with Xerox. All notices should be sent to the Xerox Office of General Counsel, P.O. Box 1600, Stamford, Connecticut 06904. Xerox is not responsible for any non-Xerox litigation expenses or settlements unless Xerox pre-approves them in writing. To avoid infringement, Xerox may, at its option, and at no charge to you, obtain a license, or modify, or substitute an equivalent of, or remove the Software. If Software is removed by Xerox for this reason, any designated license fees paid by you will be fully refunded; if no portion of the amounts paid to Xerox within the transaction in which the Software was acquired was designated as a license fee for the Software, Xerox shall refund that portion of the amounts paid that Xerox reasonably designates as associated with the Software's acquisition. Xerox is not liable for any infringement due to the Software being made or modified (by Xerox or others, including you) to your specifications, or being used or sold in combination with equipment, software, or supplies not provided by Xerox. XEROX MAKES NO OTHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTY OF NON-INFRINGEMENT OR LIABILITY FOR INFRINGEMENT OR ANY DAMAGES THEREFROM. 7. LIMITATION OF LIABILITY IN NO EVENT SHALL XEROX OR ITS SUPPLIERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, (INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, LOSS OF DATA) IN ANY WAY ARISING OUT OF OR RELATED TO THE USE OR INABILITY TO USE THE "SOFTWARE", EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. IN NO EVENT SHALL XEROX' DIRECT DAMAGES TO YOU EXCEED THE TOTAL LICENSE FEE ACTUALLY PAID BY YOU FOR SUCH SOFTWARE. 8. TERMINATION Xerox may terminate this license immediately upon notice in the event of a material breach by you or if you no longer use or possess the equipment with which this Software is intended to be used, in which event you shall return to Xerox all copies of the Software, and remove same from all equipment into which such Software may have been loaded by you. 9. GOVERNING LAW This agreement will be governed by the laws of the State of New York, USA or if you acquire the Software outside the USA, by the laws of the country in which you acquired the Document Centre System Equipment with which this software is to be used, excluding its conflict of laws provisions. Some jurisdictions do not allow limitations on how long an implied warranty lasts or the exclusion or limitation of incidental or consequential damages, so the above disclaimers, limitations or exclusions, in whole or in part, may not apply to you. 10. ENTIRE AGREEMENT This Software License Agreement is the entire agreement between Xerox and you pertaining to the Software and supersedes all proposals or prior and contemporaneous agreements or understandings of the parties regarding the Software. You agree that any terms and conditions contained in any purchase order or other ordering document submitted to order the Software shall have no binding effect on Xerox and will not modify this Agreement in any way. If, after reading the terms and conditions, they are unacceptable to you, then, to avoid contractual obligations and liability, you should promptly return the software unused, and you will then be entitled to a refund of any sums paid by you to license the Software. worked workstation or server only in conjunction with the Equipment. When networked, other users on the network may access and use the Software in conjunction with the Equipment. 3. OWNERSHIP, COPYING, MODIFICATION AND CONFIDENTIALITY 3.1 Xerox owns or is otherwise entitled to grant licenses in respect of all rights in the Software. 3.2 No title to or ownership of the Software or any proprietary right therein is transferred to you. 3.3 You may, subject to Section 3.4 below, make one copy of the Software in whole or in part only for that purpose expressly permitted in Section 2 above and for back-up. Such permitted copy shall include in readable format any copyright and other proprietary notices contained on the original Software. 3.4 You may copy the related documentation for use only in conjunction with the Equipment. 3.5 You may not distribute, alter or modify nor cause or allow others to alter or modify the Software. 3.6 You agree not to provide or otherwise make available the Software to aTitle WorkCentre Pro 40 Color Version 1.2.5 Description DefaultLocation /Library/Printers/PPDs/Contents/Resources DeleteWarning ### Package Flags NeedsAuthorization YES Required NO Relocatable NO RequiresReboot NO UseUserMask NO OverwritePermissions NO InstallFat NO rm without, in the case of a customer in the United States, first obtaining all United States government licenses, and in the case of a customer outside of the United States, all relevant foreign government licenses, required by law, and then only upon the export of the Equipment. 3.10 Xerox may terminate your license for the Software (i) immediately if you no longer use or possess the Equipment or are a lessor of the Equipment and your first lessee no longer uses or possesses it or (ii) upon the termination of any agreement under which you have rented or leased the Equipment. 4. TRANSFER OF LICENSED SOFTWARE If you transfer possession of the Equipment, Xerox will offer the transferee a license to use the Software on or with it, subject to Xerox' then applicable terms and license fees, if any, and provided the transfer is not in violation of Xerox' rights. 5. LIMITED WARRANTY 5.1 Xerox warrants that the Software shall substantially conform to Xerox' User Manual or other Xerox documentation supplied at delivery to the original Customer. Xerox does not warrant that the operation of the Software will be uninterrupted or error free, nor that it will meet your needs. 5.2 In the event that the Software does not conform to the limited warranty contained in Section 5.1 above, your exclusive remedy is to notify Xerox within ninety (90) days of the date of delivery, and Xerox' or its supplier's sole obligation shall be to use all reasonable efforts to provide a work-around which avoids the nonconformity or to provide you with Software which does substantially conform to the Xerox User Manual or other Xerox supplied documentation. 5.3 XEROX GRANTS NO OTHER WARRANTIES ON THE "SOFTWARE", EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, WHETHER CREATED BY STATUTE OR OTHERWISE, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. XEROX FURTHER DISCLAIMS ANY WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS MADE BY PERSONS OTHER THAN XEROX (INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO XEROX SOFTWARE DEALERS, AGENTS, CONCESSIONAIRES OR DISTRIBUTORS). 5.4 The express warranties set forth above shall be void if you fail to properly use the Software in the appropriate environment as specified in the Xerox supplied documentation or if the Software is modified or altered in any fashion. 6. PATENT AND COPYRIGHT INDEMNIFICATION Xerox will defend and indemnify you if the Software is alleged to infringe, in the United States, any patent, trade secret, or copyright, if you promptly notify Xerox in writing of any alleged infringement, allow Xerox to direct the defense of such claim, and cooperate with Xerox. All notices should be sent to the Xerox Office of General Counsel, P.O. Box 1600, Stamford, Connecticut 06904. Xerox is not responsible for any non-Xerox litigation expenses or settlements unless Xerox pre-approves them in writing. To avoid infringement, Xerox may, at its option, and at no charge to you, obtain a license, or modify, or substitute an equivalent of, or remove the Software. If Software is removed by Xerox for this reason, any designated license fees paid by you will be fully refunded; if no portion of the amounts paid to Xerox within the transaction in which the Software was acquired was designated as a license fee for the Software, Xerox shall refund that portion of the amounts paid that Xerox reasonably designates as associated with the Software's acquisition. Xerox is not liable for any infringement due to the Software being made or modified (by Xerox or others, including you) to your s"16" = "Este volume no satisfaz os requisitos para esta atualizao."; "17" = "No h suficiente espao para esta atualizao. So necessrios 300 MB de espao."; "18" = "Este Pacote somente pode ser executado no Mac OS X, verso 10.2 ou superior."; "SOFTWARE", EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. IN NO EVENT SHALL XEROX' DIRECT DAMAGES TO YOU EXCEED THE TOTAL LICENSE FEE ACTUALLY PAID BY YOU FOR SUCH SOFTWARE. 8. TERMINATION Xerox may terminate this license immediately upon notice in the event of a material breach by you or if you no longer use or possess the equipment with which this Software is intended to be used, in which event you shall return to Xerox all copies of the Software, and remove same from all equipment into which such Software may have been loaded by you. 9. GOVERNING LAW This agreement will be governed by the laws of the State of New York, USA or if you acquire the Software outside the USA, by the laws of the country in which you acquired the Document Centre System Equipment with which this software is to be used, excluding its conflict of laws provisions. Some jurisdictions do not allow limitations on how long an implied warranty lasts or the exclusion or limitation of incidental or consequential damages, so the above disclaimers, limitations or exclusions, in whole or in part, may not apply to you. 10. ENTIRE AGREEMENT This Software License Agreement is the entire agreement between Xerox and you pertaining to the Software and supersedes all proposals or prior and contemporaneous agreements or understandings of the parties regarding the Software. You agree that any terms and conditions contained in any purchase order or other ordering document submitted to order the Software shall have no binding effect on Xerox and will not modify this Agreement in any way. If, after reading the terms and conditions, they are unacceptable to you, then, to avoid contractual obligations and liability, you should promptly return the software unused, and you will then be entitled to a refund of any sums paid by you to license the Software. A traduo deste contrato de licena de usurio foi fornecida pela Xerox Europe e no juridicamente imputvel. O texto em ingls, que acompanha a traduo, tem valor legal. ========================================================================= ACORDO DE LICENA E DE GARANTIA CORRESPONDENTE AO SOFTWARE E SUA DOCUMENTAO SEU ACORDO DE LICENA - LEIA ANTES DE INSTALAR O SOFTWARE IMPORTANTE: ESTE ACORDO CONTM OS TERMOS DE LICENA E AS CONDIES DE LICENCIAMENTO DO SEU SOFTWARE E DA SUA DOCUMENTAO. A INSTALAO DO PACOTE DE SOFTWARE SIGNIFICA A SUA INEQUVOCA ACEITAO DESTE ACORDO. SE VOC NO ACEITAR ESTE ACORDO, VOC DEVE APAGAR QUAISQUER ARQUIVOS DO SOFTWARE ACESSADO POR VOC DE QUALQUER E DE TODA MEMRIA DO(S) COMPUTADOR(ES) NA QUAL ESSE SOFTWARE FOI CARREGADO OU ARMAZENADO. TAL COMO UTILIZADA NESTE ACORDO, A PALAVRA "XEROX" DEVE SIGNIFICAR XEROX CORPORATION, A COMPANHIA DE OPERAO SUBSIDIRIA OU O DISTRIBUIDOR AUTORIZADO ATRAVS DOS QUAIS VOC OBTEVE O PRODUTO XEROX A MENOS QUE VOC O TENHA OBTIDO ATRAVS DE UM DEALER, AGENTE, CONCESSIONRIA OU DISTRIBUIDOR AUTORIZADO, EM CUJO CASO, "XEROX" SIGNIFICA XEROX CORPORATION, A COMPANHIA DE OPERAO SUBSIDIRIA OU AFILIADA DE CUJA IDENTIDADE VOC ADQUIRIU O EQUIPAMENTO. 1. CONCESSO DE LICENA A Xerox por meio desta concede ao Cliente uma licena no-exclusiva para utilizar o software e a documentao inerente ("Software") que acompanha este pacote com o Equipamento, enquanto voc estiver em dia com o pagamento de quaisquer mensalidades inerentes licena de software (inclusive renovaes anuais e taxas de manuteno), nos seguintes termos e condies. 2. USO O Cliente pode instalar o Software para o uso em qualquer estao de trabalho ou servidor de rede somente em conjunto com o Equipamento. Estando na rede, outros usurios da rede podem acessar e utilizar o Software em conjunto com o Equipamento. 3. PROPRIEDADE, CPIA, MODIFICAO E SEGURANA 3.1 A Xerox possui ou est autorizada a conceder licenas relacionadas a todos os direitos contidos no software. 3.2 Nenhum ttulo ou posse do software ou qualquer direito de propriedade nesse sentido transferido para o Cliente. 3.3 O Cliente pode, sujeito Seo 3.4 abaixo, copiar o Software por completo ou em parte somente para o propsito permitido na Seo 2 acima e para cpia de segurana. Cada cpia permitida deve incluir em formato legvel qualquer direito autoral e outras notas de propriedade contidas no Software original. 3.4 O cliente no pode fazer cpias da documentao relacionada, exceto para o uso com o prprio Equipamento. 3.5 O Cliente no deve distribuir, alterar ou modificar nem causar ou permitir que outros alterem ou modifiquem o Software. 3.6 O Cliente concorda em no fornecer ou tornar o Software disponvel para qualquer outra pessoa alm dos seus funcionrios e pessoas diretamente envolvidas com o uso da licena do Software. 3.7 O Software protegido por direitos autorais e outros direitos de propriedade da Xerox e/ou de terceiros. O Cliente pode ser considerado diretamente responsvel pelos terceiros em caso de uma infrao desses direitos. 3.8 O Cliente concorda em no alterar, descompilar ou desmontar o Software para qualquer propsito. 3.9 O cliente concorda em no exportar ou re-exportar o Software de nehuma maneira, sem primeiramente, no caso de um cliente localizado nos Estados Unidos da Amrica, obter todas as licenas emitidas pelo governo dos Estados Unidos. No caso de um cliente localizado fora dos Estados Unidos, este dever adquirir quaisquer licenas governamentais estrangeiras relevantes, exigidas perante lei, e somente aps a aquisio das mesmas, a exportao do equipamento poder ter lugar. 3.10 A Xerox pode anular a sua licena de software (i) imediatamente se voc no utilizar ou possuir mais o Equipamento ou se voc estiver alugando o Equipamento e a pessoa que tiver feito o aluguel no mais utiliza ou possui o Equipamento ou (ii) sob o cancelamento de qualquer acordo sob os quais voc tiver alugado o Equipamento. 4. TRANSFERNCIA DO SOFTWARE LICENCIADO Se voc transferir a posse do Equipamento, a Xerox oferecer ao novo proprietrio uma licena para utilizar o Software com o Equipamento, estando o novo proprietrio sujeito s taxas de licena e termos aplicveis, caso existam, contanto que a transferncia no esteja em violao com os direitos da Xerox. 5. GARANTIA LIMITADA 5.1 A Xerox garante que o Software deve estar em conformidade com o Manual do Usurio da Xerox ou com outra descrio do produto da Xerox fornecido no ato da entrega ao Cliente original. A Xerox no garante que a operao do Software ser contnua ou sem erros e nem que ela ir de encontro s necessidades do Cliente. 5.2 No caso de o Software no corresponder garantia limitada contida na Seo 5.1 acima, o nico recurso do Cliente notificar a Xerox dentro de noventa (90) dias a partir da data da entrega e a nica obrigao da Xerox e dos seus fornecedores a de utilizar esforos para fornecer uma soluo alternativa que evite a no-conformidade ou fornecer para o Cliente um Software que esteja de acordo com o Manual do Usurio da Xerox ou com outra documentao fornecida pela Xerox. 5.3 NENHUMA OUTRA GARANTIA, EXPLICITA OU IMPLICITA, QUE NO AQUELA CONSTANTE DESTE ACORDO DE LICENA , POR QUALQUER FORMA, CONCEDIDA PELA XEROX. A XEROX NO ESTAR, AINDA, OBRIGADA POR QUALQUER DITA "GARANTIA" OFERECIDA POR PESSOAS QUE NO A PRPRIA XEROX (INCLUINDO MAS SEM LIMITAR QUAISQUER DEALERS, AGENTES, CONCESSIONRIAS OU DISTRIBUIDORES XEROX). 5.4 As garantias mencionadas acima sero anuladas se o Cliente no utilizar o Software no ambiente apropriado como detalhado na documentao fornecida pela Xerox, ou se o Software for modificado ou alterado. 6. INDENIZAO DE PATENTE E DIREITO AUTORAL A Xerox defender e indenizar o Cliente se for alegado que o Software infringe qualquer patente, segredo comercial ou direito autoral. O Cliente dever notificar de imediato a Xerox, por escrito, qualquer infrao alegada, permitindo que a Xerox defenda tal alegao e cooperando com a Xerox. A Xerox no responsvel por quaisquer gastos de demanda ou acordos no relacionados Xerox, a no ser que a Xerox concorde com os mesmos, por escrito. Para evitar infrao, a Xerox pode, por opo e sem custo adicional para o Cliente, obter uma licena, modificar ou substituir por uma equivalente, independentemente da remoo do Software. A Xerox no responsvel por qualquer infrao devido ao Software ter sido fabricado ou modificado (pela Xerox ou outros, incluindo o Cliente) para especificaes do Cliente, ou por ter sido utilizado ou vendido em conjunto com equipamento, software ou suprimentos no providos pela Xerox. A XEROX NO TEM NENHUMA OUTRA GARANTIA EXPLCITA OU IMPLCITA DE NO INFRAO OU RESPONSABILIDADE POR INFRAES OU QUALQUER DANO A PARTIR DESTE MOMENTO. 7. LIMITAO DE RESPONSABILIDADE EM NENHUMA CIRCUNSTNCIA, A XEROX SER RESPONSVEL POR QUALQUER DANO ESPECIAL, INDIRETO OU INCIDENTAL (A INCLUIDA A EVENTUAL PERDA ILIMITADA DE DADOS) RELACIONADO OU NO UTILIZAO OU INCAPACIDADE DE UTILIZAO DO "SOFTWARE", MESMO SE ADVERTIDA DA POSSIBILIDADE DESSES DANOS. EM NENHUMA CIRCUNSTNCIA OS DANOS RELACIONADOS XEROX DEVERO EXCEDER O VALOR TOTAL DA TAXA DE LICENA PAGA POR VOC PELO SOFTWARE. 8. TERMINAO DA LICENA A Xerox poder cancelar esta licena imediatamente ao perceber a violao do produto pelo Cliente ou caso o Cliente no mais utilize ou possua o equipamento com o qual esse Software destinado para uso. Neste caso, o Cliente deve devolver Xerox todas as cpias do Software e remover toda(s) aquela(s) de todos os equipamentos nos quais o Software tenha sido carregado pelo Cliente. 9. LEIS ADMINISTRATIVAS Este acordo ser administrado pelas leis do Estado de Nova York, EUA ou pelas leis do pas de registro da Companhia Operacional da Xerox ou do Distribuidor autorizado do qual voc adquiriu o Equipamento para o qual esse software deve ser utilizado. Algumas jurisdies no permitem limitaes sobre o perodo de durao da garantia limitada ou a excluso ou limitao de danos incidentais ou conseqentes, portanto, as refernncias acimas, limitaes ou excluses mencionadas acima, integralmente ou parcialmente podem no se aplicar voc. 10. ACORDO GERAL Esse Acordo de Licena de Software o acordo geral entre a Xerox e o Cliente relativo ao Software e substitui todas as propostas e acordos inerentes anteriores. Voc deve concordar que quaisquer termos e condies contidos em qualquer ordem de compra ou qualquer outro tipo de documento submetido para requisitar o Software no tm qualquer efeito sobre a Xerox e no podem modificar este acordo de licena de modo algum. Se aps ter lido os termos e condies, eles no forem aceitos por voc, ento, para evitar obrigaes e responsabilidades contratuais, voc dever devolver imediatamente o Software sem us-lo antes. ====================================================================== LICENSE AGREEMENT AND WARRANTY FOR THE ENCLOSED SOFTWARE AND RELATED DOCUMENTATION YOUR LICENSE AGREEMENT - READ BEFORE INSTALLING SOFTWARE IMPORTANT: THIS AGREEMENT CONTAINS THE LICENSE TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR LICENSED SOFTWARE AND RELATED DOCUMENTATION. INSTALLING THE SOFTWARE PACKAGE SIGNIFIES YOUR ACCEPTANCE OF THIS AGREEMENT. IF YOU DO NOT ACCEPT THIS AGREEMENT, YOU MUST PROMPTLY RETURN THE SOFTWARE PACKAGE AND DELETE ANY SOFTWARE FILES ACCESSED BY YOU FROM ANY AND ALL COMPUTER MEMORY INTO WHICH SUCH SOFTWARE HAS BEEN LOADED OR STORED. WHEN USED IN THIS AGREEMENT THE WORD "XEROX" SHALL MEAN XEROX CORPORATION, ITS OPERATING COMPANY SUBSIDIARY OR AFFILIATE FROM WHICH YOU OBTAINED THE XEROX PRODUCT WITH WHICH THE SOFTWARE IS TO BE USED (the "Equipment"), UNLESS YOU OBTAINED THE EQUIPMENT FROM AN AUTHORIZED DEALER, AGENT, CONCESSIONAIRE OR DISTRIBUTOR, IN WHICH CASE "XEROX" SHALL MEAN XEROX CORPORATION, ITS OPERATING COMPANY, SUBSIDIARY OR AFFILIATE FROM WHICH THE ENTITY THAT SOLD YOU THE EQUIPMENT ACQUIRED IT. 1. GRANT OF LICENSE Xerox hereby grants you a non-exclusive, non-transferable license to use the software and related documentation ("Software") enclosed in this package with the Equipment, for as long as you are current in the payment of any indicated software license fees (including any annual renewal or maintenance fees) on the following terms and conditions. 2. USE You may install the Software for use on any networked workstation or server only in conjunction with the Equipment. When networked, other users on the network may access and use the Software in conjunction with the Equipment. 3. OWNERSHIP, COPYING, MODIFICATION AND CONFIDENTIALITY 3.1 Xerox owns or is otherwise entitled to grant licenses in respect of all rights in the Software. 3.2 No title to or ownership of the Software or any proprietary right therein is transferred to you. 3.3 You may, subject to Section 3.4 below, make one copy of the Software in whole or in part only for that purpose expressly permitted in Section 2 above and for back-up. Such permitted copy shall include in readable format any copyright and other proprietary notices contained on the original Software. 3.4 You may copy the related documentation for use only in conjunction with the Equipment. 3.5 You may not distribute, alter or modify nor cause or allow others to alter or modify the Software. 3.6 You agree not to provide or otherwise make available the Software to anyone other than your employees and agents directly concerned with the licensed use of the Software. 3.7 The Software is protected by copyright and other proprietary rights of Xerox and/or a third party. You may be held directly responsible by such third party for an infringement of such rights by you. 3.8 You agree not to reverse engineer, decompile or disassemble the Software for any purpose whatsoever, except to the extent permitted by law. 3.9 You agree not to export or re-export the Software in any form without, in the case of a customer in the United States, first obtaining all United States government licenses, and in the case of a customer outside of the United States, all relevant foreign government licenses, required by law, and then only upon the export of the Equipment. 3.10 Xerox may terminate your license for the Software (i) immediately if you no longer use or possess the Equipment or are a lessor of the Equipment and your first lessee no longer uses or possesses it or (ii) upon the termination of any agreement under which you have rented or leased the Equipment. 4. TRANSFER OF LICENSED SOFTWARE If you transfer possession of the Equipment, Xerox will offer the transferee a license to use the Software on or with it, subject to Xerox' then applicable terms and license fees, if any, and provided the transfer is not in violation of Xerox' rights. 5. LIMITED WARRANTY 5.1 Xerox warrants that the Software shall substantially conform to Xerox' User Manual or other Xerox documentation supplied at delivery to the original Customer. Xerox does not warrant that the operation of the Software will be uninterrupted or error free, nor that it will meet your needs. 5.2 In the event that the Software does not conform to the limited warranty contained in Section 5.1 above, your exclusive remedy is to notify Xerox within ninety (90) days of the date of delivery, and Xerox' or its supplier's sole obligation shall be to use all reasonable efforts to provide a work-around which avoids the nonconformity or to provide you with Software which does substantially conform to the Xerox User Manual or other Xerox supplied documentation. 5.3 XEROX GRANTS NO OTHER WARRANTIES ON THE "SOFTWARE", EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, WHETHER CREATED BY STATUTE OR OTHERWISE, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. XEROX FURTHER DISCLAIMS ANY WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS MADE BY PERSONS OTHER THAN XEROX (INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO XEROX SOFTWARE DEALERS, AGENTS, CONCESSIONAIRES OR DISTRIBUTORS). 5.4 The express warranties set forth above shall be void if you fail to properly use the Software in the appropriate environment as specified in the Xerox supplied documentation or if the Software is modified or altered in any fashion. 6. PATENT AND COPYRIGHT INDEMNIFICATION Xerox will defend and indemnify you if the Software is alleged to infringe, in the United States, any patent, trade secret, or copyright, if you promptly notify Xerox in writing of any alleged infringement, allow Xerox to direct the defense of such claim, and cooperate with Xerox. All notices should be sent to the Xerox Office of General Counsel, P.O. Box 1600, Stamford, Connecticut 06904. Xerox is not responsible for any non-Xerox litigation expenses or settlements unless Xerox pre-approves them in writing. To avoid infringement, Xerox may, at its option, and at no charge to you, obtain a license, or modify, or substitute an equivalent of, or remove the Software. If Software is removed by Xerox for this reason, any designated license fees paid by you will be fully refunded; if no portion of the amounts paid to Xerox within the transaction in which the Software was acquired was designated as a license fee for the Software, Xerox shall refund that portion of the amounts paid that Xerox reasonably designates as associated with the Software's acquisition. Xerox is not liable for any infringement due to the Software being made or modified (by Xerox or others, including you) to your specifications, or being used or sold in combination with equipment, software, or supplies not provided by Xerox. XEROX MAKES NO OTHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTY OF NON-INFRINGEMENT OR LIABILITY FOR INFRINGEMENT OR ANY DAMAGES THEREFROM. 7. LIMITATION OF LIABILITY IN NO EVENT SHALL XEROX OR ITS SUPPLIERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, (INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, LOSS OF DATA) IN ANY WAY ARISING OUT OF OR RELATED TO THE USE OR INABILITY TO USE THE "SOFTWARE", EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. IN NO EVENT SHALL XEROX' DIRECT DAMAGES TO YOU EXCEED THE TOTAL LICENSE FEE ACTUALLY PAID BY YOU FOR SUCH SOFTWARE. 8. TERMINATION Xerox may terminate this license immediately upon notice in the event of a material breach by you or if you no longer use or possess the equipment with which this Software is intended to be used, in which event you shall return to Xerox all copies of the Software, and remove same from all equipment into which such Software may have been loaded by you. 9. GOVERNING LAW This agreement will be governed by the laws of the State of New York, USA or if you acquire the Software outside the USA, by the laws of the country in which you acquired the Equipment, excluding its conflict of laws provisions. Some jurisdictions do not allow limitations on how long an implied warranty lasts or the exclusion or limitation of incidental or consequential damages, so the above disclaimers, limitations or exclusions, in whole or in part, may not apply to you. 10. ENTIRE AGREEMENT This Software License Agreement is the entire agreement between Xerox and you pertaining to the Software and supersedes all proposals or prior and contemporaneous agreements or understandings of the parties regarding the Software. You agree that any terms and conditions contained in any purchase order or other ordering document submitted to order the Software shall have no binding effect on Xerox and will not modify this Agreement in any way. If, after reading the terms and conditions, they are unacceptable to you, then, to avoid contractual obligations and liability, you should promptly return the software unused, and you will then be entitled to a refund of any sums paid by you to license the Software. Title WorkCentre Pro 40 Color Version 1.2.5 Description DefaultLocation /Library/Printers/PPDs/Contents/Resources DeleteWarning ### Package Flags NeedsAuthorization YES Required NO Relocatable NO RequiresReboot NO UseUserMask NO OverwritePermissions NO InstallFat NO &J1&fq K"#"`f#9#T#b#j# ### ### ##$ $$$:$K$S$n$$$ $$$ $$$ %%%% %2%:%Q %^%f%} %%% %%%%%&&&&5 &B"16" = "Dette volumet tilfredsstiller ikke kravene til denne oppdateringen."; "17" = "Ikke nok ledig plass for denne oppdateringen. 300 MB ledig plass er ndvendig."; "18" = "Denne pakken kan kun brukes p Mac OS X, versjon 10.2 eller nyere."; Oversettelsen av denne lisensavtalen er levert av Xerox Europe, og den er ikke juridisk bindende. Den engelske teksten som er tatt med etter den oversatte teksten har juridisk kraft. ======================================================================= LISENSAVTALE OG GARANTI FOR VEDLAGTE PROGRAMVARE OG TILHRENDE DOKUMENTASJON DIN LISENSAVTALE - LES GJENNOM DENNE FR DU INSTALLERER PROGRAMVAREN VIKTIG: DENNE AVTALEN INNEHOLDER LISENSBETINGELSENE OG -VILKRENE FOR DEN LISENSIERTE PROGRAMVAREN OG TILHRENDE DOKUMENTASJON. VED INSTALLERE PROGRAMVAREPAKKEN GODTAR DU DENNE AVTALEN. HVIS DU IKKE GODTAR DENNE AVTALEN, M DU STRAKS RETURNERE PROGRAMVAREPAKKEN OG SLETTE ALLE PROGRAMVAREFILER DU HAR HATT TILGANG TIL FRA ALLE DATAMASKINER DER SLIK PROGRAMVARE HAR VRT LASTET ELLER LAGRET. ORDET "XEROX" VIL I DENNE AVTALEN SI XEROX CORPORATION, DERES OPERATIVSELSKAPER, DATTERSELSKAPER ELLER TILKNYTTEDE SELSKAPER SOM LEVERTE DEN INDIVIDUELLE ENHETEN TIL XEROX DOCUMENT CENTRE-SYSTEMET ("utstyret") SOM PROGRAMVAREN SKAL BRUKES P, MED MINDRE DU ANSKAFFET UTSTYRET FRA EN AUTORISERT FORHANDLER, AGENT, KONSESJONSHAVER ELLER DISTRIBUTR. I SLIKE TILFELLER VIL "XEROX" SI XEROX CORPORATION, DERES OPERATIVSELSKAPER, DATTERSELSKAPER ELLER TILKNYTTEDE SELSKAPER SOM SELGEREN DU KJPTE UTSTYRET FRA, HAR ANSKAFFET ENHETEN FRA. 1. LISENSTILDELING Xerox gir det herved en ikke-eksklusiv, ikke-overfrbar rett til bruke programvaren og tilhrende dokumentasjon ("programvare") som er vedlagt denne utstyrspakken, s lenge du betaler eventuell angitt programvarelisensavgift (inkludert eventuell rlig fornyelses- eller vedlikeholdsavgift) i henhold til flgende vilkr og betingelser. 2. BRUK Du kan installere programvaren for bruk p alle nettverkstilknyttede arbeidsstasjoner eller servere kun i forbindelse med utstyret. Ved bruk i nettverk kan andre brukere p nettverket f tilgang til og bruke programvaren i forbindelse med utstyret. 3. EIENDOMSRETT, KOPIERING, ENDRING OG KONFIDENSIALITET 3.1 Xerox eier eller har p annen mte rett til tildele lisenser i forbindelse med alle rettigheter til programvaren. 3.2 Ingen eiendomsrett til programvaren eller opphavsrett i forbindelse med denne overfres til deg. 3.3 I henhold til del 3.4 nedenfor kan du ta n kopi av hele eller deler av programvaren til det formlet som uttrykkelig er tillatt etter del 2 ovenfor og for sikkerhetskopiering. Slike tillatte kopier skal omfatte i lesbart format alle meldinger om opphavsrett og annen eiendomsrett som er med i den opprinnelige programvaren. 3.4 Du kan kun kopiere den tilhrende dokumentasjonen for bruk i forbindelse med utstyret. 3.5 Du kan ikke distribuere, endre eller tilpasse, eller forrsake eller tillate at andre endrer eller tilpasser, programvaren. 3.6 Du aksepterer ikke overlate eller gjre programvaren p annen mte tilgjengelig for andre enn dine ansatte og underleverandrer som arbeider med den lisensierte programvaren. 3.7 Programvaren er beskyttet ved opphavsrett og annen eiendomsrett som tilhrer Xerox og/eller en tredjepart. Du kan holdes direkte ansvarlig av slik tredjepart ved brudd p slike rettigheter. 3.8 Du aksepterer ikke snu om p, dekompilere eller demontere programvaren til noe forml, unntatt som tillatt ved lov. 3.9 Du aksepterer ikke eksportere eller gjeneksportere programvaren i noen form uten, nr det gjelder kunder i USA, frst innhente alle lisenser fra de offentlige myndighetene, og nr det gjelder kunder utenfor USA, alle relevante lisenser fra offentlige myndigheter som kreves ved lov, og da kun ved eksport av utstyret. 3.10 Xerox kan si opp programvarelisensen (i) straks hvis du ikke lenger bruker eller eier utstyret, eller er utleier av utstyret og frste fester ikke lenger bruker eller innehar det, eller (ii) ved opphr av eventuell avtale som du har leid eller leaset utstyret i henhold til. 4. OVERFRING AV LISENSIERT PROGRAMVARE Hvis du overfrer eierretten til utstyret, tilbyr Xerox den nye eieren en lisens til bruke programvaren p eller sammen med utstyret, i henhold til Xerox' gjeldende betingelser og eventuelle lisensavgifter, og sfremt overfringen ikke medfrer brudd p noen av Xerox' rettigheter. 5. GARANTIBEGRENSNING 5.1 Xerox garanterer at programvaren i hovedsak samsvarer med brukerhndboken eller annen dokumentasjon fra Xerox som leveres sammen med enheten til den opprinnelige kunden. Xerox garanterer ikke at programvaren vil fungere uavbrutt eller feilfritt, eller at den dekker dine behov. 5.2 Dersom programvaren ikke overholder den begrensede garantien i del 5.1 ovenfor, m du melde fra til Xerox innen nitti (90) dager etter leveringsdato, og den eneste forpliktelsen til Xerox eller deres leverandrer er treffe rimelige tiltak for levere en lsning som korrigerer misforholdet, eller levere programvare som i hovedsak samstemmer med brukerhndboken fra Xerox eller annen dokumentasjon som leveres fra Xerox. 5.3 XEROX GIR INGEN ANDRE GARANTIER FOR PROGRAMVAREN, VERKEN UTTRYKTE ELLER UNDERFORSTTTE, OPPSTTT ETTER VEDTEKTER ELLER P ANNEN MTE, INKLUDERT UTEN BEGRENSNINGER UNDERFORSTTTE GARANTIER OM SALGBARHET OG EGNETHET FOR ET BESTEMT FORML. XEROX FRASKRIVER SEG OGS ANSVARET FOR GARANTIER ELLER UTSAGN GITT AV ANDRE PERSONER ENN ANSATTE HOS XEROX (INKLUDERT, MEN IKKE BEGRENSET TIL XEROX' PROGRAMVAREFORHANDLERE, AGENTER, KONSESJONSHAVERE ELLER DISTRIBUTRER). 5.4 De uttrykte garantiene fastsatt ovenfor er ugyldige hvis du ikke bruker programvaren riktig i riktig milj, som angitt i den vedlagte dokumentasjonen fra Xerox, eller hvis programvaren endres eller tilpasses p noen mte. 6. ERSTATNING I FORBINDELSE MED PATENTER OG OPPHAVSRETT Xerox forsvarer deg mot og srger for erstatning hvis det psts at programvaren i USA medfrer brudd p patenter, forretningshemmeligheter eller opphavsrett, hvis du straks varsler Xerox om dette skriftlig, lar Xerox fre saken i forbindelse med slikt krav og samarbeider med Xerox. Alle meldinger m sendes til Xerox Office of General Counsel, P.O. Box 1600, Stamford, Connecticut 06904. Xerox er ikke ansvarlig for utgifter til rettstvister eller erstatningskrav som ikke har forbindelse med Xerox, med mindre Xerox har gtt med p dette skriftlig p forhnd. For unng brudd p rettigheter, kan Xerox etter eget forgodtbefinnende og uten kostnader for deg, innhente en lisens eller endre eller erstatte med tilsvarende produkt eller fjerne programvaren. Hvis programvaren fjernes av Xerox av denne rsak, blir lisensavgift du har betalt i forbindelse med denne refundert i sin helhet. Hvis ingen del av belpene som er betalt til Xerox innenfor transaksjonen da programvaren ble anskaffet, ble utpekt som lisensavgift for programvaren, skal Xerox refundere den delen av det betalte belpet som Xerox finner rimelig i forbindelse med anskaffelse av programvaren. Xerox har ikke ansvar for brudd som forrsakes av at programvare lages eller endres (av Xerox eller andre, inkludert deg) etter dine spesifikasjoner eller benyttes eller selges sammen med utstyr, programvare eller forbruksartikler som ikke er levert av Xerox. XEROX GIR INGEN ANDRE GARANTIER, VERKEN UTTRYKTE ELLER UNDERFORSTTTE OM UNNG OVERTREDELSER ELLER ANSVAR FOR OVERTREDELSER ELLER SKADE SOM OPPSTR P GRUNN AV DETTE. 7. ANSVARSBEGRENSNING UNDER INGEN OMSTENDIGHETER SKAL XEROX ELLER DERES LEVERANDRER VRE ANSVARLIG FOR SPESIELL ELLER INDIREKTE SKADE, FLGESKADE ELLER SKADE VED UHELL (INKLUDERT, UTEN BEGRENSNINGER, TAP AV DATA) SOM P NOEN MTE OPPSTR P GRUNN AV ELLER I FORBINDELSE MED BRUK ELLER MANGLENDE EVNE TIL KUNNE BRUKE "PROGRAMVAREN", SELV OM XEROX HAR BLITT FORTALT OM MULIGHETEN FOR SLIK SKADE. UNDER INGEN OMSTENDIGHETER SKAL XEROX' DIREKTE ERSTATNING OVERFOR DEG OVERSTIGE DEN SAMLEDE LISENSAVGIFTEN SOM DU FAKTISK HAR BETALT FOR SLIK PROGRAMVARE. 8. OPPHR Xerox kan si opp denne lisensen umiddelbart etter varsel ved alvorlig mislighold fra din side, eller hvis du ikke lenger bruker eller eier utstyret som denne programvaren er beregnet for bruk p. Du skal da returnere alle kopier av programvaren til Xerox og fjerne denne fra alt utstyr denne programvaren har vrt lastet p. 9. GJELDENDE LOVER Denne avtalen reguleres av lovene i staten New York, USA, eller, hvis du anskaffer programvaren utenfor USA, av lovene i det landet der du kjpte Document Centre-system-utstyret som denne programvaren skal brukes p, dersom den kommer i konflikt med lovbestemmelser. Enkelte domsmyndigheter tillater ikke begrensninger for hvor lenge en garanti varer eller unntak eller begrensninger av flgeskader eller skader ved uhell, slik at hele eller deler av fraskrivelsene, begrensningene eller unntakene ovenfor kanskje ikke gjelder for deg. 10. HELE AVTALEN Denne programvarelisensavtalen er hele avtalen mellom Xerox og deg i forbindelse med programvaren og erstatter alle forslag eller tidligere og nvrende avtaler eller forstelser mellom partene angende programvaren. Du aksepterer at ingen betingelser og vilkr i kjpsordrer eller annet bestillingsdokument som ble levert ved bestilling av programvaren, har bindende virkning p Xerox, og de endrer ikke denne avtalen p noen mte. Dersom du etter ha lest gjennom vilkrene og betingelsene bestemmer at du ikke kan akseptere dem, unngr du bindes av kontrakten hvis du straks returnerer programvaren i ubrukt stand. Du har s krav p refusjon av det belpet du har betalt for f lisens til bruke programvaren. ====================================================================== LICENSE AGREEMENT AND WARRANTY FOR THE ENCLOSED SOFTWARE AND RELATED DOCUMENTATION YOUR LICENSE AGREEMENT - READ BEFORE INSTALLING SOFTWARE IMPORTANT: THIS AGREEMENT CONTAINS THE LICENSE TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR LICENSED SOFTWARE AND RELATED DOCUMENTATION. INSTALLING THE SOFTWARE PACKAGE SIGNIFIES YOUR ACCEPTANCE OF THIS AGREEMENT. IF YOU DO NOT ACCEPT THIS AGREEMENT, YOU MUST PROMPTLY RETURN THE SOFTWARE PACKAGE AND DELETE ANY SOFTWARE FILES ACCESSED BY YOU FROM ANY AND ALL COMPUTER MEMORY INTO WHICH SUCH SOFTWARE HAS BEEN LOADED OR STORED. WHEN USED IN THIS AGREEMENT THE WORD "XEROX" SHALL MEAN XEROX CORPORATION, ITS OPERATING COMPANY SUBSIDIARY OR AFFILIATE FROM WHICH YOU OBTAINED THE INDIVIDUAL UNIT OF THE XEROX DOCUMENT CENTRE SYSTEM EQUIPMENT (the "Equipment") WITH WHICH THE SOFTWARE IS TO BE USED, UNLESS YOU OBTAINED THE EQUIPMENT FROM AN AUTHORIZED DEALER, AGENT, CONCESSIONAIRE OR DISTRIBUTOR, IN WHICH CASE "XEROX" SHALL MEAN XEROX CORPORATION, ITS OPERATING COMPANY, SUBSIDIARY OR AFFILIATE FROM WHICH THE ENTITY THAT SOLD YOU THE EQUIPMENT ACQUIRED IT. 1. GRANT OF LICENSE Xerox hereby grants you a non-exclusive, non-transferable license to use the software and related documentation ("Software") enclosed in this package with the Equipment, for as long as you are current in the payment of any indicated software license fees (including any annual renewal or maintenance fees) on the following terms and conditions. 2. USE You may install the Software for use on any networked workstation or server only in conjunction with the Equipment. When networked, other users on the network may access and use the Software in conjunction with the Equipment. 3. OWNERSHIP, COPYING, MODIFICATION AND CONFIDENTIALITY 3.1 Xerox owns or is otherwise entitled to grant licenses in respect of all rights in the Software. 3.2 No title to or ownership of the Software or any proprietary right therein is transferred to you. 3.3 You may, subject to Section 3.4 below, make one copy of the Software in whole or in part only for that purpose expressly permitted in Section 2 above and for back-up. Such permitted copy shall include in readable format any copyright and other proprietary notices contained on the original Software. 3.4 You may copy the related documentation for use only in conjunction with the Equipment. 3.5 You may not distribute, alter or modify nor cause or allow others to alter or modify the Software. 3.6 You agree not to provide or otherwise make available the Software to anyone other than your employees and agents directly concerned with the licensed use of the Software. 3.7 The Software is protected by copyright and other proprietary rights of Xerox and/or a third party. You may be held directly responsible by such third party for an infringement of such rights by you. 3.8 You agree not to reverse engineer, decompile or disassemble the Software for any purpose whatsoever, except to the extent permitted by law. 3.9 You agree not to export or re-export the Software in any form without, in the case of a customer in the United States, first obtaining all United States government licenses, and in the case of a customer outside of the United States, all relevant foreign government licenses, required by law, and then only upon the export of the Equipment. 3.10 Xerox may terminate your license for the Software (i) immediately if you no longer use or possess the Equipment or are a lessor of the Equipment and your first lessee no longer uses or possesses it or (ii) upon the termination of any agreement under which you have rented or leased the Equipment. 4. TRANSFER OF LICENSED SOFTWARE If you transfer possession of the Equipment, Xerox will offer the transferee a license to use the Software on or with it, subject to Xerox' then applicable terms and license fees, if any, and provided the transfer is not in violation of Xerox' rights. 5. LIMITED WARRANTY 5.1 Xerox warrants that the Software shall substantially conform to Xerox' User Manual or other Xerox documentation supplied at delivery to the original Customer. Xerox does not warrant that the operation of the Software will be uninterrupted or error free, nor that it will meet your needs. 5.2 In the event that the Software does not conform to the limited warranty contained in Section 5.1 above, your exclusive remedy is to notify Xerox within ninety (90) days of the date of delivery, and Xerox' or its supplier's sole obligation shall be to use all reasonable efforts to provide a work-around which avoids the nonconformity or to provide you with Software which does substantially conform to the Xerox User Manual or other Xerox supplied documentation. 5.3 XEROX GRANTS NO OTHER WARRANTIES ON THE "SOFTWARE", EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, WHETHER CREATED BY STATUTE OR OTHERWISE, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. XEROX FURTHER DISCLAIMS ANY WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS MADE BY PERSONS OTHER THAN XEROX (INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO XEROX SOFTWARE DEALERS, AGENTS, CONCESSIONAIRES OR DISTRIBUTORS). 5.4 The express warranties set forth above shall be void if you fail to properly use the Software in the appropriate environment as specified in the Xerox supplied documentation or if the Software is modified or altered in any fashion. 6. PATENT AND COPYRIGHT INDEMNIFICATION Xerox will defend and indemnify you if the Software is alleged to infringe, in the United States, any patent, trade secret, or copyright, if you promptly notify Xerox in writing of any alleged infringement, allow Xerox to direct the defense of such claim, and cooperate with Xerox. All notices should be sent to the Xerox Office of General Counsel, P.O. Box 1600, Stamford, Connecticut 06904. Xerox is not responsible for any non-Xerox litigation expenses or settlements unless Xerox pre-approves them in writing. To avoid infringement, Xerox may, at its option, and at no charge to you, obtain a license, or modify, or substitute an equivalent of, or remove the Software. If Software is removed by Xerox for this reason, any designated license fees paid by you will be fully refunded; if no portion of the amounts paid to Xerox within the transaction in which the Software was acquired was designated as a license fee for the Software, Xerox shall refund that portion of the amounts paid that Xerox reasonably designates as associated with the Software's acquisition. Xerox is not liable for any infringement due to the Software being made or modified (by Xerox or others, including you) to your specifications, or being used or sold in combination with equipment, software, or supplies not provided by Xerox. XEROX MAKES NO OTHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTY OF NON-INFRINGEMENT OR LIABILITY FOR INFRINGEMENT OR ANY DAMAGES THEREFROM. 7. LIMITATION OF LIABILITY IN NO EVENT SHALL XEROX OR ITS SUPPLIERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, (INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, LOSS OF DATA) IN ANY WAY ARISING OUT OF OR RELATED TO THE USE OR INABILITY TO USE THE "SOFTWARE", EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. IN NO EVENT SHALL XEROX' DIRECT DAMAGES TO YOU EXCEED THE TOTAL LICENSE FEE ACTUALLY PAID BY YOU FOR SUCH SOFTWARE. 8. TERMINATION Xerox may terminate this license immediately upon notice in the event of a material breach by you or if you no longer use or possess the equipment with which this Software is intended to be used, in which event you shall return to Xerox all copies of the Software, and remove same from all equipment into which such Software may have been loaded by you. 9. GOVERNING LAW This agreement will be governed by the laws of the State of New York, USA or if you acquire the Software outside the USA, by the laws of the country in which you acquired the Document Centre System Equipment with which this software is to be used, excluding its conflict of laws provisions. Some jurisdictions do not allow limitations on how long an implied warranty lasts or the exclusion or limitation of incidental or consequential damages, so the above disclaimers, limitations or exclusions, in whole or in part, may not apply to you. 10. ENTIRE AGREEMENT This Software License Agreement is the entire agreement between Xerox and you pertaining to the Software and supersedes all proposals or prior and contemporaneous agreements or understandings of the parties regarding the Software. You agree that any terms and conditions contained in any purchase order or other ordering document submitted to order the Software shall have no binding effect on Xerox and will not modify this Agreement in any way. If, after reading the terms and conditions, they are unacceptable to you, then, to avoid contractual obligations and liability, you should promptly return the software unused, and you will then be entitled to a refund of any sums paid by you to license the Software. 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